The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, October 23, 1914, Page 12, Image 12

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cently been placed on the market, but none T| LJ J\ fk WT O j^T
could pass the Harrisburg Star- vlJll /m VvrHJ JK vF L^l
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Mr. and Mrs. Greenawalt Entertain
Presbyterian Mite Society
Special < 'orrespondence.
Dauphin, Oct. 23.—Mr. and Mrs.'
Herbert Singer announce the birth of
a son, Charles Kenneth, on Wednesday,
October 21.
The Mite Society of the Presbyte
rian church met at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. H. B. Greenawalt on Tuesday
evening. After the regular business
was transacted refreshments ware
Miss Stnoley and Miss Maud Bailetts,
of Harrisburg, were the guests of Mrs.
Charles Lyrer on Sunday.
George Meyers spent Sunday at Pen
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Steeee, of Balti
more; Mrs. H. Hamilton, of Buffalo,
N. \., were the guests of Mrs. \V. F.
Reed on Monday.
Mrs. E. A. Ptlieger, of Williamsport,
was the guest ot Mrs. W, F. Reed on
Mrs. En by, of Mill Hall, is visiting
her sou. William Eabv.
Mr. and Mrs. William Muggins and
family, of Highspire, and Miss Mvria
Huggins. of Harrisburg, were the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Lvter on Sun
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Schriver and
.son, Klmer, of Millersburg, spent Sun-'
day with Mr. and Mrs. William Wert.!
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Singer and!
daughter, Alice Adelaide, spent Sumlav
with Mrs. Harry Singer.
Methods of Teaching Discussed in Meet
ing at High School
Special Correspondence. «
WiUianwtown, Oct. 23.—Miss Marie j
Goas, of Schuylkill Haven, was the|
guest ot her cousin, Miss Alma Bverly. j
C. \\ . Ritibendali, of Millersburg, I
spent Sunday with his parents.
Mine Foreman Thomas Bon I attend-1
ed a mining institute at >Mt. Carmel on
The teachers of the borough schools
held a meeting in the High school room
Tuesday evening when methods of l
teaching were discussed. Prof. A. B.
Mover presided ovjr the meeting. j
Weldon Watkins was the guest of
friends at Tremont recently. I
James Graham had an arm injured
while at bis work in the mines on Mon
IMr. and "Mrs. James Meehan and'
family are at Harrisburg to attend the
funeral of Mrs. Meehan's father Mr.
Mrs. Elizabeth Lightner is spending
this week in Harrisburg.
Mrs. Wilson Rettinger, of Lykens,
spent Tuesday with >Mrs. James Welsh, i
Mrs. (Harry Shaffer and daughter at !
tended the funeral of her father at |
Woman's Day Services Will Be Ob
served in U. B. Church
Special Correspondence.
West Fairview, Oct. 23. —Woman's i
Day exercises will be observed in Grace I
I'. B. church Sunday evening by the
Woman's Missionary Society. Some of
the special features will be an anthem!
by the choir; dialogue. "Mite Box |
Convention," Katharine Kutz, Sophia
I'urry, Rhoda Shettil, Robert Luse,
Margaret Camber, Mazie Foulk and
Dorothy Tenn.v; male quartet, "Len'l
a Hand;" recitation, Annabelle Boley;
addresses, Mrs. ,J. R. Hutchinson, New
Cumberland, and Miss Grace Jones, :
The grammar school, taught by Miss 1
Perle Killinger, went chestnuting to
ihe Blue mountains Wednesday.
Miss Annie Bender called on friends
in Harrisburg Thursday.
The Misses Hazel and Josephine
Weaver visited in Harrisburg Thurs-1
I *ay.
Miss Florence Carpenter, of Harris
burg, visited here yesterday.
Russell Sherrick moved into house
; of Eslinger estate yesterday.
County Treasurer Issues Fifteen Hun
dred Hunters' Licenses
' Special Correspondence.
New Bloomfield, Oct. 23. G. C.,
Palm, of Bixler, captain of Company
F„ 20Sth Regiment, Pennsylvania Voi
| unteers, was a visitor in town. Despite
his advanced age he is an active and
also accurate surveyor.
Frank Smith, of Sparks. Nevada, vis i
itoil relatives in this place.
Miss Edna Haer, a school teacher at
West Fairview, accompanied by Misses
tidna Lentz and Catharine Ehrford, of j
that place, visited her parents.
M. B. Rush, poultry dealer of Quar- ;
ryville, purchased and shipped from this
place 3,322 pounds of chicken and |
County Treasurer R. A. McClure has
already issued 1.500 hunters' licenses, j
E. s. Loy, ijeweler, had his shop im
proved by having a handsome mirrored i
oak window screen put in his window.
Dr. A. L. Hoiman and Miss Mary Long
j Special Correspondence.
Millerstown, Oct. 23.—A pretty]
! home wedding took place at the home
! of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Long, on Wed-'
"nesday evening when their youngest
daughter, Miss Mary Long, was united
| iu marriage to Dr. A. L. Hoiman by
the Rev. Mr. Romig, of Liverpool.
Promptly at 6 o'clock the bridal party
! entered the parlor to the strains of tli*'
wedding march, which was played by
Miss Maude Shover. The bride was at- j
! tended by Miss Helen Rounsler and the
groom was attended by his brother,
Edward Hoiman. After a wedding trip:
to Niagara Falls, Dr. and Mrs. Hoiman '
I will take up housekeeping in this;
place. They are both well known in!
j this place.
Belle of Blue Mountain Lodge to Hold
| Special Correspondence.
Marysville, Oct. 23.—The Belle of!
' Blue Mountain Lodge No. 217 will hold t
its fifth anniversary on Monday even
j ing, October 26, in the Knights of
Pythias castle on Lincoln street. All
| members and their wives of the B. of !
R. T. Lodge No. 694 are invited to be ,
: present.
Rally Day services will be held at
the Methodist church Sunday, October -
25, at both the morning and evening j
• services. A special program of music I
, and speaking has been arranged by the j
I committee.
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Roberts gave a |
reception at their home on Dahlia
street last evening in honor of their re
; cently-married son, F. W. Roberts, ami
j wife. Their large home was beautifully
decorated with flowers and autumn
leaves. The Marysville band, of which
Mr. Roberts is a member, was present
and rendered a few very good selec
tions. Dancing and card-playing were
other amusements of the evening. Ke
freshments wore served to a large num- i
ber of guests.
The Ladies' Aid Society of the
Methodist church will hold a chicken
and waflle supper to morrow evening in j
Diamond hall. Supper may be had'
| t'rom 4 p. m. till 12 m.
Pound Party Held For the Rev. H. S. -
and Mrs. Games
Special Correspondence
Hunnnelstown, Oct. 23.- The mem
hers of '/Aon Lutheran church last even-1
ing held a pound party for the pastor,;
the Rev. H. 8. Games, and Mrs. <>ar- i
nes. The party was attended by about'
! seventy five members of the congrega-!
tion an I the pastor and his wife were
agreeably surprised when they appear- j
ed at the parsonage with their gifts.
Mrs. Mary Nitz, of Harrismirg, is j
spending several weeks with ber daugh-'
er. Mrs. H. Miller.
Harrv Deimler. who resided on South j
Railroad street, for the past several!
years moved to Chamber Hill this j
Mrs. Katherine Hummel was a vis
itor in Harrisburg yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Riioads, of
I Harrisburg, spent last evening with'
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Miller.
Mrs. J. F. Mover, of Reading, is the
guest of her father, John J. Xissley.
Double Brick Dwelling to Replace
Ruins of Recent Fire
I Sppcia 1 Correspondence.
Ijcmoyne, Ojt. 211.—Mrs. Paul Sus
j key, of Bressler, Dauphin c#untv, until
I recently a resident of town, visited
1 relatives here yesterday.
Mrs. David Smith, who has been
very ill for the past week, is slightly
: improved.
John Bentz and Albert Thumma are
removing the burned timber from the
double dwelling destroyed by fire two
weeks ago, preparatory to erecting a
i double brick dwelling.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Rigler. of near
Andersontown. York county, are visit
ing relatives in town.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lichtaberger are
now domiciled in their new Ifome on
Fast Herman avenue.
Mrs. Z. F. Lightner and her sewing
1 class of Trinity Lutheran church are
j preparing to hold a bazar in the Fire
j man's Hall on the evenings of Novem
ber 21 and 22.
The Public Schools Observed Arbor Day
j Special Correspondence.
1 Middletown, Oct. 23.—i.Miss Sarah 11.
i Hoffer died at the home of her sister.
Mrs. S. M. Baum, of Round Top Mill,
on Thursday morning, aged 49 years,
from pneumonia. She is survived bv
j three sisters, .Mrs. S. M. Baum, Round
j Top; 'Mrs. Peter Gruber, Bachmanville,
1 and Mrs. M. B. Reed, Lawn; three
: brothers, the Rev. H. H. Hoffer, of
| Hershey, Pa.; C. H. Hoffer, of town,
! and D. H. Hotter, Neffsville, Lancaster
1 county. The funeral will be 'held on
j Saturday morning and also services at
j 2 o'clock at Hoffer's church, Conewago.
| The Rev. Jacob H. Longeneirker. of the
J Church of the Brethren will officiate.
Interment will be made in the cemetery
adjoining the church.
Rlfner Dasher was arrested by Con
stable Lewis Miller charged with as
sault and battery by Mrs. Henry Bretz
man, of town. Ho was taken to the
■Harrisburg jail in default of bail, and
will be given a hearing before Squire
G. K. Bowers to-morrow afternoon.
Dasher hail assaulted Mrs. Bretzman
lon Monday evening on Union street,
! near Ann.
To-morrow will be payday at the j
! car works.
T'ho Rev. H. F. Hoover will speak at i
| the Rally Day exercises at the East End I
| Church of Hod Sunday school, High-1
I spire, on Sunday afternoon at !J o'clock,
•lolin Frank and wife are spending
several days at HagerStown. Mil.
L The household goods of Mrs. Wil
! liam Callagher were shipped to Phila
' delphia yesterday where she will make
| her future home.
Mrs. ('. A. Gramni, of Philadelphia,
is visiting I>r. D. W. C. l.avertv and
family for several days. She i.s aiceom
i panied bv iMiss Harris, also of Phila
| del Ilia.
Arbor Day was observed by the pub
lic schools to-day and several trees were
Work on the new concrete bridge be
i t vveen Royalton and town, is being push
j ed forward rapidly and will mostly be
i made of concrete.
i Arthur King is transacting business
j at Ww York City for several days.
H. C. Hoffman has the contract to
j move the dou>ble house for Ed Beck,
; which was sold hy the car comp any. He
1 will move the same to F.agle Heights,
fa -ing Main street, the foundations for
which is completed.
A. ft. ißai'ks transacted business at
! Lebanon on Wednesday.
T. J. Antrim has his gasoline engine
repaired: he also uses t'he same to crush
oyster shells.
H. P. Young, of Harrit'ourg, spent
I yesterday in town.
i The two weeks' engagement of the
White Spear Medicine Company will
I dose to-morrow evening in the Realty
I theatre and the diamond ear rings will
! 'be given away for the handsomest lady
j in town.
Win My Chum Week at Baughman'a
Memorial M. E. Church
' j Special Correspondence.
New CumMcrland, Oat. 23. —There is
more than ordinary interest already be
ing shown in the announcement of the
, services of Win My' Chum Week at
Haugnman Memorial M. E. church, be-
| Average Autumn Temperature 73 r
! Authorized by Dept. Bermuda Gov't, i
Very Low Autumn Rates
S. S. Trinidad
Salts Oct. 24
j Quebec S. S. Co., Ltd., A. E. Outer
,l bridge & Co., Agts.. 29 B'way, N. Y.
M The Royal Mail Steam Packet Co.,
', I Sanderson & Sun, Gen. Agts., 22
»|l State St.. N. Y.
For Booklets npplv to nbnve S. S.
| j Co** or any Ticket A sent
These Ch.irminc Islnnila Are Now
•1 Their Beat
' i holds the record—4o hour*—la tha
• ! newest and only twin-screw steam
; ship sailing to Bermuda, and tha
only one landing passengers at th«
1 dock at Hamilton without transrer
| by tent'.er.
-| Kound Trip with tr.eala tOßand
. I ana .laieroom berth •VAO up
. I i-'or tull particulars apply to A. K.
OI'TKUHHIUGZ * CO., Agents (ta„
' bee X. ». Co., 1.1 d., X) Broadway, ew
> York* I*. I.OKNU IIKMMI&I.. 103 Mar
lirt St., Harrlabura, Ha* or au y Tick,
ct Ann).
ginning nert Sunday evening and con
tinuing each evening next week. The
pastor, the Rev. J. V. Adams, has an
nounced that among the speakers for
tlie week the following ministers will
participate in the exercises: The Rev.
John W. Long, Dillsburg; the Rev. H.
VV. Hartaofk, of Camp Hill; the Rev. '
S. P. I! ails ley, Enola, and Dr. A. 8.
Fasick, superintendent of Harrislwrg j
district: S(jmeT)f leaguers
of the church ire appaßkted bv the pas
tor as the leaders of the services, each
service having a different leader and a
different preacher. Special music in
abundance will be rendered and every
body is invited to attend.
<MV. and Mrs. Jerry Kern and daugh
ter, Tressa, attended the funeral of Mrs.
John J. Kern, Mr. Kern's mother, at
Round Town, York county, to-day.
Mrs. J. C. Forncrook, of Uarris'burg,
was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Parker
Mi uter, yesterday.
'Charles Leiby's family and IH. Elber
sole spent Wednesday evening in Mid
Mrs. Singizer, of Mc'chanicsburg.
called on friends here 'yesterday.
I Clearge Watkins, of Harriaburg,
spent Thursday afternoon with his son,
/Mir. and Mrs. Pitt, of Hanover, Pa.,
were guests of the Rev. and 'Mrs, J. V.
Adams at -the M. E. parsonage this
, Public School Building to Be Dedicated
Thanksgiving Day
Special Correspondence.
Halifax, Oct. 23.—The local agent,
William J. Jury, has installed a Knight
gasoline lighting system in the resi
dence and store of John K. Meredith
at Matanioras.
The Rev. J. C. and M rs. Pease
i and Mrs. Ross Zimmerman motored to
; llarrisburg on Wednesday.
Halifax's new $30,000 public school
: building will be dedicated with appro
| priate exercises on Thanksgiving Day
i afternoon and evening.
George Nelson, of. Millersburg, vis
; ited town friends this week.
Ross E. Zimmerman has had his home
| on Fourth street equipped with an up-
I to-date steam heating plant, t>ath, etc.
Misses Esther Bailey and Sue Wag
ner left Thursday on a visit to the tat
ter's sister, Mrs. W. I. Keiter, at
j Cherrydale, Va.
Harry H. Kline left Wednesday to
I resume his employment at Atlantic
j City, after visiting his family in town.
Teachers' Institute Will Be Held Satur
day, November 14
Special Correspondence.
Mec<hanicsburg, Oct. 23.—Last even
ing Miss Clara B. Cromleigh gave an
organ recital in the 'Methodist church.
She was assisted by Miss Mae Singiser,
soprano, of this place; Mrs. J. V. (Miller,
contralto, of this place, and Roy IMa
'tlhias, baritone, of Harrieburg. The
following program was given: Prelude
and fugue in E minor, Baefa; legend -
Federlein; baritone solo, "If God So
Clothe the Grass," Bischoff, Mr. Ma
thias; "The Answer," Wolstenhohne;
Rustice Dance, Demarest; soprano solo,
"My Redeemer and My Lord," Buck,
Miss Singiser; prelude, Heroic, Faulkes;
intermission; silver offering; overture,
Stradella, Flotow; contralto solo,
"Rest," Bisdioff, Mrs. Miller; Iyarzo-
Handel; baritone solo, "Still, Still With
Thee," Jacotisen, Mr. Mathias; iMarch
Militairrff Gounoil. The chunoh was filled
with an appreciative audience.
Miss Elsie Lenker is visiting rela
tives in Lititz.
A teachers' Iocal ( institute will be
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Bearing "groat news of good fortune" for women. Miss Margaret TracJ
| has returned to the United States and told how eight thousand babies had been
born in Freiburg, Germany, without their mothers suffering the least pain.
"This Is news of the greatest importance to the race," said Miss Tracy, who
lias worked earnestly to have (hp twilight sleep method of birth adopted on
this side, "for it means that women will cease to fear the pain of bearing
J children. There will be more children and the world will tie lietter." Miss
| Tracy was enthusiastic concerning her Investigations in the hospitals at Frei
burg. where the twilight sleep wus devised. With her in Europe was her sls
! ter, Mrs. Cecil Stewart, and the hitter's baby, James, who was born eighteen
' nonths ago under this new method, and who was one of the first children to
be so l>orn in this country. Miss Tracy says that close observation has shown
I that the eight thousand babies born In Freiburg arc healthier, stronger aud
happier than any other eight thousand babies born by the old method.
held in the High school room Saturday,
November 14. This district includes the
following towns and townships: Camp
Hill, Lemoyne, Mechanicsburg, New
Cumberland, Shirernanstown, West Fair
view, Wornileysburg, Fast Penntiboro,
Hampden, Lower Allen, IT'pper Allen and
Silver Spring. The institute will be in
charge of County Superintendent J. K.
Green. The program <mmitrtee is Pro
fessors Ralph Jaco-by, of Meolianics
hurg; W. 11. Hein h, of Shiremanstown;
W. ('. Bowman, of and John
Hetriek, of Silver Spring township. The
prinfcipal address before tlhe institute
will be given 'by Dr. Ezra Lehman,
principal of the Shi-; pens'burg Normal
J. C. Keeper was a visitor to Har
risburg yesterday.
The pulpit of the Methodist churrih
will be tilled tibia evening 'by the Rev.
A. C. Sm ticker, I). 0., of Harrisburg.
Misses Kate Hummel, 'Mary Liilcy,
Margaret Blackburn and Mar.jorio Lilly,
of the Woman's Home and Foreign Mis-
sionarv Society of Trinity Lutheran
church, are attending the missionary
convention of the West Pennsylvania
Synod now in'session in Shrewsbury.
Miss Bmily L. Weickotten, of
Rajahamundry, India, is the guest of
Mrs. .1. IH. Smith, Kast Main street. Miss
Weickotten was one of t'he speakers at.
the missionary convention of the Lan
caster conference of tll(j Lutheran
'Church u'hi.h was held in Shiremans
town yesterday.
Mrs. R. Wilson Hurst. Mrs. W. L.
Pouglien-ty and Miss Cay Lauck, of this
place, have been awarded premiums for
fancy work exhibited at the county
fair in Carlisle.
Mrs. Amanda (let/, is visiting rela
tives in Harrisburg.
" Why this coolness between you and
Mabel?" "Oh, we disagreed aJiout
something." " What was itt" "As to
whether her dog was more intelligent,
than my baby."—Louisville Courier-