The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, October 17, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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That Makes It Deservedly Popular
An absolutely pure, delicious and wholesome
food beverage, produced by a scientific blend
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Registered Get the genuine, made only by
0.3. Put. office
s. y limns in
The Stough Evangelists
Will Hold Two Meet
ings in the After
Evangelist Who Has Been ThrougJi
Campaigns With "Billy" 3unday
and Stough, Will Address Men at
Meeting in Ridge Avenue Church
The preacher at Pine Street Presby
terian church will be the Rev. Dr.
Mudge, the pastor. The sermon at the
evening service will he the fifth in the
current series on the general topic,
"What Men Have Done With Jesus,"
the topic of this one being, "The Man
Who Betrayed Jesus." Those who have
been hearing this series of sermons have
found them intensely interesting and
helpful. The music at this service has
been selected to add to the worship of
the hour and to assist the message of
the sermon. The anthem will be "Lord,
Remember Not Our Offences" (Marks),
and the solo, "I Heard the A'oice of
Jesus Say" (Harris).
Illustrated Lecture
Wednesday evening at the regular
hour for mid-week service will be held
the monthly missionary meeting when
there will be an illustrated lecture on
the "New Era in Asia." The pictures 1
were taken on the recent tour of Dr.
Mott and Mr. Eddy around the world
and show in a very vivid way tiie
progress that Christianity is making
throughout the whole world. The Suu
dav school of Pine Street church is or
ganised to minister in the best way to
the greatest number. To this end there
are Bible classes organized for men
and women and the elementary depart
ments are conducted along the most ad
vanced lines to instruct the young peo
ple in the Bible and Christian living.
The sessions of the school are at 1.30
each Sunday afternoon. Pine Street de
sires to welcome strangers to nil its
services and to serve you in auy pos- j
sible way.
Mass Meeting at Grace Church
To-morrow afternoon a mass electing !
will be held in Grace Methodist Epis
copal church at 3.30 o'clock for men
only. The meeting will be under the |
leadership of Billv Shannon and will!
be addressed by S. B. Bidlack. Mr.
Bid lack has been through the Berwick i
campaign with Evangelist Stough and
has worked with Billv Sunday. He is !
said to be an excellent and most in-1
teresting speaker.
A mass meeting for ladies will be |
held in Ridge Avenue Methodist church
at 3.30 o'clock to-morrow afternoon. I
Miss Colt, the director of the Worker's j
*! raining Classes, which were organized }
for the Stough advance campaign, will I
address the meeting.
To-morrow morning in the Stevens j
Memorial Methodist Episcopal church, i
Thirteenth and Vernon streets. Dr.
Clayton Albert Smucker will preach i
at 10.45 o'clock on "Elijah, the Hebrew j
Exquisite Details of the Vast Palace of Horticul
ture at San Francisco.
SECTION of the Palace of Horticulture, one of the mo«t notable and bean-
I tiful of the exhibit palaces at the Panama-Pacflio International exposi
tion. Th# huge glass dome J* Saracenic in origin. The exquisite deia.ll*
suggest eigfateeoti) century French renaissance.
I Protestant and Patriot." In the even
ing closing service at 7.30 o'clock the
sermon subject will be "Heroes and
I Cowards."
Services in the various churches to
morrow are as follows:
St. Paul's, Vino Street near Front—
The Re.v\ Robert W. Runyan, pastor.
Public worship at 11 a. m., subject,
"The Awakening of tihe Soul." Sun
day school at 10 a. in. Epworth League
at 6.4 5 p. Evening service at 7.30
| o .'lock, subject, "Doing Things ith
I Our Might." Junior league Wednes
| day at 4 p. in. Wednesday service at
| 7.30 p. m.
: Ridge Avenue, Sixth an<i Herr Streets
I —Tho Rev. John H, Daugtoerty. pastor.
; Morning st 11. "Vital Truths' for Sin
i cere Christians." Evening at 7.30,
"Life in tihe Far Country," the sec
| ond in a series of sermons on "IModprn
j Interpretations of the ' Prodigal Son.' "
| Class meeting at 9 a. ni. Stimlav school
; '® a. ni. Devotional meeting of the
i Epworth league at 6.45.
Stevens Memorial, Thirteenth an I
Vernon Streets—The Rev. Dr. t lavton
i Albert Smuckcr. parfior. Sunday school
at. 9.45 a. m. Morning prayer and ser
ii'on at 10.45, "Elijah, the Hebrew
Protestant ami Patriot." Senior and
Intermediate Epworth Leagues at 6.30
p. in. Sunday evening closing service
at ~30. "Heroes and Cowards." You
are invited to attend all services.
Curtin Heights, Sixth near Camp
Streets—The Rev. A. S. Williams, pas
tor. Morning services at 10.30, sub
"What the Revival Should Do
for Us.'' Evening service at 7.30, spe
sermon, "The Teacher and tihe
Child." I\iblio school teachers are
specially invited. Sunday school at 2
p. in. Class meeting at 9.30 a. m. Bp
worth League service ait 6.30.
Grace—The Rev. J. P. Fox, D. D.,
pastor. Class meeting at 9.30. 10.30,
the Rev. William S. Bovard, D. D. 1.45,
Sunday school Rally Day. Dr. Bovard
will > eak. Epworth League at 6.45.
7.30. the Rev. William S. Bovard, D.
1). Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7.30
p. m. •
A: bury, Herr Street—The Rev.
Irving H. Carpenter, [ntstor. Morning
service at 11 o'clock. Subject of ser
mon. "The Unequalled Words." Even
ing service at 7.45 o'clock. Subject, at'
sermon, "The Restoration of Israel."
Sunday s Stool at 2 o'clock. Epwort.h
League at 6 p. m,
Coxestown—The Rev. A. Harries,
pastor. Service at 10.30 a. m.. subject,
"On Seeing God."
subject, *' God s Desire for EeHowsihip
WitHi Men." Sunday school at 9.30 a.
in. Wednesday evening praver meeting
at 7.30.
Epworth. Derry and Twenty-first
Streets—Hie Rev. .1. D. W. Deavor, pas
tor. Morning service at 11 o'clock.
Subject of sermon, "A Voi-e From
Fort Temperance." Evening service!
at 7.30 o'clock. Mass meeting, men's}
chorus, address by Billy Shannon. Sun
day school at 10 o Yoe'k. Class meeting
at 9 a. m. Junior .church at 5.45 p. m.
Epworth League at 6.30 p. m.
Fifth Street—The Rev. B. H. Hart. I
pastor. Morning sermon by Dr. John!
I'. Fox at 10.30. Sunday school at
2. Epworth League devotional meet
ing at 6.30. 7.30, "The Judgment."]
Holy Communion, State and Sev-j
enteenth Streets—The Rev. John Hen-j
ry Miller, pastor. Morning service at I
| 10.45. Subject, "Absolution." Sunday
j school at 9.30. Luther League at 6.30.
j Congregation is invited to attend the
j jubilee celebration at. Zion Lutheran,
; Steelton, for the evening service.
Trinity, Caipp Hill—Dr. E. P.
j Weigle. 10.30 a. m., subject, " Echoes
! of Synod." 7.30 p. in., subject, "Jesus
! in the Home- Pulpit." Su'ntlav school
I at 9.15.
Memorial, Fifteenth and Shoop
Streets—The Rev. L. C. Manges, D. D.,
pastor. Morning service at 10.30. Sub
ject, "Under the Juniper Tree."
Evening service at 7.30. Subject,
"Jesus Battling to the End." Sunday
school at 2. Men - s prayer meeting at
10 a. m. Junior Lutber League at 5.30.
Senior Luther League at 6.30, topic,
"Who Is On the Right He.nd of Godf "
1 Peter 3:22. Leader, Miss Evelyn
Calvary, South Thirteenth and Reese
Streets—The Rev. Edward H. Paar,
pastor. Morning service at 11. Subject,
rho ( hristian s Renewal.'' Evening
service at 7.80. Subject, "Divine Prov
idence."' Sunday school at 10.
Trinity, South Ninth Street—The
Rev. R. L. Meiseuheider, pastor. Morn
ing service' at 10.30. Subject, "The
Se\ enth Beatitude. ' Evening service
at 7.30. Subject, "Valuing Our Her
itage." Sunday school at 2. C. E. at
6.30 p. m.
Bethlehem, Green and Cumberland
Streets The Rev. J. Bradley Mark
ward, D. P., pastor. Morning service
at 10,30. Holy Communion and recep
tion of new members. Evening service
at 7.30. Holy Communion and sermon.
Sunday school at 1.45, C. E. praver
meeting at 6.30.
/ion The Rev, S. Winfield Herman,
pastor. .10 a. m., men's devotional serv
ice. 10.30. sermon. "The .New Man."
Sunday school at 1.45. Men's Mass at
1,50. 7.30, sermon, "The Gospel of
Yielding." Men's Brotherhood Monday
evening. Junior catechetical class, Sat
urday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Sewing
school, Saturday afternoon at 2.30.
St. Matthew's, Green an I Seneca
Streets—The Rev'. E.s E. Snyder, pas
tor. Morning service at U. Subject,
"The Commandments." Eveniii" serv
ice at i.30. Subject, "The Church in
Bondage." Sunday school at 10. C'. E.
at 6.30.
Zion, Enola—The Rev. M. S. Sharp,
pastor. Morning service at 10.30.
Evening service at 7.30. Sunday school
at 9.30. C. E. at 6.45.
Augsburg, Fifth and Muench Streets
—The -Rev. A. Maxwell Stamets, pas
tor. Morning service at 10.30. Evening
service at 7.30. Sunday school at 2.
E. at ti.3o. Regular midweek service
on Wednesday evening at 7.30.
Christ, Thirteenth and Thompson
Streets—The Rev. Thomas Reisch, Ph.
I)., pastor. Preaching at 10.30 and
7.30 by Dr. C. P. Wiles, of Philadel
phia. The Stough choir will sing at
the evening service. Great Sundav
school rally at 1.30. Address by Dr.
Wiles and music by men's chorus, of
Steelton. Mr. Culver, of Highspire. will
sing. Distribution of souvenirs to all.
Fine decorations.
Covenant, Fifth and Peffer Streets—i
The Rev. Harvey Klaer, pastor. Morn
ing service at 11 o'clock. Subject of.
sermon, "The Living Christ'and His
Living Church.' - Evening service at
7.30 o'clock. Subject of sermon, "The
Heart of the Master." Sunday school'
at 10 a. m. Y. P. S. C. E. at 6.30 p. in. !
W. H. & F. M. S. at 6.30 p. m. At thei
morning service there will be a baptism
of children and installation of officers, j
Pine Street, Third and Pine Streets |
—The Rev. Lewis Seymour Mudge, I).
1)., pastor. The Rev. J. S. Armentrout,
assistant pastor. Morning service at I
10.30 o'clock. Sermon on I Kings 6:7.
"The Silent Architect." Evening «erv-!
Daring Workmen on Dizzy Heights at Panama-Pacific
International Exposition.
:■*■■ B
WORKMEN engaged on the Tower of Jewel, at a height of 360 feet above tbe mat Court of Honor, the Court
of the Lnlverae. The v|« tower is the dominating; architectural feature of tbe Expoaltion and rlaea to a height
the .rrJ± P ~**™ ph 'J*!"" Au * u " t * « ows ««•* ot <»>- »d-inced construction reached upon
the great exhibit hilacea The Exposition will opea in San Franclace on Feb. M, 191&.
ice at 7.30 o'clock. Sermon on Mark
3:19. "The Man Who Betrayed Je
sus." Elementary Sunday School at
1.30 p. m. International Graded trea
sons. Senior Sunday school at 1.40 p.
m. Adult Bible Classes.
Westminster, Green and Reily
Streets—The Rev. E. E. Curtis, pas
tor. Sunday school at 9.45 a. m. Ral
ly Day. Church sermon at 11 a. m. Sub
ject, "Useless Christians." Christian
Endeavor at 6.45 p. m. Church service
at 7.30 p ni. Subject, "Darkness of
Calvary, Sycamore and Cameron'
Streets —The Rev. Frank P. Mac Ke- j
zie, pastor. Morning service at 10.15 !
o'clock. Evening service at 7.30 j
o'clock. Sunday school at. 9 a. m. At
morniug service there will be an in-;
stailation of new officers.
Olivet, Kittatinnv and Derry Streets
—Pulpit vacant. Morning service at 11 I
o'clock. Evening service at 7.30:
0 'clock. Sunday school at 10 a. in. j
Men's Bible class at 2 p. m. Christian
Endeavor at 6.30 p. m. The Rev. W. O. j
Yates, of Pittsburgh, will preach ut
both services.
Bethany, Cameron and Cumberland 1
Streets —The Kev. James 8.. Armcn :
trout, pastor. Evening service at 7.30
o'clock. Subject of sermon, "Conipan-'
ionship With Christ." Christian En-|
deavor at 6.45 p. m.
Market Square—The Rev. W. B. j
Cooke, minister in charge. Morning!
[service at 11 o'clock. Evening service
at 7.30 o'clock. Sunday school at 10
1 a. m.
i Paxton—The pastor, the Rev. Harry
! B. King, will preach at 11 and 6.30.
Sunday school at 10. C. E. at 6.
j Camp Hill, Church Street—rThe Rev.
| George B. M. Reidell, pastor. Morning
j servic? at 10.30 o'clock. Subject of
sermon, "God's Going Forth as the
Morning." Evening service at 7.30
o'clock. Subject of sermon. "Soon For
gotten." Sunday school at 9.30 a. m.
Senior Christian Endeavor at 6.45 led
j by Mrs. Daniel Bucher. Mid-week pray
jer and teachers' study period Wednes
day evening at 7.45 o'clock. Cottage
1 prayer meeting at the home of Martin
| Kreiger, Washington Heights, Friday
evening October 23.
Maclay Street, Fourth and Maclay
I Streets —The Rev. Jay C. Fornerook,
'pastor. Morning service at 11 o'clock.
! Evening service at 7.30 o'clock. Sun-
I day school at 9.45 a. m. Christian En
-1 deavor at 6.30 p. m. Mid week prayer
; meeting Wednesday evening at 7.30
jo 'clock.
Xagle Street—Junior Christian En
| deavor at 9.30 a- m. Preaching at 10.30*
a. m. by the Rev. Mr. Gutsbal. Sunday
'school at 1.30 p. m. Preaching at 7.30
I p. m. by the Kev. Mr. Stutsman. Senior
j Christian Endeavor at 6.45 p. m.
| Pleasant View —The Rev. George W.
Harper, pastor. Sunday school at 9.45
! a. m. Preaching at 10.45 a. in. Subject,
i"Our Great Trust." Junior Christian
| Endeavor at 3.30 p. m. Senior Chris
, tian Endeavor at 6.45 p. m. Preaching
at 7.30 p. in. Subject, "Getting on the
Right Side." Prayer meeting Wednes
i day at 7.30 p. m.
Wormleysburg—The Rev. G. W.
: Getz, pastor. Sunday school at |9.30 a.
m. Junior Christian Endeavor at 6.15
i p. m. Senior Christian Endeavor at 6.45
| p. m. Evening sermon at 7.30 o'clock.
| Subject, "!S'ot Ashamed of the Gos
pel." Lecture and prayer service each
I Wednesday evening.
Fourth Street —The Rev. William X.I
Yates, pastor. Morning service at 10.30
o'clock. Subject of sermon, "Beginning
iat Jerusalem." Evening service at 1
7.30 o'clock. Subject of sermon, " Pre-1
paring the Lord's Way." Sunday
I school at 1.40 p. m. Junior Christian
i Endeavor at 3 p. m. Senior and Inter- j
i Mediate Christian Endeavor at 6.30 p. |
in. At the morning preaching service,
I the Sunday school will attend in a j
1 body, each teacher sitting'with his own
| class The Primary Department ncd the j
Men's Bible Class will also be present.]
Tabernacle, Forster near Sixth Street
—The Rev. Calvin Ware, D. 1)., supply.
Morning service at 10.30 o'clock. Sub
ject of sermon, "Personal Work and Its
Value." Evening service at 7.30!
o'clock. Subject of sermon, '' \ Per-i
sonal Visit to Jacoto's Well and Its lies- i
sons." Sunday school at 11.45 o'clock.:
Dr. Hare has been elected"supply pastor!
of t'he churlh and will have t'harge of j
the pastoral work until January 1. j
Second; Cameron Street—The Rev. I
Albert Joeiah Greene, A. <B„ jrastor. I
(Morning service at 10.30 o'clock. Sub- !
ject of sermon, " Concerning the Col-j
lection." Evening service at 7.30 ;
o'clock. Subject of sermon. "Tribute
to Caesar." Sunday school at 12 j
o 'clock. B. Y. P. U. at 6.30. At 3 p. m, I
the Rev. P. H. Hughes, of Mt. Zion '
Baptist, and his choir, will preach aad
sing. All members and friends aro re- s
quested to- be present. The public is I
cordially invited.
First. Se.-ond and Pine Streets—The
Rev. W. S. Booth, pastor. Morning |
service at 10.30 o'clock. Subject of
sermon, "A Fruitful Bouglh." Evening
service at 7.30 o'clock. Subject, "The!
Sin We All Commit." Sundav school
at 11.30 o'eloek.
St. Paul, State and Cameron Streets
Sister: Read Mfyfree Offer!
„ HT £" t !! r ' •" «?j>«ppy became of m-nealdi.
5 Y? B «•'unfit for honaohold duties, social pleasure*, or
T?* ta i""* tell me just how you suffer.
fT *? Ul i, d »" trial of a bona treatment
S«irfSi2/ mv ß^ 8 ' • n cannot understand women's
win™ k^."£ *" women know from experience, we
know better than any man. I want to tell you bow to
cure yourself at home at a cost of about 12 cents a week.
i._ "J? U . 8 u Uff £ r women-, peculiar ailments catis
b*df!oc u ' *•»*«* <* weight
and draninc down sensation. fallin* or displacement of
P»M« organs. «a W kidney and bladder w«k.,.i or
'"'".Minfnl or irregular period.,
catarrhal conditions ud ducbarcts. axtramo mttcui
' *!" pr * inalancboly, desire to cry, isar of
sometb.agor.l abort to bsppan. creoptn* feeling along
the spina, palpitation, hot flashes, wearineat. sallow com
plexion witb dark circles under the eyas.pain in the left
breast or a general feeling that life is not worth living,
tude In young women and restore them to plumpness and health. Tell me if you are worried about
your daughter. Remember it costs you nothing to rive mv home treatment^s tea davs^lrialand
does not interferewith dally work, tf haatthi. wortfi ashing for, then a"e "tw SnaSS.SS!;S!!3
l"win including' my Illustrated booklet. ''Women's Own Medical Adviser."
.wi P wrappers postpaid. To save time, you can cut out this offer, marls your feel
ings. and return to ne. Sml today, as yon may not see this offer again. Address?
—The Rev. Lut'lier Cunningham, pas
tor. Morning service at 10.30 o'clock.
Subject of sermon, "The Hand-Writ
ing °n tho Wall." Evening service at
7.30 o'clock. Subject of sermon,
"Judgment K.'enes—Sounding of First
Trumpet." Sunday school at 12.30
■o 'clock. B. Y. P." U. at 6.30. The
i Pennsylvania Baptist State convention l
meets with the St. Paul church Wed
nesday to Monday, 21-26. Delegates
from aM parts of tfhe State in attend
Derry Street, Fifteenth and Perry
Streets—The .Rev. J. A. l<yter, D. I>..
pastor. Morning service at 11. Even
ing service at 7.30. Sunday school at
9.00. Christian Endeavor at 6.30.
Sixth Street—The Rev. P. Hummel
Halsbaug'h, pastor. Praise service at
9.4 5. Sunday school at 1.45. Jun
ior C. E. at 5.45 Senior C. E. at 6.30.
10.30, "Searching of Hearts.'' 7.30,
"The Unsearchable Study.'' Saturday
evening cottage prayer meeting at the
| home of Thornton Trout.
State Street, Eighteenth and State
j Streets —The Rev. E. A. G. Bossier,
j pastor. 10.45, Woman's Day, address
jbv >i rs . Lena Funk, of Halifax, a re
| turned missionary from China. 7.30,
j Woman's Day missionary program and
j address toy Mrs. Lena Funk. Sundav
j school at 9.30. Junior C. E. at 6. Y.
:P. S."*£. E. at 6.30. Mid-week prayer
j service Wednesday at 7.30.
First, Boas Street—The Rev. ,T. T.
| Spangler, pastor, 11, "A Present Ob
ligation." 7.30, "A Miracle of
i Grace." Sunday school at 10. In the
j etening at 6.45 there will toe a joint
meeting of the Endeavor Societies.
There will be a special program under
[ the direction of Miss Minerva J. Early.
Otterbein, Reily and Fourth Streets
j —The Rev. S. Kdwin Rupp, pastor.
! 10.30, "A Proof of Devotion.'' 7.30,
'"An Apostle of Power." Sunday
school at 2.
Salem, Chestnut and Third Streets
—The Rev. Dr. Ellis N. Kremer, pas
tor. Morning service at 10.30. Even
ing service at 7.30. Sundav school at
I Fourth, (Market and Sixteenth
I Streets—Morniug service at ti1.45.
| Evening service at 7.30. Sunday school
lat 9.30. Heidelberg C. E. at 6.30.
| St. Matthew's, Euola—The Rev. W.
iR. Hartzeil, pastor. Holy Communion
!st 10.45 and 7.30. Sundav school at
St. John's. Fourth and Mac lay
Streets—The Rev. (J. W. Hartman. pas
! tor Holy Communion will be celebrat
( ed at both the morning and evening
, services. Sunday school at 9.15. Y.
| P. S. C. E. at 6.30.
St. Augustine's, Thirteenth and
lierr Streets—Services conducted by J.
P. Braseiinanu. 11, morning prayer,
| litany and sermon. 12.30, Sunday
: school.
St. Paul's, Second and Emerald
Streets—The Rev. Floyd Appleton, rec
tor. Holv Communion at 8. Morning
prayer and sermon at 11. Sunday
I school at 2.30. Evening prayer and
ysermon at 7.30. Seats free and stran
gers cordially invited.
St. Stephen's—The Rev. Rollin A.
Sawyer, rector. 8, Holy Communion.
10, Sunday school. 11, Morning pray
er and sermon. 4, Evening prayer and
address. The Sunday school will here
after hold its sessions at 10, instead of
St. Andrew's, Nineteenth and Mar
ket Streets—The Rev. James F. Bui- !
litt, rector. Holy Communion at 8.
Morning prayer, litany and sermon at.
10.30. Sunday school at 12. Evening
prayer and sermon at 7.30.
Mount Calvalry, Camp Hill—The
Rev. O. H. Bridgman. pastor. Morning
service at 10.30. Sunday school at
2.30 p. m.
Harris Street —Two sermons on Sun
day by the pastor preparatory to the
campaign. A sermon to church members
at 10.SO a. m. Subject, "The Sleeping
Giant." A sermon to the unsaved at
7.30 p. m. Subject, "Tlio Blight of
Sin." Sunday school at 2 p. in. K. L.
C. E. at 6.4 0 p. m.
Park Street, Sixteenth and Park
Streets—The Rev. A. M. Sampsel,
pastor. Sunday school Rally Day serv
ices at 9.30 a. ni. Worship with sermon
at 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Junior
K. L. C. E. at 5.45 p. m. Senior K. L.
C. E. at (i.30 p. m. An excellent pro
gram has been prepared. The Rev. W.
S. Harris, a former pastor, will offici
ate at all the services.
Church of the Brethren, Hummel
Street—The Rev. A. At. Bollinger will
preach at 11 a. in. and 7.30 p. m. Sun
day school at 10 a. m. Christian work
ers at G. 45 p. m.
First Church of Christ, Scientist,
Board of Trade Hall—Sunday at 11 a.
m. and *.30 p. m. Subject, ' 1 Doctrine
of Atonement." Testimonial meeting
Wednesday at 8 p. m. Free reading
rooms, Kunkel building, 1.30 to 5 p.
m. daily, also Monday and Saturday
evenings. ' AJv.
The Christian and Missionary Alli
ance, Union Square Hall, Howard
Street, Near Fourteenth—The Rev.
William H. Worrall, pastor. Sunday
school at 9.45 a. m. Preaching at 10.45
a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Prayer meeting
this evening at the home "of Mr. and
Mrs. (leorge Deihl. 1;»2R Regina street.
International Bible Students' Asso
ciation The regular Sunday services
««11 be held at Cameron's Hall, 105
North Second street, at 3 p. m. Berean
study at 2 p. m. All interested in Bible
study invited.
A. M. E.
Bethel, State Street—The Rev. IT. D.
Deeper, pastor. (Morning service at
10.30 o '-'lock. Phe Rev. IMr. Henderson,
will preach. Evening service at 7.30
o 'clock. Sermou 'by the pastor.
Will Address Brotherhood
The Rev. William S. Bovard. D. D.,
secretary nf the Brotherhood of the
Methodist Episcopal chnr. h, will preach
at 10.30 a. in. and 7.30 p. in., and will
make the address at the Sunday school
Rally Day exercises at 1.45 p. m., and
speak to the Brotherhoods of all the
Harrisburg M. E. churches on Monday
at S p. m.
Text, "Take need to thyself."—l Tim.
Iv, 6.
One is God's number. It signifies
unity. God is one. The Bible begins
with God Jesus said, "I am Alpha,"
that Is the beginning,-the first letter of
tile Greek alphabet. "Number one" in
the world Is solf. "Taking care of
number one" is taking care of self.
Usually means looking out for self and
selfish interests, bnving a good time,
(gratifying the five senses. And why
shonldu't we?
As I walked by myself I talked with my
And myself said this unto me:
lx»k out for thyself, take care of thyself
Or no one will take care of thee.
Surely! There Is only one God and
» A Beautiful Portal In the Palace of Education at
Panama-Pacific Exposition San Francisco, 1915.
yy* «
THIS photogTaph reveals not only the completed condition of the exhlfclt pal.
acea at San Francisco, but Klves an Idea of their lavish ornamentation.
The portal here shown In Spanish renaissance architecture la that of tIM
Palace of Education. The Exposition will open Feb. 20, lilt-
there Is only one yon. Preaerrdffthal
Individuality. The charm of childhood
la naturalness. But before we know i(
the artless, unaffected life which wi
like bo much has become artificial.
The stiff requirements of education
and society are taken on. Affectation
of speech, manner, dress and charac
ter greet us on every side. Geniui
attracts hundreds of imitators. Th«
great lawyer has a score of copyists.
The prent preacher has many echoes.
Imitation is the death of originality.
Be yourself. The roae does not copy
the aster, nor the violet the sunflower.
All Scripture teaching is to take care
of "number one." But ''number one"
is a compound creature of body, mind
and spirit
Number One's Body.
The first duty is to be a first Ham
animal. Now and then there is a gen-
Ins who seems to be able to do his
work no matter what the bodily condi
tion, but it is only relative. What it
might have been may only be judged
by what it is. It la hard to row with
an anchor out. There is a vast differ
ence between taking care of "number
one" and gratifying "number one." If
mental and spiritual condition, time
and eternity, depend so largely on the
body no one but an idiot would neglect
"number one's" body. I wish that were
true. There would be less sickness,
fewer early deaths, prairtically no pau
perism. In spite of all our selfishness
we do not take care of self. We abuso
ourselves. Then after a few years na
ture presents her little bill and Is a
veritable Shylock in her demands. I-nut
week on a lecture tour a well pre
served man of eighty jumped off the
wagon at the station. "How spry you
are!" "I am living on the capital of a
well spent youth." As pastor .In a dis
trict where I must be brought. Into con
tact with hundreds of human wrecks I
can testify that the grace of God gives
a new heart, lint not a new body.
a young man make his body a whisky
jug or a .beer keg. abuse his body till
the fiber Is burned out. smoke poisoned
cigarettes till his yellow fingers trem
ble, Is black under the eyes and his
cheeks fall In and then at some church
seek religion. He cannot hinder the
process of broken Ikws. Suicide is not
rare. Fortunately or unfortunately
tombstones do not tell the whole truth.
Numbor One's Mind,
The mind is a photographer's rhest
in which he stores negatives. The pic
ture of five or ten years ago is repro
duced, only that the photographer may
move or quit business and the plates
are lost or destroyed. Rut you cannot
move away from yourself. All that
you see sud hear goes Into the recesse*
of your soul to make pictures for the
future. You will have them with yon
till the judgment day. Taking care of
"number one" Implies education, ac
quisition of useful knowledge, the cul
tivation of the intellectual powers. You
must not only work Industrially at
your trade, be economical and provi
dent in your expenditures, but yon
must also read—you must avail your
self of the many opportunities which,
you are offered by a cheap press and
many public libraries. History, travel,
art, science, literature, are yours. Nev
er before was it so true that "knowl
edge is power." Never before were
there so many open doors for advance
ment. Those doors may open at any
moment. Only he who Is prepared
may step in. New is the time to stock
the mind. The chance 6 are that if
"number one" is ignorant now he will
be ignorant for life.
Number One's Boul.
If we eould only profit by experience.
Remember Kipling's lines!
If only myself could talk to myself
As I knew him a year ago,
I could tell him a lot
That woulil save him a lot
Of things he ought to know.
In nothing do we rob ourselves as In
spiritual things. We are dual beings.
Man has a body, he Is a soul. He is a
creature of two worlds. This world
Is a place of preparation. One's great
business Is the salvation of one's soul.
Strange to say, however, if yon think
of that only you may lose the very
thing you seek. "He that seeketh his
life shall lose it." While "He that
loseth his life for my sake shall find
It," said Christ. By looking ont fot
"numbe* two," the other fellorw, by
the roadside of life, we are going on in
•elf forgetfulnesa—finally the gate ol
heaven Is reached. "Chorea" is I
nerve disease In which the patten'
turns round and round on one spot
Love of self Is jnst as Incessant spin
ning on that spot. Bometlmes tlx
center of onr' egotism is about on
taste or talents, or sins, or gufforlnt
Our true center Is not self, hnt Chris
Look unto him who is the awthor an
finisher of our faith.