THE WEATHER FAIK TO NIGHT AND TO MORROW Detailed Report. Pagr I A ?.','s^ KD VOL. 76 —NO. 125. ALLIES CONTINUE TO ADVANCE NORTH AND EAST OF YPRES, IS FRENCH REPORT Their Positions Everywhere Maintained While It Is Said the German Attacks Between Nieuport and Arras Are Less Violent--Reported That Allied Forces Have Captured Thourout After it Had Been Occupied by Large Force of Germans From Bruges---Jap Steamer Sunk by German Cruiser Emden By Associated Prexs. Paris, Oct. 28, 2.43 P. M.—The French official an nouncement issued this afternoon says that yesterday the German attacks between Nieuport and Arras were less violent. The French positions everywhere were main tained and French forces continued to advance to the north and to the east of Ypres. The text of the communication follows: "During the day of yesterday the German attack in all the region between Nieuport and Arras were less violent. Our positions were everywhere maintained and we con tinued to advance to the north and to the east of Ypres. We also made some progress between Cambrin, to the Southwest of La Bassee, and Arras. "Further information continues to confirm previous reports that the German losses in dead, wounded and pris oners have been considerable in the northern region. "On the right bank of tly? Aisne the Germans at tempted at night a very violent offensive movement in the region of Craonne. On the heights of the highway Des Dames they have been repulsed. "In the Woevre district our troops have continued their advance in the forests between Oprimont and St. Mihiel. as well as in the forest of Le Pretre. "In Russia, to the south of Warsaw, the fighting ex tends from Rawa to the junction of the river Ilza with the Vistula on a front 100 kilometres (62 miles) long. In the region to the north of Rawa the Russians have inflicted heavy losses on the Germans. There has been furious fighting in the forests between Kozienica and Radom. "In G-alicia the Russians are making progress. To the south of Sambor, in the narrow valley of the Podbuj, they surrounded the Thirty-eighth division of the Hungarian honved, together with detachments from the landsturm and destroyed them completely, capturing twenty pieces of artillery and a quantity of war material. "In East Prussia partial attempts at a counter offensive movement on the part of the Germans resulted in failure." ALLIES CAPTURE THOUROUT London, Oct. 28, 1.50 A. M.—The "Daily Telegraph's" correspondent on the Dutch frontier reports that the allies captured Thourout Monday after it had been occupied by a large force of Germans from Bruges. The allied forces, according to the correspondent, re mained hidden while the Germans entered the town and then fell upon them suddenly and by a swift attack drove them out. The Germans, it is added, left hundreds of dead or wounded behind them. I SMALL JAP STEAMER SUNK London, Oct. 28, 7.42 A. M.—The German cruiser Em den sunk the small Japanese steamer Kamegasaki-Maru while the latter was proceeding to Singapore, according to a "Central News" dispatch from Berlin by way of Amsterdam. I In the marine records the steamer is given as beiftg of only 138 tons burden. She is owned in Nagasaki. The great battle for possession of the strip of coast! running along the North Sea from Ostend to Calais is said! by the French to be swinging slowly in favor of the allied! forces. The assaults of countless German troops lias ap-j parentlv attained the height of human effort, were matched with equal courage and ferocity, and to-dav the offensive 1 efforts of the Germans were said to be relaxing. For the third successive day the French official statement asserted i the advantage lay with the allies. It is noticeable, however, that the French claims in ! each instance have been vague and bare of detail as to the capture of towns or localities which may be sent down I on the map as marking a definite advance at.any point.j "Progress," "advances," or "gains" are reported at various sections of the line not closely indicated. From unoffeial report from the front it is inferred that in the Coatlanrd «■ Flftrroth Pane. Stye Iwkpetikwt HARRISBURG, PA.. WEDNESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 28, 1914—16 PAGES. FIRE OF BRITISH WARSHIPS REDUCES COAST VILLftCES London, Oct. 28, 5.35 A. M.—An ; Amsterdam dispatch to the Reuters | Telegram Company says: "The 'Handelsblaad' learns from ! Sluis, Netherlands, that there is no i change on the battle frout between : Nieuport and Dixmude. Heavy fighting I continues. Tramway communications with Ostend is still stopped. "A dispatch from Vienna denies j rumors that Emperor Francis Joseph is j ill. On the contrary it says he is in ! the best of health and dispatching all ■ state affairs." The "Times" correspondent in Bel ] gium wires the following: "Observation from a captive balloon | has revealed how effective has been the I tiro ot' the British warships on Ostend, Middlekerke. Lombaertzyde and other coast villages. Not a single wall re mains standing in the villages of West Kerke, Slype and Novje. Several other | villages are also in ruins. All this dam | age was caused by the artillery of the | British ships." GERMAN CASUALTIES SAID ! TO BE 45,000 AT DIXMUDE i , London, Oct. 28, 7.55 A. M.—A dis patch to the "Daily Mail" from Flush , ing, Holland, savs:' ' "Several mines have been washed i ashore along the coast below Ostend. I "The Germans have fallen back , slightly from Westeud. They are put ting the coast from Ostend "to Knocke in a state of defense. At Ostend prep arations are being made to place mines at the harbor entrance. "The German losses on the Nieu port-Dixmude line are estimated at 16,- 000 killed and 30,000 wounded. Dur ing Saturday 100 vehicles loaded with wounded soldiers passed through Os tend. ''The Germans have commandeered a large quantity df lumber at Bruges for use in building a giant airship shed." j FRENCH LOSSES AGGREG \TF. 40,000 AT TOIL AM) VERDI X Berlin. Oct. 28 (by Wireless to Say j j vile). —Swisa newsfitfierw report Dm | since the capture by the Germans of. J Camp Des Komains the French losses , j in the battle line between Toul and ! ; Verdun have been more than 40,000 J men. The Fren h officers, according to j statements in these newspapers, com- ' • plain of the inferior quality of the new j , Flinch troops CREW ANN SHIP ARE LOST AS THE LATTER VTUIkES A MINE j ljondon. Oct. 2S. 3.15 A. M. A Dutch trawler reports that the Lugger i Vlaardingen struck a mine, 40 miles, north of Ymuiden, a seaport of Hoi land, according to an Amsterdam dis | patch to the Reuters Telegram Com j puny. The crew and ship were lost. WAGON STOPS RUNAWAY Bogar Team Crashes Into Ice Wagon at Second and Walnut i A double horse team of the Bogar Lumber Company, became frightened at I Second and South streets at 10.30 i o'clock this morning and ran down Sec-I ■ °nd street, stopping at Walnut street when the horses ran into a United Ice and Coal Company wagon at that cor ner. The tongue of the Bogar wagon pierced the side of the ice wagon and one of the Bogar horses fell under the ice wagon. One of the posts on th e awn- i jing in front of the store of John Rose I was snapped ofi'. Thomas Pancake, driver of the Bo | gar team, was not on the wagon when I 1 the horses started. The driver of the 1 ice wagon was not injured. ( LEANING LP RIVER RANK Force of Park Department Employes Gets on the Job To-day I Work of cleaning up the river bank, i | between Iron alley and Market street. ' was begun to-day by a force of Park I | Dejartment employes at the direction !of Commissioner Taylor. William I j Paget, formerly an inspector connected with the Board of Public Works, is su -1 perintending the work. The holes and gullies will be filled,! some grading will be done, the edges j will be rounded and all refuse removed. I ; The work will be carried on until the 1 entire river front has been overhauled. 1 This will likely require several weeks. . COLD WAVE IS BROKEN Depression From Lakes Will Cause Higher Temperatures The high pressure area which brought' to Harrisburg the first freezing tem-i perature of the season, has been broken up by a depression from the lake re gion and temperatures will rise as a result. E. R. Demain, local weather forecaster, fixed to-night's minimum; mark at 42 degrees. Lowest last night was 33 degrees, one degree higher thati the previous night. No precipitation is likely to re sult from this newest depression. WILL SEEK SOUTH lEIJUDE Chamber of Commerce Will Take Lead in Plan to Market Local 1 Products There | BIG CONFERENCE BEING PLANNED Secretary Redfield and Other Speakers of National Prominence Will Be Invited to Address Meeting Here Some Time Next Month __ \ A South American trade extension >jconference will be held in Harrisburg ; : next month under the auspices of the ; Chamber of Commerce, if plans now be iug formed bv the executive committee • of that body are carried to completion. To this conference will be invited members of commercial bodies in Ceu j tral Pennsylvania, together with manu | faeturers of products of which sales t can be made in South America. All I boards of trad* and chambers of com | merce in this section, as far south as ' northern Maryland, will receive invita tions. Henderson Gilbert, president of the Harrisburg Chamber, said this morning i | the movement will be organized on an elaborate scale, principally for the edu ; cation of local, as well as nearby, firms • that desire to establish trade relations ' j with South America. i "There are many firms," said Presi dent Gilbert, "that now export to Eu j rope, but tluU are not acquainted with South American conditions, and the re sult of the conference will be to show them how to opin up this market, which has become America's own since trade j has practically stopped in Kurope on ac count of the war." Speakers of national reputation in , this particular line of work will be ob : tained for the H.irrisburg conference, t hamber of Commerce officials now are | after a representative of the North j American Bank, which has established j a branch in South America, and from the Pan-American Union. Secretary of Commerce and Labor Redfield, a recog nized expert on export trade, will be invited. No definite time or place has been selected for the meetings. Final ar ! r&ngements have been postponed until ! it is definitely known when the speak ers can come to Harrisburg. It is ex pected, however, that the conference can take place some time during the second or thira week in November. Arrangement? are in charge of the executive committee of the Chamber of ; Commerce, whicli includes, besides | President Gilbert. George F. Watt. Ed ' ward S. Herman, Donald McCormick ; and David Kaufman. 9 BOYS NOW ACCUSED OF | ROBBERIES With Arrests of Three More To-day Police Have Whole Gang of House-Breakers 13 BUILDINGS WERE LOOTED Included Were the Homes of Miss Fan- i «ie Eby, D. D. Hammelbaugh and Henderson Gilbert—Much of the Plunder Recovered After the arrest this morning of ' 'three boys, under sixteen years old, j i City Detective Ibach said he believes he has cleared up the mysteries of thir- j , teen different robberies. Among the i homes looted were those of Miss Fan nie Eby, sister of the late Maurice C. j Eby, former Mayor of Harrisburg, at Third and Maclav streets; D. D. Ham- i nielbaugh, Second and Reily streets, | secretary of the School Board; Hender- '■ son Gilbert, Second and Harris streets, | ; president of the Chamber of Commerce, | and the City Boat House, Front and j ! Seneca streets. Nine boys are now un- i der arrest, none of whom was respon-' j sible for all of the robberies, but all] i alleged to be Connected with the same ! j crowd, so that the arrest of one led ' : to the seizure of others. The robberies date from July when the boat house was entered, to a few days ago when the clothing store of A. Continued »■ Second I'age. FLAMES TWICE ATTACK HABERSTOWN CAUSING PROPERTY LOSS OF $400,000 MISS DUEHLER DESCRIBES BEINC MAROONED ABROAD One of Party of Harrisburg Young Women Who Have Just Returned From War Zone Tells of Difficulty of Getting Passage Home j Miss Martha M. Buehler arrived at I her home, 232 North Second street last I evening from New York, where with j Miss Mary Robinson, Miss MargarCtta Fleming and Miss Susanna Fleming, she landed Sunday on the steamship "Rot terdam, '' from Europe, where the party were marooned for many weeks as a re sult of the war. In telling of her trip home and her stay in Berlin after war was declared, Miss Buehler said: "We really had a very uneventful voyage home, notwithstanding the fact that the boat was very much over crowded. Our sleeping accommodations were very comfortable, the meals fair and the service was not as bad as might be expected under such condi tions. "We were in Norway when war rumors were first circulated and on July 23, went to Berlin where we staid until our partv could secure passage home. We made no attempt to leave in the first rush simply because there were so many panic-stricken tourists who wanted to leave on the first boats, and students and school teachers who were eager to get back before their schools opened. So our party waited until a later date. "Naturally our stay in Berlin was a wonderful experience," because the sit- Continued on Second I'age. PENROSE SPiKS TO-NIGHT Senator Will Address Republican Mass Meeting in the Chestnut Street Hall at 8 O'clock I Elaborate arrangements arc being j made by the Dauphin County Republi- I cans for what they predict will be a j great mass meeting in Chestnut street I hall to-night, when Senator Boies Pen ! rose will make his first speech iu Har i risbufg during the campaign. Senurttr j Penrose is expected to arrive in Har risburg late this afternoon. The plan ! was for County Chairman Hoerner, City | Chairman Oves and a committee front ! the Dauphin County Republican League i to escort him to the Senate Hotel. The meeting to-night in Vhestnut ; street hall will be opened at 8 o'clock, and Governor Tener will be the presid I ing officer, with a large list of vice [ presidents including prominent Republi -1 cans of Dauphin county. The Governor will introduce Senator Penrose. Other speakers of the evening will be W. I. Swope, of Clearfield: Thomas S. Crago, candidate for Congressman-at-large, and Congressman IvreiJer. Previous to the meeting the Harris burg Republican Club will form in liue in front of its headquarters on Second street, above Market Square, and march to the upper end of the city to meet the West End Republican Club and the Harrisburg Colored Republican Club. The procession will march down Third to the hall. The Commonwealth and Colonial bands havij been engaged to furnish music. An effort is being made to have Dr. Martin G. Brumbaugh, candidate for Governor, come her e on a late train aft er he has made his address at a meet ing in Lancaster, but it was not cer tain that Dr. Brumbaugh will be here. A special train will bo at the Lancaster station to bring him to Harrisburg if arrangements can be made to get him after the Lancaster meeting. BRUMBAUGH HERE TO-MORROW Will Speak in Steelton and Other Parts of Dauphin County Dr. Martin G. Brumbaugh, Repub lican candidate for Governor, will to morrow make a campaigning tour of the lower end of Dauphin county, ! speaking at a number of places. The Brumbaugh party will leave Harrisburg in automobiles shortly aft er 8 o'clock- in the morning and will make the first stop in Steelton where 1 extensive preparations have been made to give the candidates a reception and "glad hand" greeting. Thence they will proceed down through the county, arriving at Her shey at noon for a big meeting. From Hershey the party will go to towns north and west, and wind up at Pen brook at 3 o'clock. From Penbrook the party will come direct to Harrisburg, where Dr. Brumbaugh will take the : train for Philadelphia at 3.25 o'clock. PALMER HERE ON SATURDAY He and McCormick WiU Address Meet ing in Chestnut Street Hall The Democratic State candidates will be in Harrisburg on Saturday night, j after a whirlwind trip up the Cumber- | land Valley, beginning at Chambers- ' burg on Saturday morning and stopping ' at all of the principal towns. The Palmer-McCormick party will reach Harrisburg in the evening and will be welcomed at a mass meeting in Chestnut street hall, where speeches will be made by Congressman Palmer, Vance C. McCormick and others. Mr. McCormick is said to have de veloped greatly as an orator since he last spoke here. Big Antietam Adjoining Buildings, Is Wiped Out Early This Morning and Seventy-five Costly Autos Are Destroyed—Fire Soon Afterward Discovered in the Baldwin House Which Is Ruined Throug Hundred Guests in the Citys S Hotel (Special to the Star-Independent.) Hagerstown. Md., Oct. 28.—This city was visited early to-day by two fires, the most destructive in its his tory, causing losses estimated at more than $400,000. The Sherley building, on South Jona than street, in which was located the Antietam automobile garage, was to tally destroyed, aiul soon afterward the Baldwin hotel, two blocks away, on West Washington street, the second largest hotel in the city, was com pletely wrecked Seventy-five automo biles were burned when the big garage went down. The loss on the hotel and contents is estimated at $200,000; to the garage, fclte buildings nearby aud the automo biles, $175,000, and to the Sherley building proper, $.'!0.000. A hundred or more guests quartered in the Baldwin hotel were driven from the hostelry. All escaped injury be cause they had been awakened earlier by the alarm spread when the garage took lire. The Baldwin hotel site is two blocks distant from the Antietam garage. The hotel was discovered to be on fire while the firemen were endeavoring to save the Sherley building anil garage. The fire in the Sherley building originated in the garage and was due, it is said, to a smoker carelessly throwing a lighted match on the lloor at a spot soaked with gasoline. Fire Companies Burned Out When the alarm was sounded for the hotel fire it was at first thought that the big hostelry had become ablaze from burning embers carried from the garage by the high winds. The fire men, however, say the blaze started in the kitchen of the hotel. Although the Baldwin House was not burned to tile THREE TESTIFYFOR SEIFERB Alleged Clairvoyant in $12,000 Will Fight Will Likely Take the Stand To-morrow Harrison Seiferd, allege,! clairvoyant and spiritualist, whose right to share in the $12,000 estate of the late Mrs. Martha Adams is being questioned by other Adams heirs in proceedings be fore Roy C. Danner, Register of Wills, to day opened his side of the case. Three witnesses, long acquaintances of Mrs. Adams, were examined on the question of whether the deceased had" "testamentary capacity" at the time the will was drawn—whether she was capable of disposing of her property as she desired. All the witnesses declared it is their belief that she had that ability. Be fore .John C. Nissley, who was Mrs.' Adams' legal adviser, was called to the stand as the first witness, Seiferd's counsel, John Fox Weiss, moved to have stricken from the Register's rec ord all testimony that did not deal di rectly with the physical and mental condition of Mrs. Adams at the time the will was framed. The motion was' overruled. Mr. Weiss moved also to quash the proceedings and to have the Adams' will admitted to probate. The Register reserved his decision and directed Sei ferd to call his witnesses. It was said this morning that Seiferd will probably go on the stand to-morrow as the last witness. It was learned to-day that in the event of the Register sustaining the mo tion to quash the proceedings and ad mit the will to probate, an appeal will be taken to the orphans' court by the contesting heirs. Caught in Wheel; Fatally Hurt (Special to the Star-Independent.) Waynesboro, Oct. 28. —While return ing home from a fishing trip along the Conococheague creek, near Greencastle, Thomas Wier was caught in a wagon wheel and was fatally injured. He died soon after being admitted to the Chani bersiburg hospital. POSTSCRIPT | J PRICE, ONE CENT ground it is completely wrecked and will have to be rebuilt in its entirety. Insurance carried on the burned buildings and automobiles will offset sixty per cent, of the total losses, sn the owners said. The majority of the autos in the garage were stored their bv individual owners. Only two ma chines were gotten out. The strong winds hampered the work of the flic men. Two of Hagerstown's firo companies had quarters in the Antietam hall, ad joining the garage, and had it not been for that fact, a circumstance which made it possible to begin lighting the flames within a few moments after the alarm was struck shortly after mid night, it is believed that it would have been impossible to confine the flames to the limits to which they were conflnod. The tipper floors of Antietam ball were the quarters of Company 8., of the First Regiment, Maryland National Guards. Owned by the Hamilton Estate Adjoining the destroyed hotel is the Academy of Music and although building Escaped the flames, its ,•011 tent* were 'lined by water. F'j.&ier '.'ysnator iiarry E. Baker, manager of the destroyed garage, this morning said it is impossible to fix the exact loss an that property and con tents. ile said it may reach $200,00(1. The hotel was owned by the estate of the lute Governor William T. Ham ilton. It was managed by Charles W Boyer, who also is the manager of tin l Academy of Music. 80 far as could l> ■ learned 110 firemen were seriously in jured. The .Sherley building, the seat of tit • first blaze, quartered the garage 011 tin first floor, the Cumberland Valley B , Company 011 the second; Mendoll liio li ers clothing establishment 011 the third and a skating rink on the fourth floor. The wholesale grocery house of .1 W. Myers & Company anil the po-dof lice building adjoining the hall and gar ago were slightly damaged both by fire and water. [STAND BY MIR PASTOF 1 Congregation Want to Retain ttc Rev Mr. MacDannald, Whom Elder ship Reprimanded (Special to the Staivlndependeiit.) Shippensburg, Pa., Oct. 28.—A con gregational meeting was held last nighi by the Shippensburg Church of God. at which the standing committee of the , East Pennsylvania Eldership of the < hurches of God, composed of the Rev. Dr. S. 0. Vahn, editor of tlie "Church Advocate,'' chairman; the Rev. 0. 11. Grove, pastor of Green Street Church of God, of If.irrisburg, aud the Rev. C. F. Reitzel. of Auburn, were present by request. The meeting was called to discuss the desire of certain members of the congregation to retain the present pas tor, the Rev. I. A. MacDannald, whom the stationing committee of the Elder ship recently assigned to a charge in Chambersburg. After heated argument the standing committee was requested to arrange matters so as to permit the Rev. Mr. MacDannald to remain as the pastor oi the Shippensburg church. In order to make room for the retention of Mr. MacDannald the congregation decided to ask for the resignation of the Rev. H I). Boughter, who was last year tin pastor of the First Altoona Church of God and vvlic was assigned to the Ship pensburg chur< h. The only reason the Shippensburg church had for asking for the resigna tion of Mr. Boughter was so that it "may have the opportunity to retain Mr. MacDannald and thus show its loyalty to the latter clergyman, who was charged with libel and hypocrisy before the Eldership when it met two years ago anil again in the recent meeting of the Eldership in Lancaster, when Mr. MacDannald was reprimanded. Raises Big Loan in London Ottawa, Oct.. 28. —It was reported here to-day that the Canadian ,North ern Railway had succeeded in raising in London $15,000,000 of the amount guaranteed by the government for its line, notwithstanding the European war.