A Scrap Book for the Busy Woman [{, y,-£si* '■' jfpfSX&gf. «r '.--- «»■ i^^-- jx-x' /f acm av Asmxyesw aw> j —. 0 Ma& %\,. *" <fc%kcl ————— is" §r> v\ y m 5 • t s* i* K n & „ ( *i .i Vv g & BB&BKy i ig^A.^J CV\ '"*■ °^fl!llr 1 ''# JL Wk^ j / NSISp o ! / jBBf <sfe ' ' JMX/M W/fA- 0M c -T 4ftr Af T/SW COSTUMES FOR SCHOOL GIRLS GOOD SOAP S~j hUK is a recipe. absolutely re liable. and all who have tried ] it ha\< pronounced it the best yet: J 1 .von and one-half pounds of R. 'use, melted Let stand until luke warm One can of potash, dissolved !ii one and four-tifths quarts of water. Letstaud untM lukewarm. Two heap ing tablespoonful: ot borax ami one U;b;e_-noonful o sutrar, dissolved in Uif pre.- One-half a cup ol an n.ouia nuj be stirred into the n.xiui. before it is done, but really 1 do not thick it improves the soap the lea.*t. When both the lye ana the s > lukewarm begin to pour the lye Into ihe grease in a fine stream. Sir ccusiarttly. After it is all in sti: gently for about 10 minutes until the Mixture is about the consistency of honey. ■lust before It is turned out one-half s i o :uce of citronella added will »e;->nt the soap if desired. Four at once into a large pan lined v. <h heavy brown paper. Out before It s cold. After it ha- 1 stood three or four L jrs remove iiie taper aud pu aw..v to dry for about a week. h .* amount nukes l."> pounds and w:il !;st an ordinary family until eloign grease is collected to make another batch. ("autior if the srease and l\e are too warm .• layer of grease will form c op of the soap, but this may be r T.IO' nl and the soap underneath v.ill be all ripht. Be sure and pour the lye into the SI-err e. rn! otherwise A little extra s: rring will mak? the soap harden iiuk.i ■. .it do's not otherwise im prove it yK[TCiIjN Cse a quart of tomatoes and Vail in ! l quart of water, seasoned with salt, pepper, a half onion, and a half tea spoonful of dried parsley and as much celery salt. When almost done add a half cupful of boiled rice, and th n if necessary with boiling water. The rice and tomato combination is de licious. but the rice must be cooked alone to prevet.t scorching. Kidney Stew. Cut a beef kidney in slices. Pour over it boiling water to cover. Cook till tender. Four off that water and add more with a little onion, cut tine, pepper, a dash of sage and a piece of butter. When thd onion is cooked turn off the sauce and add to it one teaspoon of flour. it boil five minutes and pour over the kidney. Serve very hot. Reef Omelet. Dissolve a saltspoon of beef extract in half cup of hot water, and stir into it. half cup of the crusts of whole bread, rolled fine. Let them soak over the tea kettle, while you beat the yolks and whites of two sgS3. Stir the soaked crumbs Into the yolks! add a dash of spit and pepper, then stir the whites in lightly. Cook in a hot, buttered omelet pan. Foli and • inv«rt on a hot dish. Oam'sh with jiarsley. Baked liana nas. Remove the skin from the bananas c ut them lengthwise ia halves and arrange at the bottom of a bak ing dish close together. Sprinkle t them well with fine sugar, and a few tiny lumps of butter, and perhaps, if your taste admits it, a grating or two of nutmeg. Then bake in a moderate oven for "o minutes. By this time the bananas should be well glazed. Take them up and pour over them before serving any of the liquor left in the baking pan. Sour Milk Hread. Scald sour milk (about one'and one half quarts > and strain through a fine s'eve; just use the water, not the curd; soak one yeast cake in one half cupful of warm water at noon, then a del to that one tablespoonful of flour; let stand until night; then heat one-half of your whey (save the rest to add in the morning), add yeast and flour to make thick batter; let stand over night; In the morning add ro,i of whey (h?ated), one tablespoonful ' of lard, and one of salt and sugar; mix stiff; let raise one hour and put In pans. Is splendid. BY MRS. McCCNE. Ip3j IMPLICITY is the keynote of the fashions for school children. The long straight lines are ideal for the grace of school girlhood. Serge is the favorite material and blue the approved color, with dark green and brown, and dark shades of red not lacking in popularity. Many quaint and original little frocks are evolved by a combination of dull toned Roman stripped and plaid fab rics with the plain serge, and a pench ant for gold and silver buttons prom ises to bring gleams of brightness into the dark depths of an examination day. One particularly artistic model of the plain and striped combinations Is of dark blue serge with a sleeveless tunic of Roman striped gabardine fall , ing in a straight line from the neck to just above the knee. The tunic is bound with black braid j frogs of the same and two rows of brass bullet buttons across the breast. A little rolling white collar is of i plain white linen and a black patent leather belt confines the hips. Another model is of plain blue serge, i hanging straight from the white col j lared neck to the knees and buttoned all the way with round buttons of sil i ver. The long plain sleeves have a row of buttons four deep over the wrist. It has a plain biuo serge girdle and the underskirt is of dull plaid A smock frock of dark blue serge j and blue taffeta has an accordion plalt- ; ed skirt of the serge with the loose smock waist of the taffeta belted and finished around the bottom with a hand |of serge. The collar and cuffs are of white linen. CARE OF CURTAINS BY MRS. KINGSLEY. S the tlusi of summer has cov-1 'H* *1 ered the window curtains it is i •=s=i quite necessary they should | be clraned in the fall. Before wetting the curtains for j washing take their exact size with a j ' tape measure so as not to stretch tbem ' too much later, then shake them om i of doors in order to remove all the dirt possible. Soak the curtains over night in a ' suds of castile soap and tepid water, j i and place near the Are so that the! warmth will aid in the cleansing | process. It is even bolter o soak the | curtains during the dn>. so that (So ) water in which the> are soaking cau > ' changed as often as it becomes soil- After the soaking process do not rub j the curtains, but knead and squeeze I | them, later boiling them for a few j i minutes. Rinse and blue if they are white cur- j tains. For those of cream color rinse in ! j water colored with tea: if a deeper j ( ecru rinse in coffee water: and if very ! f deep, like the Egyptian shade, dip in | saffron and water. The curtains should next be run ; ! through a wringer and dipped in boil ed starch of medium consistency. Adjust the curtain stretcher to the I size of ihe curtain measurement taken i before washing, and pin ihe curtain edges to it. These wooden curtain sirotchers. 1 made with adjustable pins, can be ! bought in any department store. j i If you do not own a curtain stretch er you can measure out the disiance i JTMj FT ICR u fish course, rinse the |P*w dishes off in cold water, let iUMI them stand for a quarter of an hour in the dishpan tilled with cold water, then drain off this j water and wash as usual in hot water, j ,in which a tablespoon or two of ' household ammonia has been poured, i And tlic "scent of the fish will not j hang round them still." ffTTJj HK house dog can be given J 8 3 fresh n!r and exercise best in , [a&Jll tjje following manner without ( watching him: P.rocure a 50-; foot piece of galvanizod wire, on this slip a two-inch :ron harness ring. Fasten the wire the length of the | yard, passage way or on the boarded 1 roof, n'oow six feet from the floor or j ground 'f used in tho yard. Then tie | a piece of :oj;<' eight feet long to the . ring with a snap at one end to be j snapped on to the dog's collar. He is i then at liberty to race along the j j length of the wire, getting more ex- j ercise than if tied to one spot. jrrrjl HEX -window shades begin to j IV Jl look Bhab ' j y ar °und the bot-1 lIUJI torn. It is not necessary to j throw them away. The | curta.'n should be taken off the roller j and the hem In tho bottom ripped out. ; Tho curtain should then be put back on the roller with the worn edge at the top, that 18, neareat the roller, ! and the other edgo should be neatly | hemmed and fitted up with a stick. There are a great maay windows In I evwy homo where the curtains are never pulled all the way down to tho bottom, and the worn part in this caae will hardly ever show. If this lon a sheet and pin the curtains to it. I drying them either on the floor or | lawn. i Several curtains may be put on the | stretcher at the same time if laid flat, j one over the oilier. If the curtains become r. little dry ' before they are pinned they should be sprinkled again. for the edges do not dry well unless the curtain is uniform- I ly wet. 1 By keeping ihe curtains folded dur ing the entire process of washing the net is protected from being torn. In taking curtains oft Ihe stretchers do not pull them, but lift the edges carefully from each adjustable pin. so 1 'hat they will not ruffle. Sometimes the border, or lace insert, needs pressing. If so, first dampen it, then cover with a cloth and iron on the wrong side. Always inend the small holes in your lace curtain before i is washed. If a curtain has large holes they should he mended after the curtain has been washed and on the stretcher. Trim the edges of the hole to be patched. Take a piece of old lace curtain, or a section from the one you are patching, cold-starch the patch and press it over the hole with a hot iron. Perhaps t lie curtain has at some time brushed against a newly painted window sill. These paint stains can be removed 1 with turpentine if they are fresh. In case they are old, turpentine and chloroform can be used, and the stain ! blotted out with a piece of blotting paper. | plan is not practicable the worn por- • | tion of the curtain may be cut off and i J thrown away and the other part may | I be kept for making the curtain for , ; some smaller window when the cur- > | tain on that window may wear out. t ! ipTBl OAK clothes in cold water one ' fetal hour; longer if convenient.! For an ordinary wash put I two cups of grated soap, two • j tablespoons of turpentine into a tub ! i and half fill with boiling water, stir I i until soap is dissolved; now wring' the clothes from cold water into hot ■ suds, punch them down and have i water enough to just cover; soak one | ; hour, then rub out, putting them into I ! a tub of hot water, and lastly into ! | bluing water The clothes will b.=> j very white, and even much stained ' i petticoats and kitchen towels require i 1 j very slight rubbing. ! I: rT*J- ARM t boras water applied to i I''l the scalp will remove dan- i 1 ' I—*| druff. ' j Cold water makes the eyea I' I look bright and keeps them strong ! 1 j Rice has a finer flavor if washed ! ' in hot water Instead of cold before ; ' I cooking, j j Tooth brushes should be washed in I avroug salt wator. | A fever patient car. bo made cool < 1 and comfortablo by frequent sponging i i with water In which a Jtttlo soda has i been dissolved, ■, Sun purifies and whitens blankets' 1 they should be frequently hung out in the sunshine, j' Consumptive night sweats raav bo I« arrested by sponging the body before < retiring to rest with salt and water. < j FANCY WORK HY EDNA EGAN. I [RSI OMETHING new in the way of I MI fancy work is the adapting to I \3ssfi modern uses of the quaint, geometrical designs in applied | colored cottons which appeared in the j bed quilts of a century ago. I Pillow tops, table covers, curtains. I lamp and candle shades and insets for trays nnd baskets are all available for this style of decoration. The work when used 1n this way re quires no quilting, the designs being cut from the colored cottons and felled with tiny stitches to the foundation mnterial. The use of an embroidery hoop in j aures better results, but much of the j work is held in the hand like any otli- I'er ordinary piece of sewing. Showy floral designs are the favor- I ite choice for this work, partly because jof the beauty of the colorings and i partly because It is possible to gain i good effects with conventionalized ! {lowers. j Tulips, morning glories, wild roses I and hollyhocks are particularly well | suited to reproduction in this applique I fashion and ferns and leaves are ef fective, carried out in several shades jof green. Bunches of grapes, cherries i and plums arc also good, cottons of the j correct color being chosen to carry I out the natural effect, i Wallpaper designs and handsome j cretonnes give many appropriate pat ! terns for this style of work and also i desirable color schemes. Each bit of the design must be cut j out, with a narrow margin allowed for turning in. The best way is to cut a j cardboard pal tern of the flowers and i leaves required. This is then laid on (the colored material and the outline j marked with lead pencil. I By cutting a little beyond Ihe line, 'there will be sufficient to turn under land baste. The design is then caught | lightly to the foundation rnd, when ar i ranged to the best advantage, is felled | neatly, the stitches being not only ' small but of such a slant as to he al- I most hidden under the edge of the ■ applied design. i French chanibrays come In lovely shadings for this work as their two | toned effect gives a natural coloring ; when used for flowers and foliage. 1 An oval design of morning glories ; to be inset under glass for a br-sik j fast tray shows the blossoms in pale i pink, blue and lavender with the leaves i in several shades of green. A wreath, of ivy leaves was the de : sign chosen for the inset cf a circular basket of dull green wicker. ! The ivy leaf is one of the besl out i lines for the beginner, as there are no | sharp cdrners to turn and by choosing ; dark green for the large leaves and pale green for the small ones variety of coloring can be gained without the introduction of flowers or iruit. The background in all cases should ibe firmly woven linen crash resem i bling the old fashioned homespun on i which this work was originally done. A pair of portieres was recently ex • hibited showing a dignified row of hol lyhocks rising from the lower edge of i the crash curtains to a hefght of over I a half yard. The stems were half inch i strips of dull green chambray and the ! blossoms and buds varied in shadings , from pale pink 10 dull rod. ICE CREAM BY LUCILE DAI'DET. MHE secret of making good ice cream lies just as much in th« freezing as in the assembling of pure materials," according to an instructor in ice cream making. For one gallon of ice cream he ad vises the use of three quarts of me dium rich cream, one pound of sugar and a little vanilla or other good fla voring. Other ingredients are not necessary, although often added ac cording to taste. Put the mixture into the freezer, add the ice and salt in the proportion of one part of coarse salt to five parts of finely crushed ice. Then turn the handle slowly for about five minutes in order that the cream may become perfectly cold. Then turn the crank as fast as possi ble. In five more minutes the cream will be about the consistency of thick gravy. When it Is in this semi-frozen con dition the dasher should be taken out and the ice cream hardened by drain ing the freezer and repacking with fresh salt and ice. A wet pack placed over the freezer to exclude the air will hasten the hardening. In an hour the ice cream should txs well hardened and it will be perfectly smooth, while if the crank is turned until the mixture 1B hard the Ice cream will be coarse and buttery. If desired, crushed fruit, sugared to taste, nuts, cake crumbs or other del icacy may be mixed into the ice cream with a spoon after the freezer is stopped and then set. away to harden. Buttermilk and skim milk may bo made into cheap, delicious sherbets by utilizing the ordinary cream freezer. A good formula is three quarts of buttermilk or skim milk, one to two pounds of sugar, one-half pint of orange or grape Juice, or one-fourth pint of lemon juice. Freeze according to the foregoing directions, and when nearly done add the fruit Juice. Finish freezing and set aside to harden as be fore. It requires a much colder tempera ture to freeze such a mixture than in the case of pure ice cream. Three quarts of water and the whites of six eggs may be substituted for the milk. A water ice may be made as follcwr . Two quarts of fruit juice, one quart of water, one ounce of gelatin, sweeten to mote. Freeze Into nearly solid con dition and serve at once.
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