THE WEATHER I FAIR TO NTOHT AND TO-MORROW DHaIM Reyvrt. Pica • . S® VOL. 76—NO. 117. JAPANESE CRUISER SUNK BY MINE IN KIAO-CHOW BAY; 271 OF CREW PERISH One Officer and Twelve Men of the Takachicho All That Were Saved of the War Ves sel's Complement of 300 Men, According to Official Report—Austrian Submarine Reported Sunk in the Adriatic To-day by a French Cruiser —Allies 9 Fleet Again Starts the Bombardment of the Forts at Cattaro Tokio, Oct. 19, 5.30 P. M.—lt is •fficially announced that the Japanese cruiser Takachiho was sunk by a mine in Kiao-Chow bay on the night of October 17. One officer and eleven members of the crew are known to have been saved. The Takachiho was on patrol duty outside Tsing Tau when she fouled the mine. The Japanese destroyers heard the explosion and saw the flames that resulted. They hur ried to the assistance of the cruiser which, however, dis appeared quickly and in the darkness it was possible to rescue only twelve men. Twenty-eight officers, 54 non commissioned officers and 189 seamen perished. The Japanese cruiser Takachiho was built in 1885 and refitted in 1900. She was a vessel of 3,700 tons and was 300 feet long and had 46 feet beam. Her main battery con sisted of eight 6-inch guns and her speed was about 18 knots. She carried a crew of 300 men, only twelve of whom, according to the official report, are known to have been saved. AUSTRIAN SUBMARINE SUNK Cettinje, Montenegro, Oct. 19, va London, 1.46 P. M.— An Austrian submarine was sunk in the Adriatic to-day by a French cruiser. Two submarine vessels went out from the bay of Cattaro to attack a French fleet, which was making its way along the Dalmatia coast. They were quickly sighted, however, by the French who took aim and sent one of them, the leader, to the bottom. The other submarine escaped. The French fleet subsequently recommenced the bom bardment of the forts at Cattaro. An Austrian areoplane dropped several bombs in the neighborhood of the fleet but no damage was done. A struggle for the possession of the strip of French seacoast that is nearest to the shores of England was the most interesting phase of the war situation to-day. British naval forces are reported to have joined in the movement with the allies who are making a determined stand on the Belgian frontier against the westward drive <»f the German right wing. 1 lie exact battle lne is not known. This afternoon's official French statement says that the German artillery lias attacked without success "the front of Nieuport to Vladisloo. to the east of Dixmude." The allies, it adds, have advanced as far as Roulers and there has been sharp lighting on a front from La Basse to Ablain and St. Nazaire. Paris states that the allies are moving on Lille which Mas occupied by the Germans on October 13. An earlier dispatch from London stating that the Ger mans were bombarding Lille may have referred to events prior to October 13 and been delayed in transmission from France to London. There is nothing from Berlin to reveal the position of the (iermans that are contending for the coast line. There is no doubt, however, that they are bound for Dunkirk and < alais and are prepared to meet a strong resistance. Rains that caused much suffering to the troops in France earlier in the campaign are falling again on the battlefield so continuously that great hardships result to the men and military maneuvers are made more difficult. Germans and Austrians have encountered bad weather in Russian Poland, heavy roads delaying the movement of their artillery. They claim, however, to be making progress along the \ istula. Petrograd asserts that the invasion has been definitely checked. Nothing is known definitely of the fate of Przemysl in Galicia but the best information is that it is still holding out against the Russians. Vienna asserts that.the siege of the city has failed. An Austrian submarine was sunk bv a French cruiser in the Adriatic to-day. Japan lost the cruiser Takachiho which struck a mine while patrolling off Tsing-Tau. Two hundred and sev enty-one officers and men perished. Additional Canadian troops were landed at Avon mouth, England, to-day. The Turkish government has refused the British de mand that the German crews be discharged from the cruisers Gbe ben and Breslau which Turkev bought from German v. I ©* Star- Mb SnkfJenktii HARRISBURG, PA., MONDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 19, 1914—12 PAGES. RUSSIAN PRZENIYSL LOSS IS 48.80UMS AUSTRIA Lonn. Oct. 19. 9.10 A. M.— A dis patch from Vienna, via Amsterdam to Reirter s Telegram Company, gives an official statement of Hie Austrian oper ations in Galivia issued on Sunday by GeneraJ Von Hoef-e. the deputy chief of the Austrian general staff. It says: "Our attack in the battle on both | banks of the Ptrwiaz. south of Pr-emysl was continued yesterday and our troops succeeded in setting • 'k>ee to the enemy. I At several points our troope were ad vancing as against a fortress, i.ast night several attacks of the Russians were re-pulsed with heavy losses for the j enemy. Our artillery is now in action. "The pursuit of the enemv north of, Wysrekow. near the Carpathian passes, has continued. In other parts our troops \ have already advanced over t>iie Tax- \ pathians. ''The Russian losses during their at tacks ou Prramysl are estimated at 40,000 dead and wounded." GERifIANS EVACUATE LILLE j I THIRD SCRIBE London, Oct. 19. 2.03 A.M.—••Lille, | has been evacuated bv Germans for the I third time, says the "Telegraph's'' | correspondent iu the north of Prance, j !"Thir ev.r. uatiod was ma le uecessary ! by the allies' capture of haven tie aji.l Ksra raj, whieh forced the Germans to hastily leave the plain between Ha?.e broek and Lille. ; " Everywhere along our left flank we have been successful and the Germans are falling back under pressure which ■hey cannot resist. It it not ei en cer tain that they will ■hold Osteud. Refugees tell me thai there were no ■ Germans in Ostend on FVMhv. j "The C>ftr»n#n USa-qjjt feat**-! in the western theatre *»f acf'on ' but its position is ore of «jctrente : ] -peril. The allies took Builloul. seventeen i miles northwest by w«rt of Lille on ' ■ Thursday." 1 GERMAN ADVANCE HALTED ! ON COAST. STATES SCRIBE Undon, Oct. t9. 3A. <\f.—< a d- 1 vsnce of the German force threatening, the Northern French ~o * st has been ; thalted for the moment.savs the corre spondent of t-he " Chronicle *' in North ern France. "Tue 'Germans have fered heavily in tSie recent fighting and ! •re uow abort of munitions and store*. ! •However they axe preparing to strike a bvavy blow. It i„ probable that taev i j WW I attempt to penetrate the defense of Onnnirk the object of overrun-I ; amg the ioa«t a* far as Oaiair • | and Blogone. The Wy *ie K e guns * Antwerp aj-e being moved toward ' I the , resent German line whu-h the large ■oodies of German troops are being push ; e.i forward. A larger foree of German j troops is centered «i the Thoucouri, | twelve miles sonfhwest of Bruges Bel- i j jnitm. i "'Dunkirk is caim, although the cwv i realizes th«t irt is meuaced. Along the front of both armies phe dntv in rhe | trenc'aes is made more unpleasant t)V ' ■ heavy rains and the ground between the ' | armies in many cases is a bog. The' I weather is turning colder and the mists I and fogs make the low lying eouotrv xm ! healthy. Twenty Japanese Drown in Typhoon Tokio, Ort. 19.—1t Is announced | that a typhoon has struck Kiao-Chow, destroying the landing pier. Twentv t j Japanese sailers were drowned. SHOOTS WIFE AND SKI,F Alleged Insanely Jealous Husband Fig-' ures in Dual Tragedy i Special to the Star-Independent. I ' Hagerstown. Md., Oct. 19.—After shooting bis wife in the head and then fleeing, Gordon West, aged 23 years, j attempted to commit suicide along the ] road on the way toward big home, near ! Unionville. Frederick county. The bul let entered his forehead above the , right eve. He lay. unconscious along j the road for some time, but later was | found and was able to be taken to ; -fohnsville where the injurv was dress- ! ed. ! West probably thought that he had j killed his wife and decided to put an | end to his own. It is said that he has been insanely .jealous of his wife, and I that he has threatened to kill her on | numerous occasions. TAFT A WHITE HOUSE OAIiEE Former President Is Warmly Greeted By Mr. Wilson To-day Hy Associated Frrtu, I Washington, Oct. 19.—Former Pres- j ident Taft called upon President Wil son to-day at the White House. He was , immediately received by the President j who greeted him warmly. Mr. Taft.expressed his pleasure at! being at the White House again but said that he enjoyed private life. ' THE NE W HOME OF THE Y. W. C. A. Handsome Building Just Completed at Fourth and Walnut Streets Will Be Open for Public Inspection Next Thursday Morning. ROOF IS HAILED IN TABEIIftCLE : ! Thirty Volunteers To • day Continue Work on Building Begun • Saturday NO FREE DINNER FOR THE TOILERS Skeleton of Structure, Which Waa Viewed by Big Crowds of Chnrcb Goers Yesterday, Assumes Mors Distinct Form This Afternoon r \ Stough Campaign Activities To-night, personal service com mittee to meet at the Fourth Street i Church of liod and entertainment committee at headquarters. To-morrow night, executive com mittee to meet at headquarters and neighborhood praver meetings to be , hell. • Wednesday night, shop meetings I committee to meet at headquarters. Thursday night, prayer meeting ' rallv at Knola Methodist church. | Friday night, neighborhood pray- I er meetings. * Work which was begun Saturday on ; the Stough tabernacle was continued to-day by about thirty volunteer work-1 men. The enthusiasm naturally was not as high as on the first day of the ■ construction work, and progress was comparatively slow. The day was spent ;n putting on the roof, beginning at | the east side of the big building. No dinner was served to the workmen asl on Saturday. At the dinner hour the men who do not live in the immediate' vieinity, sought relief from the heat of the inid-day sun in nearby restau rants. Some few gave up the task for the day, but their places were taken by reinforcements. The huge wooden skeleton which rose on the tabernacle site on Satur day was viewed by large crowds of curious persons going to and from the downtown churches yesterday. For some time there was a constant stream of' churchgoers passing up and down Caatlaaed on Elrvcath I'nir. ; BURGLAR TAKES PEANUTS. ! LEAVES A NICKEL BEHIND Jacob Sawyer's Establishment on Mar ket Square Opened and Entered, but Missing Goods Are Paid for in Good American Money The police are not worrying about the thief who boldly and within a I square of police headquarters entered | the peanut wagon on Market square I in front of Miller & Hades' stove, stole a pack of peanuts and left in return a new buffalo nickel. There is nobody to swear out a war ■ rant for the arrest of this person, al ' fhough it is a crime to break and enter, and that is what happened. Some time < between midnight Saturday and 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon somebody got hungry for a pack of peanuts and, seeing the* peanut stand handy, decided to get the peanuts. He wasn't a reg ular thief, just a man hungry for pea nuts, and lie paid for what he took. , Had he closed the door as he found ! it, the "loss'' would not have been dis ; covered until it was time to open shop I this moruing, but the door was not closed properly and it swung open yes | ferday afternoon, attracting the atten ; tion of a small boy, wno reported to I Policeman Wiesman, who investigated and found the nickel. The policeman sent for Jacob Saw i ver, 306 South Second street, owner of the stand, and fo ' his son-in-law, John . Tolmi, who closed up Saturday night. who took a complete inventory of the i stock. Kvorything was accounted for ! but a pack of peanuts, hei;ee the con- I elusion that the burglar was just i hungry for peanuts and had the money I to make the purchase, but no place to j buy them. i 'Mr. Sawyer is inclined to treat the ' affair as a joke, not as n crime against the iommon wealth. Re is not worry i ing and consequently the police are not worrying. PEN TERM FOR A WOMAN Hattie Dutton, Who Snatched Purse, Gets From One V> Two Years Imprisonment ia the penitentiary for not less than one year and not more than two, a fine of $5 and the costs was the sentence imposed by Judge Kunkel this morning on Hattie Dut ton. colored who was convicted of at tacking a white man and relieving him of his wallet, containing S3O. A prominent Harrisburg business man, while hurrying to catch an early morning train, was attacked by the Dutton woman in a darkened section of the Kighth ward and in the scuffle be was robbed of his purse. The police arrested the womai. before she could] make a getaway. DOCTOR'S WIFE ON IMiiKB Mrs. Carman Brought Into Court To-day on i Charge of Slaying Mrs. Bailey I 200 SPECTATORS WILL BE LIMIT Hundreds of Persons Anxious to Attend Sensational Trial Doomed to Disap pointment in Consequence of Small Court Room I Bu Associated Press, j Miueola, N. V., Oct. 19. —From a | special panel of 150 talesmen sum I moned to appear in the Supreme Court I here to-day, the'jury will he selected ! tor the trial of Mrs. Florence Conklin I Carman, charged with the murder on 1 June 30 last of Mrs. Louise Bailey, j Hun 1 reds of persons anxious to attend ; the trial, who have known Mrs. Carman j for many years, or who were friends of I the murdered woman, were doomed to disappointment by the announcement that the court room would only seat ahout 200 spectators and the doors would be locked after that number haJl been seated. The Nassau county court house, where the trial began today, aud the jail nearby, where Mrs. Carman occu pies a cell, attracted many visitors yes terday. Mrs. Carman yesterday held ' final conferences with hef counsel and j her husband, Dr Edwin Carman, in whoee office at Kreeport Mrs. Bailey was killed by a shot fired through a window. The State will try to prove that Mrs. CarihAn fired this shot. Mrs. Carman, is bearing up well, ac cording to the jail physician. Her phy sical condition is such, he said, that she will be able to go into court and fa e her accusers. William Bailey, husband of the mur dered woman, last night announced that he would attend every session of the trial. Mrs. Bailey's mother, Mrs. Jennie Duryea, expressed a similar intention. For both sides forty-three witnesses are under subpoena for appearance to-day CoatlaiiFd OB Pt«, POSTSCRIPT PRICE. ONE CENT. PIMM TO liICIM.CI Handsome New Build ing Will Be Open Thursday From 10 A. M. to 10 P. M. MANY GIFTS HAVE BEEN PRESENTED Friday Afternoon the First. of the Teas for the Rainbow Campaign Will Be Given—Partial List of Lisutonants Announced On Thursday of this week. from 10 a. m. to 10 p. in., the Young Women's Christian Association a! Fourth and Walnut streets, will open for inspection their handsome new building, the erec tion of v, inch was 111 a. le inissuMo bv t'he j penereus contributions of the people of Harrislntrg. The general pu*>li<> is cor diail.v invited. No invitations will He issued, hut it is expected thnt everv 'one l,i Hiirrisburg ami vicinity will at tend. I'he building committee, members of t'he board of directors and of the re ceitinn committee, will ;>.-t as hostesses ! ou the tour of inspection through the building. The thoro ugh equipment from base ment to roof, in a!l departments, will be a sit"; rise to many. The main en trance is on the Fourth street side, iu»t. opposite the doorway is t ie e'evato' and stairway. To the right ou the first floor is pii'Mic and ,rivnte office of the ; general secretary, and to the left is the 1 large cafeteria, lighted by nine win dows with ample table spa.'e and the ; most modern conveniences in t ie way of serving and heating apparatus. Toe ap : petiring foo l served at the W. ('. \. neei's uo advertising. Heretofore, in the smaller quarters, during tho hours of the noon aitca from '1.P.0 t-i 1.30. Thee we-e often aiore n-"'' than could b" RccomtMo 'ated. The average dally attendsn cat ti>c noon !na.*b was from SL' to PL'. Tie largest tola! number of | u-eals served in any one inontn was 1.- I 991, last May. Kecause of many -»• . qi,e«ts rhe board has I that men also snail be welcome to tiie new : ca. r oterin. The John Y. Boyd Hall I On the sc on I floor pt' title new huiM iu? ih the es'e*flu»|v I all tv-'iir-b -• it! l'ufnisJied by M r s. .lohn V. Boyd an I I He- dm g'hters, and shall l>e known as ] the John V. Hoy.| hall. Uis xv : ;-h pe culiar pleasure that the assc iaiion is , t)ius enn ►leil to perpetuate Mr. Boyd's | name in conne.tiou with the building j since h « >;:rit of encouragement an I i inspira ::on - "TOO BL'SV" TO 00 TO COI'RT Youth Jailed on Contempt Charge Is Reprimanded and Put Under Bonds Wilson Fottelger, the Penbrook youth whoee plans for a Sunday chest nut hunt were upset 'bv his being jailed 8 on Saturday on a contempt of court 1 : charge growing out of his failure to re r port to court under flhe suspended sen j ience rules, told Judges Kunkel and n ! MJoOarrell this morning that he had been "too busv" and "forgot to come r I J j The lad was reprimanded anil in j formed tbat he could have been sen , | tenced to pay a SSOO fine and serve i t'hree years in the penitentiary on t>he j charge to which he pleaded guilty, but ' under which he had 'l>een permitted to go with a suspended sentence. The Pi. judges, however, decided to give him " | one more chance. The youth was ordered to pay the -> j costs in t'he contempt ease and was told e ! to provide a bond to guarantee ho 'would appear at suspended sentence i- j court in January and an additional I j ibond to comply with a $6-a-week main d | tenanve order made in favor of his n | young bride. I CHANCE TO SEE COMET j Natural History Society Invites the j Public to View It This Evening t j The astronomy section of the Natur al al History Society will meet in the riv er park at. Front and Forster streets . at 6.30 o'clock this evening, weather t permitting, to view the Delavan comet. e Any person in the city who has not seen e it is welcome to join the party. Each |>erson is advised to bring e along a pair of opera glasses or binoc „ u-larS. As the comet sets shortly after 6.4S p. m„ all should be there at 6.30 sharp.