The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, October 26, 1914, Page 4, Image 4

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To-night! Clean Your
Bowels and Stop
Headache, Colds,
Sour Stomach
Get a 10-cent box now.
■ Tu* the ras als out —the headache,
biliousness. indigestion, the sick, sour
stomach and bad colds—turn them out
to night and keep them out with Cas
Millions of men and women take a
Cascaret now and then and never know
god bowels or HU upset stomach,
gedwr bowels or an upset stomach.
Don t put in another day of distress.
Lot Cascarets cleanse your stomach: re
move the sour, fermenting food: take
the excess bile from your liver and
•arrv out all the constipated waste
matter and poison in the bowels. Then
you will feel great.
A Cascaret to-night straightens you i
out by morning. They work while yon i
seep. A 10-eent box from any drug
store means a ..lear head, sweet stom '
sch and clean healthy liver and bowel[
action for months. Children love Cas
■arets because they never gripe or
Puvis. Oct. 26. —The "Ex elsior's"
correspondent at Vitry-le-Francois. l>e
partmcnt of Mame. lias sent the fol- 1
lowing dispatch to his Paper:
"The town of Revignv. 12 piile*
from this place, Crown Prince
Frederick William of Germany hail
h ? headqua'tcr? several weeks :'g.> re
teivrd a visit at that tme fro:n a
French-aeroplane. Th f operators of the
Airship dropped a bomb, whi-h killed
15 per?ons an.l injured 2 2 others. but
the Crown Prince was uninjured."
Ijo: iop. Oct. 26. —Anthony ,1. Drcx
cl left Loudon a tew days ago for
Paris. His intention is to ioin his son,
J. Armstrong Drexel. at the front as a
chauffeur, but his friends :n London c.o
not knew whether he has as yet suc
ceeded in doing this.
John R. Drexel - a: pr.sen: stop
ping at the Kit . awaiting fhe avrival
of his daughter, Alice, from Munich,
where she has been with friends since
the outbreak of the war. ,1. Armstrong
Drefel is one of General French s'
Anthony J. Prexel has .i\ed
most oi the time for tne iast 20 yeurs.
He was born in Philadelphia. His fath
er was head of the banking linns that
bea- tjie fan- ly name.
Forbid Giving Troops Liquor
London. Oct. 28. — The Russian Gov
ernor of lia:.' a iias announced that any
[>ersons offering spirituous liquor to the
Russian troops will be tried by court
martia.. This statement is ccntained
in a dispatch to the "Time " fro::: 't<
IVtrogra.i correspondent.
Von Moitke Much Better
Amsterdam, Via London, Oct. 26. —
An official dispatch from Berliu says
tnat the condition of General von
Moltkc, chief of the German General
5-taff. who is suffering from an affection
wf the liver, is greatly improved.
Cholera Spreading m Austria
Loudon, Oct. 26. 2 A. M.—A d ?
patch from Bucharest to the "Daily
Telegraph" says that cholera is spread
ng rapi !Iv in Austria.-Yesterday forty
cases wire reported iu Moravia. 120
iii Galicia an 1 three in Vienna.
Turks and Germans Come to Blows
Londcu. Oct. 26. 1.55 A. M.—A dis
patch to the "Daily Telegraph" from
Athens says: "There is considerable
friction between the German military
men in Turkey and'the Turkish soi
• iiers. At Adrianople Turkish troops
• ame to blow* with their German of
ticers. A protracted fight ensued. Sev
eral cars tiiled with wounded were sent
to Constantinople:
. I
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••• ALLIES SHbUermams '
0 5 10 Mm l -'
French official reports announce gains south of Thlaucourt. where the Germans were defeated. Other
despatches state that the Germans requested an armistice, which was refused. The French commander im
mediately renewed the attack and obtained the advance which the Germans designed to gain. A French
force is said to have arrived at Brabant-sur-Meuse. near Consenvoye, at the heights of Montfaacon. where
the Crows Prince is entrenched. Another French force, it is officially stated, commands the roads leading
from Varennes to the valley of the Aisne.
rain 111
I Every Other Factor
Now Dominated by
This Unique Means
of Transport
Belgian Correspondent Gives Vivid De
scription of the Horrors of War in
the Defense of City Against Gar
man Guns
London. Oct. 26. 2.-10 A. M.—Tiie
"Daily Telegraph's" correspondent in
Belgium who, accompanied by-a son of
; the Beigiau War Minister. M. De
j Broqueville. made a tour of the battle
ground in the Dixntude district last
; Wednesday, says:
, "As far as t:»e eve can roach nothiug
• could 'be seen but >u>-n tig villages and
bursting shells. 1 realized for the first
. time how completely the motor car hail
; revolution.»W warfare and how every
| other fa.tor was now dominated by the
Absence or presence of this unique
means of transt>ort.
"Every road to the front was sun
ply packed with cars. They seemed an
ever-rolling, endless stream, and
returning to the front, while in many
villages hundreds of pr vate cars were
1 parked tinder the control of the medi
al waiting in readiness to carry
| the wounded. •
Terrible Scene Presents Itself
"Arriving at the tiring line a ter
•■.i'le scene presented itself. Tne s»iiell
tire from tiie German batteries was so
territi • that Belgian soldiers anil French
marines were continually being blown
out of their dugouts and sent scattering
to cover. Elsewhere also little groups
of peasants were forced to flee because
, their cellars began to fall in. These un
'ortunates -ha.l to make their wav as
■est they vould on foot to the rear.
They were frightened to death by the
' bursting shells an 1 the sight of crying
hiidren among them was most
. thet.c.
"Dixmude was the objective of the
German attack and shells were bursting
aii over it. From a distance of three
miles we could hear them crash down
but tiie town itself was invisible ex
, 'ept for the dames and smoke and
| clouds rising above it. The Belgians
had only a few field batteries so thai
the enemy's howitzers simply domi
nate i the field and the infantry
trenches arouud the town had to rely
upon their own unaided efforts.
A Most Horrible Sight
'' Our progress along the road was
s-iJdenly stopped by oue of fhe most
horrible sights I have ever seen. A
heavy howitzer "heil ha i fallen and
Ti.'st right -n the m l»: of a Belgian
oattery making its way to the front.
, uusins; terrible destruction. The man
ned orses and men among tfce debris
[•resented a siio king spectacle.
"Eventually we got into Dixmude
>ei:' and every time a shell came crash
ug among tae roofs we thought our end
iia ' -onie. The hotel De Villa (town
iialF was .*> sa l sight. The roof was
completely riddled by shell fire, inside
was a scene of chaos. It was piled with
loaves of bread, 'bicycles and dead sol
"The battle redoubled in fury and
ly 7 o'clock n the evening Dixmude
was a red furnace, presenting a scene of
te-'.ole grandeur. The horizon was red
with burning'homes. Our return journey
was a melancholy one. owing to the con
stant trains of wounded that were pass-
Reservists to Sow Crops
Paris. Oct. 26.—M. Milleraud. the
M.uister of War. has given permission
for the territorial reservists now
mobilized at interior depots to work
fifteen days sowing crops, either for
themselves or for others.
The Montenegrins Fall Back
N;sh. Servia, Oct. 26.—A battle
was fought on October 21 along the en
tire Bosnian front, according to an offi
cial statement issued here yesterday.
The Servian", and Montenegrins re
pulsed all attacks, but the severe as
! saults of the Aust.ians compelled the
Montenegrins to fall back behind their
l positions.
Relieves Sourness. Gas,
j Heartburn, Dyspepsia
in Five Minutes
Sour, gassy, upset stomach, indigos
-1 tiou, heartburu, dyspepsia; wheu the
food you eat ferments into gases and :
1 stubborn lumps: your head aches and j
1 you feel sick and miserable, that's when i
you realize the magic iu Pape's Dia
pepsin. It makes ail stomach misery
.' vanish in five minutes.
If your stomach is in a continuous
1 revolt—if you can't get it regulated. 1
• please, for your sake, try Pape's Dia
pepsin It 's so needless to have a bad
stomalh—make your next meal a fa
vorite food meal, then take a little;
lliapepsin. There will not be any dis
! tress—eat without fear. It's because;
i Papcig Diapepsin "really does" regu
late weak, out-of-order stomachs that
>' gives it its millions of sales annually.
Get a large fifty-cent case of Pape's
Diapepsin from any drug store. It is
the quickest, surest stomach relief and
! cure known. It acts almost like magic
I —it is a scientific, harmless and pleas
ant stomach pwparation which truly
belongs in every home. adv.
; London, Oct. 26 General Si~
' Charles Douglas, chief of staff of the
British army and fir.-t military mem-'
ber of the army council, died yester
' day.
General Sir Charles Whittingham
llorsley Douglas, cnief of the imperial
I general' and first military member
' of the armv council, was appointed
i chief of staff of the British army on
i April 1, last, following the resignation
of Sir John French, the present com
mander of the British expeditionary
forces ou the continent.
Born in ISSO, he had served in ali
Great Britain's wars since tiie Af
ghan campaign in 1879. He had been
inspector general of the home forces
since IS 12. when he was made chief
of the general staff.
Paris, Oct. 26.—Among the sons of
' ex-Presidents of France who are now
with the. French, armies are the Mar
quis de MacMahon. Duke of Magenta,
who is a brigadier geuerai at Kelfort,
while his brother. Count MacMahon, is
an infantry colonel: Major Sadi Car
not. who is doing duty in a fort near
'Montmorency; Claude Casimir-Perier,
husband of Mme. Simone, the actress,
. who is an infantry lieutenant aud was
recently wounded: Paul Loubet. who is
a lieutenant of infantry and is serving
' at Verdun, and Andre Fallieres. who is
. attached to the Ministry of V. ar.
Austrian Emperor Weaker
Vienna i,bv way of Home), Oct. 26.
[' —Emperor Francis Joseph is severelv
i troubled with asthma. His sleeplessness
i and increasing weakness, coupled with
• depression, are causing apprehension.
Canadian Killed in Action
Ottawa, Oct. 26.—That the Canadian
' t troops are already in action is shown
)| by a cable message received at (K>V
ernment House. This message states
that Major T. Rivers Bulkelcy. comp
troller of the household of the Duke of
Connaught, Governor General of Can
a :a. has been killed in the fighting at
the front.
1.4 t>ti Britishers Interned
London. Oct 26.—The official Ad
-1! mira.ty- report issued yesterday after
noon publishes a list of English pris
oners interned. Four officers are in
temed in Germany and one officer and
1.4?1 men at Groningen. Holland.
Lancaster Sunday School Convention
: Lititz, Oct. 26.—The twenty-third
anmal -onvention of the Lancaster
County Sunday School Association, com
. i prising nearly a hundred schools, -will
- meet in the Lutheran < hnrch ia this
place on Thursday of this week. A very
s etaborate program is being arranged. It
■ is expected that t!herc will 'be present
about a thousand delegates acvl scholars.
Paris. Oct. 26. 6.sß.—The incessant
alternatives of advance and withdrawal
ou {lie part of the allies anil the Ger
mans, particularly in the north, fur
nished early to-day no ba-is for a sum
ming up as to a general result. The
Germans, judging from their frightful
sacrifice of men, seem determined to
force the battle to an issue. Neverthe
less, the French public after analyzing
the situation as indicated in the latest
war office statements continued op
While awaitiug further news from
the t'roit thero is considerable interest
in ihe action the Institute of France
will take regarding its German cor
respondents and associates. The In
stitute is expected to meet today.
There has been a considerable differ
ence of views auioug the members as
well as The academics forming the In
stitute. while the press has taken a
large part in the discussion. Because
of statutory dispositions and decrees
there has been some difficulty in reach
nig a decision. Incidentally one of the
academicians has expressed himself iu
favor of returning all of the diplomats
orders and titles received from Ger
Enrollment Expected to Reach I,TOO
Before the Tabernacle Meetings
Are Commenced
The big Stough tabernacle chorus
held its rehearsal at Technical Higu
school auditorium last' Saturday even
ing when many additional names were
added to the list. It is suid that the
enrollment will reach 1,700 before the
tabernacle meetings open.^
Following are the additional names
enrolled and another enrollment list
will be published during the week.
Mrs. J. C. Kinter, 140 D State
Mrs. C. C. Dubbs. SOO North Third
Miss Mary Reiuoehl. SOI Green
Miss Willougtiby, 203T North Filth
Mrs. Oyler. 1725 Carnuation
Mrs. Oyler. 1725 Carnation
Mrs. W. W. Pease. 40 North Market
Miss Hester Sponsler, Steelteu
Mrs. Miller, Pteelton.
Miss Anna Marks, Steelton
Miss Dora Green, Steelton
Miss Sadie Story, Steelton
Miss Delia Hortz, Steelton
Miss Emma Lyne, Steelton
Miss Carrie Gassner, 414 Spruce
Mrs. Mary W. May. 124 Lincoln
Mrs. Klmer King. 17 25 North Sixth
Miss Bertha Bowers. 1725 North Sijitii
Miss Maude Harvev, 236 Muench
Miss Vlfrctta Horting. 506 Reily
Mrs. Osoar Kines. 1606 Market
Mrs. Charles Spangler, 102 South litii
Miss Edna Handshaw. 89 Disbrow
Mrs. W. E. Fuller. 822 North Third
Miss Elizabeth Thompson. 1600 N. sth
Miss Loua Shaw, 626 Kelker
Miss Helen Sellers. 620 Muench
Miss Ruth Gosnell, Logan
Miss Sadie Gordon. 523 Woodbine
Mrs. H. E. Davis, 262 Forstcr
Miss Davis, 262 Forster
Miss Davis. Forster
Miss Ruth Lack. 632 Muench
Mrs. Wm. Deihl. Wormlejsburg
Mrs. J. W. German, 223 South 13th
Mrs. Lizzie Stover, 23 Bradv
Miss Grace Long, 1722 Carnation
Miss Cecelia Fasick, 139 Sassafras
Miss Helen Vollmer, 1306 North Front
"Miss Anna Sourbeer, 1304 N. Cameron
Mrs. Ida Guise, 1720 North Sixth
Mrs. Anna Golsher, 220 North
Mrs. Marv Shaeffer, 1515 N. Fifth
Mrs. Charles S. RaLston, 609 Woodbine
Miss Bessie Miller. 1116 North Third
Pearl Anderson, 1316 Susquehanna
Miss Blanche Sebold. 1316 N. Third
Miss Helen Seabold, 1316 N. Third
Miss Helen Beshore, 352 Harris
Miss Daisy Criswell, 432 Pefftr
Miss Josephine Jackson, West Fairview
, Mrs. S. B. Bidlack, West Fairview
. Mrs. E. O. Shaffner. 107 Boss
Miss Francis Ramsey, 12 Evergreen
Mrs. H. Jones, 358 *B. Thirteenth
Miss Aluicta Burkey, 603 Maelav
Miss Jennie Donelly, 1923 Penn
: Miss Alma Blough, 305 Dauphin
Miss Agnes Evans. 1934 Penn
Miss Matilda Evans, 1934 Penn
Miss Florence Miller. 527 Emerald
Mrs. F. J. Stenson, 224 North loth
| Miss F. L. Donahav, Steelton
i Miss Emma Wolfe. Harrisburg
Miss Florence Phillips. West Fairview
Miss Marv Srvder, West Fairview
Mrs. C. M. MeFarUnd, 1417 Zarker
Miss Kthel Henrv, 1918 State
Mrs. Frank Armstrong, Steelton
(Miss Martha Armstrong, Steelton
Miss Anna Hoch, Steelton
Miss Blanch Bowers, 118 South
Miss Anna Boyer,-27 South Seventeenth
Miss Virginia J. Psyje, 1709 Market
Irvan Daiighertv. 1000 North Sixth
Prank Holmes. Kniiaut
George Beard, Kn.'haut
Harold Miller, Steelton
Mr. Miller, Steelton
Frank Armstrong, Steelton
I>r. Donmoyer, 1113 Plum
W. R. Donmoyer. 1113 'Plum
James 0. Graham, 328 Chestnut
C. A. Bainbridge. Harrisburg
James J. Hamaker. 441 Herr
Harvey Gross. 23 North Front
Garnet S. Wall. 224 Woodbine
Paul I). Fray, 1153 Bailey
Warren Steekley, 1915 Penn
William Steekley. 2021 Green
Frank S. Eaton. 1735 Market
E. O. Shaffner, 107 Boas
B. E. Commirrger. 14 North Fourth
Max Rider, Steelton
Oliver Marrock, Steelton
Elmer King, 1725 North Sixth
H. B. Hammond, 802 North Eighteenth
•John Finlev, 715 North Seventeenth
vim jom tin easily
Bcrrca an excitable, yon
»ed nedieinal food—aot iT\y*
drags me stimulants. >. 1/
4jk food nine; it supplies the
CM ▼cry elements to entire*
VJlf the blood, restore strength
' Iff and the eonrs*e of hsaith.
•4JL A~UAlnkmKtS*Mtmi^
nine i
1. liMli
Call on Advocates of!
Local Option to Sup
port Republican Can-1
didate for Governor
Congressman Resents Bull Mooser'a Be-j
cent Attacks—Oliver Declares He i
Will Not Again Seek Office—Pen j
rose Is Optimistic
(Special to the Star-Independent.)
Pittsburgh, Oct. "6.—Predicting an
overwhelming .Republican victory iu 1
Pennsylvania at next week * election,!
the leading Republican State candi-1
nates addressed ten meetings in Alle
gheny county Saturday ending the day j
with a great rally in the Fourteenth j
Regiment Armory."
Senator Boies Penrose discussed the
tariff and declared that the industries
of the State have been paralyzed by the
operation of the tariff for revenue-only
policy of the Wilson administration.
I>r. .Martin G. Brumbaugh, candidate
for the Governorship, iu his speeches
indicated the line of his activities in
the event of his election and outlined
the sort of legislation he would advo
cate in the General Assembly and the
sort he would sign and veto. He de
clared strongly for a workman's com
i pensation act, county 10-al option, strict
enforcement of the law for honest
| weights and measures, adequate child !
and woman's labor laws anj other liu-!
| manitarian legislation.
Oliver Out of Politics
At 2 o'clock the candidates hustled:
i over to the Northside Carnegie hall, |
where they discussed the campaign is-1
i sues with the Republican county com
mittee. after which thcv held a recep-1
: tion and got into personal touch with)
; the party workers. A feature of this
meeting was the promise of Senator
: George T. Oliver that he will never
again be a candidate for anv political
Philadelphia, Oct. 26.—Churchmen,
both of the clergy and laity, leaders in
religious work and social movements 1
have issued a call for sincere believers j
in local option to rally around Dr. Mar- j
tin G. Bvumhaugh for Governor.
Coincident with the issuance of this j
call came the announcement from Dr.!
Brumbaugh that he was investigating
the Personal Liberty party, and if he j
! found the party v.a's the agent of the j
liquor traffic, would at once issue a j
formal statement repudiating its en
dorsement of him.
Equally significant with the call of'
the local option advocates and Dr. ]
Brumbaugh's statement on the Personal
Liberty party was the publishing of a
j list of candidates to be supported by
j the liquor interests. And this list does
! not contain the name of Dr. Brum
i baugh.
Churchmen for Brumbaugh
Men whe signed the statement in
I every case volunteered. All signers are
i known for achievements in the cause
of temperance. As churchmen, they are
endorsing a fellow-churchman, for Dr.
Brumbaugh is not only one of the na
tion's foremost educators, but he is also
i a minister of the Gospel. As a Sunday
i school worker he represented the Unit
; ed States at the world conference held
! in Geneva last year.
In the public statement issued by
j churchmen attention is drawn to the
fact that Dr. Brumbaugh's personal
! pledge to support local option legisla
! tion carries even more weight than
I "any political platform which could
ibe framed.'' and his record, as public
I man and private citizen, is cited to
• show that, as Governor he will be a
tower of strength, not only to local op
tion. but to every moral reform*.
The concluding paragraph of the
statement ealls attention to the fact
that the really vital problem before tho
i friends of local option in Pennsylva
nia this year is the election of State
Senators aud Representatives who wiTi
pass a local option bill, and declares
i that this important point has apparent
ly been overlooked in a great measure.
Palmei Attacks Plnchot
Resenting the belligerent methods
employed by the Bull Moose organiza
tion to cripple his candidacy, Congress
man A. Mitchell Palmer, who has for
1 several weeks been passive under criti
| cisms from Roosevelt sources, issued a
I statement last night, severely rebuk !
ing Gifford Pinchot for his recent at
tacks. The action of Congressman Pal
mcr in taking Pinchot to task on the
very eve of the actual >entrv of Colo-1
nel Roosevelt into the State campaign I
is regarded as significant.
For several weeks the relations be
tween the Democrats and the Washing
ton party, formerly most friendly, have
been considered on the verge of a
break. Mr Maimer's candidacy has
oeen belittled by the Bull Moose men
ever since Le declined to withdraw iu
' favor of Pinchot and a continuous fire
has been waged against him from this
Week's Democratic Itinerary
Congressman Palmer and Vance C.
McCormick have arranged an unusually
strenuous itinerary for the windup
week of the campaign. Their schedule
of engagements follows:
To-day—Noon, Bromley's Mill, Le
high avenue and B street; 12.30, Stead
k Miller mill, Fourth and Cambria
streets; 5, Stetson's factory, Fourth
street and Montgomery avenue; 8,
.Morris town.
Tuesday Evening—Mr. McCormick
at Mt. Carmel, Mr. Palmer at Shamo
Wednesday—'Mr. McCormick to tour
Philadelphia under auspices of Wash
ington party, Mr. Palmer to visit Le
high county, with meeting at Allentown
at night.
Thursday—Candidates to tour Cum
berland Valley, 12.30 p. m., Mechan
iedburg; 1.30. Carlisle, 3.15, Newvillo,
4. Shippensburg; 5.45, Green<-astlc;
night, meetings at Waynesboro and
Friday—Tour of Adams and ¥ork
impress |
the man 1
you want 1
to reach 1
Full information gladly given at any office. |
counties, with meetings at Oashtown,
Kast Berlin, Davidstiurg, Mover, Wei
glestown, Spring Grove, Hanover and
Saturday—Twenty three meetings, to |
be held at York, New Salem, Jacobus,
l«oganville, Seven Valleys, IHanover
Junction, Glen Rock, Seitzland, Kail
road, New Freedom, Shrewsbury, Stew
artstown, Fawn Grove, Delta. Sunny-1
•burn, Brogueville, Ked Lion, Windsor
ville, Dallastown, Yoe, Yorkana,
Wrightsville, Hallam and Harrisburg.
' U»er Denies He Has Wealth Hidden
and Is Taken to Institution
Hazleton, Pa., Oct. 26.—T0 win a;
fortune in the California gold fields in i
the rush of 1819 across the emigrant!
trail and to he taken to the Ijaurytowni
almshouse to end his days is the fate j
of Peter McUillian, 93 years old, of!
who hafl lived as a hermit in
the woods for 35 years near the spot
j where he was reported to have hidden!
his wealth.
Recently he grew too feeble to l>e left
alone, and as ho obstinately clings toj
his denials that he has secreted hisi
money, he had to be takeu to the insti
Hand Lacerated in Saw
Marietta, Oct. 26.—When about
i ready to finish the day's work Saturday,
William Kibler, employed at Hiestand's!
lumber mills, had 'his hand caught and i
badly lacerated in tihe saw he was using.!
It is fenred that the joints of several |
fingers of the right hand will be lost. I
He was unconscious from Hie loss of
blood for a time.
Lebanon Lighting System Transformed
Lebanon. Oct. 26.—The Edison Elec
| trie Compauv now has its street light
ing system entirely transformed and
embiaees not only this city but also In
dependent borough. The cost of re-
provides! for the descent and distribution of property—
but the law may not meet your individual wishes or
The wise plan is to make a Will devising just how
your property is to be and whom it shall benefit,
and appointing an Executor who has both the inclina
tion and ability to carry out your wishes.
Complete equipment, experience, permanent exist
ence—these are some of the features of this COMPANY
which make it an ideal Executor.
The full aroma of all Havana tobacco —rich, ff
fragrant and satisfying —is what makes I
worth the price. J
Made by John C. Herman & Co. 1
placing the old style direct, eurront
street lamps with the new metallic arc,
lamps, the most modern constructed,
aggregates $16,000.
Washington Party Will Hold Three To
night; the Doinocrats Ttoo
A \\ ashington party meeting was
held in Market square on Saturday even
ing, when addresses were made bv John
Reed", .lames \V. Marker, Wilatt •r Crow,
Homer Burlingnnie and 1-:. S. McFar
At the Bull .Moose rally in Millers
burg on Saturday night the speakers
were ,1. B. Martin, \V. \Y. Loukcr, Coun
ty Chairman Mosey and J. H. Rover.
Three meetings in the interest of Hid
Bull Moose candidates will lie held to
night at Third and Yerbekc streets,
'Harrisburg; Deodatc and Bachinans
The PalmerMeCormick Club of the
Thirteenth ward will meet to-night it.
1931 Perry street and be addressed In
well-known orators. The Third Ward
Club will meet in the Palmer-Md'or
mick League headquarters in the ••Pa
triot" building.
In his first expense account filed in
Washington Senator Penrose says lie
contributed SIOO to the West End Har
risburg Republican Club and SIOO ij
the State Firemen's Association.
"Do you think Smythe loves Ins
"I'm anre he does. Wliy, he broke
all his brand new teeth trying to eat
her biscuits.'"—■ Baltimore American.
A Hard Knock
j "I understand Mamie told Jim she
l wouldn't marry him if he were the last
I man on earth.''
"She made it even stronger than
that. She said she wouldn't marry him
if he were worth a million dollars."—
| Detroit Free Press.