16 m\ssx irzz ?ssj2i ST:," jets sJm&> v < w^a t OF Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Balcony, Mon's Store. ' | HATS TRIMMED FREE ] Smart New Features in Suits for Winter Presenting Charming Styles at $16.50 to $27.50 Hundreds of H&t Sh&pes Tlu> Dives. Ponierov & Stewart showing of Suits for Misses l and NV omen, both in the jaunty short eoat styles for short tig- A A rp ures as well as in the Kedingotes, presents smart features that ffl .V l o-morrow at re not to be found elsewhere in garments of the same priee m C\ 1 A O Unniatehable in material, chieness of lines and workmanship lIIKV Dye ana yoc 1 ******** «t sie.sotos27.so jPmr sir* Diagonal wide wale suits in navy blue j Another short model buttons close to ■> \ , . , . ... • 1 1 u .... 1 ..,*1 and brown: long eoats, velvet collar anil . the throat and is embellished with a beau \ A Special purehase ot snapes m \ el\ et, plll&Il tlllll \l I- cuffs, redingote style, yoke skirt, 910,50 , tit'ullv designed silk velvet collar; the il 'SA \ vnt ill crmihirintinn with hatter'* nliish ffoes oil sale for Whi P l ' or,t » uitß ' nav > blue. bro *'' » nd ! front of the coat is made with a yoke and /»/ ' \ \ flKi\ / \ eonioination WITH IIUIUI S puiMl uii NIK b|ai . k . wide Mt trimmed in braid aud the back is trimmed with broad bands of V \ B if ML \ the first time tO-niOITOWi —tile ti9e Stvlt'S joining in the buttons; pointed velvet collar; loug ! silk faced self material and covered ball • \ K ffl I • kWiu \ Vv 1 , , ,* . ' ... 1 red in sot e style buttons; in tete de negre, green and ('\ \ I" Ffl illlwL \ fv' I stoek ill the rourtll Street aisle 011 the Street floor, anu Navy blue serge suits; pointed belt j Copenhagen 92.Y00 j I Ail* Ilk fJH / • \ v dSs the 9Se untrimmed hats strengthening the display in 'length VaV."^ 0 ! 1 . but, . o " ,^ ,t ' r '#alMH» ~ A new »"»**> is »« .**«* ™P. v of » > ALI; K/Wf/t . the millinery department. This is another good chance j LH!dvef\-"iiar? h }i* •««' s trimmed with two-imi,, bands J \l W to obtain the latest styles at the lowest prices obtainable. WRIM Remember we trim these hats free of charge when trim- | ' Mj 1 mings are purchased in the department. t 1 1 aml baok l of ' skirt belt of self material. Thu style »s W s|[ T\TBSk~ —L- 1 — 0 * pleated *22.50 1 Saberdine and the colors are tete de uegre. 5* ,■ J|/ll \ \ V 1 in U ',*] , - A7" 1 .'aunty short models for misses and V r< o value at , stv | oi eoJlar and cuffs of Roinau striped ! skirt al "l VPS t> I«>UK tunic of serge; satin W \J Fine qualitv hand-bloeked velvet sailors, in- . t\% A d~\ ,Uk: °. f yt* *a»h , ;; r r fVt,'Jf s h «V.- h of'Viuok'.ut"u: W |."r-k V eluding latest four-cornered effects, tri-eornes, Shown in VL /I Q .n a large bow. skirt finished ->th lou« oj. formhjg an Kton effect fi,ushe,l .... . : , ||fa« W W " v. J tassels, . . ?I.wHJ Jauntv model of navv and black poplin, cont effect, turbans with high sloping and me- « • m. frn J lombmation redmgote dresses, bodice ; Serge redingote dresses, sleeves and . . . ~ . ~ . i i (>■; j* ■% rt tile ltV at of black velvet, sleeves, waist and skirt skirt of heavy black satin, redingote style bound in black silk braid; button trimmed, bodicu ot ilium crowns, rtguiar v-r. -. to . 1 I" black satiu, long tunic of dark blue J finished with black satin braid, belted black satin, white pique collar and cuffs, black satin values at ————————————————_* serge .$15.0(1 model Slti.so skirt with a long box pleated tunic .$18.50 W Dives, Pomeroy £ Stewart, Millinery, Second Floor, Frout—Three Elevators. j , tv Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor—Threo Elevators. It's a Season of Fetching Neckwear Fashions Women's neckwear styles are prominent tliis season, showing a great vogue of laun dered collars and cuffs. These are the latest effects— Laundered coilar and -.iff sets in the latest roll styles, .TOc and $ 1.00 Sen:i-stiff collar and cuff sets in lawn and pique, "A"»c, .">oc, 7."> c, SI.OO and IS I .-*> Oriental «*id shadow lace roll and flaring col lars ■ —.lc, ;s.>c, 30c, "3c and SI .00 Sheer organdy roll collars, iyith touch of embroid ery or lace trimming, 3Sc, 30c, 73c, St.OO to 51.50 Organdv vestees with roll collar, trimmed with tucks, buttors and lace, 23c, 30c, 75c and SI.OO Vestees of net and lace, low neck or with rolling collar. 25c. 50c, 75c, JSI.OO to *3.00 lluiinpe? of net and lace, . . 50c to *3.30 Neck cords or girdle* in solid colors and Roman stripes. ... IOC to 23c !>ilk Windsor ties. 25c Imported lace collar and cuff sets in white and t* Dives. Pomeroy A. Stewart. Street Floor. Another Sale of Men s Balmacaans Saturday $lB, S2O and $22.50 CAA ori 4 KW TOMVTOK* average ~ P.s, each; .■.ficf il igc toe CALIFORNIA NAV- Asquith "haml-pack- lb L fi> Sr "PURITY" DVTES Alt ORANGES. Ed" TOMATOES. No. MAJESTIC kettle- IX»MFSTIC' SWISS l.rl .-k .lie it dozen. 34c leans Dozen.. 55c rendered I.AKD, In ih «vT large package Can 5c pails 4Hc H,ior v i,-n S New CALIFORNIA K U I h V O R I KIOS nai-kiiro iii.» Heinz pew APPLE CHEKSK; the finest " D acfcase »- Ia « ~ ————— ~~' ~~ — v.v, \

»,-;•< BI'TTBR iu conveii- \\ HITI >«. H* H imported; lb .vie ~~~~~~ COFFEE TIPS in tall can■«. J lent 3 lb. crocks. Mc ,»CEAN WHITING _"N KVf' 1 ' H.ATEL" TEA U.-„. GRAPE JUICE, full FISH 10-l'o p.iils; CHEESE, cake, ...5c PURITY COFFEE . "..... uu.ir; bottles. *.u "Our Favorite" blend in one pound cans . J. vv ° K K •xVw" Norway of TEA; 11. 45* steel cut and not AND BEANS, „ f J ; \i U'KBRFL fat anil New "HERRING "Senate" sweet (round; lb 40c - ~tND BOLOGNA (li n each 8e ROB" In larg« tall drawing TEA; mild BANQUET;" a Fancy SHOE P-\S mu.ot.-» New MACKEREL tins. each. ll»e and fragrant; lb. «:»<• blend unmatchable at CORN. 3 for . 25c Country cured tn-l.i nails uer pail ALASKA KED Basket tired JAPAN. lb 30c Choice SANT \ DRIED BEEF, 'i lb.. ' H5- SALMON, in tall tins, cured in the sun's B-J COFFEE, lb.. CLARA PRUNES. 10c Mc rays; lb «0c »H-l lbs.. 9®c larse size. 2 lbs., 35c MINCED HAM. lb.. KIPPERED HKR EXCELSIOR; a de- soc RING; large oval licious blend, lb.. S3c — ~LEBANON BOLOG- " cans 10c New MINCE MEAT. TI \\ KI*H NA. Ib . 2V |, || MHO \l* SEA GULL SAR- lb lite RING BOLOGNA. JV- iu\l>RY DINES, in mustard; Pure CURRANT Absolutely tha best TUNA FISH: .• de- lb.. Isc <,, »i. ti> i-nkes 2H«- large cans lie JELLY: lb.. 13e COCOA to be had; - - itltute for Dellci - "llttli ' i ~ ; n T 'ii «i 'il's E "PICKERTB" SOU-S- PEANUT BUTTER: lb.. 15ci lbs.. hii ken salads and country SAUSAGES, t'l.F V\ < 1-: 1: >; cans BI) MACKEREL; lb.. l,">ei 2 lbs., ilsc Wilbur's COCOA sandwiches, can, 2V lb.. l»>c " ' ' adc large oval cans, l.lc EUREKA SOUP; all SHELLS: lb 5c " New Pack Shrimps, varieties; can 5c 3 lbs 10c ———— ——can 15c Dozen 55c Dives. I'otnerov & Stewart, HaseuieDt. Arming the Bucket and Brush Brigade for Housecleaning Tack hammers, 10c. ) Picture wire, pack- Carpet tacks, pack- i age, sc. ago, 3c. * Dust pans, sc, 10C Furniture polish. 25c. and -sc. Curtain stretchers, : Dust brushes, 10c, $1.50 and $ 1.08. 15c, 35c to 75c. ! v Jap-a-Lae floor stains, \ Scrub brushes, sc, 10c, 15c, 25c, 15c and 10c and 25c. 80c. Fibre pails, 25c Metal polish. 10c to Scrub pails, 10c, 15c, 12c. 25c to 45c. Roach destroyer, lOc. : Step ladders, 10c, New Discovery fori 75c to S2.:JO. Insects. 10c. < arpet beaters, 10c, Picture nails, puck I 10c to 25c. age, 10c. j liroonis, H7c, 15c, Window rags, 15c. 50c to 85c. t')" Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement, New Dress Cottons That Are Half Silk 80ft and lustrous dross j weaves of cotton and silk ; are Fall's latest contribution 1 to our great showing of Cot ton Dress Goods. Roman Stripes, yard, 50c and .-,oc. Fancy Scotch Plaids, yard. ! 50c. Poplin, 24 and 36 inches, j yard, 50c and 70c. Silk Muslin, yard, 25c. Grecian Messaline Similar to a satine but more j lustrous; navy, brown and black grounds with rosebud de signs, yard, —sc. Dress Ginghams 12 %c Press Ginghams, : solid shades, yard, 9c. Challis 12 %c Challis, 36 inches, for comfort coverings, yard, 1 10c. Cotton Suitings 25c Suitings in solid shades for school and house dresses, yard. B}£c. t-3* Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart Street Floor. Curtains for the Home Scrim curtains in white, j cream or ecru, with a hem | and lace or braid trimming, j pair, $1.35 to fci.so. Brussels net curtains in j white only. Pair, JM.SU to SIO.OO. Irish point curtains in • white, cream or Arabian. Pair. $«.50 to SIO.OO. Arabian net curtains, with ! a trimming of Renaissance ! 1 braid; 2'•{« yards long. Pair, $3.50 to 85.00. In 3-yard lengths the above | stvles may be had for $5.00 to $15.00. Doorway ami hall draperies | in Aurora tapestrv or velour. Pair, $5.00 to $13.00. , Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, l Third Floor —Three Elevators The New Nemo Duplex Corset A new Nemo model that gives the fashionable straight baek and slightly curved waist in both me dium and low bust styles. A styl ish and comfortable corset at $3.00 Dives, Pomeroy iV Stewart. Second Foor Fresh Candy for Saturday Sweets that have just been re ceived for the week-end — Crystalized jelly squares, lb., . . 10c Peach stones, ib., 10c Birch wafers, lb., 10c Mint wafers, lb., 10c .lack Straws, lb., 10c Special gum drops, lb., 10c Starlight kisses, ll> 10c Salted peanuts, lb., 15c Our Delicious 25c Chocolates Wafers, St. Nicholas, Cocoanut fruits, cream frappe, nutty mellow, Scotch, Virginias, walnut pralines, maple walnut, dates, marvellos. ' \ CHOCOLATE BON BONS Special Saturday Pound, 21£ / Chocolate coated band-dipped marsh mallows, lb., 25c Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement Automobile Requisites Firestone non-skid and corrugated tread motorcycle tires and tubes are soid in the Dives, Pouieroy & Stewart department of auto supplies at prices that arc well worth looking into. Firestone and Pullman guaranteed auto tires are specially priced. 355 electric auto horns complete with electric cord and push button. Special, $2.25. Inside blowout patches are material ly reduced.