12 CAPITOL HILL PENNSYLVANIA BUILDING IS NEARINC COMPLETION The Keystone State Will Have One of the Most Graceful State Buildings at the San Francisco Exposition— Will Open Next February Secretary Walter Gaither, of the Pennsylvania Commission to the Sun fr'rancisco Panama-Pacific Exposition, has received word that work on the handsome Pennsylvania building, to be used by Pennsylvanians during the ex position, is rapidly being pushed, and the building is now under roof. The Pennsylvania building will not cost as much as some of the other State build ings, but it is of a very graceful type of architecture, and it is built for com fort and convenience of all Pennsvl vanians who visit the big show. Tile wings are to be fitted up for exhibition balls wherein Pennsylvania history will be shown, and the great centre hall will have a place for the old Liberty Bell. The introduction of Bangor slate for roofing on the Pacific slope, the State building being covered with it, has made an impression on the people from other countries, and it is stated that the Argentine government, on seeiflg the roof of the Pennsylvania building, at once changed its plans and decided to use slate as safer and handsomer. The Exposition will be opened next February, but before that time the Pennsylvania building will be dedicated bv the State Commission accompanied bv State officials. Substitute Nominees T. Henry Walnut and C. Wesley T. Robinson have filed substitute nomina tions for Assembly as Democratic can didates from the Seventeenth Philadel phia district. They were bowled out a week ago by Judge McCarrell's decis ion that the Democratic State Commit tee could not fill vacancies, and their new nomination is made according to law by the ward committees in the dis trict. McAfee's House Burned Fire yesterday morning almost ruin ed the home of Robert McAfee, Secre tary of the Commonwealth, in Pitts burgh. Some painters used a torch i-are lesslv in burning old paint from the in terior and set fire to the woodwork. The interior was almost totally ruined, and many valuable paintings, souvenirs sn<l costly furniture were destroyed. The loss is about $5,500, partlv cover ed by insurance. Large Taxes Paid Big money flowed into the State' treasury yesterday, receipts coming from the following sources: Reading i railroad. $300,000; South Penn Oil ' Company, $72,233; Southwest Pipe Line Company, $31,772; Union Steel, Company, $59,784; Pennsylvania Rail road Company, on account, $500,000; National Transit Company. $1 05,991. j ACCUSED OF HORSESTEALING Man Seized in Royalton on Charge of 1 Having Taken Steed ■ Special to the Star-Independent.) Lebanon, Oct. 30.—The horse and carriage that were stolen from Edward Spangler. of Mverstown, this county, ; several days ago, were recovered bv Spangler yesterday. Tiie 'horse, which was valued at $l9O. had been sold to I the proprietor of the Collins hotel, in Collins. Lancaster county, for SSO. so the hotel man said. * A man who gave his name as Wil- \ liam Wen rich was arr-sted in Royakon. Dauphin county, by Constable' Louis i Miller, i>f Middletown. yesterday, and ' •brought here this morning and placed ' in the county jail. The hotel J man told the constable that Wen rich is I the man who sold the horse, and a i-harge of grand larceny has been lodged against the prisoner. Constable Miller said D. M. Sher rick. a Middletown liveryman, who re cently was the victim to two horse ' thieves, aided in the capture of Wen- i rich. When arrested Wenrich was searched j and S2O was found sewed in the lining' of his coat. The Collins hotel man said ! he purchased the horse on Monday and that Wen rich told him he would return later with a pony and take the varriage : a way. Loan Companies Belicensed •fudge McCarrell Phis morning re- j licensed three HarriSburg loan coinpa- ! iiies. They are the Pro4it-Sharing Loan < 0111 pany. Employees' Discount Company and the Pennsylvania Investment Com pany. '' Vou never admit haviug made a, mistake!'' "What s the useV' asked Senator! Sorghum. "When I make a mistake: there are always plenty of people to' talk, about it without my joining in.''; —Washington Star. It Will Pay You to Read This J3ctZu'/iyer Exclusive Prescription Optician 205 Locust St., Opp Orpheum Upon leaving the Orpheum after a pleasant entertain- | 1 raent, look across the street. j ' Your eyes will be greeted j j with the view of a modern optical store. Walk over and ; inspect this store —look into ' the window and come in and I, make .yourself known to us. j Viewing this up-to-date op- 1 : tical store will be not only pleasure, but education for you will then realize how a ; s store of this kind, dispensing 1 high grade, intelligently ap- j ( plied optical service relieves j the many discomforts ex- I ■ perienced by glass wearers. I Oculists' Prescriptions Filled , ! ITO-NICRT LAST OF EVENING NEIGHBORHOOD MEETINGS 1 Services Will Be Held In Mornings, Be ginning Next Week, and Continu ing Throughout Stough Evangelistic Campaign The last of the eveniug neighborhood I prayer meetings will be held in this j city this evening. 188 of them. Be ginning next week and continuing throughout the Stough evangelistic campaign, the meetings will be held at 9 o'clock in the mornings. The closing meetings of the preliminary campaign will be held to-night at. the following homes: First Ward Mis. I'iuney. .! 12/South Rivei avenue Mrs. Long, Showers avenue. Mrs. Halluian, South Ninth Mirs. Reese, South Ninth Mrs. Eisenberger, 806 South Cameron Mrs. John Horning, 1255 South 13th Second Ward Mrs. Mabeck, 329 South Front Mrs. Strickler, 404 South Thirteenth Allison tire house, South Fourteenth Mrs. A. M. Hollinger, 1246 Kittatinny Mrs. Gardner Smith, 317 Crescent Mrs. Heakeway, 251 y a Hummel Mrs. William Wengert, 433 South 13th Mrs. Campbell, 336 South Fourteeuth Mrs. H. A. Brinton, 1436 Swatara Mrs. William Brent. 300 Uaisv avenue Mrs. Sechler, J4Ol Berryhill Mrs. F. .Jones, 12 Argyle Mrs. Neff, 1635 Namiain Mrs. G. Gilles, 53 South Sixteenth Mrs. Berge, 1604 Hunter Mrs. Sheesley, 4 46 South Fifteenth Mrs. Hayes, 1527 Swatara Mrs. J. Herbin, 434 South Seventeenth E. B. Gise, 1624 Swatara M. H. Hoffman, 1581 Derry Third Ward Mrs. R. L. Miller, 127 Walnut Fourth Ward Mrs. .1. S. Weaver, 205 Pine Mrs. Betleman, 205 Barbara Mrs. Jamison. 128 Walnut Mrs. Neidig, 314 North Second Mrs. Mackey, 215 North Mrs. ipieree Rettew, 266 Briggs Fifth Ward Mrs. .T, Searfoss, 220 Boas Mrs. Ba'lm, 920 North Second Mrs. Swartz, 436 Boas Sixth Ward Miss Swart -.. 1305 Green Mrs. Jacob Stouffer, 1401 Green Mrs. Anderson, 1316 Susquehanna Market Square church Mrs. Hessen, 1404 North Third j Miss Strominger, 118 Calder Mrs. Breach, 1315 Jajues i Mrs. Wenrick, 1321 Marion Seventh Ward Mrs. Robert Hall, 637 Mueneh j Mrs. Horning, 60S Dauphin ; Mrs. Rauch, 1842 Herr Mrs. John Fin ton, 1632 Sixth | Mrs. John Bowerinaster, 1739 X. 12th Eighth Ward Mrs. Robison, 1002 Noith Fifteenth 1 Mrs. Olewine, 216 North Fifteenth Mrs. Miller, 1804 North j Mrs. McAllister, 1266 State Mrs. John Runkle, 1939 State Ninth Ward Mrs. Ella Beam, 515 Walnut Mrs. Suavely, 1206 Derry ; Mrs. Edward Looker, 1211 Thompson ! Mrs. Painter, 25 Balm Mrs. Patrick, Bailey Mrs. W. A. Lavertv, 12? Sylvan Ter. Mrs. H. Snavelv, 1206 1-2 Derrv Mrs. Fisher, Jonestown Road Mrs. .1. O. Love. 316 S. Seventeenth Mrs. Brumbaugh, 28 North 14th Mrs. Mac Daniels, 1417 Market Mrs. Mowrey, 114 South 14th Mrs. F. McDonald. 1629 Regina Mrs. W. Rife, 1618 Market Mrs. A. Bushman. 76 North 17th Mrs. Walt, 1360 Vernon . Mrs. William Fahring, 1533 Vernon ; Mrs. John Giln, 1608 Derry Mrs. Fast, 27 N. Seventeenth Mrs. O. G. Brennaman. 88 North 18th: Mrs. Cashman, 1910 Holly Mrs. Walter Gilbert, 1410 Zarker Tenth Ward Mr. and Mrs. Gephart, Sixth Mrs. Arthur Brown Mrs. Schaffstall, 2415 Sixth Mr. and Mrs. Maher, 632 Schuylkill Mr. and Mrs. Steece, 2632 Jefferson Mrs. Oathern, 2515 Jefferson Mrs. Homshelt, 2155 Jefferson Mrs. Sharan, 2213 Jefferson Mr. and Mrs. Kepford, 521 Camp i Mrs. Hollenbaugh, 2116 Moore Mrs. C. N Hoffman, 326 Emerald Mrs. C. F. Clippinger. 224 Emerald Mrs. Sherman Shepler, 2146 N. Fourth The Rev. Alford Kelley, 2124 N. Third I Mrs. R. G. Bemen, 2140 Green Mrs. Brenneman. 2221 Penn Maurice Price Eleventh Ward The Rev. H. KJaer, 521 Peffer Home for Friendless, stli and Mueiich I Mrs. Kline. 424 Mueneh Mrs. W. J. Horning, 335 Maelav Mrs. Irwin, 1812 Green Twelfth Ward Harry Sites, 507 Harris Mr. and Mrs. Wallace. 1638 N. Fifth! Mrs. Snyder, 446 Hamilton Mrs. Leidv, 417 Kelker Mrs. Elder, 1631 North Third Mrs. Zeigle-. 326 Boyd avenue Mrs. Smith, 1725 North Fourth Mrs. Miller, 428 Harris Mrs. Hepler. 231 Hamilton Mrs. E. K. Frazer, 1529 North Seeoud ! Mrs. Weaver, 16,11 Penn Thirteenth Ward Mrs. Peters, 714 Showers avenue Mr. and Mrs. Kichman, 1019 S. 221 1 C. M. Lent/. 948 South Twenty ' Mrs. I. Baker, 1813 Berryhill Mrs. H. Olay, 535 iHetriek Royal Fire Company, near Nineteenth ; 1 Mrs. H. H. Walton. 19 46 Derry Lemoyne Mrs. Ligntner, East Hummel avenue Mrs. B. F. Wagner I'nited Evangelical parsonage Mrs. J. Pryor Charles Siere I Enola i H. fl. Sheaffer Mrs. H. G. Hassier Mrs. Paff Ed. Hazzard i , » West Fairview Mr. and Mrs. Carrolls Mr. and Mrs. Glessner Paxtang J. Frank Horutick Steelton Miss Rebecca Rupp, 225 Pine — , Marriage Licenses William E. Hoffman. Lykens town- ( ship, and Jennie A. Dei'bert, Schuylkill s county. ' t Archibald C. Clouser and Ruth Klock, i Reading. Walter Zeigler, West Fairview, and 1 Mayme Zimmerman, Harrisfburg. i { LAWYERS' PAPEB BOOKS j r Printed at this office in best style, at f lowest prices and on short notice. I f ' ,■ . •: '• | y{% * : V v - .•* ' " ». HARRISBURft STAB-TNDEPKNDKXT. FRITUV KVKXIXO. OCTOBER HO. I<)U. LOCAL U. OF P. SCHOOL i FORMS AN ORGANIZATION -1 Htrriaburg University Branch Chal - | lenged in Basketball by Philadel c phia and May Also Contest With Scran toil and Wilkes-Barre Schools 1 : The Harrisburg Kxtensitfn School of s j the University of Pennsylvania has ap pointed Ira L Gordon, of the bridge ir ami construction department of the i- Pennsylvania Steel Company, tempor t arv chairman for the purpose of organ - ' 7 ' u g- Mr. Gordon chose a oonstitu i tioual committer, which set to work * drawing up a constitution which will go\ em the body. The members of the constitutional committee were chosen with the idea of having the entire class represented in all of its organizations. The men 011 Hie committee are: George I ' !!'!'• "' r " Technical High school; I'. A. Hshel, Central High school; Samuel S. Hecker, 4 9 South Eleventh street; George H. Wirt, State Department of Forestry; Roy (.', Mumma, Hershev; Harry P McPadden, 108 North Se'e- II ond street; Raymond S. Caton, 208 Walnut street. Last night tiit> constitutional com mittee submitted a constitution to the 11 class, which was unanimously adopted a by it after a few minor changes had been made. According to the constitu e tion, the organization shaill be known as the ißamsburg Wharton Extension Si-hoot Association. It further pro titles that there shaill be elected a pres ident, three vice presidents, a secretary, a treasurer, an advisory committee of seven and a cheer leader. In addition, the president has the power to appoint J any other necessary committees and, in view of the fact that the school has already been invited to play the Phil delphia evening school a series of bas ketball games, it is quitep ossible that I the president, soon to be elected, will immediately appoint an athletic com mittee to look after the school's ath letics. Mr. Raine. who paid the school a visit last night, stated that the S.-ran ton and W ilkes-Barre schools were al ready organized along literary, debat ing. athlet.c, social, publicity and other lines and were very anxi«us to have a series of debates, basketball anil base ball games with the Harrishurg school before the close of the college year. Nominations for oilices will be re coved next \\ ednesdav evening and the election of officers will take place the following Wednesday evening. It is urged that every member of the class take an active part in this ejection and see to it that the best men in the school be chosen to fill the important j offices. FINAL CAMPAIGN ORATORY | Republican and Washington Party Meetings Hsld and to Be Held as Election Draws Near One of the larg»st Republican meet ing'? of the campaign held in Dauphin county was that in Steelton last night. The Standard theatre was crowded to | the doors by enthusiastic Republicans | and many were unable to get in. Wil-1 liam F. Darbv presided, and addresses I were made by Thomas W. Crago, can j liidate for Congressman-at-large, Depu | ty Attorney General Wiiiiam M. Har ! gest and several local candidates. The Middletown Republican club last I night held a mass meetiug in that town |at which ' harles E. Pass and Frank j Jefferson made eloquent speeches in sup i port of the Republican ticket. •lesse K. B. Cunningham, Deputy At | torney General, one of the best speak ers on the list of Republican spell I binders, will be the principal speaker at i a Republican mass meeting in Oberlin to-night. The campaign in Upper Dauphin will | close on Monday night with a Republi can 'ally in Williamstown, to be ad dressed by prominent speakers who will be announced later. ! Washington party mass meetings will j be held in Steelton and Middletown this I evening when addresses will be made Iby Colonel L. B. Austin, of Georgia; j Dr. John H. Kreider, W. W. Lenker j and J. B. Martin. DEMOCRATS* FINAL RALLY Big Mass Meeting at Chestnut Street 1 Hall To morrow Night Following Parade of Clubs Following the old-tiine precedent of i having a big walkaround 011 the Satur j day evening preceding yie election, the ! | Dauphin county Democrats will to-mor j j row night make their final effort in be | half of Palmer, McCormick and entire | , Democratic ticket, by holding a great i mass meeting following parade at Chest- j j nut street hall. The principal speakers tof the evening will be Congressman ! 1 Palmer and Vance C. McCormick. fresh i from their trip through the Cumber- | I land valie.v, where they met with a big: ( reception, but there will be other speak- { ! ers who will be announced later. five bands have been engaged for j the occasion, and they will head the! | Central Democratic, West End Demo j 1 cratic and other clubs, and there will' Ibe delegations present from points in I > ' the Cumberland Valley, from Perry | I county and from Steeiton and Middle) town. A division of unattached citi-j ! zens w ill be a feature of the parade J 1 which will form in Market square at M 7.»0 o'clock and march up Second, to I Verbeke, to Third, to Walnut, toj fourth, to Market, to the Square and I : thence to the hall. COURT HOUSE CITY REGISTRATION' IS 13,7114 I To-morrow Is Last Day Electors Can Qualify for the Ballot Harrishurg voters who have not yet ' registered and who desire to vote next 1 Tuesday have until noon to-morrow to | qualify for the ballet. The Comniig- f : sioners will git in extraordinary session to-morrow for the purpose of "consider- ' ing registration applications. I The voter, in addition to proving tlyit '■ he is assessed and has paid a State i or county tax within the last two years I and more than thirty days prior to the i election on November 3. must make af- ' fidavit that he was unavoidably absent j ] from the city or confined to the house! POSTAL SAYINGS INCREASE j The Ksceipts Commenced to Grow With , the Opening of Hostilities in Eu ropean War I Washington, Oct. 30.—The war in Europe is proving a big boon to postal savings in this country. From the very day hostilities opened across the seas postal-savings receipts began to increase by leaps and bounds ami withdrawals fell otr, a result quite contrary to the predictions of many well-informed per sous who, in their imagination, saw lines of feverish depositors at postoffice pay window-anxkras to again return their savings to the boot-leg and body belt depositories whence they came be fore intrusted to Uncle Sam. But the forecasters failed to reckon on the ab solute confidence of the American citi zen, regardless of the (lag that first met his eyes, ill the ability and purpose of the Government to carry out its obli gations, not only among the nations of th tf earth, but with the humblest citizen of our land. Two important results have follow ed; thousands of people, largely of for eign birth, accustomed to send their savings abroad, are now patrons of our postal-savings system: and enormous sums of actual cash have be; i n released for commercial uses among our own people at a time when the need for every available dollar is pressing. The unexpected increase in postal savings business has not only added greatly to the general administrative duties of the system, but has brought up many new and interesting problems which have called for the careful per sonal consideration of Postmaster Gen eral Burleson and Governor Dockery, Third Assistant Postmaster' General. But their task has been lightened some what by the promptness of depository bauks in furnishing additional security to meet the abnormal deposits. A nuni-1 ber of the very latest banks in the country, which have heretofore declined j to qualify as depositories for post-sav-: ings funds, are now among the eager! applicants for them. Admitted to Bar K. LelJoy Keen «as this morning ad-1 mitted to practice law in tihe several j courts of Dauphin county. Mr. Keen I was born in Wieonisco, is a graduate of | Dickinson <olle.ge and the Columbia! University law school of New Vork City. He was admitted on motion of his preceptor. Lewis M. Xeiffer. POLITICAL ADVERTISING. , —" GOOD " IN CHESTNUT STREET AUDITORIUM SATUR- I DAY EVENING, OCT. 31, 1914, al 8 P.M. HON. A. MITCHELL PALMER HON. VANCE C. McCORMICK AND OTHERS WILL SPEAK L EVERYBODY WELCOME by iliness on the regular registration days. l T p until uoon to-day the County Commissioners has passed upon and ap prove 1 :!0 4 registration applications, so that the total registration iu the city now is i:;, 704. It is believed that the total registration will come ilose to 14,000 by to-morrow at noou. Constable Named Alexander Gibbons was to-day ap pointed constable of the First ward to suet.eed Wilhelm Beck. Judge McCar rell made the appointment. MiSITAMA IS OVKRDHK Cunard Liner Was at Her Docks This Morning By Associated Prc<s. New York, Oet. 30.—The Cunard liner Lwsitania, which left Liverpool last Saturday, has not been heard from since. She was due oft' Ambrose Chan nel lightship last night and should have been at her docks fey 6 o'clock this morning. At the offices of the Cunard line here it was said that the Lustiania had probably been forced to reduce her speed because of a gale blowing off the coast. The Cunard officials said that they expected the steamship to report during the afternoon. IT PAYS TO USE STAB INDEPENDENT WANT ADS. You Will Never Enjoy Bigger SHOE Than In This Sale The liberal reductions that will prevail in this sale will make a forcible appeal in these days when dollars are required to do double their ordinary duty. Of course, it means a heavy less to us—one that we would rather not suffer. But a backward season has left tco many shoes on oui- shelves, and we would rather take the loss we face now than a greater one which would come later. The advantage is all yours—to grasp it lies solely with you. Come to-morrow. Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes for Fall and Winter. Prices Average a Half. si,,,!'' I ''.'!!'.". 98c Fnr MF*n Boys' $2.50 to $3.00 shoes t* m in gun metal, patent ,-olt rOr Women WTO a»ds3.oo Urea Shoe. »«d l.» $1.98 «.• «JOO Md «U0 for Mon in pa tout ~,lt. 1,,,.. button pal-nt ,-olt. mm „„t»l ~,,1 ton and bliieher <£ 1 Ofi v » 1.,.,.,,,, , , , , , 1 ,yg tan. button and blueher, in 8 Mi-n's K„- r> ■ $ I .98 dicott-joimson j| pg Boys Shoes Mis>ra . $ Elin $2.00 and $2.50 Men's $1.75, in gun metal and pat- *oit shoes 1 .t*V Satin Calf jq ent eolt, button <<? | Ladies'"Juliets," o« . ShtH '* ' P ' ,ty < .style. JI.4D wo,-th $1.50, ....... HOUCK SHOE CO. 428 Market St. - Subway Same Bargains may be had at our Branch Family Shoe Store, Front and Locust Streets, STEELTON, PA. POLITICAL ADVERTISING. POLITICAL ADVERTISING. | POLITICAL ADVERTISING. I I —l DR. JOHN H. KREIDER 1 2222 M. Sixth It. Harrisburg, Pa. | Born and reared on the Farm. 4 j£ 9pH I aught in the Public Schools eight terms. 3 JB (»raduated in Medicine 1901. Practiced Medicine K» vears. 3 e aMlh, TWF Wtuf *** Self-made man of the common people. A 4 | friend of the wage earner. 1 Roosevelt's Choice for Congress | 2 I thank you if you will mark your ballot thus: I LJiaH John H. Kreider |x | READ THE STAR INDEPENDENT ADVERTISEMENTS
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