The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, October 14, 1914, Page 12, Image 12

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Triangle O'Cedar Mop
: Demonstration
• This is the best time of the year
to get acquainted with the o'Cedar
when every housewife is beginning
You will conserve just fifty per
only let the O'Cedar mop help you
A demonstration of the new tri
angle O'Cedar mop is now being |
given in the basement. There are
padded edges on the uew triangle
to prevent the marring of furniture.
Try a triangle O'Cedar mop soon and you'll regret you hadn't
used one before!
Prices are low enough, and $1.25.
Less Than Half Price for
Fiction That You'll Be
Glad to Read
In our annual disposal of fiction, which begins to- i
morrow in the Book Section, we announce a list of i
books that will appeal to even* reader of present-day
novels. Only a small list, representative of several
hundred titles, is given here.
Choose at 50c To-morrow
She Buildeth Her House When Fools Rush In
Mystery of the Barranca The Forest on the Hill
Years of Discretion George Helm
Isle of Strife Bunker Beam
The Upas Tree Perpetua
The Long Portage ! The Deserters
Vision of Joy ' A Man and Hia Money
*** Dives. Pomeroy &- Stewart, Street Floor.
New Weaves in Fall
Dress Cottons
fckien Cloth, Grecian Messaline and Roman Stripes are among
new styles in cotton dress goods, which will be in . great
demand by many mothers for themselves and their children.
Eden Cloth—a cotton weave that is a perfect imitation of a fine
flannel —used for children's wasii suits, rompers, creepers, kimonos, house
dresses, fast colors, yard, 15c
Grecian Messaline, black and navy grounds with neat colored figures,
silky finish, yard 25c
Silk an . Cotton Roman Stripes, 36 inches, half silk, yard ."50c
12 Vkc l>ress Ginghams, large variety of styles and solid shades,
yard, .» ■ 9c
25c Suiting in solid shades of tan, helio, blue and pink, yard 84c
124 c Percale, 36 inches wide, yard .....JOc
t*~ Dives, Pomeroy &• Stewart, Street Floor.
—■- |
Republican Mass Meetings Held at
Kockville and Dauphin Last
Lajgely-attended Republican mass ;
Meetings were held at Rockville and j
Dauphin last night, at which Senator
E. E. Beidleman was the principal!
speaker, his address being along the j
lines of the Republican platform.
This evening the Republicans of
Gratz and Loyalton will hold mass i
meetings, to be addressed by local can- '
The picture of Dean Lewis, who re- |
tired as the Washington party candi- !
riate for Governor in favor of Vance C. 1
McL'ormiek, has been taken off the
Bull Moose banner at Third and Mar
ket streets and that of Mr. McCor- j
mick substituted.
The Palmer-McCormick Olub of the
Tenth ward is making arrangements to ,
bold a linal campaign rally in Kelker
street hall on October 24' The club
will meet on Thursday night at Rod
gers' hall.
John A. Marshall, Jesse J. Lybarger ,
and Lewis N. Neiffer were the speak
ers at the meeting ot the Second Ward |
Palmer-McCormick Club at Thirteenth
and Derry street® last night.
The Seventh Ward Palmer J McCor- !
mick Club will meet to-night at 626
Dauphin street to hear addresses from j
several speakers.
The Harmburg Democratic League
will meet at 402 Filbert street on Fri- '
day night.
Washington party meetings were ;
held last night a-. Steelton, En'haut and
Oberlin. at which Dr. John H. Kreider, j
candidate for Congress, was the princi- i
pal speaker.
Chestnut Street Auditorium Every Afternoon and Evening This Week
Displays by the World's Largest Manufacturers of Pure Food
Music Demonstrations Prizes SAMPLES FOR EVERYBODY
Harry Loeser Selected by Members of
Gettysburg Musical Organization
Gettysburg, Oct. 14.—Professor Har
i ry Loeser, of Harrisburg, has been en
gaged to take the place of Mr. McDon
ald, of Carlisle, instructor of the Get-'
tysburg band. The new instructor is not'
'unknown to musicians of the town. On I
a number of occasions he came here to
college affairs as leader of the famous
Loeser's orchestra.
The local band has been in charge
of Mr. McDonald since last winter. He
has entered into a contract for a period
of five years to direct the musical nuui-,
j bers of home talent plays.
Arrest Spoils Honeymoon
Hagerstown. Md., Oct. 14. —George
Wasson, of Hedgesville, W. Va., 0119
month a widower, was arrested at the
Hotel Franklin here yesterday and held
for Court by Justice Ankeney to an
swer a charge of perjury, it being al
ieged that he swore that Miss Ruth,
Miller, aged 15, with whom he eloped;
to Hagerstown yesterday, was 21 when;
he obtained a marriage license. The 1
j couple were married at the Baptist 1
parsonage by the Rev. Eugene K. Thom
' as. The bride's parents pursued, but
, did not locate the elopers until yes
Hospital Needs Money
Carlisle, Oct. 14. —With the total!
cash subscriptions of donation day to-,
taling only $72.31 as against $270.85,
given on donation day last year, the
I Board of Managers of Todd Hospital!
are urgently in need of money to care 1
| for the patients during the coming!
year, according to the statement, just
! announced.
Dies as Scaffold Breaks
Frederick, Md„ Oct. 14.—William
Baltzell, of Thurmont, was killed,
1 Charles Stover, of New Midway, was
Heavy Jersey Sweaters Fresh From England
We've tried to get as good a value in America, but try as we did we could not find the equal of this fash
ioned all wool English'jersey at less than $9.00 more oj> tne dozen. So this new arrival from Britain is au
actual $2.98 jersev—on sale on the Sweater Balcony at $1.98. A good chance indeed for football teams.
New Dress Hats and Walking
Models of Finest Velvet at $8.95
These Are Regular $lO and sl2
Styles Bought Specially for
/ Challenge Millinery Sale
I \ There's a score of chic styles in the latest creations
' i Quality of velvet. These new models mirror
I J/Jf) J the latest trend of Autumn millinery modes aud are
V 'ai / 1 ex<!e P^ values at this Challenge Sale price.
\ \JjM\ J f V. / 1-arge sailor of fine black velvet with soft crown, brim odged with
\ V\ / narrow grosgrain ribbon, small pirfk ostrich tips on edge of brim, finished
Vlllfls ' / Vii -hs with bow of grosgraiu ribbon $8.95
I-arge black velvet sailor trimmed with wired cuds of white ribbon
with fringed ends 98.95
Small tailored hat of black velvet trimmed with pleating and band
of grosgrain ribbon across the crown finished on both sides with opaque
. beads, .. : #8.95
Large black velvet hat edged with ribbon, large bow narrow grosgrain ribbon $8.95
of velvet in the back $8.95 Smart walking hat of black velvet, soft crown trim
jailor hat of navy velvet with soft crown trimmed med with band of monkey fur and small bows of rib
with tinv ostrich tips and finished with white but- bon $8.95
' Hn *\ $8.95 Tailored hat of black velvet with soft, crown sloping
Income turban of black velvet bound with ribbon high on left side trimmed with moire ribbon with
and trimmed with pink ostrich tips and rosettes of fringed ends .$8.95
tv Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor—Three Elevators.
- - ___
Attractive Furniture Values Specially Priced
In a Mid-October Sale: Two Items Pictured
Exact duplicates of the brass bed Fumed oak pedestals
l' ■ l l r\k • i j l li u u x * w e" seasoned wood:
| g pictured here will be sold to-morrow at exact i v like cut; the
B an attractive price. Made with two- stand is 26 inches high
T inch posts and top rail, and seven one- at «p9
! ; inch filling r«ds at head and foot; angle
''' '' ' ' >T^ ' "■*
42-im-h bureaus, with full) swell front, in Three-piece parlor suites, with loose plush
golden oak, mahogany or Bird's-eye maple, cushions, $30.00
$13.95 $7.50 mahogany tables, $4.50
42-inch princess dressers to match above $09.00 golden oak buffets $35.00
value, at $13.95 Box springs, covered with a good grade of
Chiffoniers to match $13.95 ticking and a top layer of white cotton felt. '
*vV $9.75 mahogany pedestal table, $6.95 An out of the ordinary box spring at $12.50 (f
t# Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Third Floor—Three Elevators.
Remnant Day To-morrow inColored I
and Black Dress Weaves
This once-a-week sale promises rich returns to-morrow to the woman who is
handy with a needle. Accumulated from sales of the past week are these exeep
| tioual values:
I yards plaid: $2.00 value. Thursday only, . . 95c 4 yards serge: $5.00 value. Thursday only, $3.75
ft yards plaid; $1.50 value. Thursday only, . . «9c I 5 yards serge: $2.50 value. Thursday only, $1.09
3 yards granite cloth; $1.50 value. Thursday only. 2 yards silk poplin; $2.50 value. Thursday only,
9oc $1.25
2'4 yards waffle check; $1.38 value. Thursday _ I 4 yards silk poplin; SI.BB value. Thursday only,
only 69c 94c 1
254 yards tan coating; $7.59 value. Thursday 4 yards serge; $4.00 value. Thursday only, $2.95
only. $2.45 1 yards Shepherd checks; sft.OO value. Thursday
5 yards silk and wool crepe; SIO.OO value. Tliurs- only I $1.95
day only, $2.95 2 4 yards mixed coating; $5.00 value. Thursday
•"> yards silk and wool poplin; $0.25 value. Thurs- only $3.49
day- $4.75 3 yards German plaids: 9ft.00 value. Thursday only,
1 yard serge; $1.50 value. Thursday only 09c I $1.69
Black Crepes and Serges at Special Reductions
4 5 g yards black poplin; $3.78 | 5 yards black serge; $2.50 value. value. Thursday only, $3.69
value. Thursday only, $4.39 Thursday only $1.79 . 4 yards black serge: $5.00 value.
4\ vards black fancv crene- 4 • var,ls b,ack checked serge; Thursday only $3.95
$7 13 value Thursday oniv 84 75 * 3OO value. Thursday only, 81.95 4 yards black ratine; $4.00 value.
* alue - lniimla ? on| y- * 4,S 3 Vis yards black serge; $2.98 | Thursday only $a.95
5*4 yvds black poplin; $5.25 value. Thursday only. $L!,59 i 4 yards black unfinished worsted;
value. Thursday only $4.09 2 4 yards black broadcloth; $5.00 1 $5.00 value. Thursday only, $3.95
Dives, Pomerov & Stewart, Street Floo'r.
: seriously injured, and another man was 1
slightly hurt when scaffold supports'
j gave way in a silo being erected on the
' farm of Upton Mehring, a short dis
tance from this place, yesterday after
. noon. The men. working on a cement
silo about completed, were hurled from
I the roof to the base'of the structure
through 40 teet of scaffolding, which
gave way when supporting chains
Baltzell wa« killed instantlv. his
)' I
i, " 1
skull being fractured at the base. Sto-1 ]
! ver was cut and bruised about the head.: i
He was unconscious for half an hourjl
and his condition is serious.
Much Timber Burned j i
Carlisle, Oct. 14.—Igniting, it is '
believed, from sparks from a
engine, fire Monday afternoon broke!
out in the mountains near Mount Hol-j
ly and burned over some hundreds of i
acres of valuable timber before it final I i
ly subdued about 9 o'clock Monday
night when the changing wind drove
the blaze back on its previous path.
The titnber land burned was on the
mountain on the east side of the gap
immediately opposite Mount Hollv
Indian Missionary to Speak
An interesting talk will be given to
night at 7.30 o'clock in the lecture
room of the Market Square Presbyte-
In the Bleachers' Sale of
Table Linens the Values
Are Out of the Ordinary
In every likelihood this will be the last of tin' annual salt's of
Bleachers linen damages for several years, so if you have not
vet availed yourself of the chance to save in this special distribu
tion of values it will pay you to conic to the sale to-morrow.
62xb2-inch hrcakfast cloths. Spe- 72x72-inch pattern cloth* in
el ™ 09c roil mi designs. Special s.'{.<lo
62 and 65-inch breakfast cloths. t53x84-iin!) pattern cloths. Spe-
Hpecial ~..98c i" in I si.«»
6.! and 35-inch all linen pattern 65x85-inch nattern cloths. Sim
cloths. Special sl.;i9 to $1.09 f ial ' - $1.05
68x68-inch pattern cloths. Spe- 68x86-inch pattern cloths. Spe
e,aI > •■ ■ $1.05 Ida! 92.89
7.x7 J inch pattern cloths. Spe- , (>6xl 00-inch pattern cloths. Spe
,Mal *2-3» to $2.95 |cial $2.39 and $2.09
New Round Patterns
SlxSt-inch patterns with round good patterns. Yard, ftOc
des '« n8 - * attM "2 inch Scotch table linen. Yard.
81x119 and 90x108 banquet HOc
cloths for parties and occasions re 72-inch table damask in lovely de
quiring long boards. Special, signs. Yard \ »8c
• $3,89 to SS.(KI 72-inch double damask of extra
b4 inch all linen table damask in quality. Yard $1.;19
Napkins and Lunch Cloths
20x29-inch napkins. Each, 10c
All linen damask napkins. Each Isc and 19c
Double damask napkins, '-2 and 2-1 inches square. Each, ;jS C
Damask lunch cloths in three sizes troni 30 to 51 inches square Sue
tlal to $1.95
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor.
Staple Grades .of Floor Cov
erings in a Special 3-Day
Clearance Beginning To-morrow
Representative lines from our own regular stock of floor cov
erings have been gathered together tor a special sales occasion,
beginning to-morrow. In this event will be mattings, carpets'
rugs and linoleum. The savings are worth considering.
Regular $20.00 rolls. Reduced I 35c and 40c oil cloths. Reduced
to $15.00 to, square yard 25c and 29c
Regular $16.00 rolls. Reduced Two patterns of 75c Brussels ear
to $12.09 pet. Reduced to 19c
Regular $14.00 rolls. Reduced Short lengths of all wool ingrain
to $10.90 carpets; :{ to 10-yard lengths. Reg-
Regular $12.00 rolls. Reduced u, «f. B °c value. Reduced to 55c
! to $9.09 rubber door mats, 18x,'t0
„ . . i, 1' , * , inches. Reduced to 19c
Regular SIO.OO rolls. Reduced 36x72-inch Axminster rugs; $4.00
English printed cork linoleum in 27x54-inch Axminster rugs; $2.25
wood patterns from the roll; 60c value. Reduced to $1.97
value. Reduced to 15c 90c Cocoa mats. Extra "special,
Bright patterns from the roll; 55c Bj> c
value. Reduced to 39c 60c Cocoa mats. Extra special.
Short lengths of inlaid linoleums; | 3{j c
3to 10 square yards, $1.25, $1.35 i 75c Letort rag rugs; 24x36
and $1.50 value. Reduced to 98c inches. Reduced to 55c
W Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Third Floor—Three Klevators
— 4
' /
rian church by Sam. Higginbotham." of J
Allahabad, India. It is said that he is '
the most interesting speaker now visit
ing this country. Mr. Higgonbothnm
has charge ot' the agricultural depart
ment of the Christian College and is sit
i perintendent of the leper asylum at ,
j Allahabad, India
U. B. Church Reopening
After having been closed for several J
wee»ks undergoing extensive repairs,
Young's church of the United Brethren
in Christ, located one uiile west of
Wertsville and two miles north of
Hogestown, oil the State road, will *be
reopened for worship Sunday October;
18, with services at 10 and 7 o'clock.'
The Rev. W. 'H. Washinger, D. 1)., pre-;
skiing elder, will prcaoh both morning!
and evening.
Steelton Man Gets Marriage License
Lebanon, Oct. 14.—Deputy Clerk of I
{the Orphans' Court .John Boyer yester
| day issued a marriage license to \Vi!-i
j liam E. Acker, coke oven operator, of j
iSteelton, Dauphin county, and Miss
I Elizabeth M. Cross, of Bismarck, i
non county.
Its careful preparation, its extensive A la Carte menu, its most excel
lent Coffee, prompt service and commodious accommodations —
It is the House of Good Cooking in Harrisburg
No. 9 North Fourth Street
Judge Seibert Makes Ruling Against
Railroad Hotel
New Rloomfield, Oct. 14.—Judge
, Seibert, of I'errv county, yesterday
| liled an opinion revoking the license of
the Railroad hotel at Marysville.
Stephen Boyd, the proprietor, was
' charged with selling liquor to minors
and to intemperate men. A .hearing on
| the rule to show why the license
should not be revoked was granted last
When tho liquor cases came up last
! spring this hotel was granted a license.
I .Since then those charges have ibeen
brought against tho hotel.
Foundation for Church Begun
Marietta, 14. —-The congrega
| tion of the Furnace chapel at the east
j ern end of town has begun the founda
tion for their new church, on account
\ of the rapidly growing congregation.
jCeorge Mabel, who founded this chapel
in 1888, and lias been the superin
j tendent ever since, is taking an active
I interest in the work. It was started un
| der Presbyterian doctrine.