6 91;? &tar-3ndrp*nft*(tt ( EttaKhshrtt in 1876) Published b • TH* STAR PRINTINCT COMPANY, f St»r.lnd»p«n*«nt Buildmc. IHMI South Third Str*«t. NarrteWr*. Pa* Evary I«*nla| («u»l Sunday OKictri PirxiM, BWUAMI* F. MSTIRS. JomK L L Kens, PrMidtnt WM W. WALLOWM. U—... V*« President Wm. K Mtnu. Secretary auu Treasurer WM W WAIXOWIB. WM II WA*.\|K. V. HrMMEL BIMQBACIt JB . Business Manager Editor All eoiunmnica'iOQS should be sddre>s*il to STAR I.M'SrENDtNT, Bnsinrso Editorial. Job Printing or Circulation Department, according to the subject matter. Entered »t the Post Office in Harrisburs as second class matter Benjamin A Keatnor Company. New York and Chicago Representatives. New York OSee. Brunswick Building, 220 Kifih Avenue. Chicago Office. People's tins Building. Michigan Avenue. Delivered by carriers ft « cents a week. Mailed to subscriber; for Three Dollars a year in advance. THE STAR INMPKNDCNT The paper with the largest Hjuit Circulation in Harrisburg and nearby towns Circulation Examine* by THE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN ADVERTISERS. TELEPHONES i BELL Private Branch Ctohanae, No. 3250 CUMBERLAND VALLEY Private Branch Eichange. - - - No. 14M41 Monday, October OCTOBER Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thur. Fri. Sat. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 MOON'S PHASES— Full Moon, 4th; Last Quarter. 12th: New Moon, 19th: First Quarter, 25tk. WEATHER FORECASTS J . VSa Harrisburg and vicinity: Generally fa;r to night and Tuesday. Cooler. 1 Kastern Pennsylvania: Unsettled and cooler to-night and Tuesday: moderate southwest to northwest winds. YESTERDAY'S TEMPERATURE IN HARRISBURG Highest, 56: lowest. 4o: S a. m.. 49; S p. m., 47. CLOSING WEEK OF THE CAMPAIGN The start of the last week of the most vigor ously fought campaigu for state officers that has been waged for years iu Pennsylvania rinds both Democrats aud Republics us claiming victory for their candidates for United States Senator aud Governor, each with a brave show of confidence, and the "Washington party professing to be equally confident of the election of their candidate for the Senate. "Straw" votes are being taken aud pre dictions as to the sizes of majorities or pluralities are being freely made by persons professing to possess powers of political prognostication. Even before the primaries, early last spring, the issues of the tight were beiug discussed and the discussions have been kept up pretty consistently ever since, so that now it is a safe assertion that the voters of the state understand fully what each party what each candidate for an important office stands for. —better, perhaps, than in any cam paign in the recent history of Pennsylvania. It is logical to assume, therefore, that the voters for ihe most part already are determined as to how they will oast their ballots one week from to-mor row and that nothing can alter the determination of the majority barring the injection of some un foreseen influence of sufficient force to cause a great eleventh hour upheaval in sentiment. Whether any of the parties has anything "up its sleeve' to "spring" at the last moment which • an have the effect of bringing about any material change in the sentiment of the voters, the present week will determine. This is the week in which the candidates must bring out their hidden ammu nition. if they have any remaining, but nothing short of a big "explosion can change the course of events as it is now being run. I he invasion of Colonel Roosevelt, scheduled for this week, presents the one possibility that can be .oreseen at this date of a political "explosion" that may have sufficient force to upset existing sentiment of the electors. Evidently the Washing ion party men who are freely predicting the elec tion of Gifford Pinchot as United States Senator are counting on the Loionel's voice and ability as a vote-winner to carry Mr. Pinchot to victory, if Mr. Pinchot is to succeed, as predicted by his sup porters. the upheaval must come as a result of Colonel Roosevelt's invasion of the state, and there are many who believe that the Colonel, even in Pennsylvania, where he is so popular, does not pos sess the power to turn the tide of the sentiment from the course in which it is now running. With regard to the contest as between tht- lead ing Republican and Democratic caudidates the un biased observer must admit that no one to-day •an accurately predict the result. All depends on the independent voters.—and their number in these days is far greater than ever before. With them rests the balance of power and the independent voter does not tell how he is going to cast his ballot. It can be said with absolute assurance, however, that the independents will not sit at home and twirl their thumbs on election day. The un usually aggressive campaigns that have been made alike by the Republicans and Democrats are certain to have the effect of getting the voters to the polls. What they will do after they get there will not be known until the ballots are counted on November 3. THE PASSING OF THE FIRE HORSES The days of racing tire horses are numbered. Motor vehicles, which have largely taken the places of the animals for general transportation purpose, KARfMSttrwrc KT A MONDAY EVENING. OCTOBER 26. 1914. are being adopted by tire departments. Gasoline j is providing an excHlent substitute for animal en ergy as the motive power for tire apparatus. Harrisburg s recently acquired auto tire appa ratus will soon participate in responses to alarms and give the city its tirst exhibition of horseless tire tighting. It will not be difficult for the imagi nation to foresee the day when only autos will respond to alarms, when horses will be left in the hapiess of ice aud coal wagons, or will have disap peared entirely from extensive service of any sort. It is not altogether pleasant to think of tho abandonment of horses by tire departments. The gallant steeds, racing through the streets iu ap parent detiame of all restraint of reins while the tire bells are ringing and siuoke and sparks are issuing from the engines seem to have become an inseparable factor in the sources of excitement at the sounding of an alarm of tire. Those who have seldom seen a tire without the added feature of galloping horses can hardly realize what the re sponse to a tire alarm would be like if it lacked the tire horses. I tility gives no heed, however, to sentiment. Dashing horses may add life to the scene of a tire, aud increase the general sense of excitement, yet they are not as efficient in actuality as arc inani mate motors. The vim of the animals cannot carry trucks to tires as fast as can gasoline; the legs of the living beasts are not as speedy as are the pistons of the humanly contrived mechanisms. The Are horses are splendid when in action, and much will be missed by future generations whose only knowledge of the animals will be through pho tographs. yet when the auto apparatus does awav entirely with the horses greater speed iu respond ing to alarms will be possible aud the tire depart ments will approach their highest degree of effic iency. "The quicker the horses are put out of the busi ness the better." is the statement made by Captain •John Rumney of a Manayunk engine company. He says it is disgusting to him to have to ride to a tire behind a horse, and asserts that when he had to go on the old timers recently because the auto apparatus was disabled, he thought he would never reach the fire. He says the machine can take the big hills for which Manayunk is famous, in two or three minutes, and that the flying horses of former days are "not in it'' now. McAdoo mawe? some mistake?. So <|o nto-t other men who accomplish things. (Jet 'Milt! The t oloael will be here on Thursday, and he has his voice au>i iiis teeth with hiiu. The \a!e football team seam* i* be suffering from the absence of one of its best litrle coachers. Even though no: with the battling forces in Europe, the surgeons of the luiteu States are having their hands full. The football season is ou in earnest. British submarine "E-S was completed in 1913 and car ried a crew of 13 men. She was -unk by the Ger incus. The superstitious will wag their heads ;.ud look wise. A cros* opposite the name of Judge Kunkel for Supreme Court Judge, wheu you go to the polls on election day, means that you will be helping to elect a good Harrisburg man to high office. An English writer says tiie only way to bring about an early end of the European conflict is to induce United States to go to war on the side of the allies. That is a very nice solution of the problem,—from the European point of view. TOLD IN LIGHTER VEIN A HUSBAND AT HOME Two women were absorbingly engaged in an intimate conversation on the street car. No wonder another woman was mue'n interested when she overheard the fotiowin": "Got a letter from my of man. Had not heard from him for a long time. Says he's com in' home.' "Now ain't that too bad," said the other, consolingly. "An' you got such a good start." "Yes, I hate it. Was gettin' along so well." "My experience was th' same. Was mnkin' money and livin' easy, when my ol* man come back, lie set arotin' and et until my easy time was over." Then the woman who had received the letter heaved a sigh. "It's an awful 'sponsibilitv on a woman. ha\ in' a husban' at home." she said.—lndianapolis Xews. PRAYS FOB BUSINESS "Brudders and sistahs," triumphantly said good old Par son Bagster, when the offering had beeu taken up, "uh- Bides de customary buttons, pennies and plugged nickels, I finds in de c'lection a whole silver dollah. bless de Lawd! As dar a mon'y one stranger present wid us dis rnawin' I organizes who 'tis daj's imprecated in de lib-rality—dat fine lookin' gentleman down dar in the fifth row. Thank vo\ muh brudder; mav Lawd smile on vo' business, whatever 'tis, and increase it many fold enduring' de eoroin' yeah!" "I'm sho'ly 'blecged to vo', sah, for vo' salubrious wishes," replied the stranger, rising in his place and bow ing with solemn dignity. "I'm de new undertaker dat's dess moved over fum Tumlinville."—Kansas City Star. A BUMP FOB MOTHER Worn out by a long series of appalling French exercises, wherein the blunders were as the sands of the sea. a hap less high school mistress declared her intention of writing to Florence's mother. Florence looked her teacher in the face. ~ "Ma will be awful angry." "I am afraid she will, but it is my duty to write to her, Florence." "I don't know." said Florence, doubtfully. "You see, mother always does mv French for me."—Pittsburgh Chronicle-Telegraph. FATHER'S MORNING PRAYER "Johnny," asked a Sunday school teacher, "do vou sav vour prayers every morningt" "No, ma'am, but my father does," said Johnny, whose dad is a hardware man. "And what prayer does vouj father say, Johnnyf" "He say, 'Oh, Lord, how I hate to get up.' " —Exchange. POLITE DISDAIN "That man invariably agrees with what I say," said the argumentative person. "Rather complimentary." "Xot at all. He would rather agree with me than pay attention to what I am saying."—Washington Star. [Tongue-End Top ics | • In the Apple Bait of Adams County Apples, apples cerywhfre, and bar rels of eider to drink! If you waut to see apple orchards, if you want to see j applfs, if you want to see eider —and ; drink it—if you want to see more apples , than you e\ei dreamed could be grown j in Pennsylvania, or the entire Uuion, for that matter, take a trip through the apple belt in Adams county. Yes, Adams county' You needn't turn up your nose beeause Adams is one of the smallest iu ai/.e aud population of the counties of Pennsylvania, aud its chief claim to fame rests in the fact that the battle of Gettysburg was fought within her borders. Adams county has another claim to fame, it raises more apples than any county of its size anywhere. And. what is more, that claim can be made good any day at preseut and has been holding good for several weeks. Greatest Apple Year in History This has been the greatest apple growing year in the history of Adams county. Frrm Beudersvilie aud Arendt ville, and Starucr's Station and Big lerville and any other of the numeroue put to gether in the orchard, and he makes J liis own barrels as he needs them. The I Adams county apple cau compete any | time with the beautiful, dry, tasteless : fruit that is brought frotn the West , aud touted as the best apple grown, i L'erhaps it is a better-looking apple than the Adams county apple, but it is i dry aud juieeless, ttavorless aud can no more compare in quality to an Ad ams county apple than a dried herring can compare to a brook trout. But, i it you want to see apples go over to Adams county before the beautiful Oc j tober days have gone. Thomas M. Jones. FIRST OF ALI A QUALM Chalmers -Su-48" At An Unusually Low Price In Line With Com pany's Well-Known Policy Robert Morton, of the Keystone Motor Car Company, 10-23-1025* Mar ket street, Harrisburg, in speakiu'g of ilie thalmer's oars says: "The Chalmers 'six 4S' is first of all a quality ear. That it is a quality car at an unusually low price is simplv in line with the well-known Chalmers policy of producing, first, high grade motor ears: and second, pricing them as low as efficient manufacturing, quau titv production, and a fair profit make possible. The light 'sx' is not an experi mental car, rushed upou the market to til! a newly arisen demand. Two vears ago the Chalmers Motor Company recognized a growing demand for a car of this type—a car light in weight, yet generously with all of the qualities that make a *six* superior to a 'four, and yet as economical to maintain as any 'four' of equal power, stylish in desigu and luxurious in ap pointment, yet at a low price. "Xearly two years ago the Chalmers engineers began work on the model 26. During thi* time little 'sixes' and low priced 'sixes' have appeared on the market. But the Chalmers engineers were not stampeded. We knew the per manence of the demand for the right kind of light 'six.' We knew the buv ing public want a well-known quality car sold at a quantity price. "We have designed and built the •Six 48' painstakingly—as all Chal mers cars are built—knowing that you would prefer to wait for a car built up to the Chalmers standard of quality, rather than experimenting with any of the cheaper and less favorably known 'Sixes.' " Salvation Army Needs Stoves The Salvation Army's headquarters, hall and relief department will be lo cated at 522 Race street after Novem ber 1. Two heating stoves for the hall an.i a kitchen stove are badly needed and Captain Xeilson will call for any donations of this kind. SOLDIERS ENJOY CHOCOLATE Thoso In European Warfare Find It Contains Much Nutriment Quite recently a gentleman in Europe observing the passage of some trooj>s through a village, noticed the women in their enthusiasm, offering little gifts to the soldiers, and, making some in quiries, ascertained that the soldiers almost invariably asked for chocolate or cigarettes. Lately European govern ments have made large purchases of chocolate, finding that it is the favorite emergency ration on account of its small bulk and the large amount of nutriment it contains. For many years in this country Walter Baker & Company's chocolate has been recognized as an exceedingly valuable article of food; chocolate con taining, as one authority has stated. "More flesh-forming matter than beef. "WANT TO HEAR TEDDY" Labor Men Cancel Meetings to Listen to Roosevelt Scranton, Oct. 26.—Ten meetings of labor men scheduled in various parts of the county for next Wednesday night in the interest of labor candidates have been canceled as a compliment to former President Roosevelt, who will speak here that night. Steve McDon ald, president of the Central Union, announced last night that the meetings had been called off. "We want to hear Teddy," he ex plained. Colonel Roosevelt is a favorite here because of his work in behalf of the miners in the strike of 1902. Harrisburg Hospital The Harrisburg Hospital is open daily except Sunday, between 1 and 2 o'clock p. m. for dispensing medical advice aud prescriptions to those un able to pay for them. FOR SALE $20,000.00 City of Harrisburg Bonds By the First National Bank of Harrisburg, Pa. Additional Personal and Social News I PARTY FOR THEREV.S.L.RICE Congregation Plan Pleasant Surpriso for Their Pastor and His Wife Friday Evening East Friday a number of members I and friends of Zion Lutheran congrega tion in Marvsvillp surprised their pas tor, the Rev. S. L Rice and family by visiting the parsonage laden with good wishes and a variety of good and use till things for the larder. The orohes-1 tra of the Lutheran Bundav school in j Marysville, headed b\ their leader. Dr. i ' ■ K. Weills, was present and rendered I music, which entertained and delighted \ all preseut. A sumptuous supper was served which, along with the music and I social ohat, made the occasion one of i special interest and delight. rhose present were Mr. and Mrs. J. | S. Bitner, Mrs. C. L. Davis, Mrs. Ella; Staufifor, Mrs. H. .1. Deckard. Miss Mary I Deekard, Mrs. R. H. Sluse, Mr. and Mrs. jC. W. Diebold, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. llench, Mrs. Kzra Fleisher, Mrs. F. A.I I'leisher and daughters. Misses Helen and Ethel; Herman Hippie, Professor! Ira Brinser, Walter Bears, Vernon Dis singer, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Fisher, Rav mond Weills, Dr. Charles Weills aiid i wife and daughter, Ruth; Urover Bit-1 ting, Robert Robison, Mrs. Willard I Shearer and sons, John and Alfred; Clifford Nteese, Mrs. Rov Steese and son. Wallace; Mrs. John Ashenfelter and daughter. Miss Irene; Daniel Deck ard Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Veator and son, Harold; Dorothy Secard, the Rev. S. L. and Mrs. Rice. J. E. Rice, R. K. Rice and Fred C. Rice. PARTY FOR PAUL MILLER Father Arranges Pleasant Birthday Sur prise in Celebration of His Seventeenth Anniversary Paul E. Miller was given a delightful birthday surprise party at his home, 560 Race street, Saturday evening by bis father. The young man was taken out for an automobile ride and on his return found the house prettily decor ated with Jack-o '-lanterns and flowers. 1 The guests spent a pleasant evening with music and games after which sup per was served. The Rev. R. L. Mei senhelder, pastor of Trinity Lutheran I church, acted as toastmaster. Covers | were laid for the following guests: Misses Pauline Gibbons, Blanche Raine. Bertha Mac Donald, Dorothy ! Stoll, Mildred Fisher, Hazel Fisher, |Sarah Keil, Thelma Groff, Clara Hart . wick, Bertha Weisman, Esther Weis man. Hazel Collier, Catharine Croft, I Mildred Sheetler, Helen Houchanderfer, , Liilie Fisher, Dorothy Davis, Grace ! Webster, Mrs. Walton, Paul E. Miller, Arthur Hauch and .1. E. Miller. COUNTRY CLUB DANCE Debutantes of the Season Among the ; Guests at Informal Dance Held Saturday Evening Among tht guests at the subscription \ dance neld at the Country Club Satur day evening were: Mrs. Alice M. Wallis, Mrs. F. Her ! bert Snow, Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Hit - tenhouse, Frank Payne, Miss Emilv j Bailey, Miss Frances Bailey, Miss ! Klizabeth Bailey, Miss Dora Wicker ' sham Coe, Miss Louise Carney, Miss Mary Meyers, Miss Marian Clifford Angell, Miss Margaret Williamson. • Miss Virginia Hargest King, Miss Mary Williamson, Miss Helen Goodwin i Hammond, Miss Margaret Stackpole. j Miss Mary Knisely, Miss Eleauo; |' lark. Robert McCreath, John Magoun, ! Thomas Baldwin. Richard Knibloo, j Donald Baincs, of New York City; i Theodore Voorhees, of Philadelphia; ' Mr. Masters, Paul G. Smith, Thomas I Williamson, Henry M. Gross, Albert ; Staekpole, Henry B. Abbott, Mr. Be j van, Mr Reedus and Mr. Peake. | CAMPBELL HOOVER WEDDING Ceremony Performed at Home of Offici ating Minister, the Rev. J. W. Miller IMr. and Mrs. H. R. Hoover, 1716 I Regina street, annouuee the marriage, of their daughter, Emma Grace, to i Cyrus J. Campbell, of this city. The I ceremony was performed Thursday 1 evening. October 22. at the home of i tho officiating clergyman, the Rev. J. IW. Miller, 1726 Regina street. The ; bride and groom were attended by IMr. I aud Mrs. Frank Hoover, (Miss Mae j Hoover aud Miss Lizzie Campbell. Aft | or November 7 Mr. and Mrs. "Campbell j will be at home at 42 North Twelfth ! street. | WEEK-END AT COVE ALLEN I Mr. and Mrs. Buffingtou Chaperoned Young People Mr. and Mrs. J. H. 'Buffinjjton chap ! eroned a party of voung people who spent the week end at Cove Allen. The j party included: Miss Anna iHene, Miss Emma Geigcr, Miss Bertha Miller, Miss Alice Miller, j iMiss Eva Solomon, Miss Alice Wolfe, Misd Grace Welsh, Milton Kepford, George Leach, Robert Mec>k, Paul Herre, Edward Herre and Howard Early. HLSKINU BEE AT NEWPORT 1 Guests at Edsail Farm Included Num ber From Harrisburg Among the guests at the husking | bee given by Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. I Marshall and Mr. and Mrs. William S. i Bergner at the Edsall farm, Newport, Saturday evening were the following from this city: Mr. and Mrs. Walter P. Maguire, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Anderson Hickok, Mr. Jind Mrs. Robert Hatfield Irons, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Willis Davis, Frank I'. Carney, Frank J. Brady and Robert Neal. Tin guests husked corn and danced in the barn after supper. PREPARE FOR C. E. RALLY Societies of City and Vicinity Will Get Togothor To-morrow The Christian Kndeavor Societies of Harrisburg and vicinity made an nouncements last evening of the big an nual rally to be held in the Sixth Street I nited Brethren c hu/ch to ■mor row evening and preparations were I made to attend by tlie societies. Many societies are expected to be I represented and prizes will be given to | societies sending the largest percentile j of their members to the rally. FRENCH DESTROY .1 HERMAN AEROPLANES, SAYS SCRIBE London, Oct. 26, 3.i1l A. M.—Ac ; cording to the Paris correspondent of j the " Express," live German aeroplanes i were destroyed by the French on Sat ! urday. Two T.tubes were brought down , at Rheinis by a single French aviator, ! he says, >tho succeeded in getting to j a higher altitude than the Germans and then tired ou then with a revolver. Two other German "birds" were hit by the guns of the Meharicourt forts near Moutdidier. A fifth German air mail was wounded by a riflo shot at I Gravelines, a seaport twelve miles easi j northeast of Calais. ! (iESSAD PASHA ETS SETBACK IN THE INVASION OK EPIRIIS London, Oct. 26, 5.25 A. M.—A dis , patch from Athens to the Exchange j Telegram Company, says that the news j papers there announce that Essa I Pasha, who recently assumed the provi sional presidency of Albania, address ! Ed to the governor of Epirius an ulti ; matum ordering the evacuation of ; North Epiritus and receiving no reply he ordered an invasion of the country. A fierce fight lasting two days en sued when the invaders were repulsed | with heavy losses. RUSSIANS DETERMINED TO KEEP LEMBERG AT ALL COSTS London, Oct. 26. 4.C0 A. M.—Ac | cording to a dispateh to the "Daily I Telegraph,'' from Rotterdam the "Vossiche Zeituug," of Berlin, says i that the Russians who had withdrawn | most of their troops from Leniberg, j have now sent SO,OOO there who are strenuously fortifying the town. The Russians, the paper says, are clearly determined to keep Leniberg at all costs. A word coined by the auto mobile industry to express a new idea—readability. It describes a quality possessed by the Chalmers "Light Six" in a greater degree than any of the cars that pre tend to compete in the same price class. It means "ability oo the road" a a combination of power, speed, steadi ness, easy-riding, holding the road, getting you "there and back". "Readability" makes the "Light Six" a car of cars for touring. In it you can ride all day—and drive all day, too —without fatigue. Your nerves are not frayed by vibration: your body is not wearied by jolts and jars. j And this same "readability" is equally desirable for the man who | doesn't care to tour extensively—but | wants a car of comfort and satisfaction for general use. Put any "Light Six" under S2OOO 1 to the real test of touring. Then come try the Chalmers"Light Six"- —the "six" manufactured complete in the Chalmers plant—and learn (or yourself its in-built "readability". 1915 "Light Six", $1650 1915 "Mutir Six", 2400 Quality Firti Keystone Motor Car Co., 1023-1023 Market Street I Harrisburg, Pa.