GIRLS! LOTS OF BEA NO DANDRUff-- Hair Coming Out! If Dry, Thin, Faded, Bring Back Its Color and Lustre Within ten minutes after an appli-j cation ot' Danderine you cannot find a single trace of dandruff or falling hair! and your scalp will not itch, but what will please you most will lie after a feflri weeks' use. whenAott see new hair, fine) and downy at first—yes —but really I new hair —growing all over the scalp.i A little Danderine immediately I NEWS OF STEELTON SIC RECEPTION PLANNED FOR FIRE CHIEF J. C. SHUPP About 800 Volunteer Firemen Will Hold Big Parade Which WiU Be Follow- j ed by Banquet in Honor of Their Chief All of the volunteer fire companies j of this borough will meet to-uigjbt in i their respective quarters and each will' appoint a committee of t'liree to make finai arrangements for a big reception ! and parade to bo given on Friday night in honor c'f Fire Chief John K. Shu pp. Jr There will be about 800 men in the ■ parade and several bands. The route j the parade will follow has not been do- i eided on as yet. After the parade a 'banquet and reception will be held in j one of the local halls. INTERESTING PROGRAM To Be Rendered by East Steel; oa Church of God The choir jf the East Steelton i Church of God » ill render the follow ing program to-night: Selection, choir; prayer, the Rev. ! Mr. Hugg'ins; solo. R. C. West brook; piano duet. Philip and Edith Bretz; se- | lection, Glee Club; reading, Miss j Blanche Swisher; selection, Highspire | male chorus; solo, Miss Viola Linn; se j lection, Glee Club quartet; jiiano solo.' Miss Goldie Fackler; tableau, Miss Margaret Sweigert; duet. Misses Sarah j and Ella Edwards; piano solo, Roy 1 Hurst; selection, choir quartet; solo, i Francis Smith; reading, Mrs. Chester! Reigle; piano solo, Philip Bret;:; solo, j Elmer Keim; duet, Edgar and Alfred Me Near; reading, C. Diffeuderfer and Mrs. Chester Reigle; singing, congrega- < tion. SZABO GETS SIX .MONTHS Charged With Usiug U. 3. Mails for' Illegal Purposes The cases ot John Kis and Gcza Sza bo, foreigners, who were arrested at the j instance ol the 1 nited States authori ties for alleged illegal use of mails ■ here, were disposed of yesterday by I the United States District Court, in i session at Scranton. Szabo was given \ a sentence of six months in the L)au-1 phin county jail and ordered to pay a ' fine of $lO. The charge against Kis | was withdrawn and he was released. | The arrests followed attempts of | Szabo to purchase poison from a Pitts-1 burgh doctor. It was proven that he i had used Kis' name in signing the let- * ters. '"THE. POISONED BIT" t "The Poisoned (Bit" will be one of j the strong reels at the Standard to-J night. '' Tom" was a great lover of j animals. This fact saved him from the gypsies when a big collie rescues him I from their cruelties. He becomes a jot'key and through treachery is ruled ! off the American turf. He goes to Eng- j land and to Monte Carlo. He finally I proves his wortih and innocence, at the ; same time winning Edith, a most lov- j aible girl for a wife. I FUNERAL OF MRS. BROWN Services Will Be Held at Shepherdstown on Sunday Morning The funeral services of Mrs. H. M. j Brown, who died early yesterday morn-1 ing, will be held at Shepherdstown on j Sunday morning at 10 o 'clock at | Filey's United Brethren church. Albert Crumlich, of Siddonsburg, a! brother of l.Vlrs. Brown, was omitted< from the list of her surviving relatives yesterday. TO HAVE SECOND DEG-REE Steelton Lodge, I. O. O. F. No. 184.! is having the second degTee to-night, i Trains from Harrisburg and Middletown j will participate. All members are in-1 vitell to attend. NEW RECTOR NOW IN CHARGE The Rev. Nicoli Pavioff, the successor j of tfcc Rev. Gregori ©hizmaroff, arrived i in th borough on Wednesday and took ' charge of the Bulgarian (Jrthodpx ! church, Front and Franklin streets. " ' CHOIR REHEARSAL TO NIGHT The choir of the First Reformed j chm' h will rehearse to-night. PERSONALS Miss Maude .1. Fiese, South Front) street, lias returned to her home in the j borough after visiting relatives in Mil- j lersburg and Tower City. \ I Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Felker and Mr. i and Mrs. John Shaffnfcr spent yesterday j in Mechanicsburg a'tending the funeral of William Shover Miss Effip Bogner, Lincoln street. To-Night, Standard Death Sign High Moon, 3 Reels, Kalern. Eats, 1 reel comedy, Vitagraph, fea turing Billy Quirk. The Poisoned Bit, 2 reels, Edison. Putting One Over, 1 rce |, Edison, featuring Mary Fuller. Admission 5c and 10c. ' HARRISBURG STAR-INDEPENDENT, FRIDAY EVENTN'ft. OCTOBER 23. 1914. IIITIfUI HAIR -25 CENT DM doubles the beauty of your hair. No i difference how dull, failed, brittle and scraggy, just moisten a cloth with Dan derine r.nd carefully draW it through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. The effect is amazing—your hair will be light, fluffy aud wavy, and lime an appearance of abundance; an incomparable lustre, softness and lux uriance. Get a 25 cent bottle