The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, October 17, 1914, Page 7, Image 7

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The Solution of the Missionary Prob- ,
Ism at United Brethren and,
Christ's Second Coming and the
European War at Prosbyterian
The "Solution of the Missionary I
Problem" will form the theme of the ■
Rev. A. KC'Wier's sermon in Centen
ary United Brethren church to-morrow
evening when the three missionary so- j
eieties of that church will hold a spe j
eial meeting in honor of "Missionary |
The Rev. W. H. Fahs. of Tyrone, |
will occupy the pulpit at St. .lohii s-
Lutheran church at both morning ami j
evening services, Sunday.
Presbyterians of the borough will
be entertained with a vivid description
of "Christ's Second Coming and the!
European War*' by the Kev. I. B.
tsegelken, pastor at the Presbyterian j
church, to-morrow evening.
The regular services will be hel I in
the other borough churches according
to the following announcements:
Centenary I'nited Brethren —The
Rev. A. K. Weir, pastor. Prayer and
praise service at 9.45 a. m. Preaching
at 10.GO a. m. Subject, "The Efficient
Church." Sunday school at - p. m. '•
Christian Endeavor Society at 6.30 p.
m. Theme, "Good Citizenship." At '
7.30 p. m. the three local missionary
societies will observe "Woman's Mis- '
sionary Day," The pastor will deliver '
the address anil the theme w>ll be "The
Solution of the Missionary Problem.''
St. John's Lutheran —The Kev. W.
H. Fahs, of Tyrone, will preach at
10.30 a. m. and at 7.30 p. m. Sunday
school at 9.30 a. in. Junior Christian
Endeavor at 6.45 p. m. Wednesday,
evening prayer meeting at T. 45 o'clock, j
Catechetical class Priilay at 7 p. m.
Grace I'nited Evangelical—The Rev.
J. M. Snoop, pastor, will preach at
10.30 a. m. and at 7.30 p. m. Sunday
school at 9.15 a. in. K. L. C. E. at 6.45
p. m.
Pir«t Methodist, Fourth and fine,
■Streets—Tiie Rev. J. H. Rover, pastor,
will preach at 10.30 a. in. Subject,!
'*lxiokng Into the Hills." an i at,
7.30 p. in.. "Meeting Sin." Sunday j
school at - p. m. Epworth League at |
6.30 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday j
evening at 7.45 o'clock.
St.. Mark's Lutheran —The Kev. Wil
liam B. Smith, pastor. At 10.30 a. m..
theme, "Blessed is He That Shall Eat . ,
Bread." Sunday s-hool at 2 p. m. Chris
tian Kndeavor at 6.45 p. m. at 7.30 p.
m.. theme. "God's Glory the End of
Life." Prayer meeting Wednesday
evening at 7.30 o'clock Holy com
munion morning and evening.
Mt. Zion Methodist —The Rev. J. H.
Rover, pastor, wi l preach at 3.30 p.
m. Sunday school at 2.30 p. in.
. First Reformed —The Rev. Charles
A. Huvette, pastor. Sunday school at 10
a. m. Holy communion at 11 a. m.
Evening service at 7.30 o'clock. Sub
ject. "Our Heavenly Citizenship."
Prayer service Wednesday evening at
7.45 o'clock. Special music at both ]
Tnnity Episcopal—Sunday school at
10 a. m. Morning prayer and sermon at
11 o'clock. Evening song and sermon
at 7.30 o'clock. ! j
Main Street Church of God—The ]
Rev. James M. Waggoner, pastor.. ,
Preaching at 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p.
m. Sunday school at 2 p. m. Christian ,
Kndeavor at 6.30 p. m. Mid-week pray- i
er meeting. Indies' Aid Society Tues •
day night. ,
First Presbyterian—The pastor will .
preach at 11 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. ,
Evening subject, "Christ's Second Coni
ng and the European war." Sunday i
school at 9.45 a. m. Christian Endeavor
at 6.30 p. m.
Class 4 of Local United Brethren Sun-''
day School Attend Party
A surprise party was held Monday •
evening in honor of Mrs. George Gal
lagher, South Front street, by
Class 4 ot the local I'nited Brethren i
Sunday school. Games and music served i
to entertain and refreshments were i
served to the following person-: I
Mrs. Hugh Mohier, Mrs. Clara I
Brown, Mrs. Elizabeth Brown, Mrs. I
Elizabeth Otstot, Mrs. Harry Billet,
Mrs. Elizabeth Shoop, Mrs. William »
Kline, Mrs. Charles Saylor. Mrs. Ellen- i
berger, Mrs. Westhafer, ilrs. M. L. t
Comp, Mrs. Motter, Mrs. John Xu-'l
maker. Mrs. Shuler. Mrs. Bertha Pisle. j
Miss Emma Peace, Miss Gertrude
Stahman. Mrs. C. H. Gervis. Mrs. i
Steaver. Mrs. Stahman, Mrs. Ida Don t
ley, Mrs. Ida Peace, Mrs. Naomi Hal- '
lagher. Mrs. Sarah Fair, Miss May: !
Kessteter, Miss Beatrice Dovelv, Miss t
Anna Ford, Miss Gladys Sillet* Miss i
Ethel Pisle, Mrs. George Beck, George'
Beck, Edward Beck, Esther Beck, Wil- j j
liam Gallagher and Mrs. George Gal I
lagher. • j i
Gas, Heavier Than Air, Is Claimed for ]
This Vapor
Considerable interest is being mani-i'
fested by local chemists in the experi
ments now being made by chemists em-H
ployed by the Somet-Solway coke plant j :
in the East End.
Cyanogen, a gas given off by soft' !
coal. i 3 under investigation by' these J
experts in the hope that this gas is the
same as turpinite which has been used ' ,
by Frency army experts in the Eu-1 ,
ropean war. Cyanogen is a gas that ,
is claimed to be heavier than air and
is poisonous.
No. 2 Blooming Mill and Slab Mil] Will 1
Be Closed Down (
Enough of orders have been booked j t
by the Pennsylvania Steel Companv to j f
onerate its local rail mill one week'and !
this department, with No. 1 blooming ,
mill, will start work Monday morning. '
No. 2 blooming mill and the slab miM !
of the local company will remain closed j
while the rail and No. 1 blooming mill i
are working. !
FOR RENT—3S3-355 South Fourth St s
7 rooms each, good cellar and levei t
! 9 no P er month. Apply to UH'tS i
TLRAN'O, 316 South Fourth St.. Steel
ton. Pa. u
Youths Are Charged With Stealing Ci
gars. Cigarettes, Tobacco and Other
Merchandise From Store of Adam
Wagner, Mohn Street
John Carricate and William Thomas
Mnldoon, two young boys of the bor
ough. were arrested this morning by
Constable John Gibb charged by Adam
Wagner with the larceny of a quantity
of cigars, cigarettes, tobacco and other
merchandise amounting to S3O.
Tho prosecutor conducted a store at 1
392 Mohn street untfi Tuesday morn '
ing when tire destroyed the rear of hi?
home at this number and damaged most
of his stock of merchandise. Pending
an adjustment of his insurance the
store room was boarded shut and the
owner charged that these two boys
forced an entrance to the room on
Tuesday and Wednesday nights follow
ing the fire and abstracted the articles
Constable Gibb recovered most of
the stolen articles. At Carrieato's
home, it is alleged, the officer found
some of the missing articles secreted
in a trunk, while at Muldoon's home
the «ame officer, it is said, recovered
more of the missing goods secreted in
an ice box.
The boys wore arraigned before
Squire Gaidnor this morning. Muldoon |
furnished bail for Juvenile Caurt and
Carricato was committed, being unable I
to furnish bail.
Fine Program Will Be Rendered at!
Home of Mrs. Winslow Miller j
The Fortnightly i lub, of the bor- 1
ougli, will meet Monday evening at the j
home of Mrs. Winslow Miller, South I
Second street. The program will be]
taken from chapters 4, 5 and 6 of
"American Citizenship" and will be
taken part in by Mrs. Lupfer, Mrs. L.
H. Sutton, Mrs. -I. M. lleagy and Miss
Agnes Wilcox. The program follows:
"American Citizenship," chapter 4.j
"Civil Liberty;" chapter 5, "Property!
Rights;'' chapter 6, "Political Liber
ty," Mrs. Lupfer; "Property Rights]
of Women," Mrs. Sutton; '' Political I
Kights of Women,'' Mrs. Hengy:
•'Rights of Children Before tho Law,*'
Miss Wilcox.
Karoly Ballaski Arrested by Detective
Karoly Ballaski was arrested this
morning' by Detective Durnbaugh. j
charged by his boarding boss, named
Widderman. residing at 2S Chambers'
street, with carrying concealed deadly;
weapons. When taken into custody.!
it is alleged. Ballaski had concealed on
his person a large butcher knife and '
that he attempted to take the life of
Mrs. Widderman. wife of the boarding!
boss. The prisoner was committed to
jail tor a hearing before Squire Gard
Photographers of the Pennsylvania
Steel Company took pictures of the
humps, made bv the recent rain, in the
wooden blocks on Front street.
Comrade Finley I. Thomas, of Post
58, of Harrisburg. inspected Post 351,
G. A. R., of the borough,/last evening.;
There was a good turnout of veterans j
at the meeting and refreshments were j
served at the close of the business 1
The local Civic Club will hold a!
meeting Monday afternoon in Trinity)
Parish house. Pine street. Winners of!
prizes in the contest for the best kept j
yards will be announced and Mrs. J.
M. Heagy will report on the eonven
tion of the State Federation of Worn
en's Clubs.
Jacob and Katie Kauscli have pur-'
chased from Wilhelm Breitweiser ai
single frame dwelling house located on '
Mohn street.
Ferencz Bar abas has purchased I
from John Knoch and wife the two
and one-half story frame dwelling lo
cated at 47 7 Mohn street. Barabas j
has also purchased a lot adjoining I
this property from Margaret Kab and
The East End A. C. basketball team I
defeated the Hygienic A. A. in Report
er Hall last evening by the score of 24 !
-2- The playing of R. Marico and]
P. h. Newkam were features of the |
The Eagle A. C. # basketball team
openr i its season Thursday evening bv i
defeating the Sieg A. C. five in Report I
er Hall by the score of 88 to 22. Mar-1
sie.o ami DeFrank starred for the vic
Miss Wilcox, the visiting nurse eta
p.oyed by the Steelton Civic Cliib, will
be in her office from 8 a. m. to 9
a. m., from 12.30 p. m. to 1.30 p. a.
Musicale Given bfu B. Sunday School
Gideon Band
Special Correspondence.
Wormleysburg, Oct. 17.—The Gideon
nanj. a class of voung men of the
St. Paul's r. B. Sunday school, gave a
mus.rale Thursday evening for the ben
efit of the church. An excellent pro !
gram was rendered. After the servi es ;
those wn o furnished th« entertainment!
were taken to tfce'town hall wfaere re-j
freshments were served by the class. A;
nice sum was realized and a vote of
thanks tendered to all.
Mrs. I rank Morrett, of Harrisburg,
visited her sister, Mrs. H. G. Kniar. " j
Charles Boyer, with his Jov-Giving'
car. made the pupils of the'primary i
and secondary schools happv by taking
them for an auto ride.
Mrs. J. Fred Hummel entertained!
the Social Circle at her home Thurs
day evening. An enjoyable evening was
spent and refreshments served.
Mr. aud Mrs. Bixler, of Pittsburgh '
are visiting Mrs. 'Bixler's sister, Mrs
William Miller.
Find Body of Mlwing Woman
Altoona, Pa.. Oct. 17.—The body of!
Mrs. Cora Daire, who. while temporarily !
insane over the shooting of one of her
sons by another, wandered awav from
her home June 4, was found in a small 1
stream near Bellwood yesterday by 1
Raymond Shultz, of Bellwood, anil!
Blanchard Parks, of Tyrone, who were j
out hunting.
Desperate Battle as a
Life-Term Convict
Escapes From State
Prison at Folsom, Cal.
Sergeant of Guards Is Killed by Knife .
Thrusts at tho Hands of the Pris-1
oners in Endeavoring to Frustrate [
Their Escape
8« Associated Press,
Folsom, Cal., Oct. 17.—Posses search- !
ed the country surrounding Folsom State i
prison to-day for convict Frank Creoks,
who escaped last night in a break for j
liberty whicth cost his cellmate, Harold,
Flash, and J. B. Drury, a sergeant of the
guard, their lives and resulted in seri
ous injury to two prison guards.
Warden Joihn Smith, in charge of the |
I rmrsuit, is using bloodhounds. Creeks, a |
| life-termer, and Flash, who was serving j
j a twentv-year term for robberv, were '
I the only 'prisoners concerned in the out- j
Convicts Leap on Guards
, .They had obtained a knife, a dumb
j bell, to bo used as a bludgeon, and a '
; piece of metal wi'bh which to unlock
| the door of Their cell. Gaining the yard,
j they crouched behind a door leading!
into the main corridor of the prison and j
awaited the approach of Sergeant i
Drury and Guard Kerr.
When the two, bearing four guns for j
j She guard# inside entered, they left the ;
i outer door unlocked. As the inner door
swung to, the convicts leaped ii|>on'
j them. Drury fell with t.hree knife:
I wounds in his 'head and three in his!
j body. Kcr was struck with the dumb ;
[ bell, but he was able to stagger back !
j through the outer door and attempted \
j to close it. I
Desperate Fight for Liberty
The keys, however, had fallen witih \
[the sergeant, and the door could not!
jbe locked. Waiting but a moment to
| snatch tihe guns and the keys from
the body of the sergeant, the two con
! victs started for the outer yard. Kerr
j held the door until t*he muzzle of one of'
the guns was thrust into his stomach
; and then retreated.
The onvicts rushed out and imme
diately Ker- opened Are. At the first,
! shot Flash fell with a bullet through
j tihe back of his head. Almost at the
| same moment. Guard Maher, stationed '
at one corner'of the yard, emptied his'
gun at Creeks, who. however, ha.l j
wounded the guard in t>he leg. Before j
another guard could interfere with his !
progress Creeks escaped.
The Rev. O, G. Romig Leaves for Tower
I Special Correspondence.
Hershev, Oct. 17.—Thomas Ingram is!
i on the sick list.
Miss Bessie Whittle is spending a
week at her home at Barnesville.
Ctiarles 'Boyer. the 4-year-old grand-i
I son of Mr. and 'Mrs, David C. 'Baker, is |
; seriously ill.
Miss Mary K. Suavely is the guest ot'!
iier nephew, the Kev. George S. Rentz. i
Joseph Dyer, of Sheepshead Bay, X. J
! V., spent several days at this place for
tfae purpose of taking moving pictures I
of the interior of tine Hershev choco-
I late factory.
The Rev. ( G. Romig left on HVidaj
! for Tower C
The Rev W. Halliran will preacii
| at I'nion !•. osit on Sunday forenoon I
land at Pishburn's church in the eveu-
I ing.
Foley Cathartic Tablets
j You will like their positive action, j
, They have a tonic effect on the bowels,
i and give.a wholesome, thorough clean i
j sing to the entire bowel tract. Stir the]
j liver to healthy activity and keep atom- j
! a.'h sweet. Constipation, headache,
j dull, tired feeling never afflict those!
i who use Foley Cathartic Tablets. Only !
| 25c. Specially comforting to stout per
' sons who enjoy the iight and free feel
| ing they give. George A. Gorgas, 16
j North Third street, and P. R. R. Sta
j tion. Adv. I
Joins in New Movement Patterned
After Cotton Men's
Washington, Oct. 17. —Apple dump-j
lings, apple'sauce and apple pre will be
served at the White House for the next :
few weeks. President Wilson yesterday ,
l joined in the "buy a barrel of apples''
( movement at the request of Representa
tive Gittins, of Niagara Falls.
New York farmers up near the Cana
dian border saw in the "buy a»bale of
cotton'' campaign a good idea to
pose of their surplus apples, and they i
I promptly appropriated the idea. Post-1
| master General Burleson and other j
! Cabinet officers have also put in a sup !
j ply of apples for the winter.
American Found Guilty in London Ad-;
judged Insane
Loudon. Oct 17.—Found guilty of;
, the niurdec of his wife, Charles Henry]
■ Weston, formerly of Salem, Mass., wa3 '
, yesterday ordered committed to an I
asylum. He was declared insane.
Weston s wife was found in her home
on September 22 with.her throat cut.
j She lived long enough to say that the
' wound was inflicted by her husband.
Leads Federal League in Honors
By Associated Press,
Chicago, Oct. 17.—Beunv Kauff,
Indianapolis all-around star, won the j
i batting, championship of the Federal;
| League, according to averages publish-!
led here to-day. His average was .366.
; Besides landing the batting title, Kauff
i stole more bases than any other Fed '
oral Ijeaguer. totaling 75, and led also j
;in number of hits, number of runs!
I scored and in total bases. '
He Gets Place That Had Been Assigned
to Dr. Cook on Orpheum Bill /
Is there anybody in Harrisburg who
would like to start a new political
partyt Is there anybody who would
like to start any kind of a party or
anybody who would just naturally like
to start something?
This broad question is put up by the
Orpheum management to Harrisburg
generally, because of confidence in the
fun making abilities of Lew Dockstad
j or, who was declared by the Pliiladel
; |>hia papers this week to be the great
! est political "rooter" of the age. Low
| Dockstader will root for any party in
j Harrisburg. auv society in Harrisburg
i—it doesn't make much difference to
I iho happy bljck face comedian.
Onto the Orpheum stage next week
! will spring a Rider suit topped
j by a helmeted head and goggled face—
I a regular Brazilian in tan hue. Said
face will divide itself in two parts,
£|MI V** ™
j separated by two rows of big "tntnb-
I stones.'' And the audience, tuned for
; laughter, will wait for one word —
; '' Dee-lighted!''
Because of the laughing sensation
tha't the celebrated minstrel comedian
created at Keith's theatre in Philadel
phia this week, the Orpheum manage
ment went after him "hot foot" and
succeeded in booking him for next
week. So the great black face star
comes to Harrisburg, removing Dr.
i ( ook who headed the bill as originally
1 designed.
Dockstader has a take off on Roose
! volt that is said to be positively artis
! tic. adv.
Jewelry Store Is Robbed
Mt. Carmel. Pa.. Oct. 17. —The jew
-1 olrv store of G. A. Specter was burglar
ized earlv yesterday, S7OO in watches
j and ring? being taken.
Directory of
Leading Hotels
of Harrisburg
■ -- - _ t
Hotel Columbus
Absolutely Fireproof
!>0 Rooms and Baths
European Plan
Maurice E. Russ, Proprietor
I Third suid Walnut Sts., Federal Square
The Lochiei
Corner Market and Third Streets
Entrance on Third Street
| Rooms provided with Heat, Hot and
Cold Water. Baths free to guests.
W. H. BYERLY, Prop.
European P!.an. Rates SI.OO per day and
up. Rooms single or en suite. With
private baths.
Luncheon. 11.30 to 2 p. m.. 3,"c
Dinner daily. 5 to S p. ra., SOc
Special Sunday Dinner, la noon
to S p. m.. 75c
t A la carte service, t> a. ra. to 12 p. m.
The Metropolitan
Strictly European
For something good to eat. Every
thing in season. Service the best.
Prices the lowest.
No. 25 3outh Fourth Street
Utreetly oppoalte I nluu Million, '
(quipped tvltli nil Modern Improve.
mt-uiHi runiMujt n liter ID every roooii
lint- liaihi perfectly xnnlturyi oleely :
IU.IJNIKII T hrnliuliont. ftntea moth-rote.
European I'lnn.
JOSEPH GIU3TI, Proprietor.
217 Market St., Opp. the Cuurt House 1
j 40 Comfortable Rooms—Each provided 1
with Telephone with Free Local Service
| Elevator —Every Modern Convenience.
Shower Baths Free to Guests.
J. W. Rodenhaver, Proprietor
Market Square
Large and convenient Sample Room*.
1 Passenger and Baggage Elevator. Elee- j
I trie Cars to and from depot. Electric j
| Light aud Steam Heat; Rooms en suite
or single with Baths. Rates, $2.50 per j
day and up.
J. H. ot M. 8. Buttsrworth, Props.
423-425 Market St., Harrisburg, Pa.
; At the Entrance to the P. >R. R. Station
no usi TO OUT
None of the Democrats
Requested to With-i
draw Had Done So by
Noon To-day
Appeal of Democratic State Executive
Committee Made in Session Here
Yosterday, Affects Candidates For
Legislature As Well as Congress
All Democratic candidates for Con- j
gress, State Senate and .Assembly who j
have been endorsed by the Personal
Liberty party and placed on the ticket;
of the latter party by nomination'
papers, have been requested by the |
'Democratic State executive committee |
to repudiate the nomination of the iat- j
ter party and at once withdraw the
nomination from the State Depart
ment, "for the good of the Democratic
State ticket.''
This action ou the part of the ex- |
ecutive committee was taken in this {
city yesterday afternoon before ad-1
journment. The committee at first j
adopted a resolution requesting the
candidates for Congress to withdraw j
from the Personal Liberty ticket and
then, after discussion, decided that it
would be unwise to discriminate in the ;
matter of Congressional candidates,
and a supplemental resolution was i
adopted to include candidates for Sen
ate and Assembly.
There are but two candidates for!
Congress on the Democratic ticket who !
have been endorsed bv the Personal
Liberty party, which is understood to'
be a party opposed to local option, j
and they are Arthur G. Dewalt, of the i
Thirteenth or Berks-Lehigh district, j
and Harry J. Steel, of the Twenty-'
Sixth or Cari>oiHMonroe--\ortham|iton j
Pike district. Mr. DeWalt was one o£ j
the leaders of the Old Ciuard Demo
cracy, served two terms as Senator j
from Lehigh, and was for two terms'
chairman of the Democratic State com
mittee. He defeated Congressman j
Rothermel, of Berks, for the nomina-1
tion. Mr. Steel has been nominated on J
the Democratic ticket to succeed Con- |
gressman A. Mitchell Palmer, but he |
was not supported by Mr. Palmer, and I
was nominated despite the latter's of-1
forts to nominate another candidate, j
No Withdrawals By Noon
Of the Democratic nominees for the |
Senate asked to get off the Personal !
Liberty ticket one is Senator Charles!
W. Kline, of the Thirty-Eighth district,'
Allegheny county, who is also the reg-1
ular Republican and Washington partvi
nominee, and is the Allegheny county |
Republican chairman. The other is W.J
Clayton Hackett, of Northampton, who'
is understood to be opposed to local !
Of the candidates on the Democratic '
ticket for Assembly requested to get
off the Personal Liberty ticket one of
the most prominent is John M. Flynn, j
of Elk, one of the Democratic leaders '
of the House for several sessions, and j
an avowed member of the Old Guard i
Democracy, being credited with being!
the personal representative of Sen '
ator .lames K. P. Hall, in the House.
Mr. Plynn had a personal tilt with j
.lames I. Blakeslee, Fourth Assistant
Postmaster General, and one of the
organizers of the Demo- j
crats, at the last meeting of the Dem- i
ocratic State committee which adopted
a resolution declaring for local option
to which Mr. Flynn was very much op
The following is the entire list of j
Democratic nominees who have been ;
endorsed by the Personal Liberty party !
as on file at the State Department, and !
none of whom had withdrawn up to
noon to-day:
Those Asked to Withdraw
Congress—Thirteenth district, Ar
thur G. DeWalt, Berks and ljehigii:
Twenty-sixth, Henry J. Steele, Carbon.
Monroe, Northumberland and Pike. I
Senate—Eighteenth, \V. Clayton
Hackett, Northampton; Thirty-eighth.
Charles H. Kline, Allegheny, who is
also the Republican and Washington |
nominee; Fortieth, Charles M. Guenth-:
er, Allegheny.
Assembly—Allegheny, Pirst district.'
Thomas Pane Geary; Becond, John C.
Sullivan; Tenth, W. R. Shoemaker;'
Twelfth, William Haberinan and Pat
rick Collins; Berks, Pirst district.!
George W. Sassaman; Lehigh, First dis- \
trict, Ira T. Erdman; Luzerne, Second!
district, Peter Murphy; Northampton.
Frederick E. Geiser, William M. Ben- j
ninger and Reuben H. Track; West-;
moreland, First district, Edgar R.
Shuey and Robert M. Doty; Elk, John
M. Flynn.
Flinn Departs In Bad Humor
William Flinn, the Washington party
leader, was in Harrisburg yesterday aft
ernoon. but did not meet with the
Democratic executive committee. He
is said to have had a conference with
Democratic State Chairman Morris in a
last effort to have Congressman A.
Mitchell Palmer withdraw as a candi
date in favor of Gifford Pinchot for
United States Senator, which, Chair
man Morris informed him, was impossi
ble. Flinn is said to have departed
from Harrisburg in a very bad humor,
scarcely acknowledging the salutations
of friends who met him as he hurried
to the station.
Philadelphia Division—lol crew to 1
Begins on Monday, October 19
lOc-Four Keith Acts-15c
and some good pictures thrown in
Shows Begin at 2.30, 7 and 9 O'clock
Three Shows Every Saturday Evening
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
A Miniature Musical Comedy Refined Musical Offering
Songs and Dances "Capt. Jack Swift''
Songs—Dances—Acrobatics "At the Department Store"
Black Pace Musical Comedian Sensational Gymnasts
Look over this list of acts—then consider what a bargain you
are getting
Come Any Time—Stay As Long As You Like
Theatre Open From 11 to 11 as Usual, With Best Pictures
When Vaudeville Isn't On.
Don t Let To-day s Good Show Get By You. Lots of Singing, »
Dancing and Comedy J
One Week, Beginning Monday, Oct. 19 §
The Best Known Minstrel Man Alive 3
Presenting i
A Burnt Cork Impersonation of
With a 20-Minute Side Splitting Monologue }
T° n| g ht MIS PRiCES;
EVE., Lower Floor
Last 75c ' 3i, $1.50.
Balcony, 75c and
Time 50c. Gallery, 25c
Monday, Oct. 19, Bargain Matinee, 25c and 50c
?>ee the "I'ASiliO." "HESIT VTMIV" "MA.XIXE" nml nil the other rare.
MCHT PRICKS, 28c. 50e, 75.- nml J!t.(Kf. >
go first after 4 p. in.: 119, 103.
Engineers for 101, 103.
'Fireman for 101.
'Brakeman for 103.
Engineers up: First, Goodwin, Oriss
well, Gallagher, Grass, long.
Firemen up: Avers. Shaffer, Which
olio, Cover, Myers, Davidson. Kegelnran,
•Barton, Wagner, Lantz, Weaver, Hor
ptu-k, Ko- 'henouer, Swank, Yentzer,
Arnsberger,'Both man, Huston.
Conductors up: 'Ropp, IFraelich,
Flagmen up: iHarvey, Wit my or.
'Brakemen up: 'Hubbard, Gouse, M'c-
In tyre, K n u-pp.
Middle Division —-250 crew to go
first after 1.30 p. m.: 236, 243, 221,
16, 20, 26.
Engineers up: Hertzler, Bennett,
Mumma, Free, Havens. Magill, Wei
comer, Simon ton, Briggles.
Firemen uip: Wright, Bornman, Cox,
iljielhan, Drewett, Zeiders, Reeder, Pot
Conductors up: Fraliek, Keys, Bog
Brakemen up: Koili'li. Piavk, Roller,
Peters, Frank, Strouser, ißolan, Putt,
Kerwin, R«ese, Bell, Heek, Pipp, Stall I,
Henderson, Harris, Spahr, 'Fritz.
Yard Crews —Engineers up: Brene
man, Thomas, Rudy, Houser, Meals,
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ftwa'b, Orist, Harvey, Hohenshelt, Salts
man, Kuhn, Pelton, (Shaver, Laudis,
Firemen up: Shipley, Crow, Rev ie,
Bostdorf, Si-hieffer, Raueh, Weigio,
Ulckey, Cooker Iv, Maeyer, S'holter
Snell, Bartolett, Getty, Hart, Bar key!
sheets, 'Bair, liyde, Kssig, Nov, Myers!
Engineers for 1869, I SB6 707
1758, 1699, 1820.
Firemen for 1869, 707, IS3I, 1758.
IS2O, 1556.
Philadelphia Division —24l crew to
go first after 4.15 p. in.: 204 °O7
208, 237, 212, 227, 253, 232,' 241>!
224, 225, 209.
Engineers for 20 4, 22 7.
Firemen for 204, 237, 253.
Conductors for 201, 215, 224, 241.
Flagmen for 224, 232, 237, 253.
Brakemen for 208, 237, 246.
_ Conductors up: Forney, Stauffer,
Eaton, Penned.
Flagmen up: Simpson, Camp.
Brakemen up: Steimeling, Wright,
Hummcy, Campbell, Wolfe, Mai feed,
Eong, Shaffner, Jacobs, Taylor, Shuler,
Felker, Miller.
Middle Division —22 4 crew to go
first after 1.15 p. m.: 240, 23J9 241
235, 231, 226, 223, 222, 118. ' " '
P.. H. and P. —After 11.30 a. m.:
24, 3, 23, 12, 17 19, 22, 20, 4,
14, 2, Ift.
Eastbound —After 11.45 a. m.: 60,
61, 59, 68, 69, 51, 63, 71, 67, 52, 57.
Conductors up: Fleagle, Beauer,
Engineer up: Sassiman.
Firemen up: Snader, Anders, Bord
ens, Grumbiue, Aunspaili, Palm.
Brakemen up: l>unkle, Sliader, En
sminger, Kapp, Stephens, Strain,
Cheny, Resell.
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