14 Hfl HOUSEHOLD pR TALKS •• = ,lp kg Henrietta D. Grauel The Egg Plant One of the most delicate vegetables] we have is the egg plant. It bears this curious name because it is shaped like •in egg, some say, aud other* claim be-1 ■ ause it is as full of meat as an egg. It is more ]>opular abroad than here! iintl French and Italian cooks preparej it for the table by frying, baking and' stewing it and even add it to their soups. We only fry it or stuff and) bake it. To prepare it for frying: First cut the vegetable into slices about half an ( inch thick and remove the purple rind i with a sharp pointed knife. Put the; slices in a deep bowl and cover with salted water, let stand over night or at least several hours. Make a batter'of egg and milk: dipj the slices in this and then in bread! crumbs. Fry i u a basket with plenty of hot fat. Or, roll the slices in flour' only and brown them in butter. Season with salt and pepper and serve very hot. The flavor is very like that of fried oysters. The French call this delicate veg-» etable auberigne and this is the name usually accorded it in cookery books. A very good recipe from a French cook directs that the slices of the egg plant •liould soak in a marinad" made with -alt. pepper, vinegar and oil, for several! hours. Then place them in a wire broiler and cook until each slice is deli-' cately browned and very tender. Gar i WHAT ARE YOU SEEKING? 1 i' hether it s a room, house, apartment, office, '•§! 5 studio, parage, lot or farm, vou will find it !| li.v placing a want ad in the classified columns of 21 |1 the • wj | STAR-INDEPENDENT 1 Harrisburgr's Great Home Newspaper I' < ail Bell phone 3280; Independent phone 24;"> li f or 246. g| I ASK FOR AD Si * 1 * WwWWV M»WWIMW-/V WWtWVWVVVWWyVVVWAVI | DGEHNE BEER UNEXCELLED FOR PURITY \ S AND EXCELLENCE \ is highly commended to lovers of good—pure beer. \ < Remember the snappy flavor of our r STOCK ALE | ! DQEHNE j Order It To-day Independent 3 IS < \VV>MM(iWvy\MIVVVVVVVVV n iIMOUMWEMUSt^f f«£ DICTIONARY CERTIFICATE Hf : PRESENTED BY THE Eg f i f,ocr. iiliiT i If I jll ONE ERTIF!C^° F APPRECIATION §g| I ovprr.s from ihe etc.). au.l >uu will be pre.ented «ith thl. | % 1 I n!*w L , ikc . illustrations printed in the display announcements.) I t Mfldprn Fncrlish 15 ? NLY ent . irel y , NEW compilation by the world's I I nifTin\AßV?Ti /■ 1 au T thor ' t,es from leading universities; is bound in I 1,, tu J' L,mp Leather flexible, stamped in gold on back and | iiiusi. ».rd sides, printed on Bible paper, with red edges and corners I t rol,r, d<"d: beautiful, strong, durable. Beside* the general contents there f T are maps and over 600 subjects beautifully illustrated by three- i X X ' ;?r plate-, rrmerous stii iccts bv monotones. 16 pages of „%. £ clu'-ational charts and the latest United States Census Present I iat tms office ONE Gerun ,re o. *ppreciation and the 98C$ MAO, OROERS-Any biok by parcel po«t. Include EXTRK 7 cents within A 150 miles: 10 cents K,O to 300 miles: for rreatcr dlitancei uk your postma»ter % amount to include for 3 pounds. V DOWN BANK WITH ENGINE Crash of Freights in a Fog Fatal to One of Victims Kane, Pit., Oct. -3.—Wlirti a freight train on the Pennsylvania, running thirty miles an hour, crashed into tfbe rear of a slowly-moving freight train, ime man w is kille'l an! four injured at Otis, twenty iniies sojfh of this city at 2 o'clock yesterday morning. The dead man is Michael Fitzgerald, of Erie, anil the injured a'e: Kiehard Roberts, Krie, severely scalded; W. P. Smith, Erie, cut and bruised; David Conway, Brie; injured in jumping; 8. T. Davis, Krie. injured on face and body. Owing to a dense fog, Engineer Pitz grraid had no chance to pec the danger ;i-i i! lie had crashed into the freight. The engine went over the hank, carry nish with a little parsley and dress with melted butter. Small egg plants cook more quickly and have a better flavor than large ones. They are usually chosen for baking. Cut off a cap and scoop out the pulp with a pointed spoon, but leave a quarter of an* inch against the skin. Chop up the part you have removed with cold meat, one or two mushrooms, seasoning and butter and a few bread crumbs. Heat this in a sauce pan, but do not let it brown or scorch and when partly done pack It back into the egg plant. It will more than till it. so you may use the cap or not, as you like. Bake it in the oven and when nearly done put butter and grated cheese over the top. There is still another way to cook this article; it is to cut and pare it as directed in the first recipe and sprinkle the slices with salt. Cover with a cloth and u plate or lid, as the air discolors it. AJ'ter a few hours wash off the salt and steam the egg plant or boil it until tender. Press it through a sieve; add egg, milk and flour until you have a rich mixture very like a fritter batter. Drop this from a spoon onto a grid dle and fry very brown. These are called aubergine fritters. As you see, all those recipes for this pretty, tastv vegetable are ex tremely simple, but they are delicious and make a welcome change from our more common vegetables. ing Engineer Kitxgerald and Fireman Kooerts wiv'a it. The wre k tied up railroad traffic for twelve hours, and is said to have been caused toy giving a wrong signal. FEDERAL RESERVE RANKS SOON Treasury Aims to Inaugurate System Within Month Washington, D. Oct. 23. Al though representatives of the 12 Fed eral reserve banks vrteil in favor of opening the banks November 30, mem bers of thp Reserve Board yesterday were going ahead with plans" for put ting the new banking system in opera tion November 16 or 20, if it be found that this can be accomplished. Secretary McAdoo favored November lfi and President Wilson thought tho banks should begin business at the earliest possible date. ITARRISBURG STAR-TNDEPENPENT. FRIDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 23, 1914. THE AFTER HOUSE A Story of love. Mystery and a Private Yacht By MARY ROBERTS Cfytfkt. 1913, by tht McClurr Pukltcattui, Int. C*pyri[ht, 1914, kf Mary Tiftrrti Rrn»Jtort. Continued William* cauie ■ I|l IIU deck late tint :tftfrimoii with :i scared lace aud III> nouued tlmt Mr Turner hud lockc. himself in iiis ctibin and w:is raving h delirium t a rush for fret-- dom But tie did not move He sank back into lii> dejected attitude. "Singleton." I said. "I wish you would tell me about last night. If you did it. we've got yon if you didn't. I you'd better let uie take your own account of what happened, while It's fresh in your mind Or. better still, write it yourself " He held out his right hand 1 saw that it was shaking violently. "Couldn't hold a peu." he said tersely "Wouldn't be believed, anyhow." The air being somewhat better. I closed and locked tile door again, and. coming in. took out my notebook and pencil. Briefly. Singleton's watch began at midnight. The captain, who bad beeu complaining of lumbago, had had the cook prepare liini a mustard poultice and had retired early. Burns was on watch from S t>> 1- and oil coining into the forward house at a quarter I after 11 o'clock to eat his night lunch reported to Singleton that the captain was in bed and that Mr. Turner had been asking for him Singleton there fore took his enp and went on deck This was about twenty minutes after 11. He had had a drink or two earlier in the evening, and he took another in his cabin when he got his cap. He found Turner in the chart house playing solitaire and drinking He was alone, and be asked Singleton to join bitu. The tirst mate looked at his watch and accepted the invitation, but decided to look around the forward house to be sure the captain was asleep. He went on deck. He could hear Burns and the lookout talking The forward bouse was dark. He lis tened outside the captain's door and beard bira breathing heavily, as if asleep. He stood there for a moment. He had an uneasy feeling that some one was watching him. He thought of Schwartz aud was uucomfortable. He did not feel the whisky at all. He struck a light and looked around There was no one in sight. He could hear Charlie .lones in the forecastle drumming ou his banjo aud Burns whistling the same tune as he went ! aft to strike the bell tit was the duty of the officer on watch to strike the I hour). It was then half after 11. As he passed the captain's door again his foot struck something, aud it fell to the floor. He was afraid the captain , hßd been roused and stood still until I he heard him breathing regularly again Then he stooped down. His foot bad struck an ax upright against the cap 1 tain's door mid had knocked it down. The ax belonged »ii the outer wall j of the forward house It was a rule j that it must not he removed from its place except iu emergency, and the first mate carried It out and leaned It against the forward port corner of the after bouse when he went below. Later, on his watch, he carried it forward and put it where it belonged. He found Turner waiting on deck, and together they descended to the chart room He was none too clear as to what followed. They drank together. Vail tried to get. Turner to l>ed unU failed. He believed that Hums had called the captain The captain had ordered 'dm to Hie deck, and there Had been a furious quarrel He felt 111 by that time, and when tie weut on watch at midnight Burns was uncertain about leaving him. He was not in toxicated. he maintained, until after half-past I. He was able to strike the bell without difficulty, and spoke, each time he went aft. to Charlie Jones, who was at the wheel. After that, however, he suddenly felt strange. He thought he had been doped and told the helmsman so. He ttsked Jones to strike the bell for blm and. going up ou the forecas • bead, lay down on the boards and IV.i asleep. He did not waken until he heard six bells struck—3 o'clock—and before he had fully roused 1 had called hint. "Theu." I said, "when the lookout saw you with the ax you were replac ing it?" "Yes." "The lookout says yon were not on deck betweeu 2 and 3 o'clock." "How does he kuow? I was asleep." "You had threatened to get the cap tain." "1 had a revolver. I didn't need to use an ax." Much as I disliked the man 1 was inclined to believe his story, although I thought he was keeping something back. I leaned forward. "Singleton," 1 said, "if you didn't do it—and I want to think you did uot— who did?" He shrugged his shoulders. "We have women aboard. We ought to know what precautions to take." "I wasn't the only man on deck that night. Burus was about, and he had a quarrel with the Hansen woman, .tones was at the wheel too. Why dou't you lock up .tones?" "We are all under suspicion." 1 ad mitted. "But you had threatened the captain." "I uever threatened the girl or Mr Vail" 1 had uo answer to this, and we both fell silent. Singleton was the Hrst to speak. "How are you going to get back? The men can sail a course, but who is to lay it out. Turner? No Turuer ever knew anything about a ship but what it made for hiui." "Turner is sick. Look here. Single ton. you want to get back as much as we do or more. Wouldn't you be wil ling to lay a course if you were taken out once a day? Burns is doing it, but he doesn't pretend to know much about it. and —we have the bodies." But he turjied ugly again and refused to belp unless lie was given his free dom. and that I knew the crew would uot agree to. "You'll l>e sick enough before you get back!" he snarled. With the approach of night our vig ilauee was doubled There was no thought of sleep among the crew, and witb the twilight there was a distinct return of the terror of the morning. Gathered around the wheel, the crew listened while .lones read evening prayer. Between the two houses, wiiere the deck was roped off. Miss Lee was alone, paring hack and for ward. her head bent, tier arms dropped listlessly. The wind had gone, and the sails hung loose over our beads. 1 stood by the port rail Although my back was toward Miss Lee. I was conscious of her every movement, and so I knew when she stooped under the rope and moved lightly toward the starboard rail. Quick as she was I was quicker. There was still light enough to see her face as she turned when I called to her: "Miss I,ee. you must not leave the rope!" "Must not?' "1 aui sorry to seem arbitrary. It is for your own safety." 1 was crossing the deck toward her its I spoke I knew what she was go ing to do I believe when she saw my "If you didn't do it, who didf face that she rend tn.v knowledge In it She turned back from the rail and faced me. "Surely I may j?o to the rail." "It would be unwise if for no other reason than discipline." "Discipline! Are you trying to disci pline me?" "Miss Ijee, you do uot seem to un derstand." I said as patiently as 1 could. "Just now 1 am In charge of tile Ella. Vou will go back to the part of the deck that is reserved for you or yon will go below and stay there." She flushed with anger and stood there with her head thrown back, ey tn»me with a contempt that cut me to the quick. The next moment she wheeled and. raising her hand, tlung toward the rail the key to the store room door. 1 caught her baud—too late. But fate was on my side after all. As 1 stood still gripping: her wrist the key fell ringing almost at my feet. It hud struck one of the lower yard braces. I stooped and, picking It up, ! pocketed It. Bhe was dazed. I think. She made no effort to free her uriu. but she put her other haud to her heart unexpect edly, and I suw that she was profound ly shocked. I led her unprotestlng t< a deck chair nud put lier clown iu it and still she had not spoken. She lax buck aud closed her eyes. She was too strong to faint. She was superbly healthy. But she knew as well as 1 did what that key meant, and she had delivered it into my hands. As for me, 1 was driven hard that night, foi as I stood there looking down at hei she held out her haud to me. palm up. "Please!" she said pleadingly. "VVhai does it uiean to you. Leslie? We were kind to you. weren't we? When yon were ill we took you on. my sister and I, and now you hate us. Please!" "Some one will suiter. Would you have tte innocent suffer witji the guilty?" "If they cannot prove it against any >ne"— "They may prove it against me." "You!" "1 was in the after house." I said doggedly. "1 was the one to raise an alarm aud to find the bodies. Vou do uot know anything about uie. I am— 'Elsa's jailbird!"" "Who told you that?" "It does uot matter—l know it. 1 told you the truth. Miss Elsa; I came here from the hospital. But I may have to tight tor my life. Against the Turner money and influence. 1 havt only—this key. Shall I give it to you?" 1 held it out to her on the palui of my baud. It was melodramatic, prob ably; but 1 was very young, aud by that time wildly in love with her. 1 thought, for a moment, that she would take it; but she only drew a deep breath and pushed my baud away. "Keep it," she said. "I um ashamed." We were silent after that, she staring out over the rail at the deepeuiug sky; and. looking at her as one looks at a star. I thought she had forgotten my presence, so long she sat silent. The voices of the men aft died away gradually, as, one by one. they rolled themselves iu blankets on the deck, not to sleep, but to rest and watch. The lookout, in his louely perch high above the deck, called down guardedly to ask for company, and one of the crew went up. Wheu she turned to me again, it was to And my eyes fixed ou her. "You are not getting much chance to rest," she said, with a 'sigh, and got up. I went with her to the companion way and opened the door. She turned and looked at me. "Good night." "Good night. Miss Lee." To Be Continued. Carvers' Tonic Tablets For Derves, weakness and nervous prostration, 50 cents at druggists. Adv. DROPS DEAD AFTER CARDS Retired Merchant Had Just Expressed Pleasure Over Luck Atlantic City, Oct. 23. —"The cards surely came my way," said B. Honig, a wealthy retired merchant, as he arose soon after midnight from a game of pinochle at the home of his friend, Charles Krulewiteh, Xo. 2 75 South Con necticut avenue. He starteil for the door, intending to go to hi? home, a few doors distant, but staggered and fell, moaning his wife's name. Krulewiteh and his friends rushed to Honig's side, only to find him dead. A hastily-summoned physician pronounced it a case of heart disease. Honig was formerly engaged in business in New York and Philadelphia, but retired and took up his residence here. CAT THAT BIT FOUR MAD Also Infected Other Members of the Feline Family Mahanoy City, Pa., Oct. 23.—Spe cialists at the Pasteur Institute, in New York, yesterday declared that the pet cat which a few days ago bit Mrs. Eugene Kuder and either bit or scratch ed three other members of the same family, had rabies. Other cats in the vicinity were bit ten by the rabid animal, and now the health officers have declared a war of extermination on all "pussies" in the neighborhood. Dr. Flower Waives Extradition Toronto, Ont., Oct. 23.—Dr. Richard C. Flower, alias Montgomery, alias Ox ford, arrested Wednesday night after a chase lasting 11 years, waived extra dition yesterday and left for New York, in the custody of 'a Central Office de tective. You Should Ease Your Cough for Two Reasons First to get rid of it and second to prevent that straining and nervous racking that is injurious to your system. Take Our Tar, Tolu and White Pine It relieves your cough aud rids your throat of mucus and phlegm. A pure effective Cough Remedy that is safe and sure. k 25tf Forney's Drug Store VM MARKET STREET "We serve you wherever you are." Why don't you smoke 10c cigars ? Gan't afford 'em? How many times have you thrown your money away on cigars that didn't give satisfaction? M OJ A 10c CIGARS give you an all-Havana quality smoke that makes you forget the price. You can't afford not to smoke 'em. Made by John C. Herman & Co. JAIL FOR WATERING MILK Fined 12 Times, Dealer Gets :l<> Days for Thirteenth Offense New York, Oct. 23. l-iouis Wank, a milk dealer of No. 690 Berrinian street, ißrooklvn, convicted twelve times of watering his milk, but always escap ing a jail sentence, was sent to jail for thirty days yesterday in Speoial Ses sions, Brooklyn. A mill; inspector found liis milk diluted agaiu. Wank's twelfth conviction was albout two weeks ago and the justice cau tioned him that 'his next offense would get a term in jail for him. They re minded him also that he was morally responsible for the life of a man, Schmidt, who had worked for him, had been convicted of selling doctored milk and 'had hanged himself in jail when his employer failed to 'pay his tine. OLD DRUMMER BOY LEADS He Was a Little 11 -Year-Old When He Went to War Allentown, Pa., Oct. 23.—0n the fifty-second anniversary of tlhe battle of Pocotaligo, S. in which the com mand lost several hundred men, sur vivors of the Forty-seventh regiment. Pennsylvania volunteers, yesterday held bheir reunion in this city. Sixty veterans attended, an interest ing member being tJhe Rev. D. Aslier iHess, of Philadelphia, a native of Ai lentown, who enlisted in the regiment as drummer fooy at tlhe age of 11 years, and who yesterday led his comrades through the streets, beating tlhe drum with the same vigor as he did more than half a century ago on his way to the war. STUDENT DIES OF TYPHOID Lehigh's Epidemic Possibly Traceable to Milk Farm Alleutown. Pa., Oct. 23.—Warren Henn, 18 years old, of Fullerton, died at the Allentown Hospital yesterday, a victim of the typhoid epidemic at Le . high University. He was the son of Mrs. Ella Snyder Henn and the late George Henn, who was killed in an ac cident wliile hauling grain in 1902. His younger brother. Clarence, a student of the Whitehall High school, died of ty phoid just a year ago, and the mother is the only survivor of the family. The epidemic at Lehigh is believed to have started through infection that came from the place of a farmer, who furnished milk to the school, where con ditions were found to be in abominable shape. LIVE WIRE KILLS OFFICER Trying to Adjust Arc Light, He Gets a Fatal Shock ICaston, Pa., Oct. 23.—'James Ivavelle, aged 25, a patrolman on the Kas ton police force, was electrocuted last night when he tried to adjust a city arc lamp that was not burning properly in a res idential section of 'the city. ■Lavelle grasped the wire rope and be ?an lowering the lamp to inspect the carbons, when he received the full force of the current. He feill to the street dead. The jar set tlhe carbons prop erly, and the lighted lamp disclosed Lavelle s body to residents of the neighborhood. The.young man was formerly con nected with the detective department of the Lehigh Valley railroad. 3,000 SEE FALL TO DEATH New Jersey Aeronaut Drops 3,000 Feet at Virginia Fair Fincastle, Va.. Oct. 23. —Walter 'Flaxton, 30 years old, an aeronaut of Gloucester, N. J., was dashed to death yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock, at the Fincastle Fair, when his parachute failed to work and he dropped 3,000 feet on to one of the grandstands. The young man, who had been mak ing the circuit of fairs, giving balloon ascensions, had planned to make a triple parachute descent, but the para chutes failed to work, and when he came down he was grasping a bundle of cloth. His body was horribly mangled. The aeronaut's tragic death was wit nessed by 5,000 people. The body was shipped to Gloucester last night. Religious Exhibit for Big Fair New York, Oct. 23.—1t was an nounced yesterday by the Federal Coun cil of Churches of Christ in America that its committee of 100, appointed j to arrange for religious activities at; the Panama-Pacific Exposition in Pan ] Francisco, had obtained an excellent, lo- > cation on the Kxposition grounds and proposed the erection of an exhibition j building there in the interest of the re-! ligious movement. Central Fire Alarms Lebanon Lebanon, Pa., Oct. 23.—The plant of the Steitz Hat Company, in this city, was gutted by fire last night, entailing a loss of $50,000. The plant occupied! the major portion of a triangular piece ! of ground formed by the intersection of Spruce, Weimer and Lehman streets, and its proximity to the extensive plant of the Weimer Machine Works caused great apprehension for a time. Says Fiance Cheated to Wed York, Pa., Oct. 23.—Alleging that Ivan P. Polkenroth, a former Alderman otf this city, oib'tained SBO from her after promising to make her his bride, and then used it to take a trip to Phil adelphia and marrv another girl. Miss Fannie E. Good preferred a charge against her former fiance, and he was arretted last evening. NOT DISCHARGED FOR DRINK ; Only Half a Dozen Railroaders Repri manded. It Seoms Heading, Pa., Oct. 23.—The state ment telegraphed to Philadelphia from here Wednesday night that forty local employes of the Reading railway had been discharged for drinking was a gross exaggeration. Only half a dozen were reprimanded for alco'liylic indulgence. Forest Smoke Hard to Breathe Pottsville, Pa., Oct. 23.—A great forest fire is raging between Pottsville and Mt. Carbon, and dense volumes of smoke descending upon the houses in Mt. Carbon borough threatened to suf | l'ocate the people. I( i giinißiwiaiiiiiniiiiniiiiaiiiiai.iiiniiiiaiiiiaiiiifliiiiaini:^ (4Qfi \ 1 g When in Philadelphia stop at the P 1 NEW HOTEL WALTON I H Broad and Locust Streets P B Reopened after the expenditure 1 H of an enormous sum In remodel g « in*, redecorating and refurnishing ™ i IN THE CKIER OF EHHTRR ! i m Near ail Stores. Theatres and 3 R Points of Interest. p |l KTery Modern Convenience §§ ( gj 500 Elegantly Furnished Room. European TUn . I Rooms. Without bath ....SI.OO op 8 ■ Rooms, with bath $2 up. a Hot and cold running water In all rooms |j| | WALTON HOTEL CO. ! (j Louis Lukes, President-Manager S III I lllf IF VISITING 1 NEW YORK CITY you detfre to locate lf» «tie i VERY CENTRE nearest retail ahopa and uio«t i to theatre*, depota, eteamahip pier», jm« wIM b* pleased at tbr> HOTEL Albemarle-Hoffman sth Av., Broadway, 24th St. OVERLOOKING MADIfION »Q PARK. A fl?e million dolJnr example of modem Architectural perfection; accommodation 1,000 guests. A Good Room, $1.50 Per Day. , With Bath, $2 to $5. Fajnoua Piccadilly Reataurant. I - ay Booklet and Guide on Request. DANIBI, P KITCHEY. BUSINESS COLLEGES. / \ j HBG,. BUSINESS COLLEGE j ;{-l) Market Street Fall Xerin September first j _ DAY AND NIGHT | t Day and Night Sessions Positions for All Graduates Enroll Next Monday SCHOOL of COMMERCE 15 S. Market Sq., Harris burg, Pa. Cumberland Valley Railroad in HJtteet May 24, I all. Train* Leave llnrrlntuiru— For Winchester md Martinsburg, a-t 5.03, *7.50 a. m„ *3.40 p. in. For Magerstown, Chanvbersburg and intermediate stations, at *5.03, *7.50, *11.53 a. in., *3.10. 5.32, *7.10. 11.00 p. m. Additional trains for Carlisle and Mechanlcßburg at 9.48 a. in.. 2.15, 3.27. «.3u, 9,;i0 p. m. For DillsbuiK at 5.03, *7.50 and *lt'.s3 " a. m„ 2.18, *3.40, 5.32, 6.30 p. in. •Dally. AH other trains dsily except Sunday. .1 ||. TONOK, 11. A. RIDDLE, G. P. A. SupL