16 f- ■>. Tis Halloween night, of the egg shells beware! I BeBSSSSM***'" I SiWvWWi lAsAßftrt. v Sing ho, for the bats, gnomes and fairies! | Men's $4.00 Sample Shoes, $2.65 For Hallow e'en Men's Gloves f° r Street W ear Si. Evening Occasions Tan Calf Gun Metal Calf Patent Colt Black Kidskin h '""'"'""" lrtw ~ "" """' "° w "" """ we are always pleased to get this maker s line of sample shoes for it enables ns to distribute several eolors 10<* Oai.e kid street irloves with snear i,,,int h»..i t -... values that stand alone. All this Fall and Winter shapes and lasts with oak leather Goodyear Gummed silhouettes and cadet* Ld reg.dar fi?ger^h s . 8 P " ial vah.e? »I.i« gM f? " ' "" R ' OVM "Vatw welted soles; sizes t>»._. and i. on H widths. Regular $4.1)0 grades, at $2.65 seals, hlaek eats. bats, pump- Cape tan kid stroet gloves SI.OO Pownes* dress and street Men's $3.00 black and tan oil dressed calfskin Men's $3.50 tan oil dressed box calfskin button and kins; package ... . 10<* Dent's eape kid gloves; self and fancy embroidered "$ I .AO, $2.00 and 92 210 shoes, blue her style with two full Goodyear welted blueher shoe#, high toes with stitched and welted oak IM„ ... back; eadot and regular Angers Rt.so and FS.OO Lined kid gloves 50c, Hoc, SI.OO to #2.50 """• *" '• Womm'sMM and BMtaffli. " S& •» 55c Men's and Boys' Wool Shirts R . . .... ~ ~ , , y* 5 - 00 onoes, | Lunch sets for ti. persons, Men ' s heay y blue and « r «y fl »«nel shirts; sizes 14 with military collar. Special si an Styles which have sold well this Fall and whose broken sires cannot be filled. Gun metal calf and patent ftt SI.OO Boys' grey, navy and klia-ki flannel shirts patent colt and tan oalt. stitched and welted soles. mat ealt' tops and patent tips, narrow toe lasts with oOf* Men's $1.."0 khaki; navy and through the season bv the purchase each week of new models. ; Scores of new arrivals have .just come to us to take the places of the Ins specialization in a modish hat at this moderate price has resulted in ments that have been sold within the past ten davs, and in each of the new 5) manv new customers visiting the department and favoring us with their styles is to be found a touch of individuality that will make an instant appeal patronage. t to discriminating women. , variety of dressy styles a' $ ts as large as ever and ire trill be pleased Tile new suits at sls to $312.50 are wortliv of special mention, for in I \? " '""ZJ""!: ™T7 '*"* 6 " auh >" I'f «»» »"<■<•« '«<■ ••'<# «l Ik' pr«y. : range they embodv style lines that have been taken from suits of the vH\ • J (T~ includes many black velvet turbans trimmed with narrow more expensive class " JvvA \ \l gros-grain ribbon, black ostrich fancies and silver braid; medium size w< „ , .. . ' „ ~ j\/ Y\ sailors with soft crowns and flat nr jr Wim soil crowns ana liai or Sllgntly rollea brims with flat trim- broad rever of sell matenal and a high standing ; others there are broad bands of solf material and . Wivi?J3mkA> mings of ostrich bands in white, blue, pink and black, metal flowers and velvet toUar trimmiu ß ; the front is made ln an law velvet covered buttons; the skins are made i» v ' ''TVSV? tall fanripQ effect that i 8 sli B ht 'y cutaway and the skirt is a , with yokes and inside pleats and with tunics. Prices if j r tail iflfuca, yoke design with side pleats; in tete de uegre, green, are $20.00 and MUL-W 4,' fv I About 50 trimmed Hats have been l-edueed to sl.9s—most of these I M-.i \ jf ll' were formerlv $3.90 and 54.95. I one of which has a trimming at the waist line and | with trimming of velvet; colors are brown, green, JiJ mifTM IU ' | »■ J on the cuffs of three rows of silk braid; ail at- plum, navy and black 918..1U 1| |fi Jl| J IT "\ / O ,1 TV | , /">, , ' —* —> tractive trimming is added by the use of acorn but- The most comprehensive style exhibit we have H Iff Jf 7 (Lw »l # nave you oeen tne l>ew Colored Lloth on ; tons. v Another style is a redingote with broad revers t ever shown at $2~,00 is made up of styles that 1 ill/' JIM / p. 01 Itri o • 1 r and a high standing velvet coUar with a trimming i have been created within the past two weeks ' |l LJI t/M Uress ohanes and V el\ r 6t bailors? of buttons. Colors are navy, brown. Russian green Among them are coats with trimmings of MJIAB /'I (\i wr.'l \ IV aud Wack »!«..-,« crushed plush fur or braid and on coats of the W''J» J t f The colored cloth top hat with black velvet underbriiu is the latest niilliuerv fnd The next range consists of flno quality broadcloth, longer lengths, the trimming is principally of velvet f/fj/i I" e niJ show them ill sand, cocoa, blue, old rose and tan. at SlI {>"> afe made in t ?" and vc ' vet covered buttons. The materials are ijy 1 W Many turban, trieorne and sailor shapes in black velvet. Special at 9Sr shades tnmming on some of the | broadcloth and gaberdine and tine quality poplins. [Jf 1 v 1 " ,u uoc te Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor—Three Elevators. feowTrMoSlci" 'w .he Las, Day Of the' An Oil Heater Soon Warms omen s SI.OO kid gloves in a grade of lamb skins that has not Ol i\ 1I HOl r\ been matched in any other store in Harrisburg. are now specially priced at IVCUUtCU UldOX vJIIIVO Ct V/UUI IvUUIII a pair The colors are white, tail, grey and black Our usual qualities of black dress silks have been on sale n f .,,. 0c Gloves that have been imported direct or procured through, the European throughout this week -it sneei-illv rehired ori.-os -in.l for takes tlie Clllll ott 111 a comparatively short tlllie and keeps ~a e, n , of^ Kv r"" spi T black. Pair $1.25 featured in the gloves of better grades at black messaline. Hti inches wide, at ?1.09 jll S ttlClC are times WIICU Sllell a heater is needed for an S-clasp gloves with Paris point stitching *1.75 to $2.25. These gloves are shown in *1 black satin duchesse. Uti int'lies wide at f)s<* Onier «; •'''''''' '' •'''''' *'' •i•'•' •' >9? Smoketa. and odorless oil healers. | Brushed brass finish in verde, and Paris point embroidery, in tan, white son « 2oc to 91.25 niessaline, 3(> inciios Vide, at 690 Nt\\ I ertectiou Healers, $1.59, Roman gold and old English, lor and black $1.50 Children's washable gloves at 25c to $2.98, $3.50, $3.75, $3.98, $4.75, $5.50 gas or eleetrieitv, (i-panel shades in Pomeroy & Street Floor. OUT Week-Bnd OffeHng Of 50c "o.fhStOT, 98c, J1.75, $1.98, 2.25, ' We've Sold 200 of These Chocolates for 35c $2.50 and till;>«E. fn...-ot « w S\r~ Always tresii and a dainty package to give to the most critical taste. 3 ' 98 '.. , . , sprVv' ' Spec hi' Mattresses at $7.95 bo r. T eriteassort€d nut . &ad fruit . cbocolates '.. Satur^' P S ! slo ' (l(l^ a ! hi >: M ac h ines--;- / The regular price is $9.50, and the mattresses are well worth it. because FRESH ioc CANDIES i OUR DELICIOUS ::;»c CHOCOLATES delier, burn a blue flame, ; luai-him-s there isn't a mattress of as good quality to be found in Harrisburg We have s l' !, ' e st:ir "B l '* hisses lemon Wafers, strawberry creams, St. Nidi- 3.3 c and 48c ' so much confidence in this article that we are willing to let it so into vonr ' stoncs ' ,r - vstalllZl ' ll i e|lv ..las, dates, frizzles, cream frappe, Library and Parlor Lamps Coffee Pots home on a 60-day trial. go into % our squares. I fceotoh. walnut.pralines, nutty mellows. Brushed brass finish lamps for gas j o()c and r»9c white lined enameled 135.00 parlor suites of 3 pieces, $29.50 1 $35.00 mahogany dres«er ami f n ".0 1 OUUcI box (dKH'Olatf LdVOl'cd llainl Dipped Marshllial- or electricity, 13-inch square shade coffee pots, 2 and :? quart sizes. $30.00 parlor suites of 3 piece?. 52r».00 mahoganv. ofaiffonier. offered as a %'ni'rp lOWS ' with art glass panels, j Special 25^ $59.00 mahogany Davenport, 549.00 1 at Si ',, „„ VV j — J ** Uiveg, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement. The Cold Weather Has Started a Run of granulated sugar for "" r "" asc am, .r:" e . , ° ,o — . se ." On Balmacaans— Get Y ours T o-Morro w Fresh shipments of delicacies for Halloween festivities will be ready to-morrow The lot includes WALNUTS. ALMERIA GRAPES, CASABA MELONS, FIGS and DATES. W?'VP Ant! fill ZfpH X RIICV (llltfHf 'I IIA f f\V P ronU°attYmZ t0 come t0 the store we übe glad to ?ive ' vour phone order ( ' areful aud d Dusy uuTWTing uay TOt Fancy new VALE.V- |° e flnes't that 1? Imported: Pa'cHßS:*3 Vbsf °. R . " N .*rw Y Saturday by Bri CIA ORANGES." Doz- SSt " -Ne» "SANTA CLARA Coffee and Tea I mm g* ■— _ e Vw GRAPE FRUIT: firm AND BEANS; J regular COTS: lb i»c Th !!„, " Ot!rOU J, J: r * VV and juicy; 4 for ... .3T»o , cans iV New seeded FwAISIN? "BANQUET"' roPPPr' r ■ ~ * mi 13 1 • » % Extra fancy -OASA- New SHOCPEG CORN; package 13r a very choice blend: lbV i>cllniacaail IS tllC OVOl'COal stvle that IS kllOWillg greater p()])liUir- New ASP A -J COFFEE: lb.. it.V tliail CVei' before. It P OSSeSS(VS SO Iliail y good points that appeal to all —!!_„ 3 1 Layer Fl'G® in"packai * EXCELSIOR' 'COFFEE tastes big loose sleeves, roomy pockets anil loose fitting liuos —a swag- Cheese: Domestic and '£ i v.. p,tt ed prwJS fe ■ ffi Ker Kanneut packed jam full of ffood looks aud good \vei.r. Imported ' P » nc> ~„IT3 ".Va," With many men making up their miuds to buy Haluiitcaaus to-mor- PIMENTO CHEESE, made Delicatessen Items n*Tw"!!* drawing fJ E lb ' '«■£ M w iw, we take pleasure m inviting thorn to see the splendid stock we have ,wi2t ib. eese , rj BEEF nt . r ; ib cured ... "jaVantea: cured ED br ' ' (Jf stock that will render them top-notch sorvico at lowest cost. FL LLCREAM" CHEESE Sugar - cured BACON' ' — , the sun's rays: lb.. line raOw _ —> J r* n J. 1. l _ „ _ cHI^ L ,i«" bXiR?r i Hne»t'o MW Mlxt^ res Brown Scotch Mixtures Blue Chinchillas LUNCHEON LOAF. : wiibur : s Diagonal Weave Cassimeres Soft Cassimeres in Rich Tartan Plaids RIXG BOLOGNA: lb.. TsJ- "TUN\ FISH" flakv and "PEANUT" BL'TTER?" M 6 Y ant l Black Worsteds Plain Grey Oxfords « fof " °. bta . in : lh . ! .v II Overplaids In Color Combinations of Green and Brown and Tan and Brown ! P|H B U? rainPn '° f aDd made VVit " ™-tian -jsss^snusi! i Inl $7.50, SIO.OO, $12.50, $13.50, $15.00, $16.50, SIB.OO Hliilil BOYS' BALMACAANS tr Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement. ' hincliillas, Scotch mixtures and grey ami fancy worsteds in sizes from t<> IS vears Jerseys, Knit Vests and Cardigan Jackets 1 Blm fhe Selection of Suits From SIO.OO to $25.00 strlpe^'on* sieev«r'sizes' e^^iryeaT 00 " with MEN ' S SHIETS ill/ft „ ' l ' Wu l and sacks in Eng i.