The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, October 22, 1914, Page 12, Image 12

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SXjYftfc Q; iVi\vftr\
In Every Part of the Store Are to Be Found Notable Specials for Friday
No Friday Specials
Will Be Sent C. 0. D.,
or Mail or Phone Orders
Silk Reductions
For Friday
$1.50 black princess satin;
06 inches wide; extra value.
Special only for Friday,
yard SI. 09
$1.39 black satin majestic,
40 inches wide. Special only
for Friday, yard $1.17
$2.50 crepe cascade, in
navy, Copenhagen and ma
hogany; the heaviest silk
crepe woven; 40 inches wide.
Special only for Friday,
yard, 78c
$1.50 plisse crepe, 36
inches wide; in light blue.
Copenhagen and mahogany.
Special only for Friday,
yard, 6Sc
SI.OO black taffeta. 'l6
inches wide. Special only
for Friday, yard 67 c
(•"Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart
Street Floor.
Corset Covers and
Negligee Garments
High neck tight-fitting cor
set covers; limit two to a
customer. Special only for
Friday 10c
High neck and loug sleeve
muslin night gowns. Spe
cial only for Friday,.. ,35c
Low neck muslin gowns.
Special only for Friday, 35c
Round white aprons. Spe
cial only for Friday,. 39c
50c extra size muslin draw
ers with tucked ruffle. Spe
cial only for Friday 39c
Soi'ond Floor—Three Elevators
IVDives, Pomeroy A- Stewart
Men's and Boys' Shoes
Men's $1.75 gun metal calf
•hoes, made on high toe lasts.
Special for Fridav onlv,
Boys' *1.50 gun metal
shoes; blncher style: heavy
stitched soles: sizes 4 l » to 5
and 5 3 o. Special for Friday
only 81.00
WDives. Pomeroy £ Stewart
Street Floor—Rear.
Children's Umbrellas
Children's fast black um
brellas. with Congo handles;
vorth 50c. Special for Fri
day only 35c
W Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart
Street Floor.
Paid That Much Out of
His Own Pocket to
Circulate His Person
al Platform
Bepublican Candidate Declares That If
He Has to Pay More Than Salary
of the Office He Doesn't Want to
Be Governor
(Special to the Star-Independent.)
Pottsville. Pa., Oct. 22.—"1f in or
der to be Governor it ivas necessary to
seek the nomination from the hands of
a boss. I would never have been a can
didate for the offi<e," declared Dr. Mar
tin G. Brumbaugh, in Union Hall, here
iast night.
"If elected I wiil be free from obli
gations to all insidious forces and will
not have my hands tied in any man
"1 made my own platform and spent
to. ooo in printing it and sending it out
to you. Of Fhis sum >3OO was con-
Special Reductions in
Colored Dress Goods
59c cloth suitings; 54
inches wide: in cadet and
grey. Special for Friday
only, yard 45c
75c Shepherd's checks in
two sizes; 54 inches wide.
Special for Friday only,
yard 59c
75c grey Panama, 50 inches
wide. Special for Friday
only, yard 55c
75c navy all wool serge.
Special for Friday only,
yard 69c
SI.OO navy serge; 50 inches
wide. Special for Friday
only, yard 79c
SI.OO crepe granite. 54
inches wide; all wool. Spe
cial for Friday only, yard. \
$1.50 waffle check; 50
inches wide; in navy and tan.
Special for Friday only,
yard 95^
$2.00 navy cord; 54 inches
wide. Special for Friday
only, yard $1.69
$3.00 Copenhagen coatings.
54 inches wide. Special for
Friday only, yard, . . .51.95
$2.50 silk and wool brocade
poplin, 42 inches wide. Spe
cial for Friday only, yard.
$2.00 silk and wool crepe.
40 inches wide. Special for
Friday only, yard 59c
WDives, Pomeroy & Stewart
Street Floor.
Black Dress Goods
$1.50 black broadcloth, 50
inches wide. Special for Fri
day only, yard $1.29
$1.50 black waffle check;
50 inches wide. Special for
Friday only, yard 98c
SI.OO black serge; 50 inches
wide. Special for Friday
only, yard 79C
SI.OO black unfinished wor
sted :54 inches wide. Special
for Friday only, yard,. . 89c
SI.OO black wool corduroy:
46 inches wide. Special for
Friday only. yard. ... 69c
Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart
Street Floor.
$2.00 saws. Special for Fri
day only 81.00
$1.19 adjustable handle
drawing knives. Special for
Friday only, 69c
$2.75 ratchet braces. Spe
cial for Friday only, $1.50
WDives, Pomeroy & Stewart
tributed by friends. The remainder waJ :
paid out of my own pocket and T tell j a
: you that if I have to pay more to be a
elected than the salary of the office, 11 n
do not want the Governorship." j 0
This evident reference to McCor-'
mick's expense account brought forth j n
prolonged applause. .Judge R. H. Koch u
I t>-esi led and John R. K. Scott and r
, Henry Houck also made addresses. t
In the afternoon Dr. Brumbaugh and! e
, Secretary Houck addressed the Schuyl- 1
kill County Teachers' Institute in ses
sion at Shenandoah. Dr. Brumbaugh n
I said in speaking of social reform meas- n
Brumbaugh on Reform Measures | I
"I nave had experience as suferin-jj
tenient of the Philadelphia schools i
, which gives me more knowledge of the i 1
practical the child labor law
than all of the theorists, who have been ! J
writing thesis on this subject for five, J
or six years. One-fourth of all the em-{ f
' ploynient certificates issued in the State 1
' are issued from my office."'
Dr. Brumbaugh declared that the av- '
eraee boy and girl suddenly transferred
f from school to shop, under an employ-!
ment certificate, is a failure and is soon I 5
' I discharged.
j "And then the employment certifi-j '
ate." he said, "becomes a permission l <
1 to loaf for two years. What we need j 5
i is a graduated system of manual train- j '
1 ing schools, in which pupils can spend] }
part of their time in preparing for the,
. j practical duties of life. Do you say that | '
j! is impossible? Why, we are doing it j
.' every day in Philadelphia."
Henry Houck brought forth roars of 1 !
daughter by describing how he found ]
Brumbaugh as a boy in the woods in
e 'Huntingdon county and brought him '
[ forth from one promotion to another,
i- [
II Democrats in Johnstown
- | Johnstown. Pa., Oct. 22.—Congress
' man A. Mitchell Palmer, Democratic
i j candidate for I'nited States Senator,
t ; and Vance ('. McCormick, candidate for
I Governor, last nicht addressed 1,000
Dress Lining Values
•V>c black satitie; 36 inches
wide. Special for Friday
only, yard 29C
25c stripe and plain liu
ings, in light shades. Spe
cial for Fridav onlv, vard.
6 l k c
WDives. Pomeroy & Stewart
Street Floor.
Girls' and Misses' Shoes
Black kid skin lace shoes;
stitched soles; low heels. Spe
cial for Friday only, $1.40
Misses' $1.50 black kid
skin lace shoes with stitched
soles and low heels: sizes
11 1 to 2. Special for Friday
only 98c
W Dives, Pomeroy \ Stewart
Street Floor —Hear.
Shams and Scarfs
$•2.00 to $2.50 .Japanese
drawn work shams and
scarfs; size 18x50 and 30x30.
Special for Friday only, 98c
t# Dives. Pomeroy A Stewart
Street Floor.
Table Damask
50c extra heavy mercerized
bleached table damask; 64
inches wide; for general use.
Special for Friday only, 35c
W Dives, Pomeroy &. Stewart
Street Floor.
Cotton Dress Weaves
25c crepe suiting, in solid
shades. Special Friday only,
card lie
50c crepe de chine, one-half
silk; 36 inches wide; solid
shades. Special Friday only,
yard 25c
25c poplin, self color silk
stripe; in solid shades. Spe
cial Friday only, yard. 15c
89c silk and cotton organ
die. in white grounds with
floral colored designs. Spe
cial Friday only, yard.. . 10c
75c to $1.25 ratine. 40 to 4H
inches wide; solid shades.
Special Fridav onlv, vard.
25c suiting: in solid shades,
for house and school dresses.
Special Fridav only, vard,
Sr 1
15c crinkle seersucker in
stripes of blue, brown, pink
on white. Special Friday
only, yard 8c
18c crepe in white and col
ored grounds. Special Friday
only, yard 12C
Sc to 10c lawns; in white
aud colored grounds. Spe
cial Friday only, yard,.. .4c
Street Floor.
W Dives, Pomerov & Stewart
reot>!e in the auditorium here following 1
a tour of Cambria county by Palmer i
and a visit to Pittsburgh by MwCor- £
mi.-k with William Draper Lewis. Mr. <
McCormick said in his speech: j I
"The candidacy of my opponent, the 1
machine candidate for Governor, is; (
merely intended to serve as a cloak of i
righteousness for Boies Penrose, just as t
the candidacy of Samuel W. Pennypack-1 i
er was arranged to permit yuav to hide i
behind Che ermine of-the judiciary." j
At the Pittsburgh meeting held at!
noon Mr. McCormick addressed 3,000 ! ]
men in front of the Court House.
Gallitzin. Cresson, Lilly. Cassandra,
Portage, Wilnrore. Summerhilland South
Fork were visited in the order named 1
by Paimer and Creasy, The crowds in
the mountain district were not large, j
At Lilly Mr. Palmer was force.! to
lay aside politics for the time and de
liver an address to school children. Five '
hundred of them surrounded the meet
ing place and interrupted it to such
an extent in their calls for a speech
that their wish had to be gratified.
Philadelphia. Oct. 22.—Gifford Pin
chot, the Washington party's Senator-!
ial candidate, declared yesterday that |
he does not see any likelihood o/,amal
gamation with any other party. He!
sail that the outlook was most en
couraging, but when asked whether the;
Progressive party would unite with the |
Republican party if old party leaders j.
were eliminated, said:
"The Progressive party in any event ;
is a permanent political institution. I
standing on its own feet with a deli- >
nite program and clear-cut purpose, |
both of which it purposes to pursue |
until they have been accomplished." I
Penrose Talks to Iron Workers
Coatesville, Oct. 22. —Big meetings!
attended principally by mill men, were |
addressed by Senator Boies Penrose!
yesterday. The Senator was given the |
j credit for legislation that kept the!
i wheels of the industrial plants at |
Pattern Table Cloths
98e pattern cloths subject
to slight imperfections; size
62x62 inches. Special Friday
only, ....\ 49c
$2.00 pattern cloths; 66x66
and 66x8-4 inches; for gen
eral use; subject to slight im
perfections. Special Friday
only, 98?
$2.00 to $2.50 pattern table
cloths, size 68x86 inches. Spe
cial Friday only, . ... $1.39
$3.00 to $3.50 round scal
loped pattern cloths: iu new
desigus. Special Friday only,
ach, . .. $1.95 and 9«.09
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart
Street Floor.
Muslins and Sheets
40-inch unbleached muslin,
HV quality. Special Friday
only, yard 7'._.?
36-inch unbleached muslin,
7c quality. Special Friday
only, yard 5c
76x90 bleached sheets; 59c
value. Special Friday only,
72x90 bleached sheets: 42c
value. Special Friday only,
** Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart
Street Floor.
Drapery Values
25c and 35c remnants of
drapery materials in scrim,
eta.. ti. and other drapery
materials. Special Friday
only, yard 9?
15c double printed etaiuine
in lengths of 3 to 5 yards;
slightly damaged. Special
" '.'ay only, yanl 5?
SI.OO and $2.00 sample
pairs of curtains iti lace, mus
lin and scrim; slightly soiled.
Special Friday only, pair,
50c to SI.OO
tDives. Pomeroy & Stewart
Third Floor—Three Elevators.
Women's and Children's
Women's hemstitched ini
tial handkerchiefs; six styles.
Special for Fridav only, ti for
Children 's hemstitched cot
ton handkerchiefs, worth 3c.
Special for Friday only, 3 for
tM Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart
Street Floor.
Oyster Fryers
39c oyster fryers with wire
basket. Special Friday only,
M Dives Pomeroy \ Stewart
Parkesburg. Phoenixville, Coatesville,
and other Chester county towns going
and provided employment at good
wages for thousands of iron and steel
Experienced campaigners in Chester j
county declared that Senator Penrose's;
meetings exceeded in attendance and |
enthusiasm any political gathering iu j
this section within recent years.
Loyal Victoria Fishel Died Tuesday
Night—Funeral Saturday
Spocial Correspondence.
Wes* Fairview, Oct. 22.—'Loyal Vic
toria Fishel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. |
M. A. Fishel, Front street, died Tuesday '
night at 11.45 o'clock, aged 9 years, j
1 month and 1 day. She had been ail
ing for some time, ye* her death came
as a sudden surprise and shock. Her |
parents, two brothers and one sister, all j
at home, survive. Funeral services will j
be conducted Saturday at the house at j
9.30 o'clock, to be conducted by tfhej
Rev. J. A. Shettel, pastor of the United
Brethren church. Interment will be
made at Hummelstown.
Joseph Hershman, a highly respected
citizen of this place, died a* his home
on North street yesterday morning aft
er an illness of some duration. He is
survived by the widow, 'Mrs. Matilda
I Hershman, and 'Mrs. Robert Metz, of
! Flarrisburg. who had been reared by
i'Mr. and Mrs. Hershman. Mr. Hersh
i man was aged 75 years. Funeral serv
; ices •will be conducted by the Rev. J.
j A. Shettel at the house on Friday aft-
I crnoon at 2 o'clock. Interment will be
made at Enola.
Mr. and Mrs. John Weaver, daugh
| ter Mildred, and son. John; Mrs. M.
jF. Saul, all of Harrisburg. and Miss
j Edna Ijightner, of Summerdale, visited
| J. P. Weaver.
Mr. and MTS. William Runkle. of
j Lisbon, lowa, who visited F. 'O. Luse,
j have returned home.
I The Rev. J. A. and Mrs. Shettel and
Men's Silk Shirts
Men's $2.98 all silk shirts.
Special for Friday only,
Men's $1.98 woven madras
shirts, with silk stripes. Spe
cial for Friday only, $1.19
WDives, Pomeroy & Stewart
Men's Stove.
Bath Robes for Men
and Children
Men's blanket bath robes.
Special for Fridav only,
Men's $6.5(1 blanket bath
robes. Special for Friday
only $5.00
Boys' $1.50 jerseys in ma
roon or navy or with grey
stripes ou sleeves; sizes 6 to
14 years. Special for Friday
only SI.OO
Children'ss2.9B bath robes,
sizes ti to 16 years. Special
for Friday only, $1.98
WDives, Pomeroy £ Stewart
Men's Store.
Silverware and Jewelry
50c silverine frames, guar
anteed not to tarnish. Spe
cial for Friday only, ..35?
9Sc sterling silver deposit
ware; cream and sugar sets
and salt aud pepper sets. Spe
cial for Friday 0n1y,.. . 50c
50c brooches, bar pins, cuff
links, etc. Special for Fri
day onljv 5?
$1.50 and $1.98 china aud
nickel clocks. Special for
Friday only, . .. 59c
SI.OO nickel alarm clocks;
guaranteed. Special for Fri
day only 79?
SI.OO gold and oxidized sil
ver jewel cases. Special for
Friday only, . .. , 50?
. WDives, Pomeroy & Stewart
Street Floor.
Towel Reductions
10c red border huek towels.
Special for Fridav only, 4 for
lie bleached Turkish bath
towels of fine quality and
hemmed. Special for Friday
only, 3 for 25c
*•o"Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart
Street Floor.
Books at 10c
100 books for boys, girls
and grown tips: values to 50c,
special for Friday only, 10c
WDives. Pomeroy 4. Stewart
Street Floor—Rear.
, daughter, Esther, are visiting Mrs.
Shettel's parents at Bowmansdale. •
Mrs. F. D. Luse visited Amos Crum's
i family at Linglestown recently.
Mrs. Jacob Plank, of Paoli, visited
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Luse recently.
Mrs. Bratton, of Marysville, visited ,
j 'Mrs. C. W. Luse.
IMT. and Mrs. Henneman visited I
| friends in Harrisburg to-day.
iMrs. Catherine thee, of 'Mechanics-1
burg, visited Eli Poncsnvith.
i Miss Clara Cromleigh Will Give au
Organ Recital This Evening
I Special torrespondence.
Mechanicsburg, Oct. 22. —The com-i
| ing to our town of A. Mitchell Palmer j
| and Vance C. McOormick, announced'
I to be to day has been postponed for aj
| week.
! Last evening the pulpit of the
: Methodist church, was filled by Dr. 8.
j C. Swallow, of Camp Hill. The services
are growing in interest each evening,
j There have been several request® for
The funeral of William Shover, who
died suddenly on Monday morning,
was held this afternoon from his late
home. Services were held in Grace
i Evangelical church, of which church ;
he was a very active member. The
services were conducted by his pastor,
the Rev. Lyman M. Dice. Interment
was made in the Mechanicsburg ceme
W. A. Huber and family moved to
day from their summer home at the
"West End," to their winter residence
in the Huber building, near the square.
Mrs. John Mumma, South Market
street, is suffering from a fall down
i the cellar stairs while about her house-
I hold duties. She sustained several
broken ribs and many cuts and bruis
f es.
, W. P. Tritt. of near C'aflisle. was a
visitor here yesterday.
1 An organ recital will be given in the
Stationery and Books
15c clutch pencil with clip
and box of lead for same.
Special for Friday only, IOC
WDives, Pomeroy & Stewart
Street Floor—Rear.
Box Files
25c box tiles: letter size.
Special for Friday onlv, each,
19c. Dozen $2.23
WDives, Pomeroy S Stewart
Street Floor"—Hear.
Lace Specials
Shadow laces, 2<« to 3
aches, values to 10c. Special
for Friday only, yard, 5c
(terman Valenciennes lace
edges ami insertions; l'v. to
2' j inches wide; values up to
15c. Special for Friday only,
yard 8C
Torchon laces; t to 1 V'_.
inches wide; values to 3c.
Special for Fridav onlv, yard,
IVDives, Pomeroy & Stewart
Street Floor.
Corsets Reduced
Broken sizes in Rengo Belt
and American Lady corsets,
$3.50 and $5.00 value. Spe
cial for Friday only, $1.75
WDives, Pomeroy & Stewart
Second Floor—Three Klevators.
American Lady and D. P.
& S. Special corsets, values to
$2.50. Special for Friday
only $1.25
39c brassieres, trimmed
with embroidery. Special for
Friday only, 25?
w Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart
Street Floor.
Coffee Pots
Three and 4-quart minute
filter coffee pots. Regular
$1.33 to $1.98 values. Spe
cial for Friday only, .. 50?
WDives, Pomeroy & Stewart
Serving Trays
69c mahogany finished glass
bottom serving trays, tapes
try designs with cast brass
handles. Special for Friday
only, 39?
W Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart
$1.49 oval casseroles, white
lined ; brown outside ; nickel
plated frame. Special for
Friday only .... 98?
WDi\es, Pomeroy & Stewart
Methodist church this evening by Miss
Clara Cromleigh.
Dr. and Mrs. S. C. Swallow, of Camp
Hill, were visitors here last evening.
The Capital Tea Company moved
their store yesterday from the corner
.of Mnrket and Locust streets, to the
t Houston building, corner Main street
I and Railroad avenue.
Misses Annie and Katie Mumper, of
Dillsburg, spent yesterday with friends
in this place,
j Mrs. George Guswiler visited Shire
manstown relatives in the early part
i of the week.
Oscar Ku'nns, of Chicago, is visiting!
! his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Kuhns,
| South Market street.
! "The Ladder of Life" Will Be Pre
sented In Pittsburgh This Season
The Harry Davis players will this
winter present in Pittsburgh a play
I written by the Rev. Father W. W.
J Whalen, assistant rector of St. Pat
| rick's cathedral, called "The Ladder of
| Life." The leading role may be played
, | by Nance O 'Neil.
II There are six characters in the play,
! three from high society and three from
i the masses The heroine is a school
, teacher in a small town, who loses her
; place through political interference and
. is forced to go to a larger city to work
as a stenographer. She is there em
■ ployed by a man who has unhappy home
i life and unintentionally becomes the
i mesns of a separation between him and
. his wife.
t On his proposal of marriage to her
i she refuses and leaves his employment,
• but afterwards through a series of eo
-1 incidences she is convinced of his love
- and accepts him. She is the mouthpiece
of the masses in her conversation dur
i ing the play and exposes the evils of
high society life as seen by a working
3 woman.
Women's Neckwear
Imported lace collars in
white and ecru, values up to
50c. Special for Friday onlv,
Sleeveless guimpes of net
and lace with collar in white,
worth 75c. Special for Fri
day only, . ... 59?
Sleeveless guimpes of net
in white ami ecru, worth 25c.
Special for Friday only, 15?
WDives, Pomeroy & Stewart
St root Floor.
Silk and Velvet Ribbons
Satin taffeta ribbons in
white, pink and light blue; 1
to I'.j inches wide; values to
10c. Special for Friday only,
Satin back velvet ribbon in
black, 1 1 o inches wide; worth
19c. Special for Friday only,
yard, 12Vk?
w Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart
St root Floor.
Swiss corset cover embroid
ery in cross-bar patterns;
values to 25c. Special for
Friday only, yard, .... 18?
WDives. Pomeroy & Stewart
Street Floor.
Mason's Jars
Mason's one pint fruit jars.
Special for Friday only, doz
en, 29C
W Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart
Auto Gauntlets
SI.OO motorcycle and auto
mobile gauntlets, black and
tan; sizes 7 1 -_- to 8 only. Spe
cial for Friday 0n1y,.. .69?
25c silk flowing end and
fancy knit four-in-hand ties.
Special f<sr Friday only,
Boys' white hemstitched
school handkerchiefs. Special
for Friday only, 7 for 10?
/WDives, Pomeroy & Stewart
Men's Store,
Women's Shoes
Women's $1.75 black kid
skin shoes; not all sizes. Spe
cial for Friday only, $1.20
WDives, Pomeroy & Stewart
Street Floor.—Rear.
Shelf Paper
10 yards floral shelf paper,
10c value. Special for Fri
day only, 4?
WDives, Pomeroy & Stewart
State Convention Now in Session at St.
Paul's Church, This City
Officers of the Pennsylvania Baptist
State convention have been elected at
the session which opened yesterday in
St. Paul's Baptist church, as follows:
President, the Rev. Dr. E. W. John-
I son, of Philadelphia; first vice presi
dent, the Rev. H. W. Childs, of Pitts
burgh; second vice president, the Rev.
D. B. Russell, of Pittsburgh; third vice
president, the Rev. P. H. Hughes, of
; Steelton; recording secretary, the Rev.
J. M. Moses, of Pittsburgh, formerly
pastor of St. Paul's church; correspond
ing secretary, the Rev. Alexander
Childs; statistical secretary, the Rev.
C. E. Scott, of Philadelphia.
The Rev. Dr. C. D. Patterson
preached a temperance sermon at 11
o'clock this morning. In the afternoon
memorial services were conducted by
the Rey. Dr. G. L. P. Talliaferro and
addresses made concerning foreign mis
Pugilist Dies From Effects of Encoun
ter Near Gary, Indiana
Chicago, Oct. 22. —Jack Lundgren,
of Chicago, a middleweight pugilist,
was sought by the police in connection
with the death last night of Jack Lev
endowski, who died two minutes after
receiving a knockout blow.
The fatality ocuurred at the start of
i the second round of a contest staged
i at'Tolleston, near Gary, Ind., last night.
Gifts to Troops From Kaiser
Loudon, Oct. 22, 8.40 A. M. —A dis
pitch from Warsaw to Reuters Tele
■; t;ram Company contains the following:
■ "Numerous parties of German prison--
ers are eontinualv arriving. Among
the latest batch is a general who had
: brought gifts to the troops from Em
peror William."