LET US TAILOR YOU OUR PRICES Then you will Be , * a Are Always ri s?JS OUR 0 sL r e can say without Alfl fill sar of contradiction that no better U \\ ' J Jt\ 11/1 laterials and workmanship can be H \\ \ yll Mil __ hown in this entire country than - -\\ L/H&WI ii IIHIIIIIIH ours. All we ask is a trial order, we /IfiwA A : ::: : are positive you will be satisfied beyond a doubt. IWIf 1 ® iiiiiii REGULARf¥f * p ::: 1 $25.00 $ R BALMA- Y o■l MAPE TO YOUK SUPER ] t" SELL BROS. J. 211 MARKET STREE v Open Evenings Till 9 Saturdays Till 10 AsQXljSm EX-SENATOR CLARK DENIES CANARD ABOUT ATROCITIES New York, Oct. 23.—Former Senator William A. Clark, of Montana, who ar rived front Europe yesterday on the Adriatic, in a positive manner denied' the authorship of a published report at tributed to iiim in relating to alleged atrocities against a Belgian family. The report was given out as a pub tic statement by Prince Nicholas Kn galitcliaff, former Russian vive consul in Chicago, on his return from Europe on September 11 and was to the effect that -Sir. \>)W fWM TTJC NC HES?. AAAAAA BEL6IANS ••••ALLIES M\\\V SERMANS, J»»J» •**■ I, N £K£ H Tuesday J ■■■■l GERMANS* WEDNESDAY GERMANS HURLED BACK FROM BELGIAN COAST BY SHELLS OF BRItISH FLEET. Advancing from Bruges and Ostend in their endeavor to reach the French coaat, the Germans arrived at Nieuport. There they were met by the Belgian army and thrown back beyond the River Yser on a line to Dixmude. They began to intrench between Middelkerke and Westende, but were observed by the Britisn war >liips, which were protecting the end of the Belgian line, and were shelled out of their positions, retreating to Osi.end, which the British fleet proceeded to bombard. To the south the Allies occupy Rollers, which is further west than Lille and offers advantages for an enveloping movement. From Routers they have reached Courtrai. still further threatening Lille. This news was followed by reports that the Ger mans had evacuated Ostend and retreated to a point seven kilometres west of Bruges. I \ 'have been unnecessary for me to I leave.'' Greece Aims to Avoid War Washington, D. C., Oct. 23. —Parti-, ci pat ion of Greece in the European war! ■ depends upon the future action of the I now peaceful Balkan States, according to Greek Minister Schliemanu. "Greece' I is not mobilized," said the minister,! I "and is maintaining only a frontier guard, composed only of the regular standing army. Unless the status quo' ! in the Balkans is changed by the en j trance of another state into the war we will remain at peace." War Empties Chicago of Frenchmen Chicago, Oct. 23.—50 nearly coni -1 plete was the response of Chicago Frenchmen to the call to the colors that the local French consul, Baron Hou-. iu de Saint Leurent, has nothing to do j and at his own request has been recall-; ed to France. Aid to Suffering a Private Affair Washington, D. C., Oct. 23. Presi dent Wilson pointed out yesterday that , the movement to supply food and as sistance to Belgian sufferers wag en I tirely a private movement, and that the | United States government had no di rect connection witJ| it. HARRISBURG STAR-INDEPENDENT, FRIDAY EVENING-. OCTOBER 28, 1914. t j VOX HOLTKK MRAVKLY ILL; IS REPORTED TO BE DYING Amsterdam, Oct. 23.—A private let ter received from a high official in Ber lin says Lieutenant General fount Hel mut h von Moltke, chief of the German general staff, is dying. Everything is being done to keep the news secret. General von Moltke is suf fering from an affection of the liver. The cure he was undergoing was inter rupted in duly by the German mobiliza tion. He lias now had to leave Em peror William's headquarters, General von Falkenhavn, the Prussian Minister of War, being left in charge. Many Herman officers ascribe the check to the German advance to the forced retirement of General von Moltke. Fear Submarine Was Sunk London, Oct. 23. —The Secretary of the Admiralty announces that the sub marine b'oatj E 3. commanded by Lieu tenant Cimmiinder George i\ t holm ley, is now considerably overdue and that it is feared she has been stink in the North Sea. A wireless dispatch re ceived here from Berlin. Tuesday, said 1 the E o had been sunk Sunday, o tober 18, by German warships. Her complacc ! ment consisted of sixteen men. i am ib PRESS FORWARD West Wing Battling | Against the Strong est Opposition in the Region of Lille LITTLE CHANGE | AT OTHER PLACES: j Kaiser's Forces Still Rotaiu a Foot hold os the West Batik of the i Meuso, Before St. Mihiel Despite I French Efforts to Eject Them Berlin, by Way ot' The Hague ami ! l/ondou, Oct. -3, 2.4 2 A. M.—While the German armies on the west wing I are slowly pressing forward against the : strongest" opposition in the region be j tween i>ille an(t the channel in a cam- I paigu to straighten out the flank whieh ! in the earlier stages of the struggle, 1 was bent back almost to the Belgian | frontier in ordgr to cover the communi ! cations with the home land, the situa , tion to the eastward, on the fortress ; line of Verdum, Toul and Belfort, has j changed but little since the end of j | September. A report received directly from that ! ! region by the Associated Cress shows j that the German armies betweeu Ver • dun and Toul still retain a footh«ld on ; the west bank of the Meuse bofore St. i Mihiel, despite the repeated French ef i forts to eject them. Tbe Germans ap | parently are content to hold the posi , tions gained pending the inauguration j of an artillery attack against Verdun. To Start New German Wedge | The captured barrier fort of Campe i Komains now a part of German line and a German bridge across the Meuse, I protected by formidable works at the | bridge bead offer a thoroughfare for | starting a German wedge against the i center of tho French line. The French attacks seeiu to come I more from a southern, even a south j easterly direction from the region of I Toul. Nancy and Pont-a-Mousson , I against the original flank of the Ger . man positions than against the point ; of the wedge at St. Mihiel. The fortress j positions at Toul are too strong to of | fer the possibility of taking them by i storm and thereby forcing a retirement i of the French line. Southward of Toul, particularly in the Vosges mountain region, compara- I tive quiet prevails and no major opera- I t'ons appear to be in progress. Trenches Marvels of Ingenuity Between Verdun and Toul both sides ■ | dug themselves in most thoroughly. • The French and German trenchcjj are i marvels of ingenuity and the advance posts are snugly ensconsed in these shelter pits. Kven tiie commanding gen eral, far in the rear has a bomb proof beside his headquarters in which he - takes shelter if the enemy's heavy j artillery choosex to drop a shell or two - i in his vicinity. lj The machine gun is so effective in i this warfare that advances require al most as elaborate sapping and digging I as did the old style of attack on fort r resses. The attacking force pushes for ward a successive line of trenches which sometimes approach within twen < tv yards ot' the enemy. Mining and counter mining is used in the struggle for the trenches. Aeroplane scouting is MI effective that batteries must be com pletelv masked bv brunches or even placed in regular sol house? escape -•♦ flection. It is regrrttali'' •'.«:< mi. ' tarv requirements forbid a dc ription of some of the ingenuous methods of concealment. | Artillery Drives Aeroplanes High Aeroplanes in turn have been driven to high regions of the air by artillery ' fire, particularly from anti-balloon suns. They now scout at height of 7.500 feet instead of 4.500 feet as j they did earlier in the-war. The heavy artillery is located, as in ! September, well to. the rear, but occa sionally receives the enemy's compli j ments in the shape of a shower of ! shrapnel from an audacious field bat tery which creeps up within ranje or from heavy shells from the long range. ; high angle guns. Much of the heavy | artillery practice occurs at night to avoid aeroplane detection. Such guns, which are operated exclusively in in j direct firing never see the target and are naturally quite a* accurately aimed in the darkness as in daylight. Desperate Struggles in the Woods Certain regions of the fortress lino 011 the eastern front are.heavily wood ed as in the Argonne forest, west of J Verdun. The struggles in the woods of Arrcmont. southeast of St. Mihiel, have ! been quite as de'sperate and sanguinary i as in the Argonne forest. The fighting j in these French forests is not only on the surface but also is aerial and uu ' derground. Riflemen and the machine guns operate by preference from the tree tops. Ground at the surface is de scribed as one continuous maze of wire j entanglements, wolf traps and so forth j and an advance is so difficult there ! that the soldiers burrow forward from ! the trenches and endeavor to blow up ; their opponents. The German hospital arrangements as seen in the Argonne region arc ad mirable. Automobile busses are doing particularly good work in the rapid transport of wounded from the battle field to the field hospitals. One column ! of Berlin automobile busses brought i 300 wounded from a battle in Argonne which started at noon and delivered them at the field hospital more than fifty miles in the rear by 5 o'clock. ! Seats have been removed from the am bulances and racks inserted on which ; twelve stretchers can be placed. Her Opinion I In the census office at Washington acts against the law are recorded un | der a few main heads, such as mur der. burglary, etc. A lady who was j working there recently ran across tthe I crime, " Running a blind tiger." After ; a puzzled moment she placed in under the liat, "Cruelty to animals."—Argo naut. Why ilo you double lead your edi torials?" asked the cub reporter. "To give them more weight," re plied the editor.—Cincinnati Enquirer. RIGHT HERE IN HARRISBURG Do You Know That Styleplus Clothes sl7 have won fame from coast to coast ns the great medium-price snit ? The Hub is the sole local-distributor. choosing to make our store the local headquarters, wo have been guided not only by our .judgment of values, but by the experience of successful clothiers all over the We mention some of the big values in STYLEPLUS that the makers have been able to produce for only sl7 by All wool fabrics—stylish patterns, tine quality. Styling by a great fashion artist. ' Hand tailoring where tailoring counts. Canvas and haircloth soaked in water so that the coat skeleton cannot stretch out of shape. (Sood linings that look well and wear well In the national publications the makers advertise that the scientific economy behind these values, on an average, save \\ hy experiment ? You can come here and get the big guaranteed values of STYLEPLUS Clothes sl7—and in addition the authentic styling of a great fashion artist. Get the liahit. Come to the Hub. THESHUB 320 Market Street FEW GERMAN SOLDIERS : : REMAINING IN ANTWERP London, Oct. 23, 10.50 A. M. —A dispatch from Rotterdam to the | "Star"' says: "The movement of the German [ 1 troops, westward from Antwerp has left j i only a few hundred men iu the town, i i The last batch left yesterday morning I | and most of the great forts are now | I without guards. The German wounded j | from the front are being quartered at | I the zoo. "A traveler who has just left the | j city says that some one restored the 1 i Belgian Hag to the town hall and the j I Germans did IIOL bother to take it i down. The whole Belgian coast is now ; deserted by the population, .he military ( being in sole possession. "At Ostend over a hundred Belgian j j locomotives have been collected." The correspondent hazards a guessi j that they are for use in a retreat. ! COMMANDER OF U-9 BECOMES A POPULAR IDOL IN GERMANY j New York, Oct. -!!. —The German I i information service makes public a statement in which it is said that Lieu tenant Weddigeu, the German naval 1 officer who commanded the submarine IT-9,l T -9, which sank the British cruisers' ] Aboukir, Hogue and (Jressy, is sharing I with General von Hindenburg the hon-j i or of beiny; the popular idol of the tier- ! man people. The statement reads: j "Mail advices received from Ger main- report that, with the possible ex-i I ception of General von Hindenburg, I j the most popular man in Germany to- j ! dav is Senior Lieutenant Otto AVeddi- j I . ' To the Public— You Are Invited to Observe * the Store Windows! - THE retailers of this city in common with merchants all over North Amer ica are observing Newspaper Window Display Week. They are showing in their windows products made familiar to you by adver tising in this newspaper. They are backing up the advertising with a showing of the actual goods. These store windows will be interesting and instructive. They will evidence live products and live storekeepers. They will be well worth looking at. w. Storekeepers who observe National Newspaper Window Display Week are Worthy of Your Consideration },? ii, commander of the submarine U-9. | Emperor Franz Josef, of Austria-Hun gary, has conferred on him the Knight : Cross of the Leopold Order. "Bmil Sauer, a Berlin mine owndr, lias given $1,500 to reward the crew; of the submarine. The donor expressed |, the wish that the money be spent for gifts for the officers and as a nucleus I to establish saving accounts for the t crew." Belgians Returning to Antwerp Berlin, Oct. 23, by Wireless.—Ac cording to information given out in Ber liu to-day, the number of Belgians re turning to Antwerp is increasing as a | result of the good treatment accorded ! them by the German authorities in jios- [ session of the citv. Meeting the Emergency One day .Tones lost a buttn from I.V I serge coat, and on leaving for the office j the following morning he asked little bridie if sQie wouldn t repair the dam age during the day. Little 'bridie, of course, sweetly promised. '"Where are you, Harry?" called the, young wife on hearing hubby ranibliug ( around the house that evening. What are you looking for?'' "I am looking for my blue serge I coat," answered Harry. "Did you sew 1 on that button?" "No dear," came the startling re | joinder of wifev. "I couldn't find the j button, so I sewed up the buttonhole.'' i 1 —Kansas l.'itv Star. Righteous Wrath "Footlite pretends fo be very angry! I because of that little item in the j •Daily Blat' saying his wife is suing i him for div!EXInis into tango parlors."—'Detroit Free Press, March of Process "Great times we live in." ' v How now?'' "Heard a farmer to-day telling the druggist his *oil was impoverished, j And the druggist had something good I for it, by gum!"— Louisville Courier- Journal.