The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, October 14, 1914, Page 3, Image 3

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A Torrington
Vacuum Sweeper
w r transportation I
Vacuum Sweeper and
(.'leaner is doing for house-cleaning. It makes house-cleaning
.1 pleasure rather than a tiresome burden.
Torringtons are best because:
They are made of the best materials obtainable.
Have no surplus weight to push over floor—light and easy
Really get the dust and dirt without raising dust to breathe.
No necessity for moving furniture— you can get under it.
Guaranteed in every respect.
$6.00 $7.00 58. 50
fLet Us Teach You
how to dance the Tango, One Step. Hesitation Waltz,
Maxixe and Foxtrot in private or class lessons.
Class lessons every Monday and Thursday evenings.
Expert instructors. Single lesson, A^c.
Regular Dance Nights—Monday, Wednesday, Fri
day and Saturday.
Hill Dancing Academy
Thirteenth and Market Streets
One-step Contest, Monday, October t»th
Gold prize awarded to best couple.
Plans for Big Outing To-morrow An
nounced at Meeting of Social Com
mittee Held Last Night—Twelve
Touring Cars Provided
At the chestnut social held last night
in the voting men's assembly room at
the Derrv Street t . B. church ' Chef
Gilbert," who is chairman of the social
committee, announced his plans for the
annual chestnut outing. The party
will leave the churi'li, Fifteenth aud Der
rv streets, promptly at 7 a. m. Thurs
day and go bv (utomobile to Indian
town (iap. At least CO men will leave
on the morning schedule; others, whose
work will not permit an earlier start, ,
will leave at noon. Twelve touring cars
will carry the men to their destination.
< ar No. 1. acting as pilot and driven by
(i. !'. Beck ley. will get away promptly
nt T a. in. and will be followed by
A AR every two minutes until •» 11 are
tinder way. No car will be permitted j
to pass another rar on route, thus put-'
t;ng a check on the speed kings, for
which the class is noted.
Besides a l;>rge commissary and j
plenty of bushel bags, wliirh they ex ,
jicct to bring back well tilled, the par- !
tv will carry with them a special pho !
tographer, whose duty it will be to se- I
tun interesting pi tures of ihe men j
during the day for use in the pietu r e
machine frequently used in the class j
toi'isls. After the pilot car, the ears j
Mounted b\ the following taen will i
leave in the order named:
i ar No. 2. I K. Dare; No. 3, William
Tiunkle: No. 4. .losep , Bent'er; No. o.
David Kyan; No ti L. D. Monn; No.
7. Kicbard Dare: No. 11. I>. Myers;
No. 9. H. I .an: No 10. tieorge Kunkle;
No. 11, S. I'. Ivby; No 12, tieorge ,
K nous.
Daughter of Jacob S. Hershey, of
Heraliey, Weds Bigmount Man
Marietta, Oct. 3 4.—Miss Bertha
hershey, .laughter of Jacob S. Hershey,
of the Hershey Chocolate torn-1
{•any, was married yesterday to:
John (■'. Henry, of Bijmount, by the
Rev. Jacob K. Trimmer, of the Church :
of the Brethren, with the ring cere- .
mony. The wedding supper which fol
lowed was attended by a large number
of rels. ives and friends.
No matter how long you have suffered
from a miserable, upset stomach, iudi-i
jjestion or dyspepsia, Mio-na —a simple, ]
inexpensive prescription easily had at
any drug store—will quickly, satel.v 1
and effectively end the distress, or it ,
will not cost you a penny.
When your stomach is out of order
some foods taste good but work badly,
fermenting into a stubborn lump and
surely causing sour or arid taste in the ■
mouth, severe pain in the pit of the |
stomach, gas, coated tongue, offensive j
breath, restless nights and nervousness.
It's needless for you to suffer for just!
a few Mi-o-na tablets bring joyful relief !
—they do more for these iittle "helps
to health" soothe and strengthen the
inflamed and weakened stomach walls
and increase the flow of the digestive
juices so that the stomach can care for
the food as nature intended.
No matter what ails your stomach put
your faith in Mi-o-na. Get some of these i
harmless hut helpful tablets from 11. C.
Kennedy to day aud eat whatever vour :
appetite craves, and never fear distress, j
The Misses Marks Gave Charming Af
fair at Their Riverside Home Coin
i pllinentary to Miss Rogers and
Miss Motter 1
The Misses Lura and Emily Mark?
entertained at their home in Riverside'
last evening, complimentary to their
cousins, Miss Dorothy Emilie Motter, j
of Nesquohoning, and Miss Catherine!
Rogers, of West Philadelphia.
The rooms were prettily decorated I
with autumn foliage and scarlet sage;
and the guests spent a pleasant even- j
ing playing five hundred and bridge. I
Late in the evening supper was served i
, to the following guests:
Miss Motter, Miss Rogers, Miss Marc j
i Frazier. .Miss Edith Thomas, Miss 1
j Clara Bell Johnson. Miss Marie Shoop, j
| Miss Florence Zeiders, Miss Margaret j
i Baker, Miss Elizabeth Wertz, Miss
! Anna Catherine Wertz, Miss Marian!
• Stouffer, Miss Elizabeth Stouffer. Miss;
<il'-ni in a Thompson, Miss Florence Ivreid-!
, er. Miss Lura Marks, Miss Emilv |
I Marks, Mrs. Elizabeth Marks. Mrs. |
| William Stouffer, George Stouffer. Car-!
I son Marks, Edward Zeiders, Miller!
j Thomas, Frank Baker, Oeorge Benner, j
j George Traupnian, Foster Traupman,'
J John Stouffer, Henry Wertz, David
j\\ ertPaul Shoop, Miiton Bonigard I
t ner, .Ned Boger and William Marks. j
Girls of Friendly Club Gave Shower
For Mrs. Henry Sorge Last
I The Girl's Friendly Club gave a
i kitchen shower in their club rooms,
| Cameron and Herr streets, last evening
• in compliment to Mr?. Henry Sorge,'
who was Miss Daisy Wertz before her '
marriage. Mrs. Sorge was the recipient i
of many pretty and useful gifts. Re
freshments were served to the follow '
■ ing guests:
Janet Kassen. Esther Peifer. Mar
tha Minich, Martha Sliercr, Catharine!
, Metzgar, Carrie Kasseni, Stella
! Metzgar, Anna Sourbeer, Marv Sour- ■
| beer, Marv Miller, Blanche Reiner,'
Agnes Miller, Uraee Livzev, Gertie Te
bout, of Paterson, N. J.: "Marion Kil
lietTer. Grace Grible, Alberta Bechtel,
Esther Kirk, Mrs. Weutzel, Mrs. Lenig'
Mrs. Moore, Miss Willet. Mrs. Gek
inger and Mr. and Mrs. Sorge.
Will Be Held at Home of Treasurer,
Mrs. Frederick H. Marsh, Next
| i
The first'fall meeting of Harrisburg i
Chapter l>. A. R. will be held at the
home of Mrs. Frederick Herman Marsh,
the treasurer, 229 State street, Tues-1
'day afternoon, October 20, at 3
| o 'clock.
Mrs. Gilbert M. McCauley, the re
I gent, will preside and an interesting
| program will include a sketch of the
State D. A. R. Conference at Easton
lust week which will be given by the
chapter's delegate, Mrs. G. W. En
sign. piano numbers by Mrs. Charej
H. Hunter, vocal solos by Mrs. Edwin
jJ. Deeevee and some interesting hap
peniiigs in the D. A. R. world. A tea
j will follow the program.
I Mrs. W. H. Middleton. 124 State'
j street, is the guest of Mrs. Robert I
Fulton Stirling at Dauphin.
I Directors of Ourtln Heights M. E.
Church Plan Birthday Surprise
In Pastor's Honor
A birthday surprise party was ten
dered the Rev. A. S. Williams, pastor
i of Curtin Heights M. E. church, at his
home, 2227 North Sixth street. Mou
day evening by church directors ami
! their wives. An informal program of
addresses and songs was given after
which refreshments were son ed. The
guests included:
Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Muses, Mr. and
Mrs. William Gehrett. Mr. and Mrs.
W. H. Burgoon, Mr. and Mrs. W. H.
Brieker, Mr. end Mrs. .lohn A. Haas,
Mr. anil Mrs. Eli Hollinger. Mr. and
I Mrs. A. H. Stover, Mr. and Mrs.
George W. Marshal, Mr. and Mrs.
John H. Kramer, Mr. and Mr«. John
Loban. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Faust, Mr.
•iinl Mis. John Shilling, Mrs. H. A.
Krain, Miss Phoebe Richards, Mrs. J.
I'. Tavior, Mrs. George Butlington, Miss
Margaret Fraclieh, the Rev. and Mrs.
A. S. Williams, Miss Margaret U.liter,
Mrs. K. S. Schmucker, and Miss
j Was Quiet Affair of Yesterday After
noon—Solemnized by the Eev.
H. E. HaJlman
The wedding of Miss Isabel A.
Smith, and William liocher was a
quiet event of yesterday, .taking place
| at 2 o'clock in the afternoon at the
home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Eliza
i beth Cochran, 3o North Eighteenth
I street.
The ceremony was performed by the
lfe\. H. Kverett Haiiman, pastor of
the linnianuel Presbyterian church, in
the presence of the immediate mein
-1 bers of the family and a few friends,
i The bride ivore an attractive traveling
i suit of blue with hat to match and a
I corsage of valley lilies. Immediately
after the ceremony, Mr. and Mrs.
j Hocher left for a wedding trip through
! tho eastern part, of ihe State and on
| their return will reside at 35 North
Eighteenth street.
Couple Married by the Rev. W. H Wor
rail. Yesterday Afternoon
On Tuesday afternoon, October 13, at
: 3 o'clock at t'he parsonage of the Ohris
tian and Missionary Alliance, the Rev.
I William H. Worrall united in marriage.
| rhe Rev D. W. Patterson, of i liani-
I bersg'burg. Pa., and \lis-« Ella May Leu
itiger, of "Grafton. The Rev. Mr. Pat
, terson is tli«» newly-appointed lastor of
j the Christian and Missionary Alliance
| work at Wertz, Hlair co unty. Miss
! Leiiingor. now Mrs. Patterson, is a ta!
! er.'c l woman with a host of friends.
! The couple left for Chambersbnrg, Pa..
! w here they will spend some time pre
j vious to Mr. Patterson resuming his
i labors al his new appointment.
i W. C. T. U. Meeting Friday
A meeting of the Harrisbnrg W.
T. P. will be lieli! at the home of Mrs.
H. B. Hartzler. Washington Heights.
Friday instead oiThursday at'
1 2.30 o'loek. Mrs. lliles ('. Pardoe will j
lead tlhe meeting and reports of conven-1
I tions will be given. Members .will I
1 take the Carlisle car at 2 o'clock audi
j get off at Dale avenue.
When You Hsar
That Diangr Beii
Does Your Mind Go Back to the Days
When You Could Eat Like
a Farm Hand?
The memory of an appetite i« a woo-
I ful thing. The loss of stomach power
I —the ability to eat —the yearning
after good old-fashioned food —that
condition is pitiful. Why can't you
I realize what thousands of others have 1
1 demonstrated?
First Man—"l'm as hungry as a
Second Man—"Wait 'til I get a
plateful of good old corned beef and
Look at the above illustration.
Most every one remembers such a
scene. Fancy yourself wild for food
iiow. Fancy yourself able to eat as,
one of these men can eat.
I'se a little common sense and look i
at your stomach trouble in a practical j
manner. Something has gone wrong:
with your digestive apparatus. Set I
vour body machinery aright. Stuart's !
Dyspepsia Tablets are Nature's own j
way to digesting food. By eating one
of these tablets after each meal you
digest that meal. Digesting that meal j
means easing the work of the stomach,
intestines, liver and pancreas and |
storing up new materials for digesting I
future meals.
Eat what you will and when you will i
but always carry a little Stuart's Dys
pepsia Tablet in your pocket. In a'
| short time you will be surprised at the ;
| gladsome spirit with whicn you look '
' on food.
Go to your druggist anywhere and
buy a box of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab
| lets this very day.
To anyone wishing a free trial of
these tablets please address F. A.
Htuart Co.. 150 Stuart Bldg., Marshall,'
Mich., and a small sample package will
be mailed free. Adv.
-.. i "A riUs'lVi vss tiofKl.T- y
mi , ERtlEßsv 11 - PA - ref j
gj&reh Resident Physician ißmft
SjXJJj Massage; Klectiicity;Cabi- {flßs9
Sflfijl net baths; Diet Kitchen.
Same management as j
News of Persons
Who Come and Go
Dr. W. 1). Mausteller, 14 22 North
Second street, is spending several days
in Pottsville attending the l^ebanon
Valley dental meeting.
■'Miss Sara Freidberg, New Vork City,
is the guest of Mrs. N. Freidberg, 912
North.Sixth stTeet.
Lloyd Myers. IX4O North Seventh
j street, has returned from a week's visit
| with friends in Philadelphia.
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Hurley and
daughter, Kaftherine, of Waynesboro,
are guests of relatives in this oity and
Count and Countess Adolf Boochi
[ Bianchi. who have been spending some
[time here as the guests of Dr. and Mrs.
Henry M. Stine, 21 South Front street,
have goue to Pittsburgh and will sail
from .New Vork next Thursday for their
estate in Italy.
Mr. and Mrs. Henderson Gilbert,
Second and Harris streets; Mr. and
Mrs. I .laMotte Behlin, of Scranton. and
Charles N. Hickok, of Cleveland, are
on a motor trip to Hot Springs anil
While Sulphur Springs, Virginia.
Mrs. William Hickok will close
her country place at Bedford this week
and return to her home, 508 North
Second sireet.
Frank J. Brady, who has been spend
ing several weeks as the guest of Mr.
and Mrs. Francis Jordan Hall, nt their
summer home in Cumberland county,
has returned to his home, 1618 North
Second street.
Mrs. John W. Reily, of Fort Hun
ter, has gone to Pittsburgh to attend
Oie convention of Federated Woman's
Clubs there and later will go to Ger
mantown to be the guest of her sis
ter, Mrs. John Wister.
Mrs. Howard Manifold and daugh
ter. of Vork, are visiting Dr. and Mrs.
John Barr McAlister, 234 North Third
Mrs. A. Carson Stamm aud her
j daughter. Miss Julia Stamm, Thirteenth
: ami Reese streets, spent vesterdav in
' Philadelphia.
Mrs. Henry C. Orth. 223 State
i street, spent Tuesday in Philadelphia,
i William W. Nunemaker has return
ee;! home to this city, after a six weeks'
tour of Ohio, Pennsylvania and New
Mrs. W. H. Harper, 351 South Eight
eenth street, is the guest of her mother,
Mrs. J. M Sourbeer, in Marietta.
Miss Lucy Crawford, of Enliaut. has
returned home after a visit with Miss
Cora Weland, in Middletown.
Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Edwards, of Ger
mantowu. are guests of Mrs. J. Newton
Herb, 1307 Derrv street.
Mrs. C. C. Cobean and son. of South
America, are guests of Dr. J. C. Ste
vens, Thirteenth and Kittatiuny streets.
tieorge Kopenhuaver has returned
to his home in Millersburg, after a
visit with relatives in this city.
Miss Lereh has gone to her home
in Hagerstown, after a pleasant visit
with her sister, Mrs. J. Newton Herb,
1307 Derrv street.
Mrs. B. G. Cummings. of Lancaster,
returned home last evening after a
week's visit at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Cummings, 14 North
Fourth street.
Mrs. (Jurvin Hoke and Miss Ida
Thomson, of Vork, and Mrs. Alice Kil
bum. Lancaster, are guests of Mrs.
Margaret Ceutts, 1430 North Sixth
John R. Saute", 12S Locust sireet.
People Notice it. Drive
Them Off With Dr. Ed
wards' Olive Tablets
.\ pimply face will rot embarrass you
much longer if you yet a package of
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets. The skin
should begin to clear after you have
taken the tablets a few nights.
< leanse 'the blood, the bowels and
the liver with Olivo Tablets.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are the
successful substitute for calomel—
there's never any sickness or pain after
taking them.
Dr. JOdwards' Olivo Tablets do that
which calomel does, and just as effec
tively, but their actiou is gentle and
safe instead of severe and irritating.
No one who takes Olive Tablets is
ever cursed with "a dark brown taste,"
a bad breath, a dull, listless, "no good"
feeling, constipation, torpid liver, bad
disposition or pimply face.
Dr. Kdwards' Olive Tablets are a
purely vegetable compound mixed with
olive oil, you will know them by their
olive color.
Dr. Edwards spent years among pa
tients afflicted with liver and bowel
complaints and Olive Tablets are the
immensely effective result.
Take «ne or two nightly for a week.
See how much better you feel and look.
10c and 25c per box. All druggists.
The Olive Tablet Company, Colum
bus, Ohio. Adv.
NU-BONE CORSETS, front and back
laced, flesh reducing triple wire stays,
washable, urbreakable, rust proof,
elastic, tricot and slip-ons; ready to
wear and made to order. Maternity,
surgical and abdomen belts; most com
fortable hygienic corsets made. NU
Second Street.
2 Minutes from PENNSYLVANIA
200 Wat
<side J&oomj zoit/l
Jce Tdatets,
and/ ty& r .
Popular Cafe, Gril 1
and Restaurant
| ]^^Eg[ CV^LS H. ,
Reed Furniture
Useful for any room in the house—artistic for they harmonize with any fur
nishings—and there's nothing so "comfy" as reed furniture.
Reed pieces are ideal furniture at very small cost for living rooms.
without VOU brilicr „ . i „ 11 ifjtii-rrailp rroil Hrm I'lmir. finishe'l
.yuu iI J m ' kor ' vpr - v ,om (L'O ACT in II l.eantifui shmlc t\ T
inconvenienced by fnrtable. continuous roll MQ 0 f tunu!( | | irowll HkU /
the expense. We'll around frame 1 °
suit the payments
VOlll* command for . H ? r Halb ° r design, utlraeti. ('Usliions Kire rocker, maua <1» -r»
the simple a,king. iLTX $8 50 j» -■ sls
*. • tapestry cushions
'has returned from a visit with his par
ents in Philadelphia.
Mrs. Eiina Mann, Miss Zella. Book,
| Miss Elizabeth Bishop, Miss Sylvia
I Zerbe. Miss Josephine Cummiugs, Miss
lva Weirich and Miss Flo Heller have
| returned from a week-end visit to Mt.
| Gretna.
Mrs. Treimer. Mrs. H. Blum, of Bal
timore. and Miss Weinberg, of Preseott,
\lieh.. are guests of Mrs. Herbert, 127
; Chestnut street.
Miss Maiv Turner, 200S North Fifth
'street, has returned from Scranton,
i where she attended the State Sunday
j school convention.
Mrs. Rusa Van Horn, 605 Boas
street, has returned home from Pitts
| burgh, where she was the guest of rela
tives for several days.
Miss Elizabeth Fegley has gone to
her home in Lancaster after spending
I a week with the Misses Kreidler, 809
! Capital street.
Mrs. Daniel Gary has returned to
' her home in Dtißois, after a visit
, with Mrs. Mortimer .1. Wolf, 211t>
! North Fifth street,
i Emory Lutz has returned to York
; after spending several days with his
| mother. Mrs. W. B. Cunningham, 310
j Hummel street.
Mrs. C. Follmer has gone to her
j home in Sunbury after a visit with
! Mrs. B. M. Earp, 1323 Berry street.
Mrs. Harry Weitzel and Mrs. (?.
I Louft have returned to their home
after a visit with Mrs. William Levan,
; 1 703 Derrv street.
Mrs. Frank Kainsey anil daughter,
! Miss Frances Ramsey, 12 Evergreen
j street, are home from Waynesboro,
] after spending several days with rel
| atives.
Leslie Culp, of Sunbury, was the
'guest of Miss Jennie Culp, 112 Wal
j nut street, en route to Philadelphia.
Theodore Bell has returned to his
! home in Easton after spending some
' time with his mother, Mrs. Anna Bell,
! in Wormleysburg.
I Miss Lou Bailev has returned to
her home in Parkesburg after a visit,
with her niece, Mrs. Guy E. Booda,
| 2 1 Evergreen street.
Mrs. Krauk Wilson and daughter,
i Miss Madeline Wilson, have returned
tto their home in Parkesburg, after
spending some time with Mrs. Guy
! E. Booda, 21 Evergreen street.
Mrs. W. J. Rodenhaver Gave Pleasant
Affair for Miss Shaffer
Mrs. W, J. Rodenhaver entertained
lat five hundred at th« Hotel Carltou
i last evening complimentary to Miss
} Arne Shaffer, a trained nurse of Phila
j delphia, who is visiting her parents in
| Dauphin. A course supper followed
| the cards, with covers laid for the fol
Miss Arne Shaffer, Miss Helen Lou
' ise Wallis, Miss Ruth Shaffer, Miss
: Anna Hoffman, Miss Anna Miller, Miss
Bertha Sellers, Miss Sabra Clark, Miss
| Carrie Gerberich, Edgar Forney, Wai
| ter Shaffer, Ernest Shaffer, Biou Wei
i ker, Ray Hoffman and Charles Ger
! berich.
Birth Announcements
Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Mver, 1539
1 Berrvhill street, announce the birth of a
son, Marlin Lu'thor, Tuesday, October 1
6. Mrs. Myer was iM'iss Lillian Darr,!
of Steelton, prior to her marriage.
Mr. and Mrs, .To'hn Lewis McCor- '
mkk,Sls North Second street, announce j
the birth of a daughter, Catherine i
Christine, Saturday, October 10. Mrs.
M Cormiik' 1 was Miss Elizabeth Doehne
prior to *l>er marriage.
Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Myers, 624
Woodbine street, announce the birth of
a son. Harold Mnlton, Thursday, Oc
tober 8.
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Baum. 1420
! North street, announce the birth of a
daughter, Geraldine Louise, Tuesday,
October 6
October I'.* lo ill
The <\ V. il. It. will sell excursion
| tickets t.i Hagerstown, during th«- week
•of the I'alr, good to return until Oc
tober 17th. at regular excursion rates.
t>n Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
special excursion tickets good on date
i of issue only, will be sold at rates based
on one fare for the round trip. Special
excursion sections of regular trains will
be run to and from Hagerstown.
i Negro Educator to Be at Fifth Street
Church To-night
Dr. Booker T. Washing* 00 - the noted
negro educator and principal of the
Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Insti
tute for the training of colored young
men and women, will conduct a public
meeting at 8.15 o'clock this evening at
' the Fifth Street Methodist church in
1 the interest of the school.
The Tuskegee Normal and Industrial
i Institute is in Alabama and is uplift,
j ing the negro masses to a plane of self
i help and self-respect and thus prepar
j ing them for the duties of Christian
i citizenship Tuskegee seeks, therefore,
to bring about peace, friendship and
confidence between the white people
and the colored people of the South.
• rlow effectively Tuskegee is doing its
1 work and solving the race problem will
I be brought befoie the people of Harris
iturg by l)i Washington when he
speaks in the Fifth Street church to
, niglit.
j Starting 31) years ago with one teach
; or and 30 pupils, Tuskegee lias grad
; ually grown until to day it has 193
1 learners, 1,800 bright and promising
! students, owns an<. ccntrols 4,300 acres
( of laud, 107 large and small buildings
i erected almost wholly by student labor
I and, in addition has its own farm of
900 acres, on w! icn ire raised all of
i the school's food supplies.
The Rev. B. H. Hart, pastor of the
! Fifth Street church, will preside and
Mayor Hoyal will introduce Dr. Wash
i ington. It was decided to have the
i meeting at 8.15 o'clock for the con
venience of thoso who want to attend
j midweek prayer meetings earlier in the
| evening. This will be Dr. Washington 's
I lirst appearance in Harrisburg in many 1
j years. An after-meeting in the Bethel
I A. M. E. church has been arranged so
: that Dr. Washington can speak to col
! ored citizens of Harrisburg.
Large Party From Gettysburg Lodge at
Elizabeth town
Elizabethtown, Oct. 14.—A [narty of
sixty members of the Masonic frater
nity paid a fraternal visit to the Ma
sonic Home on Monday. They were
members of the Masonic lodge at Get
tysburg and to many of them this was
their first visit to the home.
They were chaperoned through the
main building by one of the affable
guides of the institution, who gave
them a brief history of the inception
and the intended future development of
the large estate of the home.
The party was entertained at lunch
by Superintendent N. Franklin Heck
ton. They were delighted with the
beautiful location of the home proper
ties and greatly enjoyed the visit.
Falls Dead at 'Cycle Moet
Williamsport, Pa., Oct. 14. —Charles
Carr. aged 35, and married, fell dead
of heart trouble nt the Williamsport
Wheel Club while attending the lirst
fall 'cycle meeting of the year.
Reports at State Session Show Order
Has :tO,OOO Members
1 Williamsport. Oct. 14.—The annual
i State convention of the Daughters of
Liberty opened here yesterday with
i 300 delegates present. Mayor Stabler
welcomed the visitors. Reports of of
ficers showed. -00 lodges in the State*
j with a membership of 30,000,- an in
! crease of 1,05-0 in the year. The 1915
.j convention will be held iu Pittsburgh,
These officers were elected: Council'
or, S. Grant Kerr, Pittsburgh; asso
ciate councilor, Mrs. Alice Smith;
Reading; vice councilor, Mrs. Sallie
Hastings, Philadelphia; associate vice
j councilor, Mrs. Emma Bonsall, Phila
j delphia; treasurer, .loseph C. Cole,
York; associate treasurer, Mrs. Sue
Mahaffey, Harrisburg; secretary, Mrs
! Mattie Sill, Chester; guide, Mrs. E,
Shoemaker. Pittsburgh; inside guard,
I Florence Hixon, Spring City; outside
! guard. Albert S. Carver, Philadelphia;
1 national representatives, Elizabeth
Hoffman. Doylestown; Elizabeth C.
| White, Sampson Wiley, Ida Reagle,
| Sallie Hamilton, Sallie Boole, Floyd
| Bowers. Anna .lones, all of I'hiladel
j phia; Celia Keyscr, Jarrettown; Isaac r
' Dando, Cressona; Emma Grace, Chant
bersburg; Margaret K. Smith, Middle
| town.
I Addresses were made at the after
-1 noon session by National Councilor
I Bradley, of Richmond, Ya.; National
l Vice Councilor Jeffrey, of Vermont, and
: other national officers.
Increased Refrigeration Charges
Hi/ Associated Press,
! Washington, Oct. 14.—An increase
| of five cents a hundred pounds yi the
! refrigeration charges of less than car
1 load shipments of freight from New
I Orleans, La., anil similarly located
I points to Chicago, 111., to-day was ap
proved by the Interstate Commerce
Commission. The commission found
that the increase was not. unreasonable
; and vacated the order of suspension
previously entered.
Happy and
Contented Old Age
Dr. L. K. II irschburg. the celebrated
: authority of Johns Hopkin's l-niversity,
I says: "Like most things which every
; body believes, the silly platitude, 'when
1 age is in, the wit is out,' is not truei
I The more a man learns tiie younger hd
I becomes. Years do not make age, be-
I cause time, according to psychology, is
I only a relative matter. It depends only
; on changes inside, and not outside of
us. There can be no liner heritage than
! tissues trained to a long career."
i And who is more contented or com
. panionable than the \ igorous old mau
lor woman! Thousands of people who
j have reached a grand old age, who stil!
I show a wonderful ability, unimpaired
| and undimmed, which even now shines
I brightly with the lustre of achieve
j ineuts, through the long years of thei."
j active anil \ersatilc careers, willing!;"
| testify t hat Duffy's I'ure Malt WhiskeT
is responsible for their possessing th«
vigor and force of these years which to
day gives them an undisputed reputir
tion for perfect health and longevity.
When a dose nf Duffy's Pure Malt
Whiskey is taken at meal time it stim
ulates the mucous surface and little
glands of the stomach to healthy ac
tion, thereby improving tnc digestion
! and assimilation of the food ami giving
lo the body its full proportion of nour
ishment. With perfect digestion no fer
mentation will lake place and no dis
ease germs <-an he generated. This is
the secret of Duffy's Pure Malt W'his
key iu prolonging life, "(jet Duffy's
and Keep Well." Adv.