The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, October 23, 1914, Page 6, Image 6

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EKII BIT 1f.16
It Will Be Held in Con
nection With the Wel
fare a n d Efficiency
Conference Will Be Held in Hall of
House of Representatives—Over
1,800 Accredited Representatives of
Manufacturers Expected to Attend
With more than SO per cent, of the
space in both Chestnut street halls sub
scribed, the manufacturers' exhibit in
connection with the second annual wel
■. fare and efficiency conference, to be
\ held here during the week of November
16, promises to be better than last year.
Paul Gendcll, director of exhibits,
is busy arranging details for different
exhibits, which will have for their pur
pose promotion of the safety first move
ment. in factories throughout the State.
An added feature of labor-saving de
.vices for the office and home will be
given a good part of the exhibit this
More than 1,800 accredited repre
sentatives of manufacturers will attend
the conference, which will be held in
the hall of the ilouse of Representa
tives. The program for this meeting
is being arranged by Dr. John Price
Jackson, Commissioner of Labor and
Industry. Sessions will be held No
vember 17. IS and 19.
The Engineers' Society of Pennsyl
vania is co-operating .vith Dr. Jackson
and has arranged for two smokers to
be held at the club house. Front and
Chestnut streets. One smoker will be
for the men in charge of the various
exhibits and the other for representa
tives at the conference.
Exhibits of safety and sanitary ap
pliances have been invited and will
make up a good part of the exhibit,
welfare work in the interest of the fac
tory employe being one of the chief
reasons for the exhibit. Engineers' and
contractors' equipment, shop tools and
supplies, office equipment and 1 abor
saving devises in the home will be
shown. Mr. Gendell has been assured
• hat many moving exhibits will be
A nominal charge of ten cents will
<Jbe made in order to defray the ex
penses of the exhibition. 1 The Chestnut
street auditorium is not quite as large
as (he car barns, which housed the ex
hibition last year, but what is lacking
in space will lie made up in interest,
according to Mr. Gendell.
Widow of David F. Jauss Expires Early
This Morning
-Mrs. Sarah Jauss, widow of the late
David F. Jauss. 1547 Market street,
died early tiiiy' morning as tiie result
of a stroke sustained 'Monday evening.
She is survived by the following chil
dren: Elizabeth F., Mrs. W. E. B-od
liei-k, William L, David F. Jr., J. Ross,
Edward E. and Harold R. Jauss, also
several grandchildren.
The funeral will lie held Monday aft
ernoon at 2.30 o'clock, the Rev. S.
W. Herman, officiating. Burial will lie
in the Harrisburg cemetery.
Mrs. M. Bollendorf
Mrs. M. Bollendorf, 54 years old, died
at 'her home. 26 North Seventeenth
street, at 12.30 o'clock this morning.
Six children survive her, Margaret,
Fred, William, Helena. John and Anna.
Funeral of Mrs. L. O'Brien
Funeral'of Mrs. Louise O 'Brien, who
d:e.| yesterday, will be held to-morrow
afternoon at 3,30 o'clock. Burial will
Vie in the East Harrisburg cemetery.
Big Sewer Connection Placed
The largest single piece qf terra cot
ta sewer pipe connection ever laid in
Harrisburg was placed in the Cumber
land street sewer at Florence street
this afternoon. It is in the shape of
a "V," one part ofwhich is twenty-
Jour inches in diameter and the other
30 inches. The usual connection is a
twelve-inch pipe. A windlass had to
be used to lower the connection. Hen
rv Opperman is the contractor and the
work is being done for the city. City
inspectors superintended the job.
Health Office Makes Correction
Pile City Health Department in an
nouncing the result of the milk and
cream tests made by the city bacteriol
ogist inadvertently said that . ream sam
ples obtained from C. A. Honk, G. W. j
Stouffer and the Pennsylvania Milk
Products Company and three milk sam
ples secured from the Pennsylvania
Milk Products Company, of Which tests
were made, all were pasteurized. T'he
health officers have asked to have their
statement corrected so as to make it 1
clear that the samples were not of the |
pasteurized class.
Runaway Boys Detained Here
Abraham Simon, Samuel Weiss an.l
Joseph Toffler, all 16 years old, were
placed under arrest in front of the gen
oral delivery window at the postoffice j
this morning. The boys ran away from i
their homes in New York and the police
here were asked to pick them up. Thev i
were on the way to Pittsburgh. Thev
were committed to jail to await the;
arrival of th,. father of one of the'
Washington Party Meetings
To morrow night the Washington
party will hold a meeting in the pub
lie square at Milleraburg at which time
J. B. 'Martin, W. W. Lcnker and Coiin
tv Chairman Ira J. Lcnker will speak.
A Washington farty meeting will also
be held to-morrow nigh't in Marked
square, which will be addressed by J.
W. Barker, Wihner Crow and other
prominent speakers.
Saturday Only
We have a few more of our swell j
imitation cut glass olive dishes and J
one pound of Flaroma coffee to go on ;
salo Saturday, 35c. Grand Union Teal
Co.. 208 North Second street, adv. I
Harry A. Metzgar, of Lancaster, Is Ap
pointed Second Lieutenant of Com
pany C—Other Military Appoint
ments Announced
The following military appointments
were made by Governor Toner yester
day: Charles P. Clyde, of Crawford
county, to be major of the Sixteenth
Infantry; R. Bruce Gamble, of Craw
ford, to be lieutenant colonel of the Si
xteenth Infantry; Harry S. Sisk, of Wy
oming county, to be first lieutenant
and battalion adjutant of the Thir
teenth Infantry; Charles 0. Correll, of
Lftckawanna county, to be first lieu
tenant and battalion adjutant of the
Thirteenth Infantry; Harry 1). Case, of
Lebanon, to be captain of Company H.
Fourth Infantry, N. G. P.; Harry A.
Met/.ger, of Lancaster, to be second
lieutenant of Company C. Fourth In
fantry, V G. P.; Benjamin Whittaker,
of Philadelphia to be major an i ad
jutant general, Adjutant General's He
part men t.
Diseased Cattle From New York
Pennsylvania is remarkably free at
present from diseases among animals,
•but some trouble is being experienced
now along the New York border Men
from t'he Department o>f Agriculture are
stationed along the border to prevent
the entrance of any cattle that have not
passed a thorough examination. Many
tubercular cattle have been turned 'back.
Formerly there was trouble along the
Ohio border, but the Ohio laws are now
quite strict, also, and no more annoy
aye is experienced there. Much cholera
'has prevailed this year, but the State
has spent less money tor animals seized
and killed during the ten months of
1914 t'han during the first ten months
of most other years.
Heinz Co. Increases Stock
The H. J. Heinz Company, of Pitts
burgh, has filed notice of increase of
stock from $6,000,000 to $8,000,000.
H. .1. Heinz paid into the State Treas
ure $6,666.67 as a bonus on $2,000,-
Requisitions Issued by Tener
Governor Tener yesterday issued a
requisition on the Governor of Virginia
for Jean LaMotte, wanted in • Lehigh
county on a charge of larceny. He
also issued a requisition on the Gov
ernor of Illinois for Andrew Messinger,
wanted in Northampton county on a
forgery charge.
Charter Granted
The A. Weinstein Company, of Phil
adelphia, to-day obtained a charter to
manufacture and sell ladies' and chil
dren's wearing apparel and embroid
eries. Capital stock, SIO,OOO. A
charter was granted the Tobylianna
Fruit Co., of .Monroe county capital.
$30,000. The Erie Iron and Steel
Co., capital stock, $5,000. The Ba
varian Brewing Co., of Philadelphia;
capital stock, $5,000. The Preferred
Realty Co., of Philadelphia; capital
stock, $5,000.
Meeting of Board of Medical Education
A meeting of the Board of Medical
Education and Licensure will be held
on Capitol Hill November 4.
Public Service Hearings
The most important case before the
Public Service Commission was the ap
plication of the New York Central and
Hudson River Railroad Company, the
Lake Shoro and Michigan (Southern
Railroad Company, and nine other rail
road company for the approval of the
commission on a merger of all eleven
companies, the merged railroad to be
known as the New York Central Rail
road Company.
Sausage Doctored, It Is Alleged
Commissioner Foust, of the Dairy
and Food Department, has received a
number of letters complaining that
some Pennsylvania sausages are being
sold with an undue amount of cereal
and water added. Mr. Foust has order
ed samples to be secured and analyzed.
If the charges prove true criminal pro
ceedings will be instituted.
Pay Day at tlie Capitol
To-day is pay day on Capitol Hill.
Typhoid in Tower City
The State Department of Health has
sent engineers and physicians to Tower
City, Schuylkill county, to investigate
the typhoid outbreak there. There are
now 34 cases, with a number of addi
tional "suspects." A dozen patients
patients have been removed to the
Pottsville hospital.
Game Rreserves
The State will probably have $300,-
000 as its biennial income to spend for
game preserves, and the game commis
sioners are now looking over the State
fur the best places to purchase. Dr.
Kalbfus, commissioner, with Dr. C. B.
Penrose, John M. Phillips and William
B. McC'aleb, of this city, have just re
turned from a week's inspection o{
places in Lycoming, Cameron, Potter,
Huntingdon and Perry counties. Dr.
Penrose is president of the Board of
Game Commissioners. This commission
receives no return at all for its work
and its time. Not even the expenses of
the members are paid, but they are all
lovers of song birds and of game.
License Money
Reports show that the money receiv
ed by the State for hunters' licenses
this year, will probably exceed the
$305,000 of last year. One half of
the amount received must be returned
in bounties. The rest after the meeting
of the Legislature, goes to the work
of the commission.
Take Interest in Mummers' Parade
A representative of the Harrisburg
Chamber of Commerce will attend the
next meeting of the Harrisburg Mum
mers' Association at police headquar
ters next Wednesday night. Assistant
City Clerk Ross R. Seaman will also be
present to explain to what extent City
Council can aid the association in the
observance of New Year's Day.
Employes Share in $200,000 Profits
By Associated Press,
Youngstown, 0., Oct. 23.—The
V'oungstown Sheet and Tube Company
distributed to-day $200,000 to employ
es under a profit-sharing arrangements.
The payment represents three per cent,
of the pay roll for the past year und
all employes participate.
Services Preliminary to the Stough
Evangelistic Campaign Will Bo Con
ducted To-night in All Parts of tho
Neighborhood prayer meetings in the
interest of the Stough campaign will lie
held in homos in all parts of this city
and in surrounding towns to-night as
First Ward—Harry Long, South Thir
teenth street.
Second Ward—Mrs. Bailey, 424
South Fifteenth; Mrs, Shumaker, 1321
Swatara; Mr. and Mrs. #rine, 1312
'Swatara; B, Tvre, 1240 Kittatiuny;
Mrs. Feoser, Derry and Evergreen; Mr.
and Mrs. .1, P. Braselmann, 442 South
Thirteenth; Mrs. S.'Mell, 319 Crescent;
William Painter. 212 iHoimmel; Mrs.
Charles Bates, 349 Hummel; Mrs.
Eut/.y, 319 Buckthorn; Mrs. John Beit
man, 434 South Fourteenth; Miss
Fannie P. Mellinger, 142,1 Swatara;
Mrs. Remine, 243 8. Thirteenth; Mrs.
Herps, 1405 'Berryhill; Mrs. C. A. Ben
dor, 238 South Fourteenth; iMrs. Keef
er. 150S Hunter; Augustus liendig, 532
South Sixteenth; Mrs. C. Davidson, 420
South Seventeenth; Mr. and Mrs.
BarnhariT. 1813 Swatara; Thomas Wil
son, 43 7 South Sixteenth.
Third Ward—Mr. and Mrs. Amos
Snyder, 116 Ohestmit.
Fourth Ward —Mrs. Forrer, 318
North Second; Mrs. Steilman, 209 Bar
bara; Mrs. Bover, 213 Pine; Miss Jam
ison, 128 Walnut; H. B. Wolbert, Briggs
and Third.
Fifth Ward—-Mrs. W. P. Stuart, 906
Green: Mr. Mover, 113 Plum; Mrs.
Fritcbey, 911 North Wei.rond; Mrs.
Wontcrsz. 433 Boas.
Sixth Ward-—Mr. Burgoon, 508 ('ai
der: Mrs. John Boyles, 511 Older; Wil
liam Carpenter, 1331 Penn; Mrs. Alice
Hutshison, 1511 Pcnu; Mrs. John Mas
oner, 1337 Susquehanna; Miss Shisler,
117 Caldor; 'Miss •Hammelbaugh, 1435
North Second; Mrs. Mared, 14 30 Sus
quehanna; Mrs. Marjorie Black, 1416
Green; Mrs. Gardner, 1311 North Third.
Seventh Ward—Oscar Wert/, 1420
Herr; Mrs. Haas, ISOB Boas; W. Kenes,
1108 Cameron: Mr. and Mrs. Cayman,
1833 North Sixth; Mrs. Miller, 609
Eighth Ward —iMrs. Thompson, 116
Linden; Mis. .Shiray, 1515 State; Mrs.
Stouffer, 520 North Sixteenth; .Mrs.
Showers, 1515 State; Mrs. Thomson,
116 Linden; Mrs. T. H. Clark, 414
'North Eighteenth; S. T. Stouffer. 520
North Sixteenth; Mrs. John Willison,
1611 Apricot; Brothers Myers, 1922
Briggs; Mrs. William Hoover, 1926
Ninth Ward—Humphreys, 1403
Bumbaugh; Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Pick
ell, 21 North Seventeenth; Mrs. Mel
vin, 14 14 Market; Mr. Little, 54 North
Twelfth; Mr. Baptisti, 100 .South Thir
teenth; Mr. and Mrs. Laferty, 122 Syl
van Terrrace; Mrs. Miller, *1146 Mul
berry; B. W. Wright, 1407 Thompson;
Mrs. Keher, Mt. Pleasant Engine
House. Thirteenth and Howard; Mr.
Mrs. Shetter, 15 North Fifteenth; Mrs.
Hubers, 1441 Vernon; Mrs. Lynch, 80
North Seventeenth; F. Diehl, 1528 Re
gina: Mrs. D. Graham. 1646 Market;
Mr. Motter, 2 7 North Nineteenth; the
Rev. IT. F. Swengle, 75 North Eigh
teenth; Mrs. Secrist, 1902 Holly;
George Henry, 38 North Eighteenth;
11. Beyler, 1813 Park; Mrs. N. Y.
Parthemore, 1410 Zarker.
Tenth Ward—Mrs. Rubendall, 611
Oxford; Mr. and Mrs. Shurc, 2217
Penn; Mrs. Beumer, 2140 Green; Mrs.
J. A. McCabe, 2124 Penn; Airs. Shu
maker, 2209 North Fourth; Mrs. Bes
sie Henry, 2129 Atlas; Richard Reeser,
2<j35 North Fourth; W. J. Schubauer,
Front, and Kelkcr; Mrs. Fraim. 222!)
North Sixth; W. H. Kingkort, 502
Woodbine; Mr. and Mrs. Witmyer,
2120 Jefferson; Mrs. Al. Hilner, 3212
Jefferson; Albey H. Maugans, 2401
Fifth: Mrs. E. Smeldy, 623 Schuylkill;
Mr. and Mrs. Kontz, 610 Wiconisco;
MM. W. A. McCauhan, 2500 North
Sixth; Mrs. Zarker, 2347 Jefferson.
Eleventh Ward—R. A. Endera, 2011
North Third; Mrs. W. Dum, 19 35
North Fourth; Mr. Gerger. 1810 Sixth.
Twelfth Ward —Mrs. Whitaker, Sec
ond and Hamilton; Mrs. Boat, 1518
Penn; Mrs. Hoover, 1527 Green; Mrs.
E. E. Bartian, 1716 Green; Mrs. Peine,
1710 Penn; Mr. and Mrs. Boyle, 337
Harris; Mrs. McElwee, 1725 Logan;
Mrs. D. Hodge; Mrs. Coolwin, 315 Clin
ton avenue; Mr. and Mrs. Funk, 415
Hamilton; George Rencker, 338 Boyd
avenue; Mrs Brunner, 1633 Susque
hanna: Mrs Albright, 1536 Fulton; Mr.
and Mrs. Thompson, 1611 North Fifth;
Mrs. Mary Weigle, 1713 North Fifth;
Mr. Finton, 1632 North Sixth; Mrs.
Harry Thrush 1734 Fulton; S. L.
Y'oung, 443 Harris; Mrs. Chester, 233
Thirteenth Ward—All's. Keist. 1934
Kensington; Mrs. William Wagner,
1866 Swatara; .Mrs. Harry Shelly.
1944 Kensington; Mrs. ,1. Sheffer, 911 |
South Nineteenth; Mrs. H. Clay, 5351
Hetrich; Felix Lutz, 1921 South 21%; 1
Mrs. Dickel. 705 Garfield; Mr. and Mrs. j
Penginger, Greenwood.
Surrounding Towns—Mrs. Charles
ScliulT, Busier avenue, Lcinoyue; C. G.'
Hoerner, 17*1 Hummel avenue, I.e
moyne; Mrs. William Shuff, Lemoyne;
Mrs. M. L. Bice, Lemoyne; Q. B. Slot
hower, Herman avenue, Lenioyne; Mrs.
Garnel, Herman avenue, Lemoyne;
Mrs. (I. K. Bentz, Lemoyne; Mrs. Prank,
40 Brick Church road; Mrs. fake, West
Fair view; Mr. Kteinfolt, Knola; John
Rider, Knots*; Mr. Bufßngton, Knola;
Frank Stouffer, Knola.
< ooliniiod I'roin Firnt I'IIKT.
time to decide what she wanted al
though sue said it was her husband's
dying request that she consult Seiferd
before disposing of any property or
making any investments."
Mrs. Susan Albright said she re
mained with her sister, Mrs. Adams,
during the few days preceding her
death on August 23, last.
"We wanted our sister .to go to the
hospital for an operation but she ig
nored our pleas, saying she first must
obtain the advice of Seiferd. Dr. Kil
gore and Dr. Walters advised her that
she could not live more than ten or
twelve hours longer unless she was op
erated upon, but she again protested,!
saying: '1 won't go to the hospital un
til I consult with Mr. Seiferd.' She
repeated that three times.
"Finally we got Seiferd on the tele
phono and he came to the house about
two hours later. Ho came into the bed
room. 1 was at my sister's side and he
whispered to her: 'You go to the hos
pital. Life is sweet and you'll come
out all right.' Then slip was willing
to go. After they took sister to the
hospital Seiferd said: 'Never mind;
they're trying to rob us, but we'll rob
them.' "
Dip witness said she knew of no
reason for Seiferd making that re
On cross examination Mrs. Albright
"I saw all of the 'force bags' that
my sister wore. You saw them. You
ought to be convinced of that pretty
Auxiliary Holds Annual Convention at
St. Paul's Church To-day
The woman's auxiliary of the Penn
syhania Baptist State convention held
its annual session at St. Paul's church
to-day. The meu will hold their last
business session to-morrow and Sunday
services will bring the convention to a
List evening's session was devotid
to 15-minute talks on various educa
tional institutions connected with the
Baptist churches. The Rev. Dr. E. W.
Moore spoke ot' the Priscilla Home;
the Rev. Dr. T. H. C. Messer, of the
Fairfax Baby Home; the Rev. Dr. B.
Woods, on the Virginia Seminary and
College, ami the Rev Dr. W. A. Cred
itt, on the Downingtown Industrial
School. The educational sermon was
preached by the Rev. Dr. F. M. Hedg
inan, S. T. D.
Campaign Orators Are Heard By
Crowds in and Out of the City
Four meetings of Republican party
men were held in this county last even
ing, two of which were in Harrisburg.
More than a hundred electors attended
a meeting in Unglestown and a Crowd
of the same size turned out for a mass
meeting in Grantville.
. The 'Benth Ward Republicans liad a
walk around, fully a hundred and fifty
participating, while a crowd estimated
at three hundred attended a meeting in
the Court House where addresses, were
made by Arthur H. Hull, Frank Gray
and Harry F. Oves, chairman of the
Republican City Committee. The Tenth
Ward meeting was addressed by Jesse
K. B. Cunningham, Deputy Attorney
General, and James H. Craig, Deputy
Secretary of Internal Affairs.
British Lord Killed in Action
London, Oct. 23. 3.40 I'. M.—News
has been received here of the death in
action of Lord John Spencer Cavendish,
son of the late- Lord Kdward Caven
dish and youngest brother of the Duke
of Devonshire. Lord Cavendish, who
was born iii 1875, was a major in the
First Life Guards.
There may be pleasures in being
poor, but it takes a rich man to see
loiitlnurd Krnm KirM l'uj{r.
State committee until, this last spring
when the party rules were revised. The
Republican party would not undertake
to do this. It recognizes the law. I
imagine your honor knows what the
trouble is with this Democratic party.'*
"No, I don't," quickly responded
Judge McCarreil.
Refers to Democratic Factions
"Well, you read it in the papers, just
the same as I did. They have organ
ized themselves into two factions. Tlicro
is trouble between them and now they
want to come and arrogate the rights
of others—rights that don't belong to
"Two Democrats were nominated for
the Legislature in the Seventeenth dis
trict and two have withdrawn, for pur
poses known to themselves, and mem
bers of the executive committee of the
State committee now undertake to fill
the vacancy, a right which we claim
they do not have, but which we furth
er contend is vested only,—now that
the primaries have passed,—in the
hands of the city committee.
"But like all other good party men
they are taking orders. They substi
tuted nominations and they acted for
the people who had previously acted
for themselves, lip until April, 1914
we submit it was before the primaries
—the StatjaJCommitteo
recognized that it' was 'wflwrnit 'author
ity to make substitutions—why it even
cannot lill vacancies in its own com
"Until then it recognized Home Rule
and was a really Democratic commit
tee. It was brutal. What is the use
of holding a primary or giving to the
city or county committees the powers
of filling vacancies jn the city if those
powers are to be taken away from
them by the State Committee? There
is no law, or if there is, 1 would like
to know where the law is, that would
give the Democratic party or any other
party the right, through its State Com
mittee, to fill vacancies such as this and
assume control of the rights to the city
or county committee,"
Argues for State Committee
During argument presented by
Henry Walnut, another Philadelphia
attorney, who appeared for the Demo
cratic State Committee, Judge McCar
reil asked:
"Isn't it a violation of the spirit
of the primary election laws which
were passed to take out. of the .hands
of a political committee the poller of
making nominations, for the State Com
mittee to make substitutions to fill va
cancies where candidates have with
drawn? ''
'Yes, that is so," said Walnut, "but
we contend that it is not more so than
if the substitution had been made by
the City Committee."
"I can see," said Judge McCarreil,
"why the State Committee should un
dertake to fill s vacancy in cases where
the nominee ultimately is to be voted
for by the state-at-large, but this is en
tirely a different proposition."
Walnut went on to say that the Dem
ocratic State Committee is the supreme
body of that party and in view of the
fact its laws, to some extent, govern
the city and county committees, and
added: "If the State Committee is not
vested with authority of filling such
vacancies, 1 am afraid the party-will
be utterly disorganized."
When the Democratic State Commit
tee revised its rules last spring author
ity was given, under those rules, to the
executive committee of that body to
fill congressional, senatorial and legis
lative vacancies. It is the legality of
that rule which the court is now being
asked to pass upon.-
Special Session of the Hebrew Ladies'
Aid Society
A special meeting of the Board of
Directors of the Hebrew Indies' Aid
Society was held last night at the home
of Mrs. Eli Goldstein, 1934 North
Third street. The following members
were present:
Mrs. D. Cooper, president; Mrs. X.
Gross, vice president: Mrs. Eli Gold
stein, secretary; Mrs. L. Cohen, Mrs.
Marcus, Mrs. Weiner. Mrs. D. Donsic,
Mrs. N. Garonzik, Mrs. L Kay, Mrs.
L. Brenner, Mrs. William, Mrs. Aron
son, Mrs. D. Cohen, Mrs. Shampa, Mrs.
Holbert and Mrs. Annie Isaaeman.
No Arbor Ray Observsnce
Except where individuals observed
Arbor Day by planting trees. Hie re was
no concerted obseivation of the dav in
Harrisburg. .No special tree-planting
exercises were held in the local schools,
so far as School Board officials learned
this morning.
The Dean Will Probably Also Kem&in
to Address Washington Party Mass
Meeting in the Evening of That
William Draper Lewis, who will be
one of the speakers at the Washington
party meeting to be held here next
Thursday morning, after former [Presi
dent Theodore Roosevelt arrives, may
remain in Harrifburg to address a big
mass meeting to be held in the evening
of that day.
Colonel Roosevelt will speak in the
Chestnut street auditorium in the morn
ing at 10 o'clock and then depart from
the city. The evening raily is planned
for the benefit of the workiugmeu who
will not be able to attend the morning
meeting. A. F. Thompson, a Dauphin
county attorney, who was stricken
blind through injuries sustained while
endeavoring to blast tree stumps on his
farm in the upper end of the county,
will preside at the meeting. The Rev.
Dr. William N. Yates, pastor of the
J'ou vth Street Church of God, will de
liver the invocation. Charles E. 1/an
(lis will be chairman of the reception
Washington party meetings will bo
held at Sixth and Verbeko streets, this
city, and at Halifax this evening. The
speakers at Halifax will be .1. 15. Alar
tin and W. W. Lenker, Legislative can.
didates, who are seeking re-election, to
gether with Harry B. Saussaman, au
attorney. R. M. Dunlaw, city chair
man of the Washington party; Ira J.
Mosey, chairman of the county commit
tee, together with James W. Barker and
Wilmer Crow, candidates for the Legis
lature from the First district, will ad
dress the meeting in Harrisburg.
Democrats of the Fourth ward last
evening organized a Palmer-McCormick
Club with the election of the following
officers: President, iHarry A. Gault:
vice president, William S.Rhoads, and
secretary, Douglass Royal.
Mrs. Wesley Metzger yesterday gave
the Palmer-McCofmick league a hand
somelv-framed picture of Mr. Palmer
and Mr. McCormick. The picture will
be hung in the league headquarters.
All Efforts to Adjourn Sine Die Failed
Again To-day—Both Houses
Meet To-morrow
By Associated Press,
Washington, Oct. 23.—A1l efforts to
adjourn Congress sine die failed again
to-day and the Senate by adjourning
over to noon tomorrow postponed the
end of the session at least another day.
Talk of President Wilson exercisiug
his constitutional privilege and ad
journing Congress was general in of
ficials circles but nothing materialized.
Senate leaders hoped some arrange
ment could be made to pass the bank
law amendments and the cotton ware
house bill, for which cotton States
members were filibustering, without the
necessary quorum, to-morrow.
In the House the filibuster continued
before a quorumless body when ad
journment was taken until noon to-mor
Landsturm Call Not Necessary
Berlin. Oct. 23 (By Wireless) —The
general in command of tho German Sev
enth army corps, it jivas stated officially
in Berlin to-day, has declared that tho
calling out of the landsturm is unneces
sary as enormous numbers of the land-'
wehr were still available. Nor has it
yet been necessary to call out volun
English Judge Expresses Regret
Berlin, Oct 23 (By Wireless) —The
following statement in the matter of
recent anti-German demonstrations in
London has been given out in official
quarters: ''The Fnglish judge, in the
course of the proceedings against the
perpetrators of these anti-German out
rages, expressed regret at the doctrine
that foreigners in England are out
Ordered to Leave Ostend
London, Oct. 23, 5.01 A. M.—A dis
, ateh from Rotterdam to the "Daily
Telegraph" states that the English anil
French still in Ostend and other Bel
gian coast towns have been ordered to
leave within two hours. They are obey
ing. the mandate anil are crossing the
Dutch frontier.
There is no evil in the world with
out a remedy.
i Service Will Be Performed by Railroad
> 1 for All Such Freight Shipped to
: New York Between Now and No
vember 30
' The Pennsylvania Railroad will car
t ry free to New York all Christmas gifts
t for Belgian orphans and refugees of the
. European war. This free service will
r be performed for all such freight,
shipped by organized societies between
' now and November 30.
I The following notice on this subject.
was issued to-day to representatives of
3 the Freight Traffic Department of tho
. Pennsylvania Railroad:
( "It has now been decided that wo
will carry gifts free over our line, up
to and including November 30, 1914.
> "It appears up to the present timo
r there are two (2) distinct agencies at
i I work collecting gifts, as follows:
,1 "I—Committees which are working
> in conjunction with Belgian Consuls,
gathering gifts for account of Belgian
• war refugees and sufferers. Shipments
• from this source, should be consigned! -
• ! from chairman of the Belgian Relief
3 1 Committee in charge of the work, to
"I Pierce Mali, Belgian Consul, 25 Madi
son avenue, New York, and billed to
'|Pier 28. Goods should be described
las clothing, personal effects, etc., and
marked as 'Gifts for Belgian Sufferers.'
i i. 2 —-pile Child Federation of Phila
• delphia, and Christmas Ship Society
elsewhere, are gathering Christmas
' gifts for the orphans of European war.
These goods we understand will be con
-1 signed to some officer connected with
the Red Cross Society, and are intend
• ed to be shipped on United , States
' steamship Mason,' which at this time
we are informed will dock at Bush
Terminal, New York. We are advised
the 'Jason' will sail on November 10,
but goods are needed at de<tinnti »n
. several days in advance. Shipni'nN
from this source should be shippe I in
; the name of an officer of the Child Fed
j oration of Philadelphia, or an oftic» .
or agency of tile Christmas .Ship Si
, ciety, the organization or committal
' being shown after title of the ollii- v,
. and billed to a designated officer of thu
I Red Cross Society, care of I nite I
States Steamship 'Jasan,' Bush Terml
nal, and after description of arlic i ■
should be shown 'Christmas Gift< fur
tlfe Orphans of European War.' Wlioi
|we obtain name of officer of the l.'e I
I Cross Society at New . York, we will
■ i advise further."
i Thomas 18. Hastings. Oharleroi; M. R.
; Smith, iMcKeesport, and Norman B. Les
-3 j lie, Wellsboro, were this morning ap
. pointed by t'he Dauphin county court,
C as ins[)cctors to examine the new'bridges
- constructed over the Whenango river, one
- in Ohonango and the other connecting
, Hempfield and West Salem townships,
- Mercer county.
Many Tax Cases
i W ; hen the Board of Revision of Taxes
J and Appeals, composed of the four City
Commissioners and the •Mayor, meets on
1 November 27, it is expected that be
- tween 250 and 300 cases will 'be up
- for consideration. Appeals may bo
taken in only a few cases, however.
Confer on River Steps
The meniibers of t'he Board of Public
Works to-day said they would go into
session lute this afternoon or this even
ing and confer with the S'tucker Broth
ers' Construction Company relative 1o
removing silt and refuse from the river
'bed immediately in front, of the river
• front steps. The contractors hope to
effect an arrangement wherCbv dirt ex
cavated from the Second street suibway
site may be used for filling in back of
5 the steps.
i Pay for Morton Truck
1 The IM'orton- Truck and Trai'tov Qnm
' pany was to-day paid $3,4 00 for the
> new combination chemical' and hose
wagon which has been turned over to
s t'he 'Friendship Fire Company.
Marriage Licenses
Roy Kugle and Evangeline Bals
baugh, city.
Clyde K. Keagel, city, and Mamie LM.
J Turns, Lucknow.
Another Protest by Uncle Sain
1 Washington. Oct. 23. —The United
• States has decided to formally j rot ok I
' to Great Britain against the seizuri
of the Standard Oil ship, the Platuria
demanding her release from British ne
• tention at Stornowav, a jiort in Ih
Lewis Island, Scotland.