The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, October 21, 1914, Page 3, Image 3
SOCIAL AND PER KELLE Y-SPAHR NUP BE CELEBRATED TO-MORROW Mfss Esther Spahr and John Kelley Thp wedding of Miss .Esther Spahr,■ by the Rev. Thomas l». Johnson, as daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles! distant reetor of the church, spahr, 114 Cumberland street., and i Immediately after the ceremony Mr, c k\ • ~ . , ana Mrs. Kellev will leave for a w;cl John Kellev, of tins citv, will be so , • . . , . . , v * - , uin# trip tu Philadelphia and New emmzed to morrow morning at !) York City ami on their return will re 0 clock in St. Patrick's Pro-Cathedral, I side in the Keister apartments. Miss Josephine Dietz Engaged Harding Knauer. The wedding v.ill he Mr. an,l Mrs. Frederick S. lUot/. of an event of the earlv spring. Tioga, Philadelphia, former residents of this eitv, announce the engagement of Tt isn't always the clock with the their daughter, Josephine May, to 0.1 loudest tick that keeps the best time. | What happened | to the Cats? Not long ago the 1. s. Gov't. made some ox- S !>ei'iineuts to determine the poisoning t|iialities of | affeine (the drug in coffee). I I wenty-seven healthy cats were given an aver | lii'i 1 dose lit' 4--"i (rrains of caffeine—aliout as much I | <>f the drug as is contained in 2 cups of coffee. 1 a hat do you suppose happened*? | The Cats all Died! See ijiov't. Bulletin No. 14$, Bureau of Chemistry. I Of course thev were onlv cats. 1 | lint there are plenty of people who dose them- I selves with enough caffeine every day to kill a cat j and Cripple a Man, not at one blowj but by little ' ! blows repeated daily. Of course some systems are strong enough to stand all kinds of abuse, but most systems are not. And when a man <>r woman observes a growing nervousness or sleeplessness, heart trouble, stom ach. bowel or eye disturbance, it is time to quit coffee and turn to real food-drink, free from the i coffee-drug, "caffeine." | It is easy to shift from coffee to POSTUM f<>r in POSTUM one gets a delicious drink with the 11 true nourishment of whole wheat from which it is made. Postum is roasted (like coffee) with a bit of wholesome molasses, looks like coffee and lias a de lightful flavour resembling Old Dutch Java, but is entirely free from the coffee-drug, caffeine, or any other drug or harmful substance. Postum conies in two forms: Regular Po3tum which must be boiled. Instant Postum —soluble form—made in the cup instantly with hot water. Grocers sell both kinds and the cost per cup is about the same. "There's a Reason" for POSTUM HARRISBITRG STAR-IN DEPENDENT. WEDNESDAY EVENING. OCTOBER 21. 1914. . MEMBERS OF S. S. CLASS ' WILL RENDER PROCRAM Young People of St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Highspire, Will Give an In teresting Music ale in the Church To morrow Evening Members of the Sunday school class : of St. Peter's Lutheran church. High spire, taught by Mrs. George N. Keehr 1 er will hold i> inusieate in the church to-morrow evening. The program will include the following numbers: Prayer, the Rev. F. K. Mover; duet. I Mary Pink and Madeline Vaj'le; piano i solo. Ruth MeCauley; piano solo. Mir iam Housman: recitation, ('harlej l.eedy; piano solo, Saiah I'arthemore: piano duet. Mrs Mil nulla and I aroline MeCauley; piano solo, William Feehr ; er: vo. nl solo. Madeleue Eby; piano solo. Alfreita Martin; piano duet. Mir ' iam Housmai and Parthemore: t piano solo. Miriam Brehm; piano solo, j Margaret Wise; class song; piano solo. Ralph Miimnia, piano duet, Mary Pink and Madelene Yaple; reading, Char lotte Plovd; pantomime, Mary Galla gher; address, the Be v. F. 12. Moyer. SENIOR CLASS MEETING X { I Business Session Followed by an In formal Dance Held in Han e shaw's Hall 0 The first meeting of the .-enior class 1 :of Central High school was held ast evening in Hanshaw's hall, with a George Fox. presiding. After a short business meeting dancing was enjoyed. The members present included Mar ' tha Miller, Marion Martz, Lillian Kam sky, Dorothy Helman, Ethel Lutz, Be I atrice Bacon, Kathrvu Simonetti, Sar ' ah McLaughlin, Kathryn Peters, Agnes Moesiein, Pearl Cratze'r, Marion Rudy, Kathryn Lichtenberger, Mary Stark, Ruth Dennis, Clarabei C'laster, Richard Coover, Foe Rachman. Luuis Munnell, Willard English. Howard Brown, How ard Engle, Henry Brenner, Edward San- I ford, G. P. Windsor, Joseph Wietzel, William Fisher, Nathan Isaacman, Wil liam Hilton, Karl Peters, Richard Ha mcr, .lobn Todd, George Fox, Edward Roth, Frederick Lyter, Anson DeVout, Clarence Cooper, Samuel Froehlich, Wil liam Bingham, Raymond Meek, Samuel Mcllhenny, Carroll Denney, Ephraini ; Brenner, Charles Saunders, Walter Smeltzer, Hill Roberts, Charles Pease, Ben Byers, Henry Cohan, Misses Mary Hartman, Eleanor Wolfe, Miriam Kei sev, Thelnia Gladfelter, Esther Schultz, (•Catherine Carrol. Helen Ranch, Helen Smiley and Dorothy Schmidt. S. S. CLASS ENJOY OUTING Members of 3tevens M. E. Church Au i tomobiled to Boiling Springs, Where Supper Was Served Members of the Sunday school class Jof Ste\ enu Memorial M. E. church , taught by .lohn Hoppes took .in auto ■ ride to Boiling Springs last evening, where a chicken and walfle supper was 1 served. I The party included Miss Miriam Ryan, Miss Margaret Gilder, Miss Mary Foltz, Miss Helen Tettemer. Miss Marv McLeaf, Miss En:ina Hess, Miss R :fii Huntsberger, Miss Katherine I'ritchlev. Miss Katherine Hoppes, Miss Kt he! Davies. Miss Bertha Smith, Miss Mary Delder. Mis. Brand*. Miss Marie Mow ers, M iss Katherine Leas, Leslev D:i\ is. Harold Whistler, Fred Ortb, Emory Sourbeer, Ross \\ His. Dennis • ocklin. Karl Byrcm, Morris Baiiey, Harrv Wil ling, James Hcnrv Nicely, Jr.," John Hollenbac h. Harold Black, Leßov Smucker and John Carey. MISS SCHLAYER HOSTESS Entertained Members of Her Sunday School Class in Honor of Bride and Bride-Elect Miss Julia Schlaver entertained at her home, 2037 Green street. last j evening in honor of Miss Mary Hav, - ■ whose engagement to Charles Beckord,: |of this city, was recently announced and Mrs. Nagle Hutton, a recent bride.; 'l'lle guests who were members of Miss | Schlayer's class of Bethlehem Lutheran Sunday school, included; Miss Mary Hay, Mrs. Nagle Hutton,! Mrs. Herbert Alien Reed, Mrs. John ! Ham:ot Dayton, O.; Miss Susanna* Burd, Miss Martha Haiu, Miss Edna' Peters, Miss Helen Koons, Miss Grace! Wilbur, Miss Emma Schriver, Miss Jessie McMorris, Miss Sara Bowers, j ; Miss Martha Reese, Miss Katherine 1 Bluinenstine, Mis« Mary Koons. Miss! Martha Buchner, Miss Elsie Longeneck ' er, Miss Ethel Eeikzler, Miss Maud | I Sherwood, Miss E.ina Moohler, Miss ! Anna Schlayer, Miss Liilie Schlaver, i I Miss Julia Schlayer. MK. AM) MRS, HELM HOSTS i Entertained at Their Home in Honor of j St. Louia Visitor Mr. and Mrs. Charles Helm enter- j tamed at their home, 632 Ivelker street, last night in compliment to Mrs.! Hampe, of St.. Louis, Mo., who is visit-1 ing her sister, Mrs. Adolphe Franken | berg. The guests spent a pleasant evening with music and games, after) which refreshments were served. Those present wer» Mrs. Hampe. Mrs. V. C. Havman, Mr. and Mrs. Adolpe i Fiankenburg, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Shull, Mr. ami Mrs. Robert 1 ook, Mr. I and Mrs. Ray Hauer and Mr. and Mrs. ' I. < harles Helm Guests at Androws-Shaver Wedding Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Bell, of Mt. Un | ion; Russell Bell, Herbert Bell and iHer , bert Russell Shaver, Hollidavsburg; I < aptain and Mrs ljewis Risiey, of Ocean City, N. .)., and Mr. and" Mrs. Charles Chandler, of Carlisle, were among the out-of-town guests who at tended the wedding of Miss Helen Rill Shaver to G. Douglas Andrews, solemn ized in Stevens Memorial M. E. church last evening, the Rev. Dr. Clayton Al bert Smucker officiating. ! T ENTIRELY jj I yy H MEDICINAL^ I jsliitiiii Get Duff ■ys^eepWelf News of Persons Who Come and Go Jay Deaville lias returned to his home in (iermantowu after spending the week-end with .Miss Helen Rothe, 2327 North Third street. Miss Elizabeth Richardson and Miss Katherine Molt of West Philadelphia, are spending the week with Miss Emily Uhler at Knola. Mr. and Mrs George W. Thomas and children, of t'aterson, N. J„ are visiting the former's sister, Mrs. John F. Gingrich, in this city. Miss Eleanor Townsend Darlington. 321 North Front street, left yesterday for New York, where she will be a guest at the wedding to-day of Miss Greta Hostetter to Glenn Stewart, both prominent New Yorkers, which took place at high noon at the bride's home, "Locust Valley. - ' Mr. and Mrs. Walter P. Maguire, 5 J South Front street, are spending sev eral days in New York City. hdward E. Good Willie has gone to his home in Pittsburgh after a several days' visit in Harrisburg. Miss Roberta Swartz, 1 15G Mulberry street, has returned home from a trip to New York City. Mrs. M. Sourbeer, of Marietta, is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. William Harper, 351 South Eighteenth street. Miss Margaret Showalter has re turned to her home in Philadelphia aft er a little visit with Miss Irma H. Wil liams, 422 South Thirteenth street. Professor Alles has j;one to his home iu Atlantic City after spending two' weeks with friends in this city. Mrs. Edward C. Harwood, of Up land, California, who has been visit ing the Misses Graydon, 1709 North Second street, lias left for Philipsburg, PH. Mrs. Garwood was formerly Miss Alice Paul, and at one time a resident of this city. Miss Mary McDermott entertained] ten guests from this city at her home in New Freedom over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Pencil, of Bloomsburg, I spent yesterday in this city with | friends. Mrs. T. J. Keane, of Philadelphia,! is the guest of relatives in this city for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Parks and son, j William Parks, IS4 1 North Fourth j street, left yesterday for Colber, Pa„ j where the\ will make their future] ! home. i Mrs. T. Mile-< Logan, 1802 North | Fourth street, is speniing several days! I in Philadelphia, the guest of her niece, ■Mrs. S. Walter Dolfman, formerly of I ! this city. Fred N'?sbit, 1106 North Sixth I street, has returned from a short visit! ] to his home at Wrightsdale. Mrs. Will McCahau, of Chambers-1 I i'urg, has returned home from a visit j with Mrs. Aunetta McCahan and fam- j ' ily, 2500 North Sixth street. Dr. C. M. Ewiug, 1300 North Sixth, street, spent yesterday at Millersburg.! Mrs. John Harms, of Dayton, 0.,' left to-day for her home, after a visit! with her sister. Mrs. John McClune, 237 , Maelay street. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Allen, 2500 j j North Sixth street, and Mrs. Will Mc i Cahan, of Chambersburg, have re turned from a visit to Lewistown. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Shetter, 713 North Sixth street, are on an automo bile trip to Berwick and Elmira, Newj ] York. Mrs. J. Keily and son. Jack Kelly, of Philadelphia, are guests of Mr. and I Mrs. James Kennedy, 358 South Thir teenth street, for a week. Mr. and Mrs. John Kennedy have | returned to their home, in Columbia.' after a visit with Mrs. James Clark,] Green and Kelker streets. Charles Wilheim, 1706 Green street,; has returned home after a short trip to] Pottstown. Mrs. C. Pearcg and Mr. and Mrs.; Julius, Forrest street, have returned home from Mt. Holly. Miss N'elle Reynolds, Miss Margaret Reynolds and Miss Julia Reynolds, 2434 Green street, are going to spend a week in New York and Philadelphia. Miss Elizabeth Eckert, of Worm-j QUICK RELIEF FROM I CONSTIPATION Get Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets That is the joyful cry of thousands! since Dr. Edwards produced Olive Tab lets, the substitute for calomel. Dr. Edwards, a practicing physician for 17 years and calomel's old-time en emy, discovered the formula for Olive Tablets while treating patients for chronic constipation and torpid livers. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets do not contain calomel, but a healing, sooth ing vegetable laxative. No griping is the "keynote" of these little sugar-coated, olive-colored tab lets. They cause the bowels and liver to act normally. They never force them to unnatural action. If you have a "dark brown mouth" and then —a bad breath—a dull, tired feeling—sick headache —torpid liVer and are constipated, you'll tind quick, sure and only pleasant results from one or two little Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets at bedtime. Thousands take one or two every night just to keep right. Try them. 10c and 25c per box. All druggists. The Olive Tablet Company, Colum bia, O. Adv. FACKLER'S "THE BIG STORE ON THE HILL" Invite you to inspect their large line of Whittall Rugs It is hard to give you more than a faint idea of the Davenports, Davenport Beds, either in ITnifold or numbers, the beauty and the grade of the new Whittall Duo style, in leather or tapestry upholstery. Rugs we are showing. We designate NOW as the time #40.00 up to SOO.OO to show you these new designs, so varied and unusual. Purkish Rockers in leather at 930.00 up to 91.".00 We have prepared the time of our salesmen for this l "' as - v «' oni,o ;'tablc Rockers or Chairs in leather or „ .. . ... . tapestry at prices to suit everyone, one purpose—their time is yours and we ask you to , . , come and use ,t. As you know these rugs are all popu- U( , ies . r > eaU) Be( , retllries nnd Bookcases in Mahog'- lar priced, all prices the same to every one. any, Fumed Oak or Golden Oak at a wide range of Our Furniture Department is stocked with the best prices. Those will appeal to you to be exactly what the market affords. Get us show you this great stock - vou wnnt - r,,e prices are low. at prices which will make you a purchaser. • , SeP " 8 , ' or !ln . v D'i n S you want to furnish that new The Living Boom is the heart of the home. l ' P aWard6d f ° r your trouble 1,1 inß P ect ° ur 3-piece Leather Suites, either bfcck or brown Span Remember when in need of window shades we have ish leather, .. .' $12.".00 all grades, let us measure your house and give you A few as low as #40.00 nn estimate. We guarantee entire satisfaction. We 3-piece Fumed Oak Suites, leather seats, use the best materials obtainable. »'«-,(« nn »i-,iui Linoleum stuck is number one, at low prices, up to 945.00 j Ult down by competent men, which means much to 3-piece Golden Oak Wax Suites, $85.00 and «45.00 you. 17 A flfT 17"D >Q Thirteenth and J/ U Derry Streets Store Closes 6 P. M., Saturday 9 P. M. I leysburg, has returned homo from a I visit to Pittsburgh. [ Mrs. Hope Kaufman. North Six j teenth street, has returned home aft |er a visit with relatives iu Philadel | phia. Mrs. Mary Lampison, of Orange, N. .1., is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Har ry Painter. 1317 Howard street, for several weeks. George Kennedy has gone to his home in Columbia, after a visit with Charles Brady, Green and Kelker streets. Miss Edna Fetzer left to-day for hsr home in Pittsburgh, after spending a month with her aunt, Mrs. Guy Vogt, 1826 Green street. Miss l»ydia Laverty, of Middietown, is the guest of her brother, Dr. bv man Liaverty, 404 North Third street. Mrs. Paxton with her daughter, Miss Katherine Paxton, 1920 Logan street, j have returned from Mt. Holly, where j they attended the funeral of a rela j five. Mrs. E. E. Beidleman, Miss Kath- I erine Beidleman and Miss Annie Niss ley, Evergreen and Market streets, i are going to motor -to Elizabeth town | to-morrow, where they will be guests i of Dr. R. N. Nissley. j THE MISSES KLAISS HOSTESSES ! Entertained the Members of St. Paul's Queen Esther Circle Miss Margaret Klaiss and Miss The! | ma Klaiss entertained the members of I the Queen Esther Circle of St. Paul's M. E. church at their home, 417 South Fourteenth street last evening. A | short devotional and business meeting ; was held after which a social hour was I enjoyed. Those present were Mis s Helen Tilgh ■ man, Miss Sara McCormick, Miss Cath ; erine Pike, Miss Dorothy Stoner, Miss Sara Ellen Mardorf, Miss Gertrude l Keil, Miss Amy Maley, Miss Martha I Graham. Miss Thelma Klaiss, Miss Lou , ise Hoyler, Miss Alice Nissley, Miss 1 Anna Wilkins, Miss Mary Hare, Miss i Tamson Drinkwater, Miss Margaret ! Klaiss, Miss Agnes Sparrow, Miss Anna Dickey, Miss Mabel Corpman, i Miss Mildred Graham, Miss lone Glaiss and Mrs. Sema Klaiss. | SMETHERS-LOHR WEDDING Ceremony Performed at Home of Bride's Sister by Rev. a. F. Schaum Miss Helen L#ohr, of this city, and Robert Smethers, of Berwick, Pa., were married at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. James J. Nungesser, 1825 North Second street, Monday at noon. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. G. F. Schaum, pastor of the Unit ed Evangelical church, in the presence of the immediate members of the fam ily. The bride wore a traveling suit of blue, with black hat and a corsage of pink r<j»e buds. Immediately after the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Smethers left for a wedding trip to Washington, Newport News and other points South. On their return they will reside in Ber wick. MR. AND MRS. KILGORE HOSTS Entertained Friends Last Evening in Celebration pf Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Kilgore, who yesterday celebrated their fortieth wed ding anniversary, entertained a number of friends last evening at their home. 2011 North Sixth street. The guests included Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Wordcn, Miss Esther Worden. Mr. and MTB. Samuel Warden, Mr. and Mrs. B. B. DeVout, Miss Katherine I)£ Vout, Miss Caroline DeVout, Mr. and 'Mrs. Martin Hiner, Mr. and Mrs. Da vid H. Hwope, Mrs. J. T. W. McLaugh lin, Miss-Phoebe Hawkins, Mrs. C. Stouffer, Miss Sara Stouffer, Mrs. Mona ghan, Mrs. M. L. Smith, Miss Catherine 'Piper,' Miss Adelia Kilgore and Dr. F. D. Kilgore. ENTERTAINED COLLEGE CLUB Guests of Mrs. George B. Kunkel Spent Pleasant Afternoon Mrs. George B. Kunkel entertained the members of the College Club at her home, 118 Locust street, yesterday aft ernoon. E. B. Black gave an interest ing talk on "The Making of an Etch ing" and illustrated his talk with a number of rare old etchings. In attendance were Miss Martha Fleming, Miss Helen McFarland, Miss Helen Armor, Miss Sharpe, of New ville; Mrs. Lewis Johnson, Mrs. Fred eric C. Martin, Mrs. Lucas and Miss Norcross, of Carlisle; Mrs. John G. Stine, Sirs. Horace M. Witinan, Mrs. i Solomon Hiuey, Mrs. John Barr McAl lister, Mrs. Roy P. M. Davis, Mrs. Har vey F. Smith and Mrs. Kunkel. MOTORED TO STONE GLEN j Young People Spent Pleasant Day i Hunting Chestnuts A crowd of young people motored to i j Stone Glen yesterday where they spent J ' a pleasant day in the nearby moun ! ] tains. | The party included Edyth Frank, i Florence Capin, Esther Sachs, Bessie I ] Capiti, Fannie Frank, Helen Baturin,] ] Bessie Prank, Goldie Mall, tke Koch j man, James Frank, Daniel Capin, Charles Cohen, Michael Frank, Samuel Capin, Heister Ctilp, William Capin, I Mark Hartman, Daniel Frank, Henry i ] Brenner and Michael Capin. '44 TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. MeElroy Celebrated Event I Yesterday at Their Home I Marietta. Oct. 21.—Mr. and Mrs. j Edward MeElroy yesterday celebrated ] their forty-fourth wedding anniversary. ; Both are enjoying good health. They j had thirteen children, three of whom I are living, besides a large number of] grandchildren. Mr. MeElroy served in I j the Civil war with distinction, and is j I the veteran auctioneer of Lancaster | ] county. All their wedded lives have] j been lived here in town. Announce Birth of a Son I Mr. and Mrs. William H. Keever, 613 | Forrest street, announce the birth of a son, Frederick William Keever, Satur day, October 17. Mrs. Keever was Miss Mary Wilcox, of Philipsburg, prior to her marriage. Announce Birth of Daughter Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Swartz, of i Progress, announce the birth of a j daughter, Eleanor Rae, Sunday, October | 18. Mrs. Swartz was Miss Fanny Her-! shev, a well known school teacher, of this city. Thursday Only With every purchase of one pound of Flaroma coffee, Thursday, each patron will receive a swell imitation cut glass olive dish or a large basin with two pounds of Flaroma coffee. The coffee with the taste. Grand Union Tea Com pany, 208 North Second street. Announce Murlatt-Pike Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Williard G. Pike, 68 North Twelfth street, announce the marriage of their daughter, Ruth E. Pike, to Roy Murlatt, 342 Hamilton street. The ceremony was performed in the First Presbyterian church at Baltimore, Md,, by the Rev. J. Warner Moore, Friday, October 16. Mr. and Mrs. Murlatt will reside, for the pres ent, with the bride's parents. BIG BUSH AT ASSAY OFFICE | More Than $1,000,000 in Gold and Sil j ver Refined Daily New York, Oct. 21.—The .United] States assay office here is doing a big ger business in the refining of gold and silver than it has done for many years, perhaps ever. "More than $1,000,000 in gold and silver is daily Tefined and run into ibars. The greater part of the metal is silver. In normal times the usual amoiunt of metal run into bars amounts to between $300,000 and $500,000 a day. A short time ago it had fallen even below the former figure. The reason for the increased activ ity at the assay office is said to be the release of millions of dollars in gold and silver' in the rougth which had been held up in Mexico owing to the war there. SAVE YOUR HAIR! IF FALLING OUT OR DANDRUFF-25 CENT OANDERINf Ladies! Men! Here's the Quickest, Surest Dandruff Cure Known Thiu, brittle, colorless and scraggy hair is mute .evidence of a neglected scalp; of dandruff —thit awful scurf. There is nothing so destructive tn the hair as dandruff. It robs the hair of its lustre, its strength and its very life; eventually producing a feverish SAY THE DEMOCRATS ADOP[ NO PLATFORM Brumbaugh Workers Assert. Special Committee Never Reported Back to State Committee— Ponn Alumni For Brumbaugh (.Special to the Star-Independent.) _ Philadelphia, Oct. 21.—The Brum baugh Citizens' committee gave out a statement to-dav which said: "Vance C. McCormick, in his cam paign speeches, has time and time again asserted that the Democratic party adopted a platform pledged to iocal option. The facts do not back lip these statements The Democratic State committee, which met at Harrisburg, following the May primaries, adopted no platform. The Palmer faction, which controlled the body, delegated to a special com mittee named by the chairman and co operating with the candidates, the drafting of a declaration of principles. That the committee has never reported back to the general committee ami never will. "Ohairman Morris has never had the courage to call a second meeting of the Democratic State committee to have it' as a body pass on the local option plank. He is afraid to face its mem bers. The business of the body is li' day delegated to a small executive committee, which he controls. Both the Republican and Washington party State committees have assembled on at least two occasions each since the pri maries. The Democrats have met but one, on Jnne 3, last. "Mr. Morris is afraid to call ft meeting of the Democratic, State com mittee to take place before election. He dare not do so because he knows that the party in large measure is not in accord with the local option prin ciple. He also knows that there is so much dissension among the members of the committee that a row would re sult in a general meeting and wouifl further cripple McCormick'g waning chances.'' The work of the Brumbaugh Conj mittee of Alumni of the Pennsylvania has been meeting with the greatest success in lining up the old "grads" for the support of Martin G. Brum baugh. Secretary Edwin M. Abbott has received from every part of the State messages of interest promising not only to vote for the Republican nominee, but also to work for him. This support is not promised alone by men of his own party, but Democrats and Wash ington party adherents have also set aside party lines and promised to jump into the fray for one of their Alma Mater. Many of the women graduates have also sent word to the committee that they will do all they can for the candidacy of Dr. Brumbaugh. Of the number of replies received, over 4,000 have already volunteered their services to the support of Dr. Brumbaugh. These graduates extended all the way back to the class of 1852. Dr. W. M. Guilford, '52, of Lebanon.; Charles Stewart, '53, of Easton; DJ. .1. J. Detwiller. '54, Easton; the llev. Henry IJOSCII, '57, of Philadelphia; VP. W. Frazier, 'SB, of Rydal; Charles F. Hazeltine, '59, of Philadelphia; Philip H. AVhite, '59, of Philadelphia, ace among the older graduates who have lined up for the Republican nominee. Some of the others are Dr. Samuel, Robinson N'issley, '64, Elizabethtowrt; William H. Seibert, '74, Steelton; Qs, C. H., Leslie, '74, Palmyra; W. C. Baker, '7 4. Hurnmelstown; Dr. B. F. Dickinson. '76, Steelton; David R. Me haffev, 'BS, Marietta. iness and itching of the scalp, which if not remedied causes the hair loots to shrink, loosen and die—then the hair falls out fast. A little Danderine tonight—now—anytime—will surely save your hair. Get a 25-cent bottle of Avnowlton's ' Danderine from any drug store or toilet counter, and after the first ap plication your hair will take on that life, lustre and luxuriance which i.-< so beautiful. It will become wavy and flnffv and have the appearance of abun dance; an incomparable gloss and soft ness, but what will please you most will be after just a few weeks' use, wh?u vou will actually see a lot of fiut|, downy hair —new liair—growing all over the scalp. Adv. 3