The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, October 24, 1914, Page 3, Image 3

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That Makes It Deservedly Popular ft
An absolutely pure, delicious and wholesome
food beverage, produced by a scientific blend- *
ing of high-grade cocoa beans, subjected to a [
perfect mechanical process of manufacture. ?
0 Gef the genuine, made only by 7j !
Delight Jul Birthday Surprise Enjoyed
By Many Friends of Young Man
—Games, Music and Dancing Were
A delightful birthday;< se part>
was ,;iveii last evening at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hoover, 1021
Hemlock street, in honor of their son.
Ralph. The house was prettily decorat- '
ei with dahlias ani autumn foliage and
tiie guests spent a pleasant evening
with music furnished by Miss Grace
S*. bless man ami Mark Ha rtman, games
*uJ dancing. Late in the evening
refreshments were served. The guests
Misses Helen G-arherich. Anna Wink
leiuan, Adeline Keim. Ruth Snyder,
Mabel Stambaugh. Catherine Wolfe.
Llsie Schk»ser. Esther Hooker. Grace
t» chlessman. May Woife, Pauline Wolfe,
Lillian IfeOeanathaii, Esther Conrad,
Kthe! Hoover. Martha shearer, S,i>:iu
Schlosser. Mary Shearer. Pauline M.r
ley, Sadie Houck. .lames Wallv, Ed
ward Geary. George ftrMwor, Jim M
' urdy. Ross Mount?, Mark Hart man.
Paul Bard. Russell Deardorf. Russell
Brightbill. Ross DeHart, Waiter Voaug,
Joseph Hance. Lewis McCay. lohu
Brandt. ,lolm Harbolt, Ralph' Hoover.
Mr. and Mr-. Davi l Maiiey an i sou.
David. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hoove an 1
*ou. Earnest. Mrs. Zig. Mr. Hoover re
ceived many beautiful gifts.
Entertained Fnends at a Halloween
Party at Her Home
Lsst Evening
Miss Emma Rauh entertained a: a
(Halloween party at he* - home. 1847 i
■Herr street. last evening. >1 sic. dnu
eing an«i _'aup? were ; at.ires it ;he
evening'* entertainment and at a late
Tne guests k] )e Misses Ruth!
E. Rankle. Versa 1. Zimmerman. Marie '
Longenecker. C'ha-lotte Nicholas, Jcai: '
DeHart. Marv Bl sfcsflh Sha ie. Vera
Amia Kunkle. Ma (aline G~os-. Mar
cutrits OrmurtH, Bmw Rau'a.
Messr*. \\ 'I an' 1 . Pry. Howard H. Wit-
Mf, har. SierK. Mea !*• Henry. Ken- '
neih Rhoads. John De ; ;rich. On'die
Kniselv. James A. Du I ley, John R.
Heisev and William Shearer.
Haliorre'cn Party at •■Kiukora"
Miss Eleanor rlark has issued iavi
ratiot-.s in* a Hallowe'en party ami
HI 6at " Kinkora Saturdav evening. '
Oharlee Sourbeer, i;s:> state street,
has returned from a week's visit t"
' 'hitter. *•
Familiar Table Beverage Unmasked and
Its Evil Effect on the Human
Body Shown
An aston.shinir !i<» jf i 1 i- due to cof
fee drinking is pointed out by Dr. Otto
Juettner, "f the < ineinnati Polvciinir. in
i communication to the New York
"Medical Times "The symptoms
rodui-ed bv ex.-essivp indulgence in
uff«'e can be observed in the arrested
physical anJ mental development of <
children, their palior, emaciation and
ner\ousness; in t ie morbidly excited
ondition of women who are addicted
to the toffee-pot jtist as the toper is to
the whiskey bottle, and no less a help- ;
less and pitiable victim than he; in j
professional men and students who whip
up thpir mental faculties by coffee; n .
the aged, whose tremor and itch are no:
infrequently due to excessive indulg- '
en -e in -offet.
"Coffee poisoning in its chronic
form may bp the cause of tremor, of
ringing in the »ars. of acrid eructations,
of severe continuous headaches, creep
ing. pricking sensations in the skin.!
sensatious of h«*at and cold, hysterical
attacks, foubles of vision, dizziness, i
nsomnia. all kind* of d'ge-tive disturb- •
ances. Coffee depresses the kidnev
functions, and skin symptoms are prob
ably due to irritation from retained '
"Pat;ent« who cannot get
without tea or coffee, but feel uncom
fortable anil even sick when deprived
of these stimulants, are. to all intents
and purposes, drug Sends, and should be
classified with habitues of tobacco, al
cohol. opium and other toxic agents."
NOTE.—It is interesting to observe
that as medical science more and more
reveals the harmfulness of coffee to the
health of both young and old there fol
lows a tremendous increase In the use i
of the pure food beverage, POSTUM.
Mrs. Jean Dickie Ogden Gives Large
Afternoon Adair for Her Daugh
ter. Katherine—Were Former Resi
dents of This City
Harrisburgers are interested in the
large tea given this afternoon at
"Oakdene. ' Raduor, Pa., by Mrs. -lean
Dickie Ogden to formally introduce into '
society her daughter. Miss Katherine i
i f- Ogden.
Mrs. Ogden and her daughter re
ceived the guests in tiie large drawing
room of their home, which was beauti
fully decorated with palms and great
eybodium ferns and the numerous flow
ers received b> th» ic'outante.
Miss Ogden wore a dainty gown of
soft white, elaborately trimmed with
ruffles of thread lace.
Among the lebu.antes assisting were
Miss Rebecca A Ueett, Miss Haiisell
French harle Miss Caroline Ives Brin
ton, Miss Anna Binnev linn ton, Miss
Jean Morris Lillie. Miss Margare:
Handy Burton Miss Huberts Potter.
Miss Katharine Tennev. Miss Doro
thea Oberteuffer. Miss Eleanore Bis,,
ham. Mis. Am nut Mary Walthour, Viss
Ki .aoeth E. Wister and Miss Edith R.
Receiving with Mrs. Ogden were her
sisters, Mrs. Edward P. Greeley, of
Butler. Pa, and John .1 .leanings,
j of Pittsburgh.
Mr. and Mrs. Ogd»n and Miss Ogden
reside! in this ity iiile Mr. Ogden
••as head ot the freight department of
the Pennsylvania railroad.
Brilliant Affair of Last Night Solemn
ised in the Presbyterian Church
at Lebanon
Lebanon. Oct. 24. A pretty autumn
wedding took p'aee last eveuiug wh.'n'
M sa Edith Bltin, daughter of Mr. and'
Mts. lieorge t. Gleini, became the wife
of l'r. ha H. Sjvangier. a son of Deputy!
' : v Treasjrer and Mrs. Thomas ti. ;
»I also of this city. The wedding 11
" rred m the Fourt i Street Presby- ;
t* rian church. The Rev. Dr. ,1. Leonard
H> >on. the pastor o&ieiating.
The wedding was a brilliant event 1
and was atteu led by many prominent
guests from tbi- city and out-of-town, i
Tli groom's best man was Ralph H.
Behney and John C. Houck. of Leb
uuin, and Homer and George Spangler,,
<•" ~;ate College, brothers of tiie groom,
were the *ushers. The bride was given
in marriage by her father, G. C. Gleim.
Miss Florence Gleini, of New York i
* tv. a cousin of the bride, was the
mai I of honor. The bridesmaids were
M>- Famrie Cassel. of Lancaster;
Misses Pearl Geberieb, Xellie Mat-'i
thews »n. 1 Bertha ' Jones, of this eitv.' '
, Miss lionise Richards, of Steeltou, a
niece o:' -he bri legroom. wa< the flower i
girl. The groom is a prominent Leb- .
anon dentist.
Anions the out-of-town guests in at
tendance were Mrs. C'harles Gilbert and r
M:ss \ irg n.a Gilbert, of Millersburg; i
Mr. an! Mrs. George K. Richards, ot
•Steelton: Mrs. Rose Leffler. the Misses 1
Mary an 1 Gertrude Loftier and Joseph i
loftier, or Millersburg; Mr-. Russell :
I\ ng Miller, famous singer of Philadel- 'i
phia, and many others.
Interesting ProgTam Will Be Peature of
Day at Story Tellers' Meeting
Halloween ' will be celebrated by 1 1
the members of the Story Tellers' t
1 <eagu<- in the lower hall of the Public!
Library or Tuesday evening at 7.30. j i
' Lois Booker, president of the! 1
league, will have charge of the pro- i t
gram, which will include an interesting 1
I story, "The Taileypa," by Miss Mary I
i Sny ier; "The Pumjikin Glorv," bv!
W illiani B. Howell, will be told by Miss
Marv Ruiy; ''The Speetere Bride-.
, groom, by Washington Irving, wiil be 1
tol l by Mss Partnemore, ani Miss' I
Martha Fleming will tell several de- ■
: lightful stor ; es followed by a series of!
! sketches and jokes for t*he "witching '
| nour." . °;
Reception for Pastor and Wife
Tiie Sixth Street I". B, church was
l filled Tharsdav evening with meml»ers ,
an l friends to welcome tiie pastor, the
Rev. Peter H. Balsbaugh. who has been
returned to them. The , bur.-h was!
prettily decorated and an excellent pro
gram was rendered. The pastor and.
his wife were the recipients of manv
beautiful flowers, and ea«*h was present
ed with a purse of gold. Among the!
guests were ninety-four members of
the Junior Christian Kndeavor Societv ,
Mrs. J. B. Patrick Issues Invitations
Mrs. John Barnett Patrick. Sl9;
j North Sek-ond street, has issued invita-1
| tions for a card party at her home on i
Thursday afternoon, October 29. '
All Teams Now Complete and Ready to
Begin Work in the Rainbow Cam
paign—Results to Be Announced
At the preliminary tea gneu yester- I
day afternoon at the V. W. C. A.. Mrs. ;
John \\. Riley, as president of the as-j
; social ion. outlined the plan of cam-i
I paign telling file workers that each $1
secured wili count one point. Promises
and pledges will not be counted: only
the money itself will '"talk" and be |
, considered in adding up the points for I
each team. The different t'.ags may uow ,
be seen fly ing from the windows of the |
er amounts have been totaled for the
.ia,v one flag will be raised a storv, sig
uitying that the team representing that
rolor has won the honors for the dav.
Kach day the results will thus be an-j
iiounce-1. together \\ rh the actual mem
bership increase an.l the amount of
money taken in.
Miss \V . ss. as chairman o' the edu
cational de artment, gave an i)utiine !
o! the •!;'<> ,\ork that is schedu cd, and
Mrs. Mai'el Cronise Jones sooke of the
Current Kvotit .lass which will com
mence the flrs' Tuesday ot November,,
and v.hich will he free to all who joiu
the assoc.ation. The ta'ks will be given
11 the auditorium of the new V. W. C.
A. and it is hoped t'hat all w'ho can will
attend the o; cning aieeting. Those who
cannot reach the hall by 4."10 are urj.ed
to attend even if they are late.
1 all '-sis at' tea .is we'e annmiuce 1
last nig, it. Miss Am a Ort'i. whose dis
trict extends from the norii. side . f Mj
• la* to Division, ard from Front strtet
to t ie city limi;s at Caineron. announce I
the following arrangements for her
tea in:
First Division North side of \fp
clay Knierald. not iiclu ting Third or
Emerald, Mrs. Arthur Hull, lieutenant.
Workers for M-s. Hull, \1 Hori.ce
Wit man. Ms, Klsie Brinser. Mrs. Re
tram Saul, Mrs. fie->-g» Reed, Mrs.
1 Frank M.-« nrrell. M-s. Howard M.'
Hingaman. Mi-- Herr ia Wittenniver.
-Second Division—P.iir.l street to
west side of Fifth. nor:h side of Ma
clav to Kaierald. nor including Kmer
ald, Mrs. \ ' is Wiidinnn, Jr., liea
tenaut. Workr s. Mrs. .1. R. Armor. Miss
Marguerite Wiljman. \li« Marv I.ic.i
tenberger. Mrs. l H. Keesberrv. Miss
Whitenian. R 'h Weaver. Mis#
Blanche Paul.
Third Division F.merald street to
Division. Front to Fifth, not including
Fifth; Mrs. Joseph Shearer, .lr„ lieu
tenant. Workers. M s Rov Cox. M-s.
Mercer B. Tate. Mrs. Frans Smith, Mrs. •
Baldwin. Mrs. Farle Gannett.
Fourth Division Fast side of Fifth
to north le of S xth. and north s,e of
iMac-lav to Emerald. Miss Marv Roth. l
lieutenant. Workers. Miss Anna Mosey.
Miss Kiln Morrow. Miss Miriam F» "r-'
rows. Miss Anna Roth.
Fifth Division—East side of s xtili
street to Seventh, north side of Ma lav
to Emerald. Mrs. David Miller, lieuteii
ant. Workers. Mrs. James Hatz, M-s. j
Johu Sherger, Mrs. K. E. Darlington.
Mrs. John Garverich, Miss Grace Diehl,
•Miss Greenawalt, Miss Katheriue Sil
Sixth Division—Emerald to Scnuvl
kill. Fifth to Seventh. Mrs. R. E. Brat
ten. lieutenant. Workers. (Mrs. H. W.
Spoi;„. M-s. Rc'oert Ward. Mrs. Edward
'MI ir. . Mrs. H. F. (less. Mrs. W. s.
Taylor, Mrs. George Roberts, 'Airs. J. j
P. Conrad.
Seventh Division—Schuylkill to Di
vision street. Fifth to Seventh. Miss
Rut'a Willoughby. lieutenant. Workers,
Mrs. W. A. Thomas. Miss Margaret
Murray, Miss J?i:th Lusk. Miss Esther
Paul, -Miss Currance Faust. Miss Mar- i
thp. Beck.
iMrs. John It. Weiss. Mrs. K. J. Jen !
nings. Mrs. Charles A. Kunkel and Mrs. j
William M. Hain ponre 1 tea. this aft
ernoon. at the second Rainbow cam
paign tea.
Returned From Mooredale
Mrs. Mary Filling Shoemaker and j
daughter, Irene. :H)5 Cumberland street.!
have returned from a visit with Mrs.!
Hugh W. Norris. at Mooredale, Pa. i
/ \
Cafaso Anti-Pain Tablets
are sold by all druggists. The
Safe and Sure Remedy fen Headache
and Neuralgia.
12 Doses 10c, 36 Doses 25c
Write for Free Sample Package,
enclosing this ad.
Prepared for over JO years by
York. Pa.
»■ I
News of Persons
Who Come and Go
Miss Carrie Swavelv, 1421 Market
street, is spending several days with ,
her t'tit'her in Kingston, t'a.
Miss lislher IVters. 1400 Hunter'
street, is spending the week-end in l«et- |
tygbnrg with friends.
William Jenkins, of Regius street.!
has resumed home from u trip to Wheel- '
ing, W. Va.
Mrs. William Harper. 351 South j
Eighteenth street, has returned home |
l'rom Marietta.
'Mrs. Traxler, 317 Btuvhfield
iirer;. s the u.:est of relatives in C«r- j
. lisle.
Mrs. Ira 'lU'aney. 1-509 Kittatiuny j
street, * s >ent tiie day in Halifax.
C. P. Brown has returned to his home >
in Newark, \. ,1.. after a nveut visit !
with William M. Kariaud, 158 Sylvan I
! Terraoe.
Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Hoffeltinger and'
daughter, Miss Rupli HefVeltinger, 120 i
South Thirteenth street, have returned!
home front Reading, Philadelphia. Wa*h- j
ington, D.'t'., and Richmond, Va.
Mrs. W. Biiflington. 1207'.. IMkiluerry |
street, has returned home from Phila
Miss Klsie Sherwood, left to-day for
Irvington. N. ,1.. after spending sev
eral weeks with Miss Carolvu M Far
, land and Miss Katherine Mi h'ailand,
| 158 Sylvan Terrace.
la. A. Hoover, 934 Penn street, has
actio to Pittsburg l !! to spend a week
with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Schmidt, Miss
Gertrude S. iimidt ami iM iss Matilda
Schmidt, 58 North Thirteenth street,
are in New York.
Mrs. Clyde l«ove, 1322 Kittalinnv
street, has returned iiome after a little
trip to Philadelphia.
Miss Kllen MvKtulden 1331 North
street, will arrive home to morrow front
Huntingdon where she spent the past
three weeks.
James Lloyd. S3 North Eighteenth
i street, lias returned home from New
j York City.
M s. B. F. Meokley, 1215 Green
| street, is visiting in Philadelphia.
Mrs. K. Kieffer, 32S South Seven
i teeuth street, and Mr. and Mrs. J. Het
| rick, 1600 Regina street, are spending
I the week-end at the "Kaiah" cottage
1 in >toverdale.
Kdv,;,rd Shoaff. 31.8 Kelker street,
has gone to Sj>ritigHeld, Mass., where he
has accepted a position.
Miss Sarah Coover has returned to
iier hune in Mo- hanic-'mrg from
caster, where site attended a house
| party.
Hoffmaster-Herr Wedding
Marietta, tX-t. 21. A pretty wedding
was solemui/.el this morning when Mis*
Ma >el ilerr was married to Harvev (1.
Hoffinaster, of Millersville, tiie Rev.
A: 1 :on Ilerr. otli - ating. The couple was
attendod by Miss SlUn P. staaiVer. as
iiri : estnaid. and W inner Neff. as groo'ns
man. \ rere; tion followed .nt the home
of the bride. T.\ey will reside at Mil
' lersville.
There Will B? No Difficulty iu Locating
the Panama Channel
The lighting of the Panama canal
will be an interesting feature of the
great enterprise. The canal will be
li* ited throughout by automatic uiiat
tended lights eon having a distinct
characteristic. At the entrances and
through Gatun lake a double row of
about sixiy automatic acetylene-light
ed buoys will mark the channel. The
i-hannei will be defined further by JK»W
erful rapid Hashing range lights, one
-e; nt either end of each successive tan
geut. thus peril.iiting vessels going iu
either direction to take their range off
the bow.
The center lines of each range are
set far enough apart to enable the
largest vessels to pass each other in
Comfort. Through Culebra cut. or
whatever the proximity of the banks
permits, neacjns w ill be used instead of
buoys. The sides of the canal chan
nel will be marked by gas buoys about
every mil', with intermediate spar
buoys. Kadi oas buoy will consist of
a cylindrical, tloating, steel body, sur
mounted l>> a stee! frame, which sup
ports a light and lens at a hetgnt of
lifteeu feet above water level.—Chris
tian Science Monitor.
Jury Goes on a Strike
Shenandoah, Pa., O-t. 24.—A jury
went on strike here yesterday in a case
, bc-iore Justice Bierstein. After several
days' hearing testimony, the .jurors
wanted to know where their pay was
coming from. Neither party interested
would guarantee payment, hence the
Meeting of Heptasopbs
A meeting of the members of the
Improved Order of Heptasophs of Har
risburg and vicinity, will be held Mon
day, November 2, in the rooms of the
Dauphin Conclave, 321 Market street.
Edward Sheffield, supreme organizer,
will speak.
Trip to Cave Postponed
The trip that was to be taken this
afternoon by the Natural History So
ciety to tue Hummelstown cave, has
been postponed until next Saturday on
a.-count of Teachers' Institute anil the
i Steelton-High football game.
If you suffer from bleeding, itching,
I blind or protruding Piles, send me your
| address, anil I will tell you how to "cure
yourself at home bv the new absorption
treatment; and will also sen ! some of
this home treatment free for trial, with
references from your own locality if re
quested. I'sers report immediate relief
and speedy cures. Send no money, but
tell others of this offer. Write to-day
to Mrs. M. Summers, Box P. Notre
Dame, Ind. Adv.
ol 603 North Second Slreet
To Which We Solicit the Patronage j|
! ol Our Friends
I v J ;
THIS MONDAY we are going to sell
which never were sold for less than s<">.oo, for
All Black,
lot""off f thlS
goods to us. Lucky! because we had the first choice
oil Lvons assortment of over tiftv shapes and we
3 shapes of large sailors.
4 shapes of medium sized hats, and
;> nobby little close fitting small dress shapes.
'They go on sale for One Time '!/
Only, londay morning at 9 o'clock. \ i i
Our Second Great Monday Items
Silk Velvet and Hatters 1 Plush Hats
All Black, Medium. Small and large, QQp
"> tables to select from, for Ow
It is true you can buy Silk Velvet Mats and llatters
plush hats anywhere and at any time for 98c—but
You cannot buy HATS like ours.
You cannot buy as good a quality.
You do not find the variety of styles and you
don't see all the newest shapes.
No complete line, all new. dean and up-to-date hats
like ours can be found anywhere.
We sell these every other day
for not less than $1.98, and we
sell lots of them every day.
On This Monday Your
Choice for _ v
and Trimmed Free.
(Higher Class Hats and Millinery Trimmings at Mon
day's Special Prices
_ Come in and watch the RED TICKETS.
Read the Slar=h'/dependent
LEw dQCXSTAQER Bi S Vaudeville
Show of 4 Acts
.\ext Week Double Headline fill I - | .
Alice Joyce and Tom Moore,
The Girl and the Stowaway.
The Outlaw's Remorse.
Candidate Will Speak in Lebanon on
October -7
Lebanon, Oct. 24. —Owing to the in .
ability ot' Dr. Martin (i. Brumbaugh to 1
tome to Lebanon on the date first se
! lected for the big local mass meeting, ;
; the meeting will now be helit in the :
Academy of Music, next Tuesday even
ing, October 1!7. Dr. Brumbaugh will
. i also speak, at a Republican meeting in
Reading on the same night. Tie will be
brought here by auto in coinuny with
1 Dr. Henry Houck, of this city, candi
date for Secretary of Internal Affairs.
They will arrive here before 9
; o'clock and both will speak. There
will be several other prominent speak
; ers, among them William I. Swope, or
I Clearfield, l'a.. a former P. O. 8. of A.
i state president of Pennsylvania.
{ Speaker" from Harrisburg will also
[ take part in the campaign in Ijebanon
l county. William S. Snyder, of the law
! firm of Olmsted and Stamm, of Harris
burg, will speak at the Annville meet
ing next Monday night, together with
William M. Hargest. of the same city.
; State Senator E. E. Beidleman, of Har
. risburg, will speak at Palmyra next
I Wednesday night, and at Newmanstown
j on Friday evening, .lesse E. B. Cunning
| ham, of Harrisburg, Deputy Attorney )
I General of Pennsylvania, will speak at i
| Myerstown on Thursday evening.
It's the fellow who minds his p's
j and q's that sleeps on fiowery beds
i of e's.
IYiMJCO liU & APP ELL , Mgrs.
John W. Vogel's
.MGHT PRICKS, 25c, :«<•■ ROc
Monday & Tuesday, Oct. 26-27
Mnhhive Production
H ATI.NMK, 2Rt\ 35e and ?*Ov
MCiHT. MH«. 7.V and
I" * '
IVnight, John Vogel's Minstrels.
Monday and Tuesday, with Tuesday
matinee, ••The Round
rhursdav Afternoon and evening,
'' Freckles."
Friday afternoon and evening, "The
Charming Widows."
Every afternoon and evening, high
class vaudeville.
Daily continuous /audevillo and pic
Mimtrel History
It was in 18 »7 that minstrelsy be
(•ame a popular form of amusement.
Then the first part consisted of two
end men, four singers, interlocutor and
an orchestra composed of a violin,
trombone, clarionet, bass liddle, guitar!
banjo and one of the singers played on'
the jawbone of an ox, and tlie olio
consisted of negro acts. The present,
generation of theatregoers do not re
member them by names, but have seen
them, nevertheless, in various forms as
the funniest part in many of Hoyt s
farces, and the present dav musical
comedies are easily recognized bv old
minstrel men as adaptations and 'rev o
lutions from those old negro acts. Un
til 1881 ther • were no white faces in
the minstrel show, but that, year John
W. Vogel introduced white faces in
the tirst part of a minstrel show of
which he was the manager, and onlv
a few years before that some manage"
introduced vaudeville acts in the olio.
Mr. Vogel s idea of modern minstrelsy
is to carry out as near as possible the
original. Adv.
"The Round-Up"
Every boy wno has thrilled at the
thought of the redskins he would kill
if he only had the chance, every mail
who lias ever been a boy, everv wom
an with a drop of red' blood' in her
veins, will revel in enjoyment of "The
Kound-l p, which will be the attra<'
tion at the Majestic Monday and
Tuesday and Tuesday matinee at the
Majestic, and to tho<e to whom the
sensational and romantic are nothing
1 lie Round-1 p will appeal ns a trulv
remarkable dramatic effort in its faith
ful portrayal of early life in the Far
West and as a marvelous theatrical pro
duction in the daring originality, mass
iyeness and beauty of its stage effects.
I The locale is southwestern Arizona
during the period when General Crook
was chasing Conchise and his braves
into the reservation at Fort Grant. A
i love story runs through the play, con
si nimating in happiness for the parties
most concerned. Adv.
Story plays—those which hare been
adapted from some popular novel—-
have been among the most interesting
productions the stage has made.
Among the most successful producers of
book plays in America to-day is A. G.
Delamater, whose "Quo Vadis'' and
"Beverly of Graustark" are well re
membered by hundreds of thousands of
theatregoers. Both were most interest
i 1 " K plays and clean ones—Delamater
j will have nothing to do with any other
; kind of production; above all. the play
i must be clean and respectable, so
j theatregoers will be pleased to know
' that he has arranged to produce Gene
Strat ton-Porter's delightful nature
play, "Freckles,'' which will be seen
' at the Majestic next Thursday, matinee
and night. * Adv.
"The Charming Widows"
The Majestic, will present as its bur
lesque attraction next. Friday, matinef
and night, "The Charming Widows.''
The company is headed by Eddie Dale,
a clever German comedian, and he is
i surrounded by a company of capable
| singers, dancers and fuir-makers. In ad
| ilition to the regular performances,
i there will be two special features,
| "The Dame of the First Sin" and
•Princess Ka in "The Mystery of the
At the Orpheum
"Teddy" Roosevelt via the Lew
Dockstader route will leave the Or
pheum to night. So will that uproar
iously funny comedian, Johnny Dooley,
and pretty Vvrtte Kugel and Lucy Git
lette, the clever lady juggler, and !i
wealth of other good things. For next
week the management is announcing
the longest list of well-known stars thai
have appeared on any one bill this
season. They are Sophie Barnard, the
celebrated prima donna; Lou Anger,
the greatest exponent of German come
dy in vaudeville, who has a wonderful
comedy monologue on war; Mrs. Gene
Hughes, late star of "Youth," whs,
with a fine cast of players, will oflV
her newest comedy vehicle called
"Lady Gossip;" John Henshaw aui.l
Grave Avery, of legitimate musical
comedy, now olfering .1 bright and
breezy skit of song, dance and patter
in vaudeville, and the Six Military
Dancers, three young women and three
youths, in wonderful exhibitions 01'
hard and sjft shoe dancing.
Elaborate costuming and beautiful
staging helii to make their turn a
"sight" act and well worth headline
honors also. There will be two other
Keith hits of merit grouped about
these big attractions. A glance over
the booking for next week would come
pretty near convincing one that Wil
iner & Vincent had outdone themselves
in the way of sending good things to
Harrisburg. Adv.
At the Colonial
Nothing could speak louder for the
popularity of the improved vaudeville
policy now in operation at the Colonial
than the daily increase in attendance
there. Four acts of high-class vaude
ville, any one of them of sutlicient mcr
it to appear on "big time" programs
is being appreciated by patrons of that •
playhouse to the extent that the 1111111-
bi rs in attendance far exceed those
of previous weeks. The arrangemnt
of the programs seems to be more pojiu
lar also —that of a continuous vaude
ville bill, with the pictures shown be
fore and after the performance. The
attractions that are to be presented for
the last times to-day include the Three
Kllisons, in a delightful spectacular
musical novelty; James Kennedy and
company, in "Jack Swift," a comedy
sketch; Mahoney and Tremont, pretty
girl and clever comedian, in a pleasing
act. and the Aerial Barbers, in thrills
galore. Adv.
The New York bad man given a life
sentence for stealing a watch will ap
preciate the significance ol' "doing