The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, October 14, 1914, Page 9, Image 9

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    To Make Hairs Vanish
From Face, Neck or Arms
Keep r little- powdered' delatone
Handy and when hairy growths appear
make a paste with some of the pow
ier and a little water, theu spread
jver hairy surface. After 2or 3 min
utes rub off, wash the skin and it will
be entirely free from hair or blemish.
Phis simple treatment is unfailing, but
care should be exercised to bo sure
Wd get genuine delatonc, otherwise
Barry Keiter Fractures Collarbone in
Tall From Bicycle
•pcfia! Correspondence.
Enders, Oct. 14.—IMliss Mary fin
ders, of Berrvsburg, was home with 'her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac A. Enders,
over Sundav.
' Mr. and' Mrs. D. D. Helt, of Eliza
bfHhvillr, visited relatives and friends
here on Sunday.
Mrs. Ira M. Helt- is spending a week
with her father, William Phillips, who
has been sick for a long time at Urban.
Mrs. Cocina is confined to her tied
by sickness.
P. Byron Enders purchased a new
gasoline engine anil chopping mill for
use on his farm.
Miss Stella Keiter visited ! her par
ents at Elizabeth ville on Sunday.
Hnrrv Keiter while riding'his bicycle
was thrown heavily to the ground and
a fra 'tured collarbone at two pflaces was
The Traffic Help Wanted
With Orluinnf i 'n*L Incluriinß Hew* j%<k L%fT
*nnkc«. Flrnt Tl.iie Vnyuhrrr at I.OCO I.AIGIIS 1.00(1 THRILLS
\ Play \> ith n I'IEDCII and a !
•IhfHr M'UC'ML \\ \ll TIM 15 PRICKS PtirpoMe
— MI.SIT, Stftt*, ."<>«•. 7r»f ant! sl,llO. 2.V, r.Cc. 7JSc, 91.00; FF.H !*»,30.
Friday, October 16, Matinee and Night
The Girls From Joyland
With Everybody's Favorite. PHA\K 1.. WAK UKIEM), na Steve (he Dope
PRlCKS—Xntiner. 2,*.c. 35c and GOe. Evening, 15c. 25c, 35c. 58c and TBe
SATURDAY, OCTOBER !7, Matinee & Night
: fc l?l tH "ATi
K." SJ-jB M n L ■ mKn | L ■
I PRICES—Mat., lower floor. 50c, 75c. fl.OOt Hnlcony. 2Bc and 50e. Evening, I
! lov»er floor. 75c, $1.0(1, *1.50; B»lcon>. 50c nud 75c; ftallerv, 20c I
V ii • ; r
The Beat Hill So Far Thl« Season _
In a Sonic Festival w W
Bright >onm nud Hrltfht Smile* \o More I.OBK, Tiresome Pictures,
TUC UYCTin Dion Three Acta aad Best One
inc ITIIO lIU DlflU and Two-Reel Subject*
NOVELTY CLINTONS I "f- I Aaard Hrotkefil I
PAULI and BOYNE Ifl Ar 1 C
J.XX"",:;: ~k ' ,R "'*" Kv " "OC IDC
PHOTOPLAY TO-DAY Army and Navy of Latin America
( I,EVEH ANITA STEWART in the combined array and navy
leading R„ie of strength of the l*tin American repub-
SHitdnWC nf fftn li ' rß Army, including total available
UliaUU W 3 VII lllC strength, 3,660,000; navy, iix-hiding all
Pact I kin<is of craft . eighty-four vessels, with
* | personnel of 27,000 officera and jneu.
3-Aet vitaeraph nroadnay star '*' 'this naval strewgtlh all tiha't amounts
Kentnre to anything are fhe nine modern (but
HIS FIRST I'ASE—Two-act Lnhln not first -class battleships—Argentina
si IPPFIIY s. .M'TIT. r . three, Brazil three amd 'Ohlili three. iMex
- E«a»uy C omedy ico'has practwitlly no navy. The 'total
ANITA STEWART lead in possible war strength! of fho United
"SHADOWS OF THK PAST" i »wwes is probably around 15,000,000.
Vi^l —'Now Vorw Ammran.
I the result. Dr. J. W. N>ff was called
| and reduced the fracture.
Ira M. Helt sold a new gasoline en
gjne to Isaac Ki,n»inger, of Enterline.
Mrs. Harvey yhoop visited lier moth
er, (Mrs. Jo'hn Welker, at Carsonvilje.
Arthur #•'. Enders, of Halifax, was
i fhe guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
j B. <F. Enders, on Monday,
i John E. Enders has opened a candy
' and cigar store.
Beal Estate Changes Hands—Susan
Elicker Sells Her Property
' Special Correspondence.
! Dillsburg, Oct. 14. —There have
' been several changes in real estate in
ithis vicinity recently. Mrs. Susan
Elicker sold all her real estate, west of
■ town, consisting of two houses and two
l stables with some land attached. I. W.
Fishel purchased one tract known as
i the Prosser home and Mr. Zerby, of
Steelton, purchased the other house,
j stable and a few acres of land. John
IC. Moore purchased the home owned
by Christian Hershey, of Mechanics
' burg, and George A. Bushey has pur
! chased the Eli Stouffer property at
Turkey Foot, a short distance north: of
| town.
I C. K. Bushey, of this place, is spend
ing a few days in Jersey State.
! Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Creager moved to
Gettysburg vesterdav, where they will
I make their future home.
I Beatrice Lerew, who has been teach
i ing in New Jersey, spent Saturday and
| Sunday at home with her parents.
A number of persons from this place
! attended the I'. B. Annual Conference
•on Sundav to hear Bishop eek ey
1 The Kav. Mr. Krenz, who has served
i Dillsburg chsrue"for the past four
years, has been returned by the Con
ference for another year.
The sick folks of town ieem to be
convalescing. J. H. Dick, who has been
ill for some weeks, has improved con
siderably and J. M. Earns is also very
much better. Mrs. William Dull, who is
sufforing from typhoid fever, is also
Mrs. Charles Gross was taken to
Philadelphia Monday afternoon to un
dergo an operation.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gross, of York,
are staying at the home of their son.
jC. W. Gross, on Gettysburg street, dur
[ ing the absence of Mrs. Gross.
Lewis Lau and family spent Sunday
with friends in Lemovne.
Mrs. J. M. Porter was the guest of
j Scott Sheffer and wife at Harrisburg
j Friday and Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. William Seibert are
spending a few days with friends in
Hagerstown and are attending the
W. H. Sidle yesterday received a
carload of new Overland automobiles.
Teacher Given an Agreeable Surprise
Monday Evening
Special Correspondence.
West Fairview, Oct. 14.—Miss Mary
MacDannald, teacher of the third
school, was given a pieasant surprise
on Monday evening at the ihome of
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Weaver on Rail
road street. The evening was spent in
the playing of games and eating re
freshments. Those present were: Hel
en iStoner, Mary Eckert, Alva Kramer,
Beatrice Bretz, Margaret Fisher, Jo
sephine Weaver, Aleatha Yarnell, El
leu Holmes, Pauline Holmes, Dortha
MtiAfce, Estelln Schreadley, Bessie
'ioffman, Klizabeth Shaull, Mabel
Frank, Emma Weaver, William Lantz,
Donald Davidson, Park Stoner, William
Blessing, Kenneth Bidlavk, Clinton
Laugletz, William Hoover, Oliver Fish
er, Arthur Lutz, William Khiver, Edgar
Daug'iierty, Walter Shaffer, Clarence
Glessner, Arthur Bowman, John Pone
smith. the Rev. S. B, Bidlack and wife,
Mrs. J. i\ Weaver, Miss Hazel Weav
er. Aliss Grace Karper and Miss Mary
Mac Dannuld.
Mis. Sarah Eshenauer and daughter.
Louise; Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Geyer and
daughter, Nora, of Eliza bethtown, and
Mrs William Wertz, of Harrisburg,
were gue-ts of Mr. and Mrs. O. K. Esh
Mr. anil Mrs. M. H. Garland spent
Sundav with Mrs. l.iesniann in 1 amp
Mrs. Annie Bender spomt Monday
with her son. Paul Bender, at Enola.
Mr. and Mrs. William Ituukel attend
ed the l ; nited Brethren Conference at
Meehanicsburg and are now visiting ar
M'as Violet Rowland has gone to El
mira N. Y. where she has accepted a
position with her former emj/overs ui.
A Stough preliminary mass meeting
will be held in tuc U. B. church here
Thursday at ".30 in the afternoon and
will be addressed by Miss Colt and
Billy Shannon ot the Stough party.
All are welcome.
Mr. Boycr took the children oJt joy
riding yeii.crday ".fteruaon in his au
tomobile. Four trips were Hjnde each
time i arrying a d.tlerent gro.ip.
Infant Daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Har
vey Bogar Dies
Special Cor:esponcfene«r
Halifax, Oct. 14.—An infant daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bogp.r died
Monday evening. Tac funeral wiil be
held Thursday afternoon with inter
ment in the M. E. cemetery.
P. S. Hill and family spent Sunday
at New Bloomfield.
George I'owley. of Harrisburg, vis
ited friends, in town on Tuesday.
Mrs. Fred Smeltzer, of Sunbary,
spent Monday at the home of Harry
O. (,'nubb.
Clinton Slioop. of Lykens. spent Sun
day with Mrs. John S.
Mrs. Harry Lutz and daughter spent.
Sunday with friends at Uighspire.
Wil'iam Wilson, of Harrisburg, is
visiting friends in town.
Air. and Mrs. Theodore Kichter. of
Flemington. N. J.. are. guests of the
former s mother. Mrs. Anns Richtw.
Sunday School Convention to Be Held
in Lutheran Church
Special Corresnondence.
Fisher viile, Oct. 14.—Miss Kathryn
Bixler, of Harrisburg, was visiting here
o\ er Sunday.
J. H. Fauber and family, of Worin
levsburg, visited here over Si^day.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Gipple visited at
Harrisburg several days last week.
Mrs. Lydia Bowman visited at Har
risburg last week.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Harvey Shceslev, of
Lykens, were in town last week. Mrs.
Margaret Sheeslev accompanied them
to Lykens.
Ray Erb. of Millersburg, spent some
time here with friends.
Joel Enders, of Harrisburg, visited
his father here.
Miss Susan Uhler, of Millersburg,
visited in this vicinity the beginning
of the week.
A Sunday school convention will be
End Itching Scalp and Stop Falling
Hair—At Once
There is one sure way that never fails
to remove dandruff completely and that
is to dissolve it. This destroys it en
tirely. To do this, just get about four
ounces of plain, ordinary liquid arvon;
apply it at night when retiring; use
enough to moisten the scalp and rub it
in gently with the finger tips.
By morning most, if not all, of your
dandruff will be gone, and three or four
more applications will completely dis
solve and entirely destroy every single
sign and trace of it no matter how
much dandruff you may have.
You will find, too, that all itching
and digging of the scalp will stop in
stantly, and your hair will be fluffy,
lustrous, glossy, silky and soft, and
look and feel a hundred times better.
If you want to keep your hair look
ing rich, do by all means get rid of dan
druff for nothing destroys the hair BO
quickly. It not only starves the hair
and makes it fall out, but it makes it
stringy, straggly, dull, dry, brittle and
lifeless, and everybody notices it. You
can get liquid arvon at any drug store.
It is inexpensive, and four'ounccs is all
you will need. This simple remedy has
never been known to fail. Adv.
Harrisburg Has to Bow to the In
evitable—Scores of Citizens
Prove It
After reading the public statement
of this representative citizen of Har
risburg given below, you must come to
this conclusion: A remedy which proved
so beneficial years ago with the kid
neys, can naturally be expected to per
form the same work in similar cases.
Read this:
George F. Snyder, brakeman, 1802
North Sixth street, Harrisburg, says:
"I used to suffer a great deal from my
back more so during the early hours of
the morning. Many a time I had to get
up in order to ease the pain in my
back. Doan's Kidney Pills were spoken
of so highly for curing kidney disorders
that 1 got a box. and after taking a few
doses my back felt stronger. This one
box drove the misery out of my back.
That was a year ago and I haven't had
any sign of kidney trouble since."
Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy— get
Doan's Kidney Pills—the same that
Props.. Buffalo, N. Y. Adv.
held in the Lutheran church next Sun
day at 11a. m. by the Dauphin t ouuty
John Koi'her is having his house re
Services in tne Lutheran churches
for Sunday as follows: Preaching at
Knterline at 10 and at Fisherville at
7.30 p. m. by the pastor, the Rev. J.
F. Staoley.
Mr. and Airs. Isaac Witulan, of Eliz
abethvllle, were in town on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Marsh and son,
Curtis, spent Sunday at Begins.
F. Loudcrmilch and family and Alice
Garverich spent Saturday at the capital
Mrs. (.atharinc Bixler visited at Hliz
abethvillo over Sunday.
Jerome hinders is nursing a sore
hand, which he received while thresh
ing. Some one ran the prong of a
pitch-fork into his liatul and blood poi
soning set in.
A mass meeting was held here last
Friday evening bv the Washington
Mrs. Charles Feed Entertains in Honor
of Father's Birthday
Special Correspondence.
Dauphin Oct. 14.—Mrs. Charles
Reed entertained on Sunday at her
home in honor of the birthday anniver
sary of her father, Benjamin Shaffer.
Dinner wa< served to Mr. and Mrs.
Benjamin Shaffei, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Reed, Mr. and Mrs. John Snoop and
children, Margaret and Helen, and
Isaac Shatter.
Mrs. W. K. Roden'naver entertained
at her home in Harrisburg on Tuesday
evening in honor of Miss Ame Shaffer,
a nurse a! the Pennsylvania hospital,
THE HOUSE on Ciyp'-h »;reel. apposite
the school house, Jut !)ft., is tor
sale :'?r sl,ioo. See If, G. PtfOUOW, 110
S. Thirteenth street, Harrisburg.
Mrs. John Stooss 111 With Attack of
Sti'cißl Correspondence.
Lemovne, Oct. 14.—Aaron Rencker.
of Sidtlonsburg, was in town on busi
ness yesterday.
Mr. and Mr-. I Strayer have
returned from a visit to relative* in
Do\er, York county.
Miss Anna Baker, of York. -it * I
her parents. Mr. and Mri. i. . 3.uer,
over Sunday.
Sylvan Sti'<tycr, of Dover, sp nt a
day recently with relathes .11 town.
Mrs. John Stouss is ill with pneu
monia at her home on West Hummsl
Har'c Luughinan, of York, visited
relatives in town lor a fev days.
Ira Bordsier and Family Entertain
Number of Guests Sunday
Special Correspondence.
Wiconisco. Oct. 14. Mr. and Mrs.
Harris Bordner, of Philadelphia, spen.
Saturday and Sunday with Ira Bor.lner
and family.
Robert Donald Keen celebrated his
ninth birthday Thursday, He was the
recipient of very many gifts.
Mrs. Sara Miller is visiting rela
tives in Minersville.
Charles Krdman, of Harrisburg, mo
tored to town Sunday a week.
Harry Umholtz has returned home
for thi> winter. . •
Frank Bowman lias received work at
W. H. Shaefer has returned to his
home at 3900 Walnut street, Philadel
Miss Clara Machamer, of Chester,
was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Weist last week.
Mrs. George Derfenderfer. of Orwigs
burg, called on friends recently.
Miss Beth Yost spent Saturday last
in Muir.
Harry Klinger, of Fisherville, was a
visitor in town Sunday.
Miss Mary Bordner, of Fisherville,
spent Sunday at the hom e of Ira Bord
ner and family.
Funeral of Miss Lillie Neidtgh Held
This Morning
Special Correspondence.
NewviHe, Oct. 14.—Mabs Lili'ie
Neidigh, aged 16 years, died Sunday
evening at. 7.30 o'cJoek ait the home
of 'her aunt, Mrs. Alex IM.illor, near the
deipot. She hail been in [>oor health
far some time. Funeral services were
(held this morning.
Harry Fry, of Harrisburg. spent Sun
day in town.
Mrs. H. .T. Stewart, of 'Harrisburg,
■motored 'to Newville on Monday where
sflie was t'he gueaft of 'her sister, Mrs.
G. W. (Landis.
Saturday afternoon an alarm of fire
was Bounded which proved to be the
property of .Harry 3henk, on Big Wpring
avenue. The firemen responded prompt
ly and soon had the fire under control.
The origin of the fire is unknown as the
family was away for the day and there
had been no tiro in the house. IM'uoh
damage was done by She water.
Willilm Strunk and family, of M'if-
A (111 II 1 ■" PARTIAL contents
£K *V W Hll AVI Not* the many exclusive features
■ IVI J m I 11111 I ■■ in this list of subjects. Every mem
■ W0 ■ I | ■I HI W ber every family will find many
W topics of daily interest in the fol-
This Is Presented o( &g „ ib
The M STAR Art of Correct Spelling. I
M• Uv Abbreviations and Contractions.
f |. n i » Agricultural Products of the U. S.
Rnnlr ' ® K63u€rs Anthracite Production.
Jt#\JP\/lIV Armies of tho World.
• Army and Kavy Statistics.
Birth Davs. *
NEVER v . . •> Birth Stones.
• ' Coal Production of the IT. 8.
nTtTTfI . _____ . _ Corn Product of the world.
IN THIS EDUCATIONAL Cotton Produet of the U. 8.
Cotton Product of the World.
CITY v , AUTHORITIES Derivation and Development of the'
> 1 . Kngfch Language. I
* Derivation. Signification and Nick-
Shows the $4.00 Book Greatly Reduced in Size
-g. _ , Silver Product of the World.
*4. f| J f j T t Simplified Spelling Rules.
3 ■ (f~WAT g B a I Simplified New Words Adopted.
JL .fIA-l V V tvj VjC L ■ L Wtepl Product of the World.
Sugar Product of the World.
Turn to the coupon on page 10 of this issue; clip and "tXw. r id.
present it at this office with 88c for the genuine limp Time Differences.
voluyno Tobacco Product of the XT. R.
leatner volume. Tobacco Product Of the World.
g _ _ | United States Armv Statistics.
Qut-of-Town Readers v %£ Foreign ' Coins ia u - 8 -
Versification Forms and Rulfes.
MAIL ORDERS—Any book by parcel post include )p eal * h w ? rlci -
EXTRA 7 cents within 150 cents 150 to 300 u. s.
miles; for greater distance ask your postmaster p " d " ct of "»« u. s
i Wheat Product of the World.
amount to include for 3 pounds. Wool Product of the World,
ii.tiVurg, were quests of IMtrs. A'braliftms
u . i
The Rev. H. R. Ujbl), <jf .Ylvertoti.
1 a., former pastor of Church of
Hoil in th' 3 place, spout a portion of
'Monday anil Tuesday shaking hands
wit'h friends here.
Karl "Warden, of Locust Point, ami
Wilbur Warden, rf Harrisburg, wore
guests of their mother on MI.. ;a>.
Miss R'.i.h Lnndis hai> gone io Voii'tps
viHe, Pa., where -ihr will visit with rela
tives a;; I friends for several tc-eelis.
Fruit and Canned Goods Sent to
Methodist Hospital, Philadelphia
Sc»fin| p(irr»*punaene*-,
MiiUletown. 0:t. 14.—1. H. Doiit
rieli, who motored to KJizabethtown
last Monday, met with an accident by
the gearing in his main wheel break
Oliver Sides spent the day at Ha
gerstown fair
The Farmers' market house has been
beautifully decorated by the Women's
Home and Foreign Missionary Society
of St. Peter's Lutheran church in col
ors of black, yellow, red and white,
for the purpose of serving dinner aiul
supper to the delegates who attend the
thirty-fifth convention which will open
to-morrow morning in the church. Quite
a number of delegates have arrived to
day .
The Rev. I. H. Albert, who »as been
returned to town as pastor of the I'.
B. church for anotlfer year, was very
agreeably surprised by the members of
his church on Monday evening. Th'v
had gathe r ed in the Sunday school
room and a meeting of . the official
board. The pastor was invited over
and to his surprise found many of the
members present. Superintendent D. B.
Keifer. of the Sunday school, present
ed the new pastor to the congregation
and after a program was rendered con
sisting of addresses, solos, duets and
recitations, a very pleasant time was
spent. Their pastor then responded
and in a few well chosen words said
that he was glad to be returned for an
other year.
W. D. Zink, residing at Catherine
and Susquehanna streets, was given a
hearing before Squire George K, Rife
yesterday morning charged by his
housekeeper, Mrs. Catherine Beigh,
with assault and battery and threaten
ing to blow the house up. He was held
under S3OO bail for court.
T. J. Antrim spent the day at Har-
John Peters, ticket agent at the
Pennsylvania railroad station, is off on
a ten days' vacation and is being sub
stituted by Charles Force.
Mr. Nissley, "father of Mrs. S. C.
Peters, is ill at the home of his daugh
Mrs. Maggie Palmer is ill at her
home on Wilson street.
The fruit and canned goods • that
were used for Harvest Home services
in the M. E. church, last Sunday were
packed on Monday and sent to the
Methodist hospital at Philadelphia.
.They consisted of two barrels, two
boxes and a basket.
Mrs. D. I'. Fishel spent Tuesday at
N. C. l'uhrman. who spent Monday
in Clark's Valley, reports chestnut very
plentiful there. In about two hoWs he
had gathered twelve quarts and his sis
ter-in-law. Mrs. Mary Fuhrman brought
.o Harrisburg on Tuesday hundred
H u .irts.
L). Miles vSherrick, the liveryman,
who Ttmt his fine team of horses, has
cards offering a reward of $2 5 for
information leading to the arrest of
the two men who stole the team.
Dr. H. W. George, who has been ijl
and spending some time at Harrisburg,
is reported as improving.
Several persons from town spent
the day at Hagerstown attending the
Meeting of the Mite Society of Trinity
Lutheran Church
<pectal Correspondence.
Mechauicsburg, Oct. 14.—The Mite
Society of Trinity Lutheran church,
held their monthly meeting last even
ing at the home of Mrs. J. K. B.
Brandt, West Locust street. Consider
able business was transacted ami an
entertaining program was given,
List evening Manager Houghton, of
the Star theatre, gave a benefft show
for the local Athletic club.
On Columbus Day, October 12, Al
vain Harrett, of PottsviHe, aud Miss
Olive Maud Bebelheiner, of Port Car
bon, were united in marriage* by the
Rev. K. C. B. Castle, a former pastor
of the groom. The ceremony took
place at the parsonage of the First
IT. B. church. Mr. Garrett was a resi
dent of this plat?e a number of years.
A number of our citizens will attend
the Hagerstown fair this week. On the
advisory board are 8. Mohler, John M.
Myers, R. H. Thomas, Jr., Q. D. Coov
er and J. C. Reeser.
Mrs. Daniel Ugenfritz, of New
Kingston, is visiting her cousin, Mrs.
Mary Shugart, Green street.
Miss Freda Kistler, of Carlisle, was
a visitor here yesterday.
The Rev. and Mrs. S. Games are
attending the Lutheran Synod in Han
over this week. Mr. Games is a mem
ber of the Synod.
Mrs. D. Fernbaugh is visiting rela
tives in Pittsburgh.
Miss Clara (Stine made a shopping
trip to Harrisburg yesterday.
Last evening H. H. Mercer was to
Carlisle where he was the speaker o?
the evening before thg Dickinson Col
lege McOormick-Palmer elub.
Mrs. John 8. Weaver and Mrs. C. F.
Raach spent yesterday in 'Harrisburg.
On Monday Mr. and Mrs. John 8.
fipicer, their daughters, Janice and
Evelyn, their sons, John, Jr., and Hen
ry, Jr., Mrs. Charles Shaffner and son,
Robert, . Miss Kate Spofford and Miss
Mary Spofford, all of Harrisburg,
i automobiled to this place and wer® v
i guests of W. A. Huber and famjj.v, •
Wesi Main street.
-Mrs. Catharine Reamer is spending
I to-day in Carlisle.
Funeral of Mrs. Harriet Kaufman Yes
terday Afternoon
Special Correspondence.
New < umberland, Oct. 14.—The fu
neral of Mrs. Harriet Kaufman took
| place yesterday from her late home on
Bridge street. The Rev. J. V. Adams
: conducted the services, assisted b.y Dr.
:J. H. Young. A quartet, composed of
H. W. ButtorfT, J. A. Sprenkel, Kav
mond Stouesifer aud Kay Lechthaler.
sang several selections. The Bible class ,
! of H. F. Kohr, of which the deceased
1 was a member, attended in a body. The
I pallbearers were Dr. H. W. Linebaugh.
j Julius B. Kaufman, Jesse Oren, C. m!
:';lelm, Charles StonesifeT, James Mor
; ley. The interment took place at Mt.
Olivet cemetery.
The Literary Society of the New
j Cumberland High school has been or
ganized and the following officers elect
| ed: President, Miss Elizabeth Pencil;
! vice president, Leroy Sweigert; secre'
tary, Miss Jeanette Hoffman; treasurer,
Frank Kertin.
A meeting of the teachers of the bor
ough schools was held 011 IMonday
| evening. One of the 'topics discussed
I was a system for marking deportment
of the pupils.
Mr. and Mrs. William Hollabangh,
lof Hillside, announce the birth/of a
sou, October 13.
The New Market postoffice opened
on Monday, in charge-of Mrs William
j Duulevy, who was appointed postmis
; tress sev?ral months ;igo.
-Misses Ivy and Delia Snell went to #
! Anderson town to-day to visit Mrs. Ben
.jamin Myers. They"will attend the Ha
; gerstown fair this week.
'Mrs. Irene Stewart has returned froin
a two weeks' visit to her mother at
I Shippensburg.
Mr.' and Mrs. Frank Hoover an.l
daughter, Margaret, of Bellavista; Mr.
and Mrs. lister Mates and daughter,
I Dorothy, motored to Peters' mountain'
I ou >%nday.
| Mr. and Mrs. <. R. Shuler, of Ches
ter, an<l Mrs. Erriekson, of I'acona,
I who have been guests of Mr. and Mrs.
!A. J. Shuler, have returned home.
1 Mrs. Norman Lichtenberger, 'Mrs. Lcw
-1 is Tress and daughter, Catherine, of
i Harrisburg; Mr. and Mrs. Chester
| Shuler, of Gnola. were guests of Mr.
fend Mrs. Shuler on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. I<ewis Becker and
daughter, Wilda; Mrs. Minnie Ketrow,
of Bellavista, and Mrs. Ida Bradley,
of Lebanon, called on Percy Parthe
more's family on Sunday.
Mr. and Airs. Jeff, of Har
risburg; Miss Klla Unely and Miss
Mildred Ehrman, of Columbia', were
guests of H. E. fietz's family at New
market on Sunday.