The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, October 17, 1914, Page 11, Image 11

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—Office assistant who is atn-
Mtlous to advance and willing to
learn stenography. soon as possible.
State age. school training: and salary
expected. 'Address Office Assistant, care
sßo> MOKTHLY and expenses to travel.
distribute samples and take orders or
appoint agents; permanent. Jap -Amer
ican Co.. Chicago.
1-.iOO ANNTAUiT—Co-operJ(te with me
evenings at home: everything fur
nished. r»on*t worry about capital.
row " n - Omaha. Ncbr.
MJjBW RAIBINQ—The most profit- j
ai»le business in the world. Add. H.
Berkowita. Victor. Colo.. 413 S. lm\ Si
SALES MANAGER wanted to orgranire
corps of salesmen and finance own
business to extent of at least $350
Annual income to $5,000. Con
trol own capital. $lO article sells on
•sight to cve-> merchant. No rsk .>r
scheme Principals only. Write to
lay for particulars Holmes Mercantile
00.. Fifth Avenue Bldg.. New York City.
MKN for Bremen, brakemcn. $120.00
monthly. Serd age. postage. Rail
way. care
WAMTBD—A truatworU/
to act as collector and salesman for
wholesale commission house, must be
well recommended. Address Box 312.
oity. State age and salary expected.
IflEV—Sell guaranteed hosiery to
friends, neighbors and general wear- ;
•r; 70 per cent, profit, make $lO dailv; |
experience unnecessary. International
Mills, West Philadelphia. Pa.
Government Examinations— Thorough
Instruction. $5 00. Returned if not
appointed. Particulars free. American
Civil Service School. Washington. D. C
get. My free book'et YC32 tells how
Write to-day—XOW. Earl Hopkins, ;
\V ashirgton. I> C.
The oldest, best and most reliable
n immobile school in the country. A
full course of practical instructions for
$ "vOO. including long driving and re- \
pa;- ng lessons. Hundreds of good,
paying positions are open for compe-.
>?n: men. Make application now. Kesy
payment*. Open day and evenings. 5
v i neroa st. .
Hy stuiiy multiply your earning)
p wrr. Private Instruction. Day 1
;"-.i Kveniiiff, in Shorthand. Type- i
• Penmanship. Dictation.!
*•. at \ ery reasonable cost. Come
aul talk it over. MERLE E.
.M.KR. Room 309, Patriot Bldg. 1
M"\ WANTED to pet their barberlng
r- st the Midnight Barber Shop, j
Market street, next door to Hoff- |
r* < House. Open until midnight. i
OF M'FFEITR and repair man desires a '
position; work of any kind accepted.
K\cellent character and ability. Apply
W f*. McINTTRE, 402 Cumberland St.
COLORED MAN desires general house
work or position as waiter in pri
vate family. Add re* 405 Batlev St..
Steelton. Pa.
BOT of 18 wants work of any kind; j
not afraid of hard work. Apply or
address J. W. 3.. 191! X. Sixth St.
WANTED—SingIe man. "1 years old. .
desires position of any kind all night
work preferred. Address <s<)6 S. Third
St.. Steelton. Pa.
MARRIED MAX, colored, 27 years of
age, -wants a position in private fam
ily or any ktnd of work, such as jani
tor around a btrlldlng. Address No. 43J
Sooth Ave.. City.
WANTED—A colored boy, 17 years old,
weald like a plaoe in r»r:vate family
work of any kind; can giTe refer
ence Address ««7 Briggs St.. Ctty.
ANT—Work for a colored boy of
IS; any kind of work; can give part
of time or all the time. Call or ad
dregs E. 6., 1419 Williams St.
WANTED—Boy IS years old desires
place as errand boy. 28 S. Fifteenth
*- I
WANTED—General houswork or hotel
, wor *- * young colored man: can
* reference*. Apply IS2O Mon-
WANTED—Position of anr kind, br a
young colored man; can give refer
ences. Apply ml y. Seventh St.
WANTED—Br a middle-ag»d colored
man, position as waiter In private
furnish good reference.
A£gil_*6s_Bailey_gtxeet. Stealtoa.
AGHNTS—N«w invention aorjbs and ;
takes up water. No cloths. no wrlrvff-
Irg of any kind: water pours oat. Sells
everywhere, big profits, exclusive ter
ritory. PI rrung Mfg. Co.. Dept. A. Chi
tago. nl.
AGENTS—-■'Radiant," the new home
• lgJrt. SCO candle power of brilliant
light for s cents a week. Makes its
•>wn gas No home complete without
Jj. LJghts instantly with a match.
Oxo-Gas lantern." The light of
a thousand uses. Exclusive agencies
given to responsible man. Write for
full proposition and fsrge illustrations.
' S?;' 1!TB Washington
Brvd., Chicago. 111.
AGENTS and auto owners: The great- j
» rk on earth. Add. A '
1. slTyr, 2?S E, Front St. Berwick. Pa. j
AGENTS—SeII guaranteed hosiery; 70 '
per cent, proflt. make $lO daily." Or
m* regularly: i 'oert agent's
seller in existence. International Mills,
W est Philadelphia. Pa.
r. 8. GOVERNMENT usee Richmond
chemical extinguishers that kill gaso- i
line nr#»j». Auto and factory eix«s. Di«-
trict Managers make 500 per cent
proOt. Anto free. Richmond Chemicai
RBLI.iBUE men and women every
where earn 111.50 per 100 passin* 1
jut free packages perfumed soap pot
-2i* r " e *c. No money needed. 1
Wards Grocery Dept., IIS Institute PI.
RAILWAY MAIL clerks wanted. Coro
mence 175.00 month; sample examina
tlon questions free. Franklin Instl-
Low-Priced Houses That
Are Worth the Money
3S4HI Agate St. —I-story brick—s I
rooms—oath and furnace.
45 Balm St. —2-story frame —S rooms
—Lot ft.
U**_Herr St.—3-storv (brick front)
—7 rooms. Lot 13x100 ft.
J01» Kensington s«—2-ston" frame—
. rooms. Lot 40x100 ft.
frames—each live rooms.
83S S. Ifttfc St.—2-story frame—«
rooms. Lot 13x100 ft.
533 Peffer S*—3-story frame—B
rooms. Lot 14.9x50 ft.
U3S SiHwkiin. St.—; 4-story
frame —8 rooms and bath.
101* S. St—2 s-story frame—
-8 rooms. Lot 20x115 ft.
Flie Insurance Sunt7 Bonds
Locust and Conrt Streets
S— ———^
perienced canvassers. Call Monday,
9 o'clock a. m.. Bromo Drug Co.. Room . t
, 110 Trustee Bldg. Ask for Mr. wirrM. !
LADIES —Work at home making shields I ]
duriiijj spare time. Good pay; no j
canvassing. Particulars for stamped- : .
addresso-l envelope. Kureka Co. Dept. j .
112 D. Kalamaxoo. Mich.
liAPIES can make $lO to sls weekly 'i
copying, addressing and mailing sam
ples. Particulars for stamp. Uex Co.. .
.'59 Qlenwood Ave.. Buffalo. N. Y. I 1
I LADIES make plain aprons home, all j j
or spare time; gi>oil money . experi- ;
•nee unnecessary; dime for beginners'
>uitlt. Howard-Edwards Co.. Dept. 6, I
Buffalo, N. Y.
jDO you want another $2 daily* No
experience, constant spare time work .
Knitting hosiery, machines furnished j
: jn contract; we take product. Help- I
tng Hand Stores (Inc.>. Chicago.
• WANTED—A good strong girl or wom- I
an to assist at housework and to at
! tend to ail invalid lady. Apply second |
iloor. 107 South Second street.
WANTED—.White woman or girl to do
general housework. Apply 20 North I
Fifth street.
: WANTED—Dining room girl. Apply ;
; RK LI ABLE WOMAN would like posi
lion as assistant in doctor's o* lien- J
tist'a office. MRS. 8.. Ih S. Tliird Su |
WANTED—Resectable colored lady j
would like position, either tn doc- 1
tor's office or as a seamstress. Ad- J
dress 147 Lsinden S:.
' WANTED—A colored girl would like |
I to get a position to do housework.
Call or write No. 134 S. Fifteenth St.
WANTED—Bundle washing to do at |
home, and day's work. Inquire ?S2 ;
• Charles Ave.
A S'EAT colored girl would like da.'s
work or small washing and ironings
to do at home. Address 1521 Fulton.
WANTED—White woman wants davs
work of any kind. Address 12U2 N.,
Cameron St.
A NEAT colored girl would like a po
; sition as general housework or day
I work. Call 1217 Currant Ave.
SEWING and altering w anted bv dav I
! or week. in store or private familv.
Call or write M A. D.. 40 Balm St. |i
WANTED—Woman wants days' work
or seneral housework. Call at 1410
I N. Seventh St., llarrisburg, Pa.
I ANT ED—-A respectable white woman
wishes a position as housekeeper, or
;as good plain cook; in or out of the
I city. Address B. A.. 150$ N. Fourth St.
i WHITE LADY wishes washing and
ironing to do at homo. Call 130 Cran- '
i berry Ave.
t WANTED—Colored woman wants gen- i
eral housework or dav s work. Ap- '
ply 3-3 Ridge St.. Steelton.
WANTED—Situation as housekeeper
for respectable middle-aged widow
er, small family, by settled middle- I
aged woman; tidy, reliable, economical j
manager. Call on or address MRS.
I RAY. 929 N. Second St., Harrisburg.
i WANTED—Colored woman wants gerv i
eral housework or dav's work. \d
dress MKS. DAVIS. 1943 Rudy St., city, j
WANTED—A German woman wants
general housework in small familv
no washing. Call or address 615 S.
Front St.. Steelton. Pa.
"WANTED—Bundle w-ashlng to do at
home, and day's work. Lnouire "3*
Charles Ave. . 1
LOCAL AGENT—High class household j
article. Quaker Cleanser Co., Plain- i
field, N. J. 1
making small towns should ;
carry our fast selling pocket side- i
, line. Special sales plan allowing re- !
tarn of unsold goods makes quick easy
sajes. $5.00 commission on each order.
$4.00 to $16.00 daily profit for full time. [
Something New Write for outfit to- I
day. CanSeld Mfg. Co, 20S Sigel St.,
Chisago, lIL
SALffiMDN' WANTED—Experience un
necessary, easy work, big pay. Write
for large list of openings offering op
portunities to earn SIOO to SSOO a monrh
while you learn. Address nearest office
Dept. 24n. National Salesmen's Training
Association. Chicago. New York, Kan- •
j sas City, San Francl«eo.
I SALESMEN —Business producers to sell '
our High Grade Punch Board Deals '
| Large commission. Chas. C. Sleek. St.
Sale and Exchange
automobile for aale; good tires
and running order; can be easily con
verted into a delivery car: must be
;sold at once. First |75 takes it. Rl4
i N\ Third St.
1 FOR SALE—The following household
goo<ls, consisting of parlor furniture,
dining room furniture, including six
leather seat dining chairs, walnut ex
tension table and china closet. Gas
range, refrigerator, sitting room furni
ture. -carpe:?. bedding, rhree bed room 1
j suit*, springs and mattress must be
! sold to close an estate. Private sale
Wednesday and Thursday, October 22
a a: 21 h Muench street. ,
- H. LA>'CLBTI, I.amkfp—
Rough and dressed lumber.
All kinds and grades—cheap.
•Jail, write or phone.
' Office, Cameron and Mulberry Sta. i
: FOR SALE—C'heap—One straight sill:
; milk or bread wagon; two all-pur- •
pose open delivery wagons: one mar-!'
| ket wagon, one good top buggy, one i
. buck wagon, all in good repair. Apply !
; CHAS. K. NOTE, Paxtang blacksmith;
; shop. Paxtang.
SALE—Special made closed body
fir Ford Touring Car. Cost new sllO.
For particulars apply BOWMAN & CO.. »
Market street.
TOR BAl£—Two second-hand auto
mobile tires, size 36x4V Goodrich's
Apply 312 Chestnut St.
parlor set. $7; 'Neponset," better <
than linoleum. 35c; locust-chestnut
fence posts, loc; rugs. $3; bikes
puncture-proof tires. $2.5«». pianos, or
_,heal«r®. ranges, guns, etc.:
YIVGST. Front-Cumberland.
FOR SALE—Shavings in large quantl- !:
ties, also full line of mill work and':
rough lumber, alwavs. E. C. SNYDER
Lumber Yard and Planing Mill, Eight- !
eenth and Holly streets.
FOR SALE-AT GABLE S. 113. 115 and !
111 S Second St., 5,000 gallons New
Era ready-mixed paint. Acme quality, i
All the full line of the Acme make.
Sacond Su 5.000 sets new s*sh. fxls
12 lm, primed and glazed, ai $l.l» per
: stL Also other sises. I,
Real Estate
", . ■
FI'RNISHEO rooms and boardlnft by
the week: man and wife preferred or
two gentlemen. Address 21 S. Thir- j
teenth street.
tOR PENT Furnished rooms and j
boarding by meal, day 01 week. Ap- '
ply 10i)l N. Second St.. corner Boas and
Second streets.
dwelling houses for sale. Elder Real
FOR RENT—House 114 N. Thirteenth!
St.; rent S'-'lt eight rooms and bath, j
Apply JU' Chestnu! St. j
1330 Derry St.. Ist floor apt... J4C.00
131T Perr\ St.. Cd floor apt... ISi.OO ,
ISIS Msrket St.. 3rd rloor apt., s£B.oo
1"47 Mulberry St.. :d floor apt.. I'JS.Ot'
S33l> Otriv St., new house 1J5.00
1210 Berryhill St., house %}i3.00
MIT Berryiiill St.. house JC2.50 ■
13SS Howard St $19.00 I
1513 Naitdain. $16.50
HARVEY I SMITH. 204 9. l»th St. j
FOR RENT —Houses with all Improve- !
tnents. on Allison Hill. J. E. GIF- :
Fl-H. 12H Market St.
[FOR RENT—AII improve-j
rnonts —
1614 Catherine $16.001
11619 Naudaiu $16.00
(1509 Naudaiu $17.00
i 542 S. 17th, $18.50
Apply Kuhn & Hershey,!
118 Tliird street. 1
Hunter street and 6ne on Thirteenth j
St.. No 4-7. Inquire cvf W. B. BOYI>. |
| Steelton. Pa.
i bX)R SALE —2$ acri's. 1 miles south-
I east i»f Middletown; frame buildings:
[well and running vmter; \arietv of
fr\;it: ironstone soil. BRINTON-PACK
BR CO., So ond a>4 Walnut Sis.'
!FOR SALE —! •> S. Nineteenth S:.; cor- '
ner property, nearly new: story i
i* rooms, bath a-id steam heat ;
tK>r : es. h.nd wood flo<»rs: lot 15x50. I
; RR 00., Second and
Walnut S:f.
tMoneyi Business (Railroads* work
on schedule. Owing to la ge practice
is farced to use same plan Have
i4o4i farms for sale Scranton to Har
risourg and Htutletcn (Pottsville) to
Wllltamsport. Advertise in (70) papers.
..Make <4 to 6 > trips daily, using (21 au
tomobiles. Time (isi money. Corre
j spondence by mail is slow and many
I come after sale. For oulck informa
jtion use telephones, special hours (7 to
M mornings and eveniegs. Bell 11-R
(andi United 140-E.
(Shape) of (square) two farms joln
j ins each other (100 and USt making
together i .'I * ■ acres, at oni> (sl9l an
Possession at one*. Terms (s6otn
•.tsh isUH»}> more January anfi balance
teas> payments). Good Buildings and
ipainfd valued alone (S3SPP>. Stone
! (spring l house and meadows. (40)
;acr-s thrifty woodland. i 2( Orchards.
Handy to Trolley. Railroad and (3)
mile to Mark-t (10,000) people. Great
opportunity for man with (large < fam
ily at (lialf Price).
(Ideal Lo ationi on State Road be
tween large markets (2) mile to rail
•oad station, handy to schools, churches,
stores. 1701 acres enl> (»3;(>ot spot
cash or ($3300) 'r.alff on time. Cozy
Brick Home, double porch (54) feet
long (8) wide, large window panes and
j(new' metal roof. Large Bank Barn,
new hog pen. water at all buildings,
two fruit orchards, land like a floor,
; loam soil creek and tine meadow. Bandy
to good neighbors a: Cross Hoads and
means a great (bargain)
1 Danville Phone Hou-s
7 to s "Morning and Evening
FOR SALE—A bungalow, practically
I new. in Progress. Lot 40x135 feet,
price $1,550 H. G. PEDLOW, 110 S.
Thirteenth St.
FOR SALE—Three-story building, at
Enhaut. along trolley line: cost to
build, $3,000. Can be changea Into three
dwelling houses at little expense. Price,
$2,200.00 Very easy terms. Inquire at
East End Bank.
1 FOR SALE—A well-established fruit
and cigar store, in tine location.
Reason for selling, leaving city. Good
, opportunity for one who means busi
i ness. Wil lsell very reasonably. SOS
; N. Third street.
I GREEN STREET property owner, leav
i ing town, house to be sold at consid
erable discount; bri~k 9 ro"«ns. porch
I front: all improvements. Inspect it
Particulars at BELL REALTY CO.,
Bergner Building.
CASiH grocery store for sale, doing a
prosperous business, Sx;ures at S2OO,
and stock at Inventory; about SSOO
neede<t Also other business proposi
tions. HELL REALTY CO., Bergner
; Building
FOR SALE—No. 1333 Susquehanna St.:
; three-story frame house; 9 rooms and
bath; price SI.SOO. Look at the brick
I house. No. 239 N. Fourteenth St. BELL
REALTY CO.. Bergner Building.
FOR SALE—Two new single brick
houses, slate roofs, concrete porches
and walks. Fifth street. New Cumber
land Inquire of JOHN BRINTON S
Ninth St., City'.
FOR SALE—Homes at Riverside, at
si.*ao. $2,500 and $2,800, with all im
provements and on easy terms. Also
job carpenter work promptly attended
to in any part of the city. Estimates
cheerfully furnished bv addressing S
HA LD EM AN & CO.. 3222 North Sixth
and $5.00 monthly; no interest or
taxes, highly productive land. Close
Ito three big mark»ts. Write for pho
nographs and full Information. Hunger
!I. 115. N. Y. Life Bldg., Kansas City,
I FOR RENT—Two roomi on third floor
for light housekeeping with steam
it and use of phone. 19,2 Green St.
WILL EXCHANGE for city real estate,
a farm of 127 acres; close to Dun
cannon. H. G. PEDLOW, 110 S. Thir
j teenth St.
W E HAVE A CLIENT for a furnished
apartment with three rooms and
cust and Court Sts.
APARTMENTS—Four rooms, private
bath, steam heat; second floor; use
lof phone desirable location Avplv
11745 North Sixth street.*
SEVERAL desirable apartments at Nos
2310 and 2514 N. Sixth St.. for rent
as follows: Third floors. $30.00; first
and second floors, $35.00 per month.
These apartments are entirely new and
most complete. Apply to HARRY M.
BRETZ, 222 Market street.
FOR RENT—Apartment. 4 rooms, bath
improvements, desirable location use
lof both phones. Apply 1745 North
1 Sixth street.
Real Estate 1
FOR SALE—Exceptional bargains to i
quick buyers: One Maxwell Special,
36 H. P.. t>-pa«scnger auto. One Max- I
well 16-H. P. 2-paasenser runabout, j
Both In first class condition. Address !
3965. tare of Star-Independent.
FOR RENT—S-r->pm residence. No 1901 ,
Qreen, corner of Muenen; porch. yard,
heater, class closet. possession Nov. 1.
fall Hell pTione Mltu
GENTLEMAN' wants well heated room
and breakfast and supper with prl- I
vate famil>, oti hill, near Mulberry,
street bridge. Reference given. Ad-',
dress Permanent, 3964, care Star-Inde- i
pendent. ,
l-'t>R RENT Cp-to-dute furnished
rooms. Including electric light, atom
heat, bath room and telt phone service.
:t " y. Fifth 31.
GENTLEMAN'S suburban home, fruit
and stock farm, near Philadelphia;
shows splendid profits; sacrifice four
teen thousand; reason, owner sway.
Price Includes stock, implements, large
crops tt'Jl. H. HARDER, Cumber-
WANTED —MaIe hoarders, at Hotel
1 Wallace. Wallace and Cumberland
streets. Comfortable rooms. steam
heated, gas and electric lights, bath.
Home cook;up and serving. Also table
l board at reasonable rates. J. GRANT
j FOR RENT—Nicely furnisiied. pleasant
j rooms, in tine location, for gentle
j men only; board furnished if desired,
j Also an unfurnished apartment of two
rooms for rent* Call 1304 North Third
PACKING—A. H. SHRENK. 1906 North
' Sixth street, first class packer of fur
niture, china and bricabrac. Bell phoae
599 W.
W. J. WENRICH. 389 Hamilton street —
Furniture, china and piano packing.
Shipments looked after at both ends.
Also all kinds of hauling. Bell phone
,WE ARE now renovating feathers,
making pillows and folding feather
mattresses at Tenth and Paxlun streets.
LADIES—When delayed or irregular,
use Triumph Pills; always depend
able. "Relief" and particulars free.
Write National Medical Institute, Mil
lukee. Wis.
MOST MONEY loaned on diamonds.
watches, jewelry, guns, revolver*
musical instruments, etc. Bargains In
unredeemed pledges. CITY LOAN OF
; FICE, 411 Market Su next to United
! Cigar Store.
K'.OO TO {50.00 on your plain note, to
any person holding a salaried posi
tion; all transaction strictly confiden
tial. Employees' Discount Co.. 36 N.
i'hird St., second floor.
IX)ANS—H lo 1-00 for honest working
i people without bank credit a! less
I than legal rates; payable in instal:-
I menta to suit borrowers' convenience.
Loan and Investment Co..
_ Caestuat rit.
I ALL kinds of hauling; large two-ton
I truck, furniture, pianos, freight, in
j the city and suburbs. Prices reason
■ Me. Picnic and pleasure trips, day or
evening. WM. H. HAKE, 1453 Vernon
at- Bell phone 3517,1.
STORAGE In 3-story brick building
rear 40S Market St. Household goods
lr. clean, private looms. Reasonable
(rates. Apply to P. G. DIENEK, Jeweler,
i 4i>i Market St.
large brick warehouses, built ex
pressly for storage. Private rooms for
nousehold goods and unexcelled facil
ities for storing all kinds of merchan
dise. IMW storage rates. South St. and
P. R. R-
Notice is hereby given that an appll
i cation will be made by J. W. Morgan,
I C. A. Stouffer and R. K-ank ; J hafTner to
; the Governor of Pennsylvania, on the
, second day of November. iSH. under
' the act of Assembly, entitled "An act
;to provide for the incorporation and
regulation of certain eoiporations."
approved April 29th, 1574, and the sup
! plements thereto, and amendments
j thereof, for the charter of an intend
ed corporation to be called "Stouffer
Poultry Farm." the character and ob
ject of which is the transaction of a
general poultry business by the own
ership aid operation of poultry farms
« and Incubating plants, and the sale of
j the products thereof, and for these pur
j poses to have, possess and enjoy all
the rights, benefits and privileges bv
I said act of Assembly and the supple
ments ihereto conferred.
! NOTlCE:—Letters testamentary on the
j estate of R. Catharine Byrem. late of
the borough of Steelton, Dauphin coun-
I ty, Pa., deceased, having been granted
!to the undersigned, residing in En
j haut. Pa., all persons indebted to said
estate are requested to make immedi
' ate payment, and those having claims
will present them for settlement, to
Or H. L. DRESS, Attorney.
Steelton Trust Co. Bldg.,
Steeltor., Pa.
1 Notice Is hereby given that applica
tion has been made to the Court of
Quarter Sessions of the Peace of Dau
' phin County, by the following person
and corporations for licenses to engage
In the business of lending money, in ac
, cordance with the provisions of the act
of Assembly of June sth, 1913, entitled
' "An act regulating the making of cer
> tain loans, etc.," and hearing thereon
will be had October 30th, 1914. at 10
o'clock a. m„ at the Court House, Har
rlsburg, Pa.; that the said applications
are now on file in the office of the clerk
lof the Court of Quarter Sessions of
j Dauphin County:
Name and Place of Business;
; No. 1. Profit-sharing Loan Society,
' No. 9 N. Second St., Harrlsburg, Pa.. No.
| 337 June Sessions, 1914.
No. 2. Pennsylvania Investment Com
! pany. No. 132 Walnut St.. Harrlsburg,
Pa.. No. 338 June Sessions. 1914.
No. 3. Claude T. Davis, doing busi
ness as "Employees Discount Com
pany." No. ,"S N. Third St.. Harrlsburg,
Pa., No. 233. September Sessions, 1911.
1 Clerk of Court.
(Copyright. 1914, by C. M. Keys)
Two great staple lines of industry may be used as a text to Illus
trate again the old and well-known, but much neglected, principle
that the stockholder in a corporation is a silent partner in business,
and tUat his fortune, good or bad. depends upon vicissitudes and
chances which he little understands, the chances being in direct pro
portion to the changeful character of the business represented by
his corporation.
The copper trade and the sugar trade are two great staple trades.
Three months ago the position of these trades seemed to make the
copper trade the more certain and better of the two from the stand
point of the stockholder. The prices of copper were fairly good, there
had been large European consumption, and basic conditions seemed
to be sound, although there was nothing like a boom in sight. All
the old companies in this country were paying regular dividends and
seemed pretty sure of them. Several of the new companies were
contemplating increasing their regular dividends. The stock of one
of them had enjoyed a substantial advsnce # in the open market and
had been heaAilv bought by its own insiders in the expectation of a
larger dividend later in the summer. The trade, then, while not
booming, was cheerful and promising.
In the sugar business, meaning thereby the business of producing
raw sugar, conditions were bad. There had been overproduction for
years. and the companies, of which there are a great number, were
almost universally weak. Profits had been declining for some years
and dividends had been reduced pretty much alt along the line. The
prices for raw sugar had not been high and the competition of
Kuropean producers had - .1 quite keely felt by Hawaiian. Cuban
and American growers. Tii« inn!area of being » stockholder in these
producing companies mil t lan a good business for quite a while,
and stockholders were >j.:.;e generally uneasy.
Then the \.i. in H cur.« at umber of a financial publi
cation covi lag the lfc*t .wo weeks of September, there are Items,
concerning the reduction or the entire elimination of the dividends of
five copper producing companies in the United States. In the same
publication there are items concerning the increase of dividends of
five sugar producing companies. Another company has made no
announcement, but its officers say that it will make up. out of the
earnings of August and September, some accumulated dividends on
the preferred stock, and will pay off a part of its bonded debt.
It is not of ten that one can encounter in the chronicles of so
brief a space of time so powerful an illustration of the vicissitudes
of business, or so clear an exposition of the character of stocks that
represent businesses into which speculation enters largely. The
term "speculation" is here used with no critical intent and is intended
to convey only the impression that the business of such companies
as those indicated depends to some extent upon prices for products
which are made in the open market and which vary sharplj and
quickly according to conditions.
The change in the conditions was not an accident. It was a
natural result of known causes. Since the European nations that
have gone to war consumed in times of peace about half our copper
production, it is obvious enough that the demand for American cop
per met. in the war, a real fundamental condition about which It was
not necessary to theorize. Since, on the contrary, the beet fields of
Europe, and particularly of that part of Europe which is the very
center of the struggle, produced each year an enormous and increas
ing amount of raw sugar, it is equally obvious that the sugar growers
on this side of the water met another condition and a quite dissimilar
one ar'oout which it again is not nccessar\ to theorise. One condi
tion was decidedly unfavorable, while the other was the most favor
stole condition that could be imagined.
It is obvious that out of a contrast like this one may draw a
strong conclusion for the benefit of the investor. It should be fairly
clear tnat for pure investment, which seeks securitj and integrity
of principal and certainty of Income abo\e everything else, there are
elements in such stocks as those described which should place the n
outside the investment zone. They carry too big a business risk.
They make a man or woman unwillingly partners in the changeful
and fickle fortunes of the world. They rise and fall with the tide of
events. They produce an income now great, now small, according to
circumstances of the day. That is a fundamental departure from
the principle of p.; e investment.
There is implied no criticism of such stocks for the purpose for
which thev v are adapted. A business man, who likes to carry In his
Investments some chance for profit and is willing to assume some
chance for loss, may find them entirely suited to his requirements.
The Merchants Ice Company
of Harrisburg, Penna.
A limited amount of the stock of this company is
open for subscription. The earning possibilities are
great. Similar companies in Reading and Ailentown
are paying 8 per ccHit.
Apply to any one of the Directors at their business
addresses or 202 Calder Building.
J. D. MILLER, Directors.
202 Csldsr Building,
Benjamin Franklin Said"
~ There is wisdom in learninp from
-——r~ j other people's fipfrienre Tiike warn
ing by nhat you see of the aged poor
' and start an aecoua? in the First Na
-224 Market Street
Lost and Found
FOUND—'The home of reliable work for
particular people at KGG-ERT'S Steam
Dyeing and French Cleaning Works,
I"4'> Market St. Call either phone, we'll
<io tile rest.
8. E. Corner Front and Peffcr
Sts., 105x190 ft.
N. Second St., 40x100 ft.
S. E. Corner Fifth and Emerald Sts.,
38x127 ft.
700x500 ft. along Pennsylvania
Railroad for manufacturing plant.
Market and Main Sts., 250x140
Long St., 2-story dwelling with 2
acres of laud, all kinds of fruit.
Long St.. 2-storv dwelling with 1
acre or land, all kinds of fruit.
100 aeres, IV4 miles east of
35 acres, % mile north of
38 acres, 1H miles from Marys
Union Trust Building
Wfulfy 1 nion '/,lna Church To Hold
Spfftal (rvrmnuy To-morrow
The Wesley L'nion A. M. E. 5410n
church will lay the cornerstone of its
new church to-morrow. The following
program will be followed during th<-
Song and praise service at 9.45 a, in..
A knitting factory; ail improve
ments; electric power; two-story
frame: steam, well lighted;
equipped with the latest knitting
1 and sewing machinery. Possession
J given at once. We will rent if party
. | would be Interested In the manu
facturing of ladies' garments.
Information Wanted—Cali Bell
I j phone 74, Steeitoji, Pa., or
148 .V
le<l by Mrs. Mary <E. Slgler; preaching
:at 10.45 a. m., by the Rev. J. A. 8.
j Cole, of York. The cornerstone laying
| will begin at 1.45 at the church, and
after the exercises at the church th■
congregation, led by the Masonic hand
I and the Grand bodge of the State of
Pennsylvania, under Prof. John P. Scott,
■ will march to the new church Kite, and
the cornerstone will he laid with im
] pressive ceremonies by the Masonic
Grand Lodge of the Stale of Pennsyl
, vania. The State (Jrand Master. Prof.
John Paul Scott. will be assisted hv the
venerable William Miller. Grand Sec
retary, from Philadelphia. The prin
cipal add re*-, on b»half of the general
church will he made by John C. Dan.-.v.
e\-Recorder of Heeds and Secretarv of
the Church Extension Department.'The
i West Street A. M. E. Zion choir, of
I Carlisle, will sing at th>' afternoon ser
, vices.
; The following churches and pastors
; have been invited and will take part in
i the exercises: West Street A. M. E.
I Zion church, of Carlisle, and the pas
tor, l)r. I. 15. Walters; West Harris A.
>l. E. Zion church ari i Rev. A. H. Hill.
Rev. J. A. S. Coles, of East King Street
A. M. E. Zion church, York. Pa.; Rev
Walker Toliver. Zion Baptist church;
I Rev. A. J. Greene and the second Bap
tist church; Bethel A. M. E. church
I ; Dr. U. G. keeper; St. Paul Baptist
i church and Rev. Cunningham;
; 1 Rev. Dr. Carpenter and Anbury M. E.
■ church; Monumental A. M. E. chuch
j Steelton. and Rev. nr. Young. Capital
. St. Presbyterian church.
Heroic Efforts of Farm
ers to Save Neighbor
From Horrible Death
in Shaft
After Being Revived by a Pulmot.or and
Led to His Home tlie Unfortunate
Man Collapsed and Died While Ptay
sians Were Working Over Him
B,V Ansncintril I'm*,
Bristol, Pa., Oct. 17.—After being
imprisoned for eighteen hours iu an
i old 30-foot well on his farm near here.
William Chapman \va* rescued by farm
ers earlv to-day, only to die as ho fu
tered his home.
Chapman fell into the well yester
day while he was cleaning it, and the
sides began to cave in on him. liis
wife summoned help, but not before th«
man was almost buried by dirt ami
stones. Hv chance the falling mass
formed an arch over him, enabling the
rescuers to reach him with a tube,
through which he was able to receive
fresh air and stimulnuts.
All night long fifty farmers labored
I to bring the man out alive, while his
! wife and daughter knelt in prayer that
} lie might be saved. At daylight Chap
• man was lifted out unconscious and an
hour's work wibh a pulmotor revived
] him.
"Thank you, hoys, for what you
| have done," i hapman said as he was
led to his home. As he was about to
step into the house he collapsed and
died while physicians were working over
Bradftreet's Figures for Last Week in
Harrisburg and Other Cities
Bank clearings in the I'nited States
j for the week ending October 15, as re
ported to Bradst-reet's .Journal, New
York, aggregate sl', 367,223,000,
against $2,731,868,000 last week and
$3,346,528,000 in this week last year.
(Canadian clearings aggregate $3 38.-
j 640,000, as against $175,093,000 last,
week and $195,195,000 in this week
I last year. Following are the returns for
this week, with percentages of change
from this week Inst year:
New York $*1,1 05, T> 10.3
Chicago 1,000 !>IC.3
'Philadelphia 1 30,*20,000 D 15.7
, Boston 1 1 I.TOU.ono 1>31.4
'St. Louis ti5.752.000 U21.4
j Pittsburgh 47,oi?;,ooo l>l2.ti
Kansas City ti7.729,000 I -j.o
j San Francisco, ... 16,752.000 D 15.4
Baltimore 31*.:>r»<y D 16.5
Scranton -,567,000 n .1
j Heading 1,87J.'»00 i> 7,1
j IjimraHter 1,»>93,000 |> 3.;:
' Wilkes-Barre 1.525,0 >0 r> 15.2
Krie '.«61»,000 D 20.5
' York 900,000 I 6.0
1 Chester 75:*,000 I) l.i
Harrisburg:. 51.435, 000
§ Not included in totals; comparisons
Philadelphia Produce Market
Philadelphia. Oct. 17.—Wheat firm;
No. 2 red spot, export,
No. 1 northern Duluth, export? 1 iB l /
Corn higher. No. 2 yellow local. S'JfS)
Oats steady; No. 2 white, sl't7MU>.
B:an firm; winter, per ion, s24.oo*g>
124.50: spring. 23.50(?i 24.00.
Refine | sugars stead\ ; powdered,
fine granulated, ♦>.25; Confer:ioneis A,
; 6.1 o. •
Butter Arm; western cream ry, ex*
' tra. 32. nearby prints, fanr.v,
higher; nearbj fusts, free easel
$9.00, do., current receipts, f e. , t.-t,
SS.tOGf&.IU; western e\tra, free
case. $9.00 bid; do., firsts, free case,
JvlOfl S.!(».
Live poulti > wak. fowls. 13<g?i5; old
roosters, 11 f n I ; chickens, I:? i> I *.,
Uu'.'ks, I3filt; geeie, 13<tf.'14.
Dressed poultry steady; fowls, heavy,
20® 21; average receipt;.*, J 7 ft?' 10;
io., small, 15^16; cfd roosters,
broiling chickens, nearby, ltf&>2o; west
ern, 12'' 1 7.
Flout steady; winter, straight,
j.l.i; spring straight, 5.10&5.40, do.,
patent, .V. OiJi 5.75.
Hay steady; timothy, No. 1 large
bales, 19. No. 1 medium, 18.50<fr 19,0u;
No. 2 do, 17.00918.00; No. .1 do., 14.50®'
15,50; grade. 11.00(0) 13.00; clov?r
mixed, light, 18.00® 19,00; No. 1, do.,
- 16.50# H. 60; No. 2, 14.50?/ lo.aO.
Potatoes weak: per bushel,
I 58ft 33; New York,
Nitket, ob<U 15.
nhicago Live Stock Market
Chicago. Oct. \ 7.—Receipts, 1 1,000;
slow. Hulk, 7.309 7.70; light, 7.30
'7.95; mixed, 7.1608,00; heavy, 6.9& C
7.95, rough. 0,95(fa 7.15; pigs, 4.50 'a 1 7.25.
Cattle—Receipts, 800; steady. Beeves,
ft. 10.9(i. steer:-). stockers
and feeders, a. 15®, 8.10; cows and heif
ers, 3.40609.00; calves, 7.50# 11.25.
Sheep- -Receipts, 1,000; steady. Sheep,
4.75(fi6.00; yearlings, 5.604? 6.40; lambs,
6.00 & 7.85.
Noted Singing Party of Ithaca Con
servatory to Render Selections
On Tuesday evening at 8.1.") the
; famous singing party of the Ithaca
j Conservatory of Music, Ithaca, X. V.,
will appear in the Stevens Memorial
! Methedist Episcopal church, Tbir-
I tcenth and Vernon streets. The party
includes four gifted ladies, who, on
account of their unusual TJrteiu and
j great versatility, arc able to present
a program of great variety and merit,
(treat care lias hi en given in the
: choice and arrangement of the program
of this company, so as to present not
only tiie purest and lie-t literature aud
music, but also a program that every
I ono can enjoy and appreciate—a pro
! gram that entertains, but at the sainn
j time instructs and uplift*; in short, a
I purposeful program. It is expected
; that a packed house will greet the
I singing party Tuesday evening. They
are pleasing packed houses everywhere
L)r. Clayton Albert Smucker is in
1 charge of the musical attraction.
\\ hmlHiiKtoti fany >|«km Voctinß.
Washington party meetiuga will b(
! held to-nlßht at lleriyshurp, Bllzalieth
vllle anil Pillow. On Tuesday nlnht. at
F J enhrook. at Haverstlck's store; and
Wednesday niglu at Hlghxpir*. C'andl
: dates for re-election tu th- legislature
IW. W. Linker, of Wllliamstown, ant
,). B. Martin, of Midd|etown, will spenk
[Other speakers will he H. B. Saus.-:#
'man lyid fcid. McKarlanil.