The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, October 23, 1914, Page 7, Image 7

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i omf I
! Plan t
V □□ □□ 9
□□ □□ g
A —We clothe men, women and A
» children on small weekly payments. s
jj —We mark every price in plain fig- J
y ures and we guarantee every gar- O
A ment. A
Jl —We make no charge for altera- A
V tions. Most stores do, but we save V
(0| you from $1 to $3 on every garment A
jl in that way. *%
—You take the garments when you jf
V make the first payment. No wait- Q
A ing; no delay; you pay us while A
wearing, and that is always the most Y
y satisfactory way. Q
jl —We have separate departments A
JL for men's and women's garments jf
V and we are ready to show you the IT
season's latest styles.
A Start Your Account With Us A
* This Week T
J *sv 4
t t
l M JI t
j> Afii f
Those New "Xjyi A i,'
V ITJ™* ffip $
j|j sl2 up. k- *'#/'%! | A
§• ASKlf'j S MARINE 4
v QQ A
Sr 36 N. Second Street, Corner of Walnut
Jump Over Abutment in Fear, and Col-!
lars Strangle Them
Lancaster, Pa., Oct. 23.—'Maddened j
with tVar of being struck by an auto
mobile, two horses owned by .loiui Mor-j
rison leaped over an abutment of Wit j
liter'# bridge across the Co lies ton a.
They hung there by their collars un-j
til death by strangulation ended their i
Greatest Student—ln Bulk
Cambridge, Mass., Oct. 23.—The
freshman class is not the only body j
of great proportions at Harvard. Hen
ry 11. BU>Kl rk, a 325-pound member of j
the graduate school of business, lays
claim to being the biggest man in any
college in this country. Buskirk, twen
ty-three years old, stands 6 feet 4
inches in height. His home is in In
Stoa Failing Hair and Itching Scalp.
. .
There is one sure way that never!,
fails to remove dandruff completely
and tiiat is to dissolve it. This destroys i
it entirely. To do this, just get about
four ounces of plain, ordinary liquid
irvoii; apply it at night when retiring;,
use enough to moisten the scalp and-' '
rub it in gently with the finger tips. i .
Bv morning most, if not all, of your
dandruff will be gone, and tnree or!]
four more applications will completely j
dissolve and entirely destroy, every j i
single sign and trace of it, no matter!
how much dandruff you may have.
Von will find, too. that all itching I
and digging of the scalp will stop in- '
stantly, and your hair will be fluffy,;'
lustrous, glossy, silky and soft, and j
look and feel a hundred times better. 't
If you want to keep your hair look
ing rich, do by all means get rid of!
dandruff, for nothing destroys the'
hair so quickly. It not only starves the;
nair and makes it fall out, but it makes i
it stringy, straggly, dull, dry, brittle,'
and lifeless, and everybody notices it.i
You can get liquid arvon at any drug j j
store. It is inexpensive, and four ounces |
is all you will need. This simple rem
edy has never been known to fail.
With Hand Blown Oft', He Runs Amuck,
Shenandoah, Pa.. O. t. 23.—Anthony
Karowski. 1 1 years old. found a large
j dynamite cap on the mountain yester-
I day afternoon, and when 'he reached the
heart of the city put a lighted match
under it causing a terrific explosion.
The boy's left 'hand was blown off and
i:is head and face were terribly lacer
Badly scared, he rap through the
crowded convention streets, st reaming,
iiis iiead and body a mass of blood, To
the horror of hundreds of visitors and
other spectators. Officer Gi'lvbons final
ly secured him. 'His condition is criti
Woman Burned to Death
Honesdale. l J a.. Oct. 23.—At da* -
break the charred body of ».\lrs. Wallace
Ijvnn was found in bushes within fifty
leet of her home which was destroyed
by fire Wednesday night. '.\rrs. J,vnn
was alone in the house when the lire
broke out.
Hotel Man Found Dead
Pottsville, iPa., Oct. 23.—J0el A.
Dinger, proprietor of the City hotel,
was found dead in bed yesterday, hav
ing died suddenly from heart trouble.
Mr. Dinger was 63 years old. Before
be oming proprietor of the City hotel
he conducted the Kagle hotel.
Three Months for Giving Fatal Drug
1 <ondon, Oct. 23.—Orlando Edgar
Miller, formerly of Chicago, who vva-i
convicted of having caused the death of
Miss Ka;e Addison Scott, by the admin
istration of a drug while she was a pa
tient in a sanitarium conducted by hiiu
here, was sentenced yesterday to 'im
prisonment for three months.
Ordered to Resist Vaccination
Chicago, Oct. 23.—Followers of Wil
bur Clenn Voliva, overseer of Zion
City, were ordered yesterday to resist
vaccination by State heallli authori
ties. even if they are forced to do so
with shotguns.
Attacked by Vicious Stallion
Marietta, Oct. 23.—Charles Zigyel
mver, employed on the Riverview farm,
was attacked by a stallion Wednesdav
night when he' entered the stable to
give the animal a drink and wan badly
bitten in th« neck shoulder and fa-e.
He was felled by the attack and had be
not rolled away from the animal would
have probably been trampied to death.
Still Lower Bate'of Operations Is in
Prospect Since Shipments on Con
tracts Have Been for Some Timo
in Excess of New Orders
•New York, Oct. 23.—The "Iron
Age" says that with mill operations
a prating 50 per cent. or less and with
'u> tangible evidence tiiat a better scale
of buying is near at,hand, sentiment in
the steel trade is not improved. The
'belief that October would show the low
i oint both in operations and new buy
ing was expressed in high quarters as
the month came in, but it is as now only
a hope. The small buying waves of
January February and June -July
them nth came in, but it. Os now only
a hope. Thes mall buying waves of
January February and Junne-July
seemed to indicate that the late fall
would bring another, but the war has
ujiset. all such calculations.
Several blast furnaces in the Central
West have blown out in October, while
others axe scheduled to stop, and it is
reported from Pittsburgh that a large
steel plant in that district will close
down before the end of the month. It
is true that in some lines the amount
of business booked has not shown a
progressive falling oil' in October, but
shipments on contracts have been for
some time so much in excess of new or
ders that a still loner rate of opera
tions is in prospect.
In contrast with the monotonous re
iteration of depressed conditions in iron
and steel are the reports from the ma
chine tool trade. There the war has
brought a large business from foreign
governments and fiom manufacturers
at home who needed new equipment to
get out foreign war orders on time.
Accumulated stocks of tools have been
taken up in this movement, and makers
have felt warranted in a number.of
cases in increasing working forces,
which in August and September were
down to the smallest in months.
Thus far the foundry trade lias felt
only a slight effect from the improve
ment in machine tools, as activity in
the latter industry would compensate in
'but small degree for the slack demand
for railroad and agricultural castings.
v iucago advices are that some better
nient in foundry operations in that dis
trict, from which reports for a number
of weeks have been particularly
gloomy, is indicated by increased in
quiry tor coke.
Prices for foundry iron are lower
even without the strain of any consid
erable inquiry, $12.75 being currently
doue on No. 2 foundry iron at Ohio
furnaces, while at Buffalo $12.25 is
reported. Very little consideration has
been given to buying for 1915 deliv
ery. Indications are that a good deal
of iron bought for 1914 will not be
melted before Fcbruarv.
Light is thrown on the ferro-manga
nese situation by British export statis
tics, which show 13,000 tons shipped
to the United States in that mouth, or
considerably more than the average of
importations from all countries in 1913.
Great Britain imported 50,000 tons of
manganese ores last month, against 37,
000 tons in September, 191.3. The em
bargo laid by the Indian government
on manganese ore shipments to the
United States means that British pro
ducers of ferro-manganese will have
their needs fully supplied from India,
while thf. closing of the Dardanelles
cuts off -pifßbcnts from the Caucasus.
State Three-link Brethren Have 157,-
751 Members on Bolls—Sover
eign Grand Lodge Gains
Pottstown Pa., Oct. 23.—Presenta
tion of reports featured the dosing ses
sion yesterday afternoon of the (fraud
Encampment of Pennsylvania Odd Fel
lows. TliOmes K. (iross, of Philadel
phia, and (_ leon Ciequelais, of Pitts
burgh, representatives to the Sovereign
Grand Lodge, made a report showing
the total income during the past year
was $18,950,009.48, an increase of
527,851.20 over the previous year; to
tal invested funds, §66,103,273.48.
Grand Scribe Hitter, of Philadelphia,
reported that Pennsylvania leads in
Odd Fellowship It lias 157,751
lodge members, while -New York is sec
ond with 12G.394. It also leads in
encampment membership with 19,147
with Indiana second.
One ol' the final acts was the instal
lation by Acting Grand Marshal W. D.
Wiley, of Pittsburgh, of the following
new officers: Grand patriarch, Samuel
11. Pope, Philadelphia; grand high
priest, I'M ward W. Snyder. Shamokiu;
grand senior warden, George B. Mc-
Dowell, Pittsburgh; grand junior war
den. George H. Banes, Philadelphia;
grand scribe, Edwin 1,. Bitter, Phila
delphia; grand treasurer, ,1. Henry
Beitel, Philadelphia; grand marshal,
James Roach, Philadelphia; grand sen
tinel, Charles Entwisle, Philadelphia;
grand outside sentinel, Joseph \V. Derr
New Grand Patriarch Pope, of Phila
delphia. was presented by his subor li
"ate lodge with a traveling suitcase and
toy his encampment with a toilet set.
I'he Shamokin Encampment presented
the new high priest, Snyder, with
a bouquet of beautiful (lowers. The
special prize for exemplification of the
second or the Golden Rule degree was
awarded to Temple Encampment No
William Douglass, representative to
the Rebekah Home, Philadelphia, re
ported that there are fourteen sisters
in the home at the present time.
who are languid, sleepless and
physically run-down get im
mediate relief and lasting bene
fits from the regular use of
Scott's Emulsion after meals.
Its chief constituent is nature's
greatest body-building force to
strengthen the organs and
nerve centers, gxain by /r*3j
' A grain, to rebuild physical
j}\ and mental energy. L
No alcohol or opiate JhjQ
Bra&k in SCOTT'S. SJ/y,
efuie. Stibatitatei.
Ladies' Suits,
Coats, Dresses ▲ Kji Jf Balmacaan Coats
and Skirts m Jm ? -Sjj & Boys' Suits
75 Ladies' Suits and Jj jjSI 200 Men's Suits and
50 Ladies' Coats ™ J| M * 50 Balmacaan Coats
For This Sale _ :§| H[ JHf For This Sale
Values up to S2O. Choice at W "W Values up to S2O. Choice at $lO
150 Ladies' Dresses and [jljßjil 100 Boys" Suits and
100 Misses' Coats
Values up.O F $ O |2. Moleeat* $5 W*~ .$5
' 25 Skirts 50 Bo ' s ' *" Wool Suffs
and wo Coats for Children Fancy Mixtures
For This Sale JllP For This Sale Only
Choice at.... . $3 ~WS Choice at $3. Worth $7
if You h»v(! it. SOUTH MARKET SQUARE ifvouwrnit.
Little Kingdom's Large Foreign Trade
Attributed In Part to Favorable
Location of Country For Transship
ment of Goods
Washington, I). (J., o>'t. 23.—'The
Netherlands, with a population of 6,-
144,000 and au area of 13,171 square
miles, has a foreign trade of nearly
three billion dollars. According to re
vised figures for 1912, published in
" Commercial Kelations ot the United
states," imports were valued at sl,-
452,4-58,168, a gain of $112,49 1,200
over 1911. while exports were $1,251,-
472,027. an inrcase of $153,052,446
over the preceding year. Though the
-Netherlands is a verv small country,
slightly larger than the State of Mary
land, it ranks among the leading com
mercial natious of the world. Its im
ports are 90 per cent, as much as those
of France with a population six times
as yreat, and its exports are about 60
per cent, as much as those of Germany
with a population ten times as great.
This unusually large commerce of
the Netherlands is explained by the
Bureau of Foreign and DomosfTc Com
merce, Department of Commerce, as be
nig due (1) To the favorable location
of that country for the transshipment
of goods destined for, or originating in,
Euiopeau countries and sections dis
taut, from the seaboard. (2) To the fact
that in the Dutch statistics foreign
goods destined ultimately to some other
country are not rigorously excluded
from special trade statements; hence it
frequently happens that the same goods
appear both in the import and export
accounts, unduly swelling each in com
parison with the commercial returns
of most other European countries. (3)
To the peculiar system of valuations
tor trade statistics in practice in the
Netherlands. Kxcept in cases where im
ported merchandise is dutiable and a
statement of declared values is neces
sary for the ascertainment of revenues
(amounting to about 10 per cent, of
the total imports) all values in its
trade accounts are " official," that is,
fixed bv a commission and frequently
varying from actual values. As many
articles are given the same unit valu
ation as that fixed a half century ago,
they do not reflect the lower price
levels which have meantime been es
tablished. To this extent the trade
figures of the Netherlands are abnor
mal and uot comparable with those of
other leading nations.
Ten per cent, of the imports into the
Netherlands are stated as being from
the I'nited States, compared with 29
per cent, from Germany, 14 per cent,
from the Dutch Kast Indies, about 10
per cent, each from Belgium and the
United Kingdom, 8 per cent, from Rus
sia, and nearly 3 per cent, from Argen
tina. The Netherlands sends direct to
this country only 4.4 per cent, of its
exports, compared with 5 per cent, to
the Dutch Kast Indies, 12 per cent, to
Belgium, 20 per cent, to the United
Kingdom, and 50 per cent, to Germany.
Present conditions in Europe have, of
course, greatly modified the extent and
distribution of Dutch trade as well as
that of other countries. Thus exports
to the Netherlands from the I'nited
States dropped from $13,714,345 in
August, 1913, to $2,524,488 in Aujjjlist
last; while our imports therefrom in
the same period increased from $2,-
605,396 to $3,446,042.
Four great groups of articles supply
one-half the total value of Dutch im
ports. These are breadstuffs (chiefly ]
I wheat and rice), 263 million dollars;
I iron and steel manufactures, 194 mil- 1
I lion; chemicals, drugs and dyes, 172
miUion, and copper ore, ingots and
11 bars, 63 million. (Quinine alone arnount-
I ed to $134,387,000, of which $103,-
j 562,000 worth was exported. East lu
i dian products figure largely in the ini
! | ports into the Netherlands, which in
. j elude, in addition to those already
noted, coal, 50 million dollars; timber,
j 45 million; stone paving blocks, 33
; million; coffee, 21 million; hides and
, skins, 17 million; copra, 15 million;
J tin, wool and cocoa beans, each about
j 10 million; hemp, 8 million, and tea
; and tobacco, each 5 million dollars,
glassware, rubber goods, haberdashery,
-1 scientific instruments and many other
i j manufactures, are also imported in con-
I ' siderable quantities.
. j The chief direct importations from
i the United States are cop|>er, 30 mil
. | lion dollars: wheat and flour, 30 mil-
I i lion; timber, 1,1 million, and flaxseed
, | oil cake and meal, lard, petroleum, iron
and steel goods, oats, turpentine, cot
i tonseed oil and calcium acetate. The
. j Netherlands sends to the United States
. j principally diamonds, tobacco, hides
;! and skins, cocoa, coffee, cinchona,
,! spices, pickled herring, bulbs and
I i plants, tin, rice, and seeds.
, White House Visitor and His IS Sons
Vote Democratic Ticket
•j Washington, Oct. 23. J. K. Duek
i worth, 87 years old, father of twenty-
II five children, is here to see President
,' Wilson. Mr. Duckworth came from
Transylvania county, iii the mountain
t| region of North Carolina, and will lie
i presented at the White House by Sena
p lor Overman.
I ''l have come to shake hands with
; the 'bedt President t'he country 'has had
< | for many years,'' said Mr. Duckworth.
t,"I have nineteen Democratic voters in
mv immediate family myself and
jj eighteen sous. 1 tihink I am entitled to
i ' some recognition at the White House."
An Epidemic of Diphtheria
. | Marietta. Oct. 23.—An epidemic of
, diphtheria is prevalent in the section
, of Kast Karl and ;ieven families are
, down with the disease It is stated]
•| that the cases spread from one family
, I to another and that they used sore
j throat medicine without consulting a
' 1 physician. The disease was discovered
. j by Dr. John Winters, a school inspector,
j The county physician, Dr. Mowery, has
made an investigation and ordered
''strict quarantine. The schools in that j
j section are closed.
Discovery that Removes Pimples, Ecze-'
ma and All Skin Troubles
If you are troubled with pimples,'
blackheads, acne, barber's itch, blotch-!
! es, 'freckles or other skin disease or
j blemish, now is the time to get rid of
i! it with iiokara.
i, This pure and simple skin healer ist
i' being introduced in Harrisburg b.v W. I
II H. Kennedy at .the low price of 25c. |
| for a liberal sized jar, and they have
. J sold hundreds of treatments.
! It contains no grease or acids, is
I cleanly to use and is a true nourish
ment for the skin, cleaning anil clear
i|ing it in qvery pore, making it soft,
white and beautiful.
If liokara does not do even more
than is claimed for it and give perfect
satisfaction, return the empty jar to
W. H. Kennedy Drug Store and they
will refund your money. If you have
any skin trouble, you cannot spend 25c
to better advantage than for a jar of
this skin food. Adv.
| Higher Salaries for Ministers Urged—
Home Mission Board Asks for $40,-
000 This Year—Spiritual Welfare i
J of Tubercular Sanatorium Inmates !
| Erie, F J ;i„ Oct. 23.— J Reports of stand
i ing •committees took up the entire time
j of yesterday 's meetings of 'the State
| Presbyterian Synod iu the Central
I church. The commissioners 'present at
j these sessions were the guests of the
j ladies of flbe First 'Presbyterian church
I for dinner at noon.
The report, of fehe committee on svn-
I odical liome missions, by 'Dr. George P.
I Wilson, took up the report of the per
f mauent committee on tiiese missions unci!
j endorsed that given by Ulie Kov. Dr. C. |
! C. ila.vs, of Johnstown, lohaii-man of the
I latter committee. Work among foreign '
11 ers, aid-receiving churches, 'better sal- 1
I aries for pastors, federation and pres-j
r byteries budgeting their funds were dis-j
Dr. iliays said that the 'Beaver pres-1
i 'hytery lias adopted a rule that no min-j
j ister Himll receive less than S9OO and a
I manse. In t'he towns the minimum shall j
lie SI,OOO and manse. The Huntingdon j
I 'presbytery has adopted a minimum of '
|9OO and :i minse, and the Washington'
: presbytery 'has set SIMOO as its lowestl
A new phase of work is that of look
j ing after the spiritual welfare of the
' inmates of the tu'bere-ukir sanatoriums j
estalblishod by tfae State at Mont Alto,
j ' resson and Hamburg, A n ion !
' j has been received from Hlairville for
I S3OO to 'hold services at the ('resson j
j j sanatorium. The committee urged that
j 'l'is money be appropriated, and that
similar work be done at the other san-
I atoriums.
,; The permanent committee on Synodi-
I cal HomelMissions asks for SIO,OOO for!
| the 'coming year.
. A supplementary report was given bv
I Dr. .Hays yesterday morning in which
I he rend a request of the Philadelphia I
i presbytery to the Home Missions Board j
for aid in the support of work to be}'
undertaken at Mizpaii church, Kight'h
j and Wolf streets, with the Rev. 'lf. |„ I
| Heyler, a Jewish convert, pastor,
j The coniinittee recommended t'hat the !
I request- be granted under certain eondi j
, tion*.
The popular meeting at the Parki
church last evening was addressed bv '
the Rev. Dr. Arthur .T. Brown and the I
Rev. Dr. Percy Y. Schelly. A confer-j
enee on the wofk of the boards of tlie |
| General Assembly was held in the aft ;
! ernoon. Reports heard during the day!
j were: A permanent committee on I
I Young People's Work, the Rev. Dr. Wil-;
; liaiii A. Patton; committee on Synodic I
I Home Missions, Dr. George P. Wilson: i
i standing committee on Home Missions.!,
j permanent committee on Foreign Mis-1 j
| sions. committee on ■Kreedmcn, Ameri-I
| can 'Bible Society, the Rev. Walter IT. j ,
Waygood; American Tract Society, the j I
I Rev. Dr. Judson Swift,
Deacon Oreaker (referring to the i
preacher)—He was once on the stage, t
but he found the church more con- I
genial. ,
Keenan (from another city)— Doub
tless on account of the fact that con- (
gregations don't hiss.—Puck, , I
"Do you think women should pro- :
pose ?'' asked the passe ladv.
"1 don't know,'' mused the young '
thing. " Have you tried everything |
else?"— Philadelphia Ledger. :
Steamers Coming Out From Great Ter
minal Project as Winter Sets in
St. John's, N. P., Oct. 23.—Im
mense masses of ice, driven to and fro
with every change of wind, have re
mained in Hudson bay throughout the
j summer and fall, according to advices
| from the steamer Bonaventure, under
charter to the Canadian government,
which has just, returned from the sec
ond of two trips this season to Ponk
The season's work a.t that port,
where the government is preparing a
terminal for the Hudson Bay railway,
is practically ended, and the other
steamers which have carried men and
materials there will leave shortly.
Surveying and meleorlogical parties,
which have been studying conditions in
the bay, will come out on the cruiser
I Work on the breakwater in the Nel
j son estuary, where the government
j plans to create a safe harbor, has made
i considerable progress and it is expected
! that dredging will begin next summos.
Chief Physician of Masonic Home -
Kli/.abet litown, Oct. 23.—Professor
I Kdvvard H. Knrby has been selected as
consulting and chief physician of the
Masonic Home at lliis place. He is a
I resident of Philadelphia and a graduate
! of t he I'liiverSity of Pennsylvania, class
! of 1 SB7. He is a member of the fra
ternity of the highest, degree and also
j of the Lulu Temple, of that city.
Fatal Attack of Heart Disease
! Quarryville, Oct. 23. —'Mrs. Harriet
Swinehart, 6 1 years old, died yester
day of an attack of heart disease. She
was a member of the Reformed ehuri'6.
Her maiden name was Shank and si»e
was a descendant of the first inhabit
ants.- Three children and a number of
grandchildren survive.
Small Farm Brings Big Price
Marietta, Oct. 23.-—-The valuable
farm of twenty three acres belonging to
the late I'lysses G. Bard in Kast Earl
township was sold for $6,066 to
Frank 'lhiovet. which was the highest,
price ever paid for a farm in that
For Nervous People
The great, nerve tonic — the famouj
Wendell's Ambition Pills that wjß
put vigor, viin and vitality into nery?
ous tired out. all iu, despondent peoptft
in a few days.
Anyone can buy a box for only 50
cents, and 11. (!. Kennedy is authorized
by the maker to refund the purchase
price if anyone is dissatisfied with the
tirst. box purchased.
Thousands praise them for general
debility, nervous prostration, mental
depression and unstrung nerves caused
by over indulgence in alcohol, tobacco,
or overwork of any kind.
As a brain food or for any affliction
of the nervous system Wendell's Ambi
tion Pills are unsurpassed, while for
hysteria, trembling and neuralgia they
are simply splendid. Fifty cents at
H. C. Kennedy's and dealers every
where. Mail orders filled, charges pre
paid by Wendell l'harmacal Co., Iner,
Syracuse, N. Y. Adv.