Real Estate FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARDING FOR RKNT—Furnished rooms and boji.dins by rue#!. Jay or week Ap pI j 1001 N. Second St-, corn#l Boas nail >g«-op>l streem. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR RENT 1 or. I'.K.NT on IWiti Nw *rst alase '•ouses with steam heat aml all im p Jifnifls. at U>» price, in east end of city. 1. P. BOW MAN. 3S N. Third St. HOUSES I'Oit RKNT and '-. atorj dwelling houses tor sale. Elder Real REAL ESTATE FOB RENT. SOME PEWUE are paying rent when they could be living in their own •ouse and paying for same : monthly payment. Why not buy" REEL. REAL TY CO. Bcrgnor Building. , FOR RKNT— -1330 Derry St.. Ist floor apt....540.00 Ist: Derr> St.. Id floor apt.... . fSa.QC lSli Market St.. 3rd floor apt.. J25.00 1-M7 Mulberry. ?d floor apt.. . .J.'s.OO 135S Depry St.. new house S-">.00 1904 Holly street l-0.00 Ht rryhill St.. 'touse. $-- 30 14-4 7 & .44,'! Berryhill, houses. . IJoS t:ilersl\ St »is.:>o •I OS Perry St.. JIS.OO IJ.C> Thompson St 111,00 HAKVEY I. SMITH. £O4 S. 13th 3'- FOR ItENT—Two ft,-story brick houses. Nos. l.v;i and 15-3 Vernon street. Kent M 5.00 each. Possession immediately. K. A. H BFKLEKINGKK, East End Bank. 'OR RKNT—One building. 7 jx.'i) feet. one-story, suitable for manufacturing or automobile repair; equipped with steam heat, toilet and wash stand, and office, located 1704 Fulton street: rent per month. Apply at 1700 North Fourth street. .FUR RENT—AII improve ments— -1614 Catherine, $16.00 1-309 Xaudaiu $17.00 530 S. Seventeenth, . .$18.50 Apply Kuhn & Hers hey, IS South Third street. FOR RKNT—J story frame dwelling w ill improvement*. for colored peo only. 1130 N. Front St. Applv -- 6 hestnut S:. FOR RENT— 5 - room residence No. IJOI Green St.. corner of Muenoh. Porch, ■set. heater. angr possession No- REAL ESTATE FOB BALK. l"OR SALE—3-story brick house: S ooms. bath: gas. furnace: porch IreL»t IS\ 100. Desira.ble location. l"-.e and terms reasonable. BELL itF.AI.TY CO.. Bergner Building. EITHER a 4 or It-acre farm within a twelve-minute wa'.k of trolley serv i e. 10c fare to Harrisburg. consider able fr.:it: good soil. BELL. REALTY CO., Bergner Building. FOR SALE—Three-story building: at b-nhaut. along trolley line: cost to build. 53.000. Can be changed into three dwelling houses at little expense. Price, 11.J00.00 Very easy terms. Inquire at tiaat End Bank. FOR SALE—Three great bargains: i.reen street house, vacant. Brick •e::se. Reservoir Park section. A good investment house up town. D. E. RRIGHTBILL. Both phones. ; N. Court street. FOR SA.LE—CoaI, flour and feed busi ness; in good suburban town with ten-cent fare limit from Harrisburg Price i— 00. BKINTON-PACKER CO.. Second and Walnut Sts. FOR SAUE—Xoa. 1107 and 1109 Plum street; two I '-a -story frame dwell ings. water in kitchen. |S.OO«. C. H. ORCLTT : Cumberland St. FARMS FOR SALE FARMS TOR SALE IS Acres—:u m les north of Lingles town; frame buildings, variety of fruit; price $4,500.00. -'3 Acres—:u miles southeast of M!d dletown; good frame buildings, irou stone soil: price J^.100.00. 70 Acres—2 miles west of Goldeboro; frame btriMings 15 acres t-.mberland; we,', and spring, pru-e $3,000 ■ BRiNTON-PACKER CO, Second aad Walnut Streets. FARM LANDS FOR SALE ?STALL MISSOURI FARM—SS.OO cash and $...0y monthly; no interest or taxes; highly productive land. Close to three big markets. Write for pho nographs and full information. Munger. X. Y. Life Bldg.. Kansas City, Death and Obituary DIED. E ® o y r "~S a Monday. October Lewis A. Egolf. aged 3J vears. Funeral Wednesday, October :S. at J o clock, from the residence of h f s mother. »;o Forrest street. Relative* ana nends are invited to attend With out further notice. WBTEBS-lUry E. Winters, widow o. the late Qjeorge W inters, at lier l n 3 S. Second street, aged ; ur'cral on Thursday afternoon at ; .' . fro: " late residence. No. .' >. second street. Funeral private , t-erv ment pr^ate - in H*rrisourg em lost and Fottfld FOUND Ol N'D—The ho*r.e of reliable work for particular people at EGO-EF.T'S Steam ;>>e:ng and French Cleaning Work* -I Market St. Call either phone, we ll ejt. LOST LOST—Near Front and Cumberland. .-day. beagie pno. Reward if re •jrifd to v.'H N. Secffrra St. .LOST —Between Adams street. Steelton. and Market street. Harrisburg. a O.ack card case containing »'„5. a Penn ».■ lvania mileage book and a small brooch. Liberal reward if returned to - j L : St. FARM .FOR SALE ACRES 2 wllea Mirtkeaat of Honmaaxdalr the ruad from <(ddoa>l>urs !• Aa 4fr»« BtfMll. ISO apple. 1,500 peach. 39 plum, 100 pear, and 10 cherry trees. Straw berries and raspberries. S-room frame house. Frame ground barn and usual out buildings. MILLER BROS & NEEFE TEAL ESTATE Fir* Insurance Buretj Boads JOCU st and Court Btreeu S I Wants HELP WANTED—MALE. ! HOW MITCH IS AN* HOUR WORTH? I One person gets fifteen cants, another person gets fifteen dollars. Why this : tremendous difference* Special traln '.iig is the answer. MY PRTV.WK [ SONS in Shorthand. Tvpewrltlng. etc.. _ will increase your effioienc*. Call, we'll . talk it over. MERLE E. KELLER. Room 309. Patriot Building, i i • WANTED—Experienced die cutters on inftuvts' soft sole shoes. Apply Har i rishurg leather Products Co.. 1420 Ave. " MEN WANTED to get their barberlng done at the McWILLIAMS BARBER SHOP. 4SS Market street, next door to • Ho it mail House. 1 AFTO TRANSPORTATION SCHOOL— The oldest, be.-t and most reliable - automobile school in the country. A full course of practical instruotlcms for $30.00. including long driving and re pairing lessons. Hundreds of good i paying positions are open for compe i i ;ent man. Make application now. Easy i> paymenta Open day and evenings, i | N. Cameron St. ) | J SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE. 1 jjWANTBD as a ol«rk 4 .n store \ i or position as violinist. Address Horshoy Hotel Harrtsburs. I WANTED—A younK man would like a position as stenographer or book | keeper or any other occupation. Call ; Roily street I WANT BID- A younjc man wishes a po- I sition in restaurant as u"aiter or • short order cook. Address P. O. box I Harrisburg. Pa. • TOHiG MAN. seven vears practical of- :iv and sales experience; biH>kkeere.-. typist. 6t;.. wants connections as soon as possible. Address l\ VI. KJ. SCAR P. 3111 N. Second SL. Cit,v. YOI'NO colored would like posi tion to care for elderly seiuleraan. Address H. \Y . <33 North Ave., room o. ' KIRST OL»ASS colored butler would like ) position in private family. Address H. H.. 43? North Ave., room 3. YOI'NO colored man would liks posi tion as elevator «*perator or janitor. Appty 1232 Bailev St. . FIRST CLASS COOtl iwhite. is open - for position; hotel or restaurant; ex . perienced and with references. Ad ; d-ess K. P. *57 4. care Siar-lmle pendent. L YOUNG MAN. 21 years of age. with two years of Hish school, six months . of commercial and three years of busi ness training:, desires employment. Hes; » of reference furnish* d. Call or address J. F.. 427 Tlerr street. WANTED—Man handy with tools wants it work of any kind. Address Box 34. 1 ' Worm leysburg. Pa. 4 J TECH. student would like to have po sition of any kind af:er school hours. I Apply 414 S. Thirteenth St.. Citv. i . - ! W.VNTED—Work of any kind. Ad ; d-ess 605 S. Third St. Steelton. Pa. j BOY. 15 years old. would like to have - j position of any kind, after school 1 i C3IAVFPEVR and repair man des.res a , position work of anv kind accepted. L cTtaracter and ability, \pply McINTIRE. Cumberland St. MAN desires general house : ' work or position as waiter in pri i vate family. Address 405 Bailev St.. Steelton. Pa. BOT 1S wants work of any kind; ' 1 afraid of hard work. Apply or 'address J. W. S.. IS I.' N. Sixth St. —Single man. It years old. desires posiiion of any kind: all nicht I work preferred. Address SOS S. Third i st- ateeitoi.. Pa. i [ HELP WANTED—FEMALE W ANTED—White woman for general housework in family of two: must be pood cook: permauent home to com petent person. Address Box 10. PUN- I tang. Pa. Bell phone i;«TJS. WANTED—Steady white sirl or woman for general housework Good wages and good home. M. M. RITCHIE, Jo 5 Th.rteenth street. WANTEiD—At once—Several experlenc- 1 ed salesladies for laoes. notion and ot.ier departments: must have experi en -. Apply to MR. GREENE, care Astrichs. main floor. Fourth and Ma~- ket streets. SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE COLORED wotuan wishes day's work Of any kind. Call or address C3C 5. r :fteenth street, Harrisburp. Pa. TOt NG I.APY d«sires position as s.eaographer and general office work. La: furnish best of rerercnce. Ad dress 1 41S Zarker street. COLORED woman would like work by the day. house cleaning, washin or! ironing. Call or write to 10? U Christy Court. YOt-'NG colored woman wants dav's work or washing and ironing. Ad dress or call 1111 Apple Ave. NEAT colored girl desires Ught house wcrk or nursing. Address or call fulton SL WANTED—A clerical position, bv a young lady; five years' experience. '• Addres.- M. P.. «1T PefTer St.. City. ' -^^TED—'Position as housekeeper, bv middle-aged woman: can give good i reference. Address 41S Wainut St. WANTED—Washing or ironing for Mo'.da or Tuesdav. lliuj. L'ATH ERI.XE BROWN. 110'. Grape Ave. WANTED—Days' work or house clean ing. Call or address 1909 Cowden street. WIUTE WOMAN" wants washing and ironing for Monday and Tuesday. . Address 4.;. s. Cameron St. WANTED Curtains to wash and stretch. Call or address S2O Myrtle avenue. ' "i MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN would like to haNe washing and ironing to do at home. App.y l<3i X, Seventh St. j WANTED—Position as housekeeper or! days work. Address or call «13 X i second St. j COLORED GIRL wishes a place at gen- ' eral housework or chambermaid. 1207 Apple Ave. TOL'NG colored lady wishes position aa .'hambermaid or place to do house work. Apply 338 Cherry Ave. - .NOGRAPHER—Experienced in of ace work, with knowledge of book- i keeping, desires position. Can furnish reference. Call I*o- Regina St. TOL'NG colored girl wants position as : i an assistant housekeeper. Apply 1403 I N. r ourth. I COLORED woman wants work of any '■ address iIT Shaffer St. | Basinets Opporioiitiss BUSINESS CHANCES f ACTL FIEK wants slate manas era to establish office and manage • salesmen Liberal pay. S3OO to S7OO 1 I necessary: >»ou handle own money. Sec. I rsLary. to. tishei Bldg, Chicago. ' HARRISBI-RO STAR-TNDEPEXPUXT. ITBSDAV EVKXLNO. OCTOBlili 27. 19M. The Merchants Ice Company of Harrisburg, Penna. A liiiiited-amount of the stock of this eompanv is open for subscription. The earning possibilities are great. Similar companies in Reading and AJlentown aIT paying 8 per cent. Apply to any oue of the Directors at their business addresses or 1202 ('aider Building. W. A. CARTWRIGHT, W. J. PEBRUf W. KAY. WM. E. ROOMS. C. E. SHEESLET. H. M. HARE. B. B. DRUM. M. P. JOHNSON. J. D. MILLER. Directors. 202 Calder Building. HARRISBURG. PA : ' N Miscellaneous _ F'JBNITUEE PACSIN9 ' PACiCTNG—A. H. SHRKNK. l»0« Nortß : Sixtii street. Brst class packer of fur- I r.uuie. caina and bricabrac. lieil uhon* Ss»i»W. I w. J. WEN RICH. JJ9 Hamilton street— Kurniture, china and piano packing. Shipments looked after at boiu ends. Alau ail kinds of hauling. Bali phoae MISCELL.VNEOUS WANTED- Partner with small amount! 1 of oapitaU in a daily market. For • particulars address \Y. IL MYEKS. 40a, Market street. NOTICE —Having withdrew as a mem ber of the McCleuster Paving Co. on August 1. it'U. I am in position to hau die concrete work in all branches. OLD GOLD AND SILVER ' I HIOEKBBT CASH PRICES PAID for old' gold, silver, tji.iin .mil io\velr>. , JOSEPH t>. bHtNNEi;. Jeweior. 1 N. Tfciru atrce;. FEATHEBS RENOVATING 1 WE ARE now renovating feathers, making pi.lows and folding feather mattresses .it Tenth and Pa\'.o;i streets, I A J. L'AMPBIiU._ , MONEY TO LOAN Mt>ST MOXEV loaned on diamonds.-! watciios, ;ow«tri. iUiis, revolvers musical iiistrunier.ts, etc. Bargains ii> unrede. .tied pleutes. CITY LK)A.N O i-'- KICB. ill Market St.. ue.\t to L nued ' Cigar store. Jj.oo TO SjO.OO 011 jour plain note, to l any peison holding a salaried posi- i lion, ail transaction strictly conhdeu [ lial. Employees Discount Co.. 3t> N. ...i:d St., second Ilooi. LOANS—4O J.'UO for honest working people without bank ciedit at ltss i han legal rates; payable iu mstaii aieuts iu suit borrowers' conveiiicuca CO-OP.; KAfIVE wi»u and luvesuuem Co.. -n Chesmut St ALL KIND 3 OF HAULING AI*L kinds of hauling, large two-ton truck, furmtuic. pianos, freight. ;n the city aad suburos. Prices reason* aole. Picnic anu pleasuie trips, ua* or ' evening. \v it. H. D.vuE Vsraun STORAGE STORAGE S-story brick building. I rear tOS Skrket Su Household «ocds in clean, private rooms. Meuisjaaole rates. Apoiy to P. G. acwelei .-S Market St. . VRRISBURG STOitAGB CO. Two i large brick warehouses, built es presso for Storage. Private rooms lor i uousehold gjods and u.ieicelled tacil ities for storing all kinds of aieixnan p' S R. R?" si, ' jrSße rate - South St. and —— Legal > I N OTItE Notioe -s hereby given t at an a4>pli i cation for pardon will be made to the ; Board of Pardons of the State of Penn sylvania on Wednesday, November I*. 1311. by I. ika Zareovle. who was found guilty on January ltth. 1909. of mur der in tre second degree, and was sen tenced to undergo punishment in the penitentiary for the Middle District !of Pennsylvania, at Philadelphia, hv separate or solltarv confinement at hard labor, for and during the period of twenty years, as required by tiie rules of the Board of Pardons. HARRY KEi.rX. EDWARD ¥. DOEHNE, J. CUUHCI FUNK. Attorneys. NOTICE—My wife. Mrs. Eileen H. Saul, having left my bed and board with ! out just cause. I will herebv not pay any bills contracted by her. 1 (Signed) MR. EDWARD SAUL. JR. > Sale and Exchange FOB SALE HUNTERS. ATTENTION: Special all i i (his week: loaded Red Devil shells w-ith smokeless powder, at 55 cents a box. Get our prices on guns. etc. KEY- . STONE CVCI.K CO.. Sit N. Third St. ; C. W. H. LA.VULm, Uanbcp— Rough and dressed lumber. All kinds and grades—-oiieap. Call, write or phone. Office. Cameron and Mulberry Sts. | I'OR SALE—Wagon suitable for ar.v purpose: must be sold tills week, re gardless of cost: must ha% e tne room. CROCK'S WAGON SHOP, litl Walnut i street. i FOR SALE—Three pens of thorough bred Brown Leghorn pjll»ts. Fifteen hens and one cockerel in each pen. »J0 1 per pen. Call 71W, failed phone. FOR SALE—AT GABLE'S. 113. 115 and 117 S. Second St. S.oo# gallons New Era ready-mixed paint. Aciue quality. Ail the full line of the Acme make. ' FOR SALE—AT GABLES. 111-117 a Second St. 5.000 sets new sash (xIA 12 L. primed and glazed, at tLla per I FOR SALE A knitting factory; all Improve ments; electric power; two-story i frame; steam heat, well lighted; I ! equipped with the latest knitting i , and sewing machinery. Possession given at once. We will rent If party I would be interested in the manu- i facturing of ladies' garments. Information Wanted—Call Bell 1 phone 74. Steelton. Pa., or M.R.ALLEMAN 143 •». FRONT STRUCT STKEI.TON. I*A. 1 ■* CAPITOL HILL PURE FOOD PROSECUTIONS Three for Sailing Alleged Non-alcoholic Drinks and Twelve Rotten Egg Transactions and Food Commissioner Jamc« : B. Koust this morning ordered prosecu tious against three Perry couut\ deal er> for selling a so-called non alcoholic drink. which on analysis nroved to cou tain almost as much alcohol as lieer it was sol.l as a non-alcoholic drink. Twelve prosecutions tor .000. Mcl'aa Radio Company, of Laucas I ter; capital, f 14.000. SwaWi Company, l>almatia. North j umberland county, chemical mainit'ac ! turera; capital JIO.OOO. Estate bank, PhiMelpkia; capital ' $50,000. Treasury Money Oifterent railroad companies paid into the state treasury yesterday $300,000 in taxes—t'ue South Penn Oil Company. 572.2U3.60; Galena Signal Co., $14,208. Southwest Pipe Line Co.. $31,772. A New Bird Bool: The in-monthly Zoological Bulletin o: , the Division of Zoolog* of the State Agricultural Department .s devoted to ' the sub ect of "Some Pennsylvania birds and tneir economic value." bv Or. i 11. A. S.-face. Kconomic Zoologist. I: is not so large as the famous bird book that cos; the State $65,000. but it is embellished *.' : . * .i nany photogravure j picture o: b;r is of Pennsylvania, tb rtv n number, with interesting descriptions i o-' their apoearauce, habits, food. etc. 1 Tee bulletin, although a State publica tion, it as been copyrighted by Dr. Sur- I face an I printed by order of sccretarc • i ritchfiehi. It is a pamphlet that will 1 be in great demand. MRS. SARAH A. DERK'K DIES Aged Duncannon Woman Expires At Home of Daughter Mrs. Sarah A. Deriek. aged 72 years, t of Duncannon, died yesterday at the , iionie ot' her daughter. Mrs. W. G. Sel -1 iers. 540 Maclay street. She is surviv ed by by the following daughters, Mrs. William Graham, this city; Mrs. C. P. Sands, of MeC'lellan, and Mrs. Sellers, with whom she resided. The funeral services will be held at 9.30 o'clock Thursday morning, the Rev. Peter H. Balsbaugh, pastor of the siita Street United Brethren ehureh, officiating. Interment will be in Dun cannon. Mrs. Catherine Coleman Catherine Coleman, 36 Summit street, aged 2 7 years died Sunday night at 10.30 o'clock, of a complication of diseases. She is survived by her daugh ter, Lillian, aged 7 years, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Coleman, and four brothers and two sisters, Joseph, Wil liam. Edward. David, Ijillian and Eliza beth. all of this city. The funeral will be held Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock, from her late home, the Rev. C. A. Smucker, officiat ing. Burial will be in the Baldwin cemetery, fiiteclton. Mrs. M. G. Wilson Mrs. M. G. Wilson, 1533 Hunter street, aged 71 years, died yesterday morning at 3 o'clock. Funeral services will be hell Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock and the body "will be shipped to Duncannon on Thursdav morning for further services and burial, the Rev. .1. A. Lyter, officiating. She is survived by three daughters and two sons. Frederick J. Cupples Frederick J. Cupples. 22 years old, 'lied this morninj at his home, 919 Grand avenue. He is survived by his wife, year-old daughter, parents. Mr. aad Mrs. Steven F. Cupples. one broth er and six sisters, all of liarrisburg. The funeral will be held Saturday aft ernoon at 2 o'clock from the home of his pareats, 919 Grand avenue, the Rev. John H. Daugherty officiating. Burial will be in the East Harrisburs cemetery. Funeral of Murdered Man Funeral services for Edward Dur ham. the Harriaburg man who wag kill ed in Mississippi, were held this after noon at 1 o'clock at the home of his father, Jacob 9. Durham, Canal Road. L«cknow. The body was then taken to Sboop s Church, Progress, where furth er services were held and burial made. Colored Boy Struck by Auto Richard Potter, colored, 11 years old. 1322 Fourth street, was struck bv an automobile at Bavford and Williams streets last evening at 6 o'clock aud suffered a laceration of the scalp. Ho was admitted to the Harrisburg hospital for treatment. He waa discharged this morning. j \GERMANS ATTEMPTING TO DOWN BRITISH AEROPANLE "''' V '' ? " I I ; ?WF.v>.^# *N *.,i„sV... •"• * '. - .-, ,i I ' , ' f k-.r • " ; ' ' i> "• 'V ; I N? ) A-\. :•■ ' ■ •» 's'. *'• '«■ «■• * * —•■ V> t- "*- j ' • ' < ' V V, -, .m. S i *v 6 .' • , ■ • - * ■>.-'•" * 4 ' :- s ■• I I.* . . ' i ' ■ .< -. .■ /■ • i GEKMAN AIRCRAFT GUNS FIRING ON A BRITISH BIPLANE "* " u, "" a C, " I "* UJ I This picture. drawn by I>. Maopherson, social artist for this newspaper, the New York Herald and the London 1 . Phore. from material supplied by a British office* serving at the front, shows a Karman biplane being ftred upon b* . l.erman pirns. The Hermans were in po.ition on the -rest behind the valley. Axaitwt the r'ear blue of tb« sky the •> u utst its white pii:ts, which grew darker r.s they espauded. it seemed as if the biplane must be brought down, but the aviator escaped. ■ I -SPIRITED FiGHIING STILL ON AT MOUTH OF THE YSBB J Paris, Oct. 27. 2.44 P. M. The Froneh official announcement given out ; this afternoon says spirited tighting . jcnntiuue.t between tile mouth of the . j Yser and that in this district the allies have not drawn back and that 11 they have continued to advance in the ;region between Ypres and Routers and elsewhere. The text of the comiuuuica • tion fellows: "The fighting continues to be~7*ar ticularly spirited between the uiouth of • the \ser and the region of bens. In , this part of the front the allied forces • have at no point drawn back and they ' have continued to make progress in the region between Ypres aud Routers. In the general rogi.-u Ivtv.w,, Soissous and • Berry-Au-Bac an artillery engagement • resulted n our advantage and resulted ' in the destruction of several batteries of the enemy. it l "The region of the east of Nancy. , between the forest of Bozange and the forest of Parrov, we have assumed the ' offensive and driven the enemy across the frontier. "Iu Russia, on the river tsau and to the south of Przemysl, the laissian of fensive is becoming more accentuated." AMERIC AN TIB BOARDED AND FOIR OF ( REVV WERE REMOVED St. John, N. 8., Oct. 27.— The Amer ican tug Security, owued by the Stand ard Oil Company, was boarded yester j day afternoon by a detail of eight men from the Sixty-second regiment and 1 four of the crew removed. One, a naturalized citizen, was re leased. The otlber three, all Germans, j were detained FINANCE PhiladelcMa Produce Market Philadelphia, Oct. :T.—Wheat lower; No. 2 red spot, export. tO9@U3: No. 1 , northern- Uultuth export. 123@ U'6. Corn lower: No. 2 yellow local, Si 1 - @Bl. I Oats steady: No. 2 white, OHi's4'i. j Bran Urm: winter, par ton. $24.0«@ : 14..>0; spring. J0.a0®24.00. Refined sugars firm: nowdered. 5.90;! 3ne granulated, J.S '. Confectioners' ! 3.7". Butter steady: western creamery, ex tra. 33- neai'by prints, fancy. 3ti. Kffts steady; nearby firsts, free case. : j1t.40; do., current receipts, free case. t1.70©»,00; western extra, lirsts. free, ; rase, M.iie: western extra, firsts, free ! ' case. SS.TOfi 'i.oo. IJie poultry steady: fowls. 13015: ild roosters. IH>-I2: chickens, 12(&13 ! i Jack*. i.:*f it- w; No. 2, 17&1J.50; No. 3, 14.50® | 15.50; clover mixed, light mixed, 17.506 18; No. 1, Iti'&lT: No. 2, 14015. Potatoes weak; Pennsylvania, per i bushel, SSC <»0; New York. 45&50: ,ler-I isey. per basket, 356 45. Chicago Live Stock Market Chicago, Oct. 2T.—Hogs—Receipts. weak. Bulk. 7.2' 1 r. ti; liwbt. I mixed. 7.055r7.65; h*»avy, 7.yu ' 4J7.10; rough, 7,0U®7.15; pigs, 1.-ife ;.»o. ' Cattle—Receipts 7,000; ste«dy. Beeves, i 1.1 10.7±: steers. 5.7008.80; stockois and feedera iers. 3.3508.75: calves, 7.00010.75. j Sheep Receipts. 24.000: strong. I Sheep, 1.8005.90; yearlings. 5.55b'6.<0 1 laanbs, 8.00 0 7.50. 250 BUILDINGS DESTROYED IH SHABATZ. SERVIA the ser, where the struggle has been most intense, the • allies have not drawn back, says the Freueli official state , men t, while toward the south further progress lias been made beween Ypres and Holders. As reports filter in from the scene of fighting along the •North Sea, supplementing the unemotional official state* ; nients, it became evident to-day that the recent battles along the sliore of the North Sea have been the most ter- :i rible of the war. From Emperor William, himself, it is 11 said, came tile order fhat the German advance down the ; coast must be continued at any cost, and that Calais must >be taken. Phe desperate assaults which followed, par | ticiilarly along the Yser canal, have few precedents in modern military history. ' _ British newspapey correspondents estimate that some j 5,000 Germans succeeded in forcing their way across the ;icanal. They did it at a frightful cost. Into a hail storm of .| shrapnel and shot the Germans charged night after night, 'jonly to be <-ut down by the thousands until the canal was clogged at points with their bodies. Those who succeeded in forcing their way across came to death grips with their waiting adversaries, and with rifle shot and bayonet the j struggle went on. Of the Germans who crossed the Yser, 11 according to British reports few escaped alive. All reports agree that the lighting in the east continues ! without decisive results. The Trench official statement ! says that on the river San and south of Przemysl the Rus [jsian offensive is becoming "more accentuated." The latest ;official Austrian communication states the main Russian 'army is being engaged and that minor successes have been : won by the Germans and Austrians. From Petrograd no report had come up to early afternoon. Further lighting in Bosnia is reported from Yienna. I where the claim is made that the Servians have been I driven baek to Yishnegrad and that eastern Bosnia is I cleared of the enemy. Although if is impossible to make even a rough est imate of the sacrifices in men entailed by the war, all indi cations point to aii enormous total of dead and wounded | men. Berlin sends'a report that the French have 100,000 j rney wounded and incapacitated through illness. Rome relates that what are styled official reports place the Ger jmaii average of casualties at 10,000 daily. The condition of General Yon Aloltkc, chief of the Ger man general staff, who was compelled by illness to re- Ilint)uislt his duties, is said in Berlin to be such as to cause • no alarm. 1 AUSTRIAN OPERATIONS IN THE CLEARING OF BOSNIA Vienna. Oct. 27, Via Amsterdam anil l London, 11.52 A. >l.—An official state-) went given out to-day says the Austrian j operations. the object of which is the ; clearing of Bosnia, are proceeding sue ceaifillb". Pho Servians were driven itack to Vishnegrad October 24 ami the' Austrian pursuit reached the Driua riv ■er October 26 Kiuiteru Bi>«niu to thej I Drina is now completely cleared of jlie ! enemy. The Montenegrin divisions, separated j from the Servians, have retired in a I southwesterly direction. 11 ' NO GERMAN INTERFERENCE IN | I. S. BELGIUM RELIEF WORK Washington, Oct. 2 7.—Ambassador ! Page and the Spanish Minister in LOB j ilon have beeu assured by the German ilitnry commander in Belgium there will be 110 German interference with foodstuffs and supplies sent for the re lief of the war-etrickeu inhabitants. In reporting the German accjuieseiu-e of the relict of the Belgians Air. Page 1 said all supplies should be sent in care of cither the American or Spanish dip lomatic officers in Ixindou. He said i money \vould be useless and emphasised that actual foodstuff's should be sent.