The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, October 27, 1914, Page 8, Image 8

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O. A. Marsh and Family Take Auto
Tnp to Philadelphia
■ Special Correspondence.
Fisherville, Oct. 27. —Mrs. James
Xoviuger ami daughter, Edna, of Pen
brook. visited here for several days last
Mrs. Bernheisel, of Harrisburg. vis
ited her sister, Mrs. S. J. Zearing.
C. M. Bowermau transacted business
at Lykens, the latter part of last week.
H. W. Snyder, of Eliza bethville. was
a business caller iu town recently.
C. A. Marsh and family motored to
Philadelphia last week and spent a
few days there.
Earl Paul and family, ot Lvkens,
spent a few days here with Mrs. Paul s
parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Noblit.
Charles R. Tirbias and Miss Clara
Acker, of Halifax township, were mar
ried last week at the Lutheran parson
age by the Rev. .1. P. Stabley.
E. Gear, who lived a tew miles
west of town, moved bis family and
household goods to Williamsport last
Mrs. Bradford, of Philadelphia, was
spending several days here a! the home
of C. A Marsh.
David 0. Bixler and brother. Pred.
and Charles Henningar and sister,
Mary, motored to Lykens last Satur
Jerome Enders and Mrs. P. P. Keiter
and Mis>"> Esther l.entz and Edna
Pile, motored to Harrisburg la-t Fri
The Rev. A. M. an 1 Mrs. Stamets.
and the !!ev. Thomas and Mrs. Reiseh,
of Harrisburg. were town callers last
Services in the Lutheran churches
for Sunday are a- follows: Preaching
in town a; 10 a. in.: Kntcrline at 2 p. |
ni. by the pastor, the Rev. .T. P. Stab
Dr. M. 1). and Mrs. Lehr. and son.
of Lykens were in town on Sunday.
Or Shaffer, of Eliv.a'oethville. was in
town on business on Sunday.
Number of Residents Take Excursion
to Washington
Sp<-> ;• 1 Ci'r: cs^ontleT)''.'.
Millerstown. Oct. 27. W. F. Rouu
sley and family, of I'enbrook. spent
Sundav with hi- parents. Mr. and Mrs.
William Rounsley.
Mr. and Mrs. Wiiiiam Brown, of
were recent visitors at
the home of l>. L. Farner.
VV. H. Neal, ot Altoolia. spent Sun
4a> with Mr. an I Mrs. Jerome Jone«.
W. D. Boiiinger ita> gone to Wash
ington. to. a several uays' visit.
M:«. Sarah Stouffer. of Sunbury.
spent the past wet's with her siste,
Mrs. W iam Marshall.
A number o' persons from this place
took advantage of the excursion to'
Wa-iiliigton on Sunday.
Miss Anna Matter, of Loyalton. Enter
tained by Aunt
Sp ■ ('orresp r *ndenctr.
Wi.-onisc< Oct. 27.—Miss Auna
Matte:. of Loyal ton, was the guest of
l e aunt. Mrs A. A. Dodd, last week.i
Koy Acaley spent ;lie week-end with .
:'r in's at HarrVourg.
W alte: Zerbe ot' Philadelphia. was
tlu 1 guest of Aha I'. Powell ast woel».
Mr. aud Mrs. Jere Esterline and sous
spent .Sunday at Dalmatia.
Mr. ami M «. Francis Daniels an
iioun.-e the birth of a daughter. Friday,
October 16.
Mrs. i harles Alvard and son-, ot
liiglis. ire, sj" - nt la>: week wit-i rela- <
M s. W. O W ei-: spent Friday iu 1
Mr. and Mis. E. H. West and
•laughter have returned from a visit to
Impressive Services at the Masonic
Home Lsst Sunday
Eli abetlitown. Oct. 27.—Tue re-'
ligious services at the Masoni- Home
were held under the allspices of the
Masoni lodgt from Ephrata last Sun
day. In response to an invitation ex
tended to guests of the home by Per
severance Lodge, F. an.l A. M.. of Uar
risburg. at a recent visit to the home,
tifty of the guests left here vesterdav
for Harrisburg as .the guests of the
lodge, which had provided transport# .
tion for the visitors and a banquet with
:i royal entertainment for the visiting
•brethren in the capital city.
Arrangements have been made here
tu send ■ t lai;.e delegation to Laneas
ter on Wednesday evening to attend
the Republican mass meeting in that
The mi. in be < i> the Borough Coun
cil \ i.-ite 1 Bristol yesterday ;o inspect
th' chemical engine use I by the tire
company in that place. They have al
ready visite.' York and Northumber
land on a similar mission and are anx
ious to gather all the farts concerning
the different engines before purchasing
one for the use of the borough.
Mrs. E. E. Beidlemau. Miss Katha '
line Nisslev Beidleman, Miss Annie E.
N'isslev and Mrs. Si bey Pierce, of Har
risburg. motored to this place and were I
the guests ot Dr. S. R. aud Mrs. Niss- i
ly, Mrs. Beidleman's parents. They:
extended their trip to Marietta, where
they were the guests of Mrs. Beidle
liian's cousin. Mrs. J. L. Brandt, wife!
of Cashier Brandt, of the Ex -hangc 1
bank. On theii return to tow n they j
were icgisteied at the Hotel Oarrett.
Get a 10 Cent Package
of Dr. James' Head- j
ache Powders and
Don't Suffer
W hen your head nicies you simply
must have relief or you will go wild.'
it's needless to suffer when you can
take a remedy like Dr. James* Head
ache Powders and relieve the pain and
neuralgia at once. Send someone to
the drug store now for a dime package
nC Dr. .lame«' Headache Powders.
Don't suffer. In u few 'moments you
will feel fine—headache gone—no more
neuralgia paiu. Adv. j
j The trip w»s made in honor of Miss
j Anna E. Nisgley's birthday anniver
j sarv, who is the aunt of Mrs. Beidle
: man.
Mrs. Irwin E. Doppen, of llarris-
I burg, and Miss Sadie Fisher, of Mid
dletown, were the guests of Dr. 8. B.
and Mrs. Nisslev on Friday. During
! their stay thev visited the Masonic
• Home and were chaperoned through the
I building by Mr. Farley, one of the af
; fable and courteous guides of the in
i stitution. The annual celebration of
! tlalloween will be duly observed by
1 the guests of the home on Mondav even
i ing.
Mr. and Mrs. Fishburn Present Piano
to Daughters
j Special Correspondence.
Linglestown, Oct. 27.—The Women's
I Missionary Society Rally Day. held in
the Fnited Brethren church on Sunday
evening, was largely attended.
Mr. and Mrs. Shell Fishburn last
week agreeably surprised their daugli
ters. the Misses Anua and Caroline, by
presenting them with a new concert
1 piano.
Mr. and Mrs Simou Shirk, of Lower
Paxtou. announce the birth of a son.
C. B. Care was drawn as juryman to
serve at the next common pleas court.
Harry S. Koons. Jr.. shipped twenty
five tine milk cow-s to Philadelphia last
; week.
Prof. P. K. Kerlin, assistant principal
of the New Cumberland 'High school,
on Sunday was the guest of Prof. J. B.
Roger Care, of jfteelton, on Sunday
was the guest of his uncle- C. B. Care.
Mrs. Wilson Feltv and daughter.
Erma, and sou, Nisslev, and Mrs. David
Nisslev spent Sunday with friends at
Mr. and Mis. Charles Rohrer, of Har
| risburg. speii' Sunday at their country
home near the Blue mountains.
Mrs. Elizabeth Balthaser and Miss
Rebecca Mcllhenny spent Saturday an 1
Sunday with friends at Lebanon.
The following guests spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. George M. Hoover
j and Mr. aud M rs. Martin L. Cassel:
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hoover, of Palmy
ra; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Poorman, Mr.
and Mrs. Harvey Bomgardner, of
<3ravel Hill: Mr. and Mrs. William
Blatt. of Harrisburg; Mr. and Mrs.
John Hetrick. of town; Mrs. Mary Mil
ler. of Eiihuu; Misses Olive and Lottie
and Charles Blatt. Jennie Bomgardner,
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Bolton. Mrs. Catli
! arine Bolton. Sallie and Catharine Boi
, ton. Harry Bolton and Charles Cpde
. gruff-
Robert Hoke, of Mount Joy, is spend
ing the week with friends here.
A number of people from town and
vicinity attended the funeral of Mrs.
Daniel Caly. held at Shoop's church jn
Sunday afternoon.
Miss Clara Shirk, of Harrisburg, on
Sunday was the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
William Koons.
Birthday Social Given Jacob S. Lantz
on His Sixty-Seventh Anniversary
Sp al Con espondence
West Fairview, Oct. 27.—1 a ob S.
Lautz was given a birthday so.ial at
his home on Market street, on Sunday,
it iicing the sixty-seventh auuiversar.v
ot ins birth. A tinner was served to
all present who were as follows: Sam
uel Shaffner and the Misses Christie
and Charlotte Floyd, of Highspire:
Frederick Shaffner, of 'l arlisle: lacob
Bauin. William Baum, Theodore Bhuui
and Eugene Baum, of Xew Cumberland;
Jacob S. Lanu. Clarence Shaffer. Mr.
and Mrs. Els worth Eckert and children,
Luther, Frederick, Marv and Martha
; Eckert.
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Sheaslev and
Miss Sari Coisher attended the wed
ding ot Miss Hek'n Leonard, iu West
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wilson were vis
ited by the stork last night who
. brought them u daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Smarsh visited
friends iu Carlisle, Sunday.
James Keiioe is visiting his mother
; in York.
Johu Kime is visiting friends in Co
Miss Grace Jones, of Windsor, w-as
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. O. K. Esh
enauer, Sunday.
Mrs. J. R. Hutchison, of New Cum
berland. visited at the L". B. parson
age. Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Smaiiug and
Miss Lena Kephart, of Harrisburg, vis
ited George Sheaslev.
Miss Sara Coisher visited Miss Flor
ence Keller, of Wormlevsburg, on Sun- !
Stough prayer meetings at M. H.
Garland 's, state Road, and Glenn Rup- •
ley s. Lincoln Row, this evening.
I'uion prayer meeting in the Luth : \
eran church. Wednesday evening, and
the Rev. s. B. Bidiaek, pastor of the 1
Methodist church, will make the ad-|
Methodist Church Holds Interesting
Rally Day Exercises
Special Correspondence.
Dun-annon. Oct. 27.—Prank Kline.'
of Philadelphia, spent the week-end j
with his parents here.
Mrs. Dressier and daughter, Carrie,'
are spending some time with friends in j
Miss Lucy <_aton, of Millersburg. I
spent part of last week with friends i
Miss Ruth Phillips and Miss Marga
ret Hocker have secured emplovment
at Mont Alto.
Rally Day was observed in the
Methodist church Sunday. A very in
teresting program was rendered in the i
morning and in the evening an organ '
recital was given by the organist, Miss
Edna E. Mader, assisted by Miss Ade
lade Schiller, soprano, who is one of our ■
proficient soloists. Miss Mader showed
great skill as an organist before a large
and appreciative audience. The follow
ing program was rendered: Suite Goth
igue. Boellman: The Rosary, Xeviu;
Romanza and Allegretto. Wolstenholme;
"Peace Troubled Heart." Jaxson, Miss!
Schiller; Festival March, Foote: Min-j
uet in G, Beethoven; prayer, Guilmant; j
"O Loving Father." Riego, Miss Schil-1
ler; Nocturne. Miller: March, Ponti-1
Scale, Tombelle.
Miss Elsie Boslie, of Williamsport, is
the guest of the Rev. W. W. and Mrs
William H. Baughman Died From a
Stroke of Paralysis
Special Correspondence
Marysville, Oct. 27.—William H.:
Baughman. .Justice of the Peace of this|
place, died from a paralytic stroke at '
his home Saturday evening. Ho was a
corporal in the Forty-seventh regiment 1
during the Civil war, serving iu the I
SYRUP or fits
Cleanses the Little Liv
er and Bowels and
They Get Well
Wheu your child suffers from a cold
i don't wait: give the little stomach, liver
' and bowels a gentle, thorough cleansing
at once. Wheu cross, peevish, listless,
. pale, doesn't sleep, eat or act naturally;
i if breath is bad, stomach suur. give a
j teaspoonful of "California Svrup of
I Figs," and in a few hours all the
i clogged-up, constipated waste, sour bile
j and undigested food will gently move
' out of the bowels, and you have a well,
| playful child again.
' If your child coughs, snuffles and has
I caught cold or is feverish or has a sore
I throat give a good dose of "California
I Syrup of Figs," to evacuate the bowels
i no difference what other treatment is
! given.
Sick children needn't be coaxed to
i take this harmless "fruit laxative."
{ Millions of mothers keep it handy bq
! cause they know its action on the stom
ach. liver aud bowels is prompt aud
i sure. They also tnow a littl? given
| to-day saves a sick child tomorrow.
Ask your druggist for a 50-ceut bot
-tie of "California Syrup of Figs,"
I which contains directions for babies,
(children of all ages and for grown-ups
| plainly on the bottle. Beware of coun
| forfeits sold here. Cet the genuine,
.made by "California Fig Syrup Com-
I nany." Adv.
! army till the close of the war. He was
I a resident of Marysville for forty-four
| years. Ho was employed as captain of
a canal boat in his earlier days. In his
later days he was employed as a brake
man and conductor ou the Pennsyl
j vania Railroad and has been retired for
! eight years. He held several county of
fices. Mr. Baugiimau was in his seven
j ty third year at the time of his
j and will bo bnrie.l Tuesday afternoon.
, C. D. Toner, an I Mr. and Mrs. E.
S. Toner, sons. I'arker. Paul un.i Al
fred. and daughter. Alfarata, all of
this place, motored to Mt. Holly, where
they spent Sunday with 0. D." and E.
IS. Toner's father, E. D. Toner, of thar
Professor A. E. Deckard spent the
week-end it ii relatives in Liverpool.
Sunday school rally day services
were hel i by the Methodist Sunday
school last Sunday.
Alton hick., n sophomore at Frank
lin anil Marshall College, spent the
week-end with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Siiiioi k.
The Rev. Clarence B. Felton Resigned
as Pastor of Methodist Church
Cor espondenee.
Halifax. Oct. 37.—Mr. and Mrs. Ray
tiraetV, 01 Miiicrsburg, were guests of
Mr. and Mrs. G. !.. Wert Sunday.
Mrs. Irviu Deppen. of Harrisburg.
i« the gue*t of her mother, Mrs. Johan
na Pairchilds.
-Samuel Brubaker was a; Harrisburg
on Saturday.
The Rev. Clarence B. Peltou has re
signed as pastor of the local Methodist
church to accept the pastorate at Tower
City. His main Halifax friend: wish
him much success in his new rteid.
Howard tleisler. of Northumberland,
was the guest of his parents in town
over Sunday.
Mis. Willijni Oreiner spent Saturday
at Harrisburg.
Mr. and Mrs. Budd Beistel. of Mil
lersburg, spent Sunday with her par
j ents, Mr. and Mrs. \V. H. Arnold.
Charles Walter, of Watsontov.n,
; spent Sunday with his family.
Miss Isabella Feister Is Painfully In
jured While Sewing
Special Correspondence.
Shiremanstown, Oct. 27.-—Mr. and
Mrs. Jacob Bigler. of Andersontown.
spent Thursday with friends in this
I place.
Miss Isabella Feister, while sewing
on the sewing ma nine at the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Feister.
had tiie misfortune to run the needle
thiough the big linger on her left hand,
•breaking the needle in three pieces.
W. P. Walls and George- Wallace
took a business f rip to Pottsville a day
last week.
Mrs. Scott Strong entertained at
dinner Mrs. Eckard. of California;
Mrs. Jacob Walls and Miss Mildred
Krone, of this place.
Walter Weigle, of Harrisburg, vis
ited friends and relatives in this place
on Sunday
Vernon Myers, of Johnstown, spent
Sunday at the home of Mrs. H. M.
George Waggoner, of Hogestown.
Common Garden Sage and Sulphur:
Makes Streaked, Faded or Gray i
Hair Dark and Glossy at Once
Almost e>eryone known that Sage j
Tea and Sulphur, properly compounded, j
brings back the natural color and lustre !
to the hair when failed, streaked or j
gray: also ends dandruff, itching scalp
and stops falling hair. Years ago the t
only way to get this mixture was to
make it at home, which is mussy and |
Nowadays we simply ask at any drug,
store for "Wyeth's Hage ami Sulphur i
' 'ompound." You will get a large bot-]
tie for about 50 cents. Everybody uses 1
this old. famous recipe, because no one !
can possibly tell that v'ou darkened your j
hair, as it does it so naturnllv and
evenly. You dampen a sponge or soft j
brush with it and draw this through]
your hair, taking one small strand at a
time; by morning the gray hair disap- 1
|iears, and after another application or'
two, your hair becomes beautifully'
dark, thick and glossy and vou look i
years younger. Adv. I
It's the Safe Catarrh Remedy. Noth- ]
in* Better for Head Colds
Do not endanger your health by t:»k- j
ing strong drills in the hope ot' curing 1
coughs, asthma, head colds or dan
gerous catarrh that frequently destroys
the hearing. Use Hyomei. a simple
vombinntion of healing oils that you ■
breathe through a small inhaler. Its 1
curative and health-giving medication
clears stuffed-up head like magic.
Hyomei quickly goes to all the sore j
and inflamed tissues lining the nose and '
throat—its antiseptic healing begins at I
once aud dull headaches, that distress- j
ing choking, constant sniffling, and ;
unclean discharges surely cease.
Hyomei is not inly a pleasant treat-'
nient but very inexpensive. Be sure to 1
vet the complete outfit that contains in- !
linler and bottle of liquid. H. C. Ken-!
I nedy sells it on th(• "No-cure-no pay" .
j 'dan. Surely try Hyomei to-day— you !
| have nothing to lose on this generous I
| called on his uncle. Pierce Keister, on |
! Saturday.
Them issionarv meeting which wasj
held in the Lutheran church last Thurs- |
day was largely attended.
Mrs. Flora Feister and daughter. I
Isabella, spent Thursday in Harrisburg. I
'While there they paid a visit ot' inspec !
tion to the Y. M. C. A. building, it be !
ing opened to the public for that oeca-'
sion. The building was of great inter ,
est to then', as Mr Keister helped to |
build it.
The following program was rendered ;
at the women's missionary meeting)
! which was held iu the I'nited Brethren i
I church on Sunday evening: Proces-1
| sional, "Onward, Christiau Soldiers:"
music, congregation, "Come Thou, A 1
'mighty King:" prayer by the leader.
; Mrs. Daughertv; Scripture lesson, Mrs.
; Sarah Strong, Mrs. Margaret Wert*. I
j Maria Strong, Mrs. Bmenheiser and
; Mrs. Beutz; solo. Miss Enunenheiser
I (the solo was written by Mrs. L. A.
j Stangle, wife of one of the former pas
I tors): first address, "Residencies for
'-Missionaries,Mrs. Harbold: second.
"What Place Does a Deaconess Pill in,
a Church ?" Mrs. Erb; third. " Xew j
Mexico," Miss Morley; solo. Mrs. |
Ainsworth; offering: closing hymn,!
"Crown Him Lord of All;" benedic- i
Miss Laura Keister spent several;
days with Mrs Monroe Vogelsong near l
Spangler's Mills.
Harry Lutz, Formerly of This Place, j
! Met With a Serious Accident
j Sl>e ial Correspondence.
Middletown. Oct. 27.—Herbert |
' Smith, of Bainbri ',ge. S|ient Sunday in |
i Royalton. as the guest of relatives.
Mrs. .lohn Hawk has returned home.
i from a two weeks' visit to her daugh-]
! ter. Mrs. Aldus Drabenstadt, of Phila
! delphia.
George Carr spent yesterday at Har
| risburg. j
The Luua skating rink will open up
1 for the season on Saturday evening.
October 31, and a good orchestra will
: be secured for the occasion.
Mr. and Mrs. Adam B own j
street, received word yesterday from,
Pittsburgh that their sou. lian v Lutz,
met with a serious accident on the
Pennsylvania Railroad, where he is ein
■ ployed as a brakeinan, by having both
of his legs cut off and at present is
in one of the hospitals at Pittsburgh.,
He is well known in town, having
worked at the barber business, before:
he went to Pittsburgh.
Th? following persons attended a
week's end house party at Mt. Gretna
returning home early Monday morn
ing: Misses Kathrvn and Mary Ettele,
Ray Poist. Eva B'echer and Grace Bow
an. Messrs. George Fisher, of Harris
burg. and .lames Seltzer. Edward, John
and Robert Keiper. of town. They were
chaperoned bv Miss Gruber, of town.
Father John Dannecker, of the St.
Mary's Catholic church, is spending
some t-nie at Hoboken, N. .1.
Mrs. George Essig is visiting rela
tives at Carlisle for the week.
Mrs. R. V. Smith, of Frederick, Mil., |
is spending several days in town as the j
guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Frauk.
John Willis and wife, of Wrights
ville, spent Sunday in town as the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Huntz
berger. North Union street.
Master Ralph Wise, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Edward Wise, Pike street, is suf
fering with a sprained arm.
Mrs. William Lauman, who had been
visiting relatives in town for the past J
several weeks, returned to her home at j
Rochester, X. Y., on Monday morning.!
Several carloads of horses passed!
through town on Saturday which were:
being sent to New York City to be sent i
abroad to the French Government who i
are purchasing thousands of them for;
their army. D. B. Keiffer was asked to'
unload some over Sunday and feed;
them, but was not in a position at the
present time to do same.
Mrs. John W. Kewalt returned home
Monday from a several weeks' visit to I
relatives at Philadelphia.
Miss Clara Beck entertained the I).'
F. Club at her home on High street last j
evening. Refreshments were served.
Professor H. V. B. Garver and fam-!
ilv, of Penbrook, spent Sunday in town |
as the guests of friends.
Halloween Party at the Home of Mr.
and Mrs. Fencil
Special Correspondence.
New Cumberland, Oct. 2 7.—A very
delightful Halloween party was held at I
the home of Mr. anil Mrs. Frank Fen- !
i-il on Reno street last evening 'by the |
Queen Esther Circle of St. Paul's M. E. J
church. Vine street, Harris>burg. The |
young ladies wore very grotesque cos
tumes, representing witches, Indians,'
gypsies, Goddess of Liberty, Red Riding r
Hood, owls, etc. The rooms were beau- j
tifully and artistically decorated with |
jack-o'-lanterns. colored paper, etc. The
dining room looked very inviting with
its long table sipread .with all that
make up a Halloween feast, doughnuts,
pumpkin pies, fruit, nuts, etc. The fa
vors were place -cards and images. Those
who attended the party and partici
pated in the fun were: Misses Sara
McCord, Anna Dickey, Catherine Pike,
Mildred Graham. Gertrude Keil, Mar
garet Klais. Thelma Klais, Martha
Graham. Dorothy Stone, Ethel HaKoolt,
Miss Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Drink
water. Miss Maggie Hughes, 'Harris
burg; Mr. and 'Mrs. Frank Fencil, son '
Leon, of this place; Tampso'u Drink i
water, (Mary Harr. Anna WiVkins. Agnes [
Sparrow. Sara Mardorf, Amy MaJey, |
Ijouise Hoyler, Marjory Fry, Mabel I
Clarpman, Alice Nissley.
The Rev. John Long, of Dil!»burg,|
ma ie a fine address to tJhe Epworth |
League in the M. E. church last evening.'
I Special music was furnished by the
men's chorus.
J. M. Free-burn spent Saturday ill
] Philadelphia.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Snell and son,
of Harrisburg, were guests of Mr. and
j Mrs. Elmer.
Mr. and 'Mrs. Oscar Voglesong aud
• son, Donald, o? Kuola, spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Clarke and Mr.
[Cripple's families.
Mr. and Mrs. Henrv Mover, of
j Campbellstown, were week-end guests
i of David Kaufman's family.
Dr. Holmes, of Harrisburg, was in
I town on business yesterday.
Paul Reiff spent Sundav at his home
jin Ijewistberry, York county.
Orville Blessing, of Enola, is visiting
' his grandparents, Mr. and 'Mrs. Charles
I Blessing.
Mr. and Mrs. John Fager and two
I children motored to Lewisberrv on Sun
! day where they were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. David Asheufelter, Mrs. Fager's
j parents.
Mrs. Annie Mathias and grandson,
; Ralph Peternian, were at Hummelstown
j on Sunday where they attended a birth
day dinner gi. en in honor of Charles
| Hiller. a brother of Mrs. Mathias,
iMrs. Rupley, of Marysville, called on
friends in this place yesterday.
Mrs. David Keebaugh is spending sev
| eral days with her piece. Mrs. Ralston,
in Philadelphia.
A "Measuring Social" Will Be Held at
St. Paul's Church
j Special Correspondence.
Wormleysburg, Oct. 27.—A chestnut
i hunt was enjoyed by a number of young
I folks on Saturday. They were chap
i eroned by Mrs. Grolf Sheaffer and Mrs.
Charles Baker.
Mr. aud Mrs. Twigg entertained dur
ing the week end their son, Roy, of
j Philadelphia^
Mrs. Ralph Schrack aud daughter,
j Gladys, spent the week end with rela
tives at Columbia and Lancaster.
Bruce Putt, of Harrisburg, was the
j guest of relatives Sunday.
The Rev. G. B. and Mrs. Renshaw,
I the Rev. G. W. and Mrs. Getz, Miss
! Ruth VVertz and Charles Lily were en
Hertained at dinner on Sunday by Mr.
| and Mrs. J. J. Hemtner.
i Mrs. Lerov Knier, of Perdix, visit
j ed Mrs. H. G. Knier.
Ptot'essor and Mrs. Ferguson anil
| daughter were the guests of Mr. and
i Mrs. Groff Sheaffer on Sunday.
Miss A. Elizabeth Eckert has re
| turned from a visit to her brother, Har
: ry Eckert, of Pittsburgh.
| A "Measuring Social" will be hell
| Thursday evening in the Town Hall by
| the Ladies' Aid Society of St. Paul's
| IT. B. church.
The Rev. J. J. Reesh Conducted Evan
gelistic Services in Methodist Church
! Special Correspondence.
'Mechanicrburg, Oct. 27.—«Evaugelis
; tic services were held last evening in
j the Methodist churc'h, conducted by the
i pastor, the Rev. J. J. Reesh.
The Interdenominational Missiou
Study class met last evening at the
! home of Miss Margaret Blackburn, liast
I Simpson street.
Mrs. Eckman returned to her home
i in Sun'bury yesterday after a visit of
several days in the home of her broth
er. the Rev. J. R. Shipe, South Wash
■ ington street.
The Rev. John Adams, pastor of the
4 St. Paul Reformed church, and S. S.
i Brenner, a lay member of the church,
are among those who will re. resent the
: Harrisburg i. lassis iu the meeting of the
! Synod ot' the Potomac of the Reformed
| Church in America. The Synod began
its sessions to-day in Altoona.
J. fi. Trego and grandson. Master
Robert Trego, spent Saturday iu Dills
i burg.
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Sta'nl are visit
j ing relatives in Hagerstown. Md.
The Rev. C. E. Spangler, of 'Milton,
was the guest over Sunday of his col
i lege classmate, the Rev. M . L. Dice, at
i Grace Evangelical parsonage, East Lo
| cust street.
! Miss \ iolet Bowman has returned
j from Xew York' City, where she spent
her two weeks' vacation.
Walter Bradley Tripp will render
"The Taming of the Shrew'' at Irving
College on Thursday evening, Novem
ber 3.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Ecliord, for
mer residents of this place, who were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Ponnesmith,
South Washington street, the past sev
eral days, left last evening for James
! town, V V, wtoere thev will spend the
i winter with their son, Edawrd Ecliord,
I and his family.
Mrs. J. R. Snipe was a visitor to
; Harrisburg yesterday,
i Mrs. Calvin Clendenin spent yester
| day with Harrisburg friends.
"When the Frost Is
On the Pumpkins
and the Corn Is
In the Shock"
Then it's time to lift your tendar
plants from the beds and pot
them up for winter flowering in
doors; and it's time to transplant
those plants which have out
grown the size of pots or tubs
they are in now.
We Hans ill Sizes ot Flower
Pots aod Plaot Tuts
Best Quality—Eight Prices
Delivered Anywhere
TABLET FORM. It puts new
life in your plants, lOc and 35c
per box.
They Produce Finer Flowers.
We have oold many thousands of
them and still have a tremendous
stock for you to select from. Get
your order in now.
Tulips. Hyacinths, Narcissus.
1307-1309 Market St.
We have Pumpkins for Hal
loween. Get them for the Chil
dren. 5, «, 8 and l<» cents each.
Take a Tablespoonlul of Salts if Back
Hurts or Bladder Bothers—Meat
Forms Uric Acid
We aro a nation ot' mqat eaters and
j our blood is tilled with uric acid, says a '
I well-known authority, who warns us to
1 t>e constantly 011 guard against kidney
I trouble.
The kidneys do their utmost to free
the blood ot' this irritating acid, but
become weak from the overwork; they
get the eliminative tissues I
clog and thus the waste is retained in '
the blood to poison the entire system. '
When your kidneys ache and feel!
like lumps of lead, and you have sting
iug pains in the back or the urine is
cloudy, full of sediment, or the bladder
is irritable, obliging you to seek relief
during the night: when you have se
vere headaches, nervous and dizzy \
spells, sleeplessness, acid stomach or j
rheumatism in bad weather, get from ;
your pharmacist about four ounces of |
I -lad Salts; take a tablespoont'ul in a i
I glass of water before breakfast each j
' morning and iu a few days your kid i
| ueys will act tine. This famous salts is '
: made from the acid of grapes and lemon j
juice, combined with litliia. and has
been used for generations to flush aud
i stimulate clogged kidneys, to neutralize
the acids in iiriii.' so it is no longer a
source of irritation, thus ending urinary
and bladder disorders.
Jad Salts is inexpensive aud cannot
injure; makes a delightful effervescent
lithia-water drink, and nobodv can
make a mistake by taking a little oc
casionally ,o keep the kidnevs clean
id active. Adv.
I West End Adherents of Democracy!
Will Hold Rally in Kelker Street
Hall To-night
West Knd Democrats will hold a pa
j rade and mass meeting at Kelker street
j hall to-night at which addresses will
;be made by former state Treasurer
j Berry, James I. Blakslee, Fourth As
sistant Pflfctmaster General; .lames A. j
Stranahau and Henry S. Xiles, of York, j
Preceding the mass meeting a walk
around will be held in which the Central j
Democratic Club, the West End Demo I
cratic Club and unattached members of j
the party will participate. The Cen >
tral Club marchers will assemble in j
front of the club house and the other
clubs and marchers on the east side of I
! -Market square. The parade route will \
j be Market to, Third, to Keilv, to Sixth,
!to Woodbine, to Fourth, to Kelker to
the hall.
At a meeting of the Democratic City
i Committee last night reports were re
ceived from the ward men throughout
the city indicating that -McCormick will
have a majority of 2,000 in Harris
| Washington party meetings were held
last night in Bachmansville and Deo
ilate at which addresses were made by
W. W. Leaker, .1. B. Martin and E. S.
Republican meetings were held last 1
night at Union Deposit and Khellsville, I
iat which Congressman Kreider, John
C. Nissley, .Morris Metzger, Earl Henn
t and Frank B. Wickershani were the i
speakers. Meetings will be held to j
| night at Killinger, Enhaut and Royal j
j ton.
On Thursday Dr. Brumbaugh, the Re j
publican candidate lor Governor, will;
tour the lower end of Dauphin county, j
beginning at Steelton early in the morn !
ing. The party will leave Harrisburg
at 5.50 o'clock, Steelton, 9.10; Enhaut,
9.30: Oberlin, 9.40: Highspire, 10.10:!
Middletown, 10.45: Hummelstown.!
11.13, arrive at Hershey 1 1.13 tor noon ■
meeting and luncheon; leave Hershey I
o'clock; Union Deposit, 1,15: Hanover !
dale. 1.25; Slieilsville, 1.43; bingles
town, 2.10: Progress, 2.40; Penbrook, j
2.50, and Harrisburg, 1j.20.
New Bill of Improved Vaudeville Is
Being Shown at the "Busy
Large audiences went to the Colonial
Theatre last evening and enjoyed a
vaudeville bill which maintained the
standard set by last week's two shows.
The Colonial started its second week of
improved vaudeville with u quite pre
tentious head liner, "The Fun Shop," a
juvenile musical comedy, presented by
a sextet of really clever girls and bovs.
who sing and dance and frolic through]
a little turn. The act has an attractive j
stage setting and the costuming, light!
effects and pretty girls make it pleas
Dorothy Brenner is at the Colonial.!
Mis s Brenner, who sings "kid" songs, j
is seen as the little girl in rompers,
and she sings a song to her hobby j
horse that is just too cute for words, j
Miss Brenner afterward appears as a!
grown-up girl and then she and a clever i
partner indulge in a clever s kit called j
."The Candy Shop." Another of the Co-'
lonial's good acts is programed as Ber
nard arid Searth, a "nut" comedian
and a pretty girl, in a skit of nonsense i
and song. Some interesting and de
cidedly difficult roller skating feats are
exhibited by Joe Kennedy.
Patrons of the Colonial are also no
tieing an announcement the manage j
ment is making to the effect that the!
present week witnesses the last of the !
mid-day and early evening picture
shows. The playhouse is to be con !
verted into a popular priced vaudeville!
house, with afternoon and evening per !
formances. Picture service will be
shown only in connection with the
vaudeville shows. Adv.
Girl Killed by Auto
Kane, Pa., Oct. 27.—'Mildred Fowler,
6 years old, daughter of Walton Fow
ler, was struck by an automobile Sun
day driven by Walter Foueh, of War
ren, and died yesterday morning. She
ran in front of the machine to get in
the Fowler automobile.
Diplomas for Graduates
Those graduating from the Junior'
League of the Methodist church were'
presented wit I. their diplomas ou Sun '
day for completing three years' work
in junior graded work. They were ad- j
dressed by Superintendent H. J. Wick
ley. j
Mrs. Carman Wants to Be Vindicated
in the Eyos of Neighbors aud
Lifelong Friends
Freeport, L I„ Oct. 27.—Mrs. Flor
ence Carman, who was released from
the Nassau County jail at Mineola ves
terday under $23,000 bail, left to-day
tor the Carman farm at Raven Rock,
N. J„ accompanied by Dr. Carman. Mrs.
Ida B. Powell, her sister, and George
Morton Levy, her junior counsel.
I want to take her awav for n quiet,
week and expect to leave earlv in the
morning. Dr. Carman said last night.
•We intend to return t„ Freoport ou
Saturday, but we may change our plans,
r lore nee is feeling very badly about the
disagreement of the jury and insists that,
the District Attorney must hold a new
trial to vindicate her in the eves of peo
pie tor 3-he wants t„ go on living here
"1 I reeport after all of this is cleared
"f; and -iocs not want t 0 be coin-pro
in wed in the eyes of her lifelong
Ernest Randall and Smith Cox. neirfh
bors ot Mrs. Carman in Freoport. who
went on her bond when she was ar
jaigned on the charge of manslaughter,
became again her bondsmen. The cere
mony was brief and took j.lfue in Jus
tree Kelby's chambers in Brooklyn.
following the proceedings Mrs. Car
man refused to be interviewed. She
deputized George M. Levy, one of her
counsel, to speak for her.
"Mrs. Carman wishes to say." de
clared .Levy, "that slhe is quite satis
tied witn the treatment everrbodv nc
•orded her in the court. She is. of
'course, bitterly disappointed because she
was not acquitted, but she is eager to
have a new trial and therein- gain vin
| dication."
riiere was no demonstration when
•Mrs. Carman arrived nt her Merrick
road home. She hurried into the house,
and her father, William Piatt Conklin
declared that tfhe desired to lie left
Whether Mrs. Carman will be tried
again is an unsettled quest ion, District
Attorney Lewis J. Smith said last night.
In Thousands
of Homes
j early and certain relief is found
for the ailments to which ali are
j subject—ailments due to defective
' or irregular action of the stomach,
1 liver, kidneys or bowels—in the
I most famous family remedy,
i the world has ever known.
are justly famous because they have
proved to be so reliable as correctives
or preventives of the sufferings, dull
feelings and danger due to indigestion
or biliousness. If you will try them
to cleanse your system, purify your
blood, tone your stomach, stimulate
your and regulate your
; bowels, you will know why so
many rely on Beecham's Pills to
Insure Health
and Happiness
Largest Sale of Any Medicine in the World.
Sold every whore. In boxes, 10c., 25c.
t" «
Directory of
Leading Hotels
of Harrisburg
No. 25 Fourth Stteet
Directly I utuu Million,
r quipped "111. nil Modern Improve-'
lueiilM; running \»nter In every rooaii
Uno butli; perfectly K»ol(Mr>; nlceiv
turulnheil throughout. RmH'm modrrnte.
Kuropenn I'lnn.
JOSEPH OiUbXi, Proprietor.
Market Square
i.arge and convenient Sample Kooma.
Passenger and Baggage Elevator. Elec
tric Cars to and from depot. Electrie
Light and Steam Heat; Rooms en suite
or single with Battis. Rales, $2.60 per
day and up.
J. H. ot M. S. Butterworth, Prop*.
Market St., Harrisburg, Pa.
At the Entrance to the P. R. R. Station
Hotel Columbus
Absolutely Fireproof
90 Rooms and Bath*
European Plan
Maurice E. Russ, Proprietor
Third aud Walnut Sts.. Federal Square
The Lochiel
Corner Market aud Third Streets
Entrance on Third Street
Rooms provided with lleat, Hot and
Cold Water. Baths free to izuests
W. H. BYERLY, Prop.
European Plan. Hates fl.oo per day and
up. Rooms single or en suite, wiih
private baths.
Uuncheon. 11.30 to 2 p, m., 35e
Dinner daily, i to S p. m.. SOr
Special Sunday Dinner, 12 noon
to S p. in., 7ftc
A la carte service, 6 a. m. to 12 n m
HORTINU A HINULB. I'roprlrtora
The Metropolitan
Strictly European
For something good to eat. Every
thing in season. Service the best.
Prices the lowest.