The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, October 26, 1914, Image 1

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Detailed Report. I'air <1
VOI.. 76—NO. 123.
Allies ' Position
Line Between
Dixmude Main
cording to Officia
Their Front Held Also in Re
gion Between
Roulers, to th
ras— Kaiser's Troops Forced
Back on Lowicz
Which Towns Have
tured at the Bay
the Russians
By AtfcciateS Press.
Paris, Oct. 26, 2.54 P. M.—The French official com
munication given out this afternoon says that yesterday
the French line between Nieuport and Dixmude was main
tained. The text of the communication follows:
"During the day of yesterday our position along the
general line between Nieuport and Dixmude was main
tained. The German forces which crossed the Yser be
tween those two towns have not been able to progress.
"Our front was held also in the region between Ypies
and Roulers, between Armentieres and Lille, to the wesl
of La Bassee and of Lens, and to the east of Arras. This
line is continued to the south by line which already has
been indicated by these dispatches. During the fighting of
recent days the enemy seems to have sustained consider
able losses.
"In Russia, to the west of the Vistula and to the north
of the Pitica river, the Germans have been forced back on
Lowicz and Rawa, which have been captured at the bay
onet point by the Russians.
"To the south of Pitca, in the direction of Radon, there
has been a lively engagement between the Russians and
the Austro-Germans who lost prisoners and cannon.
"To the south of Solre the Russian troops crossed the
Vistula by main force, driving the Austrians back. On the
river San and to the south of Przemysl there have oc
curred stubborn combats resulting favorably to the Rus
sians. An Austrian column debouching from the Car
pathians on Dolina in Galicia, 22 miles to the south of
Strypy, was routed."
The supreme efforts of the fighting men of five nations
have failed to turn the tide of battle along the Franco-
Belgian border. Latest reports to-day were that a strug
gle ot' unparalleled fury was still in progress along the
North Sea. where the Germans with reckless bravery are
flinging their troops against the allied forces. The French
official statement indicates that an attempt to cut off the
German right wing had made some progress. It is also
said the allies have established a front from Ypres to
Roulers, the German line has been thrust back in a sharp
angle, the point of which is considerably to the northward
of their forces on the shore of the North Sea. The German
movement across the Yser, which presented a menacing
aspect to the allies, has been checked, the French War
Office savs.
All accounts agree that the toll of human life exacted
in this crucial struggle is enormous.* Three meadows near
Ostend, a British correspondent reports, are heaped with
German dead.
From the remainder of the long line of battle, stretch
ing to the south and east across France to the edge of
Switzerland, there is no word. Apparently both are
waiting the outcome of the conflict to the north, upon
which depends future plans of campaigning although it is
probable that heavy lighting is still in progress to the
north of Verdun where the army of the German crown
prince is making a desperate effort to pierce the French
Reports from the eastern front indicate that the great
est battle of the war in that area is impending. Austria,
in its latest official statement, makes the claim to having
thrust strong forces across the Carpathians in the face of
determined resistance. The Austrians claim successes in
engagements to the northeast of Przemysl and on the
lower »San.
No word has come up to early afternoon of the fighting
at Tsing-Tau where a small German garrison is attempt
ing to stand off attacks by land and sea from the combined
Japanese and British forces.
Recent reports that relations between China and
Japan were being strained were strengthened by word
from Pekin that the Chinese Foreign Minister had de
manded the surrender of a Japanese torpedo boat %'hich
entered Chinese waters and attempted to tow awav the
wreck of the torpedo, boat beached by the Germans to
escape destruction bv the Japanese.
' * , . ......
• "■ ■ ' . .. •- ~ ■ :: . fc ■. : - •
London. Oct. 26, 6.40 A. Xl.—The
correspondent of tho ''Times'' at Rot
terdam semis the following: .
"It iR clear that the Germans are i
putting Antwerp in a state of defense.!
In most of the important forts the Bel-!
gian guns have been replaced with Ger- ;
man fortress urtillerv of the latest'
"The bridge between Antwerp and I
Pais De Waes, which retreating Bel
gians damaged, has been repaired. Evi
dently the Germans are preparing a line
of retreat from the Ostend-Dixmude
"The authorities have ordered the
railroads to cease the free conveyance
of refugees from Holland to Antwerp.
Only a small garrison is at present in
Antwerp, probably not more thau 3,-
000 men."
London, o.t. 26, 6.35 A. >M. —The
Bordeaux correspondent of the "Daily
News' sends the following regarding
the fighting in the Argoune region:
"A useful uecess has been scored
by the allies in the forest of Argonne.
After the lijJ'ting in the Marne the
i>uke of Wurt" em'uerg's army retreated
to the "extern side of the Argoune
while the Crown Piince's army followed
along the eastern side of the forest,
halting finally around Varennes. Ever
siuce tiie two armies have been trying
to join hands.
"The b'rencii have o»w gained pos
session of the village of Melzieourt in j
the iii.di'de <A Argoniie and commanding
the route to the valley of tho Aisne.
As long as they hold this key the
Crown Prince is out in the cold, sepa
rated by a difficult country from the
rest of the German lines.''
I London, Oct. 26, 5.40 A. ,\l.—A Reu
ter dispatch from Amsterdam says that
according to Berlin newspapers received
"here the number of war prisoners up
to October 21 aggregated 298,869, in
cluding 5,401 oflicers.
Of these it is said thati there are 2.-
472 French officers anil 146,897 men;
| 2,164 Russian oflicers aud 104.524
| men; 547 Belgian officers and 31,378
i men and 218 British oflicers and 8,669
| men.
Londci Oct. 26, 3.13 A. M.—"The
position d'. the coast is stationery this
morning,'' says a "Daily Mail" dis
patch from Flushing, Netherlands, un
der date of Sunday. "There is less
firing and it is more to the southward.
No alteration of the situation is re
ported from Ostend.
•'The German losses are frightful.
Three meadows near Ostend are hoaped
with mud. The wounded are now in
stalled in private houses in Bruges,
j where large woodeu sheds are beiug
built to care foi the injurtsd. Thirty
seven farm wagons, containing a con
vulsive mass of wounded, dying and
dead, passed in one hour near Middel
"The Germans have been working
at new entrenchments between Coq
Sur Mur and Wenduine, to protect the
road to Bruges."
Pekin, China, Oct. 27, 4.05 A. M.
The Chinese Foreign Minister has de
manded the surrender of a Japanese
torpedo boat with its icrew which en
tered Chinese waters and substituted
the Japanese flag for the Chinese
dragon and attempted to tow away the
wrecked German torpedo boat S 90.
Germany WUI Not Attack Canada
Washington. Oct. 26. Although
Germany contends that Canada, by
sending troops against Germanv, has
violated the spirit of the Monroe Doc
trine, Germany has no intention of at
tacking Canada nor attempting to col
onize that dominion, according to a
statement issued here to-day by the
German embassy.
Von Tripp and Staff Buried
London, Oct. 26, 3.34 A. M.—A dis
patch to the "Daily Mail" from Flush
ing, Netherlands, dated Saturday, says
that General Von Tripp and nearly all
his staff who were killed in a church
tower at Leffinghe by the fire from the
British warships have been buried in
i Ostend. i
Senator Penrose and Other Notables to j
Address Meeting at Chestnut Street
Hall Wednesday Night
! The Wednesday night meeting to be ,
| held in Chestnut street hall under the j
| auspices of the Dauphin County Repub- j
I lican League, will be the big rally of 1
the campaign in Harrisburg. The speak
era will be Senator Penrose, Thomas S.
C'rago, candidate for Congressman-at
large; Charlemagne Tower, late Min
ister to Germany, and others. It is pos
sible that Dr. Brumbaugh, the candi
date for Governor, will arrive in time
to take part in the meeting.
On Thursday morning Dr. Brum
baugh will make a tour of the lower
end of Dauphin county. He will leave
\ Harrisburg early in the morning, his
j first stopping place being Steelton, and
I will then go to Enhaut, Oberlin, High
! spire, Middletown, Hummelstown and
! Hershey, stopping at noon at Hershey.
j Then the party will go to Union Depos
j it, Shellsville, Linglestown, Progress
t and Penbrook, arriving in Harrisburg
lin time to permit Dr. ISTumbaugh to
This evening Republican meetings
! will be held at Union Deposit and
! Shellsville, when Congressman Kreid
er, .lohn C. Nisslev and Mr. Hull will
speak. A meeting will also be held at
Shellsville to be addressed by MorVis'
Metzger, Earl Renn and F. B. Wicker
To-morrow night Republican meet
ings will be held in Killinger, Enhaut
land Royal ton.
To-morrow night a big Democratic
rally will be held at Kelker street hall
to be addressed by ex-State Treasurer
William H. Berry, James I. Blakslce,
| fourth Assistant Postmaster General;
I James A. Stranahan and Henry Niles.
| On Saturday night the big Demo
jcratic rally of the campaign will take
; place at Chestnut street hall, when Con
! gressman Palmer, Vance t'. McCormick
and William T. Creasv will be the
talkers. The party will tour the Cum
berland Valley tiet'ore coming to H*r
-1 risburg in the evening.
Court Rules Democratic State Commit
tet Had No Right to Make Phil
adelphia Substitutions
Nominations of candidates made in
I the interest of fusion by the Demo
cratic State Committee after two regu
larly nominated Democratic, candidates
in the Seventeenth legislative district,
Philadelphia county, had withdrawn
from the race, do not conform the
primaries law and arc invalid. Judge
: S. J. M. M'oCarrell so decided in an
opinion filed with the Prothonotary
here late this afternoon.
The clerk of t'he Dauphin county
courts is directed to certify tihe de
cision to the Secretary of the Common
wealth, this for the pur|Kise of prevent
i ing, if possible, the names of the sub
stituted candidates from appearing on
j the Democratic ballot.
The t'ourt holds that the State Com
! mittee o>f any political party is with
i out authority to make substitute nomi
| nations except in '-ases where the nom
inee shall be a State-wide candidate.
: The power, the Court holds, is vested in
: the county or city committee represent
| ing the electors who are entitled to vote
: for the candidate.
The executive committee of the Dem
ocratic State Committee undertook to
nominate as legisjptive candidates, T.
Henry Walnut and Wesley T. Robin
son, after James J. Campbell and John
j J. Finnerty, regularly nominated can
; di'l ites, had withdrawn. Walnut anil
Robinson are Washington partv men
and the substitutions and withdrawals
| were made in the interest of fusion.
Accused Slayer of Mrs. Bailey Freed on
925,000 Bail Bond
By Associated Press.
I New York, Oct. 26.—Mrs. Florence
j Conklin Carman, who was on trial in
| Mineola all last week for the murder
of Mrs. Louise Bailey, was released on
$25,000 bail by .Justice Kelby in the
I Kings county Supreme Court in Brook-
I lyn this afternoon.
Accompanied by her attorneys she
| started immediately for her home in
I Frecport.
| Men to Compose the Executive Body
Announced This Afternoon
The members of the executive com
mittee of the Harrisburg Chamber of
| Commerce were announced this'after
j noon following a mail vote taken by
| the directors.
Henderson Gilbert, the new presi
' dent of the Chamber, will act as chair
man of the committee. Others on the
committee are: George F. Watt, Ed.
S. Herman, David Kaufman and Donald
Other committees to be appointed by
Mr. Gilbert, chief among which is the
1915 celebration committee, will be
announced in a few days.
Rescue Crews Endeavoring to Reach
Men at Elizabeth, Pa.
By Associated Press,
Pittsburgh, Pa., Oct. 26. —Fire in
i Petterson mine of the United Coal and
! Coke Company at Elizabeth, Pa., near
! here, to-day entombed two men, a large
j number escaping when the alarm was
A rescue crew from the Pittsburgh
station oi the Bureau of Mines, aided
by rescue crews from other mines in
the district, aie endeavoring to reach
the men.
Learned Now That Man
Murdered in Missis
sippi Had His Home j
in Lucknow
Body of Victim of Quarrel on Carnival ■
Grounds Is Sent to Father Here!
and the Burial Will Take Place in
A leMer in his pocket addressed to
liis father, .Jacob S. Durham, of Canal (
Road, Lucknow, was the means ot' iden-1
tifving the headless trunk of a man I
' murdered nn the Mississippi-Alabama
fair grounds, (Meridian, Miss., as .1. Ed
ward Durham, 23 years old, of Luck
The name was given in dispatches
received here Saturday as " Kdw;yd i
May," of this city, a name that he
I evidently had assumed, when he joined :
1 a carnival company which was showing
j at the fair grounds last week. His fa :
ther said that he 'believed his sou had j
assumed that name, as letters addressed
to the son as Durham were returned un-!
opened. Durham had a chum by the!
I name of Edward May, according to the
Durham, it is alleged, was attacked I
on the show grounds by Dave and Jor
Smith, brothers, of Meridian, Miss., aft- '■
er Durham had resented an insult to a
woman performer with the show. Dur
ham's head was severed from his body
by a bowie knife in the fig'ht. which oc
| curred on the fair grouuds.
Vesterday morning Durham's father
j received word from the Meridian police,
j who used the address found on the let
j ter in the murdered man 's pocket. The
father wired back that the description
! fitted his son, whom he know to be trav
j eling with a carnival company through
| khe Snith. Arrangements were then
| made to ship the body to Harrisburg.
C. 'H. Mauk, undertaker, received the
body here last midnight and to day it
was taken to the father's home. Funeral
services will be held at that place to
morrow afternoon at 1 o'clock. The
i body will then be taken to S-hoop's
church. Progress, where further serv
ices wiil be held afti burial made.
After the first dispatch regarding the
murder was received here the local po
lice department began searching for
friends of a man by the name of Ed
ward May, but were unsuccessful. Jacob
Durham yesterday notified Chief of Po
lice Hutchison 'of the identification of
•the body.
Governor's Chauffeur Uses It to Rush to
j Hospital With Newsboy Injured
by Runabout
The chauffeur for Governor Teuer
j this morning hauled an injured boy in
j the Govetnor's big touring car to the
I Harrisburg Hospital,'after the youth
I had been run -down by a small run
about outs'ide the garage at the rear of
the Executive Mansion. The Gover
nor's footman held the boy in his arms
on the way to the hospital.
The boy, Abraham Michlovitz, 13
years old, 1324 Williams street, had
delivered newspapers at the Executive
Mansion at Front and Barabara streets.
He was on a bicycle and rode out Bar
bara street. .lust as he was turning
into Hiver street the runabout hit him.
; The boy wa 9 knocked heavily to the
I street and lay there stunned. The
driver of the runabout became fright
ened and did not seem to know what
to do. Governor Tenor's chauffeur then
tc»k the boy to the hospital in the Gov
ernor's car.
At the hospital the boy recovered
j from the shock and was able to talk
after a while. He complained about pain
in his back and hospital attaches ad
mitted him for treatment. His in
juries are not dangerous.
Confirms Report That His Headquarters
Will Be in Philadelphia
Recent reports that Governor Tener
| will make his headquarters in Philadel
phia aifter the present administration
were confirmed to-day when the Govern
or signed a lease for an apartment on
Spruce street in that city.
Governor Tener said that while he
expects to spend much of his time in
Philadelphia he will still consider
Charleroi his legal residence. His old
acquaintances in that Washington coun
ty town he described as "my best
! friends."
Governor Tener said that the report
] that the headquarters of the National
j Baseball League, of which he is presi
| dent, will be removed from New York
to Philadelphia is without foundation.
He would not discuss the subject of
politics, except to remark:
"I shall take an interest in Penn
sylvania .just how active I
cannot say, except that I always hope
to be in a position to help my friends,
and advocate such principles as I know
are right."
Dr. Freed's Condition Critical
Dr. Isaac Freed, 1337 North Front
street, who has been seriously ill for
thfe past days, had another re
lapse this afternoon and his relatives
do not look for his recovery. Dr.
Freed is a commercial salesman and was
taken ill several days ago in Pitts
burgh, when ht was brought to his home
in this city.
Husband, Seeking Sep
aration, Alleges She
Was Ambitious to
Make Her Own Way
Mrs. Jane B. Hunter, According to Tes
timony in Court To-day, Is a Col
lege Graduate and Has Her Own
Ideas About Things
Her desire to be a politician and to
have luxuries like those enjoyed by the
wives of her brothers, were the chief
reasons Jane B. Hunter deserted her
husband, Robert Hunter, now of 1528
North Sixth street, this city, so Hunter
testified in his suit for legal separation i
at the October term of divorce court
| this morning. Judge Kunkel heard the
case and took the papers, following the
legal practice, and withheld his decis
: ion.
At the time of the alleged desertion,
; March 7, 1912, the Hunters lived in
| Baltimore, Md. They have one child,
which is now in the custody of the
1 mother at her home in Lakewater,
Conn., and which Mrs. Hunter, by pro
ceedings recently instituted in the Con
necticut courts, seeks to adopt. If
successful in the adoption plan the hus
band's fight to regain the custody of
the child would be made more difficult.
The father ih court to-day declared
that he would not agree to the wife's
adoption plan. Hunter is a traveling
man, connected with a Baltimore firm,
and only recently returned from Lon
don where ho was sent to open a Eu
ropean branch for the firm. His return
Continued ou Klgbth Page.
; Colonel Roosevelt Opens Four Days"
Toui in This State by Advo
cating Their Election
By Associated Press,
Maueh Chunk, Pa., Oct. 26.—Colonel
Theodort Roosevelt began to day a
four days' campaign tour in Pennsyl
vania in the interest of the candidacy
of Uifford Pinchot for United States
and of the Washington party
State, Congressional and legislative
■tickets. He delivered addresses at
Kastoii, Bethlehem, Allentown and
this place. Speaking at Allentown,
Colonel Roosevelt said:
"Every man who voted for me two
years ago and is not ashamed of it
owes it to himself to vote for Pinchot
this year. Pinchot was my right hand
man while 1 was President and there is
i not one ot my priaoiples that he does
not stand fo:. vVe are fighting for the
same principles against tne same foes.
The prime issue is to beat Penrose and
the only man to beat him is Pinchot.
"I am asking you to y think of the
next generation. Ou our way up here
we passed your seholo children. I ask
you to make this country the right kind
of a country to live in. Our opponents
have said that if Penrose were sent
back to the Senate it would put Penn
sylvania back on the map. I say to
you it would put Pennsylvania Mack on
the map."
"Anu I am also advocating the elec
tion of Vance MeC'ormick. We must
root Penrose out of the State."
| (100 Applications Received Hours Be
fore Time Set to Distribute Them
for Address on Thursday
The Washington party county and
city chairmen to-day began the distri
bution of tickets of admittance to
Chestnut Street hall to hear Colonel
Roosevelt make his address ou Thurs
day morning. The tickets call for ad
mittance at 9.3 0, and it is expected
that by the tune Colonel Hoosevelt ar
rives, at 10 o'clock, all who have been
provided with the necessary paste
boards will bt in their seats. While
awaiting the arrival of the Colonel lo
cal Bull Moose talkers will expound
'Progressive ideas in a series of ad
dresses. ,
While the hour for the beginning of
the issuing of tickets was set for 2
o'clock this afternoon, the demand for
them began early this morning and by
noon between 500 and 600 had been
applied for and handed out. Requests
for tickets came from all directions,
many of them by telephone from a dis
tance, and almost every town in the
vicinity purposes being represented at
the meeting.
It was Btated to-day that nobody will
be admitted without a ticket, the in
tention being to prevent accident from
overcrowding. The hall will accommo
date about 1,500, including standing
room, and every inch of space will
likely be taken.
Mule's Kick Probably Fatal
aged 12 years, son of Paul Dietz, of
aged 12 years, ton of Paul Deitz, of
near " Highmount," was perhaps fa
tally injured this morning when he was
kicked 'by a mule. He was hitching the
animal to a vehicle when it raised its
hind legs and struck him on the head.
The lad was rendered unconscious and
it is feafed that fiis skull is fractured.
He bled considerably.
Witness Says Husband
Tried in
It Drive Water Out
of Cellar
Rummler, Widow Testifies, Sought
Precious Metal on Advice of Sei
ferd, Alleged Clairvoyant, Who Fig
ures in Will Fight
Harrison Seiferd, alleged clairvoyant
and spiritualist, whose right to receive
the bulk of the $12,000 estate left by
the late Mrs. Martha Adams is being
contested by other Adams heirs in pro
ceedings before Roy C.' Danaer, Reg
ister of Wills, to-day was said by wit
nesses to have represented that he is
possessed of the power of interpreting
and foretelling the effect of his clients'
Mrs.- Martha Oromleigh said her sis
ter, Mrs. Adams, frequently told of
having called on Seiferd for advice and
information tending to show what
would be the outcome of certain dreams
she had had.
"My sister once said," began Mrs.
Cromleigh, "that she dreamed she had
been in fairyland, a beautiful place,
which she said she thought would be a
good plnce in which to remain."
Immediately after that the scene of
the dream shifted, so Mrs. Cromleigh
said her sister told her, and all appear
ed to be dark and the country was sur
rounded by muddy water.
"My sistor told me at that time that
she would consult Seiferd and leant
what that dream meant."
The witness also declared that Mrs.
Adams vailed 041 Seiferd tell hor
the meaning of strange sounds in a new
home the Cromleigh's built. These
sounds were accompanied by the wall'
cracking and small particles of plaster
falling. Mrs. Cromleigh said thev oc
curred at times while she was enter
taining Mrs. Adams as her house guest.
Mrs. J. M. Rummler, who declared
that her dead husband during his life
time gave Seiferd several thousand dol
lars for "force bags," said Rummler
accepted "advice" from Seiferd from
1896 until Rummler died in 1905.
The Rummler's were troubled with
wator getting in the cellar of their
home and Mr. Rummler, the witness
said, obtained a "force bag" from
Seiferd to remedy th'is condition.
"Seiferd threw one of the force
! bags into the water—it was about lour
feet deep," said Mrs. Rummler, "but
the water did not recede and we did
not get relief until the house was con
nected with a city sewer."
Mrs. Rummler added that her hus
i band paid SIOO to Seiferd for a
| "force bag" to guard the house
I against storm and that Seiferd tacked
a small card bearing, the "mysterious
language ami powers" on the house.
The storm did no damage.
Under Seiferd's advice Rummler
went into a field adjacent to their
home, in this city, years ago, to dig
; for gold, the witness testified. He did
1 that on three consecutive nights and
j each time came back with an empty
j bag, so the widow said.
I Boys Suspected of Looking for Examl
! nation Papers Are Taken by Police
—Committee to Investigate
Pour Central High school boys, aa
cording to School Board officials, last
i night entered the school building at
: Capital and Porster streets. It is sup-
I posed by the school authorities they
wanted to get a look at examination
papers. Thei l - presence was discovered
! and city policemen summoned. A squad
lof bluecoats surrounded the building
1 and the boys were apprehended.
City Superintendent Uownes, Princi
pal Steele, of the school, and Harry A.
Boyer, president, of the School Board,
held a conference this morning and de
cided the incident should be brought
before the Tea-hers' committee of the
School Board, which will meet in sj>e
cial session Thursday night.
The boys subsequently were released
by the police and, according to Chief
of Police Hutchison, his department is
awaiting the action of School Board
officials. Superintendent Uownes said:
"We have ueen trying for many
years to break up that thing. It will
be brought up at a meeting of the
Teachers' committee, and it is likely
that the police will be asked to follow
it up. I cannot see why the boys wore
released. Two of the boys do not re
side in, Harrisburg, and I will suggest,
that, those boys who do not show a dis
position to get. through on their own
merits be kept from attending the
Neither School Board officials nor
i the police made public the names of the
boys found in the building.
Severe Earthquake Felt at Turin
Rome, Oct. 26, 12.50 P. M.— A verv
severe earthquake wa.i felt at Turin to
day. No casualties have been reported.