The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, October 26, 1914, Page 3, Image 3

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Popular Young Couple Were Quietly
Married This Afternoon at. Home
of Bride's Parents—Will Reside in
Canton. China
The wedding of Miss Mary Hewitt
fiaum. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed
ward P. Baum, and Allen Maxwell
Paget was a quiet event of to-day, tak
ing [dace this afternoon-«t 3.30 at the
home of the bride's parents in Worm )
leysburg. The ceremony was perform-1
ed by the Rev. G. B. Kenshaw. pastor
oi the Wormleysbitrg I'nited Brethren
church. in the presence of the immedi-'
nte relatives.
The bri te wore a traveling -uit of
brown broadcloth, with hat to >har
niolii/.e and a corsage of French rose
buds. There were no attendants. Im
mediately after the ceremony Mr. and
Mrs. Paget left for a wedding tour of
eastern cities and will leave later for
au extensive trip through the West sail-;
nig from San Francisco for the Orient.
Kn route to Canton, China, where they
will reside, thev will vist Honolulu,
points of interest in Japan, the Philip-,
pines sitd Hong Kong. After February 1
1 they will be at horn? in Canton,
The bride is a graduate of Central
High school, class of 1903, and is
prominent in social au i sorority circles.
Mr. Paget s a former resident of
H:!rrisburg. a graduate of Mereersburg
Academy and Lehigh University. For
the past several years he ha- been a
member of the firm of Paget and Paget,
architects and engineers in Canton. The
firm at present has work on hand in
China for ten different nationalities.
I. A. H. Girls to Give Social
l n " A. 11. Girls of the Ridge Ave
nue M. h. church will hold a Halloween
fe;e in the so.-iul room of the church
to-morrow evening at 7.43 o'clock. The
rooms will be prettily decorated and an
interesting -ogram of Halloween j
' slants nas beer arranged. PVs and.
cand* will be sell.
' I
• ■
The Great
said—"You can't fool all of the
people all of the time."
tor a good many years a lot of people have been
tooled in the belief that coftee was good for them—
that it was a harmless or even a beneficial drink.
IT was only when the scientific research of the
medical profession began t<> lay bare the bones of
rlie coffee skeleton, that people awoke to the fact
that much of the Nervousness, Indigestion, Heart
Disturbance, Short Breath. Headache. Biliousness,
Sleeplessness, etc., were directly due to coffee
l'he proof came to these people when they tried
the easy test of quitting coffee for a while and used
If you are a coffee drinker and feel aches and
ills you can't account for, try the simple experi
ment for ten days. Then you'll know the way to
"There's a Reason"
Coffee contains "caffeine and "tannin,'' two
dangerous drugs that vitally affect nerves, stom
ach. heart, liver and kidneys. Efforts to eliminate
these drugs from the coffee berry, except in part,
have proven futile.
Postura made from prime wheat and a small
per cent, of wholesome molasses, roasted like cof
fee. and so processed as'to create a mild Java-like
flavour, is absolutely pure and free from the coffee
drugs, caffeine and "tannin 'or anv other harm
ful ingredient.
"There's a Reason" for Postum
—sold by Grocers everywhere.
Large Classes Now Being Formed and
Schedules Arranged For the
Coming Season
Much ;nteiest iias been displayed in
the physical training department of the
Youii,- Women's Christian Association,
and the classes promise to b#' large and
enthusiastic. The following schedule has
been arranged. For further particulars
those interested may consult Miss
Bolles, the physical director.
Monday High school girls, 10 to
11 a. m.; women, 11 to 12 a. m.; High
school girls, B to 4 p. m.; business
girls. 8 to 9 p. in.
Tuesday—Junior girls (12 to 16).,
4.30 to 5.30 p. m.; business women. S
• to 9 p. m.
Wednesday—High school girls, 10
to 11 a. m.
Thursday—Junior girls ( 12 to 161,
4.30 to 3.30 p. m.; business girls. Si
to 9 p. m.
Friday—Girls, 11 to 12 a. m.: High;
school girls, 3 to 4 p. m.: business;
women. 8 to 9 p m.
Saturday—Junior girls, (8 to 12).
9 to 10 a. m.
Gave a Dinner in Honor of Her Sister, \
Miss Meyers
Mrs. Robert Geesey, of Steolton, gave
a dinner on Saturday evening compli- ■
mentarv to her sister. Miss Elizabeth L. |
Meyers, of Lancaster, whose marriage, j
to Prederi k William Stfiegerwart, aisoi
of 1 Lancaster, will take place next'
Covers were laid foj the following;
guests: Miss Daisy Burg, of York; Miss;
Ada Coney, .Miss Stella Baekenstoss,
Mrs. Leßov Whitcom'b, Miss Irma
Watts and Miss Erina Longenecker.
Announce Birth of a Son
Mr. and Mrs. George Black Stewart,,
■lr„ of Bierut. Syr a. announce The birth |
of a son, George Black Stewart, 3d. Mr. [
Stewart, who is treasurer of the Syrian
Protestant College at Bierut, is a son of
i Dr. George K. a former pastor j
j of Market ->(|tiare Presbyterian church.
; Mrs. Edward N. Cooper, of Camp Hill.
Winning Suburban Team, Turned |,
in !M» and the Winning City Team
Turned in
The first regular tea of the Rainbow
Campaign at the Y. \V. e. A. was hei.i
from 4 to 6 on Saturluy afterno.n,
when $-'t> was turned in in money.
The winning city team for the day was,
Mrs. A. E. Shirey's which turned in
, s>>S. The winninir suburban team was
that of Mis. Edward \. I ooper. of
Camp Hill, turning in ?4S.
Because of a slight misunderstand
ing, some of the workers were not pies
ent on Saturday, not knowing that the
wore extended to them all
i tor ea h day. The officers of the V. W.
C. A. hopt" that every captain, everv
iieutenant anil every worker will at
ten,l the teas that 'will be held this
week from 4 to 6 on the ti:st floor of'
the V. W. C. A.
I it is stated that one suburban mem
ber has $)10 to turn iu ou Mondav,.
and if the work for the balance of the
: week keeps up to the marks thns far {
, the association will have a tine increase
: o! members that will add materially to
its assured income. The yellow ami
green Hags have now been hoisted on
I the \\. C. A. building above the
| other flaps, Mrs. Sliirey.'s team retire
i senting the yellow and Mrs. Cooper's
I the green.
Those pouring tea to dav a re Mrs.
| Edward Bailey, Miss Caroline Weiss, I
Mrs. George Preston Mains, Miss E
Blanche Clute and Mrs. \V. B. Ham
Miss Norma Barker's team in full
follows: lieutenant, Mrs. \V. s. Bark
er; workers, Mrs. Frank Rav and Mrs.
Charles Montgomery; lieutenant. Miss
Helen Rohrer; workers, Miss Mabel Ar
| nolo. Miss Prances Spong, Mrs. Frank,
I lames, Miss Elsie Cleudennin; lieuten
ant. Mrs. Harry G. Pedlow; workers.!
Miss hliza Bret/., Miss Elizabeth Kil j
linger. Miss Pearl Vohn, Mrs. 11. W
iJonnson, Miss Winifred Wilson, Mrs
Harvey Bover, Mrs. William Meek,
| lieutenant; workers, Mrs. W. p. Mes- 1
I singer, Mrs. Warren V'au Dyke, Mrs.
"• Boar, Mrs. Lewis Smith, Mrs
haumed, Mrs. Carl Heefner, Mrs. Niss
| Ella s 'nith. lieutenant; work
ers, Mi*s Sara Powell, Mrs. T. P. Ca
rev. Miss Anna S. Cubbisou. Miss A Ida
Barnes, Miss Gertrude Botton. Miss Ida
forger. Miss Esther Wilson; Mrs.
Kay Heed, lieutenant; workers. Miss
Ray Willis, Miss May Cronse, Mrs
dayman, Mrs. Allison; Mrs. H. W. John-1
son. lieutenant; workers. Miss
retta Reed. Miss Swilkey, Mrs. W. D.
Markiev Mrs Drake. ' Mrs. Ralphj
« olfe. Miss Louise Slothower, Miss ,
Irene Johnson.
rue workers in the winning team of
-Mrs. Aimer h. Shirev in lude Mis* Z U "
lieutenant; Mrs. r. Wesley Elmer, Mrs!,
• . A. Sniyser, Miss Ali.-e Nelson, Miss
J. \irginia Payne, Miss Eleauor Mav
Miss Beulah starry. Miss Josephine
m l ' ra " k t " bso ". Mrs. Hosfori
Mrs. Hooser. Miss Jackson, Mrs. (iouah
Mrs.. ImwrMrs. W. R. Houser. Mr,
James L. Shaffer, Miss Rose Harkill.
Mrs. tsweigart, Mrs. Hockenl.e.rv Miss
Margaret May. Mr, George I!. Land s
Mrs. Cook, Mrs. B. Beckwith. Mrs.
Caspar A. Dunn, Mrs. Mary B. McCrea.
, Entertained the Members of the T W.
T. Club at Her Home
Miss Florence Shade entertained the
| members of rhe T. W. T. Cluii at her!
; home, 2-to North Sixth stre> Sau.r
i day even ng. The rooms were prettily
| decorated with autumn foliage and!
i chrysanthemums and the guests spent a
! pleasant evening with musi.- an<l games.
■ 'Ate in the evening a buffet luncheon
| was served to rhe following guests:
Misses Blanche Martin. Helen Bur
r ; s, Mildred Mauk, Margaret Zeigler.
Mildred Wells. Aiaiine Burris, Florence
Shader, Catherine Miller, of Ohio:
Messrs. Karl Keenc, James Adams, lis
car Wagner. Martin Wilson, William
Myers, Charles Bitting, Altoomi; tan
ley Stroupe. Henry Winter, of Halifax:
Mr. and Mrs. Shade and' Mr. and Mrs.
Guests From This City Spent Pleasant
Evening at Hummelstown
Miss Serena Knabe entertained a
; number of young people from this city!
.at her summer home at Hummelstown,;
j Friday evening. The guests included;
Miss Eleanor DeSilvev, Miss Sara
! Mae ifarr. Miss Anna Slic'er, Miss Alice
| Wright. Miss Marietta Branvan. Miss
j Mildred Harvey, Miss Ida Huffman.
I Grant Renn, Ivan Daugherty, Paul
; Nate, Joiin Winters, Paul Bratten, Paris
| Rapp, Bernard Woutersz.
News of Persons
Who Cor»e and Go
| Mrs. Marl in E. Olmsted closed her
country place "Cedar Cliff Farm." on
j Saturday, and with her family return
ied to her home, 105 North Front;
Mr. and Mrs. George Wolf Reilv,
Jr., 1501 North Front street, have re- j
! turned from a week's trip to New.
I York City.
Mr. and Mrs. William Burke Brady, •
of Cleveland. 0., are visiting Mr. and:
Mrs. James Brady, 510 North Second
1 Mr. and Mrs. Guy Alton Colt, of
Plymouth, Mass., are the guests of the
latter 's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. j
j Cox, 1011 North Front street.
Mrs. Beaefi, of Bellefonte, is spend-'
ing some time as the guest of Mrs.!
A. Wilson Norris, 207 South Front i
Mrs. George Bricker and Mrs. Har
i vey Geiger, of Riverside, have gone
I to spend several days in Philadelphia.
Francis J. Kenny, of the Senate,
| has returned from a short trip to Phila
| delphia.
Mrs. Harold i.anib. 1155 Derry
' street, has as her guests this week
; her parents. Mr. and Mrs. MacFur
Mr. and Mrs. Edwiu L. MeColgin,
COME and inspect the New Fall Furniture and Floor-Coverings. You'll find a stock
of fresh, new dependable made house-furnishings that are different from the ordinary.
They will surely attract you at the inexpensive prices at which we've marked them.
A double heater—and one that gives lots of A VAJIAJINI/\L» DUffE/l
heiit, self feedef —price includes heat and ' A surprisingly flood range at a low price, not That in handsome enough for anv home- "enuine
smoke pipe. including high shelf but all necessary pipe. quartered oak
S2B ' sl9 $29
«■ * *■ ' v _
J R to,-k has a dose- If I Bedding Oep't
some eases only cold uigh ts. We
1 half of its origi- show {l lal '£ e va
(l nal value SPECIAL, . . 700
CO U CIO For a famUv Sl7c meat chopper, inclu,ling est™ BlailketS, 98C !0 SB,OO
240 Woodbine street, spent Saturday
iu Carlisle.
Mr. and Mrs. fi. C. Hershey. Iy 1T i
Green street, will leave this week for a]
visit to Pittsburgh.
Mrs. .1. Wesley Yingl:ug, of West
minster. Mil., is the guest of her sou. i
Frank Yiugling, '403 Green street.
B. F. Meekley, 1215 Green street,;
is spending a few days iu Philadelphia.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton V. Warchain, |
1620 North Third street, are spendingj
a few days in Washington, D. C.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stewart, of:
Jamesburg, X. J.. have returned home!
aiter a two weeks' visit with Mr. Stew t
art's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W.|
Stewart. 1604 State street.
Mr. and Mrs. \V. \\\ Smith, 1a 0!
Ijocust street, spent the week-end at;
Mt. Gretna.
Mrs. Lewis Rieper and son. David.
ol Altoona, spent the week-end nt the
Marairsitin j
sort and dear
By the use or
Ciiticura soap
For the toilet and bath assisted
by occasional applications of
Cuticura Ointment. You may
try these fragrant super-creamy
emollients before you buy them.
Samples Free by Mail
Cuttcura Soap and Ointment sold throughout the
world. Liberal sample of each mafleri fire, with 32-p.
book AridreM ••Cutlcura." Dept. 4F, Boeton.
home of Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Melov, 929 •
North Fifteenth street.
Miss Mildred Kramer, who is a stu
dent at Dickinson College. Carlisle.!
spent Sunday with her parents, Dr. and j
Mrs. Charles F. Kramer, Third audi
Broad streets.
Mrs. Mary Stahl, of Mifflintown,
is the guest of her daughtois, Mrs.
John Schreadlev, 1719 North Fifth ]
street, anil Miss Km ma Heikes, 1513 j
North Sixth street.
Robert Hunter. 12S North Sixth |
street, is the guest of his daughter,
Mrs. Hen Warfel, of Hollidaysburg.
John D. Rice, of Chambersburg, spent]
the week-end at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles H. Smith, 1315 North
Second street.
Mr. and Mrs. Rimer Townsend and
daughter, Marjorre, 22S Maclay street,;
spent the week-end in Philadelphia. j
Miss Roberta lie iff, who is attending!
Dickinson College. Carlisle, spent the I
week-end at her home in New Cumber-!
Charles Frank and Joseph Shook,
of Lancaster, were recent visitors at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Den
nis, 228 Maclay street.
Mrs. Annie Klincpeter, 317 Kelker
street, has returned from a short stay
at Newport.
Harry Sites, of Philadelphia, spent
Saturday at the home of his father,
A. W. Sites, 1003 North Sixth street.
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Ross and
children, 1538 Walntft street, have re
turned from a motor trip to Philips
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Fry are spend
ing a week ! s honeymoon in Baltimore.
Mrs. Fry was Miss Mary Faruer prior
to her marriage.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Shetron, of
Hill Oaks, and V. Grant Forrer, of
Harrisburg, have returned home after
touring Maryland, Virginia, Delaware
and New Jersey in an automobile. Mr.
and Mrs. John H. Wright, of Baltimore,
also were in the party.
Mr. and Mrs. John McFadden, 1331
North street, are going to Torrington,
Conn., to-morrow for a visit with their
daughter, Mrs. Philip Freedman, for
several weeks.
Miss Adda S. Roe, 1256 Derry street,
has returned home from Wernersville.
Mr. ami Mrs. F. B. Musser, 220
South Thirteenth street, are home from
Atlantic City.
Mrs. Jacob Eckert, 806 North Third
street, is the guest of her brother, Dr.
H. Hoffman, in Philadelphia.
Dr. E. J. Roe, of Philadelphia, is the
guest of his mother, Mrs. E. Roe, Thir
teenth and Derry streets.
Miss Ada De*Havcn, of Altoona, is
the guest of Miss Ethel Showers at the
Mrs. .fames Frv .Bullitt aud Miss
Margaret Emmons Bullitt, of " Kiitge
way," Bellevue Park, sj'cnt Saturday
with Miss -Martha Davis Bullitt, who
is attending the Oldfield school. Glen
ooe, Mil.
Mrs. S. .1. /eigler, of Philadelphia,
who has been visiting Mr. ami Mrs.
Frank K. Zeigler. 10G State street, has
gone to Lancaster for a short stay be
fore returning home.
•loiln Hoffer Detweiler, a student at
Menersinirg Academy, »j>ont Saturday
with his mother, Mrs. Meade D. Det
weiler, 23 South Front street.
Mis Nora Bolton, lt>26 North
Fourth street, has returned home aft
er spending several weeks in New York
City with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kllehorn, ot" New
\ork City, are guests of Mr. and Mrs.
B. F. Winfield, 706 North Sixth street.
George Nicholi and son have return
ed to Philadelphia after a visit with
Mr. and Mrs. A. Nicholi, 2352 Kllerslie
Mr. ami Mrs. M. Winfield, of Potts
wile, are guests of the former's par-
' " »■ ... ■ —BW
11 gi
I 1 ■;
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< ln^-- T -"-i^r=n=3==: TAKEN FFIOM OKIE OF THcsr ...Mstf! |
I ) The above Certificate
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If presented at the office of thU newapaper. together with the atated Amount that < •
covers the n«ce««ry EXPENSE items of this great d^tribution —including i *
c ' e -« hire, of packing, checking, express from factory, etc., etc i >
1 ; MAGNIFICENT ( e illustration in announcements from day to day) is •I
0 111 IICTDATcn bounc ! U " f ex ''j' c l' ;n P leather, with overlapping covers 1 1
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contains all of the illus- Catholic Bible, Douay Version, endorsed < ►
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[ certificate and Olv various Archbishops of the country. The ( I
' ' _ IICTn * illustrations consists of the full-page cn- < '
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I » out the Tissot and text pictures. It w-11 bp distributed in the same bindings as the Pro- < ►
; [ testant hooks and at the satnc Amount Lxprnsr Items, with the necessary Fvee Certificate. ( >
J MAI I, ORDERS—Any book by parcel post. Include""EXTßA 7 cents within ! [
i * 150 mfles: 10 f-ents ISO t<» Sft« miles; for greater distances ask your postmaster
k amount to Include for 3 pounds f. * *
ents, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Winfield, 70S
North Sixth street.
.; Mr. and Mrs. William F. Deisher, of
. \ eagersfown. Pa., are guests of Mr. and
i Mrs. K. K. Sanford, 150 Sylvan Ter
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Suloft' and small
son, 1,'!09 Market street, are home from
[ Sun-bury, where they were guests of
| relatives.
! Pierce Sliope iias gone to Dickinson
J College after spending the week-end
with his parents. Dr. and Mrs. Shopc,
|fi 10 North Third street.
| Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Shuniaker. 23
1 North Fifteenth stroe;, are the guests
. | of relatives in Williamsport.
• | Mrs. \iiiert Frederic. and daughter,
; Miss Mildred Krederii - , of Williams
-11 town, N. .1.. are guests of Mrs. Stewart,
■ | in the 1 Jerry block apartments.
Miss Ruth Conuell, of Huntingdon,
lis the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Kus»
| liessing, 1116 Cowden street.