8 | The Star-Independent's Great Bargain Educational Page I j WE WILL PAY YOU TO READ | This page contains bargains—the very best of the season—offered by Harrisburg's reliable merchants. You cannot afford to miss them. Read every advertisement on this page and then tell S us what bargain you find to be the best bargain and why. For the best letter the Star-Independent will pay $3.00 in Cash; for the second best, $2.00 and for the third best SI.OO. Address all letters I | to The Bargain Editor, The Star-Independent, and send them in not later than Monday noon of next week. Anyone can compete. We will publish the prize letters, with the names and addresses li | in our news columns or we will omit the name if desired. Letters not to contain more than 150 words. {BARGAIN THURSDAY ONLY f | 15 Pounds C 4 f)f) Granulated Sugar I Is. s. POMEROYJ «s» ' | 8 South Market Square % % Dealer in GROCERIES, Fancy and Staple :• •: * *:• •:* >v *** :• «•**** * •>•>•*■* **** ** ¥ New Seneca I Peoples Bakery Cameras 557 Woodbine Street have just arrived. They're the guar- \\' p ), ave fl ]] t |, e g ooC jj ea . anteed. vour-monoy-back-without- ______ question kind. It' you have one the TITZriTiTt whole outdoors will belong to you. _ TT _ „. . , D ... . , , mtl T)ID you know that MAXOTIRES will; Begin to-dav it von \e never known u, ' ! e , , keep your old tires running on your! the jov» ot picture making before. car the rest of the year? We did and j An Exposure Scale and Meter Free we want to prove to you the value of them. FORNEY S DRUG STORE SHAFFER SALES co., in 80-KA South Cameron Strest SOLD THE WORLD OVER J ii^ An Elgin sls 2°.yr. Gold JOld Gormail Filled Ladies' or Gents' Watch RYE SIO.OO Whiskey L. A, FAUNCE JOHN J.FINN JEWELER 434 M ar k e t St. CM I North Third Street | Family Trade (Both Phones) F. E. RIDENGUR, 1221 N. Third st. Fancy Baking Fresh Cut Flowers Always on Hand Funeral Designs a Specialty Try o ur Pies and Cakes ! Any $25.00 Suit Always a Bargain ordered to-morrow Made for $20.00 T Tiir CL £C H. SCHAMPAIN J* IVL jneaiier Custom Tailor «r»e wr mi. J Third and Reily Streets 905 N. Third St. •> v •> •> c ■ •:< >:• •> »:• o >:< •> {• •> *:• **>j*•>*<••> <• <- <• •> >:• •:« •> »:• »> •> <•< % W Watch This Space | t2 REASONS * 3 B y° u should buy t ! (XCIMI EVEN STEVEN I ! 5c CIGAR I * ||K - in humidore form |; 1 J af ! t* ❖ •> -l* ❖♦•>»> *►> »!■» *i* *i» «j» *> •> »> •!♦ »> *> •> •> ►> *►> »i« $ ►>»:•»:«►> •> •;« »> »> •;« > »:«•> ♦> <« Good Pies and Cakes 25c Gets 14 Corn Cure Start something. If they don't serve TI« .. J .... -f H - them. Made by I flUrSGay, 1"C Afticks & fktticks GRUNDEN'S Drug Store 217 Broad Street Sixth and Boas Streets |OB s is ° omes f ° r WELL-FINISHED FLOORS ~" give an air of elegance and refinement to a home. It is an easy matter to have /" T" T!7TTir> nice floors if you use Patton's Sole- I T W I 1 K K Proof Floor Coatings. They withstand * I—UU wear to a remarkable degree, and they noA m , . . ~ may be used with equally satisfactory 1 O. 1 ilirteentxl St. results on all sorts of interior woodwork - and furniture. ! The Sole-Proof Graining Outfit, j See M y Bargains in Slightly Used Stoves Seie-Proof Floor Coatinga are told in tea fiessexistence depends u ; -SrjX I Largest Stock in Harris-1 of their warei. Bnutifu! cotcr 'crj anJ i.KHith* bUFg i »«nt uj>on rcQutst. J PATTON PAINT CO. L«ke Street MiU.ukee. Wit. Kff • CI t '1 Bogar Hardware Co. MOWIS Skolnik j ? STREET 12H North Sixth St. Bell Telephone v C. V. Phone «■ SPECIAL THURSDAY ONLY TT „ , „ , x . one Dozen omy Hallowe en Novelties Solid Gold RingS, 4 in great variety and at Regular price $1.7.", up to #3.50 Reasonable Prices Remember, Gold is a standard. H. G. SEIBERT Central Book Store l!K)2 NORTH SIXTH STREET 829 Market Street, Harrisburg, Pa. J NaN Polish, 25c J Both fOT 25C j Thursday Only | | GOLDEN SEAL DRUG STORE I 11 S, Market Square | <• * HARRISBURG STAR -INDEPENDENT, WEDNESDAY EVENING. OCTOBER 14. 1914. \r\ / \ A FR?DA?ONLY N Can You Think of a Shoes FRIDAY ONLY . Value, $2. free of Btate j Fourth and Kelker Streets _ tax in Pennsylvania. If you have I j loo> SSOO or | IOOO for invefl t- 9+*'++'++'+*'++*'^^ | Protected :i ij: Volumes Could Be!; I „ .;• !i| Written i; > tlfimP C SOn the good work we have done <|j J VIW VII «■« <*i «. m if* for others. What can we do for % j Security Trust Cora= ;; |S. s FOUTZ, Slate Deputy |lj pany of Harrisburg i; Arcade Laundry i; j3l N. Second Street | _36-38 Worth Third j; granite AveS ' i| Fresh Killed Spring Chickens Better Clothes - Les3 Mone y Tease Your Pipe With I D «™«i sc , lb , ; LiT f' l6c ' Koch r s Mellow Mixture Not more than two to a customer. I L/»C/» \ts(/f HULL BROS. m 111 I I 1 1 ■ HI! I Sure Won>t Blte 17ik n. THIRD STREET , 3Vo-oz. 25c Packet Size, 10^ SPECIAL SALE ON The VITAL QUESTION'! 75c Guaranteed x 1 • , Silk Hosiery for PORTABLE LAMPS t0 YOU when slck ' o Q< , Where is the most complete and Prices that are surprising. mo,lern equi P ment for the BUCt ' oS9,ul Tl ,„ vo^a „ nniv ® treatment of disease, by mechanical, 1 nUrSCiay Uluy rp« < | . medical and surirical means? . - Ihe Columbia w t / 0 we invite your personal inspec- j m SJ t~Z M M" i TIC C O t '°" ° f tlle e 1 u 'P ment °f The Shope * M M. M W , Sanitarium at No. 1700 N. Second SPECIALTY SHOP 13th and Market Sts. street - Harrisburg, Pa., and judge ; )4 Loc ust Street, Next to Orpheum *■ r for yourself. National Cash Registers 1 * X' ris to our interest to hand you the. Total adders *4<> and im. Sold on! ' N Best, Coffee that you can buy any easy payments. " ' ■ ——.— . where for the money and we always do. Call at show room, No. "105 Market ■M IH J. G. SCHAEFER street, and get demonstration of I Roaster and Packer of High-Grade Money and Labor-saving Machines. | I f v\a' I Coffee and Tea N. R. Black, Sales Agent 4 S. Thirteenth St. Hotli Phones j 1 . -ll Bell Phone I6itß j ojqt/e ! HOERNER;S i'ili\ff iini —| | _ I | Lot of 15-inch Stair Oilcloth, just Room T •-'» "! .icON™R EE T I 158 yaldS ' 3t M A ' HARRISBURG, PA. «•<> BROAD STREET SEE Used $455 (fOCA ® MY p 'ayer- p iano 4> JOU M Black Velvet OWy Too big a bargain for anyone to nSlLl* \ H3IS, VoC i BTJH. i miss. Used less than a vear." Can't J) A 4 _ _ • n b o t e t ß old from new ' I>,ays fu " BS ' /tTJA andsl.2s 1 usteiA Mft Dsrosins Tern,3: s,n ( ' asi,; ?s »«°"thi.v. kf ma\ i en Bench, scarf and 12 music rolls free. ( | | Up 10 yiSiWV CHARLOTTE J. OPPERMAN '• H. Tn«p Muiic Hnntn MISS Bomberger MILLINERY 1K a n Mnrlrot Qr< ® 227 North Second Street y ' 1945 N. Sixth Street Bargain Dinner for Thursday MAE ' ; (8BP?-'5 HAIR Fresh Pork Loins, 22c lb» DRESSER The Best Sourkraut, 5c qt. || I Manicuring [ Potatoes, Peck, 12c S I Face Massage I Mity Nice Bread, 4c Loaf / J SSL B. B. DRUM, 1801 N. 6th St. U [ - 3 ii 3^ v Allison Tailor I "i rr; sr: i watch This ; i i Cleaning and Pressing Prompt Attention , N. Zimmerman ; T N. THIRTEENTH STREET L ' * ! I Write Letters and Win Cash for the Star-Independent's Bargain and Educational Page The first advertisements of the Star-. Independent's Great Bargain and Edu cational Campai,jfn appear on this page ! of to-day's issue. It contains bargains of every sort and description, and the representa tions of many of Harrisburg's most [ reliable houses. The bargains are of the worth while sort, and the page for this reason alone is worth careful read i in 8- | The readers of this paper will do ! | well to take advantage of these great | j price reductions. the advertisers on ■ j the page are doing their full share to- ! j ward reducing the high cost of living. | But to make it well worth while to I read the ads and to impress upon you; the great values to be obtained there-j from, it will pay you to peruse every] advertisement on the page, and in order to win the money we are offer ! i ing it is necessary that you read every! ad. This is very important. Then after you have read every ad. go over them again, pick out the one which you decide is the best bargain offered on the page and write a letter telling why that bargain is the best one. For the letter which gives the best reason The Star-Independent will pay the writer $3 in cash. This does not mean for the hand writing or pretty, style in getting up the letter, nor docs it mean that the writer must write in florid style of your favorite author. It simply means that the reason and rea son alone will be considered." For the second best letter The Star-Indepen-' dent will pay $2 in cash and for the third best letter sl. A special committee, headed by the Bargain Kditor, will read the letters sent in, and will award the prizes ac cording to the reasons advanced in these letters. No letter should be more than 150 words in length. So now get busy. The advertise-j ments themselves are well worth while for you to read. They offer you great chances to save money they are the rep resentations, every one of them, of re-1 liable business men, which means that you will get full value (and more) for your money. Read over every ad. on the "Bar-! gain and Educational Page," pick out' the one you like best and write your letter to-night. Mail it to the Bargain' Kditor, care of the Star-Independent, not later than next Monday noon, and; you can easily win some money for your efforts. You can win as easily your neighbor. Have your children at- 1 tending school write a letter; it is a' new and novel branch in their educa-j tion. If they are not successful tho' first week have them try ai?ain. They) can win in time. It is easy. I IS THIS A BARGAIN? I ! THE COMMERCIAL BANK, j II 1222 and 1224 North Third Street, | | Harrisburg, Pa., t | Will Pay You 4% on Savings Accounts % I .J. <• * .> ............ ...... . ; L" I Electric Wiring and Fixtures for, Gold g ilver d Nickel that new or old house see UH. YOU . , will be better satisfied if we do vourj .Plating ; electrical work. Refinishing of all metal Dauphin Electrical goods. John'?. Mussor, President The Nuss Mfg. Co. j 484 Market Street, Harrisburg, Pa. 11TH and MULBERRY STREETS Sorosis Shoes Chester B. Smith Sold the world around for Men. ! has moved from 1527 N. Third Street Women and Children I to 1815 NORTH THIRD STREET [ CREGO, '» X. | See His Bargains i SPECIAL THURSDAY ONLY 1 For this occasion we of- i A . „ A „ | fer a slightly used SSOO $4,50 to s7,o ° Umbrellas Stieff Piano for I! $2.95 STET PjANO ST ORE 6Tes FghtS peci alist ; : ia>s N. THIRD ST. BARGAINS v iln Pure WINES, LIQUORS and BEER Electrical Contractor! JOHN G. WALL „„„„„ ~ Cor. Sixth and Cumberland Sts. HoUSe Wiring a Specialty Bo "' Alll ° All kinds of electrical C. T. FERNBAUG-H repair work given prompt Fine Cakes attention. Bell phone 3430, Insist on your Groceryman furnish- |f}HM W ing them. Retail and wholesale. tll/IHI Ji' I l/vl\ ■> 1631 N. Sixth Street | .-" a Marteet streeti Lemo y | ". F »-. •> ■> *•> •> •> <• •> •> <• <> <• •> *.• $ * •> -j- <. ■> >:•.; j Polleok's Grocery Stores I Harrisburg and Steelton * 1 lb. Famous Banquet Coffee % | 2 lbs. Franklin Granulated Sugar, t ! I •> ! 5»«5» •$» <• <• «s» ❖ «5» *** »!• * »J» •> *!« «fi» 4» »> ♦> ❖ ♦!« »!♦ 4* ❖ *l* •{• <« v♦> •> »i* «i« «s»•> »> »> *r # •:« -r -!• :• :• »;♦ •> $ a A ™£ZL7l Starr Barber Shop . , , No. l:5(» MARKET STREET per dozen, at Everything in Bartering FORNEY'S DRUG STORE , DM „„ c H EAPP Prop Reserved to tell the line carried by: HANLEN BROS. : ™ s l, "» Wholesale Liquor Dealers iPQftDC 331 Market St., UlirllLiSiL" Harrisburg, Pa. ftfiriia ! Sherwin Williams ufltAlvl j Roofing and Bridge Paint . THURSDAY ONLY | U/AI i/CD P UCQQIRJSCD per gallon " ALntu U !tllou3ltllli $1.25 regular price. i Mtt „ _ . i yv « n » 11 41! N. Second St. Ryder Brighten- Kamili ,. s and Partleß Up Paint Store & n " rt "" sl ""' t No " 44 N. 3rd and !*O2 Verbeke Sts. i ——i^r i Buy the Best for the Money Bargain in Yingling's Celebrated Pottsville Beer ROSE BEADS, 75^ sIZZ Bi s Reduction chas. s. bux W. R. ATKINSON ; Both Phones Market St. 112:1 N. THIRD STREET if The East End Bankf | Thirteenth and Howard Streets I t will begin a | j CHRISTMAS SAVINGS SOCIETY * On or about December 26, 1914. % j J This will be a great convenience for "The Hill"' % . * E. A. HEFFELFINGER, President AL. K. THOMAS, Cashier S * * •>+4 i *J"> if •> •> <• ❖•>•> i* *<• # •> •> •? <• » <• •:* ❖ <:<*