6 lines' EKII BIT 1f.16 It Will Be Held in Con nection With the Wel fare a n d Efficiency Conference BUSY ARRANGING FINAL DETAILS Conference Will Be Held in Hall of House of Representatives—Over 1,800 Accredited Representatives of Manufacturers Expected to Attend With more than SO per cent, of the space in both Chestnut street halls sub scribed, the manufacturers' exhibit in connection with the second annual wel ■. fare and efficiency conference, to be \ held here during the week of November 16, promises to be better than last year. Paul Gendcll, director of exhibits, is busy arranging details for different exhibits, which will have for their pur pose promotion of the safety first move ment. in factories throughout the State. An added feature of labor-saving de .vices for the office and home will be given a good part of the exhibit this year. More than 1,800 accredited repre sentatives of manufacturers will attend the conference, which will be held in the hall of the ilouse of Representa tives. The program for this meeting is being arranged by Dr. John Price Jackson, Commissioner of Labor and Industry. Sessions will be held No vember 17. IS and 19. The Engineers' Society of Pennsyl vania is co-operating .vith Dr. Jackson and has arranged for two smokers to be held at the club house. Front and Chestnut streets. One smoker will be for the men in charge of the various exhibits and the other for representa tives at the conference. Exhibits of safety and sanitary ap pliances have been invited and will make up a good part of the exhibit, welfare work in the interest of the fac tory employe being one of the chief reasons for the exhibit. Engineers' and contractors' equipment, shop tools and supplies, office equipment and 1 abor saving devises in the home will be shown. Mr. Gendell has been assured • hat many moving exhibits will be shown. A nominal charge of ten cents will f Agriculture are stationed along the border to prevent the entrance of any cattle that have not passed a thorough examination. Many tubercular cattle have been turned 'back. Formerly there was trouble along the Ohio border, but the Ohio laws are now quite strict, also, and no more annoy aye is experienced there. Much cholera 'has prevailed this year, but the State has spent less money tor animals seized and killed during the ten months of 1914 t'han during the first ten months of most other years. Heinz Co. Increases Stock The H. J. Heinz Company, of Pitts burgh, has filed notice of increase of stock from $6,000,000 to $8,000,000. H. .1. Heinz paid into the State Treas ure $6,666.67 as a bonus on $2,000,- 000. Requisitions Issued by Tener Governor Tener yesterday issued a requisition on the Governor of Virginia for Jean LaMotte, wanted in • Lehigh county on a charge of larceny. He also issued a requisition on the Gov ernor of Illinois for Andrew Messinger, wanted in Northampton county on a forgery charge. Charter Granted The A. Weinstein Company, of Phil adelphia, to-day obtained a charter to manufacture and sell ladies' and chil dren's wearing apparel and embroid eries. Capital stock, SIO,OOO. A charter was granted the Tobylianna Fruit Co., of .Monroe county capital. $30,000. The Erie Iron and Steel Co., capital stock, $5,000. The Ba varian Brewing Co., of Philadelphia; capital stock, $5,000. The Preferred Realty Co., of Philadelphia; capital stock, $5,000. Meeting of Board of Medical Education A meeting of the Board of Medical Education and Licensure will be held on Capitol Hill November 4. Public Service Hearings The most important case before the Public Service Commission was the ap plication of the New York Central and Hudson River Railroad Company, the Lake Shoro and Michigan (Southern Railroad Company, and nine other rail road company for the approval of the commission on a merger of all eleven companies, the merged railroad to be known as the New York Central Rail road Company. Sausage Doctored, It Is Alleged Commissioner Foust, of the Dairy and Food Department, has received a number of letters complaining that some Pennsylvania sausages are being sold with an undue amount of cereal and water added. Mr. Foust has order ed samples to be secured and analyzed. If the charges prove true criminal pro ceedings will be instituted. Pay Day at tlie Capitol To-day is pay day on Capitol Hill. Typhoid in Tower City The State Department of Health has sent engineers and physicians to Tower City, Schuylkill county, to investigate the typhoid outbreak there. There are now 34 cases, with a number of addi tional "suspects." A dozen patients patients have been removed to the Pottsville hospital. Game Rreserves The State will probably have $300,- 000 as its biennial income to spend for game preserves, and the game commis sioners are now looking over the State fur the best places to purchase. Dr. Kalbfus, commissioner, with Dr. C. B. Penrose, John M. Phillips and William B. McC'aleb, of this city, have just re turned from a week's inspection o{ places in Lycoming, Cameron, Potter, Huntingdon and Perry counties. Dr. Penrose is president of the Board of Game Commissioners. This commission receives no return at all for its work and its time. Not even the expenses of the members are paid, but they are all lovers of song birds and of game. License Money Reports show that the money receiv ed by the State for hunters' licenses this year, will probably exceed the $305,000 of last year. One half of the amount received must be returned in bounties. The rest after the meeting of the Legislature, goes to the work of the commission. Take Interest in Mummers' Parade A representative of the Harrisburg Chamber of Commerce will attend the next meeting of the Harrisburg Mum mers' Association at police headquar ters next Wednesday night. Assistant City Clerk Ross R. Seaman will also be present to explain to what extent City Council can aid the association in the observance of New Year's Day. Employes Share in $200,000 Profits By Associated Press, Youngstown, 0., Oct. 23.—The V'oungstown Sheet and Tube Company distributed to-day $200,000 to employ es under a profit-sharing arrangements. The payment represents three per cent, of the pay roll for the past year und all employes participate. HARRISBURG SI 1 for All Such Freight Shipped to : New York Between Now and No vember 30 ' The Pennsylvania Railroad will car t ry free to New York all Christmas gifts t for Belgian orphans and refugees of the . European war. This free service will r be performed for all such freight, shipped by organized societies between ' now and November 30. I The following notice on this subject. was issued to-day to representatives of 3 the Freight Traffic Department of tho . Pennsylvania Railroad: ( "It has now been decided that wo will carry gifts free over our line, up to and including November 30, 1914. > "It appears up to the present timo r there are two (2) distinct agencies at i I work collecting gifts, as follows: ,1 "I—Committees which are working > in conjunction with Belgian Consuls, gathering gifts for account of Belgian • war refugees and sufferers. Shipments • from this source, should be consigned! - • ! from chairman of the Belgian Relief 3 1 Committee in charge of the work, to "I Pierce Mali, Belgian Consul, 25 Madi son avenue, New York, and billed to '|Pier 28. Goods should be described las clothing, personal effects, etc., and marked as 'Gifts for Belgian Sufferers.' i i. 2 —-pile Child Federation of Phila • delphia, and Christmas Ship Society elsewhere, are gathering Christmas ' gifts for the orphans of European war. These goods we understand will be con -1 signed to some officer connected with the Red Cross Society, and are intend • ed to be shipped on United , States ' steamship Mason,' which at this time we are informed will dock at Bush Terminal, New York. We are advised the 'Jason' will sail on November 10, but goods are needed at de new combination chemical' and hose wagon which has been turned over to s t'he 'Friendship Fire Company. Marriage Licenses Roy Kugle and Evangeline Bals baugh, city. Clyde K. Keagel, city, and Mamie LM. J Turns, Lucknow. Another Protest by Uncle Sain 1 Washington. Oct. 23. —The United • States has decided to formally j rot ok I ' to Great Britain against the seizuri of the Standard Oil ship, the Platuria demanding her release from British ne • tention at Stornowav, a jiort in Ih Lewis Island, Scotland.