The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, October 15, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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j!F "F JXMBL& M •
Here's a New Joy—
A new WRIGLEY chewing gum with DOUBLE
strength Peppermint flavor—
DOUBLE wrapped and sealed to keep it good
It is delightful and the delight is 1-o-n g lasti n g
It's like a Peppermint Lozenge that you can
chew and CHEW!
It has lots of "Pep" you can't lose the flavor.
And with each 5c package you get a
Uniteds p HA o ™GCoupon S|Sf
good toward many valuable presents.
Try this new joy today!
;; Made by the United Profit
•* manufacturer* Sharing Coupons
of the famous »now with both.
wwaMWirmriT wmmammmmmam
f* tut Mi 10
Proposed Taxation of Proprietary
Drugs in War Revenu? BUI Or
dered Stricken Out
By Amnuttril Pren".
Washington, Oct. 15.—-Propose'! tax
ation o/ pro; rietarv medicines in the
war revenue biil wasjnrdered stricken
out yesterday by ti»e Democrats of fiio
(Senate Finance t ommittee. Keports
had pome of genera! oppo«ition through
out the country ami Majority Leader I
I'nde.wood and other members ot' the
House Ways and Means Committee had
given notice that tbe House would not
agree to a tax on the "poor man's
Action of tre committee. howe»er.
did not include elimination of the pro
posed tax on perfumes, cosmetics and
chewing gum. which had bceu added to
the House bill.
The committee also accepted an
amendment to the proposed tax ou snip
ments of newspai er*. This would
eliminate bill* 'it' lading n the ship
ment of newspapers and provide that
•ill bundles included iu a general pack- |
age on a single trsin or other convey
ance should be regarded as one ship
ment. In liej of bills of lading the
amendment would require publishers to
issue on the fifteenth of each month a
sworn statement of the number of such
shipments order in the pre eding month
and attached to these statement-!
H. C. Kennedy Sells Sellable Remedy at
Half Price and Guarantees a Cure
When one can buv good dollars for
fifty cents, it 1* a good time to pun-hose.
In ordering a ">Oe bottle of Dr. How
*rd"s celebrated specific for tbe cure of
constipation and dyspepsia at 25 cents,
H. C. Kennedy is giving one of the
greatest trade chances ever offered to
the people of Harrisburg.
If food does not digest well, if th»>re
is gas or pain in thn stomach, if the
tongue is coated and the breath bad. if
there is constipation and straining. Dr
Howard's specific will cure you. If it
does not. you have Druggist H. C. Ken
nedy's .personal guarantee to return
your money.
Dr. Howard's specific gives quick re
lief and makes permanent cures of con
stipation, dyspepsia and all liver
These are strong statements, but 11.
C. Kennedy is giving his customers a
chance to prove their truth at just half
the regular price—sixty doses for 25
cents. If they are not found true, all
you have to do is to ask for your
money. Adv.
each shipment. Shipments of newspa- j
per* made within the county of publi- '
■ ation would be exempted from tax.
Thomas Bnrns Guilty of Murder in
Second Degree
Philadelphia, Oct. 15.—Thomas!
Hums, a •>4 year old peddler, who shot j
and killed Ijouis Krchansky in front of :
the Litter's home, 643 Nortih Marshall'
street, on June S. yesterday was se>u
ton- ed 'o not less than 16 nor mor«
th-J:i 20 years in the Kasrtem peniten-'
tiary, after having been convicted «f!
murder in the secon<l degree. Judge'
• l.ittle S'i I Burns probably escaped a
iirst degree verdict owing to his age.
'Burns, wiio is undersized and wi/en
rd. killed the rabbi after shooting Mrs.
Fannie Kisen-baum. he 'believed
ivas about t» discard him. RalKbi
Mr-hanshy had run to tfbe aid of the
woman. Mrs. Kisentmum recovered from
her wound and appeared a* a witneee
against Rurms.
Resolution Adopted at Closing Session
of the State Convention
I W iiiarosport, I'a., Oct. 15. —At the)
■ i!o< ug sesaion of the ?»tate Convention
•cf the Daughters of Libertv vesterdav
re-tslutions were adopted declaring for
local option.
North Peon Council, No. 151, of
Philadelphia, got first prize for the'
largest gain in membership. Good Intent!
Council, Philadelphia, was second, ;.n 1
Monroe Council, East JHfoudsburg, j
third. Pride of l<ehigh Council, Allen
town, made the largest percentage of;
Mine Owners Report Rich Cripple
Creek Strike
' Cripple Creek, Col.. Oct. 15.—A gold
strike, giving indications of being one
of the most important in the history of
the Cripple Creek mining district, was i
confirmed last night by leasers of the |
Isabella Mine, where the find was made.'
Assays, it is said, show ore running)
from 14,000 to $6,000 a ton.
Killed by Fall From Roof
New York, Oct. 15.—Gustav Bau
inann. proprietor of the Hotel,
Forty-third street and Madi»on avenue,
and formerly proprietor of the Holland
j House, was killed yesterday by a fall
' t'rom the roof of the hotel, where he
had gone to inspect the carpenter
Jamaica Feels Earthquake
Kingston, Jamaica, Oct. 15. A
j rather severe earth shock was felt at
'2.1-5 o'clock yesterday morning. It
i lasted 1" seconds. Two lesser move
' ments followed. No damage was re
* '
Finds Them Ideal Companions, Less
Noisy Than Dogs
Philadelphia, Ot. 15. —Paul Wm
dom. of Washington, a junior in the
architectural school of the University
of Pennsylvania, has as pets in his
| room in a fraternity house, at 3745
| Spruce street, an assortment of half a
' dozen reptiles of varied hues. He says
I the snakes are already quite tame and
\ will eat from any one's hand, although
his friends refuse to test his assertions.
The pets rejoice in the names of
Nathaniel. Ruth, Roosevelt, Xerxes,
Benjamin and Kaiser. Nathaniel, a
small green one is Windoin's favorite,
and often goes to classes in his own
er 's pocket.
Wjndorn advises his friends to adopt
snakes as their pets, "Snakes,'' he
*ayg, "are very friendly as well as
ornamental. They never wake one up
by barking, as do dogs; and besides, it
■•osjs much less to feed them. - '
Injured While Burning Bricks
Epbrata, Oct. 15. Ream.
! employed bv the Kphrata Brick Com
pany, was badly burned yesterday
morning while engaged in burning
bricks. Both hands were fright-fully
burned and his trousers were burned
from his body. Fellow workmen saved
him from burning to death.
m —.
The Ingleslde Farms Sold
' Paradise,
farms, the most valuable in this sec
tion of the county, were sold yesterday
at public sale to R. Graham Braxnbo
( for <15,001. The land consisted of
| 149 acres of e*eellent woodland and
I farming ground.
p | m
Sample of Pyramid Pile Remedy I
mailed free for trial elves qnlek relief. 1
stops itching, bleeding or protruding I
piles, hemorrhoids and all rectal
troubles, in the privacy of your own
home. Mo a box at tU druggists. Ftm
umpl* for trial with booklet mailed
free in plain wrapper.
614 Pyramid Bide., Marshall, Mich.
Kindly send me a Free sampln of j
Pyramid Pile Ktmadr, In plain wrapper.
Street j
City state |
Eighteenth Annual Inetm of the Cen
tral Pwnniytraala Association Be
ing Held in the Neighboring City
To-day—Many in Attendance
Lebanon, Oct. 15.—(Survivors of the ■
Oivil War from Liehanon, Dauphin, '
Berks, Lancaster, Yerk and Chester
counties, comprising the Central Penn- i
sylvauia Association of the Grand j
Army of the Republic, are in posses
sion ef Utbcnon to-day, on the occasion
, of the eighteenth anuual reunion aud
meeting held in this city. Upon their j
arrival in this city the visiting vet
. erans were royally welcomed bv dele
gations from the 1/ebaiiou posts and
, the Perseverance band and later escort- I
] ed to the various headquarters of the
| the visiting Posts. C, B. Lantz. presi
; dent of the association and comman
! der of the Sedgwick Post N°o. 42, G.
| A. R. and members of Colonel John M,
: Mack Post No. 4!M, of this city, had
i charge of the arrangements for the
: meeting in, Lebanon.
At 10 a. m. the veterans assembled
l in the Sons of America hall, where a
fine program *»s enjoyed. Major John
P. Longenecker, of this city, delivered
the address of welcome on behalf of
the city, and Colonel H. C. TVinming,
of TCarrisburg, responded. The ®ev.
Dr. T. C. Schmauk. of this city, also
participated in the opening meeting.
The parade this afternoon was the
feature of the day. O. A. R. Posts,
\ some of them with their own bands,
I from "Harrisburg, I .an caster, York and
j Chester counties, were represented by
| large delegations in the parade.
Pine "mess" was enjoyed at 5 p.
!m. served by the Lebanon Ladies'
j Auxiliary of the G. A. B. Handsome
badges were distributed to the visiting
iG. A. B men. At 6 p. m. a remiui
! scence hour was held in P. O. S. of A.
i hall. Comrade Fuller, of Lancaster, pre
| siding. »
! hall, a campfire will be held, with Com
! rade C. R. Lantz, of Lebanon, presid
ing. Addresses will be made bv Post
j Commander Wells, Comrade Mcßlroy,
j of the "National Tribune." Washing
j ton; Comrade Saltzgaber, Commission
j er of Pensions of the same city; Ad
; jutant General T. J. Stewart, Major M.
A. Gheist, Captain H. W. W. Richards,
: of this city, and manv others. Miss
j Irene Wagner, daughter of Post No.
58, of Warrisburg, will sound the
J The Perseverance band, the famous
j 93d regiment band during the Civil
war. will render a fiue program.
The Mayor has named the following
j as a citizens' committee: Colonel J. W.
I Shenk, James Lord, C. H. Killinger.
j Grant Weidman, George D. Krause,
; t'harles V. Arnold and Colonel M. L.
I Case.
Her Roosevelt Hallnfrination Sends HOT
to Asyhim
New York, Ort. 15.—IMrs. [da von
! ( 'la#ssen, recently sentenced to six
| month* in jail for sending a threaten
( :ng letter to diaries Strauss, a \ew
| York lawyer, and president of rhe
I 'Board of Walter of this «-.•>ty,
| vestenfny was commuted to the Stat#
| hospital for The criminal insane at Ma't
teawan. Two physicians re ently ap
pointed 'by the Supreme Court to ex
amine Mrs. von Claussen reported that
'.n 1 hHr opinion she was suffering from
the hallucination that »he was being
I persecuted bv Theodore Roosevelt.
While Colonel Roosevelt was Prest 1
; den>t. Mrs. von Clausson made repeated I
efforts to get an interview with him to j
protest against the action of the Am !
! bassador to Sweden in refusing to pre '
j seut her »t court.
Harrisbuxg Firemen at Lebanon
Lebanon. Oct. 15.—Several member;'
nf the Allison Hill Fire Company, of
Harrisburg, were in Lebanon yesterday
exchanging greetings with the tiremeii
who visited them during the week of i
, the State firemen's convention at Har- !
risburg, especially the Lebanonians'
who were so handsomely entertained bv !
the Allison boys last week. While here j
! the capital city firemen were enter-!
; tained by the local fire laddies.
Sore Teeth
Foul Breath
Discolored, Sore Trfth, (.uiu Disease '
and Kool Rrrath Yield (lulekly
In Thin Home Treatment
You can save the teeth nature save j
you. make your mouth nealthv and es- '
cape the tortures of the dental chair i
|by following a treatment at home. 11 i
is simple, easy and pleas
/ A ant. Besides it is painless'
and cannot possibly harm
1 months like this are irfn every day.
I The trouble la known an Pyorrhea or
Klgga Disease. These soft, discolored,,
bleeding, fonl-amelllajt and rea-edlng I
««an, loosened and sensitive teeth run :
he made Arm. ulroi* ami healthy by
this simple Home Method.
Stop Despairing* Don't tilve up Hope
of Mating losr Teeth.
A simple home treatment which w«
are placing before the public will |
brine you the relief and comfort you
desire. Stop spending raonev with den
tists who do not help you. Don't waste !
your money on drug store remedies j
that are invariably, as you know, dis
Write to us to-day and learn more \
: about this painless, speedv. inexpens
ive remedy that you can use at home,
so there will be no further need for
you to dndergo -the long, painful and
expensive detual treatment. Bridges,
Crowns and False Teeth are unsightly
and rarely satisfactory, and through
this treatment of the causes of bad
and sensitive teeth, gum disease and i
foul breath they should be unneces
If you are suffering with Pyorrhea i
or Riggs Disease, gingivitis, receding 1
gums, elongated or loose teeth; soft,
discolored or spongy gums; if your I
breath is foul; If your teeth pain while I
eating; if you are subject to bad tastes !
—then, for your own sake, send for Dr. |
Wlllard's book and learn how easy his i
method Is—how painless and speedy—
how this simple remedy quickly and
permanently gives sound, heallhv teeth.
Just sit down NOW and write us for
this free book. A few xnlnutos will
convince you that Dr. wTllard's com
mon-sense, simple Home Remedy Is
what you are looking for. Don't wait.
There is no pain connected with it.
We have recetved scores of letters from
people saying they would have given
hundreds of dollars had they known of
Dr. Wlllard's Home Treatment in time.
Address Dr. F. W. WIULARD, AIM,
Powers Bldff., Chicago. adv.
Be on the Safe Side
Decay in any food will cause stomach and liver
ailments and a tired, heavy-headed feeling.
Beer is food, a saccharine product. Light dis
turbs its chemical properties causing decay.
Beer in light bottles is—???
Schlitz is made pure and brewed in the dark—the
Brown Bottle keeps it pure until it is poured
into your glass, sparkling and clear as Crystal.
j See that Crown is branded"Schlitz." j|
wj ajj • in Brown Bottles
aJEHU. PhonCS | u n?ted^6W X
m 1 Sanitary Bottling Works
fi mW rVbtTr* Wr Grace Ave., liarrisbtirg
That Made Milwaukee famous
U. S. Commission Announces Examuia
• tions For This City
The United States Civil Service
1 Commission announces the following
examinations to be held in this city:
imperialist in home economics, fe
male, $3,500, October 27: investigator
in agricultural insurance, male, SI,BOO
- November 3; junior chemist'in
radioactivity, male, $1,200-$1.500,
November 4; field agent, male, $1,600,
November 4; assistant agriculturist,
male, SI,BOO $2,000, November 10;
assistant in co-operative grain elevator
accounting, male, SI,BOO $2,000, No
vember 10; marketing specialist, dairy
products, male, grade 1, $2,500-$3,-
000, grade 2, $ 1,800 $2,400, Novem
ber 10; junior explosive engineer, male,
sl r 2oo-$1,500, November 18; assist
ant in school and home gardening, fe
male, $1,600, November 18; assistant
in nutrition and hygiene, male, $1,440,
November 18; aid in mineral techno
logy, male, $1,200, November 18;
pharmacist and physician's assistant,
male, November 18; labora
.tory aid in technical agriculture, S6OO
- November 18; manual training
teacher, male, S9OO, November 18-19.
Persons who meet the requirements
and desire any of the above examina
tions should apply for the necessary
papers to the secretary, third civil
service district, Philadelphia, or to the
local gfecretary in this city.
Stroke of Paralysis Is Fatal to Mari
etta Citizen
Mariertta, Oct IB.— Henry Peters.
"8 years old, died suddenly Tuesday
night when he was about to retire, from
a stroke of paralysis. He was born in
Columbia July 17, 1836. His mother
and the mother of his wife died on the
same day, July 17, iboth from the same
disease and at the same hour. The day
his wife was btirn in Ireland he came
to 'Marietta to work for the Hiestarid
Lumber Company and was employed by
them sixty-two years.
He was a veteran of the Civil war.
serving in the 199 th regiment, and saw
hard service. His %ife, four children
and eight grandchildren survive. He
married Elizabeth Kelley, of Harris
burg, July 2, 1863.
First P. M to Resign in 40 Years
Towanda, Pa., Oct. 15, —George I>.
Powers, seventeen yearsNfoatmaster in
Borne, has tendered his resignation. He
is tflio first postmantor to resign in Brad
ford county in forty years.
Child Killed by Train
Wirke*Jßarre, Pa., Oct. 15.—Her de
sire to nave herself a t«.rdy mark at
school cost the life of Jjottie liloak. 7 \
years old. wheu she was run down by :
a Lehigh Valley train at Duryea ves j
terday. " " |
Late Corporal Jeremiah Rauch Interred
With Military Honors
Palmyra, Fa., Oct. 15.—A soldiers'
; burial was yesterday afternoon given
the late Corporal Jeremiah Raueli, of
this place, whoso death occurred sev
eral dßvs ago. Burial, which was in the
I Union Deposit cemetery, was in charge
of Sedgwick Post No. 12, G. A. R., of
Lebanon, of which the deceased was a
member. The funeral was held at 2 p.
m. from tho Ranch residence, on Main
street, this place, and was very largely
i attended. Services were in St. .loiin's
I Lutheran church, the Rev. W. H. Hil
: bish, pastor, assisted by the Rev. 0. W.
1 Heffner, of the Palmyra M. K. church,
officiated. For fifteen years the deceas
ed was a sergeant at arms of the Unit
I ed (States (Senate at Washington.
Attacks Brother With Axe
Pottßvilla, Oct. 15.—Thomas Far
. rell, of iMinersville, is fleeing in a mad
dash for freedom from a posse of von
i stalfrles ami State troopers, after in
dieting a pof-siblv fatal wmind on his
| brotiher Mivhaci, j esterdav . morning,
! with an exe.
1 Quickest, Surest Cough }|
i Remedy is Home- §
Made |
(j> F.asilv rr-pnred In a Few Mln- <|)
® atea. I heap but l'oeqnaled ®
Some people are constantly annoyed
from one years end to the other with a
persistent bronchial cough, which is whol
ly unnecessary. Here is a Jiome-made
remedy that gets right at the cause and
will make you wonder what became of it
Get 2% ounces I'inex (50 cents worth)'
from any druggist, pour into a pint bottle
and fill the bottle with plain granulated
sugar svrup Start, taking it at once.
Gradua'lv but surely you will notice the
plil®ffin thin out- and then dipapppxr al
together. t bus ending a couglL that you
never thought would end. It also loosens
the dry. hoarse or tight cougi. and heals
the inflammation in a painful cough with
remarkable rauiditv. Ordinary coughs
are conquered by it in 24 hour's or loss.
Nothing better for bronchitis, winter
coughs and bronchial asthma.
This Pinex and Sugar Svrun mixture
makes a full pint—enough to last a
family a long time —at a cost of onlv 54
cents. Kepps perfectly and tastes pleas
ant. hasily prepared. Full directions
with Pinex.
l'' np x is a special and highly concen
trated compound of genuine Norway pine
extract, rich in guaiacol. and is famous
the world ovftr for its ease, certainty and
promptness in overcoming bad coughs,
chest and throat colds.
Get the genuine. Ask your druggist
for 2% ounces Pinex." and do not accept
anything else. A guarantee of absolute
satisfaction, or money promptly refunded,
goes with this preparation. The Pinex
Co., it. Wayne, Ind.
Former Attorney General Reported Do
ing Well at Hospital
Philadelphia, Oct. 15. —William U.
Hensel, of Lancaster. Pa., ex-Attorney
General of Pennsylvania, who was
taken to the Jefferson hospital a week
ago, is reported to be doing favorably.
He is suffering from a nervous break
down, and while his condition is not
considered critical, it was said at the
hospital last night his recovery can be
effected onlv by complete rest. Mr.
Hensel-relatives, declining to com
ment on his illness, say only that he
went to the hospital for this rest. v
The former Attorney General was
once a leader in Democratic politics in
this State and is one of the most wide
ly known lawyers in the interior of
! Pennsylvania.
Police Working on Ante-mortem State
ment of Myst.sry
Chester. Pa., Oct. " 1 s.—.Frank .T.
' Sparks, admitted to Uhester hospital
ilhreo weeks ago as an "accident |*i
| tient, wi'tli a fractured nose and iu
j terual injuries, died early yesterday
, morning at the institution!
I Sparks, in an ante-morten statement
to I'hief of Police Vance, said that ho
was brutally assaulted While driving a
wagon to t'his I'ity, his assailants throw
| ing him from the vehicle. The police
! are working on a clew.
Georgia Supreme Court Rules Against
Alleged Slayer of Girl
j Atlanta, Oa., Oct. 15.—1i,e0 M. Frank,
; under sentence of death for the murder
I here in April, 1913, of Mary Phagan.
| an employe of t'he per.vil factory of
j Which Frank was superintendent, yes
terday was denied a new trial by the
Georgia Supreme Court. The Court held
that Frank's showing of uewly-di.s.ov
| ered evidence was insufficient.
This was Frank's fifth attempt to
I obtain a retrial or annulment of the
| verdict, -which was returned August 25
! last. year. He still has -pending an
j poal from the lower court's denial of
i a motion to set aside the verdict on
! the ground he was not in the court
' roo-m when it was returned.
Odd Fellows to Visit Port Carbon
i Lebanon, Oct. 15. —At least one
| more trip will ibe made by the Odd
| Fellows of Lebanon before the close
jof the season. L Howard Rhein, who
I had charge of the trip to Schuylkill
: Haven last week, is arranging for an
| other trip to Port Carbon in the near
I future. According to the present
I plans, the Lebanonians will go to Port
1 Carbon in a special train. The Port
| varbon lodge of Odd Fellows has one
of the finest degree teams in Pennsyl
t vania.