pleasant by new store arrangement— I Saturday Hours ] call 1991-ANY 'phone.*#"H* j JSXHPTTICWId onfelv orifew ScWc Elevate" 9A. M. and Closes at /?/WJW/7yfyj/ HARRISBURfi'fi POPULAR WMBTMIWT STOM VICP. * TO " V / V—____HARRIS•URS'S POPULAR DCPAPTMENT STORK < ! We Direct Attention to Readiness of Women's Garment Section for Your Season's Needs The utmost care has been taken in selecting correct styles and we can assure our patrons that notwithstanding the scarcity of many of the most desirable fabrics that the same high standard this department is noted for will be maintained. Broadcloth Suits—anil we show none but good grades of broadcloth, ! fat .... $17.50, $20.00, $25.00, 835.00 and up io $50.00 Poplin Suits—Pure wool poplin; in medium and heavy cords, at $15.00, $17.50, $25.00 and $35.00 Gabardines and Men's Wear Serge Suits-mostlv imported cloths, at $12.50, $15.00, $20.00, $25.00, $30.00 and $35.00 Cheviot and Serge Suits—Domestic goods, at SIO.OO, $12.50 and $15.00 Smart Suits With Shorter Coats for Young Women and Short Women Broadcloths—and Many of Them With Fur Trimmings s~N certainly cannot wear them—and that's why we buy the suits with the j y'J shorter eoats. They're pretty—and smart looking. Fur trimmings , y are very fashionable—but every woman will not want fur trimmings | ' on her suit. We have opened both kinds. Prices are $15.00 to $35.00 Misses' and Women's Coats, $5.00 to $50.00 Our assortments are complete, ready for von to choose from. Every j wanted material and every fashionable style is here. Broadcloth, Zibeline and Imported Mixture Coats, $15.00 to $50.00 In these the assortment has never been so good—so attractive as j now. Compliments have been showered—"the prettiest coats in town" is heard every hour of the day. Navy and Waffle Kersey Cloth Coats, $5.98 . In an up-to-date model, three-quarter length, in misses' and women's English College Coats. $5.98 to §IO.OO \W- V l )lait,s in and subdued colors. The coat that every girl (85) l\ ~ V V >yV wants —the sport coat of the year. Tartan Plaid and Boucle Coats, §IO.OO to $20.00 In splendid style array. Coats of quality as well as style. Mostly | Wiles models —copies of very high priced eoats. Corsets That Give Perfect Fitting Lines Special showing of new Kali Models .just re ceived. New fashions demand new figure lines — and this demand is fully met in the showing ol ail popular makes—giving individuality desired by womeji of correct taste. New models that al ford proper foundation for the new gowns are here i that meet fashion's dictates in every particular. Visit our new Corset Department on the Second Floor —you not only have the privacy of an ex clusive shop hut a full line of all the leading makes to select from. Henderson's Rustless Corset, made of contil; low, medium and high bust; two hooks at bottom; draw string at top. Spjcial, 851.00 Henderson Corsets —made of coutil: low, medium and high bust, heavy hose sup port ers. Special sl*oo Henderson Corsets—made of coutil: double strength. v graduated clasp; embroidery trimmed at top with draw string. Special, $1.50 Henderson Corsets me dium and ,lo\v bust; long skirt; thre| pair hose sup porters; hooks at bottom, ribbon lacers below hooks. ' Special • $2.00 j Henderson Corsets—made 1 of brocade and coutil; me dium and low bust; extra long skirt; three pair hose . supporters; wide embroidery trimming; ribbon run at top. IJpeuiai $3.00 Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. NOTIONS A good list ol' items in the Notion De partment to get you acquainted with our new quarters in tenter aisle, rear main floor. •T. &P. < 'oats' six- j 500-yard spools bast foril machine thread, in«f cotton, o spools, 10c 5c snap fasteners, j sewing silk 5c black and white, all Net G uimpes, black sizes, dozer and white, all, l!sc 10c inside belting, H| ack and white gir 3el in, IYz to 5 inches ."»<• brass hooks and wide, yard, eyes, 2 cards, 3c 12*2 c and 15c "m* sowing needles, ! . Basque foundations, packs, 5c 50c 10c, 12 Vic and. 15c. j «irdle foundations, washable dress shields, | Tl «oc, _oc, and 125 c I! pairs, 33c 1 ressmaker s wire, ... ~ , „- card 5c and 10c ', Bnf ' - 01 ' Leaded Tape, yard, rubber buttons, dozen, 1c j ' joe 10c silk middy lacers, 5c Hooks and Eyes, 5c best high grade black, white, yard steel scissors 25c 15c and 35c 75c best high grade "Out-o-style" press steel scissors, ;{»c stud tape, yard, ...35c On sale on the Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. CALL 1991-ANY "PHONE.-W* "3£" FOUNDED 1871 •/ JSjowmatid HARRIS BURG'S POPULAR DEPARTMENT STOPS HARRISBURG STAR-INDEPENDENT. FT?[DAY EVENING. OCTOBER 23. 1914. Dress Trimmings ■ Latest novelties that give the finishing touch to the coat, suit or gown. FUR TRIMMINGS | Coney, Bear, Russian Mink, Ermine and Monkey ; i Fur, i/o inch to 2 inches wide. Yard, 25£ to $1.75 MARABOU TRIMMINGS | Black, natural, white, pink and litflit blue. Yard, i t 25 inch to 4 inches wide. Yard, 10<* to SI.OO On Sale on Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. Here You Will Find Furniture of All Kind for Your Home Whether you are furnishing your house through- ' out or need only a new chair, table or any odd piece, it will be to your advantage to see the 1 display these opening Fall days. The furniture is attractively displayed in suites to show you how they will look in your own home. ! Experienced salesmen will be pleased to show ! I and help select your needs. Brass Beds j This $20.00 continuous post Brass Bed, 514.95 $12.00 Brass Bed, $7.95 ! Bright or dull finish, lacquer guaranteed for 5 | years. slti.oo continuous post Brass 8ed,.. . .5811.75 $35.00 massive 2V 2 -inch post Brass Bed, $27.75 Dressers This $25.00 Quartered Oak Colonial Dresser, $2.).0() Chiffonier to match," $18.50 $25.00 Princess Dresser to match, $18.50 $19.95 quartered oak Colonial bed to match x... $15.50 Filth FIoor—BOWMAN'S. MEN'S HATS ' Men's and Young Men's soft Felt Mats tor Fall and Winter—Every shape and size is here —high crown telescoped ; and diamond shapes, with bound and raw edges, contrasting bands on brown, blue, gray, mouse and wine shades. Prices at $1.50 and $2.00 Men's new black stiff hats with new heavy ribbed bands at $1.50 and $2.00 . We are showing four styles of Eng j lish cloth stitched hats, high crowns at , $1.50 Imported Austrian Velour Hats in black, green and brown at $4.95 Caps of every description for bovs and men, for play, school, golf, auto aiid gunning, : ' I «■ I Exceptional Price Offerings in Millinery: Beautiful Trimmed Hats I; Large Assortment of Untrimmed Hats and Trimmings ; j These go to make the selection of your hat an easy j /f matter here. 4\ ® eaut^ Ostrich Trimmed Hats at \ \ I If The plumes alone are worth more. / \ \ | K r/ - V- W j Fine Silk Velvet Hats at Ij \ \T j 9sc, $1.49, $1.98 and up i l!j J \ /j BlaCk Hatter ' S Plush ts ' g F§e Picture shape, at / • I \ 7 / Trimmings of all kinds at 'y ] \y 49c and up , Second Floor —BOWMAN'S < I /' v , Collar and Cuff Sets Very Special at 25c Fresh from the New York makers comes a large j shipment of the popular laundered collar and cuff I sets—twelve dozen in all; the kind that has sold right along for 50c. Ali go on sale Saturday at 25^ Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. *- Select Furs Early Have the advantage of choosing while assortments are full, j Complete display of newest styles with double or straight ani i inal neek-pieces: pillow, barrel or rug style muffs. Handsome coats in full length and cutaway effects; set-in or j raglan sleeves with new high collar. See the showing in Suit 1 Section, Second Floor. Demonstrating Saturday How to boil Mush in Wear-Ever Aluminum without stirring. Also baking apples in the hanuy Wear-Ever Roaster. . Basement—BOWMAN'S. Hair Goods Sale Extraordinary I Beginning to-morrow, we" will place on sale, ou j ■ special tables, Street Floor, the most remarkable value j | in hair goods that we have ever offered. About 500 Natural Wavy Switches. The /» usual $2.50 and $3.00 qualities at Jt $1.25 ' are and 26 inches long, made of lustrous, natural wavv hair and mounted on three short stems. We have them in every j KoMjI slmde exee,Jt & ra . v * not fail to visit this wonderful hair goods sale and supply your ! OTPw Trained hairdressers to match your hair j w perfectly. Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S. MEN'S CLOTHING Suits and Overcoats of very superior quality, in exceptionally good styles and involving purchases from 4 ! several prominent manufacturers whose style-leadership is unquestionable. ' Every fashionable material for this Fall is represented—and the designs are < distinctive, giving you a wide choice from ultra-fashionable English models and the < conservative American business style. < Men's and Young Men's Suits at $9.90 and $12.50 Uf ; A complete line of fashionable suits i the new colorings—such as Blue Unfiu- 4 j ished Worsteds, Brown Herringbone, Wo steds, Blue Serges, Tartan Check of 4 j brown and green, blue and green, brown aid blue combinations. These are cut in \ 4 | 3-bptton conservative as well as the new English close fitting models; alpaca and < I serge lined. Sizes, 32 to 44. * [• at $9.90 and $12.50 Men's and Young Men's Suits at $15.00 i At-this price we show about'twenty different patterns, besides blues and blacks. f //lwf/wlift 4 : Every new check, stripe or weave in all- »vool worsteds and cassimeres in grav, tan, J fIII I \|« ji \\ 4 green, blue, brown and mixtures; English models, soft rolling fronts with narrow (// iI J f Ij 11 < ! shoulders, high cut vest and straight trousers f6r the young men. For the more f Urn |j|i| \\ 4 conservative we show three different models. A size and model to tit vou. "Tff//| II W i slso ° " J 111 A new showing of Balmacaau Coats—those swagger outer coats that art* Jgg gk \i i much right now. Convertible collars, satin sleeves and yoke, weather- ) 4 At $9.90, $12.50 and $15.00 : On Sale on the Third Floor —BOWMAN'S. 4 Ribbons and Neckwear | Ribbons for bows and girdles. You'll be pleased with the \ dainty neckwear to be bad for 25c and up to SI.OO. laffeta Ribbons, 4 inches wide, in till the. new shades. Yard. f ls <* \ 2oe and 2!le fancy Persian Ribbons. Yard S Laundered collar and enff sets 50c and SI .00 J Pique cuff and collar sets 2f»" ami 5W )' I I'ango flare collars in lace aud organdie, .... 25c and 50c'* Organdie and lace vestees 25f to SI.OO i On Sale Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. Belts and Girdles J Ladies* fancy girdles in the new basque and buttovflv bow ' styles, at 50c to frii.OO ) Ladies' hand bags and party boxes with leather and moire )\ j linings, at 30c to 85.1)5 j ! I N Ladies' and children's patent leather bells: also Suede vestees, }' 25c and 50f> j | Ladies' and gentlemen's coin purses and bill books at / IOC To 91.95} Ladies' black elastic belts 50tf J On ShU? Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. j WOMEN'S GOWNS Comfortable Garments for Winter Wear Flannelette gowns in stripes of pink and blue, yoke and collar 4 I trimmed in finishing braid. Special, 50«* < Flannelette Gowns, with double yokes, with and without col- 1 lars, stripes of pink, blue and grey. Special, 75c aud SI.OO < Extra size flannelette gowns; double yokes, with and without * collars, neat stripes and plain white, extra wide sit hips. Spe- i I eial SI.OO and SI .25 < Flannelette Skirts; neat stripes, scalloped edare at bottom. i Prices are 25c, 49C and 59* < On Sale Second Floor —BOWMAN'S. i Open Stock Dinner ware j 28 patterns, including domestic porcelain, Knglish porcelain, i German and French china. You can purchase any quantity of pieces—up to full dinner set. * 100-pieee Dinner Sets from open stock patterns at SS.9O, 59.50, $13.90, $14.50, $15.00, SIG.«O, $17.50,' $20.00 and up to $69.50. * SPECIAL —100-piece Dinner Sets —not open stock; gold deeo- rations. Set, st».9o 100-piece Dinner Set, floral decoration, ;*old trimmed. Set. 4 $8.90 ' On Sute Basenieut —BOWMAN'S. ' _ i 5