6 (Ettahlmhed in 1876) Published b • THE STAR PRINTING COMPANY, ' /* Star.lnd«p*nd«nt Building, M.20-22 South Third Strdat. Harrisburg, Pa„ ' ■vary Evening Exoept Sunday Officer*: Virecfrt. Bat Hint* F. MITERS, JOBN L L- KRLLKI President WM. W. WALLOW**, M-,--. Vice President. Wm K «»"*» Wm. E MIYERS, Secretary and Treasurer. WM. W. WALLOWIR WM. H. WARNER, V. HCMMEL BEROHACS, JK , Business Manager. Editor. AH communications should be addressed to STAR INDEPENDENT, Business. Editorial. Job Printing or Circulation Department, according U) the subject matter Entered at the Post Office in Harrisburg as second class matter. Benjamin A. Kentnor Company, New York and Chicago Representatives. New York Offlee, Brunswick Building. 2L'5 Fifth Avenue. Chicago Office, People's Oas Building, .Michigan Avenue. Delivered hv carriers at 6 centa a v»eek. Mailed to subscriber; tor Three Dollars a /ear in ad"ance. THE STAR-INDEPENDENT The paper with t'ae largest Horai Circulation in Harrisburg and Rear by towns. Circulation Examine, by THE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN ADVERTISERS. TELEPHONES s BELL Prlvata Branch Exchange. .... No. 3280 CUMBERLAND VALLEY !*rlvat« Branch Exchange, - - No. 245.246 ..... .L. " 1 1,1 7 , ■" Monday, October 1 1914. OCTOBER Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thur. Fri. Sat. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 MOON'S PHASES— Full Moon, ith; Last Quarter, 12th; New Moon, lath; First Quarter, 25th. fTT sr- WEATHER FORECASTS « Harrisburg and vicinity: Fair to- Pfcw ifrp night and Tuesday. * Eastern Pennsylvania: Fair to-night and Tuesday, slightly warmer Tuesday. ' tientle to moderate winds becoming l" ■ -* southerly. YESTERDAY'S TEMPERATURE IN HARRISBURG Highest, h4; lowest, 53; 8 a. til., 54; 8 p. m., 55. • —~ ' I THE HAMBURG SANITARIUM The opening by the State of another sanitarium for the (.'are and treatment of tuberculoids patients, in Hamburg, Berks county, on .Monday next, will mark the completion of the third institution of the kind in Pennsylvania, and will round out the number that Dr. Samuel G. Dixon, State Health Commis sioner, had in mind when he began the construc tion of these institutions which have been so won derfully successful in alleviating the distress caused bv that most insidious of all diseases. The first of these institutions was opened in Mont Aito, and when its success in the care and treat ment of tuberculosis had been demonstrated, Dr. Dixon set about establishing a similar institution in Cresson, on the highest ridge of the Allegheny mountains, the State being fortunate in obtaining this site through tiie donation by Andrew Carnegie of a large tract of land he had owned for years ami once occupied as his summer home. To complete the three institutions Dr. Dixon originally planned and to provide for the many applicants in the eastern part of the state, the num ber of which grew so rapidly that names had to be placed on a waiting list, Dr. Dixon obtained the aid of the Legislature in the establishment of another sanitarium and selected a spot near Ham burg, Berks county, for its location. in stitution is about to be opened for the reception of patients and will accommodate about 300 sufferers who will receive treatment by the most advanced methods known for combatting the scourge. Pennsylvania, of all the states in the union, stands first in the humane treatment of- her tuber cular citizens. Through the use of these institu tions, the advanced methods of treatment and the great care taken of patients, thousands of persons whose cases were regarded as hopeless have been restored to their homes and enabled to take up their regular"daily pursuits. Under the treatment Pennsylvania provides, free of charge, for persons afflicted with tuberculosis, that awful disease has to a great extent lost its terrors and its attacks no longer strike hope from its victims. OUTSIDE VIEW OF MEDICAL CLUB Harrisburg's club of doctors conducts its regular meetings in such a quiet way and so carefully avoids seeking publicity merely for publicity's sake, that it has remained for an outside doctor, a phy sician from far-away San Diego, California, who happens to be in this city, to point to the effective work it is doing. The Harrisburg Medical Club is an organization of representative local doctors which has been in existence for four years, and the Californian declares that it has some methods of ronducting its affairs that lie believes are actually unique. The club is run on the theory that the general public does not as a rule manifest great interest in distinctly professional clubs and that there is noth ing for the club to gain by basking in the limelight rays. The good a club of professional men may do m of necessity confined to (lie men themselves be cause their activities are restricted in scope and concentrated on matters of professional import in which laymen cannot be directly interested. Yet when a visitor from across the continent charac terizes a club of our local doctors as unique, ex pressing delight with the plans along which it is conducted, plans which he Rays are entirely original with Harrisburg, then the organization becomes an object of general interest because it is worthy of emulation. It seems that the tiling about the Medical Club HARRISBURG STAR-INDEPENDENT, MONDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 19, 1914. of Harrisburg which makes the most favorable im pression on the visiting physician is the precaution which is taken to eliminate club politics from the organization. The presidents of the club are chosen, not by casting ballots, but by drawing lots. At the time of the annual election papers containing the names of all members who have not already served as president are placed in a box and the selection of the officer is determined by chance in the draw ing of a name. Club politics are prominent in practically all clubs, no matter for what purpose conducted. The election of officers is always a surpassingly impor tant event and other considerations almost invari ably give way while the contest is on. Even though a club election may have no harmful features in itself, such as arousing bitter antagonism and creating permanent factions, the election always detracts attention from an organization's regular activities and may seriously impair its usefulness at times. That a club of professional men can throb with life from other causes than contests for election of officers has been demonstrated conclusively by the Medical Club of Harrisburg. At the meetings every member present is required to enter into dis cussion of prescribed topics, and every member, unless giving a suitable excuse, is required to be present. The meetings are made of such great interest by the scientific subject matter of the dis cussions and by the active participation of all mem bers that such a minor detail of the club's activities as the choice of officers is lost in insignificance. When doctors get together for the avowed pur pose of increasing their knowledge of the science of medicine and allied subjects, they are not only advancing their own interests but they are accom plishing something for the public good. Patients also profit when physicians increase their skill. ■ Vale will be without the services of one of its best football coaches, at lea?! until after the November election. AVe are glad to know that Gilford F'inchot has got his voice back, but it will not elect him to the United States Senate. Former Senator Knox's speech may perhaps be taken to indicate that the Republicans are hopeful that the Colonel may yet return to the fold. Those who love to read of sensations will have an op portunity now to shift their attention from the European war to the murder trial of Mrs. Carman in New York. None of the so-called "Big Four" was beaten in football 011 Saturday, but there will lie plenty of opportunity for a slip 'twixt now and the final contests when they meet each other. TOLD IN LIGHTER VEIN OCTOBER In russet gown. October stands, And with her little sunburnt hands H'or her fair brow a crowri she weaves Of red and yellow Autumn leaves. A mist of gold her bright hair seems, Where, ensnared, the sunshine gleams. Her eyes have caught the gentian's hue, Or yonder sky's translucent blue. Her mantle's made of morning mist Pearly gray and amethyst! October stands in russet gown, Weaving herself a leafy crown. —Philadelphia Public Ledger PAPA'S SPECIALTY Examining a piece of synthetic rubber that was undis tinguishable in any way from the real thing. General Wil liam P. Duval said in Augusta: "The Germans are using this synthetic or artificial rub ber for their war automobiles. The artificial is replacing the real all along the line. It seems to be just as good. At a dinner the other evening I nodded toward a pretty girl and said: " 'What a lovely complexion Miss Blanc has. Does she get it from her father or her mother!' 'From her father,' the lady on my right replied. She added with a smile: 'He runs, you know, a beauty par lor.' " —Exchange. EAGER TO PLEASE "So you are expected to do a kind act every davf" "Yes," replied the boy scout. "How about to-day?" "Woll, the teacher has been having a little trouble with me. Don't you think I might stay away from school and give her a restf"—Washington Star. MISFIT EXPRESSION An advertising man tells this one: "The heavy advertiser of a certain Indian town entered the editorial offices of the daily paper and in angrv and disgusted tones delivered himself as follows: " 'What's the matter with this sheet anyhow! That was a fine break you people made in my ad. yesterday!' " 'What's the trouble?' asked the editor. " 'Read it and see!' said the advertiser, and he thrust a copy of the paper into the editorial hands. "The unhappy editor read, 'lf you want to have a fit, wear Jones' shoes.' " —Lippincott's. BOTH SATISFIED The man put his hand in the horse's mouth to see how many teeth the horse had. The horse closed his mouth to see how many fingers the man had. The curiosity of both was satisfied. —Cincinnati Enquirer. NOT YET PROPOSED However, no one has been courageous enough to propose coming to the relief of the Beef Trust with a "buya-steak" plan.—Washington Post. WAR BULLETIN FROM KANSAS Bulletin: Ab Adkin's wife's kin have his citadel sur rounded, and with the last line of retreat cut off he is pre paring for a siege which may last all winter.—Atchison Globe. ONE VICTIM In the lists of casualties of this war, truth occupies a conspicuous place.—Albany Journal. ALWAYS APPREHENSIVE "My wife gets nothing but apprehension qut of life." "How so!" "She's atraid of cows in the country and automobiles in lowu."—Kansas City Journal. r ■ > | Tongue-End Top icsjj Three Navy Pay Directors (ieorge W. Hensel, of Lancaster, wit, raconteur, poet and historian, has written a story for the Philadel- i phia "North American," printed re- [ cently, that is of more than ordinary ' interest to those citizens of' Harris-] burg who bear in kindly remembrance i one of the gentlemen mentioned in the j tale. In part. Mr. Hensel "s story is as j follows: "This immediate region of our great country enjoys the distinction of rep resentation in one of the most im portant branches of the national gov ernment with three sons, one of Dau phin and two of Lancaster county, oc cupying the highest rank in the pay j service of the United States navy in i | the order of one, three. They ! are men of nearly the same age, have ' seen almost forty years of service, have traveled the world over and around many times, have had remark able and most interesting experiences, love their country, have proved loyal to its interests and are quite convinced : in their own minds that in all this big, j i wide world there is no such country as j the respective communities in which . they were born; whether in China or' Valparaiso. Gilbraltar, on the high sfus ' or in the most beautiful harbors of the | world, they have never got far from j Harrisburg, Lancaster and Strasburg. j ♦ • * Jack Speel's Name Leads "Their devotion to old friends, the! loyalty with which they are constant ly returning to their native soil to | tread the paths they trod as boys and I to refresh and keep alive the true and natural friendships of long ago arc but : a few of the noble traits that charac-1 terize the lives of John Nini tiger Speel, j of Harrisburg; Reah Frazer, of Lan-j caster, and John Ross Martin, of Stras- j burg. Born within forty miles of each ; other, of splendid parentage, and hav- j ing had some educational advantages,] they entered the navy at the ages of j 21, equipped with high character'and a rare quality of common sense, to pass from clerkships to assistant pay masterships, becoming paymasters, pay inspectors, and finally attaining the high station of pay director, with the | rank of captain. When Uncle Sam calls : this roll of his navy, lot .lack Speel's' name leads ail the rest with Reah Fra- j zer second and John Martin third. J « * » As Boy He Did Man's Work "Pay Director Speel was the first to enter the service in the year 1874; j Frazer a few months later and Martin, j lSTti, so that the two former will re-I tire in 1915 and the latter in 1918. j The actual service of ijpeel, however, I antedates 1574, he having shipped to hina on a three years' cruise in a j minor position, and, while yet a boy, : he had a man's experience. The Speels j were an old Dauphin family, and the j I pay director's father was a well-known; I iiatter in Harrisburg. Alexander Ram i soy, the war governor of Minnesota, . and afterward Secretary of' War, was . his uncle. To Harrisburg he has been intensely loyal, and his earthly pos- j i sessions and best friends are within the i-apital city gates. Stationed perman i ently in Washington Pay Director I Speel makes frequent trips to his old j home. In navy circles he is widely ' ! known and no less authority than | 'Fighting Bob' Kvans was wont to de 1 dare: '.lack Speel lias as many friends i and as warm friendship as any man in j the Navy.' The old admiral and ho were intimate friends, and some years j I ago, when he visited Harrisburg and \ every citizen, from call drivers of Har | risburg to the governor of Pennsyl- j | vania, seemed glad to salute .lack Speel' j and slap him on the back, 'Old Bob' | concluded Jack was as popular on laud j | as he was on the seas. I•* * " In Quest of Cattle Thieves It was the portion of these* three i officials during the seventies to follow each other in the order they stand, , forty years later, in a service on the | Rio Grande and to have any one of ■ I thein relate their experiences ou the Rio | Bravo insures an evening's entertain-j I ment. This majestic ship was a side wheeler, drawing' four feet of water and was dispatched to the scene of tho ; famous' Border Raids' the stealing of I cattle in Mexico by Texans and vice versa. The theiving pro and con nec essarily was indulged in during the dry seasons,, when the Rio Grande was low enough to permit the cattle thieves to get from Mexico to Texas, or Texas to Mexico, by fording the stream, and T" " " .. POLITICAL ADVERTISING. lames W. Barker WnahluKton Party \oiuliiee For STATE REPRESENTATIVE from tlir CITY OF HARRISBURG If Elected Will Favor I I.Ot'AI. OPTION. WO.MA.N SIF i FHAGE. <aOOD ROADS. PROPICR I PROTECTION OF LABOR, CIVIC i RIGHTEOUSNESS. j Your Vote und Support Solicited tho Rio Grande like some men's spirits, would vary from up to down in the pas sing of an evening's star. Ascending the river as stealthy as Sherlock Holmes the Bio Bravo might be stuck in the mud at midnight to resume her journey a little late. At all events,' when it was sailing the cattle thieves | found the water too high for their business, and when they were operating : it couldn't catch them, so that they i never met to engage in hostilities. At' the time the efforts of the administra tion have the Bio Bravo catch the border raiders subjected President Hayes and his counselors to ridicule and inspired the Nasts of that" day to do their durndest in cartoons. The guns of the Rio Bravo in these days of dreadnoughts and submarines might have been sufficiently effective to dot the 'i' in the word fight. * 4 * Served With "Fighting Bob" "The fact that Pay Directors Speel, Frazer and Martin are natives of the same locality and were boys together, I entered the navv, to have had striking ly similar experiences, served with ! 'lighting Bob' Kvans, and now stand I the first three in the pay service of the ; navy, to retire in turn at the bead or i it, is unique in the annals of naval I records. In many respects and traits ! of character they resemble each other, | and especially in the number and qual j ity of tliQir friends, while in the val uable services rendered their country and the splendid records made they I upon Dauphin and Lancaster." AMUSEMENTS MAJESTIC To-night, "The Dingbat Family." Thursday afternoon and evening, i "A (iirl of the Mountain?." Saturday afternoon and evening, Vo- , gel's Minstrels. Monday and Tuesday and Tuesday ! matiuee, October 2fi and 27, l "The Round-Up." ORPHEUM Every afternoon and evening, high class vaudeville. COLONIAL Daily continuous vaudeville and pic tures. "The Dingbat Family The trouble with mo«t musical rome- I dies seems to be their utter inability ! to meet even the commonplace things !of life on an equal basis. And for 1 this reason, in the past seasons, few of these attractions have approached the j degree of amusement expected of them iby the public. For be it drama or mu ! sieal comedy, it. is the everyday tiling j that has been demonstrated as ttie mosE | attractive of the stage. One of the i most striking of the late new produc tions that has unequivocally met the I public's favor is "The Dingbat Fam ! ily" which at at Majestic to-day, mati : nee and night, the musical comedy in which "the family upstairs" is the I pertinent subject. Adv. "A Girl of the Mountains" The story of " A Oirl of the Moun tains," which conies to the Majestic Thursday matinee and night, deals with a young Western girl, Nellie Bonn, who has been betrayed bv Richard Thurston. Nellie hecomes cognizant of the awful ness of her past and when in late years the man comes for her, Nellie informs 1 him that lie has passed out of her life and that she is done with him forever. Nellie later meets a young mining en gineer. Victor Lambert, who loves her and whom she loves. She accepts his devotion and ends by engaging herself to him. She will not marry him, how ; ever, without telling him the truth, and this she does in a scene of no slight dramatic power. In the absence of her lover the girl's betrayer reappears and | tries to. win her again, she defies him, | the lover returns, a hand-to-hand fight ensues and the betrayer is shot. At ; this point Cupid steps in and makes I the love route smooth, anil all ends as I should be. Adv. Vogel's Minstrels John W. Vogel's Big City Minstrels ! travel in swell private cars, and when they appear at the Majestic Saturday matinee and night they will appear in rolling palaces that cost a fortune, and ; afford comfort and luxury. The min : strels of to-day do not fly-by-night to escape the tavern keeper; neither do i they tour overland by horsepower, as .did the "old-timers" for many a year, ! as has since been revived by references j in many tales of fiction and allusion in the rural dramas of the stage. And ! with all the fame of the cross-road pi j oneers, they were lucky to take in as | much money in a week as Vogel gathers ]in a flay. Indeed this is an age of j huge affairs. Adv. "The Round-Up" Edmund Day's drama, described as one of "life and death, love and hate, loyalty and revenge" in Arizona and New Mexico, named "The Round-Up," will be the attraction at the Majestic I Theatre, for two nights, commencing | Monday, the 2t»th, with a special popu i lar matinee on Tuesday, the 27tli. Klaw & Erlanger were originally re . sponsible for the staging of the piece but have leased it to Robert Campbell, manager of "A Fool There Was' and , " The White Slave," for the popular priced theatres, who is presenting the j play exactly as Messrs. Klaw & Er i langer did using tho same company ami ; production with Shep Camp in the role j originated by Maclyn Arbucklc. Adv. At the Orpheum That the Orpheum management lias done wonderful things in the quality i oi the shows brought to Harrisburg, is j a fact thoroughly familiar. That tome of the great stars have been seen at the Orpheum for an entire week instead of the usual ono or two nights and at higher prices is also a well known fact. All of these facts lead to the announce ment that the Orpheum headliner for this week will be Lew Dockstader, the famous humorist and star minstrel. Lew Dockstader has been scon in Har risburg a number of times. He has al ways been the star of the minstrel or ganizations in which he appeared, I whether he was tho owner or whether | hew as the joint owner and co-star. He ' has originated more real funny scenes OudmersXight Six $ 1650 If you were an automobile expert and had thoroughly examined this car before we announced the price you would have unhesitatingly judged it a big valme at $2,000. The Biggest Motor Car Buy of Any Year In our automobile experience we have never seen any year in which one car stood as far above its price class as the 1915 Chalmers "Light Six" does this year. All things considered, we honestly can say this new Chalmers "Light Six" gives greater dollar for dollar value in motor essentials than any car we have ever sold. We know that it is simply impossible for you to get the full value of these statements merely by reading them. That is why we are anxious to have you take the Chalmers "Real Test" Ride over every sort of pg roads. You can't doubt the jKf Keystone Motor Car Co., I (HUMOUR Market. Streat Harriaburg, Pa. • Quality First and speeches than any comedian on t Uo | American stage, and when he was | sought this summer by the vaudeville j managers he hesitated a long time be fore signing the contract that will keep 1 him away from the minstrel Held for J the next two years. This year Dock stader is thrusting his shafts of satire at Mr. Roosevelt, and everywhere lie is appearing along the Keith circuit he j is declared to have the most uproarious ' ly side splitting funny act ever ottered | in vaudeville. His monologue is called | "My Policies" and is a positive twen ty-minute scream. The musical comedy , couple, .lohn Doolev and pretty -lean ette Rugel, late stars of "The House ! warmers," will offer a scintillating hi, of song, dance and comedy and otherj big Keith hits will be presented by Lucy tiillette, Leander DeCordova and company, Hope Vernon, the Martine] Brothers and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Em-1 mett. Adv. J At the Colonial An entirely new policy goes into ef fect at the Colonial to-day. Kigpcr and better vaudeville bills are to be "in stalled from to-day on anil a show of | vaudeville will be presented before! moving picture features are shown. I The hours for pictures only remains the same, and so do the hours in which the j vaudeville bills are to be exhibited.' But while the vaudeville show is in j MODERN EQUIPMENT attractive quarters and courteous service contribute much to the desirability of an institution as a banking home. But, no advantage or convenience will be ac cepted as a substitute fcr Safety. This company puts Security for depositors' funds ahead of every other consideration. It offers you all the advantages of convenient loca tion, broad facilities and courteous, efficient clerks, but not as a substitute for Safety. progress no pictures will interrupt. They will be shown before and after the vaudeville. Four acts come to-day headed by a musical comedy called "The Hell Boys and the Belles." Mil ler and Tempest in a nifty variety act; Lear and Fields, in comedy songs and dances, and Al Edwards, the happy black face comedian, round out a vaude ville offering that is far superior to any that have yet been exhibited at the Colonial. The admission prices remain the same. Adv. Artistic Printing at Star-Independent. The Facile Mexican In the opening paragraph of one of his best, stories Kipling wrote: "Lei it be clearly understood that the Rns sian is a delightful person till he ' tucks his shirt in. As an oriental he is charming. It is only when he in yists on being treated as the most east erly of western peoples that he becomes a radical anomaly, extremely difficult to handle. The host never konws which side of his nature is going to turn up next.'' There is a somewhat, similar difficulty with the Mexican. He can be charming, but one never knows whether he is the most northern southerner nr the most southern northerner, and lie can change from one to the other with a facility that is almost genius.—Phil : adelphia Ledger.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers