The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, October 23, 1914, Page 8, Image 8

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( Ettal'lirlied in IS7S)
Published b*
/" Star-lndapandent Building.
M-XO-22 South Third Straat, Harriaburg, Pa*
Every Evening Eieapt Sunday
Officer* : Directors .
BaiMAMiw F. MITERS. j otll L . L . KuHN.
Secretary and Treasurer. WM. W. WALLOWCR.
Business Manager. Editor.
AH 'communications should be addressed to STAR -INDEPENDENT,
> Business. Editorial, Job Printing or Circulation Department,
according to the subject matter.
Entered at the Post Office in Hsvrisburg as second-class matter.
Benjamin ft Kentuor Company.
New York and Chicago Representatives.
Hew York Offlee, Brunswick Building, 225 Fifth Avenue.
Chicago Office, People's Gas Building, Michigan Avenue.
Delivered by carriers at 6 cents a week. Mailed to subscriber;
(or Three Dollars s year in advance.
The paper with the largest Homi Circulation in Harrisburg and
•earby towns.
Circulation Examined by
Private Branoh Exchange. - - - • _No. 3250
(*rlvat« Branoh Exchange, No. <43*246
\ 1. J- T: -
Friday, October 28, 1014.
Bun. Moil. Tues. Wed. Thur. Frl. Sat.
12 3
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Full Moon, 4th; Last Quarter, 12th; •
New Moon, 19th; First Quarter, 23th.
WIRx,' 1 Harrisburg and vicinity: Fair to-
I jßflp " night and probably Saturday. Warmer
I iCffjlr P tonight.
1 Eastern Pennsylvania: Fair and
1 ,-t—warmer to-nijfht. Saturday fair, warmer
in east portion. Gentle to moderate
V" i ' i* * ~ east to south winds.
Highest, 76; lowest, 53; 8 a. m., 73; 8 p. m., 36.
We do not believe stories that are being circu
lated in some quarters that there is a deliberate
effort on the part of big manufacturers and big
business men generally to make business worse
than it otherwise would be for the sake of advan
cing the interests of this party or that, in the pres
ent political campaign. It may be true that iu
some few cases big corporations are concealing the
amount of business they are doing with the hope
of gaining thereby some advantage for a particular
party, but as for these corporations, in any large
number, deliberately closing down their mills or
refraining from trying to develop new business
until after election day,—that is all bosh.
Everybody recognizes that the war in Europe
has had a depressing effect on the business of the
whole world in which this country, of course, must
share, at least temporarily; but the idea that Amer-
ican business men are setting about purposely to
make business worse at this more or less critical
period is absurd from any viewpoint.
American business men want business. They are
not lighting it away. The possible advantage that
may be gained by a corporation through the elec
tion of one candidate or another cannot in any way
be measured with the disadvantage to that corpora
lion of its mills heing idle or running at reduced
Patriotic business men, —and we are not so pes
simistic as to take iL w that any great number
of them lack palri are doing everything
Ihev know how to do to overcome the setback to
business that Ihe war has been responsible for.
And their efforts are rapidly bearing fruit, one of
the most convincing signs of which is a statement
obtained from the New York Custom House yes
terday showing an increase of almost $12,(X)0.000 in
exports from that port in the last 28 days as com
pared with the same period in 1913 when there
was no war.
It is hardly 1o be expected that the general
public will sympathize greatly with the New York
undertaker who says dull business lias prevented
him from paying the thirteen weeks' alimony for
which his wife has brought action pending a suit
lor separation. The defense submitted to the Su
preme Court justice by Undertaker A. L. McCor
inick's lawyer states that health conditions are so
good in Manhattan at present that the funeral
directors are suffering, and points out that the 880
undertakers in the city had opportunities last week
to get only 128 funerals, because of the remarkably
low death rate.
The lawyer says he has found that some of the
New York undertakers follow ambulances to the
hospitals in their earnest efforts to get business,
thus pursuing tactics of the ambulance-chasing
lawyers in that great city. Undertakers and law
yers in New York even have agreements, he asserts,
to profit jointly by the death in hospitals of persons
injured in accidents, the lawyer getting an action
for negligence and the undertaker getting the
funeral. The attorney shows that these conditions
make it much more difficult for his client to get
Jn ending his plea, McCorinick's lawyer requests
that if the undertaker b« found guilty of contempt
of court, he be sent to jail for not more than three
months, so that he would be released in January,
when sanitary conditions may not be as good as
they are now, and the undertaker's business may
be more brisk.
It appears that the unfortunate undertaker was
greatly handicapped by his wife who, he alleges,
put him out of the house and took his embalming
implements, just because he stayed at the morgue
late at night watching for possible funerals. In this
particular the New York undertaker's plight is a
sad one. As an individual in hard luck he has our
sympathy. As an undertaker without funerals he
deserves no commiseration. Business depression
among funeral directors is a happy condition of
affairs for humanity.
The undertaker in "Oliver Twist" had his times
when "coffins were looking up." There are periods
of prosperity for funeral directors, certainly, and
when death has to come these gentlemen in black
are indispensable. When an undertaker's business
is dull, however, persons are not inclined to wish
him better times, even though he has alimony pay
ments coming due.
It was, perhaps, too much to hope that Congress would
adjourn last evening as vas confidently predicted.
It will take more than a "force bag" to elect some
candidates to office. The "dough bag'' may prove more
While reading of the horrors of the European war vfe
must not lose sight of the fact that football is claiming
its accustomed quota of victims.
Stock Exchange seats are to be had now at the bargain
price of )34,000 each. Even at that there does not ap
pear to be any riotous rush to get them.
Those inclined to doubt that Colonel Roosevelt c«n wield
the big stick as effectively when he comes to Pennsylvania
this year as he has done in years gone by might recommend
that he buy a "force bag."
Wifey—"Do you recollect that once when lie hud a
quarrel I said you were just as mean as you could lie?"
Hubby—"Yes, my dear."
Wifey—"Oh, Tom, how little did I know you then."—
A news dispatch reports that the Sulton of Zanzibar has
just arrived in Paris, with 13 wives and ou?y $5. He was
heard to remark that "War is heil! " —Judge.
I placed my watch on a table;
Twas wound to run till dawn.
Next morning, when 1 looked for it —
Was t goining. Xay; 'twas gone!— Judge.
His sister sought to console William.
"Cheer up." she said. "Maggie has treated you badly,
but you will soon forget her."
"So, I shan't," said William, gloomily; "not for a long
time yet. All the jewelry I bought her was on the easy
payment installment system."—Exchauge.
I must insist, Mr. Stager," said the pompous actor to
the manager, "on having everything real in every scene of
the play."
Very well, said the manager, "if you insist oil that
you will be supplied with real poison in the death scene."
Weedy-Looking Youth (to well-known pugilist)—"J
want to learn the art of self-defense. It's very difficult,
isn't itt"
Pugilist—"Oh, no; quite easy to a man of your phy.
sique. All you have to do is to keep a civil tongue in your"
head.'' —Exchange.
Your daughter plays some very robust pieces."
't*he s got a beau in the parlor," growled pa, "and
that loud music is to drown the sound of her mother wash
ing the dishes."—Pittsburgh Post. v
"This pianist has wonderful power. He can make you
feel hot or cold, happy or morose, at will."
"Thats nothing new. So can our janitor." —Canadian
General Phil Sheridan was at ono time asked at what
little incident he had laughed the most.
"Well," he sa;d, "I do not know; but I always laugh
when I think of the Irishman and the army mule. I was
riding down the line one day, when I saw an Irishman
mounted on a mule, which was kicking its legs rather
freely. The mule finally got its hoof caught in the stirrup,
when, in the excitement, the Irishman remarked: 'Well,
begorra, if you're going to git on, I'll git off.'" Ex
At the orphan asylum the childless Mrs. Hathway, who
had selected an infant for adoption, suddenly showed trepi
"Will 1 have to keep the baby if it doesn't suit my
husband!" she asked hesitatingly.
"Of course you won't have to keep it," responded the
accommodating matron. "You can bring the child back and
exchange it any time. We're not arbitrary, like the stork."
The Bishop of London, speaking recently, said that
churches did not drop down from heaven any more than
bishops, though a little girl in his congregation, evidently
under that delusion, had recently said to her mother dur
ing a tiring sermon:
"I am tired now, mother; can't the Bishop go back tu
heaven !'' —Exchange.
A missionary in China once mentioned to a mandarin
that he had great difficulty in remembering faces among
the Chinese.
"I'm getting over it now," he said, "but in the be
ginning you all looked as much alike as two peas."
"Two peas!" said the mandarin, smiling. "But why not
say two queues!"— Exchange,
I i|| TT is so much easier to follow than to lead—so
f|| i 1 mW much easier to be a sheep than a bell-cow—
so much easier to travel a beaten path than blaze
a y° ur own -
Talking about values and giving values are vastly different
things. For many years THE GLOBE has been recognized as
LEADER f° r VALUE-GIVING in Ready-Tailored Clothes
f° r Men and Young Men of discerning taste.
P resent a ar Skater variety of styles, fabrics, weaves
u I. Wn anc * c °l° r^n S s to choose from than most stores —and making a
/ ill it lif P( comparison quality for quality aud style for style will prove that
/ rm Hi GLOBE VALUES are without equal at
if i 'ls '25
!JT Every suit, top coat or Balmacaan at the above prices is a strictly liand
|[iL tailored garment—the fabric all-wool-designed by America's foremost de
iSjr signers and guaranteed in every detail of lit, finish and wearing quality.
—mrma t
Neckwear aI2SC ShEST??*. 11 0 Extra VaIUCSr-
The king of all "classy" TH _ a "t TJ)
Wi(l e open-end shirts—appeal particularly /j rff/IJfllr/jjpfc. ■! T||^
tour -in - hands in t() discriminating men. M lllWjjl J. U1 MJ\J J J
plain colors aud ,the Prettiest patterns ever _ _____
smartest Autumn shown in negligee, pleated GLOBE-SPECIAL CT
shades and combi- or s hort, dicky bosoms—
nations—pure silk— soft and laundered cuffs— "wMm TwO-PantS Suits at . .
worth much more. , ~o at sty i e . fSjPlf?*
' - heonomy wise mothers know that these are
———suits that give double wear—render double serv
n * —, . « IU ice. Made of strong, sturdy fabrics—handsomely
Ur. Jantway Thair Navar Wara tailored—pants lined throughout. Truly remark-
II talih llnilar«ua«r U LL" U A able va,ues when you consider their exclusive
flvllTll tfflußl Weds Nobbier HUTS Style merit and guaranteed quality. Others would
Made of light weight soft „„ ~ . ask * 6 " 50 for suuh sllits
finish natural worsted— The snappy, smart, new ideas in - '
comfortable to the skin— rail headgear are here. Hats of nj LJ. ■ ■> A
quicklv absorbs perspiration marked character and distinction JVlglll -&'OSIUrC Sjl
and leaves the bodv perfect- -fashioned for men who want C„if c at J
lv dry. They have undergone "something different. The Motor OUIIO <ll ... .
a shrinking process, making Vi (tson t iea^on > DOVV \ healthy bov means a strong, robust man.
them invincible to the tub. Mas Tne uall - RIGHT-POSTURE SUITS help boys to grow
Regular and stout sizes. << o ur Own" Hats at $2.00 straight and strong. In the ba< k< f the coat is a
* | jM| un * patented device that keeps shoulders back and
▼ * anil SI>3U Schoble Hats at $3.00 chest out. A fortunate purchase brings us h lim
4ha Carmnni x ited number of these famous suits to sell at 87.50
Tlia barmani Stetson Hats at 8)o.50 They are SIO.OO values.
j Tongue - End Topics
Walking at Public's Espouse
It' you are tired of working and are
in excellent health take a walk al the
expense of the general publi •. It is
easy. A,ots of people are doing it and
that in itself is proof enough that it
beats a work-a-day life in a factory or
oflice. To 9(#rt out all you do is this:
Have the chief of police or the mayor
of your town write you this kind of a
"This certifies that John Jones and
William Smith, of Smithport, have
started to walk to the Panama Pacific
Exposition, on this day, October 23.
1914, hoping to be there in time for
the opening of the exposition."
That is your introduction that per
mits you to cross the continent at the
public's expense.
* * *
Live on Postcard Sales
It is understood that you have no
money, being out of work, so you de
cide to sell postcards to provide the
wherewithall to purchase food on the
road. You dress in a khaki suit and
hang a knapsack on your back, have
your picture taken and printed on sev
eral thousand postcards and start out.
The sale of these will keep you in
spending nroney until you reach the Ex
position where you can find work and
have a good time. If you are lucky
enough to make more food money you
can ride on a train, forgetting your am
bition to walk the entire distance. The
matter of transportation depends on the
generosity of the public.
* * *
Many of Thom Visit Harrisburg
That is the general plan. It docs not
sound altogether alluring hut hundreds
are adopting it, so it must be profit
able and enjoyable. Any chief of po
lice can testify as to the numbers who
are working the game. If a day pass
es over Harrisburg'g head that a pe
destrian hound for the Exposition does
not darken our doors that day is the
exception. A note like the above one
is presented to Chief of Police Hutchi
son on an average of seven .times a
week with the accompanying request
that he give the bearer a permit to sell
postcards in the city. Chief Hutchison
is opposed to putting any such person
on the streets and refuses to go on rec
ord as endorsing any such scheme, and
tells the pedestrians so. However, with
permission or not, they go about selling
cards to get funds to take them to the
next city. It may be that Harrisburg
is unfortunate in this respect, being on
a direct route west, for we get so
many of them. This city is so East
that few of the walkers give up the
project before they reach here. Many
do give uj> before they cross the moun
tains between here and Pittsburgh l .
* * *
How They Go West
from Harrisburg they start West by
the Cumberland Valley route afterward
hitting the main line of the Pennsyl
vania Railroad, again. Most of them
have been in Philadelphia, which is a
poor city to work, —the pedestrians
make no bones about telling how con
servative Philadelphia is in the matter
of giving them aid, —and they try to
make up for it in Harrisburg. The ma
jority of them come from New York
State and a few from New Jersey. They
never reacli a < ity that they do not dis
cover that a great many others are
working the same scheme to make a
living, so they vary the game a trifle
to make it appeal to the genial public
at whose expense they a re making a
living. One pair, a man and woman,
are walking West on their honeymoon;
another fellow has an Eskimo dog and
is on a 100,000 mile journey, ho says;
several more, from a foreign clime, are
rolling a big barrel across the country;
a blind man has a dog leading him;
scores more are doing the walk ,on
wagers; the great majority, however,
arc selling postcards hoping to get
West by the sale of them. No matter
how they vary their excuses, they are
all in the same class so far as the po
lice are concerned.
* * *
Not What Greeley Meant
Walkiug on a wager seemed to bo
the big thing several years ago but uo
inquirer could discover who made the
wager. The money at stake always was
in the thousands of dollars, the most
used figure being SIO,OOO. In order
to win the wager it was necessary to
get the signature of the mayor of every
State Capitol or the Governor of the
State to a paper. That was a goo I
start hut mayors and Governors got
tired of signing papers every other day
and that, soon ended the wager busi-
ness, so now the pedestrians just start
out with a supply of postcards and hope
to make expenses by the sale of them.
It is a safe bet that hundreds of young
men a r e taking Horace Oreelev's ad
vice aud it is also a safe bet that Hor
ace Greeley did not mean that the
young men should "go West" at the
expense of the public.
Excited Over Sudden Order for March
in Fighting Trim
Washington, Oct. 23.—Officers and
soldiers at Fori Myer aud the Washing
ton Knginoer Barracks had a thrill yes
terday morning when they received an
unexpected order to get into their tigiu
ing clothes and proceed in heavy march
ing regalia to Beauvoir, on the Poto
may, fifteen miles below Washington.
The excitement died out when word
went down the line that Itoe sudden
orders were given for the sole purpose
of testing the rapidity with which the
commands could get under way in the
event of a call for quick action.
Henry Bullock StUl Resists Bichloride
of Mercury Poisoning
| White Plains, Oct. 23.—Although
Henry 'Bullock, of Ohappaqua, swallow
ed four bichloride of mercury taiblets
with suicidal intent and is slowly dy
ing (by inches, he is very cheerful and
the physicians of St. Agnes hospital
marvel at his nerve.
It was four days ago that Bullock
swallowed the tablets, ordinarily enough
to kill two men, tint he remains in about
the same condition, though very weak.
The City and the Child
New York City—the length and
breadth of Manhattan-—and Boston,
from the Fenway in three directions to
ifie wnter front, arc as unfit for a child
to grow up in as the basement of a
china store for a calf. There might
be hay enough on such a floor for the
•alf, as there is doubtless air enough
on a New York City street for a child.
It is not the lack of things—not even
air—in a city that renders life next to
impossible there. It is rather the mul
titude of things. City life is a three
ringed circus, with a continuous per
formance and interminable side shows
and peanuts and pink lemonade. It
is jarred and jostled and trampled aud
■crowded and hurried, and it is over
stimulated, spiudling and premature.—
Suburban Life. t
Necessity invents some things which
ought not to be.
Bernstein Finds It Easier to Get Into
Tombs Thau Out
New York, Oet. 23.—Hyman Bern
stein, 526 West One -Hundred and
Twenty-sixth street, strolled into Who
Tonilbs prison yard yesterday. He was
'the first man that ever voluntarily walk
ed into the jail with a batch of pris
He had been a spectator in the Gen
eral Sessions court rooms. When thirty
five prisoners were sent bai. v k to the
prison in charge of Deputy Sheriffs Mil
ler, Jacobs and Levy, 'he decided to go
with them. He walked over the Bridge
of Sighs with the chain of men, and
ibegan sauntering about the yard on a
sightseeing tour. Warden 'Hauley, WHO
was receiving the prisoners, noticed him
walking apart from the handcuffed lino
and seized him.
"1 just followed the crowd," Bern
stein explained. "I thought they were
all going to the street."
Ho was locked uj> in cell 39, former
ly occupied by Father Hans Schmidt,
while a •census was taken to assuro War
den llauley that Bernstein had actually
entered innocently. Then lie was re
leased with a warning not to walik into
tlhe Tombs again, as it was not an
amusemont resort.
How the Wife of One Wealthy Man
Got Her Spending Money
In the American Magazine, in a story
by Rebecca Hooper Hast man, is a
satire on the poor rich, in which the,
wife of a wealthy man tells as follows
how she gets hold of her spending
"Kitty, dear, I can't bear that you
should misjudge me, and so I am going
to tell you what not a soul in this
world knows. I have absolutely no
money and no way of getting any. My
husband doesn't think it is necessary
for me to have money when I can
charge things. I owe you a dollar.
You think 1 have forgotten, but 1 have
not. And 1 am going to pay you—-
when I can.
"1 want to tell you that 1 have just
discovered a way to make money. You
sec, I have borrowed so many small
sums for tips and car fares that I am
quite in debt.
"We have one of the finest cooks in
New York, as you know, and I order
him to make cukes. He thinks they
are for a bazar. In reality I sell
these cakes at a certain woman's ex
change for $1 a loaf, cash, Kitty. I
leave my car at a nearby hotel, walk
through the hotel to the" exchange on
the next street, wear a plain suit and a
thick veil, which I put on in the hotel
dressing room. Nobody knows."