The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, October 24, 1914, Page 4, Image 4

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—— -
—can you know the Hand Klaxon.
It is totally different from the clicking,
rartitng hand signals that you have seen
and heard. Its note is POWERFUL —sharp
and clean-cut. It will CARRY.
It is built for PERMANENT service. It is
guaranteed to GFVE permanent service.
It shows its class. It is a high-grade
K uxors, Klaxonets, A'W/.i and
Hand Kliixoru sold l>\
108 Market Street, Karrisburg, Pa.
Wili Repair Your Ki;.soa Horn Free of Charge
1" or Pleasure For Light Deliverv
The ViM
Chesterfield Six a,I T2
$1650.00 $ 685 - 00
' w ' -'list what the name implies. To
* deliver goo-is in thousand pound
The perfect combination of pow quantities. Built to withstand
er anil efficiency. IJuality from abuse.
toi to bottom. Equipment, start Weight, 1.650 lbs.: 15 to 20
tog and lighting system and one hor3e IK)Wer .
man top equal to any $5,400 car.
Worm-drive-gear which adds to th» 1 'utch. transmission and finish
life of tires and car. Starts with l>esl tor eo"»«w<Te'»l use.
greatest possible ease. Speed. 2 to 30 miles an hour.
Call for literature.
About 100 rl lerj enjoyed the recent
'outing or the National Capital .Motor
cycle C4ub of Washington, D. C. t at
Kock Point. 'Md.
Kight motorcycles have just been in
stalled to expedite the collection of
tuail in the outlying districts of Mil
waukee. Wis.
On r, crosscountry motorcycle trip
from Alhambra, Ca!.. to Warren. Ohio.
To Remedy Your Electrical Troubles
The Electrical Dep't.
of the
Armature Winding, Generators, Fans,
In Fact—lf It's Electrical,
Years of Practical Electrical Experi
ence Backs Us Up
No. 38 S. 3d St. HARBISBUBG, PA.
Bell Phone 3508-L
*- -»
Homer Stewart covered 3.755 miles in
thirtv-one days, averaging 122 miles a
Entries for the annual grand prize
| 300-mile motorcycle ra-e to be held at
, Savannah. Ga.. on Thanksgiving dav.
i will close ou Xovemi>er 10.
•"■.n e she first of January there has
been an increase of 1.056 "motorcycles
registered in Massachusetts over the
corresponding period of last year.
Tho Capital City Motorcycle Club of
, Ss> ramento. Cal., is already making
plans for its 1915 events. The first run
of the season is arranged 4or April and
! is to be a 200-mile race for stripped
I stock machines.
Tree Kills Climbing Woodman
l.ewietown, Pa., Oct. 24.—David
Haines, oo years old, was fatally crush
ed here yesterday morning wften a giant
old chestnut tree fell. Scarcely a leaf
was stirring in the woods when Haines
climbed the trunk of a large oak to
trim out the limits, when the chest
j nut. some distance awa.v, tottered and
j fell on him.
|j A word to the wise is not only guf
-1 fieient; it is altogether too much.
Will Have Immense Display at the New
York and Chicago Automobile
Shows. Says George G. McFarland,
Local Distributor
•• The largest gathering of motor oar
builder# iu the history of the industry
was present at the semi-annual meeting
of the National Automobile Chamber of
Commeree in New York City un Octo
ber 7, when drawing# were held for
space at the "New York and Chicago au
tomobile shows,"' states George G. Me-
Parland. or the llarrisburg Auto Co?,
.ustributor? in this territory for the
Uaynes, America's fir«t car, in a recent
'The Hay ties company drew space
Father mi ti*<- Aooicu
B-81, wkiob cover* 919 square feet.
■ for their exhibit at the New S'ork show,
which will igain tnke place at the
Grand Central Palace the week of Jan
uary 2 to t>. and for the Chicago show,
which will be held, as usual, at the Coli
seum, the company drew space H I,
which covers !)24 square feet.
'• I«ist January, at the Chicago show,
the Uaynes company sold more cars
than at all the previous shows held in
the Windy City combined, but, with the
-.'opularitv of the Uaynes "light six."
it is predicted that all Hayues records
for cars sold at similar events will be
shattered. It is stated that there will
be approximately 550 exhibitors at the
New York and Chicago events. Of this
. number, 101 wi'l exhibit passenger
cars, while the balance will exhibit ac
cessories and products of allied trades
that enter into the making of the mod
ern motor cars.
■' B. A. Miles, manager of the shows.
I reported that applications for the tif
i teenih annual exhibition exceeded in
nimber those for any previous affairs
of the kind. t being impossible top ro
vide for seveu of the car applications
received from the * hicago show.
"There was much gratification
among the makers over the eminently
fair action of the Senate committee at
Washington in recognizing the impor
tance of the industry as evidenced by
their decision not to place a tax on the
| motor cars, which already so heav
ily taxed throughout the country, in
cluding registration fe>'«, taxes to op
erate vehicles, personal property tax. !
wheel tax, road improvement tax, and
in the case of North Carolina, SSOO
license fee to sell cars in the State.
"The diawing showed that the past!
year has seen little or no increase in
j the number of manufacturers, the cars i
represented at the drawing beng old t
» timers in the field. In this connection i
it is interesting to note that the ilaynes •
company participated in the fourteen
annual exhibitions held in New York
; and Chicago—a record that can be du
i plicated by very few of the present
i day manufacturer?."
Vincent Astor Gets an Average of 10,-!
000 Miles Out of Them
In placing his order for his seventh I
car. Vincent Astor stated that he has
gotten an average of ten thousand
miles on his tires and has never had any
tire trouble ou the road with the last
car in the four years he has owned it.
Likewise, in that time, the car has
never left for a destination -but what
»: has returned without trouble of any'
kind. This is accounted for by the se
lection of good tires and well-made au
' tomobiles.
Young Mother a Suicide
1<ter. Oct. 'Si. —Despondent,
1 since the birth of her child, seven]
months ago, Mrs. Emma fc*henk, 30
years old, of Lancaster county, hanged
| herself in her husband's barn.
Colliery Worker Killed
Tamaqua, o<*t 24—&tiUc* by tim
ber falling from a car at the Lanford'
colliery yesterday, John Yaulick, 2S
years old, was instantly killed.
Some people believe all they see and
'• imagine the rest.
to avail yourself of
our complete
Auto Insurance
I uquestioned stability.
i —— < i :
Expert Work Only
1451 Zirktr Street
Sterling Auto Tire Co.
Worm Drive Six in Jeffery Line—
Named After Lord Chesterfield
Because of Style
lust season the automobile industry!
was made to blink by the appearance
of a four-cylinder car on the American
market, embodying a great many of the
proven and accepted European fea
tures. most prominent of which was the
high spee.i, high efficiency block type
This car was the Jeffery "Four"
ami it numbered among its other Eu
ropean features, imported annular ball
bearings, the Daimler leather coupling
• which had never before been used in
' this country, ami a Rothschild designed
' body similar to those which he exhibit
ed at the ljomtou and Paris Shows.
The irew Jeffery Chesterfield "Six''
1 is right now creating an equal amount
ot' comment be-'ause it looks like a
Peugeot or a Pelnge and is the first
j moderate priced American car to in
-1 corporate the worm drive silent rear
j ax'e.
It is said that fifty per cent, of the
' cars in England are using worm drive
' rear axles and that France and Ger
| manv are rapidly taking it up. The
(claims made for the worm drive would
seem to be substantiated by its silent,
I smooth and efficient operation and eeon
' omy of fuel. The worm and pinion be
\ ing constantly in contact eliminates the
jerks incident to starting or changing
; IjorJ Chesterfield lias been honored
;in the naming of the new Jeffery
I "Six'' because this manufacturer tig
lures that the days when a man referred
•to his motor ear as a machine have
passed, aud that henceforth the suc
cessful manufacturer will build instead
I a style carriage.
Both the front and touneau seats
; are tilted hack so as to give a most
restful position for long drives. The
upholstery is so designed as to shape
, itself to the curves of the human body
aud give support where it is 'most
', needed.
1 Celebrates at too, and Has a Pupil IO;i
Years Old
Carlisle, Pa. Oct. 24.—The Kirst Re
formed'church Bible school is celebrat
, ; ing its one hundredth anniversary with
, exercises covering two weeks. The only
living ex-pastor of the church. Robert
J. Pilgrani, Pittsburgh, lias been a
guest of honor. The church itself was
organized here in j 76:>. The present
pastor is the Rev. Elmer L. Coblent.:
and the lieail of 'he Sunday school is
Dr. E. H. Shulenbergor.
Mrs. Auna M Sipe, of Carlisle, who
is probably the oldest woman- in Penn
sylvania, now in her 103 d year, has
been especially honoicd at the present
centennial an.l "the program book has i
been dedicated te "icr.
For Choral Society
Gettysburg, Out. 24.—The nrst steps
toward the organization of the new Get
tysburg Choral Society were taken on
Thursday evening, when a number of j
local persons, talented ia music, met in
the lecture rooir. of the Presbyterian j
church and determined to start regular j
practices next week. It is hoped to se
j cure a membership of at least 100 be
fore the work is wel! on its way.
A committee was appointed to nomi
nate officers and another to secure a
place of meeting. M. K. Eckert, Mrs.
Karl J. Grimm and Miss Mary Himes
will present the names of oilicers to be
. voted on by the membership of the
! society. Prof. Richard. S. Kirov, Mrs.
! H B. Xixon and Miss Reba Miller were
uained to secure a place of meeting.
Ammonia Tank Explodes
Waynesboro. Oct. 24. —The explosion
of an ammonia compressor in the
Waynesboro Ice and Cold Storage Co. s
plant about 4.30 o'clock Thursday aft
ernoon did some damage to the plant
, and narrowly missed injuring Hamilton
Brown, chief engineer, and inflicting
I injuries on Clarence Stoner and Wilbur j
•Stoops, other employes. of the ammonia compressor
/ -N
"Light SiX"
Pleasure Cars
< and Trucks
Harrisburg Auto Co.
Third and Hamilton St&,
Harrisburg, Pa.
i ——mww————www——
iHtUrr (tea
1451 Zarker Street
Sterling Auto Tire Co.
On accouut of removing our factory branch from Hamsbnrg on Novem- |
ber Ist, we will offer during the following week what used cars we have on 1
hand at ABSOLUTELY SACRIFICE prices. We herewith publish a list of |j
what we have on hand. Look it over carefully, then couie in and make us an 1
One Glide Seven-Passenger Touring Car
One 1913 Light Oakland Touring Car
One 1!12 Michigan Touring Car
One 1913 Michigan 41 Tonring Car
One Zimmerman Touring Car
One Jackson Touring Car p
One Six-cylinder Pullman, Seven-Passenger Touring Car
One Maxwell Roadster
One Light Michigan Touring Car
One Pierce-Arrow Touring Car
One International Truck
One Nearly-new Abbott-Detreit Touring Car
| One Six-cylinder, Abbott-Detriot, Demonstrator ||
We also have some office fixtures, including two roll-top desks, our flat top
typewriter desk, large new safe, typewriter, and other articles too numerous §
to mention, which we will sell at low figures.
The building we occupy, we still hold a two-year lease on. and will sub-lot 3
f it. I his \\ hole proposition is certainly worth a Quick investigation.
Call at our salesroom and ask for Mr. Xatcher or Mr. Stewart. &
Harrisburg Branch
Abbott Motor Car Co. I
Bell 'phone 3593. |j
I was blown off and a piece of it weigh- j
j ing 50 pounds shot through the roof,
j carrying the trap door along with it. I
Open New School
Chambersburg, Oct. 24.—The new
j Thaddcus Stevens school building.
] Main and South streets, will be opened !
jon Monday, November 2. These j
| teachers have been assigned: Misses j
I Kate Sheets. May Miller, Susie Kreich
i baum, Fannie Shatzley, Ella Bessor,
| Nora Stratton and Lillian Atherton.
This will leave three school rooms
| in the new building that will not be
occupied at the present, not counting
two rooms in the basement, which are'
intended for manual training work.
City to Insure Employes
Hagerstown, Oct. 24.—Hagerstown
will insure its own employes under the 1
State accident law, if the •State Indus
trial Accident Commission will permit !
this. At a special meeting of the May
■or and Council Thursday night City Ai j
torney Hagner was instructed to noti
fy the Commission before November 1
that the municipality decided to insure
its own employes.
Louden Girl Yet Missing
t Carlisle, Oct. 24. —As late as yester
j day nothing had been heard of 16-year
1 old Mary Louden, who on September 16 ]
left her home ia Silver Spring town !
ship and has not since been located. I
j Inquiries relative to her supposed elope- j
• ment with ar Indian have not been j
answered. Her father, A. L. Louden, |
; yesterday stated that he had absolutely
no clue or information.
Framer of Hazleton Ordinance in AI- i
derman's Court at Reading
Reading, Oct. 24. file protection |
of three horns and his assistance in,
i framing the automobile traffic ordinance;
of Hazleton. where he lives, were of no
advantage to F. G. Zeger when ho ap-
I peared before Alderman Stout in police
j court yesterday charged with breaking
the traffic laws here. Mr. Zerger owns
j several stores in Luzerne couuty. He i
was accompanied by his wife. He was j
fined $6.25, and paid, although he may
Fire on Conocheague Mountains Ex
tinguished by Forester Bryner
I Special Correspondence.
Tobovne, Oct. 24.—Fire was discov
ered on the Conocheague mountains,
near the sand banks. It was extinguish- j
'ed by Forester H. E. Brvner and |
Ranger H. X. Hart, assisted by several |
! others.
The roads of Toboyne township arej
being put in good condition by the su
pervisors, with the aid of a traction en
gine. a rooter and a scraper.
Mr. and Mrs. James Raltdzer are
visiting friends in Harrisbtirg and Dati
i phin and Cumberland counties.
Misses Maude and Elizabeth Smith
were guests of T. A. Morrow and fam ;
ily. |
Eiias {snyder and James O'Donelj
j were in Harrisburg on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward College and!
sons. Clark, Blaine and Clyde, and.
daughter, Vernice, were guests of Mr.]
j and Mrs. Ueorge M. College.
Edward F. Middleton, while out!
j hunt'ng, shot a blacksnake seven feet i
| long.
' If people would work as hard as they j
i worry they wouldn't have any time toi
; worry. '
Ii GORSON Sets the Pace With a I
Motor Sale That Will Stand
Unparelleled tor Years
S AntomoHilea ■ Contraband of War—Th# oars we olter wore Hi
S bought by an exporter to be shipped abroad, a substantial deposit Bj
S left with the factory to guarantee the sale; the order was eventually 9l
= canceled on account of the war, with almost a total loss to the :='•
p exporter. We bought the entire lot for spot cash.
Satisfied Owner*, the Best Rernmmendation- The Earlv Buyers |i
S are so highly pleased with the smooth running qualities and hill climb f?|
S In? ability of these cars, that they are recommending them 10 their Si
3 friends, who are visiting our snowrooma daily and taking cars
S home with them. A demonstration will convince you. 5.'
= These ears have never before been NOW |jr
S sold for less than Hat price. It Is a a M I^
well-known standard make. Thou- J !
aands are now in use A w Jl
Electric Starter and Lights
Motor, 4-cylinder, 4*4-inch bore by SVJ stroke; three-point gi
|? suspension; unit power plant; ignition, magneto, dual system; sj
g Stromberg carburetor; transmission, 3 speeds, center control; jg
right and left hand drive,'full floating rear axle. 34x4 inch tires. gj
g demountable rims. Goodyear no-rim-cut tires, 114-inch wheelbase
g and fully equipped.
The manufacturers of these cars are in a healthy financial §|
IS condition and can furnish parts at any time. jg
Cars now on our sales floors. Catalog mailed on request.
I GORSoN'S Automobile Exchange
238-240 N. Broad St., Philadelphia, Pa.
jti 600 Used Cars of All Standard Makes at Very Attractive Prices s
Areata Wanted. Open ftuaday.
- - - ■ ii i!" ■ ■■■ IMWI ■ W
We carry a complete stock of tires and tubes in
all sizes.
All tires carry a standard guarantee. Prices
lower than usual. Goodyear, Kelly-Springfield, Nas
sau, Capitol and Imperial. We carry auto accessories
at reduced prices. CSet our prices.
On Sale on the Third FIoor—BOWMAN S <
C. A. Fair Carriage and Auto Works
Manufacturers of Auto Tops, Bodies and Seat Covers
Auto Painting, Rubber Tiring, etc.
We Manufacture and Repair Auto Springs