The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, October 24, 1914, Page 7, Image 7

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At bed time, bath time and nursery play time.
A Copper Reflector Gas
v Heating Stove
is always ready for use—night or day. You have
clean, healthful heat the instant you light the gas.
Copper Reflector Heaters $3.50 to $7.25
Other types of Heaters $1.95 to $37.50
(Connections extra)
Sold on the Deferred Payment Plan.
At the gas office or from representatives.
Miss Josephine Colt Will Deliver An
Address at Centenary United Breth-}
ren Church—Dr. Floyd Appleton
Will Officiate at Trinity
(Sunday meetings in the interest of
the 'Stough campaign will be held in j
the Main Street Church of God in the j
morning and at the same hour in Cen-'
tenary United Bretnren church where
Miss Josephine Colt will be the speak
At Trinity P. E. church the Rev. Dr.
Floyd Appleton, rector of St. Paul's
church, Harrisburg. will serve the Holy
Communion and deliver a short ad
The Rev. H. A. Rinard, of Penns
burg, will occupy the pulpit at St. ;
John's Lutheran church, both morning j
and evening. In other churches of the 1
borough the officiating pastors will de
liver sermons on live subjects accord- i
ing to the following announcements:
St. John's Lutheran—The Rev. H.I
A. Rinard, of Pennsburg, will preach at j
10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Sunday j
school at 9.30. Jr. C. E. at 6.30. Pray
er meeting Wednesday evening. Cate
chetical class Friday evening at 7.45.
Sr. C. E. Friday evening.
Trinity P. E.—The Rev. S. H.
Rainey, rector. Sunday school at in.
Communion will be administered at 11
a. m. by Dr. Floyd Appleton, rector of
St. Paul's church, Harrisburg. Evening
service at 7.30.
Centenary lb B.—The Rev. A. K.
W ier, j Prayer meeting and
praise service at 9.45. At 10.30, Jose
phine Colt, of the Stough party, will
speak on "The ('all to Personal Serv
ice." Sunday school at 2. C. E. So-;
ciety at 6.30. At 7.30 the pastor will
publicly install recently elected officers
and teachers of the Sunday school. The!
theme will lie "The Twentieth Century
•Sunday School."
First Presbyterian—The Rev. C.!
Benjamin Segelkin will preach at 111
a. m.. subject, "The Mission of Christ's
Followers," and at 7.30, on "The,
Judgment. Sundav school at 9.45. C. |
E. at 6.30.
First Reformed The Rev. CliSrles |
A. Huyette, pastor. Morning service and
Sunday school at 10. Subject? "The
Marks of Jesus." Evening service at
7.30. Subject, "Echoes From the
Eastern Synod." Special music by the
choir at both services.
Grace U. E. —The Rev. .1. M. Shoop,
pastor, will preach at 10.30 a. m. and j
7.30 p. m. Sunday school at 9.15. K. L. I
C. E. at 6.45.
First Methodist—The Rev. J. H. j
Rover, pastor. Preaching at 10.30. Sub-!
ject, "The Priceless Vcarl. 7.30, sub- 1
ject. "Love's Request." Sunday school
at 2. Epworth League at 6.30. Prayer!
meeting Wednesday evening at 7.4 5.
Cottage prayer meetings Tuesday even
Main Street Church of God—The
Rev. James M. Waggoner, pastor. Serv -
ices at 10.30 a. m„ in the interest of j
the Stough campaign. At 7.30 an ordi-'
nance meeting. Sunday school at 2. C.!
E. at 6.30. Mid-week prayer service.
Mt. 7Aon Methodist, Cnmbler's!
Heights——Preaching by the J. H. j
Rover. 3.30 p. m., Sunday school. Pray- j
er meeting Thursday evening.
St. Mark's Lutheran—The Rev. Wil
liam R. Smith. 10.30 a. m., theme,
"Self-Mastery." Sunday school at 2.
E. at 6.45. 7.30 p. ni., theme, "Call
ing Things by Their Wrong Names."
7.30 p. m., prayer meeting Wednes
Funeral services for Mrs. H. M.
Brown, who died here Thursday morn
ing, will be held from Foley's United
Brethren church at Shepherdstown to
morrow morning at 10 o'clock.
FOR RENT—3S3-355 South Fourth St.,
7 rooms each, good cellar and level
yard. S!MH> per month. Vpply to MiCI.S
TUIiA.N'O. 31U South Koifrlh St., Steel
ton, Pa.
After Patient Watching for a Number
of Nights Clyde Heckert Shoe One
of the Bobbers While the Other Es
caped in the Darkness
Residents of tumbler's Heights, East
Steelton. after being bothered several
weeks with chicken thieves, finally or
ganized a vigilance committee and Wed
nesday caught and executed one of the
thieves, since which time their CCODS
have been unmolested.
When the depredations on the hen
coops were first noticed, the chickens
missing each night were only three or
four. Every night a different coop was
entered and some of the poultry taken.
Finally those who were the victims of
the midnight raids, got together and
decided on a concerted plan of action
to capture the thief or thieves.
Each night after this would find a
number of the chicken owners patrol
ing the back alleys armed with breech
loading anl pump shot guns. Their
vigilance was not rewarded until last
Wednesday night when Clyde Heckert,
residing at 2627 South Third street,
heard a commotion in one ol' his neigh
bor's pens and upon making an inves
tigation discovered a large Shepherd
dog and a smaller mongrel slaughtering
the ilock. The big dog was promptly
shot, but in the darkness the mongrel
got away, but since that time no hen
coops in that locality have been dis
Of the poultry owners whose coops
are known to have been visited by the
dogs are the following: Frank Schiff
bauer, who lost 4; Harry Downs, TO.
John Kunkle, residing at the Cumbler
homestead, and other persons lost a
number each.
Mr. and Mrs. John Steiner Remembered
by Friends
Mr. and Mrs. John Steiner were ten
dered a miscellaneous shower last
evening at their home, 153 South Front,
street. They received many beautiful
and useful presents, while the guests
were entertained with games and music,
after which a lunch was served to the
following persons:
Anna Wuhrl, Katherine Stoll, May
Fisher, Kathryn Hess, Agues Clave.
Susan Reigel, Steelton; Anna Bryan.
Oberlin; Pearl Cook, Mr. and Mrs. John
Atticks and daughter, Thelma; Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Cook, Herman Haiti,
of Paxtangr Mr. and Mrs. Hoffmaster.
Samuel Durborrow, Mr. and Mrs. Her
man Beard, Mr. and Mrs. Leßoy
O'Donnell and daughter, Beatrice; Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Jones, Mr. and Mrs.
William Dehner, Mr. and Mrs. L. B.
Heils, Mr. and Mrs. ( harlos Pi«V.
Ethel and Karl Pisle, Mr. and Mrs. John
Mr, and Mrs. John Runkle Entertained
Eighty-five Guests
An old fashioned (Hallowe'en party
was held last evening at the hone of
Mr. and Mrs. John Runkle, residing on
the Cumbler estate homestead. East
Eighty-five guests from Stecltou,
Highspire, Middletown, Boyalton, Ober
lin, Enhaut, Harrisburg and New Cum
berland were entertained with dancing
and all manner of other amusement.
Music for the dancing was furnished
by the host. Mr. Runkle; Clarence Av
ery and Mrs. Hemperlv, of the borough.
Friends of Allison, Killed in Ohio,
Sought Here
A telegram of inquiry was received
'by Burgess Wigfield last evening desir
ing information about a man named
Allison, who was killed by cars in An
dover, Ohio. Details of the death were
meagre, giving the dead man's age as
20 and mentioned finding a Philadel
phia pawnbroker's check 011 the body,
which contained the name Allison and
the address, Steelton. Burgess Wigfield
was unable te find any person here who
knew the man named in the telegram.
The evangelistic services held in Mt.
Zion Methodist church, Cumbler's
Heights, this week were largely at
tended. The Rev. J. H. Royer, pastor,
was assisted two evenings by the Rev.
H. F. Khoad, pastor of th? Highspire
United Brethren church, and the Rev.
B. L<. C. Baer, pastor of the Highspire
Church of (iod.
Railroad Officer SoulliarJ arrested
Ijuzo Metro and Dcdo Gator, West Side
foreigners, this morning for trespassing
on the Pennsylvania rond at this place.
The two men were arraigned before
Squire Gardner and after paying the
fines and costs were released.
The Ladies' Bible class of St. John's
Lutheran Sunday school, taught by
Mrs. John Moore, were entertained last
evening by Mrs. Charles Miller at her
home, Market street, Harrisburg. The
home was handsomely decorated with
autumn leaves ami after spending a
social evening, refreshments were serv
ed to the forty members present.
Steelton Lodge, 1. 0. O. F„ initiated
a large class in the second degree of
the order last evening. The local de
gree team was .assisted by the teams
from 'Mkldletown and Harrisburg lodges.
The advance sale of seats has
strengthened the prediction for a big
crowd at this evening's opening enter
tainment o'f the Civil f'luib course. The
lirs+. number of this season will be giv
en 'bv the Morrow 'Brothers, a quartet
of entertainers.
The Hygienic Hose Company last
evening arranged fo- its part in the
'big reception next Friday evening iu
'honor of Fire Chief John K. Shu>r>r>.
Joseph Silver has purchased ground
on South Second street, just below
Hoffer street, where lie will erect- a fac
tory building. Silver will manufacture
cloves and stockings and will employ
p.lbout twenty-five persons. The groond
was purchased from A. B. Harlaeher
and Anna Pox.
Mr. and ;Mrs. William Rough, after
s ending the present week on a wedding
trip to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hor- ,
ace Atkinson, Nortih Front street, will
leave to morrow for their homo in Sun
to ury.
John Hoeker. Middletown, spent to
day with friends in the 'borough.
•Miss Eli£hbeth Myers, Lancaster, is
I the guest of her sister, 'Mrs. Robert
j Geesey, Swatara street.
'Miss Maude J. Fiese, South Front
ttreet, liaa returned from a visit to
•Millersville and Tower City.
The Rev. Dr. T. D. Atkins, former
pastor of Mt. Xion "Baptist liureh, and
Mrs. Atkins were guests of friends here
Mi«s Wilcox, the visiting nurse ere !
uloved bv the Steelton Civic Club, will I
be in her office from S a. m. to 9
a. wi„ from 12.30 p. m. to 1.30 p. a> \
i P. O. S, of A. Presents Public Schools
With Handsome Flag
I Special Corresponds i ■
j Highspire. Oct. 24. Washington]
Caw .No. .>OS, P. 0. S. of A., of this '
plaice, presented the public schools of |
town with a handsome silk Hag Miis aft- j
ernoon at 1.30 o'clock. In honor of the j
occasion a committee arranged tile fol
lowing program, w'hidh included music j
'by the iHighspire band, as well as sev- j
eral selections bv the childreA of the!
schools. Tito program: Music, band;
'"America," audience; devotioual, tiici
, Rev. 'Mr. Khoad; selection, schools; I
presentation of flag, Ira W. Hoover; j
j acceptance. Principal S. M. StoiilTer; j
! ''Star Spangle Banner," schools; a I- j
dress, F. B. Wickershani; selection.]
schools; benediction, the Rev. H. K. j
j lChoad.
The local W. C. T. T". held its month- j
: ly business meeting T.tesday evening at j
the home of Mrs. P. 11. Aiozer, Market I
j street.
A birthday surprise was given Wed- i
I nesdav evening at tlhe home of Mr. and j
Mrs. Frank I hini>b, Second street, in ;
honor of the Sth birthday of their
daughter, Evelyn, The decorations
were black cats and jack-o'-lanterns
with the 'Halloween colors draped to
! correspond with the event. Many pretty
and useful gifts were given by the lit
tle guests. After spending the evening I
j with appropriate games, su.ipor was
; served to the following persons: Alia}
I Ruth, Mattel Jones, Miriam Brown, He! j
(.eii Samson, Theresa Roup. Elizabeth |
' Gender, Mary Ha'iin. Mildred Hahn, I
! Helen Ha'hn, Pauline llTc'berling, Evelyn !
! f 'lhubb, Franklin Chubb, Miss Bessie
|'Brown, Mr. and 'Mrs. Jo 1)!!! Bard, Mr.
| and Mrs. Frank Ohu'Wb.
Tlio Rev. J. H. and Mrs. Wilson, aft j
! er spending several days with the for I
iner's parents, Mr. and' Mrs. Joseph Wil
son, Jury street, have returned to their ,
home in Xewburg.
Miss Anita Wetzel, Jury street, haul
rfturnel from an extended visit 'to rela-1
tives and friends in Shiippendburg and i
William Cover is confined to his homo |
i on Second street by illness.
Mrs. Thomas Huff, Elizabeth street,!
has returned from attending the funeral j
of a relative in Snyder county.
David Brandt, Mechanicsburg, was a j
, recent guest of his daughter, Mrs. O. |
11. Heim, Roop street.
The following order of services will !
; be held in the borough churches to- 1
| morrow:
| United Brethren —The Rev. H. P.
j Rhoad, pastor. 10.45, "God's Stand
lard.*' Evening service at 7.30. Sun
i day school at 9.30 V. P. S. C. E. at
G.cSO. The Woman's Missionary So-'
ciety will have charge of the evening I
services. Mrs. <'. A. Funk, a returned
missionary from China, will give the j
Church of God—The Rev. B. 1,. C- !
Baer, pastor. At the morning service a j
I farewell sermon will be preached by
Mervin Manning, a member of the
I church, who will leave for Maytown
next week to take charge of the church
to which he was recently appointed.
Wunday school at 1.45. Chapel at 3;
Rally Day theme. C. E. at 6.30.
(Preaching by the pastor at, 7.30.
The seventh annual rally of the East
End chapel of the Church of God will j
be held at 3 o'clock, when an interest- !
ing program will be rendered.
"What is the meaning of the show
er 'bouquets brides ca/ry?"
"it signifies the 'beginning of a do
mestic reign."—Baltimore American.
Your Vote and Influence Will
be Appreciated
The Star-Independent does not
make itself responsible for opuiioiu :
A Correction by Dr. Raunick
Editor of the Star-Independeu't:
Dear Sir—ln our report of milk sam
ples for September, through uu error of I
this Bureau, in three samples of milk
consigned to the Pennsylvania 'Milk
Product Company, but actually the
property of Messrs. Bowman. Xailor ami
J* ernbaug'jt, these samples are incorrect
ly designaterl as pasteurized, ami we i
would appreciate it very much if you '
will make proper comment: of this fact !
so that no injustice may iie done.
Res ectfully,
•Ic'hn M. J. Raunick, M. I").
Director. i
Marrisburg, Oct. 24. 1914.
To Be Held in Lancaster County Under
Direction of Stato Board
Marietta. Oct. 24,—The following I
sessions will be held in Lancaster coun- 1
ty this fall under the direction ot' the I
State Department of Agriculture. Last j
year the sessions w»re a grand success '
and already elaborate preparations are |
beinu' made fot them:
L-'ue Ball VV ednesday, Xorember
25; Mec hanicsville, Friday anil Batur- j
day, November 27 and 28; Litit '., Mon i
day anil Tuesday. November ."0, and
December 1; Ep'hrara, Wednesday and
Thursday, December 2 and 3;'Lain-'
peter, Friday and Saturday, December I
4 ami 5; Millersville, Monday, Decem
ber 7: Paradise, Monday and Tuesday, j
December 14 and 15; Maytown, Wed-I
nesday and Thursday, December 16
and 17. Three State lecturers will be |
present at the sessions.
Foley Cathartic Tablets
You will like their positive action. |
They have a tonic effect on the bowels,!
and give a wholesome, thorough clean- !
sing to the entire bowel tract. Stir the i
liver to healthy activity and keep stom- j
aich sweet. Constipation, headache,'
dull, tired feeling never afflict those
who use Foley Cathartic Tablets. Only
25c. Specially comforting to stout per
sons who enjoy the iigiit and free feel
ing they give. George A. Gorgas, 16
North Third street, and P. R. R. Sta
tion. Adv.
Philadelphia Division 102 crew to
go first after 12.50 p. in.: 113, 107.
120. 104, 105, lot;. US. 124, 112. |
'Engineer for 102.
Firemen for 102. 105, 107. 118.
Conductor for 107.
Flagmen for 104, lOti.
Brakemcn for 102, 113, 118, 124. i
Engineers up: McCauley, Long, So- i
ber, Brubaker, Kelly, Statler.
Firemen up: Mulholn, Gelsinger,
j Manning, Gilbert, Wagner, I. 1,. Kegel
man, Mc-Curdv, Carr, Dunleavy, Weav
er, Bylsbaugh, Robinson, Shive, Which
! ello, Brenner, Myers, K. C. Barton,!
j Davidson.
Conductors up: Ford, Mehaffi. |
Flagmen up: Clark, First, Barker.
: Brakemen up: Kmipp, Gouse, Mo
i Naughton, Collins, Dengler.
j , I
Middle Division—232 crew to go
1 first after 1.50 p. m.: 214, 227, 20, 16, j
| 2G, 18, 15, 17, 21.
Engineer for 15.
Firemen for 18, 17.
Brakeman for 15.
Engineers up: Briggles, Moore, Wiss-|
ler, Minnick, Hertzler, Mumma, Gar-1
j man. Havens, Free, Welcomer, Magill, j
! Simonton, Webster, Smith.
Firemen up: Cox, Liebau. Drewett,!
I Buyer, Schrefller, Davis, Potteiger,;
j Reeder, Stouffcr, Seagrist, Wright,
Shceslev, Simmons, Gross.
Conductors up: Bogner, Byrnes.
Brakemcn up: Bell, Pipp, Henderson,
Kipp, Staid, Kieffer, Wenrick, Heck,
Harris, Mcllenry, Fleck, Kane, Ma
thias, Myers, Schoffstall, Kilgor, Pet
ers, Plack.
Yard Crev/s—Engineers up: Meals,
Stahl, Swab, Crist, Harvey, Kuhn,
i Snyder, Peltou, Shaver, Landis, Iloy
i ler, Hohenshclt, Breueman, Thomas,
! Rudy, Houser.
Firemen up: Sholter, Snell, Bartolet,
Getty, Hart, Barkey, Sheets, Bair,
Evde, Essig, Xey, Myers, Boyle, Ship
ley, Revie, Ulsh, Bostdorf, Schieffer,
* _ ">
> Jmm
James W. Barker
\\ aMhiiigtot) I'nrty Noininvr For
from the
If l:le. («-.l Will Favor
I'ROTKI riO> OF I. A Holt, Civil -
tour Vote unri Support Solicited
Rauch, Mcaver, Weigle, tt ackey, Cook
Engineers for 1869, 1886, 707,
1758, 14, 1820, 954.
Firemen for 213, 707, 1758, 90,
2393, 1368, 954, 1556.
P., H. and P.—After 4 p. m.: 10,
7, 21, 8, 11, 23.
Eastbound —After 2.30 p. m.: 67,
59, 52, 56, G4, 61, 57, 63.
Conductor up: Philahaum.
Engineers up: Massimo re, Wireuian,
Pletz, .Morrison, Kettner.
Firemen tip: Palm, Lex, Snader,
Brakemcn up: Cheney, Fleagle,
Greager, Kupp, Miles, Hinkle, Smith,
Stands For Clean, Capable, Con
scientious State Government
Will Welcome Your Support On
Election Day, Nov . 3, 1914
For the Supreme Court
Judge George Kunkel
of Harrisburg, Dauphin County
The Judge who tried the Capitol Graft Cases, and last year re
ceived every vote in his own county for re-election on the non
partisan ballot.
Vote for Him Nov. 3, 1914
A cross mark in the Party Square is a vote for Party candidates
only and is not a vote for Judge.
In addition you MUST make a cross mark after the name of the
Judge for whom you desire to vote.
Vote for JUDOE KUNKEL and mark your ballot this way:
Great flemocratic Rally
Kelker Street Hall, Tuesday,
October 27th, at 8.15 P. M.
Big Street Parade
Come and hear the issues of this campaign discussed by
the following prominent speakers •
Hon. Wm. H. Berry, ex-State Treasurer.
Hon. James I. Blakslee, Fourth Postmaster General.
Hon. Jas. A. Stranahan, ex-Deputy Attorney General.
Henry B. Niles, Esq., of York, Pa.
MaelvmeT. '
Philadelphia Division—2os crew to
go first after 1.15 p. ni.: 252, 217,
202, 216, 245, 240, 234, 230, 247,
'251, 244, 222, 228, 249.
iingineers for 203, 205. 234, 291.
Conductors for 205, 216, 233, 240,
Flagmen for 221, 237, 252, 245,
245, 252.
Brakemen for 234, 243, 2 17, 2 18,
249, 202, 205, 21 7, 230.
Conductors utp: Ponnell, Koruey,
Flagmen up: Brinser, Camp.
Hrakemen up: Baker, Long.
Middle Division—23B crew io go
first after 1.30 p. in.: 239, 112, 110,
102, 105.
Brakomeu for 112, 102.