2 I Nationally I Advertised Medicines | —and | i Kennedy's Cut-Prices I Hi | See Window Display | 1 at 1 1321 MARKET STREET H| Doan's Kidney Pills, 35<* p Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur, 34< and 67^ Wampole's Cod Liver Oil 67C Q *. Williams' Pink Pills, * 34^ ft Tiz 17<? SI m Pinex 34c ffi W, Jad's Kidney Salts, 59f> m Swamp Root 34c and 67c Sal Hepatica > 17c, 34c, 67c § Stuart's Calcium Wafers, tjy E Stuart's Dyspepsia, 34c and 67c 4 ly Syrup of Figs, California, 34e> gjj m Scott's Emulsion, and 67C S. S. S. Swift's Specific 67< 4 - and $1.17 Parisian Sage 34^ Piso's, '. '. '.. '. . .17$ j® Pape's Diapepsin, 34c. ish Pape's Cold Tablets «jjj || Peruna G76 Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, 69C Pierce's Favorite Prep., 57^ IP Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery 67c N l ' jjX Listerine, 17c, 34c and 67c Kondon's Catarrh Jelly, 17 r an( j 34^ Herpicide, 34c and 67c ft m Hyomei, complete 67c ft Hyomei Inhalant, 34^ Hood's Sarsaparilla, 67C P Hay's Hair Health, 34c and 67C 8 Banderine 34*. and 67(i 3 m De Witt's Kidney Pills 34r and 67< l ffi ' Father John's 34c and 67c S Fellow's Hypophosphites, (57^ W Foiey's Honey and Tar, 17c and 34c J Foley's Kidney Pills, . 34c and 67c M Beecham's Pills, rfe i Miona & Bromo Seiirer 7cM7c, 34c and 67c ffl Allcock's Porous Plasters 10c Antiphlogistine 47 c an( j 34^ Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets, Grove's, 17$ m Cuticura Soap, " 18f , $ Carter's Little Liver Pills !!!!!•"'"' ' Jgj THE RUSSIANS ARE REPORTED REPULSED IN U ALICIA EIGHT London, Oct. 21, 5.50 A.. M.—An official communication issued iu Vienna at noon today is giveu in u dispatch from Amsterdam to the Reuter Tele gram Company. It says: "The battle in the center of Ga licia has increased in force, especially north of Etrwiaz river, where our at tacks are progressing. • "The attempts oi' the Russians to gain the Magigei heights have been re pulsed. In the course of this tight many Russians were captured, includ ing one Russian gun. Sever®! machine guus were also taken. "The Austrian? occupied Strvj, 42 miles southwest of Letnfoerg; Koeroes niecoe and Serth after strong Russian resistance. German Submarines Driven Off London, Oct. 21, 2.22 A. M. A '•Times'' dispatch from the Fianch coast says it is reported that on Mon day morning when two British gunboats were engaging the (ierman land )>n teries they were attacked by German submarines. Destroyers, with another warship, came to the assistance of the gunboats and the submarines were dirv cn off wits loss. Red Cross Calls for More Supplies Washington, D. C., Oct. 21.—Calls for additional medical and surgical sup plies reached the State Department yes terday from American lied Cross officers in France, Russia aud Servia. It was announced that further shipments of the articles needed would be started in •4 few days to the Petrograd, Paris and Belgrade unit* of the Red Cross. I irst Deaf Mute (gesticulating) W hat do you do when you come home late and your wife begins to scold? Second Ditto—Turu out the light.— Philadelphia Ledger. FIRST FOOD CONSIGNMENT FOR RELIEF OF BRUSSELS London, Oct. 21, 2.30 P. M.—The first consignment of food supplies for the relief of the people of Brussels is on tfae London docks ready for ship ment to Rorfterdam. W. H. Page, the American Ambassador, has consigned this food direct to Brand Wlhitlo'ck. the American minister in the Belgian cap ital. Each box and bag is distinctly marked with its purpose and destina tion in accordance with the request of the German government made at the time it granted permission to send the supplies to Brussels. The American and the Spanish min isters at 'Brussels are the patrons of the plan to revictual that city, which probably will be extended to t%e send ing of supplies to other Belgian cities where food is lacking. Krnest Selvay. of Brussels, is the chairman of this food committee whvh is now taking on a national scope be cause of the great needs of IMalines, ibouvain, Liege and other Belgian cities. Four million fran"s were sub scribed in one day in Brussels but out side help is necessary to prevent star vation among the Belgian people. The committee doubtless will open head - quarters in London and make direct shipments to islated Belgian cities and towns. Such organization and relief is necessary to prevent a furtlher exodus of Belgians to Holland, France and Eugland. Building Airship Sheds Loudon, Oct. 21. 7.50 A. M.—The correspondent of the "Times'' at ( o penhagen learns from German sources that airship sheds are being construct ed at Tondern, in Sclilesnig, and at Rostock, on the war front now near the Baltic sea, in Mecklenburg-Schwerin. WARRTSRTROi STAR-INDEPENDENT. WEDNESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 21. 1914 CHAIFFEIR-SOLDIER WIFE FINDS DEPOSIT OF $2,000 Philadelphia, Oct. 21.—Left ponni less a mouth ago, when her husband went to France to rejoin his regiment at the front, Mrs. Marie Fleche has dis covered that her soldier-spouse has more than $2,000 on deposit with the Land Title «nd Trust Company. Assistant Dis trict Attorney Fox will institute pro ceedings tu recover the fund for the benefit of the wife. Ju.'es Fiecli#, who is a chauffeur, made no provision for Mrs. Fleche cn I their child of a year. The wife was foroed to ask Judge Gorman, in the Juvenile Court, to obtain a home for the baby. An order of $3.50 a week was made on the county for its support. When Mrs. Fleehe's case was presented to the Domestic Relations Court an in vestigation disclosed the existence of the fund. 300,000 Wounded in France liOndon, Oct. 21.—Dr. Leslie Jiaden Guest, who established six Augio- French hospitals in Franee, declared yesterday that the number of wounded in France is estimated a' half a mil lion. As evidence of the superioritv of the French artillery, Dr. Guest says, German soldiers treated in French hos pitals are much more badly wounded than are French and British soldiers. Insured Against Bombs Loudon, Oct. 21.—The City Temple, one of London's best-known churches, is insured against bombß. according to admissions of its own officers, but it is only one of a number of housCß of wor ship which have taken out policies with a view to possible damage by Zeppelins. Thousands of Americans attend -serv ices af the City Temple when visiting London. The minister is the Rev. R. J. Campbell, one of fhe best-known clergymen in this country. 1 ALLIES' LEFT OpST Latter Resume Offen sive All Along West ern Battle Front in France and Belgium DUNKIRK GOAL OF THE INVADERS Reports Through Dutch Sources De clare Germans Have Been Repulsed Six Miles From Ostend and That Guns Are Now Heard Near There London, Oct. 21, 10.10 A. M.—A comparison of the official reports from Paris and Berlin leads to the conelu sion that all qlong the western battle front in France and Belgium the Ger mans have resumed the offensive, but with their supreme efforts directed against the allies' left. The news supplementing these official communications, however, indicate that on the left, at least, the allies are not acting merely on the defensive. The great turning movement is un doubtedly developing through the cor ner of Belgium bounded 'by France and the sea, but the public remains in a haze as to whether the turning move ment is one ou the part of the allies to get around the German right flank or a German operation to envelope the al lies' left. Germans After Dunkirk The impression grows that the Ger mans ar determined to add Dunkirk to the line of seaports uow held along the Belgian coast and the allies are making desperate efforts to hurl back the in vaders. l«ate reports through Dutch sources declare that the Germans have been repulsed six miles from Ostend and that guns arc- now heard near that city. Other late reports, which lack confirmation, state that the Germans have abandoned Bruges. If these re ports are true, it would indicate that the allies are meeting with some suc cess in their efforts to reoccupy the sea coast. The movements along the coast con tinue to be more or less in the nature of reconnaisance movements, while the aim of the fighting on the allies' left centers around Lille, because its rail road and highway connections are of vital htra'ogic importance to the Ger mans. From Lille two roads run out to tiie west—one northerly to Armen tieres and the/ other southerly to Fournes through a country which is en closed and thickly populated. Berlin Claims a Victory The French report contents itself with the assertion that these roads are hold by strong forces of Germans, white the Berlin communication claims a vic tory on them The operations along these roads may also merely 'be a reconnaisance movement, checked by the Germans, but all reports agree that the German resistance at Lille continue.) to be of the most stubborn nature. Only the most meagre reports arrive from the eastern war area, but it is clear that the Russians are at least holding their own. Both sides are evi dently entrenching and the Vistula riv er region promises to become another battle of the Aisne. The allies console themselves for the Russian withdrawal from western Ga licia and the advanced (positions near the Russian-Polish border by the be lief that the Germans, having commit ted themselves to an invasion of Rus sian Poland, will not be .as likely to send reinforcements to the armies in the west as would have been the case if the Russians had suffered a great reverse nearer the German frontier. Military Operations in Center Outside of the purely military opera tions in the center in the Russian Em peror's ukase against vodka and the efforts being made to care for the Bel gians still in their own country and to feed and repatriate those who have taken refuge in other countries, Ber lin states that no obstacles would be placed in the way of this necessary work, but. at the same time, calims that Germany has done nil possible, in view of military exigencies, to jelieve the distress in Belgium. The Russian Bmperor s ukase is said ECZEMA ON BABY BURNED AND ITCHED When Couple of Days Old. Fretful and Restless. So Disfigured Ashamed to Take Him Out. Cuti cura Soap and Ointment Healed. 307 7th Avenue. Bethlehem, Pa.—"When my baby was a couple of days old he gut what we thought «u a baby rath but it §kept getting worse and worse. The rash was red and Inflamed and the baby was so fretful and restless that X suppose it burned and itched. He was so dis figured that I was ashamed to take him out. His face was the worst and different parts of his body. 1 was told It was ociema. "Then I saw the advertisement of Cuti cura Soap and Ointment and thought I would try them. Before the sample was gone my child was much relieved so I bought some Outlcufa fioap and Ointment and after I had used Cuticura Soap and Ointment a weelc he was a different child. He rested well and I saw that his skin was healed nicely. I used the Outicura Soap to bathe bim and then I used the Cuticura Ointment once or twice a day and If his skin looked Inflamed I used the Cuticura Ointment oftener. In about a month he was entirely healed.'' (Signed) Mi*. Guy Collins, Jan. 20. 1014. Samples Free by Mail In purity, delicate medication, refreshing fragrance, convenience and economy, Cuti cura Soap and Ointment meet with the ap proval of the moat discriminating. Cuti cura Soap 26c. and Cuticura Ointment SOc. are sold everywhere. Liberal aample of each mailed free, with 32-p. Skin Book. Ad dress post-card "Cuticura, Dept. T. Boston.'' i. Experts Who Know They speak from their own ex perience; years of practical work in the preparation of perfect food for particular people. Their testimony cannot be gainsaid: " To obtain the best results we use and • recommend for use 4 Royal 9 Baking Powder. find it superior to all Others • —-"The International Mutual Cooks "and Pastry Cooks Assn. " AJolph Meyer, Sec'y." ROYAL BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure No Alum to have been issued in response to a [ widespread demand of his people, who I have 'been astonished by the effect on the country of the prohibition of the j use of vodka which followed mohiliza j tion. Patriotic Britons to-day are making a mecca of Lord Nelson s monument, decorated in honor of the> anniversary of the victory of Trafalgar. From an early hour enormous crowds surged j about Trafalgar square and nearby! streets. A strange reversal of history ' is the number of floral tributes placed i on the monument to the French navy. RUSSIAN DENIAL OF 40,000 CASUALTIES AT FRZEaTYSL j Petrograd, Oct. 21.—A statement} regarding the claim of the enemy that i the Russian casualties around Przemysl exceed 40,000 men is made public here by the official news agency. It reads: "The German official communica tions have adopted a policy of grossly exaggerating the Russian losses. It is announced here that the records in this matter are kept and from this it is known that the Austrians' announce ment that the Russian losses in Pryze-; mysl are about 40.000 exceeds the real' losses one hundred times." Orders Aliens Front Town Loudon, Oct. 21.—The chief con-, stable of Brighton has ordered all Ger- ! man and Austrian subjects to leave j that town within a few days. No ex- j ceptions will be made. Brighton has a j large colony of foreigners and many j of the hotels there are either owned by ! foreigners or their staffs are made up | of them. Numerous Germans who were I' discharged from the London hotels last ■ week have moved to the south coast I resort. ALUF& fcECflPTUfte \ u NQffSTH JSIEA.' f \ v \ /> I i «. v'7*\ *n/h. /*" H —\fyrf / \y / /VV (A X V" \ 7 .- .W v ' \V m?*> r-d !'/ { la_. i/i^ >5= \ 4* I ••• ALLIES I -jt 4 ■iGERMANS * GERMAN ADVANCE ON DUNKIRK NOW CHECKED AND ALLIES RECAPTURE OSTEND. * Effectually aided bfr the British fleet in the Worth Sea shelling the end of the right wing of the t German army, the Belgians have repulsed the Germane between Nieuport and Dixmude. Further south the I Alllee are h °l<"ns » «ne from Dixmude to Roulers, curving back to Ypres. Advances In the direction of Lille » ar ® and « n unofficial report says the Germans have evacuated I,ille for the third time, owing to * the approach of the Allies from Estairee and Laventie. The Ixjndon Morning Post says it is informed on » excellent authority that Oirtend has been recaptured by the Allies. t ALLIES ADVANCE BY AID !' OF BRITISH NAVAL GUNS London, Oct. 21, 4.20 A. M.—The ; "Daily Chronicle's" Dunkirk corre spondent, telegraphing Tuesday, says: '' A general advance has been made by the allies, who are fighting mainly with artillery. The host- work is be ing done by the British naval guns. Large numbers of French and Belgian 'prisoners have been token from the retreating Germans. "The assistance rendered by the Brit ish warships in bombarding the Ger- j man lines advancing upon Nieuport has ! been an important factor. "On account of the large number of i spies captured in Dunkirk, an order j has been issued forbidding any foreign er to remain in the city and'requiring all leaving the town must go in a west erly direction. TOLL IN OFFICERS HEAVY; A DINNER PARTY WH'EJ) OiXL London, Oct. 21.—As indicating the heavy toll of the British officers since the war began, a well-known American woman hero said yesterday: "Just previous to the departure of the British expeditionary force, an American woman in London was host- ' ess for a dinner party at which 20 of- 1 ficer ß of the army were present. Bhe ' learned yesterday that lu of them have since been killed in action." ' This heavy toll was further illustrat- ( ed by the Rev. R. J. Campbell, minister of City Temple, who told his congrega tion on Sunday of a dinner given in July in honor of a young man who was : just coming of age, and of that gather ing all had been killed, so far, except ( one, and that one was thought to be : dead. , FEEDING FIGHTING MEN KEEPS THE CHICAGO PACKERS BUSY Chicago, Oct. 21.—For the first time in sixteen years meat-packers at Chi cago stock yards are working day ami night in the canned meat and hide de partments, to fill large orders received as a result of the European war. In the Banning departments alone 3,000 extra men have been put to work with in n week to operate the plants at their fullest capacity. The visi'ble supply of canning beef was depleted several weeks ago and the packers began sending to foreign fields for cattle suitable for this pur pose. As a result Canada, Mexico and Southern States which never before shipped live stock to this market have been sending their cattle here and re ceiving a good price. The packers announce that their en tire stock of hides on hand has been contracted for and that orders have been received which will exhaust the normal supply for November and De cember. I'nti'l recently the normal trade in *hides in Chicago has averaged from 40,000 to 75,000 a week. Last week 150,000 hides were sold on the local market. Doath Close to Royalty Amsterdam, Oct. 21.—The Handels blad has a dispatch which declares that Prince Wolrad (Frederick Wal deck-Pyrmont, half-brother of Emma, Dowager Queen of the Netherlands, has been killed in the 'western theatrn of-the war while engaged in patrolling. Germans Have No Objections Berlin, Oct. 21, by Wireless Via Sayville, L. I.—The German govern ment has informed the American em bassy that it has no objection to the importation of provisions for Belgian civilians.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers