The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, October 29, 1914, Image 1

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Detailed Rrp*r(. Fact • \l
Zl T c A l l l£?° VOL. 76—NO. 126.
Kaiser's Terror of the Seas
Steals Into Penang, a British
Possession in the Straits Set
tlements 9 and Fires Torpedoes
Which Send Czar's Cruiser
Jemtchug and a Destroyer
From France to the Bottom
—Swedish Steamer Oren Is
Sunk Off Cruxhaven, in the
North Sea, As Vessel Strikes
a Mine Unknown Vessel
Reported Lost
of Ireland
' I
B'J A nociataf Prrss.
Tokio, Oct. 29, 11 A. M.—The British embassy hears
that the German cruiser Emden, flying the Japanese flag
and disguised by the addition of a fourth smokestack, en
tered Penang, a British possession in the Straits Settle
ments, and fired torpedoes which sank the Russian cruiser
Jemtchug and a French destroyer.
The Emden's entrance into the waters of Penang was
audacious. She came in under the guns of the fort, and
after sinking the cruiser and the destroyer escaped
through the Strait of Malacca. The fate of the crew on
board the Jemtchug is not yet known here.
Merchant vessels belonging to the belligerent nations
are taking refuge at Colombo, Ceylon.
The Russian cruiser Jemtchug was a boat of about
3,100 tons and was laid down in 1902. Her main battery
consisted of six 4.7-inch guns and she had a speed of 24
knots. She carred a crew of 334 men. After the battle
of the Sea of Japan, during the Russian-Japanese war in
1905, the Jemtchug was interned at Manila.
The German cruiser Emden, after her exploits in the
Indian Ocean around India, where she sank a score or more
of British steamers, has apparently shifted her scene of
operations more to the eastward, to the vicinity of the
Straits Settlements. On Tuesday she was reported as hav
ing sunk a Japanese passenger steamer bound for Sing
Stockholm, via London, Oct. 29, 7.46 A. M.—The
Swedish steamer Oren, from Portugal for Gothenburg,
Sweden, hit a mine Monday in the North Sea and sank off
Cuxhaven. Five members of her crew were drowned.
Fleetwood, England, via London, Oct. 29, 12.45 A. M.
Word has been received through a trawler which arrived
here Wednesday night that another steamer has been sunk
off Malin Head, off the North coast of Ireland. There are
no details of this new shipping disaster.
From the west and from the cast German reverses are
reported. Germany acknowledges a check in Russian
Poland, but concerning the great battle in Flanders she
preserves her silence. The only official word received by
midday to-day was from the French, who again made in
definite claims to further progress. Not since the strug
gle along the North Sea began a fortnight ago has Ger
many made a statement upon which may be lvased judg
ment as to the course of events. The best information
a\ailable indicates that, notwithstanding their dauntless
attacks and heavy sacrifices of life, the Germans are
further from the coast than when the battle began.
The factor upon which the allies build their hopes of
an eventual triumph, according to their claims, is begin
ning to tell. It is the almost inexhaustible supply of men
that may be drawn from the vast reaches of the British
and Russian empires, which are relied upon in time to
crush the Germans, as Grant did the South, by overwhelm
ing numerical superiority.
In the east this influence seemingly is already being
felt and to it is ascribed the German reverse in Russian
Poland. The secret of the Russian victory, writes a Brit
ish correspondent at Petrograd, lies in the vastness of
the Russian emperor's army, which he estimates at
8,000.000 men. This enabled the Russians to keep an im
mense reserve for every army, changing regiments fre
quently and never leaving the "same men on the firing line
long enough to become stale.
Meanwhile the British who described their forces now
on the continent as merely an advance guard, are training
at home an army of 1,500,(300 men of whom 600,000 are
To-day's French statement, while ag-ain optimistic in
tone, gave little specific information. On the extreme
western end of the battle line, where the fighting has been
fiercest, there is "'nothing new." London ascribes the lull
Cmtlaaetf om Tblrteeatb Pace.
v V - y | • • ■ pp ;<<?
«Ie Star- '4sj£g&* Itikfietikni
Palmer-McConnlck Committee of One
Hundred Offers That Amount j
in Rewards
Fifty thousand dollars to be s >ent as i
rewards for evidence of election frauds
•has been placed in the bauds of the Pal
mor-McCormick Committee of One Hun
dred, and big yellow placards contain
ing the announcement and instruction* j
have been shipped to every oomer of !
the State, where tJhev will be |>osted 1
near polling places before election day.'
The announcement says:
'' The Pa 1 mer<\l'oOormick Committee ]'
of One Hundred is authorized to offer
the sum of $.">0,000 in rewards for the
production of evidence leading to the
arrest, conviction and imprisonment of I
any person who is guilty of ballot
frauds at the election to be held Tues-1
day, November 3. 1314. All such evi-;
dence should be immediately reported j
to headquarters of the committee, 9 j
North Second street, Harrisburg, Pa. j
Telephone, Hell 2395 and 2598.
"The rewards will average from
$250 to SI,OOO, according to the grav
ity of the offense."
Mayor John K. Royal, as secretary,]
signed the posters.
In addition to detailing a large corps i
of men who have been (issigned to cer
tain duties, aimed to prevent fraud,
throughout the State, the committees',
quarters in Harrisburg and Philadelphia j
will be open all day Tuesday so that;
reports of fraud may be quickly re
ceived, and as quickly followed up by
I investigations.
However. One Wager at Even Money
Is Laid Following Roosevelt Speeches
The political prognosticators who !
have money to back their theories and
are willing to bet on their favorite gu
J bernatorial candidates have offered
■ money here at varying odds.
Less than two weeks ago wagers
were made in which Brumbaugh sup
porters gave odds of 2 to 1 that the.
Republican candidate would win, thev j
! putting up S6OO against S3OO. As late i
j as yesterday an even bet of SSO was;
made that Brumbaugh would have 50,-
I 000 more votes th MI McCormick. Aft
er Colonel Roosevelt invaded Harris- j
burg to day a bet was offered ou Mar
j ket street that the Republican would
|''win.'' No odds were given, either;
in the amount of the bet or the plural- i
| ity. The wager was immediately |
j snapped up by a Democratic enthusiast, j
Young. Lewis and Others Will Address
Gathering in Chestnut Street Hall
A so-called non-partisan rally in the
Cheat nut street hall to-night will be
presided o\ e.- by Robert K. Young.
State Treasurer, long one of the lead
ers of the Washington party in this
State and one of its organizers with
Senator Flinii and Auditor General
Among the speakers will be Dean
Lewis, tormer candidate of the Wash
ington party for Governor, who with
drew in favor of McConniek; the Rev.
l>r. C. K. Swift, member of the House
from Beaver: the Rev. R. M. Little, of
Philadelphia; Congressman Arthur R.
Rupley. of Carlisle, and James A.
Stranahan. of Harrisburg. None of the
local candidates will make addresses.
Fifty Men Battling With Flames That
Have Swept hoo Acres
(Special to the Star-Independent.)
Carlisle, Pa., Oct. 29.—Fifty men
and boys, including farm owners and
employes and workmen employed bv
the Holly Sand Company, to-day waged
a vigorous yet unsuccessful tight
against the fire on the South mountain,
which already has swept away about
COO acres of valuable timber. A gen
eral call for assistance had not been
sent out as late as 2 o'clock this after
noon, but it was thought that the fire
lighters would be compelled to ask the
State Forestry Commission for help.
The fire started at a point near Bar
nitz and has spread both east and west.
Reports from the scene were that as
fast as the flames are extinguished at
one place they break out anew at an
other. Farm buildings ami the proper
ty of the Holly Company now are
said to be in danger of the spreading
Former Fire Chief's □ln ess Caused wim
to Break Remar&auie Record
George V. Corl, former fire chief of
Harrisburg and former Councilman, who
is in the Harrisburg hospital recovering
after a minor operation, had to break
a remarkable record for Sundav s hool
attendance as a result of his illness. It
has caused him to miss two Sundays
in snccession in thirty-nine vears,
friends said to-dav.
Mr. Corl is a member of the MeCor
mi» k Bible class of the Pine Street
Presbyterian Sunday school, and is said
to have held the attendance record for
the school. His condition is much im
Football Injuries Result Fatally
Detroit, Oct. 29. —Lester Koehler.
17 years old, quarterback on a local
high s.-hool football eleven, is dead as
the result of injuries sustained in a
game a wok ago. He received a blow
on the head, which developed into pa
Flays Flinn as a Boss
and Hurls Defiance
at Colonel Theodore
Senator Is Introduced by Governor Tell
er Who Praises Dr. Martin G. Brum
baugh—Meeting Follows Parade of
Local Republican Clubs
Senator Penrose got an enthusiastic
reception last night in Chestnut street
liall from the Republicans of llarris
bnrg and was heard by the rank and
tile of the party. He preached orthodox
Republican doctrine and threw hot shot
into his political enemies.
It was the biggest Republican meet
ing held in many years that gathered
to hear the Senator, and those familiar
with the capacity of tho hall said there
were at least 2,500 persons present.
The meeting was preceded by a short
street parade by the West "End and
llarrisburg Republican clubs ending at
the hall shortly before S o'clock. Sen
ator Penrose was the guest of Governor
Tenor and reached the hall shortly aft
er that hour to find a cheering, good
natured crowd awaiting him. He enter
ed the hall with Governor Tcner, Coun
ty Chairman Horner, City Chairman
Oves, State Committeeman Smith and
Congressman Kreider, and as he took
his seat repeated calls went up, and
were heartily answered, for "three
cheers for Senator Penrose."
City Chairman Oves called the meet
ing to order and introduced Governor
Tener as the presiding officer. The Gov
ernor, who is a great favorite in Har
risburg, got a hearty cheer as he went
to the front.
Governor Tener made a short speech
by way of opening the meeting in which
he paid high tribute to Dr. Martin G.
Brumbaugh, the Republican candidato
for Governor, his splendid efforts along
educational lines, and his thirtv vears
connection with the school svstem of
Pennsylvania. Of the candidate he
Tener 's Tribute to Brumbaugh
'' Look over Martin G. Brumbaugh's
career or life and you will find only
great achievements and great goodness,
and d am persuaded that a good man
does not become a bad man by the mere
fact of his election to the' Governor
ship of Pennsylvania. Your interests
will be safe in the hands of Martin G.
Referring to the candidate for Unit
ed States Senator, Governor Tener said:
'•Mr. Penrose represents protective
tariff and therefore, the opportunity
for prosperity, and I warn you tha't
without prosperity there is not much
use fussing about advance in educa-
Continued on Sixth Pave.
4 TRY 111
George Probst Fails in
Effort Made After
$750, Recently In
herited, Vanishes
Epidemic of Attempts at Self-Destruc
tion in Cumberland County Started
With Case of Solomon Baker Two
of Four Victims Recover
(Special to the Star-Independent.)
Carlisle. Pa.. Oct. 29. George
Probst, of Wormlevsburg, attempted
suicide in his room here over the bar
bershop of David Price yesterday after
noon by swallowing a dose of arsenic.
When discovered he was unconscious.
A loaded revolver lay at his side and
the gas jet was open. Physicians re
vived him after working for more than
an hour and he was sent to the Cum
berland county home for the indigent.
He will recover.
Augustus Troutman made a success
ful attempt to kill himself. His body
was found dangling from his belt strap,
attached to one of the window bars in
the Cumberland county jail, here, this
morning. There have thus been four
attempts at suicide made in Cumber
land county this week, two of wjiich
were successful. Solomon Baker, of
Lisburn, made an unsuccessful attempt
C«allißc4 •> geerad Face.
Copyi'lKhi bj International New s Service.
Republican Candidate Makes Brief
Speech in Which He Raps the Tar
iff, and Then Departs on Tour of
the Lower End
Fully one thousand cheering votors
greeted Dn Martin U. Brumbaugh and
his party when the Republican candi
date for Governor stopped for ten min
utes at Front and Swatara streets,
Steelton, this morning about W oMock.
A noticeable feature of the gathering
was the large percentage of men wear
ing overalls anil showing other indica
tions of employment at the big plant of
the Pennsylvania Steel Company. The
management of the mills permitted most
of its employes to take a brief recess
from work to hear the candidate.
Dr. Brumbaugh spoke a trifle more
than five minutes in which time he
said that he is in favor of a workmen's
compensation act and that he favors
better working conditions for children
and women. In opening his address he
complimented the borough, for having
taken such good care of his personal
friend. Professor L. E. McGinnes, super
intendent of the Steelton schools, ever
since the borough was first organized.
In addressing himself to the work
men he stated that the present depres
sion in the steel business in Steelton
and other steel centers in the State is
due to the tariff for revenue only and
that if they would remedy matters they
would vote for the candidates of the
party pledged to a higher tariff. In
conclusion he declared his chances for
being elected are brighter now than at
any previous time in the campaign.
Dr. Brumbaugh was followed by Hen
ry Houck who delivered one of his
humorous talks during which he said
that he believes Brumbaugh will be
elected and that he expects to go into
office with him.
Dr. Brumbaugh and party left the
borough about 9.10 a. in., making stops
at Highspire and Middletown, prior to
going to Hershey where a big meeting
was held at noon. From Hershey the
campaigners visited small towns in oth
er parts of the county winding up at
Penbrook at 3 o'clock this afternoon.
Tlie party made the start from Harris
burg in the early morning.
Colonel Makes Three Passes at Annoy
er. Who Is Said to Have a
Police Record
There was one untoward incident of
Codonel Roosevelt's whirlwind visit to
Harrisburg this morning, according to
the police who watched him carefully
during his stay of a few tiours. As
Colonel Roosevelt was leaving the
Board of Trade building after his final
speech to go to the Pennsylvania rail
road station in an automobile, a crowd
pressed atiout iiim, eager to shake his
As the machine started the crowd
broke and it was seen that » man was
hanging to the Colonel's coatsleeve.
He was standing on bhe running-board
of the automobile. The Colonel s eyes
flashed and he struck at the man, who
dodged the blow, but continued to main
tain his position on the car. Twice
more the Colonel struck at the man be
fore the latter's hold was broken and
he was lost in the crowd, one of the
blows landing lightly on the annoyer.
Mayor Royal who' witnessed the in
cident, said the man is a local charac
ter who has given the police more or
less trouble in the past. The man was
not placed under arrest.
; Insists on Greeting Them When Special
Arrives at Duncannon—Newport
Store s Supply of Bandanna Hand
kerchiefs Is Bought Out
With thirty minutes on their hands
this morning before the Roosevelt spe
cial arrived in Newport, where Mie
| members of the Harrisburg reception
committee awaited the Colonel to escort
Mm to this city, the committeemen or
ganise*! an impromptu meeting in front
of the Mingle House. Charles E. Un
dis. chairman >f the reception commit
tee. was in charge of the meeting. It
had not progressed long before bamlan
na handkerchiefs, the insignia of the
1 Washington party, were suggested and
in an instant a nearby dealer's stock
of bandannas was sold out.
State Treasurer Young made the
principal speech, saying that he was at
first opposed to Dean Lewis retiring.
| but, bowing to the majority in the par
ty, he now favored McCormick for Gov
| ernor. Colonel Roosevelt, on arrival at
Newport, uiade a speech from the ob
servation car at the end of his special
[ In Duncannon the train was stopped
for a few minutes for another speech
by the Colonel. The speech was finished
a minute before the train pulled out
Continued on Second Page.
W ere Begun To-day for
and Against General
Advance Asked by
Eastern Railroads
Present Freight Ratos on Produce
Shipped East and West From Pitts
burgh Held by Interstate Com
merce Commission to Be Reasonable
By Associated Press.
Washington, Oct. 29.—0ral argu
ments for and against the application
of Eastern Kailroads for a general ad
vance in freight rates began to-day
before the Interstate Commerce Com
mission. The arguments may bo con
cluded to-day or to-morrow and the
Commission fs expected to take up the
case at the November conference for an
early decision.
By agreement of counsel eight hours
was alloted for argument, to bo evenly
divided between the sides, and the case
will be submitted at noon to-morrow.
Ueorge Patterson, general solicitor
for the Pennsylvania Railroad, opened
the argument for the carriers, stating
the case in a general way. He was
followed by counsel for other lines, each
of whom dealt with specific commodi
ties on which increased rates are asked
or with the financial position ef in
dividual lines.
In opposition, Clifford Thome repre
senting many shippers organizations
Coatlaaed oa Secead Pace.
Colonel in Two Talks
Here To-day Urges
Support of Pinchot
Against Penrose
Calls Brumbaugh a "Woolly Lamb"
and Advocates the Election of Me
C'ormick—Looks Tired but Speaks
With Vigor
trapse at years has not lessened the
ability of Colonel riieodore Roosovell
to draw crowds from Harrisburg nut
vicinity. That was manifest to-day, liU
first appearance here in two years, when
he reached Harrisburg on his tour t>.
the State iit the interest of the Wash
ington party ticket and his crusane
against what lie terms " l'enrosci'sni.'
.Mr. .Roosevelt was here but an
and a half but in that time he spoke
to thousands of people, making as usu.;
a virile, hammer-blow speech each time,
but saving very little that lie had not
already said before.
The burden of his remarks was
"Penrose and I'enroscism," and oil
that ho runjj the changes from A to
baiting occasionally to interpolate :t
bit of logic. He was here to bum:
the senior United Statos -Senator and
he did it in a way that made lus hear
ers applaud him to the echo.
It was the first time Colonel Roose
velt had spoken since two years ago.
when he was a candidate for Pres.
dent. Not only was Harrisburg an I
Uauphin county represented, but people
were present from points fifty miles
away. They began to como early this
morning and tloek to Chestnut stre<f.
hall, where the big "star" spellbinder
was scheduled to appear tirst. In
f.vct long before nine o'clock a crowd
began to assemble at the hall and set
tie down to await, the opening of tint
doors. Krorn the tiilie the doors were
open until the meeting was called to
order the crowd began to pass the
door keepers, the rule of no admit
tance without a ticket being rigidly
adheared to, and when all were seated
or squeezed into the standing room it
was estimated that three thousand
people were in the big hall on the stage
or backed up against the walls. The
Colonel was as big a drawing card a<
Many Women in the Hall
On the stage, which was handsomely
decorated with flags and flowers, sat
the officers of the meeting and Wash
iugton party candidates. In the hall
there were many ladies, and a dose ob
server estimated that the number of
those present was from 200 to 300,
many of them occupying the bandstand
which had been set. apart for them. The
women were not all from Harrisburg.
Many of them had come from distant
points eager to see "Teddy" and hear
his monologue on Penroseism.
The Roosevelt party arrived at the
Pennsylvania railroad station from
their trip down th e Juniata valley, dor
ing which they stopped at several
places, shortly after 10 o'clock. The
train was about nine minutes late, bu:
they found awaiting them a large e.rowil
of people who gave the Colonel a cheer
as he passed through the station with
Gilford Pinchot, State Chairman Det
rich, Lex N. Mitchel and the party of
newspapermen who accompanied him on
the tour.
In the party also were State Trea<
urer Young, .\iayor John K. Royal an I
Harry B. McCormick, brother of Vance
C. McCormick and Democratic commit
teeman from this district. The party
was met at the station by the Progres
sive Leaguo reception committee of One
Hundred, headed by Charles E. Land is,
and at once took auto cars for the hall.
The Colonel arrived as Mr. Lenker, of
Williamstown, was talking. Signs of hi
approach were evident by the confusion
at the side door, and people jumped to
their feet and began to cheer. In a
moment the familiar face appeared a;
the head of the stairs, the Colonel mov
ing very briskly, and as he came into
view he tossed his overcoat to a friend,
and, preceded by several committee
men. made his way to th o stage with
Mr. Pinchot.
Colonel Seemed Weary
The scene that ensued wa3 almost in
deseribable. Cheer after cheer won:
up, men and women jumped on the
seats and waved hats, overcoats and
anything else that could be made to do
duty in expressing their enthusiasm
The look that spread over the Colonel's
face was beatific. The Colonel carried
his rough rider hat and was seemingly
jaunty, but it must be said that he
looked worn and weary and he did not
appear to have that elastic, springy
step that has heretofore characterized
his movements. He sank into a chai 1
with an air of relief, and looked out
upon the crowd with great pleasure. In
fact he beamed through his great gog
gles and joined in the applause thai
greeted Mr. Pinchot's speech, delivered
while the Colonel was taking his slight
The great crowd was quite ready to
believe the Colonel when he said he
had been having a strenuous time in
Pennsylvania. He certainly looked it;
but he doesn't seem to have lost much
Continued on Thirteenth Vumr.