The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, October 17, 1914, Page 9, Image 9

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F. C. Hunker and Miss Mary E. Miller
Married Thursday
Special Correspondence.
West lYirview, Oet. I".—Xlisa Marr
E. Milter ami P. C. Hamaker. of this'
place, were married on Thursday by K.
C. Hoke. Justice of the Peace.
Miss Mabel and Miss Ma
thilda Shafer. of Baltimore, were quests
of Mr*. Ira Shaull.
The Stougli prayer meetings last
«ight were held at E'.ias Pouesmith's
with twenty-aix in attendance and at
\lr«. Elizabeth Seidel 's wirh an attend-;
an e of tweutv eijjht.
Miss Erhel Wolfe, of Aft. Holly, was
rhe guest o*' M is» Ruth Short el Wedues-
Jay and Thursday.
The Stotigh preliminary mass meet
ing Thursday afternoon in the I". B.
church here »vj»s presided over by Miss
Caroline Keefer. Addresses were ma le
by Miss Josephine Coit. W. W. Shan
non and rhe Rev. S. P. Ridiaek.
Miss Marion Cadwallader visited her
grandparents at Camp Hili rarently.
Phe Re\. S B. Bidlapk has close t his
Summer-dale meeting.
John Davis. While on His Way to
Work. Died With Heart Failure
jspecia! Correspondence.
Williamstown, Oct. IT.—John Stoey
an.t wife, of Harrisburg are visiting
her mother. Mrs. Mercy Hughes.
Harry Hunter treated his Sunday
school ciass of the Methodist Episcopal
church to an auto ride to Pine G rove,
Tuesday evening.
S. S Straub was a yis tor to Hart
risburg Wednesday.
James Watkins had his wrist frac
tured while at his work at the col ery.
Arthur Hasliu an! wife, of Wilkes
Barre. are visiting her sisters. Mrs.
Wil iam Bordner and Mrs. Thomas War
Mrs. F. A. Hensei. of l.vkens, v sited
her mother, Mrs. Allen Ralph. Thurs
Hcr.rv and Wellington I'mhoit.'. ot
Harrtsburg. is visiting their father.
Jehu I'mhoit', wh > is ill.
Rally Dav «i 1 be observed in the
Method st Episcopal hurcu to morrow
George Bond. Weldon Watkins an i
M.K n.ey Wagner were visitor* to
Tower City last evening.
J. R. Harner spent part of the week
with friends in Shamokin.
John Davis was taken sick very
suddenly with heart failure th.s 111 ru
ing ou his way to work at the eel; ery
and lied before he could be remove I to
h'« home. He was a son of Ben Davis,
of town, and is survived by a wife, n s
parents, ant several brothers a d s s
The Rev J. A. Flickinger, of Los An
geles. Cal., Was a Visitor Here
itl Corrwpondence.
Shtremanstown. Oet. IT. —George
Trustje. of Mechaniesburg. called on
his brother. C. V. Trost e, on Monday, on h.s way to Indiana where he
will preach.
The Kev. J. V. Flickiuger. of L's
Angeles. Cal.. visited at the home of
Mr*. J. W. Sheets on Monday.
Mr- W. K Brignt. of North rrber
lai'i. and Mrs. s. A. Edward*. of
Philadelphia, were guests of Miss Irene.
Heck during the week.
0. V. Trostie. formerly engage i >-i
the paper-hang'n.: business a' Newar*.
N. J., has again move i to OUT town on
Word was received her - by Mrs. P.
F. Feister from her daughter. M (J.
V. Coble, who left in March for Mon
tana. that they are having w uter
weather in that State already. On O
tober 5 and 6 they had four tee: of
snow. Mrs. Coble states that Liv.uss
tou. Montana, s a very beautiful city.
Eleven Take First Teachers' Exam-na
tion at St. Peter's Sunday School
Special Cor. esr-jnder.c#.
'Highspire, Oct. IT.—David Acker
man has returned front a short visit to
fc s father. S mon Aokerman. in Fal
n outh.
Mrs. H. Miller, of Elizabeir.viile,
spent Thursday morning visiting the
Rev. and Mrs. H. F. Raoad.
Thomas M. Morgan has returned to
his home in Wilhamsport after a short
v.sit to the Lutheran parsonage, where
.-ie was the guest of the Re-.. M-. and
Mrs. Frank Edward Mover.
Mrs. Harvey Wa rner spent Thnrs
:ay at the Hagerstown fair.
Mrs. John Beinhaur is serlouslv ill
wirh pneumonia at ner home on Jury
Samuel Side. Railroad street, was re
moved to trie Harrisburg hospital Mon
■ lay for treatment for a serious swelling
in his legs, cause 1 by a bu let wound
received in the Civil war.
Joseph i over. Tenn and Paiton
streets, has reti.-ced from a week's
fishing trip on the Potoma river at
.-bepherd'town. W. Ya. He caught 150
bas- and two carp, one of wnieh
weighed 20 pounds.
Orville Green and William Barnes
attended the Newport fair this week,
where Mr. Green has entered a horse.
Mr and Mr«. Elias Artz and Mr. and
Mrs. Newton Miller, of Gratr. were re-
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jjj* Msm ifil| , g| 'jjjjf*
T H f/r,r ™A!?zr™?-™?sr, srus srr;s: Esr*? rs D ;r" ,on .r w rjri Th " w ° , ° s '" h ••»*•"»'*•"»'" c ~"«•»• r ™' s ™»«»»•»•
feet square and openins at the north upon San Francisco harhor by way of a colonnaded avenue 473 feet lon* and 171 feet wide I n Tf corner, of'th Roman lonic architecture, modified with a touch of modern detail. It is MO
of the four seasons Sprfnc, Summer. Autumn and w:nte, Mural pa**.*, hy some of the artist, o'f the coJ£ °' » M
cent guests ot Mr. and Mrs. Holdeu I
Schwann. ; ,
Mr. and Mrs. Sauiuet Weaver, of
Stoelton. visited their son. John S. :
Weaver, and family ou Railroad streefc
1 Miss Usther Long has returned to i
her home in Columbia after a short vis
it to Dr. aud Mrs. W. B. Kirkpatrick.
Raymond Heberlig. of Lebanon Val
ley i ollege. resumed his studies after a
| week-end visit to his parents on Jury
W. p. Shaffer, of Philadelphia, is
* isit-ing his sisters. Mrs. Ira Buser and
Mrs. D. L. Kaufman,
George Moon moved his family on
Tuesday from the Daugherty property.
Race street, to the Mover property at
Race and Vine streets, made vacant by
the removal of Mrs. Carrie Mason aud
j Mrs. Graham to Steelton on Monday.
Rally Bay exercises in the I'nited
Brethren church Sunday were a de
j cided success. The auditorium was ar
tistieally decorated with corn, pump
iiius. other vegetables and fruits.
1 George 1.. Reed, of Harrisburg. detiv
j e{,ed the principal address. The attend
ance reached BT*5 and ">0 visitors. Tii -
offering amounted to 1900.
Rally Bay services were held at St.
Peter's Lutheran Sunday school last
Sunday. Toe attendance was the larg
jest in the historv of the school. The
Kev. Dr. Thomas Reisch, of Harrisburg.
«as the principal speaker.
The following hunters from town
spent the opening day of the Mpuriet
season m the York county hills: The
Rev. it, L. v. Baer, Thomas F. Huff, i
' T. l». Gruber, Eugene Dunbar. Horace
Strsver, Halph Green, Abraham Mar- J
tin. Clarence Shaffner. Newman Green
an t Aaron Shaffner.
Wednesday evening, after the prayer ;
serve, the followiug persons of St.
Peter's 1. lit her;', n Sunday school took
the ri-st examination in the teacher- j
{t'aintng course: The Rev. F. bl. Mov ;
er. Mrs. F. E. Mover. George H. Feehr
er S. A. Breliui. Thomas Larkins. Mrs.
To'bert tiross. Mary \. Gingrich, Grace
Stoner, M-s. Samuel Co e. Anna B.
Wolf au-l Mary E. Wolf.
The folio" ag order of services will
be observed in the borough churches
to morrow.
I'nited Brethren —The Kev. H. F.
Khoad, pastor. Morning service at
10.45. Evening scrviie at T.oO. Suu
day school at 9.45. t omuiunion serv
ices will be helo morning an t evening.
St. Peter's Rev.
Frank Edwa-d Mover, pastor 1 o ;-0,
"A Sent \lan.'' T. 30. '' Trei'de. "
Sunday school at 9.30. .lunio- C. B.
at 3. Senior C. K. at 8 15. Special
music morning and evening.
Lewis Bric'ser Tearing Down Bakesliop
Diuiuiged in Recent Fire
Special Orres- mdetice.
Oet. IT.—Mrs. David
Smith is continel to her home by ill
Mrs Leslie Kennedy visited reU
tues in Steelton ou Wednesday
Lew:* Br-, ker is having h.s bake
siio;> re ently i.iu-.agei by tire on West
Herman avenue torn down.
W hooping cough is epidemic in
Harry Wood has returned from a
v -it to his grau-lparents near
Mrs. I>hv , \V re is suffering from
a very severe cold.
Theodore Mslinger. of Enola, was a
business visitor in town.
Mr. ,mi Mrs Paul t-nis'sey have
moved ( i Bressier. Dauphin county. *
Mr. anl M-> D. (*arlinuer will res i e
; in the house vacated bv" Mr. and Mrs. 1
The Rev. K. L. Manges, pastor of
Trtnitv .Lutheran - h, -s attending
the Wes- Pennsylvania Synod which
convened in Hanover this week.
!he W. » . T. i . held a business
fee; ng at the "Tome of Mrs. Charles
Saw y er.
Le-*ris Satsler of K.-asas On a Visit
to Nephew
sir-H' ! Correspon,icnce
Miilerstown. Oct. IT.—Dr. Edgar
Everhart, of Lemoyue. was - n town on
We inesday and attended the funeral
of Mr-. I'nah Shuman. at Thompson
Aubrey Patterson, of Philadelphia.
Sj-ent sever* .iavs th.s week with his
aunt. M ss Elizabeth Patterson.
Mrs. W. D. Bollinger was in Har
risburg on Thursday.
Peter Attig is visiting his brother,
Henry Attig. at Paxtonvjlle.
Lew;? S.'tiler, of Kansas, and a
former res: ient of this place, is v < ;•
ing h.s nephew. Ro«s Sat-ier. at Old
Points Purely Personal About People
Who Come and Go
Sp - - a I for re 5? >nd e nee.
W; oms o. 0.-t. IT.—Miss Verone
Do>id was the g .est of her r>a-er.ts s l;n .
Miss Evans spent Thursday in
James Badont returned to Freeiani
i this week.
Earl Charles has returned from Ro
chester. X. Y.
Mrs. James Cox. of Williamstown.
wa s seen at the John SchrefSer home.
The Rev. G. S. Kerr spent Wednes
day in Pottsvi'le.
Miss l iara Mu- hamer and friend.
ltuther Boyd, of Chester, were guests I
of Mrs. Edward Weist recently.
The Rev. R, Bausch and D. C. Rhoads
to Attend Synod
Huiamelatown. CK-t. 17.—The Rev.
Robert A. Hausvh. pastor of the Re
formed church, aud Daniel C. Riioads
will attend the sessions of the Eastern !
Synod of the Reformed chur h which
will be held a* Allentown next week.
William Le-hnerg, of Buffalo, spent 1
several days t : his week with tttie family j,
of P. V. Be>hney .
The regular meeting o( the Women's
Christian Temperance I'nion will be'
held Monday evening at t ie home of
Mrs. Piiilip Deimler, West Main street.
Pre uraiorv services were held in the
ttaformed church last evening. The
Holy Communion will be observed nt
both the morning an i evening services
to morrow.
Mr. and Mrs B'mer 'e ters. of
Covell, 111., are speu-iitig several days
wit.i Mr. and Mrs. Grove-- C. Buser.
Harry M. Horst, caslner of the Farm
ers' bunk, has been ete ted borough
treasurer to succeed the late J. Paul
N isslev.
At a meeting in the tire engine house,
on next Tuesday evening an effort will
be made to organize a Lid o-' Auxiliary
of the Firemen's A-see iat ion,
Arthur aud Webster Spay de, of Phil
adelphia, are spending a week with re!a
fives in town.
Mrs. Ray Miller Receives Word of
Brother's Death
Sp» .:i 1 Coriespo uience.
Millersburg. Oct. IT.—The annua! j
convention of 'lie Twelfth Dauph n •
County Si.uday s, nool district met in
the Methodist Episcopal church Mondav
afternoon and evening. The meetings
were vo-y interesting and instructive.
Among the speakers were James W.
Barker, of Harrisburg, and J. B. Mar
tin. of Middletown.
NDs. Marion I'lrieh is sending the
week in Nen York City.
On Monday the Glauer Jubilee Sing
ers will give an entertainment in the
new- High -chool imdltorium. Tb s
number marks tiie beginning of the
winter lecture course.
The Susquehanua football team, of
this }■ ,i played at New JSloomtie. i
M r s. Ray Mil er received word of the
death of her brother, ' larry Kramer,
which occurred n New Vo k. M's. Q.
W Kline. Mrs, Howard Kohler and Mrs.
Jact.b l.ight. all of this place, are also
,-tsters of Mr. Kramer.
Mrs. tt . J. Bordne: is ill at iier home
on Moore street, suffering from the ef
fects of a stroke of paralysis.
The R<>«. W. J. Kohler, pastor of
Trinity Reformed church, will hold com
munion services -u David's 'urch at
Killinger to morrow morning.
Fred S ciio and family. I'.i-t I'uiou
street, have moved to Harrisourg.
The Rev. Harry Hartman, of Fair
mont City, v larion county, \i-ited
friends in town this week.
Mrs. A. \. Andrews, of Puila lelphia.
is the g.:e-. of her brothers, Harry C.
Lenker and Ear! Leuker.
Mrs. Wait -r Polk and Mrs. Howard
Heiwig were at Middletown this week,
at-ending the Wcniau'-. Foreign Mis- :
s.ouary Society as delegate* trom - s t.
Paul s Lutheran church.
■lames R. Albin, of Gettysburg, made
, a busiue-s tt it. to Miliersdv.g th - week.
On Friday cveuiug. November 13.
Mil!e r sbu rg Cast I.- No. il'-. Knights o*'
1 the Golden Eagle, wiil celebrate the;
twenty tifth anniversary. The exer
cises will he neld in t'-ie new Higli
school auditoriiuji, followed by a ban
Uuet iu the ol i Higii school room.
' harle- F. Romberger. of Ph l.idel
phia. is the guest of irs sister. Mrs.
Abbie Kieffer.
Festival to Bs Held at Red Bridge Thir,
?^p^c : .1' iVr res pontic nee.
Dauphin. Oct. IT.—There will be a
festival at Red Bridge this evening.
Mrs. A. D. McNeely, of Brookivn,
is tne guest of Mrs. c. S. McNeelv.
Mrs. Julia Studebaker, of Atlantic
City, spent several lavs «-;th iier sister.
Mrs. T. G. Swit/er
Mrs. Mary Kline at-oi Miss Marga
-et Khne. o; Har- : sburg, -peat several
days with Mrs. Mary K ne.
George Rfioa is and t>ank Shay, of
Lebanou. were the guests of Mrs.
v hnries Lvter on Mon-lav.
Mrs. J." 1). M. Keed is visiting her
brother. F. M. Shope. at. Berwick.
M s. Charles Bowman, ot" Lucknow.
ent Wo inesday with her sister. Mrs.
William Strieker.
Mrs. Harrison Lebo and children .
spent -Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
James Dell.
Mrs. d. G. S wit Tier is visiting her
daughter. Mrs. H. H. Young, at At
lantic City.
Miss Mayme Garmau spent several
iay - at Harrisburg.
Walter Bell spent several .lavs at
New York City.
The Rev. Daniel Ketterman Elected
Pastor of St. Paul's Church
Ssps .al Correspondence.
Newviile, Oet. IT.—At a meeting of
the St. Paul's lAitheran congregation.
S aday morning, the Rev. Daniel Ket
terman. of York, was unanimously elect-
oil pastor of thai church. Tho Rev.!
Mr. Kettermau is a student of Uettv»-i|
burg Theological Seminary ami will'
iirnduate in Juut>.
Tin? regular monthly meeting of the l
Oivio Club WHS held Monday evening |
at thethbrne of Mrs. George Hursh. The j
subject for the eveniug was "Familiar!
SOURS," by Miss Rachel Hays. At tilts'
meet.iif; it' was divided to send a box
of clothing to the Belgian sufferers. All
contributions to be loft at the home of
the Misses liraeey not later than Oc
tober 25.
At the recent meeting of the Bide*
ship of the Churches of Uod, the Rev.
.1. M. Waggoner was appointed to the
local church. The Kev. Mr. Waggoner
has been pastor of the Main Street
Church of God, in Steelton, for some
Mrs. John Suoke. who with her hus
band recently returned from China, left
yesterday afternoon for Hut tie Creek,
Michigan, to be gone several months.
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Kelix attended
the Hagerstown Fair. Friday.
Mrs. Harry Purple Entertaiuod the
Five Hundred Club on Thursday
Special Correspondence.
New Cumibeilaud, Oct. 1". Miss
Helen Fogelsouger, tea lie of the pri
n.ary school, who was unable to teach
vhen the term opened on .icowut of
illness, came from her home at Ship- ,
peusburg to day and will take charge
of her duties on Monday. Mrs. Ira
Kyder has been substitute since Miss
Fogelsouger's illness.
The Willing Workers, composed of
young ladies of the Church of God, M.
A. Hot!', teacher, were entertained by
Miss Mary Reneker at her home on!
Twelfth street Thursday evening.
Roy Partheiuore, the obliging clerk
at the N. C. li. R. depot, has been'
granted a two weeks' v*«ntioii, which
he will spend at Pittsburgh, Niagara
Falls. Buffalo and I'auada.
Mi si Minnie F-nst. of Allentown. is
a guest of Mifcs Ki.phoniia Moyrr,
Mrs. C. l>. Wise, who has been visit
tig her son. C L. Wise, Fourth street,
the past two weeks, has returned to
her home in York. 'sy ;
.1. Sprenke'. will make an address
at the Sundry school rally hi the M.
K. c.tureh at Knota to morrow.
Mrs. F. P. Mathias and daughter, of
Harrivburg. called on Mis. Harry Mosey
> csterday.
M s. Hai'y Purple. Third street, en
tertained the Five Hundred Club on
Thursday evening.
I :'rge loads of tin - produce are being
brought in from York county and sold
at reasonable prices. Other seasons at
".it's tune of the year most all had been
Firemen Parade in Honor to Prize Win
ners Last Evening
special Correspondence.
Maldietown. Oct. IT.—Jacob 1..
Niss.ey. one of MUiuletowii s oide*t
residents, died at the home of ii.s
a :ghter. M:s. C. Peters, on Thurs
day night, aged St> years, fro a-
>at ion of sea>es. He is survived by
three children. Mrs. Rachel Peters and
Frank Nissley, of town, and Dr. J. C.
N'ssley. of Brooklyn, and one brother.
Solomon Nissley, of Penbrook. The
funeral wall be he'd from his daugh
ter's home on Moii -.av morning with
-ervi es at in u . m. Interment will be
made in th,< Middletown cemetery and
will be private. The Rev. Fuller Berg
stressor, pastor of the St. Peter's LAI
, therau church, will officiate. Pie a so'
' omit flowers.
Mrs. Harry Na :s r . who spent the'
i'.ist several days in town as the gues
of her mother, Mrs. Mary Willis, on
South Union street, returned to her
home at Washington, P. C.. on Friday
afternoon and was accompanied by her
mother, WHO wi! spend s.'iue Time with
her daughter.
I'hc Middletown Furniture Companv
are closed down tor several lays owing
to trie motor being burnt put.
The Rev. Pre i Thorn a am
of Neivvlle, are spend', u „• day
iu town as the quests ,>• the former's
lather, J. C. Hiotna*. Catherine street.
The thirty-fifth annual convention of
the Women's Home and Foreign Mis
sionary S.ciety of tl*e East Pennsyl
vania Synod of the Lutheran church
closed OIK' of their most successful con
ventions ever he, i and those who at
tended vere so pleased in regards to the
tended were so pleased in regards to the
150 aelegates in all attended. The
next contention will be held at Ann
Mrs. J. H. Deckard has returned
home from a two days' visit to Read ,
Miss Mary Clouser ,s ill at iier home
oa South Catherine street.
Mr. Nelsou moved from the Sla-'k
property on South Wood street to High
spire yesterday.
Communion services and reception of
new members will be held in the M. K.
church to-morrow morning.
Oliver Sipe spent the day a t Leba
lion on business.
Joseph Davis, of Baltimore. Md.. ar
rived in town last evening and will
spend several days with his family on
Su«quehanna street.
Jacob Weirich. of Reading, is spend
in;: seve-al days in town with his fain
iiy on Pike street.
The parade held in town last evening
proved a success in every respect. It
fcrnie i on Kmaus and Pnion streets,
headed by Messrs. Harry Fenieal and
John l<ut/. Jr. chief marshals, followed
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by the Liberty band and several auto
mobiles; Liberty Fire Company; base
ball team; Indian Runners; Union Drill
Team: Kolonial Kids band and Reily
Hose Company. No. 10, ot' Harrisburg;
Rescue Hose Company, followed by the.
Darktown band-TWd their* fire appa
ratus. The Rescue Hose Company met
the Harrisburg guests at the motor ear
After the parade the Reseue Hose Com
pany entertained their guests on Cath
erine street. I-ots of re 1 lights wera
displayed on the route.
Charles Hess and family, of Phila
delphia. have rented the prop
erty on Spring stree« and will move
their in the near future. Mr. Hess wfll
take charge of the hosiery mill.
Frank Hahn and wife, who had been
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Christian
Klaig, Ann street for some time, re
turned to their home at Lisbon. lowa.
Mrs. George Fishburu, Spring street,
who was taken to the Harrisburg hos
pital on Wednesday, was operated upon
0:1 Friday morning and was a success.
Mrs. William Dintaman, Pike streat,'
was also operate 1 upon and proved a;
Mr. Smith, leader of the choir of the
Church of God, entertained them at I
the parsonage last evening and a very
pleasant time was had. Refreshments
were served. •
U B. Quarterly Conference to Be Held
Next Wednesday
Special Correspondence.
Dilisburg, Oct. 17. W. H. Sliriver
has 'been eltw'ed to till the vacancy in
the board ot' directors of the Dillsimrg
National bank, caused by the death of
W. I>. \leuear.
The Rev. T. .T. Sollenberger has re
turned from the Church of God Elder
ship meeting at Lancaster. He has been
apointed to serve the churches at Har
mony Bethel, Mt. Olivet aud Sout'h 'Fair
view for another year.
Charles \V. Cross has beeu drawn for
jury service for the common pleas court
which convenes at York Monday, No
vember 3. \ "
I he first quarterly conference of the
United Brethren church held in the
Dillsburg 1 harge will be held in the
Dillsburg church on Wednesday after
noon, O'tciber 21, at 1.30 o'clock.
The Methodist and United Brethren
Churches of this place have united for
an evangelistic service to begin Novem
ber 22 and continue for two weeks or
more. They have secureil the serv
i •c-' o!" Evangelist 8. B. Coff. Jr., of
Philadelphia. Cottage prayer meetings
will bo held in the homes prior to the
coming of tiie evangelist.
At the annual election of the \V. C.
T. U. the following officers were elect
el: President, IMrs. A. Hartman;
vice president, Mrs. ,1. K. Taylor; sec
retary, Mrs. Marv A. Walker; treas
urer, Mrs. .1. Baker.
There w ill be vnnrratinion services in
Monoghan Presbyterian church to-mor
row at 10.30.
11. P. Wonders has purchased the (50-
acre farm belonging to Adam Renoll
near the Barrens church and will take
possession in the spring.
Brother of Famous General Sherman
Narrowly Escapss Deatli
Seranton. Pa., Oct. IT.—The Rev.
Or. Thomas Sherman, a chaplain, in the
United States army, and a brother of
the late General William T. Sherman,
was badly injured here yesterday when
a horse he was riding slipped and fell
on a wet pavement. The horse rolled
on him and he was removed to a hos
pital in a serious condition.
Dr. Sherman has been stationed for
the past few months at the artillery
camp at Tobyhanna, Pa., near here.
Reception for Former Rector
U'banon, Oct. 17.—The Rev. .lohn
Mi to li e I Page, chaplain of the I'niver
sity nf Illinois and for fourteen years
the beloved rc tor of St. Lake's B| in
copal vhnreh, i.iis city, was given a
public reception here last evening at
the parish house by his former parish
ioners, the members of the parish.