i 1 " ' ! Real Estate ' Jj FURNISHED BOOMS AND BOARDING | FOR KENT Furnished rooms and i v boarding by meal, day oi week Ap- , pi; liiul N. Secoud St.. corner Boas and j 1 >-t onri sli»«is. ! . . ■ i EZAL ESTATE FOE SALE OR BENT * HOUSES FOR RENT and 2 H -story . dwelling houses for sale. Elder Real Estnte Co.. -t»S X. Sixth St., or Seventh and I 1 \\ oodblne streets. j los RKNT— M ."•07 State St s■>.-.00 ' ISU State St !-'?•<>« ■' • 715 N. eighteenth St It! 1.00 ! 14 12 North St.. SIB.OO-1 1400 North St HS.OOII A. S. Mll-I.KR A. SON. 38 N. Court frt. ) 1 FOR RENT—I4IB Berr.vhill St.; three- [ story brick: newly papered, corner . house; all improvements. Kent J--.00. : Apply at 1543 Ueglua St. FOR RENT—No. 9 N. Fourth St.: three . •ooms and bath; citv steam heat, elec- ] til.- and gas: suitable for business of fices of for light housekeeping. Apply j P. MAGARO. on premises. SOME PKOPL#E are paying rent when _ they could be living in their own t House and paying for same in monthly , , payment. Why not buy? BELL REAL*- , TV CO.. Beigner Building. KOR RKNT— -1330 Derry St.. tst floor apt....540.00 j 1317 I>erry St.. 2d tloor apt $3a.00 j IJIS Market St.. 3rd floor apt.. $28.00 j • 1247 Mulberry. 2d floor apt., ..$28.00 I 232G Derry St.. new house $25.00!] 1904 Holly street S'- 3 -?? i 1216 Berr.vhill St., house $22.00 | 1 447 & 1443 BerryhilL houses, ..$22,50 1' 2338 Elleisly St $15.50 2108 Derrv St SIB.OO , Thompson St $ll.OO ; _ HARVEY x - -04 S. 13th S'_ FOR KENT—Two 2 V* -story brick houses. Nos. 1521 and 15.S Vernon street. Rent $15.00 each. Possession immediately. E. A. HEFFLEFINGER, Kast End Bank. FOR RENT—AII improve ments— -3U14 Catherine, $16.00! 1509 Naudain SI7.CX) 530 S. Seventeenth, . . $,18.50 Apply Kuhn & IlerslieY, ISSouthJT^ BEAL ESTATE FOB SALE. FOR SALE—Five building lots, one on corner, in Pleasantville Terrace. N. J.. six miles from Atlantic City. Will sell j or exchange for good tourins car. Bar- j gain. Call 27 N. Nineteenth St. Phone 1793U j FOR SALE—House No. IS3I N. Sixth St.< Remodeled throughout; all improve- j metits. Apply GEO. W. ORTH, 423 | State St. j FOR SAL«E—Three-story building, at Enhaut. along trolley line; cost to j build, $3,000. Can be changed into three dwelling houses at little expense. Price, $2,200.00 Very easy terms. Inquire at ! East End Bank. FOR SALE—S24 Camp St.; 2H-storyj brick: corner property: 10 rooms, bath and furnace: porches: lot 20x100. ■ RRINTON-PACKER CO.. Second and Walnut Sts. FOR SALE—4O3 Boas St.; 24-story I frame: 5 rooms, bath and steam heat; I good condition: price attractive. BRIN , l"ON-PACKER CO.. Second and Walnut '' tß - I FOR SALE—3-story brick house. S rooms: bath; gas; furnace; porch | front. L.ot 18x100. Desirable location. Price and terms reasonable. BELL REALTY CO., Bergner Building. j • EITHER a 4 or 10-acre farm within i a twelve-minute walk of trolley serv- I ice: 10c fare to Harrisburg: consider- | able fruit: good soil. BELL REALTY CO., Bergtier Building. FOR SALE—Nos. 1107 and 1109 Plum street: two 2H-story frame dwell ings; water in kitchen, $3,000. C. H. , ORCUTT, No. 267 Cumberland St. PUBLISHED BOOMS FOB BENT TO I.ET —Two furnished third story front rooms with steam heat and privilege of bath. Rent very moderate.: APARTMENTS FOB BENT - FOR RENT—Small apartment on South Fourth street; city steam heat; refer ence required. Inquire 29 S. Dewberry . St. ! F' >R RENT—Desirable apartment of three rooms, bath, balcony; line sec- j , tiun of Hill. Rental $15.00. Address I care Star-Independent. FABM LANDS FOB SALE SMALL MISSOURI FARM—S3.OO cash and $5.00 monthly; no interest or I taxes; highly productive land. Close to three big markets. Write for pho tographs and full information. Munger, ! 1. 115. N. Y. Life Bldg., Kansas City, Slo. | Lost and Found • FOUND • FOUND —The home of reliable work for particular people at EGGERT'S Steam' Dyeing and French Cleaning Works, 1245 Market St. Call either phone, we'll dti the rest. LOST LOST—Near Front and Cumberland, Friday, beagle , pup. Reward if re , turned to 1211 N. Second St. Harrisburg Hospital The Harrisbnrg Hospital is open d&ilv except Sunday, between 1 and 2 o'clock p. ra. for dispensing medical advice and prescriptions to those un able to pay for them. J / \ FOR SALE 3«/2 ACRE FARM The "Berkheimer" Property I'i mile* Diirthufnt of DlllMburK I«t the I ampnrriinc tironadai, on the road from i)lll*huric to I.attmore. 16 apple, 24 peach, 13 cherry, 3 plum, 1 oear and 1 quince tr»e—B itrape vines and 500 strawberry plants. 7-room frame house. Frame ground barn and usual out buildings. MILLER BROS. NEEFE i REAL ESTATE Fire Insurance Sortty Honda Locust and Court Streets v I Wants 1; ' HELP WANTED—MALE. WANTED—At once: several good tin- ' ners. Apply at once to 12. W. WEISS, I 1221 N. Sixth street. WANTED —Salesmen to call on mer- | chants in Harrisburg and vicinity; , good proposition to high grade man. Address P. O. Box 803. Harriaburg. WANTED—Experienced operators on' power machines. Apply DEVINE & YUNGEL Shoe Mfg. Co.. Sixteenth and , State streets. HOW MUCH IS AN HOUR WORTH? One person frets fifteen cents: another person gets fifteen dollars. Why this tremendous difference? Special train ing is. the answer. MY PRIVATE LES SONS in Shorthand. Typewriting, etc., will increase your efficiency. Call, we'll talk it over MERLE E. KELLER, iiooin 209. Patriot Building. AUTO TRANSPORTATION SCHOOL— The oldest, best and most reliablo automobile school In the country. A full course of practical instructions for j $35.00. including long driving and re pairing lessons. Hundreds of good paying positions are open for conipe tent men. Make application now. Easy I payments Open day and evenings, a N". Cameron St. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE. DRUGGIST wjshes a position: regis tered. C. X. H„ 377 N. Eighth St., Lebanon, Pa. EXPERIENCED COOK, colored, wants position in hotel or restaurant, or getting suppers or banquets for pri vate parties. Best of references. Ad dress i!. J.. 524 Browns avenue. WANTED—Position as a clerk in store or position as violinist. Address Hers hey Hotel, Harriaburg. WANTED—A young man would like . a position as stenographer or hook keeper or any other occupation. Call at 407 Reily street. . WANTED—A young man wishes a po sition in restaurant as waiter or i short order cook. Address P. O. box j 349. Harrisburg. Pa. I YOUNG MAN, seven ?ears practical of fice and saK's experience: bookkeeper, typist, etc.. wants connections as soon as possible. Address D. 11. RIM EARD, 3111 N. Second St., City. YOUNG colored man would like posi tion to care for elderly gentleman. Address H. W„ 433 North Ave., room 3. j FIRST CLASS colored butler would like i position in private family. Address ' H. H„ 433 North Ave., room 3. YOUNG colored man would like posi- j tion as elevator operator or janitor. ; Apply 1232 Bailey St. j A YOUNG MAN. 21 > ears of age. with' two years of IHgh school, six months i of commercial and three years of busi- j ness training, desires employment. Best of reference furnished. Call or address J. F., 427 Herr street. j WANTED—Man handy with tools wants J work of any kind. Address Box 54, j Wormleysburg, Pa. | TECH. student would like to have po- I sition of any kind after school hours. Apply 414 S. Thirteenth St.. City. > WANTED—Work of any kind. Ad- i | dress 605 S. Third St.. Steelton. Pa. j I BOY', 15 years old, would like to have! 1 position of any kind, after school I HELP WANTED—FEMALE | WANTED—A hand ironer; one who can | work on shirts. Apply TROY LAUN i DRY", 1520-26 Fulton street. j WANTED—GirI or woman for general ■ | housework: good wages, no washing I or ironing. Apply IS"S Regina St. WANTED—White woman for general! housework In family of two: must be I good cook; permanent home to com-: i petent person. Address Box 10, Pax : t:ing. Pa. Bell phone 1247J5. ; WANTED—Steady white girl or woman for general housework. Good wages , and good home. M. M. RITCHIE, 2t> S. Thirteenth street. | SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN would like to keep house for widower, or clean | house, or hire out. Apply 2SO Herr St. A DRESSMAKER wants sewing bv dav or week: children's clothes a special ty. Apply at 1329 Wyeth Ave. j A COLORED GIRL wants work in res- I taurant. or chambermaid in hotel or j boarding house. Apply 1329 Wyeth Ave. j COLORED woman wishes dav's work : I of any kind. Call or address 232 S. ' • Fifteenth street, Harrisburg, Pa. I YOUNG LADY desires position as ! j stenographer and general office work. Can furnish best of reference. Ad dress 1415 Zarker street. COLORED woman would like work by the day, house cleaning, washin or ; ironing. Call or write to 108U Christy | Court. i YOUNG colored woman wants day's i work or washing and ironing. Ad- I dress or call 1211 Apple Ave. I NEAT colored girl desires light house work or nursing. Address or call ! i 1521 Fulton St. —— I | WANTED—A clerical position, by a i young lady; five years' experience. Address XI. P., 617 Peit'er St.. City. WANTED—Position as housekeeper, by ! middle-aged woman: can give good reference. Address 418 Walnut St. I WANTED—Washing or Ironing for Monday or Tuesday. MRS. CATH ERINE BROWN. 1102 Grape Ave. | WANTED—Days' work aji house clean- I lug. Call or address 1009 Cowden street. WHITE WOMAN wants washing and I Ironing for Monday and Tuesday. ! Address 425 S. Cameron SL WANTED—Curtains to wash and stretch. Call or address 823 Myrtle avenue. MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN would like to have washing and ironing to do at home. App;; 1635 N. Seventh St. Philadelnhla Produce Market j Philadelphia, Oct. 2#.—Wheat lower:' No. 2 r d spot, export. 10bfi 112: No. 1 northern. Duluth export. 1'226 123. I Corn lower. No. 2 yellow, local, S3 J . @834. I Oats lower; No. 2 white, 531* @54. Bran firm; winter, per ton. $24,00 0 21.50; spring. 23.50@ v 24.00. Refintd sugars firm: powdered. 5.90; I tine granulated, 5.80; Confectioners' A, Butter steady; western creamery, ex- : :tra, :!4; nearby prints, fancy, 37. \ Eggs steady; nearby firsts, free case, >9.60: do., current receipts, free case, ! >8.706 9.00; western extra, firsts, free , :ase. 9.60: western extra, firsts, free • ase, sß.7ofi 9.00. Live poultry steady: fowls. 13 l gl5: ! old roosters. 11@12; chickens, 12{i15; lucks, 13® 14: geese, 13® 14. Dressed poultry lower; fowls, heavy, i IS'u 19: average receipts. 14@17: small. 134j134; old roosters, 13W: broiling @l7 ' near ' 1* © 22; western, 12 ; Hay was firm; timothy, No. 1, large bales. 15.50® 19; No. 1 medium bales. No. 2. ]TU 17.50; No. 3, 14.50 ft 15.50; clover mixed, light mixed, 17.50W 18: No. 1, ! Potatoes weak; Pennsylvania, per : i bushel. 585 60; New York. 45&50; Jer ■ sey, per basket. 35#45. ohicago Live Stock Market Chicago. Oct. 29.—Hogs—F.eceipts. 1 23.000; slow. Bulk. 7.25@i.50; light. 7.05 1 • <*/ 7.35: yiixed. 7.10® 7.65; heav v, 7.05® 1 \V HAn?ISBt T Rfi STAR-INDEPENDENT. THURSDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 29. 1914.' It's Simple Figuring ( x '4 how you might have saved vour home if you had begun to save your KM money in time and had deposited it bit by bit with us. Our office force I , riSrßi** and free booklet will explain how money grows at 3 per cent, annual interest (compounded), and we'll cast up the columns if you so desire. Why not take the matter now? First National Bank 224 Market St. x 1 ■ 1 . / ■ ii.II j.. 11— 1 FOR SALE l.arge britk house with side yard and paved alloy in roar—22l Forstcr 1 Street—in strictly residential district. No need of auto or trolley car-, to ! central part of city. Building is modern, not old, having second nod third- i story bath rooms. .Of the 13 other rooms, four have wash stands, besides a ! first floor lavatory. Open fireplaces for occasionally cool days and water j heattup system throughout. Suitable for family, or lodging house or social | club. Not for reut except on throe years' louse or lonyer. inquire of W. S. Young or H. McCormick, Jr, ; SECOND AND WALNUT STREETS. HARRISBURG. PA. *■ " j > Miscellaneous FURNITURE PACKINO PACKING—A. H. SHRENK. 1903 No-th Sixtli street, tlrst class packer of fur niture, china and Uricabrac. Bell phon* 139 W. W. J. WENRICH, 339 Hamilton street— Furniture, china and piauo packing, shipments looked after at both ends. Also ali kinds of hauling. Bell phone S--.W, . OLD GOLD AND SILVER i lUU-HEST CASH PUICES PAID for old j gold, silver, watches, and Jewelry, i JOSEPH U. BRENNER, Jeweler, 1 N. SThl id a lreet. „ IMMM MISCELLANEOUS WANTED —Partner with small amount of capital, in a daily market. For ; particulars address W. H. MYERS, 405 ■Market street. FEATHERS RENOVATING WE ARE now renovating feathers, making pillows and folding feather mattresses at Tenth and P.IMOII streets, j B. J. CASIPBELL MONEY TO LOAN MOST MONEY loaned on diamonds, watches, jewelry, guns, revolvers, , musical instruments, eve. Bargains in unredeemed pleuges. CITY LOAN OK ' L-'ICE, 411 Market St.. nest to United I Cigar Store. 55.00 TO i 50.00 on your plain note, to any person holding a salaried posl ; tion; ail transaction strictly >.onlideu tial. Employees' Discount Co., oi> N. ! 1 .ill'd St., second tloor. LOANS—*S 10 S2OO for honest working people witnuut bank credit at less : than legal rates, payable in iiislau a'.eiiis tu suit • borrow cis convenience. CO-OPERATIVE Loan auu investment Co., 204 Chestnut St ALL KINDS OF HAULING AIL kinds of hauling,* large twu-loa truck; furniture, pianos, ireight, iu ; the city and saoui ljs. Prices icason ! aole. Picnic anu yieu-iuie triys, uay or c.ening. v\ M. 11. u.um i4frJ Vernon St. Boil phone oaliJ. mmmmmrnm ■ —■ ■ a———tmmmmtmmmm » STORAGE STORAGE in 3-stoiy bricli Ouikllng. rear 4DS. Market s?t. lluusehola goods in clean, private luu.at. iCeusuxiaaie rates. Apply to i'. li. UlLtS&li, Jeweler, two AlarKet St. WARKISBUKG STORAGE CO.— Two large brick warehouses, uutlt ex presssiy for storage. Private looms tor nouseiiold gootis and uuexcelied facu lties for storing ali Kinds oi .asreaan disc. Low tales. Souti: Si. and P. K. K. Death and Obituary DIED. SECHRIJST—On Thursday, October l' 3, It'll, at S.lO a. m., Mrs. Minnie M, ; Sechrist. wife of George H. Sechrist, aged 52 years. Funeral on Saturday afternoon at 1.30 1 o'clo k. from liei- late residence, .".iil S | Fourteenth street. Rev. A. H. Sampsel I officiating. Relatives and friends are invited to attend without furtin-r no lice. Interment In East Harrisburg I cemetery. j 1* INN—-On October -8, lull, Catherine Finn, wife of James Finn, in her Surd year. / I Funeral 011 Saturday morning at 9 I o'clock, from her late residence, No j lt>oß Fifth street. IN MEMORIAM. I IN SAD BUT LOVING REMEMBRANCE of my beloved husband. Harry W. Solomon, who passed peacefully into the arms of our dear Saviour Octobet j -'S>th, 1313. These are days of silent sorrow. In the season of my life; 1 There are wild, despairing moments, | There are hours of mental strife. There are times of bitter anguish. When the tears refuse to fall: But the waitltig time, dear husband, Is the hardest of them all. —His Wife, Ida B. Solomon. ! " 7.05: rough. *.os