The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, October 21, 1914, Page 4, Image 4

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Powerful Influence Is
Used to Give U. S.
Corporation Business
of Various Roads
Pools and Gay Dinner Meetings Re
sponsible for Artificial Maintenance
of Prices by Giant Steel Combina
tions, Says Government Counsel
By Associated Press.
Philadelphia, Oct. 21.—Argument on
behalf of the government in its dis
solution suit against the Vnited States
Steel Corporation and its subsidiaries
was continued to-day by Jacob M.
Dickinson, in the United States Dis
trict court here. Mr. Dickinson spoke
for more than five hours yesterday. He
reviewed the history of the steel wire
pool of 1905 and then took up the
matter of interlocking directorates. Mr.
Dickinson said the steel corporation
through its directors was in direct
touch with the large railroads and
steamship companies of the United
States and "with the overwhelming
majority in money and power of the
banks and trust companies of the Unit
ed States."
Counsel stated that the record of
the case shows that since its organiza
tion directors of the corporation have
variously been* directors in more than
540 different companies and corpora
tions exclusive of the steel corporation
and its subsidiaries. In 1911. when the
suit was brought. Mr. Dickinson con
tinued. some of the steel directors were
directors in 62 railroad companies
operating,nearly fifty per eent. of the
entire railroad mileage of the country.
Price of Bails Remained Uniform
The interlocking of directors. Mr.
Dickinson added, in respect to leading
to rail manufacturers is significant in
connection with the fact that the price
of rails has remained uniform since
shortly after the formation of rhe cor
Taking up the matter of steel direc
tors sitting on railroad boards and j
using their influence to give the steel
• orporation business, he gave alleged
instances through testimony taken in
the present case where such influence!
had apparently been used.
"It would be impossible to prove i
fully the quiet but constantly effective 1
force thus operating all the time." Mr.
Dickinson said. "Such men do not pro-i
• iami what they are doing from the I
housetop. But it does not require proof j
to show how seif-interest will operate'
under such conditions, but conclusive!
proof as to particular instances is not j
Power to Destroy Competitors
Mr. Dickinson dwelt upon the al-■
'eged power of the steel corporation j
to destroy competitors. lu support of
• his contention that it had great power
in restraining trade, he relied largely
on testimony given by E. H. Gary. l
chairman of the steef board, and other
steel corporatiou men at various gov
ernmental and congressional investiga-'
lu summing up counsel for the gov
ernment declared that the steel corpora
tion ever since its formation has con
trolled and -til! controls the majority!
of the steel business of the United'
"The corporation's vast power has!
been directed primarily to the exaction !
of non-competitive prices from the 1
general public," he said, "rather than
to the destruction of its competitors. It i
has made its competitors co-conspira- j
tors with it iu the articial maintenance!
ot prices of steel products.
Gary Dinner Meetings Significant
"As practically all of the so-calle ii
competitors of the corporatiou have
shared in the fruits of its monopolisti ■;
power and have been co-conspirators
with it in the artificial maintenance of
prices b> pools and Gary dinner meet
ings. it is not surprising that they gen
erally appear friendly to it."
Opening the argument on behalf of I
the i nited States Steel Corporation.
Richard \. Lindabury, of Newark, N.
reminded the court that the peti
tion of tiie government charged that
the- steel corporation and 13 of its 15
subsidiaries were organized in violation
I', the anti-trust law. ''Wp •io not con
sider the legality of the organization
of these subsidiaries open to inquirv
in this case, lie said, "or their stat
u- or practices prior to the organiza
tion of tne steel corporation d'irectlvj
m issue.
Ice Cream Makers Want Damages
Lebanon, Oct. 21—In a romraunica i
ton to City Council yesterday, Burdan i
. tiro*., ice i-ream makers, asks for J9-!
"00 damages suffered by them during'
tne terrific storm that visited this se«-
tion of the State on July 19, 1914, it 1
is claimed in the communication that 1
this was damage done to stock and for
the cost of cleaning up about the plant!
from rhe effects of its flooding as the
result the complainant claims u f oh
structions allowed to remain in the
creek by the city.
Leg Amputated at Hospital
Ray Gluck, 147 North Front
street, Steelton. a brakeman for the i
Pennsylvania Steel # < ompany. was ad- :
nutted to the Hanr'isburg hospital this I
morning suffering with a compound
Iracture of the right leg. The log was
amputated. He was injured at the
steel works. -~
Memorial Services of Elks
The annual memorial services of the j
Elks will be held on December 6, more |
than likely in the Majestic theatre.!
The following were natned on the com
mittee on arrangements: A. W. Hart
man, chairman; E. J. Decevee, H. A.
Segelbaum, H. W. Cooper and r! l!
The boy scout that cheerfully cooks j
his meals in the woods is the same one !
that iu private life always forgets to'
tpiit the kindling for the morning tire. 1
Electric Lights on Streets Switched on
at Noon—Nearly Five Hundred
Essays Submitted by School Chil
dren of Grammar Grades
The thirty-fifth anniversary of the
j perfection of the incandescent electric
light by Thomas A. Edison was ob
served to-day iu this city, " Kdison
Day," by according honor to the great
Of nearly 500 essays submitted by
the boys and girls of Harrisburg's
grammar schools iu the Thomas A.
Edison contest (hat closed to day, six
from each of the S'venteen rooms were
j selected by the teachers and turned
| over to the special committee of judges
| who will decide upon the awards of the
< S-i> in cash prizes for the best eoutpo
j sitious.
The committee consists of E. Z. Wal
! lower and Profs. W. H. Fahnestock and
I William Strawinski, of the Central and
I Technical High school faculties, aud
they will begin the examination of the
; essays to-morrow morning.
I "Edison Day" is being observed
throughout the country to-day in trib
ute to the genius of Thomas A. Edison,
electrical scientist and inventor, and
HarriSburg is according him honor in
several ways.
Not only are the children competing
for the $25 prizes offered by the Har
i risburg Light and Power Company, but
all the trolley cars stopped at noon
for one minute in tribute to Edison, all
the electric lights in the streets of the
business district were switched on aud
kept burning for an hour for the same
reason and in music houses and resi
dences in which Edison records are
features there were informal "Edison
Continued From Flrnt Pnge.
the work among the Mayor and the i
I City Commissioners. These are some of
the leading subjects to which the com
i mitteamen will, thev say, direct their
I early attention:
Adoption of the city manager plan.
Revision or abolition of the referen
j dum features.
Place Mayor in full and undivided
authority over the police department.
Govern methods for making equal
and equitable property assessments.
Change time for ' collecting city
taxes to make it conform with the be-,
ginning of the fiscal year.
; Probably the most important of all,
i in the opinion of the committeemen, is
the city manager plan suggestion. It is i
stated among the committeemen that i
tb e whole purpose of the persons who !
framed the original measure providi/gl
tor the government of cities of the
third class by "one council or a com
mission'' was to introduce the citv
manager plan, the Commissioners onlvt
to have legislative powers. The idea'
was abandoned, it is said, only through !
a compromise, and after the fathers of
that measure and those of another bill, I
which later was defeated, realized the!
inadvisability of making such sweeping
changes in the city government all at
one time.
The Referendum Feature
I'nder the amendment now likely to
be suggested the City Commissioners
would have only legislative powers, j
They would elect a man to be known
as the City Manager, he to take full!
charge of every department of the j
Such an official, would not neces-1
sarily have to be a resident of the city!
.in which he would be employed, al- j
though his selection, the measure would!
provide, should be made by the com- ;
missioners, they to keep in mind the
non-partisan feature of the Clark act.
The Mayor of a city would have full 1
dismissal and appointive powers over'
the police force, just as he had before!
the passage of the ('lark act, under!
another suggested amendment. This
proposed change is being considered, it'
was said by committeemen, because i
the present system has, in the opinion :
of some citv officials, proved a failure.
It was said further that in addition
to Harrisburg there are half a dozen or
more other cities iu the State in which !
a large number of the policemen were '
ripped out wholesale and the power of
appointment was wrested from the
hands of the Mayor.
The referendum feature of the Clark'
act is said to be objectionable to some'
city officials, although committeemen j
asserted they cannot yet say whether
they will ask to have it dropped from '
the measure or amended. This clause j
provides that when voters desire to!
have referrc 1 to the electors a measure
which already has been passed by the '
commission, twenty per cent, of the |
city's voting population must go be- ■
fore the city clerk and sign the neces
sary petitions calling for a special eiec-1
tion to pass on the measure.
Tax Collection Period
The fact that the voters must go be-1
fore the City Clerk is considered a
hardship. If a request be not made to
abolish the provision in its entirety, a
suggestion may \ye made for a change
so that petitions calling for the special
election at which the action of the Com
missioners is to be endorsed or disap- i
proved may be circulated throughout
the city.
I he l lark act changes the beginning l
of a city's fiscal year from April of
each year to December. Instead of
making a corresponding change in the
time for beginning the collection of
city taxes, the Legislature extended it
one month, making it August I instead
of July 1. This is considered a bad j
feature by committeemen and some of!
them are of the. opinion that a request)
"ill be made to the next Legislature!
to make May 1 the date for the be-1
ginning of the tax-collecting period.
Hiding Four Days With Broken Hip ,
Antonia Nemis, who says his home '
is iu Philadelphia, was admitted to the
Harrisburg hospital last night for,
treatment for a fractured hip. He'
■•ran led into a barn near Dauphin last j
Friday, he said, and fell through a hay
hole. Since that time he had been j
hiding in the barn. He was in a seri-'
ous condition because of the lack of
Sleutns Learn to "Mug" Prisoners
City Detective Joseph W. Ibach yes I
terdav afternoon "mugged" a prison- j
er while two city detectives from Head
ing looked on. The Reading depart- j
ment is establishing a measurement '
system modeled over the local one and'
Detective Ibach was instructing the vis j
iting sleuths.
Continued Front First I'ag*.
to me, 'I shot him.' Then she showed
ine a revolver, a black revolver that
was about nine inches long. 1 grabbed
her by the arm and told her not to go
into the office. She said she was uot
going to do anything else. Then I went
into the office.
Saw Dead Woman on Floor
"The body of a dead white woman
was lying on the floor near the operat
ing chair. Mrs. Carman followed me
into the office. She stayed there about
half a minute and then went out to the
waiting room. Ur. Carman was there
and so was another man. I went into
the kitchen and returned to the office
in about a minute. Mrs. Powell (Mrs.
Carman's sister) was in there then.
Then [ went back into the kitchen,
finished washing the dishes, aud went
to my room to sleep.
"The next morning about daylight
Mrs. Carman came to my room. She
was dressed in a night gown. She said
oh, Celia, what did 1 kill that woman
for! I hope Cod will forgive me. You
stick to me and if anything happens
to you I'll take care of vour little
Mrs. Carman Cautioned Servant
"I sasv Mrs. Carman later that
morning at the breakfast table and
i she burst into tears. After breakfast
! slip came into the kitchen and told
| me to forget that 1 had seen her the
j night before. Later that day Mrs.
I Carman came in with her lawyer, Vtr.
I Levy. Mrs. Carman winked at me when
he asked me what 1 khew. 1 told Mr.
I Levy that I did uot know anything.
"Mr. l»evy came again the nert
j day. Before he came Mrs. Carman told
j me to tell him 1 was not down stairs
| after dinner. She wrote out some
| statement and I signed it without
| reading it. The statement was uot true.
Spiriting Away the Revolver
"The day after the murder Mrs.
| Carman came into the kitchen and ask
| ed me to make a wood fire in the stove
I which 1 did. Later she came down
j stairs with a bundle of letters and
| burned them up in the tire. That same
| day she told me to call her father from
: the barn because she wauted him to
| get the revolver out of the house. Mr.
Conklin, her father, came in aud went
to her room and then came down stairs
again. He had a hammer with him, lie
returned to the barn. The next day,
Wednesday, Mrs. Carman came into
the kitchen and asked me to step into
the office. I went in and the detectives
J began to question me."
Didn't Tell Truth at Inquest
j "Did you tell the truth at the Cor
oner's inquest !" the District Attornev
I asked.
"I did not." the witness answered.
The District Attorney then turned
the witness over to John ,T. Graham,
Mrs. Carman's counsel for cross-exam
! mation.
j A crowd that eclipsed the previous
! day's throng sought to enter the tiny
court room to-day in anticipation of
hearing Celia tell'the story. Less than
200 were able to do so and these were
; nearly ail women.
Mrs. Carman's Eyes Fixed on Witness
As Celia testified Mrs. Carman sat
well back in her chair ami never once
j took her eyes from the witness,
On cross-examination Celia said she
1 never had seen Mrs. Carman wear her
j kimono down stairs before the night of
j the murder. She said Mrs. Carman
stood in the kitchen for ten or fifteen
! minutes before she passed out of the
| back door and that the crash of glass
and the shot occurred immediately aft
j erward.
"Did you know who she meant when
| she said 'I shot him?'" asked Mr.
i Uraham.
"No. I did not."
Revolver Hidden in Kimono
Mrs. Carman carried the revolver,
the witness said, hidden in the folds ol'
* her kimono when she went into the of
fice. Mrs. Carman said nothing to any
j one, she added. She looked in and
1 went out in about thirty secouds. Mrs.
|' armah did not express surprise when
I she discovered she had killed a woman
! and not a man.
Celia said she told Mrs. Carman that
morning after the murder that "Col
I will forgive anything but murder."
"Do you, ' asked Mr. Graham, "be
lieve that God will forgive vour per
jury!" * '
j "1 know it is wrong to lie," said
'the negresa, "but I did what Mrs. Car
j man asked ni e to do."
Doctor Would Protect Her
j "you are afraid of going to jail for
| committing perjury, too. aren't you?"
"\es, sir; Mr. Smith (the District
> attorney) told me I could go to jail
i for lying."
testified that when she was be
j ing brought from Freeport to Mineola
to go before the Grand Jury, Dr. tar
I man told her uot to change her testi-
I mony and that he "would take care of
j her.''
Mrs. Carman, she continued, gave
her an extra $5 a few days after the
j "That is for keeping your mouth
shut, the witness said Mrs. Carman
{told her.
Celia admitted -that she was livinp
j in New York City at the expense ot'
Nassau county, also that she had testi
; tied falsely in many respects at the
! Coroner's inquest; but she explained
, that she hail done so to shield Mrs.
When recess was taken she was still
I on the stand.
Gift Piano, Placed in Building To-day.
Will Furnish Music
To morrow is inspection day at the
i'rp- building, Fourth and
Walnut streets. The building will be I
■ open to from 10 u. m. to 10 i
.p. m. The citizens of Uarrisburg and |
I vicinity have made the building a pos- i
| sibiiity and now they are invited to!
I l ome and see what has been done with
j their money contributed during the'
| campaign over two years ago.
1 In the evening from Btolo p. in.
Cpdegrove's orchestra will furnish mu
! sic. The piano used at this time will
I be the J. H Troup piano which is a
j gift of the Troup Music House and was
I placed in the new building to-day.
Pastor of Pine Street Church Followed
by Warren Minister as Moderator
The Rev. Dr. Lewis SJ. Mudge, pastor
iof the Pine Street Presbyterian
: church, has been succeeded as modera
j tor of the Pennsylvania Synod of \Pres
| livterian (hurches by the Rev. Dr. J.!
| W. Smith, of Warren.
Dr. Smith was elected at last night's
I session of the thirty-third annual Byn
i od, now being held at Erie. ' I
Thursday, Oct. 22, to Saturday, Oct. 31
Furniture, Carpet Remnants, Discontinued
Patterns, Etc., At Cost and Less
Some remnants large enough for small rooms. Odd Pieces of Furniture that inav match those you already
have. We also offer a general price reduction on our entire stock of Fall goods. Our location out of the high
rent district makes it possible to guarantee splendid money-saving values.
2"> pieces ot carpet. 1 vanl to 17 vards, 25f B| HoP nM MB
rncE RFminnnNQ
to $1.25. Neatly bound. Make fine rugs. Ilk Vw W I IUI«0t
25 pieces linoleum; all sizes; printed and
15 parlor tables in quartered oak. Your % i| m |I BI m lUlavb* ETaII
choice, $2.75. Ull UUr RBW ' S
10 solid oak beds; full size. Each, $3.00. " w " 1 ""
Odd Dressers, Chiffoniers, Dress- 6©OCIS
ing TabhSj v Mahogany, $40.00 Davenport at SoO.OO
I^i s combination Brush $25.00 Davenport at 5U7.50
«« <wi! l l se «iK AA al>les: oak and maho * an >'> and Vacuum Sweeper.
tpO«00 to SIO.OO. AQA Art T\ , . „
12 odd china closets at factory cost $14.00 Regular price $5.49. *30.00 Davenport at $-—.50
to s24*oo* .T*,. - , I
3 8-3xlo-6 Axminster Rugs, discontinued pat- Ulth ever . v sa « ! amount- Silk Floss Mattresses $112.50
• e ' , » s -J' ower Patterns. Value $21.00. Each, ing to SIO.OO or more. „
$17.00. Pure Felt Mattresses, 55 pounds, $7.00
1 9x12 French Wilton; value $40.00. Sale Only one to a customer.
piiie, $33.00. v Combination Mattresses $3.75
"The House That Saves You Money"
1413, 1415, 1417, 1419 North Second Street
Continued From Flrnt Page.
come rumors of similar buildings under way at Tondern. in
Schleswig and at Rostock.
Two submarines and some aeroplanes are being shipped
to Constantinople through Bulgaria. A few days ago a
large quantity of munitions of war consigned to Turkey
by rail were held up in Bulgaria.
No damage was done in the cities of Ghent and Bruges
when they were occupied without resistance by the Ger
mans'according to a dispatch from Berlin. Tho Oierman
government has informed Washington it has no objection
to the plan to send food stuffs to Belgian non-combatants.
Thousands of Belgians who fled into Holland are re
turning to their homes. There are, however, 100,000 Bel
gians in England and more on their way there. Prepara
tions to give employment to these latter are being made.
Pekin. Oct. 21, 7.15 P. M.— An offi
cial German report on the blowing up
of the Japanese cruiser Takachiho in
Kiao-Chow harbor the night of October
1 7 sets forth that the German torpedo
boat S-90 went to sea with the inten
tion of attacking n larger cruiser. Fail
ing in this she had to content herself
with the Takachiho.
As soon as this vessel had been dis
posed of the S 90 attempted to escape.
It was found, however, that this move
ment could not be carried out success
fully and the crew of the torpedo boat
ran her up on the beach and then got
safely ashore.
The Japanese legation 'here says the
work of mounting the siege guns before
Tsing-Tau has not been completed and
that tiie bombardment of Tsing-Tau
probably will be delayed for several
War Craft En Route to Constantinople
London, Oct. 21, 9.50 A. M.—A dis
patch from Athens to the Exchange
Telegraph Company says it is learned
there that two submarines and some
aeroplanes are en route for Constan
tinople and will probable pass through
Rusttrhuk on the northern frontier of
Potsdam Didn't Strike a Mine
The Hague, Via London, Oct. 21.
9.21 A. M. —Rumors that the Holland
America liner Potsdam had struck a
mine in the North sea are unfounded.
The Potsdam is at her dock in Hotter
dam, which she reiched last week, and
is expected to leave to-night for Amer
Deny Hostile Albanian Occupation
Home, Oct. 21, Via Paris, 9.50 A.
M. — Reports of a hostile occupation of
Avlona, Albania, were to-day officially
denied bv the Italian authorities. •
Alarm Box at River and Mulberry
Fire alarm box No. 42 is now per
manently located at Mulberry and Riv
er streets. It has been inovi twice
owing to the building of the Becond
street subway. Originally this box was
located at Second and Mulberry streets.
Berlin, Oct. 21, byi Wireless.—The
imperial government lias sent a formal
protest to France and to neutral ua
tions concerning alleged violations of
the rules of the Geneva convention by
French franc-tireurs (sharpshooters)
ami regular troops.
It is declared in this protest that
they have killed or mutilated wounded
Herman soldiers; that they have fired
on ambulances filled with wounded and
'bearing the Bed Cross flag; that they
have invaded German hospitals, robbed
the hospital staff and stolen the hos
pital equipment: that they have fired
on German doctors who were gathering
or attending to the wounded, killing
some of these medical men and taking
others captives, and that they have cap
tured a German field clergyman, whom
they treated as a common criminal.
This protest is accompanied by 15
affidavits from various German sol
diers, physicians and Catholic field
priests, which support the allegations
made therein
Commissioner Taylor Tested New Ma
chine This Morning
Tbe motor-driven' combination wag
on manufactured by the Morton Motor
Truck and Motor Tractor Company, of
Harrisburg, for the Friendship "Fire
Company, was accepted this morning
by Commissioner Taylor, head of the
fire department. The machine was test
ed this morning by Commissioner Tay
lor and Fire Chief Kindler.
A similar test of the American I, a
'France truck for the (rood Will com
pany was held late this afternoon by
Commissioner Taylor with a view of
accepting it.
Will Be Served in Social Room of
Immanuel Presbyterian Church
A supper a la carte will be served by
the Lddies' Aid Society of Immanuel
Presbyterian church. Sixteenth and Ju
niper stroets, in the social room of the
church to-morrow evening from 6 till
8 o'clock.
Shredded chicken, with biscuits,
vegetables, fruit salad, ice cream and
coffee will be served.
—— *
Wednesday Club's Program at Fahne
stock Hall To-morrow Evening
I'iio Wednseday llub presents 111 re Miss Kuth 'Mt Linn. pianist; Miss
1 licence Ccanor, viojinist, WitJli Mrs.
Bent L. Weaver, aroompanist, to-mor-
I row evening at 5.15 o'clock in Fahne
stock (hall. The following program will
be rendered:
Allegro from Faschingsehwank, Sclni
niann, Viennese 'Carnival opus 26, Miss
'Mfliinn; Second Concerto in I) minor,
Wieniawski, 2d and 3d movements,
■Miss Connor; S.her.'.o from Sonata in B
flat minor, Ohcpin; Intermezzo, opus
119. C. 'Brahms; Sic •ilienne. Bach-Gal
ston; Gnomen Reigen, Liszt; .Miss Me-
Linn; Kr.nanzo (Albumblatt), Wagner-
WiMielmj, Ave Maria. Schubert-Wil-
Iholmj. Miss Connor; preludes, ha Fille
aux Oheveux i|e Lin, Les Collines d'
Anacapri. 'Debussy; Light and Silvery
Cloudlets, IMai.• Dowell. Gavotte Fantas
tique, Mrs. Beach, Miss iMi-Linn; Hondo
Ga-priccioso, Saint-Saens, (Miss Connor;
Kta. ato Stude, Rubinstein. Miss Mc
William Householder Died Suddenly at
Mount Gretna Yesterday Householder, a well-known
resideu't of Mount Gretna, died at his
home on Markwood avemio, United
ißret'nreii campmeeting grounds, yester
day afternoon, of acute iudigestion. He
was only siek for a few hours 'before he
IM'r. House-holder was formerly a resi
dent of Lebanon and for many years he
held a government position at the Cap
itol in Washington. For several years
he had liveil at Mount Gretna in all
seasons. He is survived 'bv his wife.
'Funeral atracgemen'ts will be announced
Mies Lena M. Weiss
'Miss Lena IM. Weiss, aged 39 years,
daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs.
'Francis Weiss, died last evening ait the
home of her brother, Rudolf F. Weiss,
1725 Market street, with whom dhe
made her home. Funeral services Fri
day morning at 9 o'clock at St. Law
rence Catholic church. The Rev. Father
P. S. II uegel will offj-iate. IBurial will
•be in M't. Calvary cemetery. Slip is sur
vive I 'by two 'brothers, Edward W. and
Rudolf 'F., and one sister, Nettie.
George J. Wise
George J. Wise, aged 56 years, 1032
'Herr street, died tfhis morning at 5
o'clock. He is survived by one son,
John, who lives at home, and one daugh
ter, IMrs. J. L. Median, of Williams
town. Funeral arrangements will be an
nounced later.
Robert Humes
The funeral of Robert Humes, 332
Reily street, who died in Indianapolis,
will take place to morrow from his late
home on Reily street.
State Loses In Tax Case
Judge McCarrell this afternoon
handed down an opinion in the matter
of the appeal of the Standard Under
ground < able Company from a tax levy
'by the State on $951,528 of its capital
stock. The claim made by the company
was that its increase of stock was use<T
as working capital and not for divi
dends in the usual sense of the word.
The case is similar to that decided in
favor of the Stetson -Hat Company
a few days ago, and Judge McCarrell's
docision absolves the Underground
company from payment of the tax, the
State losing. '
Commissioner Jackson Recommends
That Municipalities Put the Unsm-
Ployed on Improvement Jobs
| Commissioner Jackson, of the Depart
; ment of Labor and Industry, after an
inouiry into the number ot' unemployed
j persons in the State, suggested to-day
■ that cities should not only establish em
ployment agencies but undertake tii"
building ol pubiic works as a means of
affording roliel. I lie Department issued
the following statement:
' The Department has ascertained
through inquiry that in a number of
places new construction work, such
pavements, sewers, buildings, etc., i» be
ing undertaken, with the hope of re
lieving this condition. John Price >lack
son. Commissioner of Labor and Indus
try, who recently returned from Ku
i rope, where he made a study of iudns
trial conditions, states that in Germany
and Lngland they are endeavoring tt>
use public works as an outlet for un
-1 employed labor, and are, he under
i stands, successfully carrying out this
I met hod. lie strongly urges the cities
| in Pennsylvania lo adopt this course.
"Where new pavements, sewers, or
I water pipes are to be laid, it is prot>-
1 ably as economical for the city to pro
| mote the project at once, thus milking
; available positions for the unemployed,
j indeed, by reason of the fact that a
' man does not produce when idle, the
| unemployed are a direct economic loss,
I and it is altogether probable that
| prompt action of the character suggest
| ed would not only be a means ot al
! leviating suffering, but would also be a
natural economy.
"It would seem possible for a mu
nicipal, county or state organization,
! to arrange their public wo-ks in such
I a way as to provide for a large propor*
tion of unemployed."
Hundreds Take Advantage of Oppor
tunity Offered by Local Merchants
'Hundreds of persons over the city
are taking advantage of the special
window display week in which local
merchants are co-operating in a na
tional movement to display especially
this week, goods that "have established
reputations through general newspaper
The displays are making easy the
choosing of proper products and goods
of all descriptions. All are manufactur
ed bv representative firms. Loical mer
chants are using cards given away by
this newspaper in their window dis
Policemen Will Ride at Head of Mum
mers' Demonstration
The policemen in the detail at the
head of the mummers' parade on N'eiv
Year's Day will ride on white horses.
Police Captain Thompson, who will
head the detail, wiil ride on a cream
colored horse.
To locate the animals in plentv of
time, the Harrisburg Mummers' Asso
ciation to-day placed ad\ertisements in
tho local newspapers. Nine horses will
be required in aIL In addition to fill
ing the color requirement, the horses
must be broken to the saddle.
Printed at this office in' bost style, At
lowest prices and on short notice.