NEWS OF STEELTON ROBBED SAVINGS BAKU BF FORTY-FIVE DOLLARS Cash Only Was Sought By Robber Who Entered Home of Mr. and Mrs. Le- Boy O Donnell Early Saturday Evening While Folks Were Absent A thief, whose so'e object apr*eare.l to be to secure cash, forced an entrance to the home of Mr. snd M-s. he Roy O'Donnel!. ;ST North Harrisburg' street. Saturday evening whiie the fam ily was away and abstracted about $45 from a combination savings bank, the contents of which belonged to a young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O'Donneil. The thief forced an entrance to the h.vme through a rear window, after which he took the precaution to remove the spring from the front screen door and left the front house door open to enable him to escape if aught ia the at. When the family returned about 11 o'clock that they found bureau drawers opened and the ■ ontents scat tered about the floor. They also found the money bank in the middle sleeping room where it had been carried by the thief from the front sleeping room' where i was kept. The safe had been epene.i w- th the ail of a screwdriver and a shoe buttoner winch were left bes de tne bank ou the bed ;:i the mid dle rooai. Four hun.i-e : and seventy-five one cent pieces which had Seen left on a window sill rear the bank were found itact by Mr. O'Donneil. as was also Ihc f.irr y silverware and cut glass. The matter was reported to the bor ough yesterdav morning but so far the police have no clue. ( KOATIANS I'UMRIKI'TE *li»0 Bed Cross Committee Wili Try to Baise SoiH» Tae ' roatian Red Cross .oiumittee of the borough held a meeting a v roatiaa Hail yesterday afternoon and n ade piaiis for holding an entertain ment in that hall on Thanksgiving Day The feature o* this entertainment « .. cous st of tne presentation of a t lay to be given by children of St. Mary's Croatian atholi paro chlal s.-hoo' and the proceeds will he devoted to the Croatia- Red ' -■>-? Tl-c contributions waie to tie committee so far amounts to about SloO and the on-.mittce will hold a number of en terti nnier.ts in lis effo-t to sw-c Its sum to JivMV STEELTOK NOTES Dr. William ? Dailey will entert...» the H-.jn scaool football squad at a -:.eatre party at the Orpheurc this even .ig ir. honor of the tea.i.'s vi to y over Central Ifigk mMI at Harris v.rg Satirda;. The Steeltoa Nationals tootbal. 5q.i...l we orr for uractlce at Conestoga r./.d Frederick streets Wednesday e.en lug To cl. rs A ia meeting of t. " ?axta-.. k Hook ar.d Ladder Company wi l be held 1 evening, when arrangements fort next FT day evening's reception « be made. n . Mum. i Lcag. e w-.;l tie t its •. .i - eve ing - meeting h the Steelton Light Com ;<*»..• ouiKi.n.- In s »ou'inittee »,.i t. e>i at t a -iiia meeting Novei ber. Tos" annua! observation of Temper a see Da» will bo held by the Sunday s ioo of the ei'euary Cnitetl B-eth reu ch-irca next Sunday afternoon. A | ■I e\ :al program' will be featured by an; ad i*ess of the R-*v. Mr. Weig e. o' < Hill A tew e-aace service will be held iu tht evening. To last End sunu .ud to 1 oe.-t> lull w ' onsoli .ale to-n»orrow e.en i" i.. Tne new org.ini.a tn'ii will i>< pia e- ; .1: .- ti«e dirextorsii v f Dion- PEESONAL «- >f -or.?. North Front street, hjs ■?i '.l is ."vmi.y ue.s: New-.iort an i wip i tpend several «ia> s iit.i and j fiienus Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mover enter ; tarar i the following married children i n-1 t«ei- fai ies recently at their home or. SMOE- st-eet. H Mrs. | Je»«.ie Blessing and family. Middle li>" : ! ? Ira Attick. Harrisburg. • V M>ers. Sltili street. Higa -r re. cj« retc.-;-eti from a visit to his sister. M-s. Joun Dorbctt. Aberdeeu. A o.rtiiday »ur-.-:st arty was ten n game? and runs. »cd a buffet luncheon was served. Oa** Harclerode. 352 South Second street, will entertain the S. ti. Club at her home this evening. t Miss Wi.eos. the visit ng nurse em f oyed b. th; Steeltcn Civic Club, wiu . be rn her offi.-e frcm S a. m to 9 » m.. from 12.30 p tn. tu 1.39 p. a FOB RENT ItMl TtKNT—South Fourth ' ' " rooms eacli. g-od cellar anj level * <5. I*. . aonth. Apply to Tt'R.*N.». South Fourth S:.. Steei ton. Pa. t in E N : Come to Me i Don't Hesitate ( Do It Now j DR. SCHANTZ Har.iaburg? Reliable, Permanent. Ev-!' jterieueed Specialist » > rc roe!, tissual'. The Daacer. Featm rg M Verna Merseveau. Two-reel Kalem -pocial. Hiram's Hotel. One reel. Kalem Admission. 5 .ind 10 Cents Jl( DISAGREES II 111 USE Woman Accused of Mrs. Bailey's Murder Faints Upon Hearing Xews of Mistrial ACQUITTAL. 10; CONVICTION. 2 After Titirteer Hours and Fifteen Min- J utes of Fruitless Wrangling the Twelve Men Reported a Disagree ment and Were Discharged -M.ueola. L. 1.. Oct, 26.—The Car ina:. trial strugg.ed to an end at 11 o ciock yesterdav morning, wuen the -y. looking haggard and perturbed ; ast-. thirteen lours aad fifteen m.u- ] '.ts of fruit.ess .aine into t e Supreme 1 our: an '. reported a ins agreement They aad been ten for ae .'.uitta! and two for conviction. Mrs. Carina i will bo admitted to '.'CO bail today aud released to go i home a free woman, except for this boi. and t3 psychological bondage! wh w probably come from the; knowledge of a murder indictment -aug ..g over rer head. Tae j resent District Attorney of j ! Nassau county, however. that be w * 1 never press the case to a retrial : unless new evidence comes to shed 1 ! Kg; t tae mystery and, as it doesn't i seem '..key that such evidence will be f nd. Mrs. Carman wj)l j.robablv not ' face snotner jury. Threats in Jury Boom Tne -ig test ;iia kof iutorest after tae ase iad endeii .i dn't. as a matter "i fact sjiiup over Mrs. Carman or Dr. (.arman or any of the leading persons in the trial but over the jurvmen. witose deliberations, as it deveiojied. we-e accompanied by threats of vio lence A ong r.oul " o'clock yesterdav morning, as the dawn was com ;u*gestej that the best wav to end tae controversy would be to cast James H. Aston, wiio vowed that w_hile the-( was breath in his body ho would not vote tor an acquittal. oJt of the window Mr. Aston leaped to his feet and in vited his assailant to step forward and trv it. At this William G. Horey. the second man for conviction, pushed his chair "jack and. hastening to Mr. Aston s side, added his voice to the in vitation. No one, however, seemed disposed to execute the threat. Began With Promise of Verdict Tse jarv's deliberations began wita smiles aad auspicious indications of an early decision. Some one suggested that a ballot be taken forthwith, that seeming the simplest way to learn the genera! impression left by the testimony of both sides, and so a ballot was east. It showed that nine were for acquittal : nd that three. Aston. Hovey and Marx Gotts'h, were for conviction Then as explosion in 'he pleasant I atmosphere which had surrounded the ■ preliminary remarks of all the jurors oe-' ccrred when Robert Ludlam. the fore- ' man. suggested that it would be more to the point if the jurors for conviction : would confine their attention to the testimony instead of making their own inferences. Another ballot was taken and showed that Gottsch had been won over to the acquittal side, while Hovev ; and Aston remained unshaken. It was at this point, onlv fifteen min- ' utes after Justice Kelby "had charged the jurors and sent them out. that a ioud knork resounded in the court room. The court clerk hastened to the > jury door and opened it to fin I Mr. Ludlam standing at the threshold and' * W-TVT>F.PF.N T r>F.NT. MON'HA Y EVENING, OCTOBER 26. 1914. explaining iu whispers that certain por tion* of Cfli* lolemao's testimony w ore desired. Tho opening of the door sent n re port flashing through lite building that Iho jury had alrea.iy reached a decision •Jul wished to report Mrs. Carman, looking very pale and prtMnting as pa thetic a picture as could he imagined, was brought into the court room from the small ante-chamber to which she had retired with her husband when the jury went out. The juror* took five ballots in as many hours without farther change in ••heir opinions. Daring this time their urg.imcnts grew constantly more acrid and the hope of an eventual agreement , faded further as the night progressed. It was 10 59 o'clock yesterday room i ing precisely when the jurors, convinced that he\ \kil.l not reach an agree ment. filed into the court room and took their seats Mrs. Carman had appeared nearly half an hour earlier. Dr. Car man. Mrs. Powell and Mrs. Corby were with he-. It ha.i been guessed before hand that the jury had been unable to agree. s,> some of the edge was taken : from the suspense of those who waited. Tells Judge of Disagreement There was very little formality about tho proceedings. Every one seemed in ei'ned to ire: through as qnieklv as pos sible. As soou as the roll had been called Mr. Ludlaai said: ••Wo nave been unable to agree. We ; have talked over all the evidence and ! there is no hope. " \ro y on sure, Mr. Lud'atn. that you ■•annot" asked Justice Kelby, who iiad sat up ail nigh;. ••There is no chance, your Honor, i -eplied she foreman. "Wo talked stead- I ily for eight or nine hours, and after that occasionally, aud we haven't had a «>nk of sleei>." t "I am in the same boat wth *ou there, gentlemen,'' said Just.ce Keibv, i smiling. ' '•:>jt we been arguing." put in ; the foreman. Mr. Graham. counsel for Mrs. Car man. then suggested that the jurors be asked if it was the e*i lence that they could no: agree upo«». The question was put. with the remark from Justice Kel :>v that he might be able to straighten ! out some i>oint of difference. "It isn t a question of evidence, your j Honor." spoke up juror No. 9. who was Joseph Mollneaux. "We have gone over t all very carefully and cannot reach a verdict." "I am very sorrv, gentlemen, that ■ vou annot agree."' said the Justice. "You have been here for a week and I ; am not inclined to hold ; <>u longer. I | wil discharge you. With that. Just.ce Kelby -ose and i the twelve jurors, on their hats. ; procoe !e.l to depart. Mrs. < arman had begun to cry before i a o tne jurors were in their seats. >..e ko. t a handkerchief constantly to i ~e- eyes ;iring nil that foliowe.l until 'nst e Kelby had risen. Then Mr. j '■ ahim. putting n.s arms on tue back !o: iir cnair. >a i: "I am verv sorry." Mrs. Carman Faints She maraged to bear up while she was still in the court room, iiut on -ea-iing the anteroom outside fainted. A doctor was cailed. Dr. Guy Cleghorn, who attended her in rhe jaii. sail that her nerves were completely shattered aid that she was broken-hearted. While sue was in is.!. he said, sue was crying continually. Tne tirst iuror to reaeli the Court House stei>« wus Mr. L.idlam. A couple i f hundred persons gathered around him n a few minutes and he male a little s.eec;i .-.'out the trs" de.iterations. \s others tame out. some one offered to give rfcree -beers for the men who had voted for acquittal, but the proposal ..dn 't meet with very great enthusiasm j and the cheers were not given." Tnere seemed to be a fair! * well de fine i op:nion among t'ne fo*ii armn.l tho Court House, however, that everv- 1 thing had turned out for the nest. I Wii ;am Bailey, the murdered worn-' an s husband, said that he was sutls nci. sc 1 Mrs Jennie Duryea. Mrs. ; 8a..-y "s .tii-- - . expressed tue family's sentiments in these wo-is: "I feei that it is a moral coavio t on and Mat is all that I care for in the eye- of tue world. I iidn t want Mrs. Carman to ,o to the eiectrfe chair no- yet to pr sou. out 1 do not see ho* : thev could vote for an acquittal on tue evidence. Mrs. Duryea. who is s aged woman, con lu iel her remarks to news • a per men i»y sa- ni; that she wouldn't want Mrs. < arman to suffer as siie had. WILHEIH PRAISES KUNKEL Prominent Lawyer and Bull Moose Le-Auet Enthusiastically En dorses Dauphin Jurist 'Special to t.'ie Star-Independent > J Potts', lite. Pa.. Oct. t>. — Will.un Wilbeim, prominent lawyer and |«>li tician, is out fiat-footed in support of George Kunkel. President Judge of Dauihin county. :or the >tate Sun-euie (.our!. Mr. Wilhelm's statement na? particular significance because ne fcim self wa» oi»« of the candidate? for nomination for Judge of the Supreme Court at the primary elections last May. Mr. Wilheim is one of the Washing-! ton party leaders of the State, being one of the original men in the pro-' gressive movement two years ago. bo-' iug elected president of the Progressive League of Pennsylvania and being as- ] '* What We Say " Come and See How Uncle Sam Flashes Time Each day from 11.55 until noon the U. S. Govern ment Radio Station will flash the seconds, as indi cated by the tick of the clock in the U. S. Naval Observatory, to our Wireless Station. A light in our show window will display these messages. By the way, how's your watch? If you want it to keep correct time it must be in A 1 condition. Diener can make it so. DIENER JEWELER 408 MARKET STREET POUTICAL ADVERTISING. ! POLITICAIi ADVERTISING. | POLITICAL ADVEETISINO POLITICAL ADVEETISINO Mr HL REPRESENTATIVE IMMI Your Vote and Influence Will Be llflHpffl Appreciated Election November 3rd. 1914 i signed to high committee places in the councils of the Washington party. Mr. Wilholm Ml} - he is in favor >f Judge Kunkel s elevation to the highest court of the State because of the rec ord for absolute fairness which that jurist ha-* made upon the l">:» upSiin county bench, where he has sat for eleven years I "There are many re?son« w :iv I sn> going to vote for Judge Kunkel,'' said Mr. \\ ilhelui. "It is well understood tiiat nine-tenths of all Pennsvlvahians «ere convinced that Judge Kunkel fearlessly performed his whole duty in . the Capitol graft cases; but what has appealed and does appeal to me even more than his faitnful work in those cases is Ills consistent fairness in pa.-s ing upon the nomination papers that came oefore him in 1910 and 1912." In th-s connection Mr. Wilhelm re called the battles of the Keystone par ty in 1910 and the Washington party in 1912. ea.h of which led to numerous contests in the Dauphin ouuty court over the right to use party appellations. "M\ activities in both those years.'* he continued, '"and close personal contact with the "leaders who were in opposition to the Republican party gave uie, in connection with them., a chanat to weigh carefully Judge Kun kel in nis official work. He convinced ine. and convinced nearly every one I had occasion to speak with about him. that he was doing his duty aud had no thought of fa%o;iug the then dominant tarty. of which he was a member." PARDDNED HI T AGAIN AHTSED Robert B. Green Is Arrested Again ou a Charge of Forgery Robert B. Green. arrested twice be fore on . .largcs of forgery, was again arrested in:s morning at 5.30 o'c.ock by Citv Detective lbaoh. He is charged with pass ng a worthless check ou )Ha:rv Ov. ist ne. of the Kxceisior Cycle Co.. for t~~ on October 9. Green was taken into custody at Fifteenth aud He gina streets. After (ireen s second arrest Judge 'liillan. of Franklin county, who was pre siding here in January of this year, sentenced Green to pay a hue of $1 and to serve a term in tiie Eastern peni tentiary. Green .vas .ardoned by the Board of Pardons on Jiiue 17. last. RAILROAD CifflJMD HABRiriBUBG SIDE Philadelphia Division—lo3 crcn'to go alter 3.40 p. rn.: 115, 127. i2o. 122. 111, 'IT, 108, 109. 126. 104. Engineers tor 03, 108. i«» I*. 111. 114. 125. 12 • Kireme,i tor 10". 115. Conductors for 122, 12i. Flagman for 104. Brakemcn for 122, 12i, 126. 127. Engineers up: Crisswell, Streeper, First. Minni-h Manley, Newcomer, Tennant, lirass Smeltzer, ijupplee. Hubler. Su.-w Albright, Davis. Hein ecke. Back Madeuford. Bissinger. So ber, Smith, Bruebaker. Firemen up- Myers, Barton, l.antz, Davidson. Uorstick, Copeland. Bushey, Wagner, Behman, Swank, Duvall. My ers, Rhoads Manning, Cover, GUber'g, Yentzer. Hartz. Packer, Sbeaffer. Conductors up. Hoodeshel, Hopp. MARTIN G. BRUMBAUGH fUfcl ' CANDIDATE FOR ! i f GOVERNOR OF PENNSYLVANIA J Stands For Clean, Capable, Con j|§r; i scientiors State Government f & jM* Will Welcome Your Support On DR MARTIN G BRUMBAUGH. Election Day, Nov. 3, 1914 i 1 '■ ■ I* m mt m ,m mm. ■» J first after 4p. n:. Prefererce: 4, J, S, 1 7. 10, I «, 9- Engineer for 5. Fireman foi 3 Conductors for 3, C. ' Flagman for 5. Brakeman for 10 Engineers up. Haven?, Free. Wei comer, Magil!, Simonton. Webster, ' Smith, Kugler, Brigglesi Willis, Moore. Firemen u, : Potteiger, Keeder, Stouffer, Seagrist, Wright, Sheesley, ' Simmons, Uross. Karstetter, Zeiders, Beacham, Weiblev, Fletcher, Boininau, ! Arnold. Conductors up: Fralick, Faul, Baskins Flagmen up. Miles, Miller, Jacobs. Brakemen up: Schoffstall, Kilgor. Peters, Fleck. Bickert, Baker, Spnhr, I Fiitz, Strouser, Bolan. Putt, Kerwin. Reese. Kohli, Kane, Werner. Yard Crew® —Engineers up: Stahl,' ; Swab, Crist, Harvey, Eandis. Hoyler. Hohenshelt. Breneman, Thomas, fiudv, i Houser, Meals. Firemen up: Sncll,,Bartolet, Getty, Hart. Barkev, Sheets, Bair, Eyde, Essig. Xev, Myers, Boyle, Shipley, Kevie.! : Bostdorf, Sehieffer, liauch, Lackey. Engineer for 306. Firemea for 1831, 12T0, 90. 2393. ENOLA SIDE Philadelphia Division—2ls crew to: ,go first after 4 p. m.: 206, 253, 207,, 201, 218, 204. 227, 241, 225, 237,' 224, 236, 232, 226, 212, 243, 210, i 246, 220, 209. 223. Engineers for 204, 206, 210, 216, i : 220, 224, 227, 237, 246. 2*3. Firemen for 204, 210, 214, 220. Conductor for 216. Flagmen for 224, 226. 232, 237 1 242. 1 Brakemen for 210. 216, 224, 232 i 234, 237, 241, 246, 253. | Conductors up: Steinoacr, Logan, | Liugle, Walton, Keller, Penneli. Great Democratic Rally TO BE HELD AT Kelker Street Hall, Tuesday, October 27th, at 8.15 P. M. Big Street Parade Come and hear the issues of this campaign discussed by the following prominent speakers Hon. Wm. H. Berry, ex-State Treasurer. Hon. James I. Blakslee, Fourth Postmaster General Hon. Jas. A. Btranahan, ex-Deputy Attorney General. Henry B. Niles, Esq., of York, Pa. EVERY VOTER SHOULD ATTEND THIS MEETING "* ■ ■ 1 ■ " ■■■■' r ■. -B ,■ Brakemen up: Summy, Carrol], Weist, Wolfe, Malseed, Jacobs, Taylor, Shulcr. I Fclker. Middle Division— ll6 crew to go i nrst after 2.30 p. m.: 222, 231. THE READING j P.." H. & P.—After 4p. m.: 14. 15. | 22. 2, 21, 20. 1. 24, 10. | Eastbound —After 2 p. m.: 62, 61,, 70, 53. 56, 59, 52, 69. Coiiductors up: Kline, German, \ ton. Engineers up: Morrison, Fetrow', Massimore, Crawford, Sandman. Martiu, liisss, Kettner, Woland, Tipton. Engineers up: Hilton, Aunspacfc. Dobbins, fenader, Kelly, Corl, Bullivau. I>ex. Bruwfl, Rumbaugh, Ijongeueeker, j Sellers, Howell. Brakemeu up: Taylor, Ely, Strain. Mast, Dunkle. Machamer, Carlin, Eplev, j Heilman, Hinklr, Chenny, Oreage'r, Miles, UreatT, Shadcr. 7