The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, October 26, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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[ Open It Carefully-J
I Save the Outer Band I I
I Pleasure and Profit Combined! I
of this new Double Strength Peppermint
■ flavored chewing gum is wrapped in a I
I United SHARING Coupon fit I
■ good for valuable presents. I
■ It's a BIG nickels worth without the I
■ coupon, for that tasty, cooling, soothing I
I flavor is Lo.n.g-La.s.ti.n.g. It has lots of I
I You get double value with the coupon— I
I pleasure and profit for the whole family. I
I Double wrapped, to bottle up its Peppy fl
I taste and keep it always fresh and clean. 1
H United Coupons now come with both H
■ Good gum and the greatest value for your nickel! H
Police Abandon Suicide Theory in
Pottsviile Mystery
Pottsvilie. Pa.. Oct. 26.—There
seems to be little iloubt that Stanley
Mekavage. of Minersville. who was
found <iea«l Saturday on the highway
near that town, with his arms folded.
wa« murdered. The police have giveu
up the suicide theory, as it is unlikely
the man would have folded his own f
arms after shooting himself.
It has been found also that there are i
no powder marks on the body, as ther?'
would have been if the man had held
the weapon (.-lose in shooting himself.
Neither the clothes uor the bojy wasj
burned «y the shots. The police also
have found witnesses who heard live
~hots fired at the location where the
body was found.
The murder is so far a complete mys
tery to the State police, who arc inve«
The Quinine That Oees Not Affect the Head
Quinine ifc needed for any purpose,
▼▼ Laxative Bromo Quinine will be found better than
the ordinary Quinine, as this remedy combines all of the
tonic and other properties of Quinine, with a laxative, and
can be taken by anyone, without causing nervousness or
ringing in the head.
Likewise, the remedy is superior to ordinary laxatives be
"remedy for ° f . itS j^ing
/ Cough and also the feverish conditions and Headache.) tile tOniC etfeCt Of
' which ate usually associated with colds The second or ( T.„ „4.: -
j thiol dose will relieve the Couth and Headache and will) quinine. LaxatlV€
' n^. v ? ttle well within Scr 10 hours, when the cold > BrOUIO Ollitlitlf
- will b« relieved. In treating colds it is very important that / ,
) lhe b°»els should move well every day. This preparation < mOVeS the CaUSe 01
, moves the bowels gently without griping, and arouses the > fnlJ. O ~ _I. _
) liver and all to action Directions Adults ) LOUguS|
, ;°, tab lf t * and should be taken immed- H'e ad aChe , NeU
atel> to bed Sotne per- . „ .
«m». who sufficient > ralgia, Grip, Fever-
to 1-JSt keep The bowtls op?n freeiy until the Cough and > £<.!. X r 1
I Cold is relieved then take one half the dose for a few!' ISh and MalanOUS
,days. Children who are sot o'.d enough to swallow pills the'! Conditions WflMI.
, tablet can be or cut in half and given in proportion 1 ,
( to age To be swallowed not chewed For headache, take ) ever yOU need Oui
<: tablets every 2or 3 hours until relieved /_• .v • i , T
(Kac-similc ol label on back ol Laxative Bromo Quinine box) tive BrOmO Quinine
—but remember there ia Only One
"Bromo Quinine"
To Qmt The GENUINE, Oall For Tho Full Name
Laxative Bromo Quinine
Look toe thlo olgnoturo
MM M on tho box. Mm >sc
Six Rusiness Blocks and Two Resi
dences Burn
Sharon, Pa., Oct. 26. —Mercer, the
• county seat of Mercer county, was vis
ited by a $75,000 fire early yesterday'
morning. The fire was discovered in i
Frank Tyler's bowling alley, ami it is!
supposed, started from a lightei cig
-1 arette.
Six business blocks and two j
i dences were destroyed. Mrs. Lucy Ber
: rv, George Michaeis and W. T. Baker !
were carried out of blazing buildings
from the second-story windows by fire
; men.
Shjjron and Greensville fire depart
mentsresponded to the call for assist
ance, as the town was threatened with j
destruction for a time.
The man who goes out hunting trou
j bie knows what it is when he finds it.
Donations of Clothing and Toys for i
European War Sufferers
Special Correspondence
Hummelstown; Oct. 26. —The La-j
dies'-Aid Society if Ziou Lutheran I
church will hold a masquerade social j
; at the home of Mrs. David Cassel on '
Thursday evening.
The meeting of the Paltner-MeCor
! Mick League in Ruff's hall tomorrow;
evening at S o'clock will likely bfe j
largely attended. An address will be t
made by James K. Jackson, of Harris
burg. Arrangements for the members j
of the club to attend the Democratic j
ma<s meeting to be held in Harrisburg
next Saturday evening will be made at
| the meeting to-morrow night.
Mr. and Mrs. George Haas', of Steel-]
ton. are spending a week with Mrs.
Haas' sister, Mrs John Killinger, south
of town.
Miss Katherine Rohrer. teacher in
j the High school at Dubois, was the i
| guest of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. B. |
j F. Robrer, for several days.
Mr. ami Mrs. Grover C. Buser. John |
'H. i asset and daughter, Miss Viola j
Cassel, of this place, <tnd W. R. Clay, ;
of I'nion Deposit, attended the funeral)
of Mrs. Dani_i Clay, which was held
from her late home at Shoop's Church
yesterday after.ioon
Mrs. Harvey Lerch, of Harrisburg,
visited her father, Peter H. Shope, yes
The Ladies' Mite Society of the Re
formed church will hold a social at the I
home of John J. Nissley to-morrow
evening. Oflkers of the society fori
the nesuing year will be elected.
Mrs. John Thomas and Jaughter, 1
Evelyn, of Wormleysburg, spent yester- ,
day with Mrs. Thomas' parents, Mr. and !
Mrs. George H. Keller.
Mr. and Mrs. Harrv S. Harvey visit
ed relatives at West Fairview "vester- ,
Mrs. Marv Hoverter, of Harrisburg, !
visited friends in town yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snyder and I
daughter, Dorothy, spent yesterdav'
with Mr. and Mrs. Eitner at Chamber!
The lailies of Zion Lutheran church j
have made a lot of clothing which will i
! be seut to Europe on the Christmas
ship for the European war sufferers.
The junior congregation of the Re
-1 formed church will give a lot of toys
j for the children of Europe. The toys
j are to be taken to church on Wed
nesday afternoon alter 4 o'clock,
when they will be packed and sent to
Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Backenstoe,
I of Kuola, were guests of Mr. atfd Mrs.
' R. B. Snyder yesterday.
Mrs. Fittiug. of Camp Hill, visited
her parents. Mr. and Mrs. David
j Sweigert. yesterday.
The problem in Mexico just now is
Inot so much who shall own the land
as who will be allowed to raise any
thing on it.
Number Increased 3
Per Cent. Frqm 1904
to 1910 and Admis
sions to 8.5 Per Cent.
Almshouse Is L*rg«ly Temporary Sh«l-;
ter Bloc, Permanent Inmates Form!
a Minority of Total Pauper Pop
Washington, D. C., CM. 26.—Accord
ing to a report Which is soon to bo is-.
sued by William J. Harris, director of j
the 'Bureau of the Census Department |
ofg Conimerce, 84,198 paupers were enu
merated in almshouses in the United
States on January 1, 1910, and 88,-
313 were admitted during the year. The
number of almshouse paupers in the
United States increased three per cent,
between 1904 and 1910, and the num
l>er of anntial admissions to almshouses
increased 5.5 per cent., while the total
■population of the country iifrreased
12.4 per cent during the same period.
The ratio of almshouse paupers to
population has steadily declined at ev
er v census since 1880, the earliest date
t'or whk'h comparable figures'are avail
able. The census r&port, being
confined to a study of any other insti
tutions or recipients of outdoor relief.
Accordingly, the number of paupers re
ported is not a measure of the extent of
poverty in si community, because it de
fends on the adequacy of the supply
of almshouses or the prevailing policy
in regard to outdoor relief, on climatic
conditions, and on the existence or num
■ber of special institutions for Children
and for physical and mental defectives,
Age of Paupers
About one-third of the paupers enum
erated on January 1, 1910, were under
55 years of age; about one-Ohird, be
tween 55 and 69 years, and about one- >
third, 70 years of and over. The J
ratio of. almshouse paupers to popula-j
tion increases decidedly with advancing
age. awnit 1 person in 60 above SO ]
years of age being an inmate of an alms- j
house. The proportion of almshouse
raupers in the younger ago groups, in j
fact in all age groups under 50 years,
declined from census to census, indicat-1
iug that young persons become in j
mates of almshouses in fewer cases now |
than formerly. In 1880 more than half i
of the paupers wore under 50 years of
age: in 1910 only about one fourth.
Of the total number of paupers enum
erated in almshouses on January 1,
j 1910, there were 57,049 males and 27,-
i 149 females, and of those admitted
during that year 67.195 were males ■
i and 21.11S females. The ratio of pall
j pera per 100,000 population of She;
j same sex Was 120.3 for males and j
: tiO.S' fur female*, among the inmates j
\ on a g:\en date.
The ratio of males per 100 females
among almshouse paupers increased j
steadily from 1880 when it was 116.1 ,
to 191<) when it was 210. Thus the
males outnumber the females 2 to 1 in j
almshouses and the tendency is toward j
an increasing preponderance of males.
This probablv is due largely to the de
velopment of special institutions for j
the eare of indigent women.
Single pe-sons are relatively more j
numerous among adult almshouse ;au- j
pers than in the general adult popula- j
Immigrant Paupers
| The foreign born in 1910 formed!
j 16.3 'per cent, of the total white popu-
I la'tioti of the United States, 'but they |
' formeil -12.6 per cent, of tfoe paupers'
I enumerated in almshouses on January ;
j 1, 1910..and 41 per cent, of those ad !
mitted during the _\*ear 1910. The ratio j
! of almshouse paupers per 100,000 pop-j
i illation of the nativity was albout i
' four times as great among the foreign!
1 born as among the native whites. This;
I is due in part to the fact that there
are few *'hildren among the foreign
born: also to the grcnter proportion of;
males among them. When allowance isj
made, however, for these factors, the]
! ratio Still remains (higher for the 1m
! migrants, this fact doubtless being a j
I Reflection of the generally lower eco-j
nomic. level occupied by them as com-1
I pared with the natives.
Among the immigrants, the Irish,
i show a much higher ratio of almshouse |
j pauperism (1,084.5 per 100,000 na-!
j tive of Ireland) than those of any |
I other nationalify. the Swiss being next j
1 ratio of 410.9. The natives of j
the countries from whii (h most of the j
recent immigrants come have fby far the
lowest ratios of almshouse pauperism,
the ratio being 75.4 for Austria4lun
garv, 43.7 for Russia, and 31.8 for
j Italy. The higher ratios of almshouse
pauperism for the Datives of countries j
I from which the tide of immigration was
! at its height some de.-ades ago are due j
! in large part to the fact they com-,
; prise at the present time a large propor- j
| tion of old persons.
Pauperism Among Negroes
| The ratio of pauperism among the ne
groes is about the same as that among
the native whites, when the country a»j
! a whole is considered.
Of the men in almshouses whose oc-i
I cupation prior to admission was re-1
> ported, the largest number had been on-1
| skilled laborers: considerable numbers, ]
i however, ' belonged to skilled trades,
such as carpenters and joiners and
I painters, glaziers and varnishes. Motft
j of the women in almshouses for whom
: a prior occupation was reported had
! been domestic servants. At tfhe time of
j enumeration, however, a large propor
! tion, about two-fifths of the almshouse
paupers, were reported as entirely in
capacitated. and nearly two-thirds of
I the paupers enumerated on January
| 1. 1910. and more than one-third of
j those admitted during the year, were
,•, Ihysi.'ally or mentally defective. The
; number of mentally defective —tha't is,
of the insane and of feeble-minded in
1 almshouses, is shown to be declining,
the reason being that special institu
tions are being provided for these
j classes.
Almshouse a Temporary Shelter
Three-fourths of the 59,120 persons
4i so barged from almshouses during
j 1910 were discharged to be self-sup
| porting, and about one-fourth were
i turned over to relatives or friends. The
1 proportion discharged in the latter way
PBBBHBIn *•< Aim »«•■•# film Art Laitw, Bat aaalltt** Art Iriui
To-morrow Wo Prosont Another of the Remarkable Sales
That Have Established New Records in Value-Giving
Read this advertisement carefully. Mark the items you wish to buy, and bring the advertise
ment to the store with you to-morrow, so that nothing may be overlooked, for the sale is for the day
| Our Lot of Children** Trimmed l.adlti' Ncckwrar In Collar and 25<* l.adlm' Fancy While Apron*.
Hat* tuff Sri* Slightly Soiled
JVOr value. Tuesday 2.V .lOe value, Tueada.v .2Re i'iie*daj, a lor Jj.V
l.adlen* and >ll**e** Illnek Vel- Inltlnl Ho* Writing l*aper and rhlldrcn'n Stnen|i<Ml nre**en,
veteen and Colored Freneh < orrrnpondenee CardN White and Color*
Felt* SSo value. Tuenday 2 boxen for VTh* .TOe vnlue. Tuenday '2 for 25«*
50e value. Tuenday i 2.V
f"™"" - | Wen** Fleeee l.laed Shlrta and I Stamped Pin CIINHIOUM
One liOt off ONtrleh Fancy Trim- ■ Draner*. nil nlme* ( value, Tuenday 2 for . . .JEW*
nilnx*. Rlaek aad Color* | HOe value, Tiienilay *. . . XV*
QOr value. Tiie*day 3Re
I™» I | liOt of Stamped 4'unhloan
f"™ ™■ I Men** lire** IVrenle Shirt* I | value, Tuenday 2 for 2ftc
Marlbou rrlmmlnu*. lllaek, >nt- I ."Or value. Turailay U."V I ———————
urnl and White
,%Oe value. Tuenday .JWe fl I
I stamped \\ alntn, nlth Flo** I
*leu*a \eekutar in silk and Knit- I Tueaday, r>«> I
(f|| Style*
l adle*' and Mlanea* Patent l.enth- 2.V value. Tueaday 2 for 25e
vr Heltn, Black and Color* ———— ——— n
Tmmiliv SEW* 30c Stamped lloudolr Cap*, frith
Children** lllaek lloae. ••*eeond**' I Tueaday 2ftc
liMie valtie. Tuenday :i for .arte I -
Klumaa llalr In i.iffat. ueuaum „
■ nri Dark Rr«nn. In Strand*
HOe value, Tueaday 35c mm— One l.ot of Stamped White *ud
—— Ladle** lllaek Silk I.IMIC >lo*e Tnn ■»«lHe*
OutMlxen Tueaday, 2 for 2,1 c
I*" - ™ mammm^m ™'-We value, Tue*day a for 2KW
ROC Roman Stripe I _ mmmmm—m~mm—m^mmmmmmi—mmmmmmmmmm.mmmmmm
| 50c and 25c Stamped Collar imd
_ Ladle** Black Silk Llalc Hone \ 19% J m Cntt * rin
II "aecoada" | Tueaday. 2 for 35e
Ladle** Hlaek Hand llnft* I arte value. Tuc*day '2 for 35e
50c Tuenday 25c |
_ I New Felt Library Table Cover*
!| l.ndle"' Permlr ninl Gingham I I ric
50e Fancy Velvet Itlbbon* I A proa* I —i^———■
Tueaday. 2 yard* for 25c | value. Tuenday 2 for 25c | m
Stnmped l.lnen and Turkish
———— i Tnnel*
N-lnch Girdle ltlbhon, Sntln aad 50c Infanta* Wool Kldcrdowii
Moire In Color* Sacquen
50c value, Tuenday 25c Tue*day 25c
""""" I__ I ((If (" U ( (i| n Nh I'limblCr*
■ 11 | Tueaday, 3 for 25e J
50c Pemlan Trlmmlna:* In Band* I ,%Oc Infant** Flannelette Klmonon I
and Kd*e* | Tueaday, 25c | ■■■————
Tuesday as '" | »r l.anr (ilau Vun
mtmm^ ■■ am | Tueaday, 2 for 35e
I* - ■■mmmm mmmmI 25e Ratine, All Color*
50c All Over Shadow Lace* I | Tueaday, 3 yard* for 2BC I J ■
Tuenday 25c | | l ot , t hlnJI piattera
I Tneaday. 3 for 25c
I"" - ■ ■ 1 *"■™mm I tl»f TlirklnK XI t
l.adlen* Striped FlannVlette Sklrtn I | Tuenday, 2 for 25c I \ 1 .
Mr value, Tueaday S for .. . .Kc | ——. '. I 10c China llowla
I 1 I | I'ueaday. 3 for 2.V |
——— I Mercerised Table Daauank I
I 30c value, Tuenday 25c I
w—m—mmamm—mm—mmm—mmmm—mm~mmmmmm^m. IOC l.arRC SI*C Cilann-footed .lelly
mmmmmmmmm^ Dlahen
- Tuenday, 3 for 25r
Ladle** Cor*et*. with Garter* At- Shepherd C heck* and Plaid*
tachcd, *i*e* 2« to 35 Tuenday, 3 yard* for 25c p
50c value, Tuenday 25c wm—mmm-mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm—mmm—m—mmmmm. I 10c China linker*, t<i«KMl SI*C
I Tueaday, 3 for . 25e
and Colora . •
Tuesday 25c I 50c Kxtra Large Slr.e .lardinieren I
| 2oC |
Infant** Flannelette Drop I 50c Black Corduroy I .
Drauer* I Tueaday, 25c | 25c China Vane* ■■
!0e value, Tuenday 0 for . . 25c Tuesday, 2 for 25c |
■■mmm—m~^—i—■— I 00 | (>epe la Kvenlag Colorn I
Mualia Drawers | | Tueaday, 25c | | 10c Chlnn t>ntn»enl I)i*he*
10c value. Tuenday 0 for . .25c | 1 3 for Kr |
I I— ——» ■' I r»tl-inch Black aad White Shep- I . .
I herd Cheek HrcN* <>ood* II 5c Oatmeal lll*hca
| 50c value. Tue*day 25e | | Tuesday, ff for 25c |
01c to 25c Department
215 Market Street opp. Court House
was mUj-h higher among women than
among men. Of those discharged dur
ing the year nine-tent'hs had been in
mates less Oban one year, and of those
present at the beginning of the year
albout one-tfoinrd'had beenthere less than
one year. The almshouse is thus large
ly a temporary shelter rather than a
permanent abode of the poor, the per
manent inmates who are there to stay
as long as they live forming a minority
of tihe total almshouse population.»
A total of 17,486 died in almshouses
in tlhe United States during 1910, the
death rate being 207.7 per 1.000 pau
pers enumerated on January 1, 1910.
The death rate for the registration area
of the United States for 1910 was 15
per 1,000. The greatest single cause of
de>ath amoi.g paupers was tuberculosis
of the lungs, which accounted for near
ly one-fifth of the deaths during the
Railway Engine House Destroyed
•Oxford, Ok»t. 26. —Fire of unknown
origin destroyed the engine house of
the Lancaster, Oxford and Southern
Railway 'Company, entailing a loss of
aibout $5,000. The structure was 40x
80 feet. The engine wihk-lh was stand
ing in the house at the time was dam
aged considerably. The tools all fell
prey to the flames. There is only par
tial insurance.
Steeple Jack Paints Big Stack
Marietta, Oct. 26.—Louis Goilbert,
the steeple jack, finished painting the
large stack at the Billmeyer quarries
Saturday afternoon. It is 118 feet
high and ten feet wide at the 'base and
five feet at the top. 'Hundreds of peo
ple stood and watched him complete t>he
Little Talkß on Health and Hygiene
by Samuel G. Dixon, M. D.,.
T.T. D., Commissioner of
Those who are every ready to cry
out that thoir personal liberty is be
ing attacked, when the welfare of their
neighbors demands some restriction of
their actions, are, as a rule, among the
first to denounce a similar desire for
freedom on the part of others.
(Modern methods of administering the
health laws of the Btate and munici
palities render strict quarantine neees
snry for certain communicable and in
fectious diseases, and in the case of
children this is often followed by ex
clusion from school for an additional
period of time.
It would seem obvious to any un
prejudiced observer that to require this
for the protection of the innocent and
unprotected fellow citi/.en is liot atone
just from the standpoint of man-made
law, but the higher mandates of divine
law, as well.
Strange as it may seem, there are
many worthy people who would permit
their selfish interests to blind them to
these duties. Part of this is, no doubt,
due to their ignorance of fne dangers
which may result from carelessness.
Hundreds of deaths annually from
measles, for instanle, might be avoid
ed if parents would not Took uposi it as
a more or less trilling complaint inci
dental lo childhood from which tbeij
own si other people's children must
inevitably suffer. The child with a
sore throat who is permitted to go
without medical attention and attend
school may prove the source of an opi
j demic of diphtheria which will cost
lives and heartbreak.
No matter how eflicient the adminis
! (ration of the [>ublie health laws by
j the authorities, unless the public is edu
j cated to appreciate the necessity ami
i will co-operate with them by living
' up o the spirit of the law, it will be
| impossible to triumph over disease.
All thinking men, unblinded hv pa
| trlotism, must deplore the conflict in
which so large a portion of the civilized
world is now engaged. The same spirit
which prevents the individual from an
swering in the affirmative the question,
I "Am I my brother's keeper" when
I his selfish desire is to be weighed
j against the welfare of his fellows, has
j apparently taken possession of Chris
| tiau nations.
If we do our duty to others, it will
i redound to the protection and well
being of ourselves.
Pawlo Giliberto Believed Slain by In
tended Victims
Johnstown, Pa., Oct. 26. —With let
: ters in his pockets said absolutely to
I convict him of Black Hand wurk, the
j body of Pawlo Giliberto was found on
! an old path near the city limits yes
; tar day morning. He had 1 five bullet
| holes in his head and body.
| The empty revolver had been thrust
into his pocket, which was torn. The
j police believe that some of his intended
I victims had caught him "with the
| goods" and summarily shot, him to
< death. There is no clue to the slay
! ers.
; Printed, at this ottice in best style, at
I lowest prices and on short notiee.