4 Special 4 Piece Set of Guaranteed Pure ALUMINUM WARE consisting of one 6 qt. Preserving Kettle, one 6 qt. Lipped Sauce Pan,' one 8 qt. Berlin Kettle and Lid, one 2 qt. Coffee Percolator. This is one of the best values we have m tigm msn ever had to offer to the trade. The Per- /m 2 JjjL colator alone is worth $3.50 and the set is rirafceJL § a $6.50 Value for j£# Jt %Jr You Can Have Your Purchase Charged g Furniture Our Libera! Terms 1 Carpets wee^yon $20.001 StOVeS 312 Market Street SI.OO 44 " $50.00 | 8.000 INDIGENT BELGIANS REFUSE TO CO TO ANTWERP Flushing, Holland, Oct. 23, Via Don ilon, 4.30 P. M.—A total of 8,000 pen niless Belgians quartered in Flushing refuse absolutely to return to their homes in Antwerp or other Belgian eit- ; ies in the hands of the Germans. It is true a thousand refugees did go hack , to Antwerp Wednesday and an equal number left yesterday but the move ment to get large numbers to return t.) the cities in the possession of the en ■ my has been futile. All the school and church buildings of Flushing are at the present time o - , cupied by impoverished Belgians. The schools have been dismissed to accom modate them. The normal population of! this city is 20,000 but it is to-day aug • men ted by probably 10,000 Belgians, only 2,000 of whom have fnuds and are able to pay their way. The miiuici-. palitv is bearing the expense of feeding and sheltering tho«e who are without money. Many refugees are leaving dailv for ' I THE TAXICAB IN WAR; AN EXCITING INCIDENT IN THE DEVASTATED TOWN OF SENLIS " ••- * ••T ■ ■ - Y,:- i alii I Mr. Harold A*hton, whoso vivid descriptions of the war have appeared in tlio London "Daily News" and who is now at the front, has supplied F. Matania, special artist for this newspaper, the i New NorU "Herald and the London "Sphere, with careful details of this thrilling episode. After being in occupation of Benlis, France, for three days, burning the town, shooting the Mayor aud the! two principal inhabitants, the Germans were, suddenly surprised by a dash of Turcos, who whirled into the town in taxicabs. and after a fierce fig«ht drove out the invaders. * » I I England, but the Belgian and British I governments have not granted the re ; quest of Flushing for transports to fa cilitate this movement and as a result I the burden of Flushing has not been lifted. All the municipal officers as well ias the school teachers, are at work | feeding the refugees. Soup and meat j is given for dinner, ami the other meals consist of meat, bred, cheese and coffee, i consist of meat, bread, cheese, coffee, iron them and cook their meals in the school houses. At night they sleep on ! straw and the seats. Physicians are keeping careful watch to see that no serious illness breaks out, but the strain of the whole situation is greater than the philanthropic citizens yf Flushing can stand much longer. Hundreds of the refugees are sleep -1 iug in fishermen's boats in the harbor and on the sands along the water front their children in large numbers play all i day long. A Dutch cruiser stands guard at the Scheldt. Others Copy War Risk Insurance Washington, D. ('., Oct. 23.—War risk marine insurance bureaus, similar I to that recently put in operation bv the I'nited States, have been established I TIARRTSBURG STAR-INDEPENDENT, FRIDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 23, 1914. by the governments of Belgium, Den mark, France, Germany, Greece. Great | Britain, Italy, Japan, Norway and i Sweden, according to announcement made yesterday by the Department ot"; Commerce. KMiLISH REPORTED TO HAVE CONFISCATED MANY' HORSES Berlin, Oct. 23 (bv Wireless). —The correspondent in Berlin of the "Tti ibiiua," of Rome, Ims admitted that the confidence of the Hermans in the gen eral stall of the army is quite justified ; by its incomparable organization. The Paris "Temps,'' according to! announcement, reports that the English have confiscated and soi l many valu able German and Austrian race horses, worth in all over $200,000. This fact, it is said, together with the coniisca tion of the racing yacht owned by Iferr Krupp Von Boiilen, proves that the English havt no respect for pri- ; vate property. It was" announced here to day that the German Beiebstag will c-ouvene early in December. Mil SHELLS ON BELIU COAST Vessels • From French | Navy Standing by British Monitors Off Ostend and Nieuport t I FIERCE BATTLE TO OBTAIN PORTS i , Germans Hurrying Forward Fresh Troops and Heavy Guns to Reply to the Damaging Fire From the Ships of the Allies _• London, Oct 23. 1(1.20 A. XI. Ves sels from tiie French navy, having : I crept around the coast, were to-day ] standing by the British monitors which ! are hurling shells landward between I Ostend and Nieuport, on the Belgian ! I coast, in continuation of the fierce bat- j ' tie between Germany and the >i I lies for ! the possesion of the North sea ami i i channel ports. • For the first time since the war be- : ! gan air craft and warships are aiding j simultaneously 'n the movements of | land forces; thus the struggle is being i waged in the air, on the sea and on | the land at the same time. The Germans are hurrying forward fresh troups and heavy guns, the latter ! to make reply to tiie damaging fire ! from the ships and, although they have I been pushed back at certain points, they appear to bo holding their line between the sea and La Basse, without. how , ever, making noteworthy progress. A Terrible Artillery Duel } The tight, s<. far as Belgium is con 1 i-erned, has now resolved itself into a j terrific artillery duel, in which it is j claimed that the allies by reason of j their long range guns have had the j advantage. The muddy roads and the j network of canals doubtless have hin dered the invaders in getting their guns of equal or greater raitge into position. When they do accomplish. this the situation will be eveu more | I acute. It is said that up to the pres- j ent time the British naval losses have j been negligible, although both sides i must have suffered heavily on land, j | The Germans claim to have put a Brit- I ish torpedo boat out of action. King Albert at the Front Albert, King 3"' the Belgians, who 1 ] since his retirement from Ostend has ■ been reported at various points in ( northern France, appears to be actually j lat the scene of fighting. This informa : tion is on the authority of the British Admiralty Dispatches say that the also is with the Belgian army, | but this must he classed as a rumor, much the same as the report that (Sen : | eial Von Moltke, chief of the German general staff, is ill or the statement that Emperor William again has moved his headquarter. Tiie report that Genera! Yon Moltke's sou has been killed also is revive t and ir will In- . remembered that only recently it was j rumored thai G meril Von Moltke had ! been removed us chief of the general stafl'. Unconfirmed News Eeports That the German line south ot' Os tend and that a retirement lias set in figures aniung a number of other uncoil \ firmed news reports this morning. On j the other hand a correspondent of the! "Times" savs the Germans have not j left Bruges and are still in force in the j neighborhood of Ostend. What with-' ilrawal of troops there has been toward j Bruges, this correspondent adds, is only | ,i precautionary measure. A message j from Havre «ays the Belgians have re gained the right bank of the river or ' if preferred, the canal, Yser, and this is the first information that they were to give ground there until the recent lighting. All of the statements given out by the allies have insisted that they were valiantly resisting the Her man assaults. The use of tho word "regained," however, would seem to indicate that the Germans at times have made advances. The dykes of this waterway have now been cut, making ( the situation for the Germans more difficult. German Press Sayg Persecution The German press is branding the roundup of alien enemies in the British Isles as fanatical persecution, and in late dispatches from Berlin there have appeared allegations concerning atroci l ties committed by French soldiers, al though later dispatches say none of these has been substantiated. The Lon uo Xj)uuon si ssaad uop j this gathering up of aliens in the Brit ish Isles. This action is in a way gim : ilar to the precautions against possible . attacks by Zeppelin airships. Few Englishmen will admit that they | really expect a visit from Zeppelins | but the insurance companies are doing a large business not only on property but against persoual injury from bombs. Even Westminster Abbey has been in ; sured. Time for Russians to Act The reported German defeat before i ; Warsaw still dominates the news from ; the eastern field ami again to-day there j came what is becoming a time-worn re- I port that the Russians have taken I Pr/emysl. A dispatch to the "Central j News" from Petrograd says this is j persistently reported but not confirmed. ! In the reported German rout at War ! saw the British press professes to see j the turning point along the Vistuia. ■ While the Germans apparently are hold ing their positions along this river be tweeu Piliea and Saudomir, it is j claimed that the time is Hearing for Russia to carry the war into Germany. INDIAN TROOPS SOON TO GO ON BRITISH FIGHTING LINE London, Oct. 23.—The press bureau i made public yesterday for the first ; time, the speech Lord Crewe, Secretary | of State for India, delivered last Tues day to the officers recently appointed to the government service in India. "The Indian forces," the secretary i said, "will soon be taking their place i on the firing line beside their British comrades. The enemy make it a matter of reproach that we are employing Asiatic troops in Europe. To that I am ' prepared to reply in the w;ords of the | famous sentence over the gateway of the University of Aberdeen: 'They say. I What say tlicy? Let them say.' But I will add this, it is not in our eyes a matter of reproach, but a matter of ! pride, that our Indian fellow subjects feel themselves identified with us in the present quarrel, and I fully expect ; that the enemy may learn before the war ends several not unneeded lessons from the Indian troops—lessons in chivalry, humanity anil respect i'or the persons and homes of the poor and the humble." The delay iu sending the Indian troops to the front is attributed to the fact that the men and their horses re ! quire considerable time to become ac -1 climated. Students Aid Refugees Philadelphia, Oct. 23.—British stu dents in the University Pennsylva nia are raising fumyMKch. is to be j sent to England tor of* Bel | gian refugees there. Vivian Nickalls, : the rowing coach, has pledged the men coming from England and the British possessions to raise $5 eath. Should England call for more reservists, Nick alls says he will organize a company of University men. Mother Burned; Saves Son's Life Boyertown, Pa.. Oct. 23.—Paul. 5- j year-old son of Warren Y. Rhoades, I was severely burned on hands, arms, hip ! and legs late yesterday afternoon while | playing with a bonfire that his grand i mother thought was extinguished. His mother was also burned on the (lands in extinguishing the flames. BATTLE NTH S IRE VIOLENT The Germans Fiercer , Than Usual in Their! Latest Attacks on the Belgians LATTERSWING ] 20 MILES LONG: Allied Cavalry Is Reported to Have Dis- j < ting ui slied Itself in Magnificent J Charges, Quite Like Those in the Old Style of Battle I The Battle Front, Via Paris, Out. 22,' 11.51 P. M. —The obstinacy of both ; ' armies in the fighting apparently is j : growing daily. The battle in the north j [ lias become more violent than ever. ' The Germans were, fiercer than usual in ' ' to-day's attacks on the Belgians, whose j extreme wing stretches from the coast ' along a front of over twenty miles, on | which they art fighting heroically £or j the restoration of the independence of their stricken country. Further oil to La Bassee and Lille j the combat to day also was ot' a most j vigorous character. . The allied cavalry distinguished it self in magnificent charges, quite like those in the old style of battle. A light brigade, composed of French and British hussars and mounted rifles, led the way and were followed by heavy | dragoons, lancers and cuirrassiers. Scottish Infantry in Evidence The Scottish infantry also took a prominent part in the work. The "kilties" charged a battery of heavy German artillery and machine guns j which made the passage of the allied : field .artiller" difficult. The Scotch j made their way through the barbed j wire entanglements, reached the Ger man guns and disposed of other artil- j lerymen and made the deployment of j the allied guns possible. Despite the j frequent Art of the German machine I guns, which were brought into play too . late, the allies gained the position. The scene on the battlefield is a ] striking one. with the lowing of fright- j ened cattle and the bleating of sheep | in the burning outhouses of farms min- j gled with the sharp reports of the can- j noil, the rattle ot' the machine guns i and the patter of rifle fire. Troops I can be seen advancing across the open j in widely spread lines. Trees fall ! all around, cut down by shells, and 1 the ground is furrowed with the burst- I ing of shrapnel. In the marshes, which I are numerous in this country, it is be lieved that thousands have been lost. City of Lille Suffered Much The city of Lille's commercial quar- j ! ter has suffered very much, while the ■ i old church of St Maurice is almost dc- [ I stroyed. The soldiers at the front, although j | most of them are very vouug men, are ! 1 beginning to look end act like veterans. Many of them have grown beards dur- , ing the eleven weeks of constant fight ing. Their faces'ars bronzed and their j clothes covered with dust. They ap- j pear perfectly fit and full of ardor aiid ready to do anything. A bicycle dispatch rider, after hav ing carried orders to tftfe brigadier gen eral, placed his motorcycle against a tree while he smoked a cigarette. Shells were bursting all around him and one struck his machine, which was de- j stroyed. The cyclist was then ordered j to take the reply of the brigadier gen- j oral afoot to the divisional command- ! er. In carrying out his task he crossed the tire-swept field. Then lie | encountered a party of Germans, but i jumped into a river and escaped by re maining in the water eight hours. Eventually lie got his message safely to headquarters. Abi>e Captures 350 Germans Abbe Carmellino, a second lieutenant j in the French infantry, when all but. ■ thirty of his company were killed or ! wounded, took command and captured j 250 Germans. The abbe was twice wounded. Spies are being captured everywhere in the vicinity of the fighting line. A French general selected an apple tree ; for observation purposes. A shower of j shells immediately fell all about him and caused him to retire. At the same i time a man believed to be a peasant was seen waving a rag from an ad jacent farm. The man was caught and j was found to be a German officer. He j was shot. From all points along the line reports ; reaching general headquarters show j that the progress of the allied armies ; was constant to-dav. Colored Presbyterians Meet Reading, Pa., Oct. 23.—-Willi a num >ber of noted colored ministers and fully 150 delegates in attendance, the twenty first anniversary session of the Afro- American Council of Presbyterian Min isters, Elders and Lay Delegates was opened here yesterday afternoon. Dele- i gates from New York, New Jersey, j 'Pennsylvania, Delaware and Maryland | anil the District of Columbia are pres- I ent to remain for four days. The first general session was held last evening, j An address of welcome was delivered ' I by Mayor Ira W. Stratton, followed by j the annual sermon of the retiring ipres j ' iden't, the Rev, F. M. Thomajs, of Ohes tfr " I ELY'S CREAM BALM OPENS CLOGGED NOSTRILS AND HEAD-CATARRH GOES | Instantly Clears Air Passages; You Breathe Freely, Nasty Discharge Stops, Head Colds and Dull Hsad ache Vanish. | Get a small bottle anyway, just to j trv it—Apply a little in the nostrils ! and instantly your clogged nose and stopped-up air passages of the head j will open; you \yill breathe freely; dullness ami headache disappear. By j morning! the catarrh, cold-in-head or i catarrhal sore throat will be gone. End such misery now! Get the small ; t buttlo of "Ely's C'raam Balm" at any ! DfIEADIS IF JULES HE REALIZED Aircraft and Subma rine Participate in Battle Near Birth place of Novelist MONITORS SHELL THE TRENCHES General Von Tripp and His Staff Re ported Among Those Killed by the British Guns—German Submarines Attack the Monitors Without Result Paris, Oct. 23. —The struggle on the lengthened line extending into Belgium, now called the battle of Flanders, gave rise to an engagement along the coast as near as possilbie to the birthplace of .lules Verne, in which aircraft and sub marine participated, realizing for the first time, iu the same encounter, t'lit dreams of the great Frenchman. The British monitors off shore did great execution on the German trenches among those reported killed 'being Gen eral Yon Tripp and his staff. While tiic airmen cleverly directed tlhe aim of the marine guns, the German submarines lying iu wait attacked the monitors but without result because the latter were so far in shore. Frontal Attacks of Germans Here again the critics remark that the attempt of the Germans to turn t;ie allies' left and reach till© French coast has been defeated and the Germans again have been forced to frontal at tacks. The gains made by the allies on the ; road to Met?., it is thought, must draw j the attention of the Germans to a quar ter Where they are menaced not only I from the direction of Verdun "but by the ! renewed successes of the French on j the eastern slope of the Vosges. The news from Bordeaux to-day in- I dicates that Parliament is uow to be j called to meet in Paris. Employes of | both the chamber and the Senate save been notified that they may return to j Paris at the end of this month which I is taken as a sign of confidence in ofß j tcial circles and is making a good iin- I 'pression. Filling Gaps in French Army The French continue their prepara- I tions with prospective recruits to till | the gaps in the army. Baron Pierre Dc I Cowbertin, president of the French 1 Olmpie games committee, it has -been j announced, 'has been charged by the ' government to care for the physical j training of young men from 15 to 1!l with a view to their entry into the service. The military authorities are more and I more watchful of stragglers. Every ; man arriving at the Paris terminals of I age to bear arms is required to Show j papers on arrival and if they are not jin order, arrests are made. Some (if I the soldiers not in the liaibit of being ! feted as have been the men returning i from the front, succumbed to temfpta tion and overstayed their permissions. These stragglers included tuicos and | zouaves. Now oven soldiers in uniform are required to produce a permit or failing in this they are ordered to fall in 'by the patrols. Disasters Alarm Shippers Philadelphia. Oct. 23.—There was considerable nervousness in shipping ] circles here as aresult of reports of | additional disasters, following closely | Wednesday's report of the capture by ! the German cruiser, Linden, of seven j more British vessels. Shipping men j were alarmed over the dispatch from Las Palmas that a German cruiser had | sunk eleven British and FrenCn steam ers and one Italian ship. Didn't Fire Mysterious Shots Berlin, Oct. 23 (by Wireless). —It is officially declared in Berlin to-day that I the mysterious shots fired recently on ' a Danish submarine boat did not come | from any German warship. Serbia Gives Up German "V" Philadelphia, Oct. 23. —Servia will soon change her name to Serbia, so far ; as the outside world is concerned. Mer i chants in the United States are advised j by the Foreign Trade Bureau of the i Philadelphia Commercial Museums, in order to make a favorable impression to use Serbia and Serbian in place nf j Servia and Servian. The Serbs prefer ! the Slavonic "b" to the i "v." State Baptists Elect Officials Svranton, Pa., Oct. 23.—David Leas, of Philadelphia, was elected president ! of the Stiite Baptists' Association at j the closing session of the general con vention here yesterday. Otlher offiwrs elected were: First vice president, Wil liam M«'("lave, of Scran'ton; second vice president, George K. Cro/.er, Chester; third vieo president, the Rev. E. ,\. IHarar, Pittsburgh; secretary, the Rev. i Charles A. Welker, Chester; treasurer, j Ray L. Hudson, Philadelphia. Pitts j burgh was unanimously chosen as t'he | city for the 1915 convention. Musicians to Meet The regular monthly meeting of the j Harrisburg Musical Association will 'be j held at 321 Market street, third floor front, on Sunday afternoon, sit 3.30 o'clock. drug store. This sweet, fragrant" balm dissolves by the heat of the nostrils; penetrates-«IKI heals the inflamed, swol len membrane which lines the nose, head and throat; clears the air pas sages; stops nasty discharges and a feeling of cleansing, soothing relief comes immediately. Don't lay awake to night struggling for breath, with ,head stuffed; nostrils closed, hawking and blowing. Catarrh or a cold, with its running nose, foul mucous dropping into the throat, ami raw dryness is distressing but truly needless. Put your faith—just once —in "Ely's Cream Balm" ami your cold or catarrh will surely disappear, adv.