The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, October 21, 1914, Page 9, Image 9

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The Advice of This Harrisburg Woman;
Is of Certain Value
Many a woman's back has many'
atlies ami pains.
Ofttimes 'tis the kidneys' fault.
Thai's why Doan's Kidney Pills are j
so effective.
Many Harrisburg women know this.
Read wtiat one ha? to say about it:
Mrs. Amelia M. Worley. 132S North
Fourm street. Harrisburg. says: "I en-!
dured a great deal of misery in m_v kid- '
neys. When 1 stood very much my,
back got weak and painful. When I
cot down 1 could hardly straighten up.
It was all T could do to turn a\ er iu
bod and the pains in my back were very
severe. 1 saw Doan's Kidney Pills ree
omniended so highly that I cot a box
and after taking a few doses I got
great relief. My back didn't feel so,
stiff and lame and I didn't have any ;
difficulty in getting up or down."
Price 50c, at all dealers- Don't
simply u.-k for a kidney remedy—get
Dean's Kidney Pills —the same that
Mrs. Worley ha-l Poster Milbr.rn Co..
Politicians Ignored in Chcosins So.tVHi
Official in New York
New York, Oct. 21. —Mayor Mitche!
appointed to a $5,000 city ;ob yester
day a man he found through an adver
t sement in the newspapers. The office
is that'of Third Deputy Commissioner
of charities, and the new incumbent,
preferred above a dozen politicians who
;>ad been seeking the pia *e, is George
l'. Thompson. who answered this adver
tisement in tne "Help Wanted'' col
Wanted —Business manager. 35 to
♦ 5 years of age. able to superintend,
large force of employes; direct ex
tensive construction work; organ;, e
and direct purchasing and distribu- 1
tion of enormous quantity of sup
plies: only men of marked executive |
ability and good experience nee 1 ap
ply; salary $5,000 a year; highest j
cferences req..:red.
Three hundred replies were received.)
None of the applicants knew that Mu
or Mitehel was the advertiser.
Husband. Quarreling Over Milk. First
Kills His Wife
Pittsburgh. Oct. 21.—Stephen l.i
ce th. a well-to-do sieelworker of
Homestead, yesterday morning shot and
killed his wife, fatnllv wounde: is
sister-in-law, M-s. Annie Wargo. and
«hem cornered by a:i angry crowd and)
several policemen. turned the smoking
wea; on on hinise f and fire I one bv.'.let
in his abdomen and one into his head.
He is expected to die.
He tragedy resulted from a quarrel
ovt two quirts of milk left twice a"
wees by Miss Jessie Barclay, a nurse
a: the Homestead hospital. Miss IVir
clav has been leaving ttie milk at the
Lleecth home for some time for Mrs.
i>i ecth. who was suffering from tuber *
culosis, as wen- her three children.
Liceetii did not want his wife to have
tir milk.
Man Forewarned and on Guard Steps
Before Train
liasion l'a., O t. Xl.—William i ar
r,-; . aged .">U. of West Eastou, a freight
■ndi: ter on ti;e Jerjev Central Rail
. vks iostaatiy k.liei last even ng
neat - c ty. when he was stru : by
a • ast j-;ss<»!.ge- train running 20 min
utes late.
Ju-t before the accident. Harry
Thornton, h bruKcman. said tJ Carroll.
'•I in looking for it." A moment aer
be stepped nr-iund tie rear of his t a.n
n frc :t of the express, and was kil.ed.
He eft a large family.
Lebanon Hospital Managers Chosen
Ijebaaon. Oct. 21. —The ann.iai of the corporation of the Good
>araa- tan host tal wa» iiei i las: :iig:::.
Manager- re-elected for the ensuing
four \ea-i are as follows:
Mrs. H. C. Shirk. Mrs. W. W. E.
Wtjner. J. M. s-henk. H. A. Wagner.
Urant Weiiman. Eli Attwood. Mem
bers of the ad\ -ory board re-elected
are as follow-?: H. C. Grittir.ger. Dr.
J. I<- Leinberger. H. C. shirk. F. S.
Tie.-ker. C. V. Henry, Christian Siienk.
P. Light. William Hutchinson. A. G.
Ke ienstein. the Rev. A. A. V. Bin
n ngton, G. L. M iler ftn i N. L. Wolfe.
Canal Again Open to Ships
Washington. D. C.. O-t. 21.—Traffic
To:oug)h rhe Panama canal was re
••iniel yesterday after being blocked
for a week by a landslide into Culebra
eat. Colonel Goethals re-yjrted the re
opening to the Isriimian Canal oni
iss.on ast night :n th s laroni<- tele
gram! "Channel reopened. Vessels
passicg through."
Try Constables as Grafters
York. Pa.. Oet. 21.—Constables Au
gust j? Doll an 1 J. R. Willetts were
piaced on trial yesterday, charged witn
extorting money from concession hold
ers in the York county fair. The prose
cutor David G. Deardorff. correspond
ing secretary of the fair. It is alleged
that the constables accepted money to
allow gambling on the grounds.
Town in Fear of Firebug
Wslkes-Barre. Pa., Oet. 21. —Resi-
dents of Swoyersville are again aiarm
ed over the presence of a firebug. Two
:well.ngs were de*troyei by flames
early yesterday and the borough au
thorities say the fires were of ineendi
a-y origin. Oil-soared rags were found
New. Positive Treatment
to Remove Hair or Fuzz
(Beauty Notes)
Women are fast learning the value
of the use of delatone for removing
hair or fuzz from face, neck or arms!
A paste is made with some powdered
delatone and water and spread on the
hairv surface In 2or 3 minutes it is
rubbed off. the skin washed and every
bit of hair has disappeared. N'o tail- '
'ire will result if you are careful to
buy genuine delatone. Adv. i
! Pottstown Witnesses Fine Demonstra-.
tion by Odd Fellows, With
Girls in Line
Pottstown, Pa.. Oct. 21. —Resplend-
ent in gold lace and the other attrac
tive frills of their uniforms and bear
ing aloft their glittering standard, the
Patriarchs Militant of the Order of l
, Odd Fellows marched with knightly
j stop under the glare of a suu that shone
I with midsummer splendor yesterday
j afternoon. A dozen bands and drum j
j corps inspired the parading hosts, and i
' their drill movements were superb. I
Major General ,1. Blair Andrews, of j
Altoona, department commander, was
chief marshal, and cantons were in line ;
from Pittsburgh, Mount '
Pleasant. Harrisburg. Lancaster, Darby.
Allentown, Shamokin, Erie, York,
Pottstown. Chambersburg and other •
places. Phoenix Encampment, with
65 men. in black and white uniforms.;
made a fine showing. 'Pottstown Odd .
Fellows turned out <OO strong, and j
i won $75 offered by three local mem j
bers if they would reach 300.
A notable teature was the marching
of the girls drill corps of Allentown. I
There were nearly 50 of them, .splendid '
types of buxom and comely young wom
anhood. and they looked stunning in i
I purple caps and sashes, white waists '
| and leggings and real red skirts.
The Patriarchs Militant concluded
I their sessions yesterday with the elec
| tion and installation of the following
j officers:
Major General J. B. Andrews. Al
j toona. heads the order; vice president.
Brigadier General William L. Huston.
Pittsburgh: secretary. Lieutenant Colo
nel H. W. Hinds. Altoona: treasurer,'
Lieutenant Colonel J. S. Batroff, Phila
Uist night the Patriarchs' bail was
held in the new Odd Fellows' Temple.
The following prises were awarded:
Grand Encampment pri.'.e. $l5O. on
percentage of numbers, equipment, drill '
movements an-i general appearan'ce—
Won by Canton Hrie No. 12: second.
$35. t anton Ridgley No. S, of Wi:
Grand Encampment prize. s.">o. to
anton coining farthest distauce —Won
, ->y Canton 0.l City No. tf. with 28
, men.
- ev i i' pri-e. $l5O. fo- encampment
• with largest number in line —Won by
i PhoenixviHe Encampment No. 79.
Pottstown Prizes —Canton having
; largest number of chevaliers in line.
$35. won by Canton Erie No. 12. of
Erie: canton with largest number in
■ line, bringing band. $25. won by Can
ton Shamokin N'o. 16: silver i-up to
anion having finest banner, won by
Canton Oil City No. 5.
Drill Prizes—l lass A. Stokes jewel,
won by c'anton Pottstown No. 6. drill
percentage, 91.0S;class B. Cogswell jew
el, won by Chiton Erie No. 12. drill
percentage. 91.35: class C, silver cup.,
won by Canton York No. 14. drill per
| rentage. 52.79.
Won't Go Back to Delegate System,
Despite a Criticism
Ailentown, Pa.. Oct. 21.—The Ka*t
em Synod of the Reformed church ot
the I'n ted States featured the second i
i day of its annual session here by the
defeat by a vote of 126 to 76 of a mo
lt on to change the system of the an
nual meetings from a genera! conven
tion to a return to the delegated sys
j The matter came up in the rej ort
of ttie sessions f classes in an over
ture from the West Susquehanna
Ciassis. and was warmly debated for.
tw hours a; the afternoon session,
during which there was criticism to
the effect that the government of the
Reformc t church was gradually drift -
:g eing et -esentative n pra -
tice owing to method* rather too dic
tatorial n the pa t of the various
. boar. - ii:i 1 . omm ttees.
Ko . -irsj the election of the Rev. H.
M. J. Kie:;;. of Lancaster, as presi
dent. tiie ition was complete 1
by the election of Eider D. Nicholas'
S uac:'-r vice president;
the Rev. W. P. Delong, Aunvillo. ccr-'
responding secretary;, the Rev. H. I.
Crow, of Bfthlehem. reading clerk.
A • omniittee was appointed to a--
range a program for the celebration
of the four hundredth anniversary of
the Reformation in 1917, and a resolu
tion adopted to continue the every
member canvass during eacn year of
the present triennium.
Gets License to Marry Samuel Seabold,
Whose First Wife Died
Sam ei Seaoold, 6S years old. and
Mary J. Harner, 59, took out a mar
riage icense yesterday. Seabold is a
shoemaker, with a shop at 1533 North,
Third street, and his bride-to-be also
lives on the tame street.
Botii have !>een married before. Sea
bold's fi-st wife is dead, while the pros
:i tive bride ha« lost two husbands
tl rough death and has been a widow
for seven years.
Jacob t ! . Bittinger. 21 years old, of
Mechaniesburg. took out a license to
marry Lulu 1 Otto, of Boiiing Springs.
Bittinger was divorced last November
from hi? first wife, when he was just
out of his teens.
Lay Plans for Cleanup
Plans for the fall cleanup week will
be discussed to-night by the City Board
of Health at its regular semi-inonthly
meeting nnd recommendation probablv
will be made to the Mayor to issue the
official proclamation setting the week of
November 15 as the time.
Boy's Leap May Bs Fatal
Tamaqua. Pa.. O-t. 21. — As a result
of .imping 20 feet from a Reading
Railroad bri ige yesterday afternoon to
escape being run down bv a passenger
train, Edwin Rieman, 14 years old, is
in a critical condition with a fracture I
Wagon Crushes Farmer
York. Pa., Oct. 21.—Thrown from a
horse in a runaway accident last even
ing, A iam Stover was rrushed to death,
the wheels of a four-horse wagon hav
ing passed over him. He was hauling
corn fodder to York.
Killed in Fight Over a Dog
Altoona. Pa.. Oct. 21. —As.the re
suit of the quarrel over a dog. .lames
McGee. of ( lover Creek, is dead and ;
Tony isanto is a fugitive from justice.
*The shooting occurred while a party of
workmdn at the limestone quarries were
ion way home from work. i
• V -
Mi-o-na Will Quickly and Safely Bid
You of Indigestion
When your stomach is out of order
j your food lies like a lump of lead for
' menting and surely causing that feel
ing of fullness, sour taste iu the mouth,
coated tongue, biliousness, and many
other warning signs of indigestion,
which is often a dangerous ailment.
It is needles for you to suffer, for
I any druggist can supply you with Mi-o
na. a harmless and remedy for
all bad stomachs. These small tHldets
give almost immediate and joyful
i relief, while a few days' treatment
j strengthens and stimulates the digestive
j system. The flow of gastric juices is
j increased, then your food is properly
I digested: sour and gassy stomach, sick
' headaches, restless nights and other
distressing symptoms quickly vanish.
If suffering any stomach distress do
j not wait —let Mi-o-na give you quick
| and lasting relief. 11. C. Kennedy sells
it with guarantee of money back it' vou
——"2 l .'satisfied. Adv.
Follow Exactly the Plan Thoy See at
the Movies
Suubury, p a „ Oct. 21.—A mvsteri
' ous robbery of the home of Daniel Ar
j nold, a local business man, Monday
night caused the police much concern.
J because it appeared that professional
i cracksmen were nt work in the town.
Finally the crime was traced to Alli
son Matthews, Robert Collins an 1 Her
bert Arter. small boys of less than 10
years, and they confessed. The boys
said they had watched closely the work
of the professionals they had seen iu
moving picture shows. With this in
struction. they had planned the rob
bery and then bought materials with
which to dress as cowboys and go west
to be. ome regular bandits.
When found they were in a corn
field on the outskirts, practicing with
new revolvers, lariats and bowieknives.
W eli administered spankings ended
their dreams of emulating their film
Shooter Tells Authorities He Mistook
Victim for Highwayman
Wnkes Barre. Pa., Oct. 21.—David
Kunkle. a farmer, died yesterday at
Harvey 's Uake from a bullet wain.! iu
flicted by Johu Zanazitir, who shot him
when they met on the highway Mondav
night. Zanaaitir says that he mistook
Kunkle for a highwayman.
Friends of Kunkle assert he set oit
from his home to remonstrate with
Zaniuitir for threatening harm to James
Caranei, 16 years old. It is said that
Xana.-itir threatened to shoot the boy.
About 10 o'clock he met Zanazitir on a
[lonely road about the lake and one shot
was fired. The bullet entered Kunke's
abdomen and he lingered until vester
day when death came.
Zanazitir gave himself up to the au
• thorities and told them Kuukle attacked
him ami that lie believed he was u high
York Defendant Charged Prospective
Agents *lO for a Cheap Outfit
Scranton, Pa.. Oct. 21.—Judge Wit
mer. iu the Federal court here, vester
day sentenced F. t. Ho'lingsworth. of
\ork, who launched a cigar cotnpanv
and then advertised for salesmen, to
six months in the York county" jail for
inducing prospective agents to pa'- $lO
for an outfit . onsistiug of a small grip
and 125 cigars. Ht 1 got 2,065 letters,
many .iulos :ig $lO. between October
5 and Th-- Saturday
Daniel W. Sehnars. of Centre coun
ty. was ordered to report in Mav in
• iarrisburg for sentence. He ' was
charged with sending letiers with vi
cious attacks on farmers, their wives
and -taughtcs in Bellefonte. Howard
and Jersey Shore.
In the county court the case against
William Pegram. a negro, ciiaiged with
the murder of Sujr (jjuinn, 12 voars
cd, was featured yesterday bv the
testimony of Thomas A. Barett. a'news
P a per man. who testified that lie had
put into the mouth of t n .e negro the al
icged murder confession.
Charged With Felonious Assault and
Battery by Susie Willis
At a hearing yesterday before Al
derman Hilton. Oliver Curtis was he'd
for court under bail to answer a charge
of •eloniou* assault and battery,
i rougiit against hitn by Susie Willis,
North Seventh street.
< urtis it is claimed, was jealous of
he: and on last Saturday night during
a fight, it is alleged, ki.-ke.l her in the
side, breaking several ribs. She also
claims that t urtis beat her severelv
on the night of October 1. Constable
Smith a-rrested Curtis and placed him
' in jail.
Employer Claims He Collected Money
From Customers For Own Us«
< lar'ence S. Fieck, Chestnut street,
was held for'eourt un ler bail iast nigiit
by Abierman Hoverter, charge I with
collecting money from his employer's
customers and taking it for his*own
use. Fleck waived a hearing.
Dr. Criah Phillips, a leotist locate.!
on Market street, says that Heck had
been in his employ and had collected
about $25 from customers as thev en
tered the office of the dentist to pav
their bills. The warrant on which Flee!;
was arrested was issued by Dr. Phil
Aged Couple Asphyxiated
1-iebanon, Oct. 21. —Mrs. Isaac
Sherman, of this city, has received
worl from Buffington. Ind., of the
death of her brother-in-law and sister,
William and Catherine Raber, both
about SO years old, due to asphyxia
The telegram lacked details of the
tragely but from the contents it is
thought that both were overcome by
gas during the night while .asleep. Mr.
Raber was a farmer. The-couple
arc survived by nine children. Mrs. Ra
ber's name was Mover, and was a na
tive of Rebrersburg, Berks county.
Oppose Full Crew Repeal
Sunburv, Pa., Oct. 21.—Railroaders
here, where the Pennsylvania Railroad
Company has 1.500 employes, said yes
terday That every railroader and mein
j ber of organized labor would fight
against any repeal of the full •crew act.
They say that since the law became
operative freight wra-ks have been les
i sened three-fourths.
List of the Alto.Tenors.
Bassos and Instru
!| mentalists Thus Far
Great Body of Vocalists and Musician's
Will Take a Prominent Part in
Evangelistic Services to Be Held in
Taberoocle Next Month
The following is a iist .it' the alto,
tonor and bass singers and the instru
mentalists who will be in tile Stough
tabernacle choir and orchestra. A list
of the names of the sopranos was print
ed in the Star-Independent yesterday.
This great chorus and orchestra, which
will be composed of about 1,500 voices
and 100 instrumentalists, will be under
the direction of Professor Charles F.
41 ton
Miss Helen Roarer. 23 X. 17th.
Miss Edith Hartman. 437 S. 13th.
Miss Sara. Powell. 159 S. 18th.
Miss Helen Gilman. 308 Crescent.
: Miss Gertrude Edwards. IS4S State.
Mrs. Italph Wolf. 13th and Berryhill.
1 Miss Olive Swelgert. 1723 State.
. Miss Sara Sheesley. 47 X. 18th.
I Mrs. Elisab'h Watkins. 1244 Kittatinny.
Mrs. William Meek. 914 N. 16th.
1 Mis. Frank Ray. 1913 Market.
Mrs. E. B. Luigard. 517 S. 15th.
Mrs. llarrv Motter. '.920 Derry.
Miss Vilo Smith. 2174 Brookwood.
Mrs. E. McElhoes. :04 & Derry.
Mrs. Emma Lehman. 925 S. 20U.
Miss Gertrude Bolton. 2OK Swatara.
Miss Elsie Davis. 27 X. 19th.
Miss Miriam Carl. 404 S. 14th.
Mrs. K. K. Mountz. 17th & Regina.
Mrs. .1. E. Gipple, '.:'.lS Walnut.
Xliss Mabel Bright. 227 Hummel.
Mrs. Edna 1". Mann. 235 Briggs.
Miss Carrie Reiley. 129 Pine.
Miss Edna Balsbaugh. 634 Camp.
Mrs. Cora Free, 2513 Atlas.
Mrs. Ella Banks. 2133 Jefferson.
Miss Goldle Otstof. 636 Woodbine.
Mrs. Ella Otstof. 636 Woodbine.
Miss Gertrude stouffer. 1401 Green.
Miss Margaret Gauso, 1421 Green.
Mrs. S. K. Ma kamer. 313 Herr.
Miss Ethel Karl v. 1430 X. Third.
M-s. Chas. Early, 1430 X. Third.
Miss Edna Mo/.ingo, 1623 Penn.
Miss Dessie Mazing \ 1623 Penn.
Mrs. Frank Conrad. 323 Boyd.
Miss Margaretta Brownawell, 437-Broad.
Mrs. Frank MaeDonald. 16:9 Regina.
Mrs. A. R. Jerauld. 14 Evergreen.
Miss Carolina^Gebhardt. 420 S. 13th.
Miss Maude Eppley. X. Second Si.
Mrs. i'. Samson. 659 N. Second.
Miss Florence Finger. 2529. X. Third.
Mrs. Stella Xla ey. 7t"> Prlniv.
' Mrs. Thomas Smith. «'35 Pine. Steelton.
Mrs. Ida C. Wright. 26 S Third. Steelton.
Mrs. Brown.
Mrs. E. S. Schilling. 1110 Montgomery.
Miss Ethel Batdorf. 234 Hamilton St.
Mrs. Bess Lambert. Harris near Fourth.
Mrs John Ljppley. Sr., 1800 X. Fourth.
Xliss Emma Lorenz. 1117 Capital.
1 Mrs Edward Book. 62! Emerald.
ML;.- s E. Butler. 1.37 X. Fourth.
Miss Hollinger, 533 Woodbine.
Miss L.ilu Beard. WocxUline.
Miss Ituth Taylor. 560 Forrest St.
Miss l'crothy Gibbons. 613 Emerald.
' Xi ss Carrie McCahan, 2500 X. Sixth.
Miss Ulan, e Gingeri.-h. 2256 N. Sixth.
Miss Dorothy Hoke. 579 S. Front.
Miss Edith M Cann. 701 Ha e.
Mrs. Clyde Neiss. 108 Ti:scarora.
Miss Josephine Rineer. 566 Race.
1 M-s. Ed. Drinkwater. 536 Race.
X!l«s Anna Spangler. 131 \'ine.
Mr-. Levi Sheaffer. 506 N. 1-th.
' Xlis Anna Bla k. '.9)0 North.
' Xlrs. Xlaley. IMS X Sixth
lUll Irene Little. 51 N. 12th.
XDs. S. V. Sheaffer. '' 6 N. 13th.
Mis - Ethel Si'. atTer. 506 X. 131 ..
Xliss Margaret Edmondson. 1717 Regina.
: Mrs. .Harry Baum. 17th & Park.
.Mrs. "Robt. Wingardner, Penbrook.
Xlrs. r. F. Swengel. 75 X. 18th.
' Xliss Carrie Ziegler. 1901 Forster.
i Xliss Gertrude Z'.egler. 190 1 Forster.
M:s. F. Ma. ion Sourbeer. 716 Capital.
Mis* Stella Xletzgar, 13'. 1 X. Cameron.
: Mis Anna Sourbeer. 1304 Cameron.
1 ,>iiss .Maud Duey. 18;7 North,
j Xlrs. F. i.'. Armstrong, 1614 Berryhill.
Xlrs. J. Harry Steele.
Xliss Xancy 11. Caha.i. 444 S. "
Miss Mar; Huber, Hummel ,v Haehnlen.
| Xfiss Grace Welsh. 305 Lewis.
Xlrs. W. ' Shreiner.
.Mrs. W. L. Troup, Enola.
Mrs. John 7VMeln, Enola.
Mrs. Joseph Troup. Enola.
Xiiss -M.i ~are: Reel. S. Cameron.
.Mrs. li rtiia Fenstimake'-. S Ninth.
XLrs. Bertha Xloust. S. Ninth.
I Xlrs. Harry Devore, Swatara. Steelton.
Mrs. And. Robinson. Swatara, Steelton.
M'-s. Uoss Hoyer, Swatara St., Steelton.
Xlrs. Ro'ht. (tee- y. Swatara. Steelton.
| , Xliss Anna Souders. 3i > S. 2d. Steelton.
, Xliss Opal Pierce. Swatara. Steelton.
Xliss Gay Board. S. 4th. Ste -Hon. '
. Miss Kuih Spaugler. 25S Herr.
Xlrs. F. T. Spangler, :5S Herr.
Xiiss Xlildred Burke. 1528 Green.
Xliss Minerva Early. 221 Woodbine.
Xlrs. Gipple. 632 Bnvd.
. Xliss Xlary E. Dietrich, Bellevue Park.
; M-s .1. L Herr. 1622 X. Third.
Xl>s Luella Irfhmaii, 918 Green.
1 Xliss Lillian Qulgley. 263 Boas.
- Xliss Helen Stephens. 1113 Green.
Xliss -Margaret Sullenberger. 1311 Penn.
Xliss Grace Linhart. 1327 X. Front.
1 Xliss Emma Xlurray. 1532 Fulton.
M s. Robert Koons, 1627 Xaudain.
Mrs. Clarence G-lfTee. 55:' Forest.
Xlrs. Susie Ewell, 137 Balm.
Xlrs. Irene Taylor. 1720 Fulton.
Mrs. A. XI. Taylor. 655 Woodbine.
Xfiss Grace Balsbaugh. 1711 Fulton.
' Miss Evang'line Balsbaugh, 1711 Fulton.
Xliss Ida Anderson. 123 Xagle.
Mi3s Helen Stephens, 1113 Green. Esther Stouffer. 1835 Berryhill.
Xliss Emma Licb. 611 X. Second.
1 .Miss Kelly, 2124 X. Thirl.
. Xliss Minerva Hepford, 411 Maclay.
Xlrs. J. C. Harvey. 106 South.
1 Xlrs. W. W. Stewart, 1604 State.
Xiiss Ma? Ewing, 1500 .v Sixth.
I Miss Helen Bratton, : 152 Green.
Xfiss Alice Wright, 442 Cumberland.
' Xlrs. Wilmer Crow. 1512 Green.
Xliss Verna Miller. 2340 X. Sixth.
Xiiss Xlary Evans. 267 Sassafras.
Xliss Eleanor DeSilvery. 318 Cumberl'd.
Mrs. Don Xlonahan, 2328 JefTerson.
\- - ■ ■!.. ii 1 1 I'
t This Home Made Mixture Stops Dan
druff Falling Hair and Aids
Its Growth
To a half pint of water add:
Bay Hum, 1 oz.
Barbo Compound a small box
Glycerine, U oz.
These are all simple ingredients
• that you can buy from any druggist at
' very little cost, and mix them your
- • self. Apply to the scalp once a day
for two weeks, then once every other
week until all the mixture is used. A
half pint should be enough to rid the
head of dandruff and kill the dandruff
* perms. It stops the hair from falling
i out, relieves itching and scalp dis
- eases.
Although it is not a dye, it act»
t upon the hair rcots and will darken
. , streaked, faded, gray hair in ten or
? , fifteen days. It promotes the growth
i of the hair and makes harsh hair soft
• and Klossy. Adv.
" Pape s Cold Com
pound" Ends Severe
Colds or Grippe in
Few Hours
Vour cold will break mid alt grippe
misery end after taking a dose of
"l'ape's Cold Compound" every two
hours until three doses are taken.
It promptly opens elogged-up nos
trils and air passages in the head, stops
nasty discharge or nose runuing, relieves
siek headache, dullness, feverishness,
sore throat, sneezing, soreness and stiff
Don't. stay stuffed-up! Quit blowing
and snuffling! Ease your throbbing
head —nothing else in the world gives
such prompt relief as 'Tape's Cold
Compound, s which costs only 25 cents
at any drug store. It acts without
assistance, tastes nice, and causes no
inconvenience Accept no substitute.
-Miss Lenora Gardner. 414 '■ • Harris.
Mrs. diaries Williams. 1501's N. 6th.
Mrs. Edna Mann, 2.15 Briggs.
Miss Mary Garland, sth and Peffor.
Miss Dorothy Teats. 2106 N. Third.
Miss Margaret Tyson. " 14S Jefferson.
Mrs. Chilli melting. Fifth & Peffer. ,
Miss Mary Weller, 660 Woodbine.
Mrs. Beryl Kawel. 617 Forster.
Miss Margaretta Reed. 1303 Berryhill,
Mrs. H. Shoemaker. 1683 N'. Sixth.
Miss Halite Mathews. 2445 Reel.
Mrs. Etta Muckev. 215 North.
Miss Bsthtr Markov. 2li North
Mrs. R. K. Mathias. 1213 Mulberry.
Miss l-iiln Greenawalt. 1 .'7, Say ford.
Miss Wa.vnne Cassel, 1404 X. Second.
Miss Anna Wengert, 534 Rave.
Mrs. Wm. X. Yates. t>l4 X. 17th.
Mrs. Frank 1.. Meek. 559 Woodbine.
Mrs. W. C. /.eiders. 40 X. 13th.
Mrs. C. U Smith. 238 X. 14th.
Miss Beulah Hoverter, 1:57 Mulberry.
Miss Ethel Waid, 110S Cowden.
Mrs. Wm. F. Scnell. 1356 Vernon.
Miss Dora Dyer, 223 Reily.
Miss Sellers.
Miss Anna llammelhaugh. 1423 X. 2nd.
Miss Martha Oresswell. I'll Harris.
Miss Xellie Jones. 1419 Venn.
Mrs. A. .1. Lightner, 1423 Green.
Mrs. 1. 11. Snyder, 1935 Green.
Miss Villa Baker. 2212 Penn.
Miss Emma Stoner, 1726 Fulton.
Miss Ethel Hall, 2303 X. Sixth.
Mrs. George Miller. 609 Forster.
Miss Susie Spahr. 323 Kelker.
Miss Ruth Sterringer, 1717 Penn.
Mrs. George Reed. 1924 X Sixth.
Miss Mildred Conkling, 1926 X. Sixth,
Mrs. P. A. Deck a rd. SOS X, Third.
Mrs. Setli 11. Barnhart, 20:4 X. Sixth.
Miss Xleda Woods. 30S Kelker.
Mrs. John Beam. 633 Muencli.
Miss Mary Crane. 634 Mtiench.
Miss Irene Loomis, 1717 Penn St.
Miss Margaret Turner. 2008 Fifth.
Miss Margaret Shoaff, 210 Kelker.
Mrs. Chas. Koclvinor, 620 Mueuch.
Mrs. Wm. Yoeum. 1721 Green.
Miss Maudalen Slioaff. 210 Kelker.
Mrs. Wesley Weaver. 1611 Penn.
Mrs. George Reed. IW2 X. Sixth.
Mrs. Worcester. 194 1 Green.
Miss Ida Diram, 1618 Market.
Miss Annie Dtmm, (42 Cumberland.
.Miss Grace Sparver, 1920 Fifth.
Mrs X. 11. Miller, 1221 Market.
Mrs. Mary Mark, 68 X. 17th.
Miss Sara Speck. Penbrook.
Miss Esther Xeibel, Penorook.
Mrs. Harry Bei k. 16 th & Park.
Mrs. Ira Engle. 16th & Park
Mrs. I. M. Xissley. 412 S. 17th.
Miss Erma Henry. 114 X. 13th.
Miss Alice Rollison, 51 Balm.
Miss Esther Harpel. 30 S. 17th.
Miss Ma Ixjng. 1215 Derry.
Miss Elizabeth Shunk, 1425 Walnut.
"Miss Edna Kurtz.
Mrs. Ida Behney. 1316 Kittatinnv.
Miss Margaret Haas, 1 434 Xaudain.
Miss Ruth Sanders. 150 Nectarine.
Miss Ida Plough. 39 S. Summit.
Mrs. Walmer. X. 13th.
Ten or»
Charles M. Storey. 24 X. 14th.
lTobert Storey. 21 X. 14th.
George W. Swelgert. 1723 State.
H. A. Boyer. 1518 Catherine.
W. S. Schell, 216 Crescent.
William Meek. 914 X. 16th.
R K. Bergstresser. 1623 Briggs.
W E. Dietrich, Bellevue Park.
Ralph E. Partheniore. 221 Woodbine.
Earl Caton. 142S N. Second.
Chas. F. Clipplnger. 224 Emerald.
Charles McCoy, 2 4 S. St.
Robert Nnderaon. S. Se«ond.
Joseph Wolf. N. Front.
EliUt. Keim, S. Front.
A. B. Stouffer. r l"
F. H. Hartman. 1928 Swatars.
A. Lutz. UCI .'1 4.
Harry Batdorf. .110 Brookwood.
Arthur Eby. 13:1 Derry.
Harry Boyer. 15th & Derry.
A. G. Bachman. 141 Sylvan Terrace.
1.. H. Zarker. Penbrook.
H. O. Miller. 1407 Vernon.
S. R. Harris. 1927 X. Sixth.
.1. A. Clark, 1433 Swatara. v ;
A. T. Sides, 52 Balm. • ,
David Mohn. Wormleysburg.
Mr, McDonald. Telegraph Bldg.
Samuel S. Fackler.
■Harry M. Bretz. 1921 N. Second.
Prof. Ellenberger, 3207 X. Second.
Thomas E. Myers. 1919 Green.
Prof. Elmore Smith, Harrisburg Acad.
Wesley F. W. Townsend, 304 Cumb'd.
I'rank L Hutter. Enola.
Charles H. Runkle. 1913 Boas St.
C. A. Hoover, 1629 Carnation.
W. H. Xlyers. 1922 Briggs.
H. R. Botdorf, 1732 Elm.
S. A. Wenpert. 433 S. 13th.
V H. Ritter. 3210 Fourth.
Waiter Greenfield. X. Sixth.
Elmer Mover. N. Sixth.
Benj. Woltz. X. Sixth.
Samuel Garman, N. Sixth.
1 Stephen Gruber. River road.
[ John Bluster, 3213 Fourth.
Russell Smith. 9 X. Cameron.
Paul Bard, 1015 Salmon.
Charles Fislier. 1500 Berrvhlll.
Clarence Kirk. 1023 S. Xinth.
Robert Michael, 143 Paxton.
Edward Stoncr. 587 Showers.
Frank Hutter. Enola.
, J. A. Siiettel. West Falrview.
t Richard S. < hellew. 1022 S. Cameron.
George G. Young. 1000 S. Cameron.
H. F. Sheesley, Ninth.
Edward Harrison. 1730 Walnut
Harry Weirich. 1529 Regina.
E. L B. Vogel, 16th & Chestnut.
Charles R. Bartley. 1305 .Market.
Thomas Smith. 335 Pine, Steelton.
1 .1. A. Millard, 19 N. 4th, Steelt-on.
; Ecari Ecans, 236 Lincoln, Steelton.
1 Ira Behney. 1316 Kittatinny.
: D. S. Loe. 6tii & Basin.
! A. D. Payne, 1709 Market.
H. R. Runs, 1403 Market.
! O. M. Bowers, 1513 Derrv.
Wallace fmedly. 623 Schuylkill.
I Frank Palmer. 811 Green
; W. C. E. Yoder. 121 Herr,
, John F. Holbert, 521 Lincoln, Steelton.
E. A. Heffelfinger, 120 S. 13th.
W. Walter Whitman. 21 N. 19th.
George L. Eborsole. 1508 Zarker.
Wilson ®bersole, 25 S. Summit.
Harry Sacks, 166 Evergreen.
Millard Hess, 1324 Howard.
Amos Wenrick, 312 Hummel.
i C. A. Hoirbwbaugh, Penbrook.
A. F. Sides. 52 Balm.
J. K. Stevens, 183 X". 15th.
; Walter Manley, 1427 Derry.
I F. W. Thomas, 338 S. 16th.
F. H. Shaull. West Falrview.
R. C. Krenger. 2143 S. Second. Steelton
, Jacob E. Watson, 709 Prince. Steelton.
I A. R. Calder. 2200 Bellevue Park,
c. E. Whitman. N. 15th.
i I* Miller, 527 Emerald.
| A. Fink. 531 Curtin.
I D. Heisey, 1734 Fulton.
W. D. Reed. 531 Violet.
D. Sollenberger. 523 Peffer.
R. Ward, 317 Peffer.
Roy Stetler. 1825 N. Second.
Widney Peffer. 1921 N. Sixth.
William U High. Green above Forster.
Martin Miller, 1521 Penn.
William Scherfley, 1608 Green.
Richard Roebuck. 1 729 N. Third,
i Oris Oren, Hamilton St.
I Merrin Oren. Hamilton St.
Samuel Mahaffey,' 132 Kelker.
Uelroy White, Penbrook.
Edward Book. 621 Emerald.
D. W. Cotterel. 21 N. Fourth.
J. W. Frank, 2243 Atlas.
Paul Daurherty, 1000 N. Sixth.
Guy Klnch, 664 Emerald.
Ix>uls Sebourn. 631 Harris.
Thomas Spofford. 816 N. Sixth.
Carl Swope, 626 Boaa.
Roy Waltiorn, 314* Penn.
O. E. E. Yoder. 116 Heir.
Harry Jordon. 233 Mac-lay.
Frank Hawthorne, 19X8 Green.
Samuel Walters. 1153 Market.
Jaoob Kirk. 1329 N. Sixth.
M. E. Conrad, 130 Locust.
Harry Haas. 1 SOS Boas.
Truman Harper. 351 S. 18th.
Theo. Stouffer. 140 N. 13tl>
Henry Bruce, 14 N. Market.
Harry Pressler. 1220 Walnut.
•lolin G. Stouffer, 140 N. 13th.
Martin Gordon, 616 Peffer.
Chaster Shelley. 161Q Green.
William F. Hchreadley. 1956 Fifth.
Lloyd Lutx, 2141 N. Second.
S. R. Harris. 1927 N. Sixth.
J. U Stewart, 6th and Mat'lay.
A. S. Mover, 2211 Penn.
George Carpenter. 103s N. Fourth.
Maurice t'rtch, 2249 Jefferson.
F. Weber. 925 Grand.
Ralph Sellmyer, 1944 N. Sixlh.
Harvey Wagner. IS2O' S N. Fifth.
Frank McGinnis, Delaware Ave.
Chas. Ccchenour. 620 Muench.
Ed. Albright. 1421 Penn.
C. A. Rainbridge, Gen. Del.
Franklin E. Fornwalt, 1933 Green.
William Wanbaugh.
Bm» and Baritone
•loseph How, 182S State.
Banks Martin. 1532 Wallace.
Albeit Siple, 2147 Jefforson
William Barnhart. 2136 N. Sixth.
U W. Reigley, 816 Capital.
Prof. R. M. McNeal. 424 North.
Charles Burtnett. 2023 K. Sixth.
Samuel S. Fackler.
Ross Harman. 19 S. Seventeenth
Mr. Bowder, 21 S. Eighteenth.
William A. Fenical, 220 S. Fifteenth.
It. W. Helkes. 1626 Chestnut.
E. B. Landis. 19 S. Fifteenth.
J. B. Kellers. 1423 Zarker.
Charles .Spangler, 102 S. 17th.
R, W. Mathms, 1403 Vernon.
A. S. JLutß, 1552 Swatara.
G. Wolfe. 404 S. 19th.
Charles Singer. 413 S. 16th.
Ephralm Klenner. 20th & Usrrvhill.
Bert Fetterhoff, 7tli & Pine. Steelton.
Herman Beard. S. 7th, Steelton.
Chas. Blaok, Chestnut St.. Steelton.
Harry Hollinan. 3845. Second.
Claude R. Eugh, 2136 Penn.
W. G. Whitmover, 2215-X. Second.
F. S. Whltmoyer, 2115 N. Second.
C. W. Fisher. Front & Seneca.
William Fisher, Front Ji Senega.
Norman Fisher. 421 Boas.
Irwin Shadle, 2440 Jefferson.
Paul Watson, 1413 Penn.
Robert Turner. 2008 N. Fifth.
Samuel Royer. 2141 Atlas.
H. W. Grouse. Paxtang
C. H. Miller, 171S State.
R. A. Carl. 14 N, Mnrket Sq.
F. B. Barnhart, 2147 Fourth.
C. O. EJey, 627 Emerald.
Adam Marts, 512 Woodbine.
E. Z. Gross, 23 N. Front.
Chester Ryler, 1511 North.
Charles Hamlll, IRIS Green.
Frank Bratten. 314 Xorth.
Prof. I» D. Evans. 256 Broad
Harold Bingaman, 19 S. Second.
Lawrence Harvey. 415 N. Second.
C. A. Harman. 1409 North.
J. R. Putt. 1810 Boas.
Harry Miller. 2'7 Emerald. ,
Christ Germer. 1109 Capital.
C. Lester Bay, 1407 Penn.
Gilbert ,1. Aldinger, 429 Macla\.
Donald Stackpole. sth & Peffer
Daniel A. Teats, 2116 Third.
D. A. Laufman, 2011 Fifth.
A. W. Lut/, 2141 Second.
Allen A. Leonard, 1629 Green. •
S. G. Backenstoss. 632 Camp.
Harvey Klear, 521 Peffir.
Mearle Harris, 2019 Green.
J. B. Livingston. Cameron it Maclav.
A. H. Garland,-sth & Peffer.
Frank Korkle. 410 Woodbine.
Ross Wert, 410 Woodbine.
Earl Bortel. 2138 Susouehanna.
C. C. Holland. 2029 Penn.
William Weller. 660 Woodbine.
Walter Hall. 637 Muench.
William Jones, 2251 Jefferson.
George Sharp, 628 Harris.
Philip Arnold. 2255 Jefferson.
R. Shoemaker, 1633 N. Sixth.
William Springs ,635 Muench.
Robert C. Smith, 1103 Capital.
A. J. Lightner, 1423 Green.
Clarence C. Jones, 1419 Penn.
James E. Robinson, 1906 X. Second.
Claude \\. Kunkle, 1624 Susquehanna.
Joseph 1 rantz, 1701 X. Third.
William B. Corbett, 20 S. :2nd.
O. R. Girvin, 215 Wood'blne.
Kenneth Reinard, 2501 N. Front.
Alfred Davies, Penn below Harris.
Harvey Bair, 1822 X. Second.
C. M. Sigler, 30 X. Second.
Stewart Kishpaugh, 409 S. ltßh.
1 Wm. F. Schell, 1356 Vernon.
; George H. Reed. 1924 X. Sixth
Elias Wagner. 1622 Fifth.
I'has. Kirk. 1942 Fifth.
!i>Ue Wagner. 1623 Fifth.
Percy McGlnnis. 1632 Sixth
j Austin Lightner, IR2B N. Sixth.
William Harder. 1709 Fifth.
Harry Barnhart. 633 Cam;).
1 H. Long, 1827 Seventh.
Robert Bratten. 230 Emerald.
Edward McManamy, 1817 X. Third.
[ Horace Helm. 2146 Penn.
j E. .1. Fissel. ISO 3 Fifth,
i .lohn Smith. £450 Sixth.
J. W. Finton, Sixth St.
Carl Heefner. 1244 Kittatinnv.
j Walter S. Fishel, 22nd St.
j Frank S. Bealor. 35 S. 17th.
R. M. Champion. 27 S. Summit.
C. C. Gastrock, 1720 Carnation.
; hlias Fry, 212 Crescent.
I John Gitt. 1302 Market.
E. B. Luigard. 517 S. 15th.
| !•'. E. Schwartz. 438 Boas.
Mien Laudemilch. 1901 Second.
: Karl Schwart*. 438 Boas.
;W. L. High. 160 1 Penn.
Jo i Swartz. 404 Broad.
Walter Dunn, 2021 Fulton.
1 Marion F. Sourbcer. 716 Capital.
John Bower-master. N. Twelfth
Harry Fink, 415 Hamilton.
IG. L. Sellers. 1921 N. Fourth.
G. E. Troup, 1921 N. Fourth.
I A. W. Lewis, 1427 North.
\A. R. Jerauld, 11 Evergreen,
John Bethel, 546 X. 2nd. Steelton.
J. h. Bogner. 152 Conestoga, Steelton.
Roy Keller, 2629 S. 2nd, Steelton.
j Ellis Lawrence, 2629 S. 2nd, Steelton
! Paul H. Reynolds, 35 X. Seventh
W. J. Lingle, 2541 Agate.
John C. Gates. 1839 Market.
If. C. Baum, 17th & Park.
| Ralph Hoover, 20 X. IStli.
Frank Hoover, 20 X. 18th.
Frank Stahler. 1906 State.
. Heorge W. Coover. Highspire
I R. R. Posey, 819 S. Tenth.
William Maily. 909 Penn.
'i. W. Burd, 500 Curtin.
F. H. Robinson. 706 N. Seventh
Harry Greene. 436 Herr.
Harsy Reel, S. Cameron.
Benj. Glass, Race St.
A. G. Darlington, Enola.
Clinton Green, 633 S. Front.
William Mel), 1227 Mulberrv
William Rohrer. 123 Paxton."
'•'rank Rohrer, 113 Paxton.
Irvin Geiger, 588 Showers.
Harold Lingle. 103 Washington.
Harry Statler, 537 Race.
J. C. Goudy, 5645 Race.
Philip Lucas, 3107 Third.
William Shreiner, N. Sixth
Frank Bowman. X. Sixth, R. D. No '
U Clyde Lynch, Linn & State.
George W. Stotz, 47 N. 16th.
C. Y. Stamm, 1936 Briggs.
I Robert Colling*. 1507 Cameron,
j lx>uis Row. 1831 North.
A. J. Lingles, 1918 North.
! G. E. Runkley. 1 924 State,
j I". W. Lingle, 1532 Walnut.
George W. Thomas. 338 S. 16th
R. E. Trimmer, 1923 State.
T. E. Stephenson. 1821 Market.
I John Early, Penbrook.
, Ralph Man ley. 1511 Swatara
: Xorman Mauley. 1521 Swatara.
j F. W. Thomas, 338 S. 16th.
! David Moon, Wormleysburg
Harry Mark. 68 X. 17th.
Warren Lyme, 24 S. 15th.
Walter Hackman, Penbrook,
i James H. Gingrich, 1434 Market
F. J. Wallis, 236 S. 13th.
lohn W. Smith, 316 Hummel.
; C. M. Conover, 425 S. 14th.
Mr. Markley. 1425 Berryhlll.
F. E. Crist. 340 Crescent.
W. H. Bricker. 2216 N. Sixth.
• E. S. Selple, 1224 Christian. *
! Frank O. Meek. 559 Woodbine
i E. H. James, 608 N. Third.
| D. E. Burkholder. 1101H Capital.
I W. Alford Johnson. 218 South.
I John C. Reed, 449 Lincoln, Steelton.
F. Lawrence. 2629 S. 2nd, Steelton.
| John Holbert, 521 Lincoln. Steelton.
Ralph Warricks. first violin, 232 Lib
Harry L. Welrlck, flrst violin, 1529 Re
! gina.
George Slothower, first violin, 214 St
Carl Smeigh, flrst violin, 1549 Walnut.
Mr. Rich, flrst violin. sth & Emerald.
I Miss Grace Sigler, flrst violin. 1416 Mar
| Chas. Folk, flrst violin. Camp Hill.
Frank Howthorne, flrst violin. 1923
Stanley Smith, first violin, 1605 Green.
George Mylligan, flrst violin. 2024 Sus
Mr, Troxel, flrst violin. 1724 X. Fifth.
I C. R. Engle, first violin, 2158 Penn.
Be a Pantry
Pirate Once Mere
By Using Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet!
You Oan Renew the Appetite
of Your Boyhood Days
Home of you suffering men anil
women would just as soon think of
eating pie, jam ami cookies as you
would "of sleeping with a puir of
Bengal tigers. You're afraid of your
stomach. If you will only try n
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet after each
ineal and ut bed time you will very
soon overcome this fear of food.
"Gee! It's great to eat, like a boy
These little Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab
lets go into the stomach just lik«
food. They mix their new and fresh
digestive qualities with your worn-out
.juices in stomach and intestines and
thus enrich your body, stop gas, iirita
tion and "after eating distress." The
act of takiug a Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab
let is a pleasing one. You eat it as you
would au "after dinner mint" or a "bon
bon." It at once mixes with your food
and digests that food. It relieves the
strain of that meal, of course, and thus
wiu experience n joyful feeling from
your food.
Soon your appetite will return. You
will find yourself eating the foods vou
| would dearly love to eat, but are afraid
|to eat: and in a very short time your
old digestive system will be returned
to vou, for our bodies very quickly
readjust themselves to normal condi
tions when we stop the trouble that
makes them diseased.
Go to your druggist, no matter where
vou live, and buy a box of Stuart's
: Dyspepsia Tablets. To any one wishing
I a free trial of these tablets please ad
j dress P. A. Stuart Co., 150 Stuart.
, Bldg.. Marshall. Mich., and a small
I sample package will be mailed free. ,
Earl Eaton, flrst violin, 1428 X. Second.
Mr. Dumm. first violin, 508 Woodbine
diss Caroline Boyer, tlrst violin, Third
and Harris.
Hammond Peiree, flrst violin, 1624
Curtis Coble, first violin, Apricot near
F. Marion Sourbeer, first violin, 716
A. Jerauld, flrst violin. 14 Evergreen.
Dwight Jerauld, first violin, 14"Ever
Lyle Fink, flrst violin. 18th & Walnut.
! Lye 11 J. Fink, flrst violin. ISOO Walnut
Edgar Convertogo, flrst violin, Main St.
! Steelton.
, George Beard, first violin, South Fourth
St., Steelton.
! William Wanbaugh, first violin 1517
Morris Simonetti. flrst violin, 610 Ma
C. Deimlet. first violin. 1830 Derrv
' ml Shoopp, tirst violin, 529 Hetrick. '
Mrs. Mary Sears, second violin, 17 ">7
.\!rs. Wagner, second violin, 1639 North
Miss Margaret Housler. second violin
Earl Olouser, second violin, 1713 far
; Arthur Bushman, second violin, 76 N
\ Seventeenth.
: Mr. Ely. flrst cornet, 627 Emerald
Alfred Convertogo, first cornet. Main
St.. Steelton.
Benj. Convertogo. flrst cornet. Main St
Grant Rornm. flrst cornet. 1603 Market
\\ illiam Engle. first cornet, 3106 Third.
Eugene Shirk, first cornet. 1307 Market
I Wash Burr is. first cornet. 431 Hamilton!
beth H. Barnhart, flrst cornet. 20" I x
Charles Folk, first cornet, Camp l+iil.
Carl P. Bratton, second cornel. 61 s' X
Edward Richardson, first cornet.
E. A. Batdorf, second cornet, 237 S. 14th,
John Johnston, second cornet 38 Lin
James Jones, second cornet, 232 Liberty.
E - Stouffer, second cornet, 183.'i Ber-
I ryhill,
; Paul Grimm, trombone, 413 S. Sixteenth
George Hamer, trombone, 121 Cumber
William Kitzmiller, cello, 1617 Regina.
W. J. Dunlap, cello.
Miss Francis Dunlap, flute.
1 George Roberts, flute and piceola s
Market Sq.
George Roberts, flute, cor. Fifth and
I'red. Sears, flute, 1 727 Fulton.
John Fraim. flute. 2229 X. Sixth,
John Roberts, bass viol, S. Market So
John Swartz, bass viol. 104 Broad
George Raymond, clarionet. 327 Pine.
Edward Hossler, clarionet, Enola.
Ed. McElhoes, first cornet, 1835 Berry
Jay Smith, flrst violin, 316 Hummel
Lyell J. Finlt, flrst violin, Eighteenth
and Walnut.
T. B. Dimm, first violin. 508 Woodbine.
H. D. Sollenberger. first cornet, 6;»J
, W. D. Reed, first cornet. 531 Violet
! Mrs. Bertha Houdeshell, first cornet.
319 Muench.
Was Mistaken for Rabbit While Hunt
ing In Lancaster County
Wrightsville, Oct. 21.—Scott Ander
j son. who was shot while gunning last
I week, he being mistaken for a rabbit
j while he was kneeling on a limb of a
j tree and wearing a fur cap, died in
agony Monday niglit. He is survived
by his widow and two small children
and was 33 years of age. He was a
farmer and a native of Peach Bottom
township. His parents, one sister and
a brother also survive.
You Should
Ease Your Cough
for Two Reasons
' First to get rid of it and second
! to prevent that straining and nervous
racking that is injurious to your
■ system.
Take Our
Tar, Tolu and White Pine
It relieves your cough and rids
vour throat of mucus and phlegm.
A pure effective Cough Remedy that
is safe and sure.
25 * v /
Forney's Drug Store
"We servs you wherever you «■«."