12 * q A Sale of Mattresses and Springs To-morrow CW Thp furniture section announces for to-uiorro'w a special clearance of low priced springs ami mattresses 11s • 52 .S3.IM felt mattresses $«.»« » CjWj^nBPCBTm l« $14.50 silk floss $11.50 The Most Important Showing of Suits for Misses and Women That We Have Ever Assembled Is Now On Sale for the First Time The Dives, Pomeroy and Stewart Suit Department is the inexhaustable style source of hundreds of women and misses at this particular period of the year when it is a matter of great importance to consider the correctness of the garments that are to be worn through the Winter months. Ihe department's initiative in showing the newest and most characteristic styles as soon as they are created is recognized by practic ally every well-dressed women, and the exceptional skill that is noticeable in every model is a matter of daily comment. The store has never before been so well prepared to satisfy the style judgment of each individual woman as it is this season. A greater number of exclusive garments is being exhibited than we have ever shown in one season heretofore, and in each group can be seen liberal evidences of the handiwork of true artists. Scores of New Models at $16.50 to $40.00 Are in This Week's Showing o D f Sr a The jfumti , est Bty iV° b ® fo r d anywhere ! or mißßes and smaU 1 New Bt y les ln chiff<m broadcloth and gabardine with trimming I and on shorter models, the use of cords and tassels is made with 8 rn L i « velvet io\eied buttons, or women are shown at $20.00. The coats are short or long and the of velvet or of velvet and silk braid. A coat of one style shows good effect. The shades are Russian green, plum. wine, navy blue. ™ m f te . rial 1 , one ° f th ° styles has a Wlde materials are rich qualities of gabardine, poplin or serge. The a gathered back with a trimming of broadcloth buttons and a broad ! tete de negre and black. y !.^ g J2v?£ C ,? Uar - B *iE ts ar ® made ***& coat of one style has a unique trimming of self material at the belt of satin running through straps of broadcloth. These garments _ , , A % . yoke front and back and straight line effects. The colors are tete waist line and the skirt is embellished with rows of self covered are-unmatchable at $22.0<). c B^eß WO.OO f s&>.oo, $;)7.50 and $:I0.50 are de negTe, navy blue, green and black, 3MH.50. buttons. „ # made up of copies of French models that have recently been m__ „ The range of styles at $22.50 represents the most important ! )rou 8 ht t0 count ry through sketches. At this range there is a TWO very attractive styles that are recent additions to the Another style at 81N..V) is made with a cross over belt of same style gathering that we have ever assembled. The showing em- broftd use of fur> crushed Pl u »h and rich chiffon velvet. of^BUk^b^ ld or . velvet cov " material and is stitched on the collar and sleeves with contrasting braces short coats, coats in the medium length and redingotes, and One style at $30.00 is of fine quality velvet with a coat ID r cXTof Ve ff of broadcloth. Another style in the redingote foUows the materials include lovely imported qualities of gabardine, pop- inches in length; the collar and cuffs are trimmed with crushed «nn«ntfT 818 50 m hlgh pnced stncUy tailored lines with only a touch of tnmming of bone lin. novelty weaves and chiffon broadcloth. Crushed plush forms plush, and a girdle of soft silk with a tie front forms an lm- I buttons. an important part in the trimming of the garments at this price j portant factor in the style. ' ". 200 STYLES In a Special Showing of $4.95 Hats j| That Demonstrate the Leadership l| f) yw'^ ur Millinery The illustrations drawn from models just added to our famous line of Vl'Tl $4.95 trimmed Hats, give some suggestion of the beauty of the fashionable 4 :£ ocreations,0 creations, the distinctive styles and the superior values. These new hats .tgajfjl||§a "V .# r ' ' '' < r' r "f ideas of the most gifted designers of millinery styles in America. W0 .. With such a large variety of styles to select from—there are 200 hats at this one price alone—we know JI,\M)V ■ * w that our efforts to cater to every woman's individuality will find a hearty response. ' ■ T e^ateSt^^ a^ eS ' n lT Dives * p "" l,!ro - v 4 Stewart. Millinery, Second Floor, Front—Three Elevators. /WIA Specially-Priced Shoes On Sale To-morrow for the First Time Among Them $1.25 Children's Shoes for 98£ Men's black and tan oil dressed calf skin shoes, in button and blucher style, with heavy Goodyear welted soles. Specially priced at $2.65 Hoys' $1.73 gun metal calf button shoes, with heavy solid leather stitched soles. Reduced to 81.49 Women s $3.50 gun metal calf and patent colt button shoes. Reduced t«> ; $2.49 Men s $2.-30 black kid skin button shoes, with dull calf tops; Goodyear welted soles. Reduced to $1.65 Children s $1.2.1 black kid skin and gun metal calf button shoes: sizes SK. to 11. Reduced to 98c 4 t* Dives, Pomeroy &. Stewart, Street Kloor. STAR-INDEPENDENT. MONDAY EVENING. OCTOBER 19, 1914. Last of the Bleachers' Damaged Napkins Final reductions go into effect to clean-up the odds and ends of fine'damask napkins that remain from last week's sale of Bleachers' Damages. The patterns are new and attractive, and the imperfections are so trivial as to make them a secondary consideration. 10c Napkins 15c and 19c Napkins 25c Napkins 8c 12'/ 2 C 19c Slightly Imperfect Pattern Cloths-Rare Values lIJ.OO to $3.00 pattern cloths, 68x68 inched. Spe- $4.00 to $5.00 pattern cloths. 72x105 inches. Spe eial f1.39 rial $1.85 and 93.;i9 *3.00 t» $3.50 pattern cloths. 68x68 inches. Spe- $5.00 and $6.00 pattern cloths. 81x81 inches. Sne '' ial *1.09 and $1.95 cial $2.H9 and $3.A9 ** Dives, Pomero.v & Stewart, Street Floor, Rear. Demonstration Sale Hall- Borchert "Perfection" Dress Forms Dressmaking Made Easy A representative will be here from the factory to-morrow sad Wednesday to demonstrate these adjustable dress forms. The .method of adjustment is exceedingly simple, and anyone can readily operate the forms on the first trial. They really make dressmaking easy. M Di\ps, Pomrro.v & Stewart, Street floor, Front.
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