The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, October 29, 1914, Page 14, Image 14

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The Whole Store
No Friday Specials
Will Be Sent C. 0. D.,
or Mail or Phone Orders
Fancy and Black Silks
$1.50 black crepe de chine ,
40 inches wide. Friday only,
yard. 9Sc
$2.00 faille suiting, good
street shades: *0 and 32
inches wide. Friday only,
yard 79 c
$2.50 crepe cascades, 40
inches wide; navy, green and
mahogany. Friday only,
yard 69c
$1.50 plisse crepe in even
ing shades; light blue, laven
der. bisque and Copenhagen.
Friday only, yard. . . 67 1 = C
$1.50 fancy chiffon with
hair line shadow stripe: tan
go, emerald and amethyst. 42
inches wide. Friday ouly,
yard 39C
89c stripe tub silk; 35
inches wide. Friday only,
yard 55C
SI.OO foulards, 36 inches
wide. Fridav only, vard.
SI.OO lining serge: bronze
and green. 24 inches wide.
Friday only, yard 39c
MTDives, Pomeroy & Stewart
Street Floor.
Notions for Friday
98c Mist forms, jersey cov
ered. Friday only. ...79c
4 and 8-fold Germantown
yarn. Fridav only, per hank,
16c and 19c Featherstick
braid and edgings: white and
colors. Friday only,
IOC and 12C
50c detachable sanitary
belts. Friday only 29C
25c sanitary aprons. Fri
day only 17C
Sanitary rubber baby
pants. Friday only, . .. 17C
200-yard spool hand or ma
chine cotton, black. Friday
only. 3 spools for 5c
45-yard spool darning cot
ton; black and tan. Friday
only, per dozen 10r
500-yd. spool Pioneer spool
cotton, black. Friday only,
spool 3c
L*r Dives. Pomeroy Jfc Stewart.
Street Floor. Front.
Bed Springs and
■■£ all cotton mattresses;
roll edge. Fridav onlv.
$8.50 felt mattresses; roll
edge: weight 60 pounds. Fri
day only $7.50
$2.95 woven wire springs:
rope edge and under sup
ports. Friday only, §2.50
$4.50 white enamel beds.
Friday only $3.95
**Dives. Pomeroy A Stewart
Third Fioor—Three Elevators.
Wash Boilers
89c galvanized wash boil
ers. Friday only, 69c
t*"Dives. Pomeroy 4 Stewart
Women's Sweaters
Women's $2.50 brushed
wool golf vests. Fridav onlv.
Women's $1.98 all wool
fancy weave sweaters: red
only. Friday only, . $1.19
WDives. Pomeroy & Stewart
Men's Store.
5,000 pieces White
China. Friday only,
tM" Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart,
Corset Covers, 100
High neck tight fitting cor
set covers, 2 to a customer;
none exchanged. Friday
only ~.. 10c
H Dives, Pomeroy &- Stewart.
Second Floor —Throe Elevators.
Muslin Gowns, 35^
High neck muslin gowns;
long sleeves. Friday only,
Low neck gowns: neck and
sleeves trimmed with em
broidery. Friday only, 35c
tir Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart.
Second Floor —Three Elevators.
Flannelette Skirts
Women's short flannelette
skirts in pink and blue
stripes. Friday 0n1y,.. ,25c
W Dives. Pomerov & Stewart.
Second Floor—Three Elevators.
Embroidery trimmed bras
sieres; none exchanged. Fri
day only, 25C
WDives. Pomerov & Stewart
| Second Floor—Three Elevators.
White Aprons
White aprons trimmed
with embroidery ruffle. Fri
day only, 39c
t*"Ehves, Pomerov & Stewart
Second Floor—Three Elevators.
$4.00 Corsets, $1.69
Broken sizes of Rengo Belt
and American Lady corsets;
values to $4.00. Fridav onlv.
CTlHves, Pomeroy & Stewart
Second Floor —Three Elevators.
American Lady and D. P.
& S. Special corsets, values
to $1.50. Friday only.. .69C
Brassieres, hook front and
closed back. Friday only,
WDives. Pomeroy & Stewart
Street Fioor.
Pattern Table Cloths
.$2.00 to $2.50 pattern table
cloths; good size and quality.
66x>4 inches, slightly imper
fect. Friday only, .. §1.19
$3.50 pattern table cloths.
2 1 4 x2 1 4 yards; round de
signs. Friday only, $2.69
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart
Street Floor.
6 j 4C brown and bleached
twill toweling for kitchen
use. Friday only. yard.. .5c
tTDives. Pomeroy & Stewart
Street Floor.
Mercerised Napkins
Mercerized napkins. 18x18
inches: hemmed ready for
use. worth 89c a dozen. Fri
day only, each 5C
WDivee. Pomeroy & Stewart
Street Floor.
Fancy Goods
Stamped cushion tops with
backs. Friday only, . .. 15C
10c stamped collars on
good material. Fridav only.
50c stamped white waist
patterns with embroidery
floss to complete. Friday
only, each, 35C
CTDives, Pomeroy k Stewart
Third Floor—Three Elevators.
Women's Handkerchiefs
Colored hemstitched Swiss
handkerchiefs in a good
range of colors. Fridav onlv,
All linen initial handker
chiefs, 6 styles; values worth
12V*>°- Friday only, 6 for 55C
M Dives, Pomeroy k Stewart
Street Floor.
Bids You Share These FRIDAY BARGAINS
Fancy Linens
$1.50 lace trimmed Japan
ese drawn work scarfs, shams
and center pieces. Friday
only 69C
WDivos, Pomeroy & Stewart
Street Floor.
Huck Towels
19c union linen huck tow
els. hemmed ready for use.
Friday only 12' -c
tM'Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart
Street Floor.
Turkish Towels
1 lc hemmed bleached Turk
ish towels; good size and
quality. Friday only,
3 for 25C
50c fancy Turkish bath
towels in good design anil
color. Friday 0n1y,... .35C
WDives, Pomeroy A. Stewart
Street Floor.
Cotton Dress Goods
50c crepe de chine, 36
inches wide; in solid shades.
Friday only, yard, 19c
29c silk organdie; white
grounds and floral designs.
Fridav onlv, vard, . ...10c
50c silk stripe voile; white
ground; neat silk stripes. Fri
day only, yard 19c
50c embroidered crepe;
white ground; neat colored
woven dots. Friday only,
yard 19c
SI.OO ratine; lb' inches
wide: solid shades. Friday
ouly, yard 29c
Sc and 10c lawns; white
grounds; floral designs for
comfortable coverings. Fri
day only, yard S'-.-C
18c "crepe plisse; white
grounds: neat rosebud de
signs. Fridav ouly, yard.
15c crinkle seersucker;
neat stripes. Friday only,
yard SC
25c crepe: solid shades for
school and house dresses.
Friday only, yard 8c
t* Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart
Street Floor.
Luncheon Napkins
Hemmed German luncheon
napkins, 15x15 inches; good
patterns, worth $1.95 a dozen.
Friday only, each 10c
Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart
Street Floor.
White Goods
$1.19 Fnglish longcloth, 36
inches wide: 10 yards to a
piece. Friday oniv, piece.
15c to 19c crepe, pique,
madras and fancy white
goods. 28 inches wide. Fri
day only, yard IOC
50c brocade silk and cot
ton novelty white goods. Fri
day only, yard 25C
trDives. Pomeroy & Stewart
Street Floor.
Children's Shoes
Children's $1.75 gun metal
calf high cut button shoes
with heavy stitched soles, not
all sizes. Friday only. $1.15
tr Dives. Pomeroy t Stewart,
Street Floor.
25c and 50c brooches. Fri
day only, 10c
trDives. Pomeroy & Stewart
Street Fioor.
Cotton torchon iaces. edges
and insertions. ?/ 4 to 1 inch
wide; values up to 4c. Fri
day only, yard, 2C
Linen torchon laces. 1 to
2V-» inches wide; values to sc.
Friday ouly, yard, 3c
tr Dives, Pomeroy £ Stewart,
Street Floor.
Aluminum Ware
Friday at Half Price
$1 .tit) coffee pots. Friday
only, 80^
$2.05 coffee pots. Friday
only $1.03
$2.41) water pails. Friday
only 51.20
$2.75 water pails. Friday
only $1.37
85c covered buckets. Fri
day only 43^
$1.49 lipped sauce pans.
Friday only 75c
$1.35 double rice boilers.
Friday only 68^
$2.25 covered Berlin ket
tles. Friday only, . . $1.13
$1.69 covered sauce pans.
Friday only 85^
sl.lO preserving' kettles.
Friday only 55c
ic Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart
Colored Dress Goods
$1.50 silk and wool crepe.
40 iuehes wide: tine shades.
Friday only, yard, 49c
75c Shepherd checks, 54
inches wide; two sizes. Fri
day only, yard IJ)* 4
59c navy serge: all wool:
36 inches wide. Friday only,
yard 45c
SI.OO pebble ratine; all
wool; five good shades. Fri
day only, yard, . . 09c
SI.OO crepe granite, 54
inches wide; in four good
shades. Fridav only, yard,
$1.50 waffle elie-k suiting,
50 inches wide; tan and navy.
Friday only, yard, . .. 09c
SI.OO broadcloth. st> inches
wide: all the best shades. Fri
day only, yard 85C
$1.50 coating: ">4 iuehes
wide: dark navy. Friday
only, yard 98C
$1.25 navy serge; 50 inches
wide; all wool. Friday only,
yard 95c
$3.00 coating, 54 in dies
wide; shade Copenhagen.
Friday only, yard, . . $1.09
$3.00 dnvetyne, 54 inches
wide; Copenhagen. Friday
only, yard 51.69
*.•* Dives. Poineroy \ Stewart
Street Floor.
39c oval frame pictures:
good size; subjects are ail old
masters. Friday only, 1 JJ'-c
Dives. Pomerov £ Stewart
Thirl Floor—Three Elevators.
Lace Curtains
SI.OO to $1.25 Nottingham
lace curtains, 2 1 ? yards long;
white or ecru. Friday only,
pair 79 c
fcJ" Dives. Pomerov dc Stewart,
Third Floor—Three Elevators.
Baby Yards and
$2.50 collapsible baby
walkers. Friday only, $1.09
$3..30 babv vards. Fridav
only, $2.75
fci"Dives, Pomeroy 4 Stewart
Polishing Mops
$1.50 "Crackajack" floor
polishing mops. Fridav onlv,
tS'Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart
Glassware Specials
$3.00 cut star sherbet
glasses. Friday onlv, dozen,
SI.BO cut tabic tumblers.
Friday only, dozen,.. $1.20
25c Colonial syrup jugs.
Friday only, 15£
OrDives, Pomeroy & Stewart
Drapery Remnants
Remnants 25c to 29c drap
ery materials in scrim and
printed etamine, 1 to 3 yards
lengths. Fridav only, vard,
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart,
Third Floor—Three Elevators.
Curtain Etamine
15c printed etamine in
lengths front 1 to 4 yards;
slightly damaged. Friday
onlv, yard, . ..
$1.50 fancy couch covers in
red and green; 50 inches
wide. Friday only, ..$1.39
Li Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart
Third Floor—Three Elevators.
15c clutch pencil and flip,
5 boxes lead. Fridav onlv,
25c pack playing cards.
Friday only, 19C
!■»> Dives, Pomeroy &* Stewart
Street Floor—Kear.
Books for Boys and
Helen Grant series for
girls, SI.OO value. Friday
only 50C
Putnam Uall series for
boys, 50c value. Friday only,
Li Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart
Street Floor—Kear.
Unbleached Muslin
36-inch tine unbleached
muslin. Friday only, yard,
10c 40-inc.h fine unbleached
muslin. Fridav onlv, yard,
Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart.
Street Floor.
Outing Cloth
10e 36-inch light outing
cloth. Friday only, yard.
7' ...c
.Lf Div es. Pomeroy & Stewart
Street Floor.
Bleached Sheets
59c 71i.\90 bleached sheets.
Friday only, ... 50^
Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart
Street Floor.
Black Dress Goods
SI.OO black serge. 50 inches
wide. Friday only, yard, 75C
SI.OO black ratine; 48 inches
wide. Friday only, yard, 69<
$1.50 black whipcord; 54
inches wide. Friday only,
yard, 95<*
$1.50 black broadcloth. 50
inches wide. Friday only,
vard $1.29
WDives, Pomeroy & Stewart
Street Floor.
Shapes, 49c
Several dozen shapes in
black and colors, will be clos
ed out Friday only at 49C
LS Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart
Fourth Street Aisle.
Green Jardinieres
Eight and nine-inch matt
srreen jardinieres, 39c and 59c
values. Friday only,
25 1 and 351
WDivea, Pomeroy t Stewart
Washing Machines
$3.50 vacuum washing ma
chines. Friday only, ..39^
*»" Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart
$1.50 set of six Rogers sil
ver-plated fancy knives or
table spoons. Friday only,
$1.23 set of six Rogers sil
ver plated forks, faney de
signs. Friday only, ... .SO**
tir I >ivos, Pomerov & Stewart,
Street Floor.
Alarm Clocks
SI.OO nickel alarm clocks;
guaranteed. Friday onlv,
t* Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart,
Street Floor.
Toilet Goods
Hairbrushes. Friday only,
each, B<*
Wrigley's double mint
chewing gum. Friday only,
pack 4^
Bradley violet shampoo.
50c value. Friday only, 2<V
Envelope sachet. Friday
only 7<*
Pound box hospital absorb
ent cotton. Friday only, 22C
25e Myers Putz cream
metal polish. Fridav onlv,
25c Bu-ba-lax. Friday onlv,
. ' 17C
Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart
Street Floor, Front.
Men's and Boys' Shoes
Men's $1.75 gnn metal calf
shoes; blucher style, all sizes.
Friday only $ 1.39
Roys' $1.73 gnn metal calf
shoes; blucher style; heavy
solid leather soles; sizes 1 to
s'o. Friday only, ..'.51.45
Boys' $1.50 gun metal calf
button shoes; heavy stitched
soles; sizes 9 to 13. Fridav
only 91.09
tar Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart
Street Floor.
Women's Shoes
Women's $1.50 to $3.30
shoes; broken lines; not all
sizes. Friday only, . .SI,OO
Women's $2.50 black kid
skin button shoes; made 011
narrow toe lasts with Good
year welted soles. Fridav
only, $1.05
t-i Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart,
Street Floor.
Hardware Specials
69c ratchet screw drivers.
Friday only, ... 35C
$1.25 hack saws with ad
justable frame. Friday only.
25e compass saws. Friday
only, 15£
$1.19 carpenter's square.
Friday only 59<?
25c bottle Van Camp's fur
niture polish. Friday only,
15 c
» Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart
Furnishings for Men
Men's SI.OO heavy flannel
ette negligee shirts; extra
large sizes. Friday only, 79£
Men's SI.OO French flannel
shirts with separaate soft col
lars, neat woven stripes. Fri
day only, 79<
Men's $2.98 light weight
French flannel pajamas. Fri
day only, $1.50
Men's $1.50 Eclipse and
Olus shirts; detached sleeves
and knee length drawers.
Friday only, $1.19
WDives, Pomeroy & Stewart
Men's Store.
$38.00 Dinner Sets, $25
$35.00 French china deco
rated dinner sets, 100 pieces.
Friday only $25.00
Pomeroy & Stewart
( «in brie corset cover em
broidery; 17 inches wide; in
beautiful open patterns,
slightly soiled. Values up to
2,><\ Friday only, yard, 15<*
Swiss embroidered shirt
waist fronts, \allies to 9Se.
Friday on ly 25<
Swiss embroidery inser
tion. 2 to 3 inches wide, val
ues up to 25c. Friday only,
yard 5^
*■ Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart,
Street Floor.
Men's and Boys' Wear
19c and 25c knitted fancy
tour-iii-hand and silk flow
ing end tics Friday only,
3 for 25^
SI.OO ho ( \s' wool blouse
waists. Friday 0n1y,...65^
10c men's and boys' pad
elastic garters. Friday only,
2 pair, 10<^
Men's all linen hemstitch
ed handkerchiefs. Friday
only 3 for 25c
Boys' lined gauntlet gloves
-tan leather with star and
fringed cutis. Friday onlv,
*9 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart
•Street Floor.
Initial Hat Pins
25c gold initial hat pins.
Fridav onlv, ... 5f
tn Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart
Street Floor.
Cuff Links
50c cutV links, stick pins
and tie clasps. Friday only,
WDives, Pomeroy & Stewart
Street Floor.
Silver Frames
35c silver frames, guaran
teed not to tarnish. Friday
only, 19<*
tvDives. Pomeroy & Stewart
Street Floor.
Sterling Deposit Ware
98c sterling silver deposit
ware in cream and sugar sets
a ml salt and pepper sets. Fri
day only, 50?
t-i Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart
Street Floor.
Lace Vestees
Oriental lace vestees with
roll collar, worth 39c. Friday
only, 25^
tQ Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart,
Street Floor.
Windsor Ties
Crepe de chine Windsor
ties in ombre colors, worth
39c. Friday only, 25^
Women's neckwear, slight
ly soiled, valued up to 50c.
Friday only,
t&~ Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart,
Street Floor.
35c figured striped satine;
3t> inches wide. Friday only,
yard .25?
39e Farmer's satin; 36
inches wide; black only. Fri
day only, yard 29C
W Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart,
Street Floor.
Black Plumes, $1.19
$2.50 black French plumes.
Friday only $1.19
Dives, Pomeroy &■ Stewart
Fourth Street Aisle.
No Frday Specials
Will Be Sent C. 0. D.,
or Mial or Phone Orders