The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, October 30, 1914, Page 14, Image 14

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<jp.' "* s *
. * fej Henrietta D. Grauel'
Breakfast Cereals
Xo»' that cooler weather is nere more
rereals will be used and it is fortunate ;
that there is MWII a variety to choose ,
froin. For tee very early breakfast oat
meal. rue and barley are favorites l'or
they require long cooking and their ,
preparation is an easy matter with a :
iireloss cooker. ;
When you have more leisure—say s
thirty minutes—you can use the double
boiler aud serve ground wheat, rolled I
oats or any o'f the steamed grains. I
And by the way. there is scarcely ,
any other utensil so useful as this same
double boiler. It is really a necessity
for cooking cereals, for it admits of
the long slow steaming so necessary to
the prirper cooking of the starch.
The prepared breakfast foods, those
that go directly from the carton to the
table, are good for a change, not for a j I
steady diet. Tliey contain less n-utri- ,
nient than the crushed or whole grain j i
and our government chemists tell us . 1
that some of them are only dried bread,
inferior grains and molasses crushed,
steamed and dried. The best thing j
about these pre-digeste 1, or readv pre- :
pared, foods is that they give us the i
variety so much needed. Any one kind : <
of food is bad for the system if you i i
persist in eating it continuously. It is I 1
said the Japanese eat so muk"h rice Chat ;'i
they have more scrofula than any other ! i
nation. Any cereal is good food but a
change is always beneficial.
Different ways of cooking also give :
variety, porridges of rice, oats or of :
barley are a pleasant change from the ,
less moist steamed cooked grain. An-! !
other thing that gives a iliffrent taste j
to any cereal is the addition of fruit. | i
!1 I 1
Whether it's a room, house, apartment, office, 81
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♦ marginal reference*, mans and helps: printed on thin |T , . X
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amount to Include for 3 pounds postmaster
i-. ——
Child Labor Parade Planned
.Nen Vurk, Oct. 30. Kast Side la
bor leaders arc organizing a parade of
5,000 boys as a protest against child
labor in the hope that the legislature j
will be iiinme.l to investigate factory
i • f \..\ • "" 1 ' ', 4
Dates or tigs or even raising, cat small
and added to the cooking make
delicious. When fruit is added swcotci
the cereal a little while it is cooking.
The rules for cooking breakfast
cereals are few bur they are uot >vell
mastered so that often the roiled oats
are sticky and pasty and the whole oats
are hard and indigestible.
To cook grains successfully remem
ber that they all contain stav'h. In
the rolled avena, cream of wheat, and
crushed oats, tfie outer shell and inner
husk are removed and the grain broken
so that the starchy particles are ex
rosed. If these crushed grains are put
into cold water, or into any water that
is not boiling briskly, they are ruined
for they cannot be ma re palatable.
For all rolled or steamed cereals
have twi e as much water as grain.
Salt it. Add the cereal and let it boil
uip briskly, then put it in the double
boiler aud let it steam until done.
Rice, hominy, Wheat, oats and barley
should be put to cook in cold salted wa
ter and the heat gradually increased.
Some cooks soak these grain several
hours. Whether this is nr espa-v is de
cided by the age of the cereal and how
ra'pidiv you must cook it. Barley is
best when it is cooked for an hour or
'two in an afternoon and set aside and
finished the next morning.
The entire wheats and whole grains
need more water than the erus.ied ones
and the older they are the more water
they will absorb—so add it when it is
needed. Never pour cold water on any
! hot cooking food, but heat the water
until it is the same temperature as that
on the food and then add it.
No Election Outbreaks Expected
Havana, o<'t. oO. —The Government. I
refuting alarms spread in the newspa-!
i pers of possible outbreaks, says that'
I there is every prospect that the ele • i
tions next Sunday will be most peace !
ifui. ' J
A Story of love. Mystery and a Private Yacht
Copyright. 1913, ty the MtClurt Puklicntttnj, Intm
Ctpfriihi, 1914, *> A/ory 'Rjktrtt 'Rtmkmrt.
Mrs John* .1. followiiu
Mis> II xviiK litti n»-r cnretully on
the I llilll never tutllonied Mrs
John* or tier attitude toward the
rest uf tin* party I Intel thought Mt
tiie beginning of the i ruise that Vnii
aud she were incipient lovers. Bui
Kile bud taken bis death witii a calm
uess that was close to Indlffereuce.
There was suuietliiuK strange and in
explicable lu Her tigerish champion
ship of Turner—and it remains inex
plica hie even now. I have wondered
since-was she in love with Turner or
was she only a fiery partisan? 1 won
The first gutjtstious were the usual
one* Then:
"Do you recall the uiyht of the 31st
of July';'
•'Can you be more specific?"
"I reler to the uigbt when Captain
Richardson found the prisouer lu the
chart room aud ordered Ulm on deck "
"I recall tltut. yes "
"Where were you duriug the quar
rel ?"
"I was behind Sir. Vail."
"Tell us about It. please."
"It was an ordinary brawl. The cap
taiu knocked the mate down "
"Did you hear tile unite tbreateu the
"No He went on deck. muttering:
I did Dot hear wbat was said."
"After the oHiuea. what did you do?'
"\V« established a dead line at the
foot uf the forward companion The
othet was locked
"Was there 11 guard at tbe top of the
"Yes: out we trusted no one."
"Where was. .Mr. Turner?"
"111. IU bis cabin "
"How ill?"
"Very. He was delirious."
"Did you allow any uhe down?"
"At brst. Leslie, a sort of cabin bot
and deck steward, who seemed to
know something of medicine. After
ward we would in>t allow him. either'
"We did not trust him "
"This Leslie- wbv bad von asked him
to sleep In I lie storeroom?"
"I- was at raid
"Will you explain why you wert
"hear i» difficult to explain, Isn t It-
If one why oue is afraid, one
er-i!"iiernlh isn't
"When >ou asked the sailoi Burns to
let yuli see llie ax what did you give
as a reason ?
"The truth curiosity."
"Then, bavins seen the* ax, when
did you go?"
"Please expl), iu the incident or the
two articles Mr tJoidMein >litnv«-ti t.,
the jury yeslerd.ix. tlit* smrt mid \vai>!
"That was very simple. Mr. Turuei
had been very ill. \\y i, K >ii turns iu
caring for uim l spilled a bowl or
broth over the gurinents ttint were
shown, and rubbed tlieni out iu tbe
bntliroiiiti They were Uiiny iu lUe
cabin used bv Mr Vail to dry. and 1
forgot tliein wUen we tvej'e packing "
The attorney for the defense cross
examined her:
"Wbat color were the stains you
speak of?"
"Darkish—red-brown "
"What sort of brotli did you spill?"
"That's childish. isn't it? l dou't
"Vou rt«call its color."
"It was beef broth" x
"Mrs. .lobns, on tbe yon rislteo
the forward house and viewed the
ax did you visit it again?"
"When ?"
"Between 3 and 4 o'clock."
"Wbo went with you?"
"1 went alone."
"W by did you go beyond the line
that was railed nfT for your safety?"
• Sharply.i "Beenuse I wished to I
was able to take care of myself."
"W by did you visit the forward
j "I was nervous and could not sleep.
I thought no oue safe while the ax
was on the ship "
"I>Jd you see the body of Burns, the
i sailor, lying on tfle deck at that time?"
"He might have been there; I did
not see him "
"Are you saying that yon went to
the forward house to throw the ax
"Yes—lf I could get In."
j "Did vou know why the ax was be
ing kept?"
j "Because the murders had been
committed with it."
'Had you Heard of any finger prints
OD the handle?"
j "No."
j "Tell us about your visit to the for
j ward bouse."
"It was between 2 and 3. I met
no one 1 had a bunch of keys from
the trunks aud from four doors In
j the after house. Miss knew I in
tended to try to get rid of the ax I
did not need my keys. The door was
open-wide open. 1-1 went In and"-
Here for the first time Mrs. John's
| composure forsook her. She turned
white aud her maid passed up'to her
a silver smelling suits bottle.
| "What happened when you went
"It was diOrk. I stood Inst inside.
Then something rushed past me aud
out of tbe door— a xnaietliiuß I don't
know what—a woman. I thought at
first. In white."
If the room was dark Bow could
you tell It was white?"
"There was a faint light, enough to
see that There was no uolse. just a
sort of swlshlos sound."
"What did you do then?"
"1 waited a moment and burrled
back u» tlie after house "
'Was tin- ii.\ gone then ?'
"I do not Know
"Did you see a* at that time?"
"Did you touch it?"
"I have uever touched it at that
tline or befure."
I She could not be shaken in ber testl
I mouy and was excused She hud
borne her grilling exceedingly well,
and in spite of tier flippancy there was
a ring of sincerity about tbe testimony
j that gave it weight.
Turner's Story.
BOLLOWI.M; iter evidence the
testimony of Tom. the cook,
tnude thiugs look bad for Sin
gleton by connecting hiui with
I Mrs Jwbus intruder in the captain's
| room, tie told of Singleton's olTer to
! make him a key to* the galley with
wire. It was clear that Singleton had
been a prisoner In name only, and this
| damaging stateuieut was given weight
when on my recall later I identified
the bunch of keys, tbe tile and the club
lliat 1 had taken from Singleton's mat
tress It was plain enough that witb
1 Singleton able to free biiuself as he
wished tbe attack on Hums and the
disappearance of the as were easily
enough accounted Tor. It would bave
been possible also to account for tbe
white figure that bad so alarmed the
men on the same Hypothesis
j Cross examination of Tom by Mr
Goldstein. Singleton's attorney, brought
out one curious fact. He had made no
dark soup or broth for the after house
Turner bad taken nothing duriug his
Illness but clam bouillou made with
milk, and Ihe meals served to tbe font
women had been very light. "They
lived on toast aud tea mostly," he said
Turner went on tbe stand tbe next
"Your name?"
"Marshall Benedict Turner."
"Do you own the vactu Klla?"
v Do you recognize this chart?"
"Yes. It is the chart ot the after
bouse of tbe Klla."
"Will you show where your room is
on the drawing?"
"And ,\lr Van's?"
| "Next, connecting through a batb
1 room."
j "Where was Mr. Vails ned on tbe
; chart?"
t "Here, against the storeroom wall."
i "V\ itli your knowledge of the ship
j and its partitions do you think that a
! crime could he committed, a crime ot
the violent nature ot tins one. without
making a great deal ot uoise and be
i lug heard in the storeroom?"
j Violent opposition developing to this
question. It was changed in torm and
broken up Eventual,,* Turuei answer
ed that the partitions were heavy aud
he thought it possible
| "Were the connecting doors between I
your room and .Mi. Vail's geuerady j
locked at night"'
"Yes .Not always.'"
"Were they nuked on this particular
"1 don't remember."
"When did vou see Mi Vail last?"
"At midnight, or niioiit that I—l
was not well He went with me to I
my room
"What were your relations with Ml !
"We were old friends."
"Did you "hear any sounds in Mr
Vail's c.-ihiu that flight?"
"None Kin. as 1 say, 1 was—ill 1
might not uave noticed.'
"Did vou leave your cabin the night
Of Aug 1i or early morning of the;
"N'ot that I remember."
"The steersman has testified to see
ing you without your coat In the Chart
room at o'clock Were yon there?" |
"I may have licen-1 think not "
"Why do you say you 'may have;
keen I think not?"'
"1 was ill. The next day I was de
Itrlous. [ remember almost nothing of
that time."
"Did you know the womau Karen
Hansen ?"
"Only as a maid in my wife's em
"Did yon hear tile crash when Leslie
broke down the door of tbe store-*!
room ?"
"N'o. I was in a sort of stupor."
"Did you know the prisoner before 1
you employed him on tbe Ella?"
"Yes; he bad been in our employ
several times."
"What was his reputation—l mean. •
as a ship's ofilcer?"
""Do you recall the night of tile 31st
of July?"
"Quite well."
"Please tell what you know about
"1 bad asked Mr. Singleton below to
have a drink witb nie. Captaiu Rich
ardsou came below and ordered bini
on deck They had words and be
knocked Singleton down."
"Did you hear the mute threaten to !
"get" tbe captain then or later?"
He may have made some such
"Is there a bell in your cabin con
necting witb tlie maids" cabin off tbe
chart room?"
"No My bell rang in the room back
of the galley, where Williams slept.
The boat was small and I left my
man at bome. Williams looked after
me "
"Where did tlie bell from Mr. Vail's
room ring?"
"tn the maids" room Mr. Vail's room
was designed for Mrs Turner When
we asked Mrs. Johns to go witb us i
Mra. Turner gave Vail her room. It '
was a question of baths."
"Did you ring any bell during the
"Knowing Uie relation of the bell
above Mr Vmi'g bertb to tbe bed It
self, do you think he could have reach
ed It after bis lujury?"
(Slowly.) "After what the doctor
baa said, no; he would have bad to
raise himself aud reach up."
Tbe cross examination was brief but
to the point:
"What do you mean by Mil'?"
"That night I had been somewhat
i 111; the next day I was in bad shape.'
"Did you know the woman Karen
Hansen before your wife employed
"A previous witness has said that
tbe Hansen woman, starting out of her
routu. saw you outside and retreated
Were you outside tbe door ut uny time
during that night?"
"Only before midnight."
"I threatened to dismiss him."
"Yon snid you 'might have oeen" in
tbe chart room at o'clock "
"I have siild I was ill i uiigbt hnve
done almost anything "
"That is exactly what we are getting
at. Mr Turner. Goiug hack to tile
30th of July, when .vou were not ill.
did you have any words with the cap
tain ?"
"We bad a few He was exceeding
his authority."
"Do you recall what yoo said?"
"1 was indignant."
"Think again. Mr Turner. If you
canuot recall, some one else will."
"I threatened to dismiss him and put
the tlrst mate in his place. I was
augry, uaturally."
To Be Continued.
Washington, Oet. 30.—■ Friends of
President Wilson have been annoyed re
cently by reports circulated as to the
excessive cost of four new automobiles
which recently have been shipped to
Washington for the use of President
Wilson and his secretary, Mr. Tumulty.
Republicans have laid much' stress on
this alleged extravagance of the A«l
It has been explained, that the cars
have not' been actually purchased by
the Government, but that they are sup
plied by the manufacturers at the nomi
nal sum of SSOO annually in pursuance
of an arrangement which was made first
in the Taft Administration and which
was regularly approved by Congress
through the annual appropriation of
It Is Easier to
Than to Walk
Phone your orders to Forney
The handiness of the telephone
simplifies shopping as it» saves time
and other things.
We are willing to do our part by
quick delivery of anything you may
need or want.
Forney's Drug Store
"We serve you wherever you are."
you desire to locate Ir the
BMirent retail sliopa and moat ncceaalbre
to theatres, depots, ateamablp piers, jou
vrlH be pleated at the
sth Av., Broadway, 24th St.
▲ five million dollar example of modem
architectural perfection; aecommoda tloo,
1.000 guests.
A Good Room,
$1.50 Per Day.
With Bath, $2 to $5. i
Famous Piccadilly Restaurant.
Booklet and Guide on Request. j?
No odds how bad your liver, stomach i stomach. They cleanse your liver and
or bowels; how much your head aches, ! bowels of all the sour i>ile, foul gases
how miserable and uncomfortable you and constipated matter which is produc
arc trom constipation, indigestion, bil- i inn the misery. A C'ascaret to-night will
iousness and clogged-up bowels—you straighten'you out bv morning—a 10-
always get the desired results with j cent box keeps your head clear, stomach
Oascarets. I sweet, liver ami bowels regular, aim
They end the headache, biliousness, 1 you feel cheerful and bully for months,
dizziness, nervousness, sick, sour gassy , " adv.
Eastern Angler Surprised at His
Catches of Brook Trout
Washington, Oct. 30.—"There is no I
fishing anywhere in the world that
equals the trout fishing of Alaska,"|
said A. Henderson, recently back
I from a tour of the Northwest. Mr. 1
j Henderson went from Skagway over the j
I long interior route by way of the White |
! Pass Railway to the headwaters of the j
| Yukon and the whole length of the riv 1
er, some 2,500 miles. From there he!
went to Nome and back to Seattle by ;
the ocean route.
"Before I went to Alaska," contiu
j ued Mr. Henderson, "1 thought I knew ;
something about goo,l fishing, because
I had fished in many of the noted I
streams of the Western States, but I
diil not know until T reached Alaska i
what fishing is. In the Nulato 1 caught j
brook trout weighing from one to three !
pounds each until 1 was actually tired j
of pulling them in. 1 '
$2.50 WiiHliiiiKton nml Iteturn—
Sunday. November I, Pennsylvania
Ftailroad._ Special train leaves Harris
burg V.05 ii. m. Leaves Washington I
5.45 p. m. An ideal. Sunday outing tin- |
der ideal conditions.
| Hotel Man Found in Bay While |
Guests Wait at Church
New York, Oct. 30.—Alexander
Bruce, 35 years old. manager of the I
Monument House, Broadway and Lin j
I den street, Flushing, was to have been
| married to Miss Florence McUann, of i
j 238 East Fifty-fifth street, Manhattan, I
|at 9 o'clock Wednesday morning. That j
| afternoon his body was found by Pa j
! trolman Smith floating in Flushing Bay ]
j off College Point.
The wedding was to take place in a i
I Roman Catholic church in East Fifty
seventh street. Manhattan. Bruee's
friends in Flushing had been invited, i
and at 8.30 o'clock Wednesday morn
ing telephone messages Vere received J
at the Monument House asking for
Bruce. A search was in progress when
news of the finding of the body came. |
' The drowning is thought to have been :
I accidental.
Having Sentenced Anna Doyle, Will
Urge Executive Clemency
New York, Oct. 30. —Mrs. Anna I
Doyle, who stabbed to death her bus
band, Frank, a letter carrier attached to |
! the postal station at Grand and Attor |
nev streets, and who pleaded guilty to i
j manslaughter, was sentenced to the
I State Prison for Women at Auburn for |
I not less than three nor more than six
years bv Judge Craiu in General Ses
fn passing sentence Judge Craiu said ]
i that an investigation showed that the j
J woman liaii had a hard life at the hands j
| of her husband and he said he felt sor i
jry for her. He said lie would call the '
i attention of the Governor to her case ■
! and intimated that he would reccm j
j mend executive clemency for her. Mrs. j
Doyle lias two small children.
| Report Follows Editor's Call on Wil-I
son—Denial at White House
Washington, Oct. 30.—C01. George
I Harvey'B visit at the White House lias
led to reports that he probably would
lie offered the Ambassadorship to Ber
j lin in the event of the election of
j .lames W. Gerard to the United States
i Senate. At the White House all talk i
i of an appointment was deprecated and
i it was said that Colonel Harvey's visit
■ was purely of a political character.
No official acknowledgment of the I
Harvey possibility would, of course, be 1
made at this time, but if Mr. Gerard is
i elected it would not surprise, many here j
if the President would offer the post
to the editor.
Attacks and Blinds Rodent Stealing
Seeds in Cage
Hastings, N'. J., Oct. 30.—At the
home of Samuel I'oe here a canary bird j
whipped a mouse in a fair fight. When !
the battle was over the bird gave evi- j
deuce of its elation by trilling some 1
of its sweetest songs.
The mouse entered the cage of the j
canary when it stood on a table, evi
dently suffering from hunger. It be
gan to eat up the seeds put in the cage'
for the-canary. The bird became en
raged and attacked the mouse.
It took only a few seconds for the
bird to blind the mouse with its bill.
Carvers' Tonlt Tablets
For nerves, weakness and nervous
prostration, 50 cents at .druggists.
"Varmints" Have Greatly Increased
in Wisconsin
Superior, Wis., Oct. 30.—Despite the
work of trappers and hunters, live of
whom brought pelts to the county
clerk's office on Wednesday for boun
ty of S2O each, wolves are increasing!
in number in the vicinity of Superior |
and elsewhere in northern Wisconsin.
Several days ago a large wolf was ,
slain nearly a inile inside the corpora
tion limits. Reports ar,. being brought
in that wolves are killing deer, which
have been unusually numerous this '
Engineer 111 Over Fatality j
Hhamokir., Pa., Oct. 30. Because a ,
locomotive ran away from him Tues
day at the Reading roundhouse here '
and, colliding with another engine. 1
killed John Startsell, machinist, Kngi- i
neer Davis Harris worried so over tile
fatality that he was stricken with brain '
fever yesterday and is in a critical con
j ditiou.
Dedicate $20,000 Church
Ta 111 aqua, Pa., Oct. 30. —St. John's
; Lithuanian Catholic churclh, at Coiil
| dale, costing $20,000, was dedicated
| yesterday by .Monsignor Peter Marsch.
I of Allen town, assisted by a score of
j pirests from ;i 11 parts of the region.
I Many bands and societies participated
| in the parade.
I "When the Frosils
On the Pumpkins
and the Corn Is
In the Shock" !
I Then it's time to lift your tender
plants from the beds and pot
them up for winter flowering in
doors; and it's time to transplant
j those plants which have out
grown the size of pots or tubs
| they are in now.
We Have Ail Sizss of Flower
Pols and Plant Toils ;
Best Quality—Right Prices «
Delivered Anywhere
TABLET FORM. It puts new
life in your plants, 10c and 25c
per box.
They Produce Finer Flowers.
We have sold many thousands of
them and still have a tremendous
stock for you to select from. Get
your order in now. •
Tulips, Hyacinths, Narcissus.
1307-1309 Market St. J
We have Pumpkins for Hal
loween. Get them for the Chil-
Vdren, ."J, «. H and 10 cents each. J ,
j pIS!
= When In Philadelphia Btop at the P
Broad and Locust Streets M *
g Reopened after the expenditure P
■ of an enormous sum In remodel _
a liik, redecorating and refurnishing "
= Near all Stores, Theatres and B
E Points of Interest. ■
S Every Modern Convenience B
gj sno Elegantly Furnished Row* I
European Pl»n
1 Rooms, without bath ....*1.50 «p ■
H Booms, With bath $2 up. M
- and cold running I
water In all rooms
B Louis Lukes. President Manager. I
riwil— Willi IB iMMpnj
32U Market Street
Fall Term September First
/ "■>
Day and Night Sessions
Positions for All Graduates
Enroll Next Monday
13 S. Market Harrisburg, Pa.
Cumberland Valley Railroad
In Kited May 21, IS 14.
Trnliin l.euve HiirrlNliiirK—
For Winchester mil Murtlnsburz. at
5.03, *7.50 a. 111., *3.10 p. ni.
For liagerstown, Chambersburg and
intermediate stations, at *.'>.o3, *7.50
*11.53 a. in., -3.10, 5.32, *7.10,' 11 00
p. m.
Additional trains for Carlisle and
Meclianlcsliurts at D.IS a. 111., 2.1S 3."7
U. 30, D.30 p. 111.
For DillsbuiK at 5.03, *7.50 and *11.53 ur
a. in., 2.18, *3.40, 5.32, U. 30 p. 111
•Daily. All othur trains diily exeeot
dunduy. j (1 , XONUK. .
H. A. itIDDLK. U. P. A. Sunt