The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, October 16, 1914, Page 16, Image 16

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Ready for Saturday—Many New
Trimmed Hats $1.95, $3.95, $4.95
A Matchless Assemblage of Popular-Priced Millinery
The arrival of scores of new styles every week keeps our famous .f
lines of trimmed hats at popular prices right up to the top-notch of 1
style efficiency and ever interesting in its fresh variety of hat fashions. Vfi
And during this week many new hats arrived—styles that are in- S&
comparable at the prices—evidencing as usual our ability to give wfc
you better style and quality for the money in every brand of the milli-
New Hats: Exceptional |j|
Values at $1.95/
Blue velvet walking hat with narrow | Small hat of navy velvet, crown gL. Jm'
brim and sloping crown, trimmed with dTaped with velvet, pheasant quill in
narrow grosgrain ribbon and A* QC front finished with knot of A* QC >*yjJt'/nMßuk
an ostrich fancy, V* »*fO silver braid, . 1 »*/0 f BL.ft' mH
Small black velvet hat, round crown, fijß* /, l wAb^l
broad band of silver braid around the Small turban high on the left side. tR
crown, ears of velvet in A* QC soft crown trimmed with A* QC cr j
front, v ■* white roses, V •* »*fo •
$3.95 Models That Are
Rare Values
Small black velvet hat with round crown, narrow band of white d>n Qf*
ostrich around edge of brim, finished with two bows of white moire, . . r !£&...
Turban of black velvet, soft crown, brim edged with black moire and d»Q QC
trimmed with wired loop of velvet and a silver bird tpOti/O Vi ■*"""*
Sailor of black velvet edged with silver braid and Vi'ide brimmed sailor of black velvet with soft
„.od with silvered peacock rf»Q QC crown, trimmed with blue ostrich band on Aq QC
feather edge of brim *PO»*fD
Our Famous $4.95 Hats Excell In Designing,
Workmanship and Quality
Large hat of black velvet with soft crown, edge of Large sailor of black velvet with soft crown, hand
brim covered with silver cloth, trimmed on A A QC some ostrich feather around edge of brim, silver
both sides with a soft white feather fancy, Vbraid around crown finished with bow on C? A QC
left side, tpQtifO
Black velvet turban with soft crowD and high brim ~ . ~ . , ... ...
on left side, trimmed with handsome white * J t\C Medium sized sailot of black velvet trimmed with
ostrich fancy #4.20 P om ' ,on and nßrrow
Tricorne turban of black velvet, trimmed with mil- Small tailored hat of black velvet trimmed with
itary rosette of black grosgrain ribbon and dt* Q/~ rosettes of black grosgrain Q j f\r
two silk tassels > ribbon, tb4*t/D
*ar Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Millinery, Second Floor, Front—Three Elevators.
Men, Do You Wear Comfortable Shoes
You will know foot comfort from 4he minute you start to wear the famous Educator Shoes.
They are made for comfort as well as style, and they fit the feet without crowding or pinching
the toes.
Men's Educator shoes in black and tan calf and black kid, wide lasts, one of the most comfortable shoes made,
oak leather hand welted soles, broad heels $4.50
Men's black calf shoes, blucher style, broad toe last, two full soles, Goodyear welted, a splendid shoe for
the man who walks a great deal $5.00
Men's patent colt button shoes, black cloth tops, Men's black and tan Russia calf shoes, button and
custom toe last without tips, soft boxes in toes, hand lace styles, oak leather Goodvear welted soles and low
welted oak leather soles $4.00 flange heels $4.00
Men's black kid shoes, straight lace style, heavy Men's tan Russia calf, gun metal calf and patent
single oak leather Goodyear welted soles, $4.00 fo 't button, blucher and lace styles, oak leather Good-
Men's black kid and box calf shoes, plain toe, half welted soles, SB.OO
double Goodyear welted soles $3.00 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street B'loor, Rear.
New Styles in Men's Negligee Shirts
The latest fashion in Men's Shirts is the Men's coat shirts in percale, madras and mercerized
mushroom bosom with diagonal, vertical and cloths, «»c, sl.oo, sl.lO to SI.»H
horizontal stripes in rainbow and ombre ef- Extra size shirts for large men. These shirts are
fects. Laundered turn-back cuffs to„. Many '*!'?.'"TV,®
nifty patterns, $1.50 to $1.98 Men's extra large night shirts, sizes 15 to 20, SI.OO
Pf Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Men's Store, St. Floor.
New Flannelette Patterns $1.25 Poplin, Sat- Q C
Kimono Flannelettes —large designs in floral effects UTCiaV Ofllv J
—the wanted fabric for warm dressing sacques and j • •
other house garments. Yard. ....... 15c This special , ot of S ;, k and Woq] p .
Flannelette in many neat patterns for house dresses, iv\ i„ „„i„ * e , ~ * •
navv, grev. garnet and black Yard 10c ?'" d A eS ! * f BCt fl '° m a " d tHe Wldth
Beacon Eobe Flannel —double-faced, solid colors and ls 4(1 inches. Last chance to-morrow to buy it
woven figures—styles specially designed for kimonos at this special price.
and bath robes. Yard, . 39c
Roman Stripes for waists and trimmings, stripes and $1.50 German Broadcloth, 48 inches, 11 Kail
fancy plaids, silk and cotton, 27 and 36 inches wide. shades. Special, yard $1.25
Varcl 50c and 59c 5 9c Cloth Suiting. 54 inches wide, fi rev. oxford.
" , ca< iet navy. Special, yard, Saturday onlv, ... 44c
$1.89 Silk and Cotton Poplin, 86 inches, half a( __ _ T
silk, many shades. Special, yard, 69c " ,,a ® N »vy Serge, oO inches, all wooj. Special,
25c Crepe Suiting in navy, brown, garnet, Co- SI.OO
penhagen, cadet, wistaria and green. Special, College Coatings —all new mixtures in green, brown
yard 12*6 c and B re y. 54 inches wide. Yard $1.50 to $8.50
« Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor, ' Fourth Stfe'eTsid'e.^^ 61 F, '°° r '
In the Grocery Department To-Morrow
You Can Buy 10 Pounds Sugar for 59c
With Each SI.OO Worth of Groceries
What a busy day to-morrow will be in the Grwery Section, with so good a list of fresh pure
foodstuffs to choose from as you will find gathered for you.
Particular attention is directed to the D. P. & S. Coffees. The name of our well-known "Ban
quet" blend has been copied but we do not believe it is possible to duplicate the delicacy of
this delicious coffee at 30£ a pound.
"Fawn Grove" shoe peg corn, 3
cans, 25,..
Pike Lake Early June peas, 2
"Hand packed" tomatoes in glass
jars. 3 for 25c
• New asparagus tips in tall tins, 2
tor . 25c
"Waldorf" pork and beans, 3 regu
lar 10c cans 25c
Ocean Whiting flsh in 10-lb. pails;
per pail «5c
New Nova Scotia mackerel, weight
1 pound each, 3 for 25c
California Tartarian cherries, lb„
New California seeded raisins;
package, 13c
New crop cleaned currants; pack
age. 13c
' Purity" Persia" dates; package,
New California figs, In wax pack
"Arabian" fard dates; lb 15c
New Santa Clara prunes; large; 2
• bs 25c
Fancy new "Muir" peaches; verv
large and meaty, 2 lbs 25c
New dried apples; 3 lbs., 25c
Heinz new apple butter in con
venient 3 lb. crocks 35c
Swift's Silver Leaf lard, per
pail 49 c
Messina lemons, dozen He
New grape fruit, just arrived, of
finest quality; large size, very
juicy, 3 for 25c
Medium size, finest quality; each,
Grape Nuts; package 12c
Mother's Oats; 3 packages 25e
New Pearl tapioca, 3 lbs 35c
Fancy head rice; 3 lbs 25c
Pimento stuffed olives in larg®
Jars 28c
"Sandwich"; large Jars, 23c
"Star" pickles; sweet and sour,
Mason top Jars 12c
Country cured dried beef, % lb.,
' 10c
Minced ham; lb 20c
Ring bologna; lb 18c
Lebanon bologna; lb 28c
Boiled ham, sliced, lb 30c
Sugar cured bacon, sliced any
thickness: lb 28c
Little picnic hams, average 5 lbs
each; lb 20c
Choice sugar cured skinned hams,
average 10 lbs. each; lb 22c
Delicious little country sausages; lb.,
Luncheon loaf; lt)„ 28c
Pimento cheese, made from cream
cheese and sweet peppers; lb 27c
Cream cheese; lb 25c
Langhorn cheese; lb., 25c
English dairy cheese; very snappy;
< b -. ' 27c
Domestic Swiss cheese; lb 28c
"Roquefort" cheese, just received
from France; the finest imported.
Special, lb 54e
"Clear Brook," very finest cream
ery butter; lb 3«c
Red Alaska salmon; tall tins, 14c
Columbia River" salmon steaks,
"TunS" flsh; a delicious substitute
for chicken in salads, sandwiches,
etc.; large can,
New pack "Barataria" shrimps,
wet and dry pack. Can 15c
Picket's soused mackerel; large
oval cans
Norway kippered herring; can, 10c
"Cove" oysters; regular 12c cans;
"Threaded" flsh for flsh cakes, etc.;
large package 5c
Flour," 12% lb. sacks, 3»c
Eureka ' soup; regular 10c size, in
tomato, ox tail, etc.; can 5c
Dozen Mc
Peanut butter; the finest to be had,
lb 2 lbs., 28c
"Purity" steel cut coffee; 1 lb.
Excelsior coffee; a delicious
blend; lb., t
Banquet, packed exclusively
for Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart;
the very finest to be had, at the
price; lb
B-J CofTee; lb., 20c< 5 lb., »Oc
"Senate" sweet drawing tea;
Our favorite," a choice blend
of teas; lb 45c
Pure co<?oa; the best; lb.. ..15c
2 lbs., 280
Wilbur's cocoa shells;' ib.',[ ! ,5c
3 lh »
The Supremacy of Our Outergarment Styles
Is Being Recognized More and More Each Day
Many New Suit Arrivals Now
On View at $16.50 to $25.00
Styles change quickly and to ensure satisfaction in your purchase .
to-day you must choose the styles of to-day. Our patrons may rest / /AJBa
assured that whatever the best New York makers have to offer |
will be represented in our showing almost at the very moment it is wi
shown in the highest priced shops of Fifth Avenue.
Sifting the styles, separating the very good from the good, and the W' < I* I\\
good from the bad is a study and a science; knowing that style is the m If M\\/# 1 " 1
all important factor in suit or dress success we sift all styles with ex- jjl I |||vff| : ? "fr l -
Only the very good finds place in this popular ready-to-wear section. jf f | fffvw 1; ■, :"'M
The new showing of suit styles comprises garments that cannot be if I flj/f jfiiu
matched at the range of prices lying between $16.50 and $45.00. I
Each day it is becoming more widely known that the Dives, Pom- (J I J||/||j|
eroy & Stewart section of outer-apparel is without an equal in this X] \il/ \ YJIk
section of Pennsylvania. Ml
We'll be glad to show you the new style arrivals without inipor- J/4
tuning you to buy, so come to-morrow.
Week End News of These Best Grades Imported
Furniture Values Gloves Will Appeal to
Princess dressers in golden oak, mahogany and bird's-eve \\T 11 I~A 1 \\ 7
maple. Specially priced at $19.50 W 61l L/r6SSeQ WOTTlfitl
Bureaus and chiffoniers to match at $19.50 VV WHICH
$16.50 bird's-eye maple chiffoniers $12.95 2-clasp SI.OO kid gloves—in white, colors and black. Special,
$15.00 bird's-eye maple chiffoniers, $11.95 pair, . ,85£ I
$17.50 white enamel dressers, $13.75 2-clasp kid gloves, in colors, white and black. Pair, $1.25
$15.00 white enamel chiffoniers, • $12.50 One-clasp kid gloves, with P. K. stitching, in tan, white and
Two small lots of felt mattresses, $5.50 and $7.50 values. Spe- black $1.50
c ' a K $3.95 and $4.95 2-clasp kid gloves in grey, tan, white and black $1.50
Five sample brass beds. Reduced as follows: 2-clasp kid gloves of the finest skins procurable,
$35.00 beds. Special at $29.50 51.75 to $2.35
$19.50 beds. Special at $16.95 16-button length extra qualitv white gloves at.
$29.00 beds. Special at $25.00 $3.00 to $4.50
tV- il/! ! ,ei 1 S - a ' $16.50 M" Dives, Pomerov A Stewart. Street Floor.
$20.00 beds. Special at $15.00 ___
Dives, Pomerov & Stewart, Third Floor—Three Elevator*. tllG ROOITI C^GtS
Books of Interest on the Light An Oil Heater
European War | An Oil Heater creates a great amount of heat. The modern I
* Oil Heaters are absolutely safe. They are equipped with an
Interest in the European war has enlivened activity in the sale of automatic wick stop which prevents smoking, and insures an
andth e policy ofKutfla^ 08 '""" to kn ° W the se '' retß ° f Germau - V ev « n Our two leaders—the best made—are
Germany and the Next War, by Genl. F. Von Bernhardi BOc M QP/ ,„ 1 CZQ (TO /lO
A Keply to Bernhardi—Germany and England, by J. A. Cramb, SI.OO IN GSCO l.Obi/ I orfoCllOn
AgZ e . Becrctß . of the German . Wai : offiee '. by A : Karl Graves : Others up to $5.50.
Imperial Germany, by Prince Bernhard Von Bulow, formerly Chancellor Our Special ball-bearing vacuum cleaner with adjustable brush attaeh
ol the (lerman Kmpire, s;t.oo ments and nickel plated trimmings, $4.98
t-r Dives, Pomerov & Stewart, Street Floor. Aluminum Ware—
6-quart covered Berlin kettles, $1.69 value, at $1.33
$1.50 set of aluminum sauce pans, three to set, 2, 2V4 and 3-quart
\ if } £ O , . sizes - Special, set 75c
Men s Uloves tor Street , M B> , a „ 0 „„, Sp „ >
and Evening '""" c >
C> US Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement.
Den't dress and street gloves, in regfular cut and cadet figures, 1
, , $1.50 and $2.00 _.
D„ P. &S. spear point cape gloves, .'.'.'.WW.'.'.'.'.' $ \ ,5 °
Automobile gloves in wrist or gauntlet lengths, at SI.OO to $4.50 1
Lamb lined awto gloves $-1.05 H7 J r TT v
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Men's Store. L/nCIS 1 01X101*1*0 W
. ' 89c tub silks, 30 and 32 inches wide. Yard, 59f^
Serviceable Underwear for Men !!S2 t! ac ? ta ? eta - in 36 ™ hes w j de - • -es*
iw . .... UT. „ v, $1.39 black satin, 40 inches wide. \ard, $1.19
brown 11 and ° buck! . . er8 ' 116606 hned: in Egyptian - « rey ' $1.50 black duchesse, 36 inches wide. Yard $1.38
Heavy Jaeger color cotton fleece lined shirts and drawers! Each ! Isoc $4.50 French crepe L' Aiglon. Yard $2.29
Heavy natural wool shirts and drawers, ! 75c $5.00 broche raye. Yard, $2.69
Heavy cotton ribbed union suits, with fleece lining SI.OO $1.50 shadow stripe chiffon. Yard, 79^
ifl- Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. rr Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor.
Balmacaans for Less Than Vou Expected to Pay
*£» sloo ° sis.°o einoo
if Balmacaans Balmacaans
llom SSSS? sls °° SSL, sl6-50
I A certain clothes maker whom we favor with regular orders, recipro
thiß fine lot of Balmacaans which many men are looking for and
satisfied to pay full prices. Imagine their surprise and delight that their in-
vestment will yield bigger returns than they expected.
1 Balmacaan is the favorite style of the season, and in this
I jB3|H splendid lot are handsome fabrics full of "snap and ginger" for men
T and with a decided preference for distinction and individ-
Mixtures,. Diagonal, Storm Cloth, Tartan Checks
A wealth of combinations in greys and greens, greys and browns,
TOUEB®) ) t llll ® R re e n s, browns and greens, black and white, browns and
white, plain blue, convertible collars, quarter Venetian lined, rain
proof and all sizes 33 to 40.
Boys' Fancy Balmacaans Boys' Corduroy School Suits
Sizes 4 to 18 years. Sizes 7 to 18 years.
$5, $6.50 and $lO $4.50, $5 to $7.50
if M Men's Suits Whose Quality and
m M Style Assure Satisfaction at Any
ffl Price—Our Largest Showing of
W Pi Distinctive Clothes Fashions at
SIO.OO to $25.00