The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, October 22, 1914, Image 1

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Detailed Report. Face «
SEfT®?? 10 VOL. 76—NO. 120.
With the Co-operat
French Artillery
Forces Are D
Middelkerke W
Latter Are Bombarding
port and Many
Been Shattered
Flames— Town
Destroyed by
Japanese Squa
German Fleet
EMET^AL y<»>4'^ooX6
General Joseph Joffre, the commander-in-chief of the French army, is a
distinguished military engineer, famous for his roads and bridges, but with
only one year's service in the field,when he was at the head of the Second
Army Corps at Lille. General Count Helmnth von Moltke is field marshal of
the German army, now in supreme command under the Kaiser. He was the
favorite nephew of the old iield marshal of the Franco-Prussian war, whose
estate he inherited.
London, Oct. 22, 6.30 P. M.—The Amsterdam corre
spondent of the "Daily Chronicle," in a dispatch dated
Wednesday, concerning the fighting on the Belgian coast,
"For three days British warships have been bombard
ing the German troops who are trying to reach Nieuport.
"With the co-operation of the French artillery the Germans
were driven back on Middelkerke, where the invaders are
entrenching themselves.
"The Germans to-day bombarded Nieuport from Ma
riakerke, their attack being vigorously replied to by the
allies and the warships. The battle is not yet decided.
Many villages have been shattered and are in flames."
London, Oct. 22, 8.50 A. M.—A dispatch to the "Daily
Mail from Dunkirk, says that the British naval bombard
ment has destroyed the town of Seyre, which the Germans
held in force. The house occupied by the German head
quarters staff was blown to bits.
The naval marksmanship, according to the dispatch,
was superb. A British signal man, in a stationary balloon,
was shot by the Germans.
Tokio, Oct. 22, 2.15 P. M.—A Japanese squadron, it is
officially announced, is seeking the German fleet in the
neighborhood of Hawaii.
New York, Oct. 22.—The East and West news bureau
gave out this afternoon a cable message from Tokio dated
to-day, as follows:
"The Japanese naval general staff announces that the
marine heavy artillery corps is engaged on the 22d (to
day) i nan attack upon Tsing-Tau and that a part of the
Japanese fleet is keeping watch on the enemy's warships
hovering about Hawaii."
London, Oct. 22, 2.45 A. M.—The Copenhagen corre
spondent of the "Daily Telegraph" reports a "German
fleet off Palsterbo, Sweden, on the Baltic Sea.
Northern France and the coast of Belgium still are
the fields where the most important fighting in the west
ern arena of the war continues with the utmost stubborn
ness, but as yet without decisive results. The French war
office announces that the allied lines are holding in spite of
the furious onslaughts of the enemy, while news dis
patches from London assert that developments generally
are against the invaders.
Berliu, however, has not been heard from on this sub-
Contlnued on Ninth Page.
* ' \
m Star-Mtefimknt
11l DIME
Protest to Great Brit
ain About Seizure of
the American Steam
er Brindilla
American Tanker, Also Seized By
British Cruisers, Has Been Freed,
According to Advices Received in
Washington From London
Washington, Oct. 22.—Acting Sec
retary Lansing, of the State Depart
ment, announced to-day that the Unit
ed States had protested to Great Brit
ain against the seizure of the Ameri
can steamer Brindilla now at Halifax,
N. S., as unjustifiable, and demanding
her immediate release.
Secretary Lansing said the American
protest made through Ambassador Page
was similar to that lodge yesterday
against the seizure of the .John I),
i Rockefeller, bound from Philadelphia
'to Copenhagen. He stated that the
! Brindilla also was plying between neu
; tral ports—Now York aud Alexandria,
j Kgypt—and he was satisfied that even
though there had been a change of reg
] istry from German to American, the
| ownership was continuously American.
Illuminating Oil in Cargoes
The cargoes of both the Rockefeller
and the Brindilla contained illuminat
ing oil which has not been specifically
; declared contraband in any list sent
to the State Department by Great Brit
: ain, although officials here believe
Great Britain regards that oil aq cover
ed in the general prohibition against
It is the British contention that the
illuminating oil can be used for pro
pelling Zeppelins, submarines and tor-
Contlnard on \lnth Pagr.
Paris, Oct. 22, 2.45 P. M. —The offi
cial announcement issued this afternoon
by the French War Office says the posi
tions occupied by the allies in Belgium
and northern France have been main
tained in spito of the violent attacks
of the enemy. The text of the an
nouncement follows:
"On our left wiug German forces in
I considerable strength have continued
their violent attacks, particularly in the
vicinity of Dixmude, Warniton, Arinen
tieres, Radinghem and La Bassee, but
the positions occupied by the allies
have been maintained.
"On the rest of the front the enemy
has delivered only partial attacks.
These all have been repulsed, particu
larly at Fricourt, to the east of Al
bert; on the plateau to the west of
Uraconne; in the region of Souain, in
the Argonne district at Four De Paris,
southwest of Vareunes; in the region of
Malancourt, in the Woevre district; in
the direction of Champion aud at a
point southeast of St. Mihiel, in the
forest of Ailly.
'' We have made slight progress in
the Argonne district and in the south
ern part of the Woevre, in the forest
of ilontmare
"in Russia the forward movement
of the Russian forces has been posi
tively announced. An important suc
cess in the region of Warsaw has driv
en back the enemy more than 13 kilo
metres (8 itiiles). The advances of the
Russians at Ivangorod and to the south
of Przemysl are equally perceptible."
London, Oct. 22, 5.50 A. M.—The
correspondent of the "Times" at
Boulogne, under date of Wednesday,
describes she desperate fighting of the
past week in which the Germans have
been driven back from village to vil
lage to the outskirts of Lille. He says:
"The destruction has been terrible.
Some of the villages have been shelled
by both the allies and Germans and
many non-combatants have been killed.
A whole family was found dead in one
house. In one of the villages 500 dead
Germans were found after the fighting.
The cartridges in their possession, it
was noted, were of the old Snidortype
with a large lead bullet.
"During some of the attacks the al
lies had only time to make rough
trenches, a couple of feet deep, and
were obliged to lie in them at full
length. They gained much ground but
are now coming in touch with the main
German position at Lille and aro dig
ging themselves in to hold their ground
until necessary reinforcements can
reach them."
Representatives of the
Third Class City
League Make Recom
Committeemen Will Draft Amendment
to Clark Act Applying Principle to
Police and Firemen—Want Mayors
to Succeed Themselves
______ i
More than a dozen suggestions for
changes in the Clark Commission form
of government act, under which Harris
burg and all other third-class citie- of
the State are operating, are contained
in recommendations mad by the law
committee of the League of the Qities
of the Third Class, composed of city so
licitors and mayors, Which was in ses
sion here yesterday afternoon and. last
Among the changes which the next
legislature will be asked to malce are
the extension of the terms of City Com
missioners from two to four yearn and
the establishment of civil servicie for
the police and fire departments. The
salient points contained in tho loup list
of recommendations are as follows:
Extend terms of the City Commis
sioner* from two to four years.
Make it possible for the iMayior to
succeed himself.
Civil service for the. police and fire
Facilitate establishment of municipal
baths and boathouses.
Make lawyers, doctors and other pro
fessional men liable to license tax.
To impose a mercantile tax on own
ers of markethouses. warehouses, stor
agehou6es ana trading stamp compa
nies. ,
<J : .ve Authority to establish, maintain
and regulate municipal playgrounds.
Revise tho general welfare clause so
as to permit as far as possible the
"home rule feature."
Extend penalty for violation otf city
ordinances from thirty to ninety days.
Change beginning of the tax: year
from August 1 to May 1, or apportion
collections so that one-half of thio tax
may be collectable on April 1 and the
rest on June 1.
Amend referendum feature so that
consent of less than twenty per cetnt. of
the voting population will be necessary
to have the consideration of an ordi
nance, passed by the commission, jput to
a vote of the people.
To change advertising plan.
Extend terms of city solicitous and
city engineers from two to four years.
Abolish practice of advertising for
bids in cases where articles to' be pur
chased or sold by the city do not ex
ceed SIOO in value.
Mayor to have no veto powers, and
Cnntlnuril on Sixth Pale.
Earnings for Eight Months Smallest in
Company's History
By Associated Press.
Philadelphia, Oct. 22.—The Caimlbria
Steel Company directors to-day declared
a quarterly dividend of IVi per cent.,
payable in scrip datel Novem'bar 14,
1914, and redeemable in cash in two
years with interest at five per centt.
A statement addressed to frtodkliold
ers was sent out informing tfhem that
earnings for eight months to October
1, 1914, were tfhe smallest in tl»« his
tory of the company. This condition is
attributed to the general business de
pression for the year dtie to t)he war.
Seeks SS,(MM) Damages for Injuries Re
ceived When Dragged by Car
A $5,000 damage suit was filed to
day against the Harrisburg Railways
Company by Mrs. Anna Martin, Who
seeks redress for injuries alleged to
have been received when dine was
dragged for some distance in the vicin
ity of Sixth and Maclay streets by a
trolley car.
It is charged that the car started be
fore 'Mrs. Martin had boarded it and
that her dress caught in t/he stop. She
alleges that the car step 'was too 'high.
Veteran of Civil War aud Tared in
Financial Operations
New York, Oct. 22.—General Bar
ton Ives, veteran of the Civil wiar and
for many years a prominent figure in
the financial district, died to-day, aged
74, at his country home in Ossinintr.
N. Y.
He was a former memiber of the Stock
Exchange, president of the Metropolitan
Trust Company and a director tun sev
eral foreign corporations and netted as
a book collector. He was born in. Farm
ington, Conn.
$84,000 for Stock Exchange Seat
By Associated Press.
New York. Oct. 22. —A seat on the
New York Stock Exchange was fjold to
day for $34,000. This is the -'lowest
price obtained for a seat in many years.
It was the second seat sold since the
Stock Exchange closed on July 30, the
other seat selling fox $42,000.
Counsel Levy Makes
Opening Address for
Woman Accused of
Killing Mrs. Bailey
He Saw Woman Running From the
Window Through Which Fatal Shot
Was Fired Around the Carrrmn
House to the Bear
By Associated Press.
Mineola, Oct. 22.—i Mi's. Florence
Conklin Carman, on trial as the slayer
of Mrs. liouisc Bailey, entered the tiny
court room in the Nassa>u county Court
House here on this, the fourth day of
her trial, expecting to take the stand
this afternoon as 'her own ohiaf wit
Presentation of the State's case was
concluded this forenoon. Frank Far
rell, who testified yesterday afternoon
he had seen a woman running from the
window through which the shot was
fired arouud the Carman house to the
rear, was recalled to the stand for a
continuation of his cross-examination
when court convened this morning.
As on preceding days the court room
was crowded with women. Elizabeth
Carman, the 12-year-old daughter, of the
defendant, was permitted to sit with
her mother at the counsel table.
John J. Graham, Mrs. Carman's law.
yer, questioned Farrell closely about his
movements on the day of the murder.
The story related by the witness was
practically the same as- that given on
direct examination.
After an hour and a quarter's cross
examination, Farrell was excused and
the state announced that it rested its
case. George M. I>evy, of Mrs. Car
man ' counsel, then began his opening
"We will prove," said Mr. Lievy,
"that this crime was not committed by
Mrs. Carman but 'by a man whose mo
tive we do not know."
Farrell's Testimony of Yesterday
The prosecution was about finished
with the testimony at adjournment time
yesterday of Frank Farrell, the unem
ployed engineer, who corroborated the
story t.old by Celia Coleman, the negro
maid in the Carman liouschold, tending
to directly connect her mistress with
the murder of Mrs. Barley.
That 'Mrs. Carman will 'be a witness
in Iher own defense seemed assured in
view of the testimony of the maid. It
is almost certain, according to persons
close to the defense, that Mrs. Carman
will be 'held until tthe last When her de
nial of flier former maid's testimony
will be fresh in the minds of the jurors
when they retire to consider the evi
Corroborates Maid's Testimony
The .testimony of Celia Coleman that
her mistress, wearing a dark kimono,
went through the kitrihen just previous
to the crash of glass and the report
of the revolver shot was corroborated
by Farrell, who said that 'he was on
has way to the Carman house to beg
for food. Farrell testified that lie saw
a woman dressed in a dark garment
standing by the window of the office of
I>r. Edwin Carman, husband of t/he de
fendant. Mrs. Carman came into the
kitchen after the shot was fired, the
negress testified and remarked: "I
have shot him." The testimony of
Farrell and the maid remained un
shaken under cross-examination.
Two Steelton 'Varsity Aspirants and
One Independent Player of This
City Suffer Fractures
Two members of the Steelton High
school second team and one independent
player of Harrisburg were treated in
the Harrisburg hospital this afternoon
for broken bones. The Steelton play
ers both suffered broken right collar
bones while the Harrisburg man, Bus
sell Murray, 2158 North Seventh
street, received a broken nose in prac
tice last evening. He is 22 years old
and is an employe of the Pennsylvania
Robert Thompson, 15 years old, 349
Poplar street, Steelton, was practicing
with the Steelton 'varsity eleven last
evening trying 10 make a place for the
game with Central High school Satur
day when he was injured in scrim
George Wolf, 15 yearß old, who re
sides in Highspire but who attends the
Steelton High school and was back on
the Steelton scrub team, received his
injury in the game at Hummelstown
■Saturday. The injury pained him very
much and he came to tho Harrisburg
hospital for an X-ray examination to
determine if the bone was broken.
Both boys will be out of the game the
remainder of the soason.
Heirs Seek to Set Aside Be
quests of Mrs. Martha Adams
Which Favor Harrison Sei
/ere/, Alleged Clairvoyant
Lawyer Says He Will Prove
Strange Powers Were Claim
ed for Bags Containing Toe
nails and Strands of Hair—
Declares Effort Was
Made to Influenc
phin County Court With One
of Them J
However, Wasn't Swaged
by "Spooks" and Decided
the Other Way
Declaring Harrison Seiferd, 1301
South Cameron street, to be a wealthy
clairvoyant claiming to have spirits at
his beck and call and alleging that
through undue influence Soiferd induced
Mrs. Martha Adams, now dead, but who
formerly lived on Peffer street, to
leave him by her will the bulk of her
$12,000 estate, .fames G. Hatz, repre
senting Mrs. Susannah Albright, a sis
ter of the dead woman, this morning
started proceedings before Roy C. Dan
ner, Register of Wills, to have the will
set aside.
Mrs. Albright and other heirs are
seeking to have an administrator ap
pointed to take charge of the estate
and divide it equally among the sur
viving relatives. They want to ex
clude Seiferd from all share in the es
tate. They allege he was an acquaint
ance of both Mrs. Adams and her hus
band, the late William Adams.
Seiferd is defending the action
brought by the other heirs and it is ex
pected the hearing before the'register
will take up several days. Fully fifty
witnesses, the majority of whom are
women, will be called to testify. Hatz
declared he will show that Seiferd, in
following his alleged "vocation" as a
clairvoyant, carried on an extensive
business, has for years enjoyed a large
financial income from it and that he
now owns an expensive automobile and
much real estate.
Alleged He Sold "Force Bags"
The attorney declared further that
called "force bags"—sealed recep
called "force bag's'—sealed recep
tacles—and that he represented to the
purchasers that with those "bags" they
could accomplish many things to their
individual advantage. Hatz alleges also
that these bags were sold for amounts
ranging anywhere from $1 to st,-
000, and that Mrs. Adams was one of
Seiferd's "victims."
"We will show," said Hatz, "that
many of the witnesses whom we pro
pose to call at this hearing were in
formed by Mrs. Adams that she paid
various sums of money to Seiferd for
Thirteenth Ward Property Owners
Make a Formal Protest
Thirteenth ward property owners af
fected when assessments were levied to
cover the cost of paving Derfy street,
from Eighteenth to Twenty-third, tJhis
morning made a formal appeal frffm the
assessments. One of the properties con
cerned is a triangular strip of land and
it is charged the other property owners
along the street are asked to pay in
proportionate shares the amount
was deducted from the "claim against
the three-cornered atrip.
The appellants declare the assess
ments were made under the Clark act,
and according to benefits derived, and,
therefore, they should have 'been levied
under old legislation and according to
the "foot front rule."
The ordinance providing for the pav
ing o'f this street soction was passed on
July 9, 1913, five months before the
Olark act became effective.
City officials, however, contend that
the Clark act was effective as soon as
approved by t'he Governor on June 27,
He and Mrs Tener Will Hold Sliver
Anniversary October 30
Governor and Mrs. John K. Tener
will have been married twenty-five
years on Friday, October 80, and in
honor of the occasion they issued invi
tations to-day for a reception to be
given at the Executive Mansion in cele
bration of their silver wedding anniver
sary on that date.
Governor and Mrs. Tener, who was
Miss Harriet B. Day, were married at
Haverhill, Mass., on October 30, 1889.
his 'force bags;' that he represented to
'her 'that toe had the power of communi
cating with her dead husband; that he
transmitted to her what Tie represented
were advices and wishes of her hus
band and that he influenced her'to make
a will granting to him, Seiferd, the bulk
of her estate.''
The attorney displayed three small
bags. One was made from a piece of
c/hamois and two from cotton goods.
These, he said, were sold by Seiferd to
"certain persons" whom we will call
to testify and that those bags were rep
resented by the alleged spiritualist ay
"force bags," by use of whitfh tift
wishes of bhe purchasers would tie
Says He Has Records of Payments
The lawyer also presented two diar
ies, one of which, he said, contained
data sihowing payments supposed to
have been made to Seiferd 'by the late
J. M. Rummler in return for these mys
terious bags and as royalties on tlip
bags. During an argument witth John
Fox Weiss, representing Seiferd, Hatz
"We will show that your friend
there—pointing to Seiferd —gave Mr*.
Adams powers for ten years and up
"Yes, and they are all good ones,
too," interjected Seiferd.
At the morning hearing testimony
was confined to the framing of the will
and the circumstances under which it
was drawn and signed by Mrs. Adam*
and the witnesses. The witnesses of
the will were Uriah A. Poffenbergar
and his son, Albert, 1 942 North Sixth
street, and George J. Booser, 194H
North Sixth street. The instrument
bears date of October 1, 1913.
None of the witnesses could recall
exactly, they said, whether that wai
the date on which they attached their
names. Neither could they say whit
provisions the wilt contained! The
Register has not yet accepted the will
and will not pass upon it until after
the hearirg. The document provide*
that a SSOO bequest shall go to the Ot
terbein United Brothren church and
Continued on Mn(h Fuse.
Adjournment Arranged by Leaders for
fl O'clock This Evening
By Associated Press.
Washington, Oct. 22.—Adjournment
of Congress at 6 o'clock tonight wa«
arranged by Administration leaders o?
both houses to-day and a formal reso
lution to that effect was prepared.
There were some rumblings of a filibus
ter by Southern members who want
legislation to relieve the cotton
tion, but the Democratic leaders seemed
sure of their plan.
When the House met at 10 o'clock it
began killing time by reading the Jour
nal in full while awaiting the report of
the conference on disputed points in
the war revenue bill. The Senate wa«
ready to follow action of the House
Seemingly the adjournment was a
The conference report was adopted
by a rising vote of 126 to 52. The re
port went over to the Senate for action
and the House took up the cottou ware
house bill. When the report arrived in
the Senate Senator Smith, of Georgia
pressed a resolution for a Senatorial
commission to investigate the cotton
export situation. The Senate adopted
Senator Smith's resolution and proceed
ed to the conference report on the war
revenue bill.
Meanwhile m the House Represents
tive Henry's filibuster was productivr
of an agreement to take up the cottor
warehouse bill, provided a special rub
under which amendments to the bank
law are being considered coufti be di«
posed of.