The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, October 30, 1914, Page 13, Image 13

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Take a Glass of Salts to Flush Kidneys
If Bladder Bothers You—Drink
Lots of Water.
Eating meat regularly eventually
kidney trouble in some form
or other, says a well-known authority,
because the uric acid in meat excites
the kidneys, they bei-ouie overworked;
get sluggish; clog uj» and i-ause all sorts
* of distress, particularly backache and
misery in the kidney region; rheumatic
twinges, severe headaches, acid stom
ach, constipation, torpid liver, sleepless
ness, bladder and urinary irritation.
The moment your back hurts or kid
neys aren't acting right, or if bladder
bothers you. get about four ounces of
Jad Salts from any good pharmacy;
take a tablespoon t'ul in a glass of water
before breakfast for a few days and
your kidneys will then act fine. This
famous salts is made from the acid of
grapes and lemon juice, combined with
lithia. and has been used for genera
tions to Hush clogged kidneys and
1 stimulate them to normal activity; al
so to neutralize the acids in the urine
so it no longer irritates, thns ending
bladder disorders.
•lad.. Salts cannot injure anyone:
makes a delightful eft'erv escent lithia
water drink which millions of men and
women take now and then to keep the
kidneys and urinary organs clean, thus
avoiding serious kidney disease.
Unusual Way in Which Lost Jewel Was
'-os Angeles. OaJ.. Oct. 30. —Cap-
tain l.iugo, of the Venice police depart
ment; Mrs. L. O. Matthews, of Venice;
]*a\ Williams, who keeps a fish standi
a: Piava del Rev, and perhaps some
others swear to this storv:
Mrs. Matthews says that while she"
was fishing from the Venice pier re-1
centlv a $350 diamond ring fell from j
her finger into the water. Her tear*
added to the salt water already in the!
ocean, ami divers exhausted themselve
trying to recover her jewelry, but all in i
v aiu.
Kav Williams swears to this part:
While preparing a large fish for sale
Hi i'is stand since Mrs. Matthews was
nut fishing, in found a diamond ring, j
He read of Mrs. Matthews' loss. Tie I
lii' fled the Venice police department, i
Captain LiiiOtr swears to this part: '
The ring, nb worse for its 2-mile
trip from Venice to Flaya del Kev in |
the aesophagus of a fish, was turned'
over to him. He notified Mrs. Mat-j
thews. She identified the ring and it |
was returned .0 her:
Was Mysteriously Shot Two Weeks Ago
in Lebanon
Lebanon, Oct. 30.—Irvin Shelly, the!
young Lebanon county farmer who was 1
shot in a mysterious manner at a house 1
on Water street, this city, two weeks I
ago and who later accused a woman j
•*f having made au assault upon him.
has almost recovered his normal con '
il it ion at the (iood Samaritan hospital. 1
■where he lias been under treatment \
pit ce the shooting occurred. lle fs ex
peeted to leave the hospital in a few
The wounded man has not repeated I
Ins charge against the woman, and it ;
.is not likely tiiat any prosecution will
be brought against the woman.
Coroner's Jury Finds Lawyer Fell From
Window in Mishap
New V ork. 0ct.30.-—-A Coroner's jure j
bus found that Philip K. Walcott, of
I'i'e law firm of Hawkins, Delafield i
LongfeMow. iner his death through an j
u cilen: on October 6, when lie fell
from a window on the thirteentih floor!
of' 20 Exchange Place.
| Mr. DellltM testified that Mr. Wal '
eott hail 110 reason whatever to take !
A salute fired from Govern
cm Island, it was said, attracted the
young lawyer to the window. An acci- ;
dent in-urance company introduced a
witness who said she saw Mr. W'a..o;t
jum 1. i.ut it was brought out tiiat she
vas below the window and her state
. dent w.i* disregarded by the jury.
Auto Kills Girardville Man
Shenandoah, Pa., Oct. 30.—Thomas
'Mulhearn. a prominent citizen of Gi
rardville, was run down by an auto
inobile, owned !>y Daniel Kitzgi'bbons, a
wealthy retired business man of this [
' city, yesterday afternoon, and died last
nig'at in the hospital at Fountain
•Springs. The chauffeur surrender I to
the authorities last night, aud was re
leased to await action by the District!
Chief Mission Fund Abroad
Alentown, Pa., Oct. 30.—At the -los
ing session of the twenty-sixth annual 1
convention of the Women's Missionary!
Society of Eastern Synod ot' the Re- j
formed Church, Mrs. L. U Anewalt,
trdaairer of the General Synod Soeietv.'
reported the receipts for the trienniuni. j
$83,011.89. To foreign mission work |
$10,269.21 was paid, and for home'
' missions $34,063.37.
If It's Upset Mi-o-na Puts It Right i
and Ends Distress.
If you are one of the thousands who,
■ cannot eat a simple meal without its
lying in the stomach like lead, ferment
ing and causing painful distress, sour :
ness and gas. do not delay but get at
.once some Mi-o-na—a simple prescrip
tion to r>e had at any druggie's—that
quickly and effectively ends indiges
( tion and corrects bad stomachs.
\ou must not allow your upset stom j
ach to go from bad to worse for there'
will surelv be longer periods of food ;
."fermentation causing greater agony, !
more gas. sick headache, unrefreshing
sleep, "blue spells'' and nervousness.
* A few Mi-o-na tablets are just what
'you need. Use them freely at the first :
•sign of distress. Mi o-ua not only j
quickly ends the misery, but helps to
unclog the liver and strengthen the|
stomach—then your food is properly '
digested. ,
v Mi-o-na is not only inexpensive but I
H. C. Kennedy sells it with agreement
tu refund the money if it does not give
satisfaction. adv. I
1913 WORTH $13,182,136
State Assnming Importance as a Coke
Manufacturer Since Completion of
Plant at Gary by the United States
Steel Corporation
Washington, 1). C., Oct. 30.—The
1 ; principal mineral products of Indiana
; afC coal, Hay wares, cement, aud stone,
, the aggregate value of these four sub
i stances in 1913 exceeding 90 per cent.
I of the total value of the output of the
■ mines aud quarries, according to a
statement just issued by the Uuitcd
States Geological Survey, iu 1913
the total value of the mineral produc
tion of Indiana was $46,607,864. To
' this total the coal mines contributed ,
$19,001,881, the Portland cement
: plants $10,218,867, the clay products
' $8,498,646, and the stone quarries
' $4,676,689. in 1912 the mineral out
| put of the State was valued at $42,-
239,193, compared with which the pro-
I I duction in 1913 shows an increase of I
$4,368,671, or over 10 ppr cent. These
j values do not include that of the pig
[ | iron produced in the State, which iu
1912 exceeded $17,000,001) and in
'| 1913 was over $20,600,000, nor doj
I they include the value of the coke pro
j duced. which in 1913 amounted to near
I | lv $13,200,000. These two items make
, the sum total over $80,000,000. in the
.! production of coal, which is the prin
cipal mineral product of the State, In-1
| diana ranks seventh, with an output in
■ | 1913 amounting to 17.165,671 short
I tons, valued at $19,001,881, compared j
with 15,285,718 short tons, valued at
j $17,480,456, in 1912. The coal-produc-j
1 iug counties are all in the southwestern
I part of the State and embrace an area I
lof approximately 6,500 square miles. '
With an increased production from
9,634,582 barrels, valued at $7,237,
591, ,n 1912 to 10,219,492 barrels,
valued at $10,218,867, in 1913, the
Portlant cement industry became second
| among Indiana's activities iu mineral
production. In 1912 the clay-working!
1 industries held second place, with prod
: ucts valued at $7,935,251. In 1913 the 1
| value of the clay products were SB,- j
| 498,646. The principal clay products]
are draintile, building brick," and vitri
fied brjek. The under clay of the coal
j beds furnishes an excellent base ror en- j
! caustic tile and for the manufacture of j
j fire brick.
The value of the quarry products de-;
! creased from $7,091,924 in 1912 to'
j $4,676,689 in 1913.
Since the completion of its plant'
of 560 retort coke ovens :(i Gary bv.
; the United States Steel Corporation, l
j Indiana has assumed importance as a
i manufacturer of coke and has ad- :
j vaneed from the relatively low place
lot' seventeenth in 1910 to third in 1912
I and 1913. In addition to the plant at
: Gary there ::re 100 retort ovens at In
dianapolis, .>0 of which were completed
I in 1913, 22 jt Muncie, and 66 at In
diana llarbnr. Another plant of 41
ovens is under construction at Indian
apolis. The production of coke in In-!
Diana in 1913 amounted to 2,727,025 J
! short tons, valued at $13,182,136, an
j increase from 2,61 6,339 ,short tons,!
valued at $12,525,650. iu 1912.
The value of the natural gas pro ]
| duced iu Indiana decreased from sl,-
014.295 in 1912 to $948,278 in 1913, ,
j The production of petroleum decreased
j from 970.009 barrels to 956,095 bar
rels, while the value increased from 1
i $885,975 to $1,279,226. Sand and!
1 gravel pits yielded a product valued at 1
i $1,175,370 in 1912 aud $1,260,672 in
1 1913. The other primary mineral prod
nets of the State are lime, natural pig
| ment>. mineral waters, oilstones, pvrite,
ami sulphuric a. id.
STOPS tllSMfll!.
Don't Suffer! Get a
Dime Package of Dr.
James' Headache
Oil can clear your head and relieve
a dull, splitting or violent throbbing
headache in a moment with a Dr.
James' Headache Powder. This old
time headache relief acts almost magi
ally. Send some one to the drug store
now for a dime package and a few mo
ments after yon take a powder you will i
wonder what became of the headache,!
neuralgia and phin. Stop sufferin"— !
it's needless. Be sure you get what vou
ask lor - adv'.
Texas Electors to Pass on Proposed Re- j
striction of Yield
Austin, lex.. Oct. 30.—An arrange-I
ment to obtain an .expression of opinion
I from Texas voters November 3 011 the
j a,J disability of reducing cotton acreage I
I was annou need hero vrstcrdnv.
Election officers in about fifty Texas j
! counties have promised to arrange for !
! sl,ch vesting. r n other counties the pro !
I | osai arrived too late for action.
Justice Himself Arrested
| Pottsville. Pa., Oct. 30.—Robert M<
, Cormick, Justice of the Peace of North
1 I nion township, is in jail here on sev- j
jural charges of disturbing the peace
j and theft. McCormick's own constable ]
will be used as a witness against him.
Dogs Kill a Young Buck
W'illiamsport, Pa.. Oct. 30.—A young
I buck weighing about 100 pounds was
I found dead near the farm of O. E
young, on the Sylvan Dell road, just
east ot the city, yesterday afternoon,
having been killed 'by dog's.
Stops Hospital Taggers
Scranton. Pa.. Oct. 30.—Mayor E. B.
j Jermyn yesterday afternoon refused to
' permit a 'band of girl "taggers" to sell j
! tags on the vity streets for the benefit \
]of the Midvallev hospital. Tag day ]
I is an annual event for the hospital, j
which depends on the proceeds for most i
j of its working funds.
Despondent, Kills Himself
I Atlentown, Pa., Oct. 30. —Thomas F. j
I Osman, fat'her of seven children, and a j
j thread mill operative out of work, end- j
ed his life yesterday in a cornfield in
j the suburbs, lie blew out his brains
with a revolver aud hail poison in his
I clothes. I
If Peevish.Feverishand
Sick. Give "Califor
nia Syrup of Figs''
Mother! Your child isn't naturally
, cross and peevish. See if tongue is
coated: this is a sure sign its little
stomach, liver and bowels need a clean
-1 sing at once.
When listless, pale, feverish, full of
i cold, breath bad, throat sore, doesn't
eat, sleep or act naturally, has stomach
ache, diarrhoea, remember, a gentle
liver and liowel cleansing should always
I be the first treatment given.
, Nothing equals "California Syrup of
I' igs for children's ills; give a tea
spoonful. and in a few hours all the
toul waste, sour bile and fermenting
food which is clogged in the bowels
passes out of the system, and you have
a well and playful child again. All
, children love tliis harmless, delicious
fruit laxative,'' and it never fails to
effect a good "inside" cleansing. Di-
I lections for babies, children of all ages
! and grown-ups are plainly on the bot
i tie.
Keep it handy in your home. A lit
tle given to-day saxes a sick child to
morrow, but get the genuine. Ask vour
: druggist for a 50-cent bottle of "Cali
-1 foruia Svrnp of Figs," then look and
see that it is made by the "California
Fig Syrup Coinpaiiv." ai j v .
Something Nearly as Good on Stumps
of Amputated Legs
Seattle, Wash., Oct. 30.—This storv
i comes from Cathcart, Snohomish coun
. tv, and is vouched for bv Robert l>.
Jones, of that place. While mowing
hay last June. Abe Bmger, a Cathcart
I ranriier, surprised a mother pheasant
and her 'brood in the tall grass. One
of the flock wrs overtaken by the mow
er, which amputated both of its legs.
: It escaped to an alder thicket.
While hunting recently Bmger
I winged a pheasant. When he recovered
I the bird both of its legs were missing,
i a fact which recalled the accident of
the early summer. The bird had be
i come full grown, was in perfect condi
| tion, plump and, in fact, larger than
the average of this year's birds taken
! in the locality.
The wounds had completely healed
and nature, in the process of heading,
had developed a substitute for claws hi
the form of hard scales at the extremi
. ties.
3,000 Miners Take Part in Demonstra
tion at Minersville
Pottsville, Pa., Oct. 30. —A parade
| of 3,000 mine workers and the dediea
: tion of a marble shaft, which will com
menierate the long strike of 1902 and
1 the men who were killed and injured
■ during the riots at that time, was the
feature ot' .Mitchell Day celebration at
Minersville y 'vtc lay. ' Every colliery
j in the region was idle in honor of the
\ occasion.
1 Orators at the dedication ceremonies
were State President J. 11. Mauror, of
Federation of Labor; National Execu
tive Board Member Martin A. Nash, of
the 1 nited Mine Workers; District
j Vice President John Strambo, District
] Organizer Henry Ladinsky and District
: Board Member George Lutvenu.
Battle With Forest Fire
• Tamaqut, Pa.. Oct. 30.—A forest
I fire in the Ovyl Creek Valley during the
] night, which threatened to destrov sur
I rounding farm buildings, was subdued
] by a force of 200 men of the l.ehigh
j Coal and Navigation Company follow
j ing a persistent struggle.
Three Robins Cost Him #.">o
Pottsville. Pa., Oct. 30.-—Daiter
! Detz, of Pottsville, paid just $lO each
j, for three robins which he shot Wednes
day and then [-aid S2O more before AI
j derman F. S. Preiler because lie was
not wearing a hunter's license when ap
• Wounded Hunter Dies
Brvn Maw,-, I'a.. Oct. 30« —Richard
Deßussy, the Philadelphia hunter who
accidentally shot himself several days
ago while hunting near Brooma'!!. died
yesterday in the Brvn Mawr hospital.
An operation was performed upon De-
Bussy in an effort to save his life.
Acquitted of "Witch" Charge
Allentown, ['a.. Oct. 30.—A jury
that was out all night brought in a ver
; diet ves'terday morning acquitting I)en
i nis Hex. tried on the charge of being
1 a witch doctor. He was arrested 011
complaint of a man who separate I from
] his wife because she consulted Rex.
Rub Pain Right Out
With Small Trial
Bottle of Old "St.
Jacob's Oil"
Rheumatism is "paiu only." Not
one case in fifty requires internal
treatment. Stop drugging. Rub sooth
ing, penetrating "St. Jacob's Oil"
into your sore, stiff, aching joints
and muscles, and relief comes instantly.
"St. Jacob's Oil" is a harmless rheu
matism cure which never disappoints
and can not burn the skin.
Limber up! Quit complaining! Get
.a small trial bottle of old, honest
I "St. Jacob's Oil" at any drug store,
and in just a moment you'll be free
from rheumatic pain, soreness, stiffness
and swelling. Don't suffer! Relief
awaits you. "St. Jacob's Oil" has
cured millions of rheumatism sufferers
in the last half century, and is just as
good for sciatica, neuralgia, lumbago,
backache, dprains. adv.
The Best Overcoaf Valu Saw/
The Best Overcoat Yjj
Are Right Here at This
\tiiik iPt Big' Store Outside the High
Rent, High Price District
en 10 thin gs are men who go through the
' world with theif eyes open and minds alert. Men of
*s&B' | \ type constitute a large part of our customers.
/J [f ' - They are men who find out things and they find out
1* <' M / • >-" th a t this is the City's foremost store for value-giving.
W vjff if dp They find out we don't have so many frills, not so
> 1/ xSW'j much red fire and expense all tucked on to tlie profits.
; >SS®3W But th «y fin d out when they want a Suit or Overcoat
/ 1 >' / fche y B et the quality, the style, the snap and comfort
|& VY|«f i- ? and save $5 besides.
m M ? '
\ .»| j$ > 1-(l|| J Cur locaion, our economical running expense, con-
Ml Hl* 11 il IHP | nection with 78 large stores and 45 years' experience
\jff * fli „ " ll ; -• explains it all and tells you why we save our patrons
v ' j||| j I & ? an a^ow crecl * t accommodations without extra
■< i' - : ufr I The success of this Store is known throughout the
■ M' country. t It is no secret. It is easily explained.
Im'' If Buy Your Fall Suit and Overcoat and
IM {| fip || It Buy It Wow Oy Order ot Jack Frost.
//«![ : 'jllp-; !j| i Disobey His Order You Suffer.
Mil !»' #N|; fill |[| Special Overcoats in Balmacaans, Chesterfields,
• I M-:■ f J lit. *sl* >:(s || i Shawl Collars, Convertibles and Mackinaws, made in
i|flj|J|l: all high grade materials at a great saving in price.
// BALMACAANS, $6.75 to $24.00
I ffJWI IpfSP OVERCOATS, $.1.98 to $45.00
Jf f |l : £# RAINCOATS $3.75 to $25.00
K I'f II 1 If BOYS' OVERCOATS $1.98 to $15.00
II I fill fW BOYS'SUITS, $1.98 to $12.00
II / I MEN'S SUITS .$4.98 to $40.00
Jlf -< IferfL. • Special Mackinaw Coats at $3.98
H *d£mtW ■ • ' Special Balmacaans at SIO.OO, $12.00 and $15.00
Have Your Bill Charged if You Wish
runiilontiio 29-31-33-35 SOUTH SECOND STREET CLOTHIERS
Our Location Means a Great Saving To You^——4^
Wheat Production Less in Prussia and
Asiatic Russia
Washington, Oct. 30.—"—Crops of the
current year are estimated as follows
by the International Institute of Agri
cullure in a cablegram just received:
Prussia —Wheat, 91,000,000 bushels.
*."> per cent, of iast year's crop; rve.
334,000,000, 90.6 per cent.; barley,
52,000,000. 51.2 per cent.; oats, 4 10,-
000,000, 90.7 per cent.
Asiatic Russia (10 governments)—
Wheat, 121,000,000 bushels, 87.7 per
cent.; rye, 30,000,000, 103.1 per cent.;
oats, 122,000,000, 90.6 per cent.
Spain—Corn (maize), 28,000,000
bushels, 114 per cent.; rice, 1,568,-
000,000 pounds, 87.7 per cent.; wine,
;72.000,000 gallons, 98.9 per cent.
Japan—Rice, 17,808,000,000 pounds,
113 per cent.
Total production in various countries
of the northern hemisphere is given
for wheat (twenty-one countries), 2,-
697,000,000 bushels; rye, 1,478,000,-
I Average Autumn Tt-mperatnri 73' |
j AuthoriZfd by Dept. Bermuda Oov't.
Very Low Autumn Rates
S. S. Trinidad
Mail* \ov. 4
! Quebec S. S. Co., Ltd.. A. E. Outer
; bridge & Co., Agts.. 2K B'way, N Y.
The Royal Mail Steam Packet Co.,
! Sanderson & Son. Gen. Agtij., VI
i State St., N. T.
(■"or Booklet* mipl.T In nbovr S. S.
to'* or liny Th-krt tcrni
Tbt«F Cbitrmlnc; in)>in<h Are .NOIT
•1 Their Ilc»t
holds the record —40 hours—ls th*
newest and only twin-screw steam
ship sailing to Bermuda, and til*
only one landing passengers at th«
dock at Hamilton without iraiufer
by terrier.
Kound Trip with meals C lCand
and stateroom berth •P*J U p
h'or full particulars apply to A. B.
OUTUHIUUDUE A: CO., Atrnl* une.
bee S. Si. Co., 1.1 d.. 211 11 rout!"ay, \ewr
York) I'. 1.1111.VK IIKHIMKI,, 1(13 Hu.
k<-« St.. Ilnrrlnliuru, I'M., or uny Tlek.
ft Agent.
i 000: barley, 1,164,000,000; oats, 3.-J
' 266,000,000. Compared with last year
as 100 per rent., these totals are. re-1
spective>ly. 92.3, 95.9, 89.9 aud 88.2 !
| per cent.
Would Save $100,000,000 a Year.
Coffee Men Are Told
New York, Oct. 30.—The substitu- J
tion of cotton bags for jute bags was 1
iliFcngsed at a meeting of the National
| Coffee Roasters' Association at the
Whitehall Club yesterday, and it was
pointed out by R. D. 80-wen, of the |
] Southern States Cotton Association,
! that such a substitution would keop up
ward of $100,000,000 a year in this
This is the approximate price paid
by American merchants who use jute
bugs now. All of the jute comes from
j India. The American Sugar Refining
i Company is already using some cotton
j bags.
i Father of Bishop Perry Married in Phil
I Philadelphia, Oct. 30. —There were J
i twelve witnesses at the marriage yester-
I day of the We\. Dr. J. De Wolf Perry, j
' Vector emeritus of Calvary Episcopal j
j church, Uermantown, 78, and Miss Mar-j
j ian Fra/.er Harris, 4 8, daughter of Mrs. [
Joseph S. Harris.
A daug'hter of the bridegroom, Mrs. I
M. Thurber. of Boston, attended the j
'ceremony. The Right Rev. J. De Wolf j
j Ferry, Jr., Bishop of the Episcopal dio-1
i cese of Rhode Island, a son, was not !
| present. It was said he was unable to!
! attend. Bishop Rhinelander officiated.
Like a Mental Moving Picture i
Baker —People who have- been near
drowning say that in an instant ail
i the events of their past lives ar<- pre■
senteij to their mental vision. Barker |
j—l don't believe it. Baker—Why not?
i Barker—lf it were true they wouldn't I
allow themselves to be rescued.—Life. |
The Attraction
I "You say you are in love with Miss,
' Baggsf"
"I sure am."
j "But I ean'lvsee anything l attractive !
I about her.''
"Neither can I see it. But it's in the
j bank, all-right.''—Cleveland Leader.
"Dosen't the baby look like its fath
er?" exclaimed the admiring relative.
"Sometimes." replied the nurse,
"especially when it has a touch o' the
colic.'' —Washington Star.
Refused Audience With Mayor, Who
Adds Caustic Comment
j Chicago, Oct. 30.—(Mayor Carter 11. |
| Harrison announced yesterday that he
| would dee line to deceive .lames Earls
j How, known as the*' Millionaire IWbo,"
j and a delegation of unemployed w'hich
! How proposed to bring to the City
Hall. #
Phe Mayor criticised newspapers for
giving publicity to sucto movements,
I asserting that ho was convinced that i
men loudest in this form of demonstra- '
I tiou "wouldn't go to work unless there !
was a man with a rifle standing over '
them.'' '
"I have no sympathy with delega
tions of that sort." Mayor iHarrison I
said. "Such persons live on publicity
alone. Thov thrive on it, and if they
didn't get it they might 'have to go to
work. Every similar movement leads
more men to believe that the world
owes them a living. Publication given
stories about a mass meeting of unem
ployed >bring more of this class into the
Playmates Scream and Driver of Cart
Gets Away
New York, Oct. 30. —With several
j other small children. Helen Jacksteadt.
| 4. was playing in front of her home.
* 420 East 148 th street, last night, when j
; a horse drawing an open cart came |
j jogging along.
Helen ran in front of the horse and '
| was knocked down, the cart wheels |
passing over her neck, killing her in- !
j stantlv. The driver, the police say. j
' made no effort to stop, but continued '
I on his way, though Helen's playmates I
I screamed for him to stoip, A descrip- i
I tion of the horse and wagon was given j
the police and a general alarm sent out !
for the driver.
I • • _ 1
Fresh Cut ROSES 49c Doz.
FLORIST Market St.
South Carolina Firm Given Contract
Below Jute Cost
Washington, D. C., Out. 30.—Post
master General Burleson yesterday
awarded a South Carolina firm the con
tract for supplying the Post-office De
partment's entire annual supply of
wrapping twine, albout 1,500,000
pounds, at thirteen <?ents a pound for
cotton cord.
ft is estimated that $20,000 will 'be
saved this year (by the substitution of
cotton tor jute twine, heretofore exclu
sively used.
Constellation May Be Kept Permanent
ly at Washington
Washington, Oct. 30.—The old frig,
ate Constellation, wliidh dates back to
the War of 1812, arrived in Washing
ton to-day and was exhibited to the
public at the navy yard. The Constel
lation came from Baltimore, where it,
'was on exhibition in connection with
the fitar-Spangled Banner centenary
celebration held in that city last month.
It has been proposed that the Con
stcllation bo kept permanently a:
Farm Buildings Burned
Selinsgrove, Pa., Oct. 30. —Nineteen
hogs, a barn, several large cribs fille><l
with corn, all this season's ihap and
other grain, farm machinery and out
buildings, the property of Martin Has
singer, near Troxelvilfe, were destroyed
bv fire. The loss is $5,000.
Foreman Whirled to Death
Sharon, Pa., Oct. 30.—Quiaey Ryhul.
21 years old, foreman of the Mercer
broom works, was caught ami whirled
100 times about a flywheel yesterday
and instantly killed. Nearly every bone
in his body was broken.